--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00008 Date: 05/08/97 From: CLEWIS@FERRET.OCUNIX.ON.C Time: 12:53pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <3370945F.2CA9@wku.edu> From: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca Newsgroups: lt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paranormal.crop-circl es,alt.paranormal.pyramid,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic Original Date: 8 May 1997 09:42:27 EST EMP/ECP (aka SPAM) cancelled by clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca. See news.admin.net-abuse.announce, report 19970508.10 for further details --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00009 Date: 05/08/97 From: WPARKER388 Time: 12:53pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: PARANORMAL From: "WParker388" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: AOL, http://www.aol.co.uk Original Date: 8 May 1997 14:38:03 GMT WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM GENUINE PARAPSYUCHOLOGISTS not spiritualists or believers in any part of yhe uk to help in our national research programme members alwayts welcome and love to hear of cases of ANY TYPE OF ALLEGED PARANORMAL OCCURANCES --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00010 Date: 05/08/97 From: MIKEY Time: 12:53pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: Spiritual Battle, Christian (w/trigg12:53:0005/08/97 Reply-to: mikey@mail.iamerica.net From: "mikey" Newsgroups: lt.support.schizophrenia,alt.support.ocd,alt.support.personality, lt.paranet,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.spells,alt.paranormal.sp lls.hexex.magic,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.christnet.demonolog Organization: ET Original Date: Wed, 07 May 1997 03:23:52 -0500 Spoiler for SRA, spirits, and such Forwarded here, from another group 9 9 9 9 9, I have been thinking about what you said, and what I said, and felt like I should add: With some people, God puts limits on what Satan can and cannot do to them. The same with some demons; God sometimes puts limits on what they can and cannot do. This is not always the case (limits), so be careful, and try to become a warrior (fight), and try to survive this, no matter what. God needs you here, as a witness, to testify; and also to serve his will. The bible says that God is allowing evil to the full (to the full). Of coarse, from such a statement, this means that God is letting everybody (good and evil), find and fulfill the lusts of their hearts. The murderer murders, the demon murderer/rapist is allowed to deceive a human, into such folly. I realize that this doesn't sound fair, or of God, but it is the truth. Another thing that you have to realize, is that this is a spiritual war (a war), that we are caught in the middle of, and you have to realize that there are going to be hostages, and prisoners, and casualties, in a war. I am here to tell you that I have seen certain people and certain demons, stopped (cold), in their tracks. My guess is that once God has it firm, the way that we are, he then takes action, in God's time-frame: Not always when we expect. I guess that he sometimes wants to see just how far we or they will go: Even to see just how far the angels, or the Holy Spirit will "allow" it to go. Too, he might also want to see if anybody is going to step in, and stop wrong-doings, or secretive deceits. I have seen them plucked up, by God, and have heard and seen the fear that such put them into. I once heard one spirit say, "I didn't mean it, to God". This one was in a total shock: She met her maker. Too, I have seen them (astrally) faint, and die, in their tracks. God loves us all, and wishes that all would repent, and that not one would perish. Sometimes these demons are just following peer pressure, and it's not truly of them. Well, just hang in there. Try to ask God if there is a service that you could provide, in his service. I did, and it took about 10 years before that service fell into place (1989). It's my heart, that I am good, or at least I want very much to be a good person, and do right. This physical body is defective, as it is corrupted, by this mess, but my heart satan cannot change. I know what is good, and I know what is not. The evil man does not care. I care. It really matters to me. I would help anyone who needs it, to a certain extent, and would try to teach anyone the word of God, concerning this reality that lies hidden (occult), with mankind. I've been here, like this, for 20 years. Try to get your mind off of this. Try to find hobbies or good companionship, that will keep your mind away from this. I work 10 hour days, and I also have many many hobbies, which I really enjoy, and become totally lost in. I collect antiques, I build and sell computers, enjoy the internet, and many many other things. An Idle mind is "the devil's workshop". If you can add anything, which might be helpful or supportive, to me, then please do not hesitate to write me. I will not continue to mail to you, unsolicited, but I am here, should you want to know or hear anything which might help or encourage you further. You might also want to see this web page, which is actually a faq, for a newsgroup: http://cust.iamerica.net/mcab/dp.htm God be with you, his son, his Holy Spirit, and his ministering angels, Mike --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00011 Date: 05/08/97 From: MIKEY Time: 12:53pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <336FE3DC.24A@mail.iamerica.12:53:0005/08/97 Reply-to: mikey@mail.iamerica.net From: "mikey" Newsgroups: lt.support.schizophrenia,alt.support.ocd,alt.support.personality, lt.paranet,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.spells,alt.paranormal.sp lls.hexex.magic,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.christnet.demonolog Organization: Greater is he that is in me. Original Date: Wed, 07 May 1997 15:56:21 GMT --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00012 Date: 05/08/97 From: BEN HEDI NASSEF Time: 07:28pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Logitiel despionnage Reply-to: daemon@hotmail.com From: "Ben Hedi Nassef" Newsgroups: lt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.esp-help,alt.paranet.metaphysics,al .paranet.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi,alt.paranet.science,alt.paran t.skeptic,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channelin Organization: SoftNet Original Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 18:38:05 GMT Je vous presente ici mes deux plus recents logitiels que jespere a la hauteur de vos attentes. Les deux sont concus avec Turbo C++ et tournent sous Windows(3.11 et 95). Voici une breve description de ces deux logitiels. 1-Robot Spy 1.0 A ma connaissance ce logitiel est le premier et lunique dans son genre, a vous de juger. En effet, ce logitiel vous permet despionner vos amis qui se trouvent sur linternet au mme temps que vous, il vous permet de voir exactement ce qui se passe sur leur ecran, pixel par pixel, la ou ils se trouvent dans le monde, pourvu quils soient connectes au mme temps que vous. Comment ca fonctionne ? Cest simple, vous envoyez un petit fichier a la personne que vous voulez espionner en lui disant quil sagit dun jeu ou nimporte quoi, le but est que cette personne execute ce fichier. A partir de la, sans se douter de quoi que se soit, un batch sinstalle sur son ordinateur, et chaque fois que cette personne se connecte sur linternet, ce batch le connecte discretement sur notre serveur. De votre cote, vous, apres avoir installe votre partie du logitiel a chaque fois que vous le voulez, vous pouvez vous connecter sur notre serveur avec votre mot de passe et avoir la liste de toute les personnes qui ont recu et execute votre batch et qui se trouve connecte en ce moment. Vous navez qua cliquer sur le nom de la personne que vous voulez espionner. des que vous le faites, une fenetre souvre et contient exactement lecran de la personne espionnee, vous pouvez avoir jusqua dix images par secondes avec 256 couleurs, en changeant au mode noir et blanc vous obtenez une sequence en temps reel, soit a peu pres 50 images par seconde. Robot Mailer 1.0 Ce message que vous etes entrain de lire a ete envoye a plus de 20.000 newsgroups grace a ce logitiel, il sagit dun programme qui automatise FreeAgent, et qui atteint avec une connexion de 28.8 Kb les 5.000 news par heures. Il peut aussi aller chercher jusqua 50.000 adresses e-mail de linternet et envoyer un message en 4 ou 5 heures. Vous obtenez grace a ce logitiel le plus puissant des outils de diffusion en masse sur linternet. Robot Spy...............20US$ Robot Mailer...........20US$ les deux...................30US$ Malheureusement je naccepte pas de carte de credit, le seul moyen cest denvoyer votre paiement par mandat poste internatinal au nom de : Ben Hedi Nassef 1481 Ste-Catherine est #7 Montreal, Qc, H2L-2H9 CANADA Noublier pas decrire votre e-mail sur un bout de papier, cest dans votre e-mail que vous recevrez le logitiel commande dans un delais de 24heures ou moins a partir de la reception de votre mandat. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00013 Date: 05/08/97 From: KRYSTAL LT Time: 07:28pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: Spiritual Channeling From: "Krystal LT" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com Original Date: 8 May 1997 14:43:52 GMT Often spiritual contact takes place when you have set aside a time, place and desire to open to these experiences. However, it is important to know that all spirits that contact are not necessarily for your greater good. AFter 30 yrs pf channeling, the energy that comes from a very positive and uplifting spiritual beings is awesome. Their guidance can be life changing and profound. Yet, your uncle so and so could have died with a lot of negative memories and needs and seek out a way to contact someone, this could be 'not so good' if you really want to have a positive, protected and nurturing informative experience check out my hompage http://members.aol.com/krystallt/ulc.htm. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00014 Date: 05/08/97 From: CLEWIS@FERRET.OCUNIX.ON.C Time: 07:28pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <33721620.653277@s1.texinet.19:28:0005/08/97 From: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca Newsgroups: lt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.esp-help,alt.paranet.metaphysics,al .paranet.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi,alt.paranet.science,alt.paran t.skeptic,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channelin Original Date: 8 May 1997 15:00:45 EST EMP/ECP (aka SPAM) cancelled by clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca. See news.admin.net-abuse.announce, report 19970508.25 for further details --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00015 Date: 05/08/97 From: EILEEN LAKES Time: 07:28pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Secret Agreement With Aliens All Over Th19:28:0005/08/97 From: "Eileen Lakes" Newsgroups: lt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,talk.religion.newage,alt.apocal pse,alt.consciousness,alt.conspiracy,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.paranet abduct,alt.paranet.paranormal,alt.paranet.skeptic,alt.paranormal. Organization: Internet Win Original Date: 7 May 1997 20:39:37 GMT Since the Roswell UFO Crash Accident happened, it has been for 50 years in 1997, this year. I have the strong impression that the earth is rushing into the new space age. The number of UFO abductees who have experienced in Japan is recently increasing. Since I often heard the UFO abduction stories from my familiar persons who recently have experienced UFO abduction and were implanted by the space aliens, I am a little afraid of it. Moreover, it is said that the number of the UFO abduction cases increased rapidly only in two years of 1994-1996 in Europe. The secret agreement might be made originally between the space aliens, grays, and the air force not only in the United States but also in British, German, Polish, Japan, etc., in many countries. From before, it has been a well-known fact that secret arms developed in the United States are used very secretly by the air force mainly in various foreign countries. Today, in many countries, if the object, a spaceship (beamship), etc., which emanates a special low frequency, appeared in the air, a helicopter and a scout plane of the army in the own country will be sent in the emergency scramble at once, as you know. The fact that secret arms, which a special low frequency is perceived, are used in a lot of countries leads us to suppose that the secret agreement between the armies in many countries and space aliens, grays, might be actually made. What is the truth on earth? I think only UFO researchers can clarify by the research and investigation on UFO abduction cases in many countries. If there were too many UFO abduction cases, the own army in the country could make a secret agreement with the space aliens, grays. UFO researchers, please do a nationwide investigation by all means about the UFO abduction cases. Well, in 1997, the attack of the bad space aliens, who are invading the earth, would be the strongest. It is also when a lot of future persons will travel to the earth of the present age from the future earth by the travel around space and time in order to obstruct it. Though the strong attack like the movie "Star Wars" is not done on surface, the secret hidden attack by an electromagnetic wave like the mind control by artificial telepathy and low frequency, etc. becomes more violent. As a result, the mass suicide, indiscriminate homicide by pleasant criminals and terrorists, and brutal crimes would happen more frequently. A lot of dead and the serious injury patients will increase by the number of tens of thousands of persons. However, even if it were a fact like the above-mentioned, we must not become aggressive for other space aliens. Even if they are so aggressive for us, it is important that we should ignore them. It might be important to prevent their attacks beforehand, objectively and calmly thinking. And, let's think how we can maintain the friendly relationship with them. We should make efforts in order to get along well with them more happily. Though it is very difficult to keep the friendly relationship among the space, it depends on our efforts. Moreover, on the base, there should be three mottoes "Faith to our Creators," "Neighborly Love (sympathy to strangers)," and "Effort to accomplish and achieve our hope for the future." Though it is in a new space age, everyone, let's grow the space consideration better, think about the friendly relationship among the space! Let's use our own talent for the society to achieve the peace and happiness in the world and space! =================================================== * Let's prepare to evacuate from the large ************* flood in July, 1999. And let's pray and do * good things for your neighbors, the Eternal * Life and the Kingdom of God! * Eileen Lakes, Survival Group "Utopia" E-Mail: eileenl@super.win.or.jp Eileen's Home Page: URL=http://www.win.or.jp/~eileenl/ Eileen Net: URL=http://www.win.or.jp/~eileenl/lee-net.shtml =================================================== --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00016 Date: 05/08/97 From: RONALD BLAU Time: 07:28pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: INVITATION TO JOIN COALITION FOR HONESTY19:28:0005/08/97 From: "Ronald Blau" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Netcom Original Date: 8 May 1997 22:48:09 GMT Coalition Letter Robert O. Dean Cecilia Vindiola Dean P.O. Box 85159 Tucson AZ 85754-5159 Phone: 520-882-9544 Fax: 520-882-4907 E-mail: stargate@rtd.com Invitation to join the Coalition for Honesty in Government February 6, 1996 Dear Friend, As you may know, we have started a research and education business that we call Stargate International. As part of our mission, we have launched a political effort that we would like to share with you. Although most Americans believe in UFOs, our access to the facts has been severely limited. Our government has reserved the right to know the true facts surrounding contact and other sensitive issues for the privileged few. Should a small handful of individuals reserve for themselves the right to know the truth? We are asking you to join us in calling a halt to this long-standing UFO cover-up. We are asking you to join us in forming a new organization called the Coalition for Honesty in Government. We have already assembled a magnificent team of individual planners and strategists to sculpt an overall national strategy. The Coalition will unite groups and individuals to force the disclosure of the facts regarding the UFO phenomenon. Our plans include forming local Coalition chapters that will operate in our home communities to pressure elected political representatives to hold open hearings on the UFO question. If you already have a group or organization that has an interest in this subject, please join us and add this activity to your already existing group. If we all pull together, we can form a vast national network where every voice that has an interest in the UFO question will be heard. This is to be a political campaign that will demand honesty in government and the end of covert operations that are designed to obstruct the truth and mislead the public. The Intelligence Community operates without sufficient oversight or accountability. Who do they answer to when even our elected representatives are kept in the dark? It is time to insist that our elected representatives serve their constituents by responding to our demand to know the truth. Let's work together to end the era of secrecy. Here are the projects the Coalition for Honesty in Government is dedicated to pursue: (1) Congressional Initiative. We are now striving to bring about Congressional Hearings on the facts surrounding the reality of the UFO phenomenon. We insist on open hearings. We want the hearings shown on C-SPAN and other public media with no closed or executive sessions. We are asking for Congressional Immunity for all current and former military people and civilian government employees for their testimony regarding the UFO phenomenon. (2) Disclosure Initiative. We demand that all cold-war documents regarding the UFO phenomenon be declassified. (3) American Information Rights Act. This is to be a new law that will close the loopholes in the Freedom Of Information Act. The new law will establish a process that will confer security clearances to selected members of Congress so they can participate with full knowledge in making decisions on black-budget projects and all matters having to do with national security, more in line with the constitutional process. In addition, we will adopt other projects proposed and agreed upon by the Coalition members. We are asking you who share our concerns to help fund this endeavor. Your contribution will help ensure that we reach a significant number of members of Congress and to persevere until we have convinced them to hold open Congressional Hearings on the facts surrounding the reality of the UFO phenomenon and contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence. We sometimes think big political campaigns must be funded by the rich and powerful. But big campaigns can also be funded by small donations when large groups of people give small sums of money. No donation is too small. Your contribution will help pay for mailing and telephone service, and will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information concerning this project. Your donation and participation will help end the era of secrecy and begin a new age of full disclosure. The veil of secrecy needs to be lifted now. The future of our country is at stake. There is a hidden reward that reaches beyond the sweat of a political campaign. What would it mean to you if, beyond mere hoping, you actually knew for sure that the Universe is teaming with life? If this campaign succeeds, that yearned-for truth could be revealed. What will it mean when that single fact is irrefutably confirmed? If just a glimmer of our true history is brought to light, if we come to know instead of merely ponder our place in the Universe, it will change the entire history of our planet, and the whole human race. With deep appreciation, Robert O. Dean Cecilia Vindiola Dean *************** FOR FURTHER INFO LINK UP TO: http://www.rtd.com/~stargate --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5E00017 Date: 05/09/97 From: AVALON412 Time: 06:12pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: JENNIFER AVALON ***TIME** From: "Avalon412" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com Original Date: 9 May 1997 02:37:16 GMT ONE DAY AT A TIME These days it's so easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of things that we have to get through everyday. There never seems to be enough hours to get through even half of what's on the lists that we prepare early in the morning so that by evening we have weeded through the chores and assignments that are needed to hopefully progress our lives.The size of the goals and obstacles that confront us are sometimes so gigantic that the thought of starting each one is frightening.... but somehow we must. If you've ever stared at a ladder that you have to climb, looking up to where you must go can seem like an impossible ordeal. But if that task is broken down into fractions, each step by itself is much easier to handle....so too is life. If all we do is look at how far the distance is to our destination it is easy to find reasons to turn back or give up.If the journey is looked at mile by mile the distance somehow becomes shorter, because the focus of our measurements is not centered on the whole, but by twenty-five percent, fifty percent, seventy-five percent, etc. The journey becomes easier. I don't know if you've found this to be true, but each year that I get older there seems to be more things to do!! Perhaps it's because I expect more of myself, and I set higher goals. If one is not careful, the mountain becomes so high and the excuses too numerous. I guess you have to be careful not too try to accomplish too much, or there may not be enough time to give to each thing individually, resulting in little success. Focus is the key. If we can look at each thing by itself, after awhile the total of accomplishments start to add up. The overwhelming pressure does start to subside. In a world that is so preoccupied with the "quick fix", fifteen minutes of fame, and a short attention span, it is no wonder why so many have an increasingly hard time focusing in on what really matters, and how to increase the level of happiness in their lives. So take it one step, one day, at a time. Don't be afraid to look for encouragement, whether it's through prayer, friends, family. Surround yourself with the positive...your enemy is negativity. Each day turns into a month, and into a year....look at your life as a series of chapters that one day will become an incredible story. These stories become the essence of who we are, and what we leave behind. The future is yours, Jennifer Avalon E-Mail: Avalon412@aol.com Please feel free to visit my website, updated weekly at: Http://www.AviatorRecords.com --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1)