--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5200004 Date: 05/01/97 From: MARIAN PUDEK Time: 07:37pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Conversation with an Angel (part-1) Kare19:37:0005/01/97 From: "Marian Pudek" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paranet.psi Organization: Cyberion Networking Corp. Original Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 04:33:43 GMT CONVERSATION WITH AN ANGEL, (part-1) Karen Brown (march, 14-20/97) This article is written by Karen at a time when she in her desperation was in search for guidence, comfort and hope that the dificulties she experiencing now are only temporary - and that there is a better tomorrow. To her surprise she found this comfort and encouragment from a contact with an Angel named Jazdula. Below is an account of her experience. March 14,97, is when this came through me. I asked if the angels only came when they were called and this was my reply. Have faith my child, faith in yourself because you are greater than you know and are here to conduct yourself in a manner of a divine plan, not one based out of fear of failure, but out of trust. You can summon the angels to come and be by your side and they will always be by your side as well as your loved ones,they hear you but do you hear them? Listen with an open heart and your true answers will be revealed. All is well now and as it should be within the realm of where you are at this moment. Enjoy what has been given you and know with your inner knowing that life is unfolding as planned for you. This endeavor you have embarked upon is the perfect outlet for your wonderful creativity that has been waiting for eons of time to burst forth upon your reality. Explore this and you will be taken to avenues of thought and experiences that you never dreamed possible within your own context of time and space. Love this life with all of your passions and ecstasy and life will reward you in many wonderful ways. Be the true light that you are and shine bright for all to see. They will follow behind you. Love yourself as much as you love your loved ones and you will experience love that is unmeasurable to anything you have ever experienced. Give of yourself unconditionally and you will be directed to more unfolding experiences that will take you to your true destiny upon which you were meant to be dwelling through your own divine plan you created for yourself in this life. Follow your own light and never stray from it for the light of truth will set you free. After reading this I sobbed my heart out and could not stop crying. It was such a great release for me. I was so amazed that I wrote that. Of course I did not really but it felt so good to actually channel this message. I know now, that the angels are definitely here to aid all of us and they certainly helped my kids. On march 15, 97, I asked another question. Will Derek and I lose everything we have worked for materially before our life changes or will we be able to maintain what we have and become successful, or does this really matter? This was my reply: We are all one with the universe and you need to take on a different perspective in order to see your life in the context of the whole. There are major changes coming to you both and you will be able to ride out these storms without feeling as though you are being destroyed. There will be times when all you hold dear and all you hold to be the truth will come crashing down upon you, but it is not to be viewed as a catastrophe but a means to the end. Loved ones be strong and hold on to what is important and true and your path will be wide and straight. Love is what is important. Love for yourselves and all your fellow human beings. Go forth and love one another and you in turn will be blessed with the love of the creator. This love resides within you all and you must channel it out toward everyone with whom you come in contact . If there was a time in your life that you felt imprisoned or trapped, it is now. You must gather all your forces and set yourselves free and never look back because there is a promise of peace and harmony and all you ever dreamed possible awaiting you. Have faith in the universe and the ones you love and you yourselves will embark upon a time of beauty and see the world through the eyes of faith, trust and love. You are your own saviors at this point of existence and your light of hope will lead you to success and freedom from all limitations. Go in peace. This was my second message and I did not have the same response I had with the other message. There were no emotions attached to this message so I questioned it. I asked again, is this really coming from my angels or a higher source or am I just making this up as I go along? Their reply was, trust, trust, why must you always question? Why do you not just be? Just be, live in the moment you are in, accept yourself totally uninhibited. You are not your present circumstances even though you have created them. Our roles were created by ourselves to show us what is needed to be learned in the lives we have chosen. The message is given to you by your inner self which is the higher source. Trust, trust. This really confused me but I think that the first message came when I did not put any expectation to it. March 16, 97. I received a phone call from Tami telling me of their new circumstances which seemed quite grim. I tried to comfort them but towards the end of the conversation I told Tami that there was nothing we could do to help them financially and that they were on their own. They would have to rely upon their own resources till I figured out what to do. I told them I loved them and said good-bye. That evening I felt awful and I knew that when I had said they were on their own made me felt guilty. I asked the angels this question, how can I help my kids or better yet can I actually ask the angels to go to their aid? What will be the outcome of their situation and am I doing the right thing in telling them they are on their own? My reply was. You must stop feeling as if you must control their destiny. They are in charge of their own destiny now. They need to ignite their own creative sparks so their paths will be unimpeded. The angels will help them by answering their own questions and leading them in the direction they need to go in order for them to find a way to overcome their difficulties. The universe seems in this case to be ignoring their pleas but in actuality the universe is aiding them to be aiding themselves. Do not lose sight of how mysterious this force can seem at times to you human beings. They will have to rely solely on their own resources now and then and only then will they emerge as triumphant warriors. Do not forget that this trust you have is the only salvation and also the salvation of your loved ones. Keep this vision of yours and see them as beings of light and not their mortal selves and they will be where they need to be at all times. You are following your path and these feelings of guilt you have really are of no use to you in fact they hinder your progress now. Give your children the benefit of having the ability to create their own choices and to be able to take this on with responsible attitudes. You have taught them well and now send them your love and energy. All will be right with them and the angels will be there to see to it that they stay true to their purpose, whatever they decide to do. Trust again is imperative. March 17, 97, TAMI called me again to tell me that they had a positive turn of events in the last 24 hours and that night she imagined a whole bunch of angels outside their trailer protecting her and Tasha and SETH. I asked the angels for some more answers. I am so grateful to you angels for going to be by my children's side and helping them to help themselves. When TAMI told me of her angel experience my heart filled with love. Thank you. What is the significance of the well spring card I got today "march" could you elaborate upon this? March is the turning point for many new topics that will be emerging on the planet. The angels are out in full force and will be within this realm of existence more and more in the very near future. The synchronistic events that you have experienced are only a small portion of what you will be experiencing. By being objective now you can utilize these messages and can incorporate them into your daily life. There is nothing wrong with expecting answers to come through just remain objective though and you will gain a much clearer perspective in the coming weeks ahead. Do not dismiss anything lightly. Accept everything that comes your way and in time you will be shown how to acquire more knowledge from the higher source. Look ahead with optimism for your world is changing and you will have to be flexible in order to maintain a sense of balance. Help others to the best of your ability and do not underestimate the help that you truly give to others. Helping others means being there to offer a sympathetic ear or to provide a soft shoulder to cry on. It does not always mean the giving out of money. Also helping others is why you are here. You are also a very opinionated person whether you want to accept this or not. It is the truth and this is why you became so defensive earlier while watching your program on t v. You too must be willing to bend and be flexible as we have said before. March is going to be an extremely memorable month not only for you personally, but for the planet as a whole. Keep yours eyes and ears open and you will see what the true meaning of the "ides of march" really means. Love and peace be with you. March 18,97, Angels, are there any messages you have for me today? Will I receive my money from the great Canadian bagel soon? Do not despair about your last question. The money will arrive sooner than you think. Be more specific about what kind of job you want because you are likely to get it in a most unexpected way. We are with you guiding you every step of the way toward the area which is best suited for you and where you will be able to help the most people. Draw upon our energy and have faith in your own multitudinous capabilities. Keep on following your own light and you will never lose your way. Life holds so much for you and these areas are waiting for you to explore them. Be strong in mind and body. Surrender yourself now. March 19,97, what is my message today angels? Is there some specific event that will occur due to the well spring card I got today, "material matters"? If there is some money you are expecting it will arrive shortly. There are more pressing matters awaiting around the corner. They are weighing heavy on your conscience now about how you will meet these responsibilities, but do not put all your emphasis upon this as there will be a solution presented to you. Trust the force of the universe in these trying times and put your focus on your ultimate goal, which is to become a warrior for peace and love upon this planet. By doing nothing, everything occurs. By being still, motion and action appear. By allowing your true intentions free play, all your dreams manifest. Faith is your message today. March 20, 97, what next angels? Could you give me the name of my guardian angel? Spell it for me please. Jazdula- "light hearted one" in your terms this would be the meaning of your angels name. You may call upon Jazdula and he will appear. You seem to have an affinity for the male gender so you think of him as male rather than female. It really doesn't matter but if this is more comfortable for you then it's o k. Look to the left and you will see the sky has cleared and the sun is trying to come through the clouds. It is a much brighter day and this is your symbology for today. Things which you have had to deal with are shifting and what will appear now is a sunny bright patch of spring. This is when all of nature will burst forth and flower. This is your promise now because events in your life are shifting. This past cycle is coming to an end for you and you can look forward to experiences which will sustain and fulfill you. Follow your heart and you will be lead to what is needed for you and from you. As you will be giving in this new experience, as well as receiving. Accept this abundance and give out more in measure and you will be living the life that you were meant to live. Jazdula will always be by your side to help you attain your place on earth. If in times of doubt and when you lack faith, he will be there to wrap his wings around you and give you the comfort you need. Also he may at times push you in the direction you need to go. Feel his wings. Later that evening. Jazdula are you there? Help me to study please. I am really having a hard time with this part. What can I do so I can remember everything? You will have to write out each category and repeat this till you have it firmly placed in your mind. Everyone has their own method of studying and for you this is the easiest. Time is on your side, so be patient. Everything will come back to you by practicing this. You will remember yourself as a writer from a different time frame. Do not get frustrated with this, eventually it will become easier and easier to you. Do not forget to write your poetry in the meantime as this will aid you also. I am here to offer you support and ease your mind when you lose faith, as you so often do. I will not let this happen too often though, so just relax and try to enjoy this study time. It all is essential for you to become the writer you are. Discipline is going to be your greatest task in all of this. You will conquer it and then you will have more respect for the profession you have chosen to pursue. I will not let you give up. I will be there to wrap my wings around you always. When you despair, immediately think of me and hang on to my wings, I will lift you. Karen Brown Posted by Marian Pudek With Love and Peace Marian pudmar@imag.net --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5200005 Date: 05/01/97 From: MARIAN PUDEK Time: 07:37pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Conversation with an Angel. (Part-2), Ka19:37:0005/01/97 From: "Marian Pudek" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paranet.psi Organization: Cyberion Networking Corp. Original Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 04:36:08 GMT CONVERSATION WITH AN ANGEL. Karen Brown, (part-2) (march 21-26/97) March 21,97. Jazdula and my other angels have you any messages for me today? Love thyself now more than ever. You must allow creativity a chance to express itself through you and have no fear attached to this. Physical exercise is called for, a walk in nature will help to release that which must leave you. These feelings of being too idle now should be allowed full rein. By having faith in the universe you will be drawn to your place within society. Guilt and fear have no place to reside inside of you. There is no room because confidence and self love fill up this space. Know yourself fully. Question yourself constantly to loosen this debris. Bare your soul to the ego and you will be walking in the light of truth. March 23,97 Angels please be with Derek today and help him to see that there are many alternatives to his desperation. I am really worried about him. He is in a real state of depression and he needs you. Also tell me how I can best help him now. I am lighting this candle so he can find his way back and he can fulfill his purpose. His heart is heavy with feelings of inadequacy and what you need to do is fill his heart with love now. You must let him know you accept him exactly the way he is unconditionally. This is very important. Encourage him by allowing him to be in a bad mood. In fact leave him completely alone if necessary. Let him do everything, even allow him to kiss you before you go to him for a kiss. When he is totally oblivious to your presence then say to him," I am going out for a walk, do you want to come?" He will say no. Then you must go alone. After a few days he will join you. Be patient and kind, not cold toward him. He does not know that he is greater than he is but in time he will come to this realization. He is completely immersed in his physicalness and believes that he is his body. This is his truth. Therefore what he seeks so desperately is what eludes him the most. He is totally in hate with himself now. He is feeling inadequate in all areas of his life. His ego has full play now and it is going to be very hard for you to compete with this side of himself. You must keep telling him how much you adore him but then go and detach yourself from him at that moment. Do not cling to him, he will see things from a different perspective. This is what is needed now, a different perspective. We, the angels will be by his side now and help him to realize his full potential. This job really is not where he should be but in time we will help him to realize this from a different perspective. Love him because he needs you, he needs to know you are the one solid thing in his desperation now. Give out now and you will receive more. March 23,97 Angels, I tried studying the way you told me and I am amazed that this works so much easier. Thank you for your help with this and also for helping Derek. When he came home from his parents house today he was in a much better mood. I hope I did the right thing because I tried to do what you told me to do. I also saw some of the eclipse tonight and later I looked at the moon and it was beautiful and I also saw other shadows attached to it. What happened with Cory today? My friend what you saw tonight with the moon has to do with Hale-Bopp. These apparitions you saw are the reflections from the companion to Hale Bopp. The sky was perfectly clear as well and you will see many other interesting sights if you view it for the next 3 days. Derek was able to see a glimpse of his future today through different eyes. He is unable to put this into words, but with patience and understanding from you he will be given illuminating insights each day. This will help him through the rough patch he will have to go through for a short time. Let him work this out himself and one day he will relate this story to you. Then you can show him these messages you are being given tonight. His mind is too cluttered with debris at this time for him to comprehend any of this. Your studies are progressing much better. We see this and we are happy this form of study is helpful to you. Keep it up. We know you can get through this part that you dislike so much. Cory needed your ear today and you did a good deed for a friend. Sometimes just being able to tell someone how you feel is enough. She did the right thing in quitting her job but she should also keep this news from her parents as they will only make her feel as though she is a failure. She is going through many dramatic changes at this point in her life so things will be a little rocky for a time. She is opening up more and more and your insight seems to give her that extra push to acquire more knowledge. She will be fine. Tomorrow is another day so upon retiring tonight tell your conscious mind to remember your dream and you will receive another message for tomorrow. Pleasant dreams. March 24,97, Jazdula I didn't remember my dream. Possibly during the day you can throw some clues in for me. I'm off to fax my resume out to another prospective job. Do I have a chance? I know board said in 2 weeks I would have to make up my mind. So on wed. It will be 2 weeks. My well spring card shows a picture of a wine bottle and 3 glasses, could you explain? Do you think this job relies on luck? If so then good luck. If not then what is the force behind it? Yes, I am questioning you because I want to see how much you have learned thus far. Whether you get this job or not will depend on how much energy you have put into acquiring it. What responses do you receive from you body as you plan this approach? Do you feel relaxed or tense? There is usually a pretty noticeable feeling and you will get a great clue from this. The tightening you are feeling in the pit of your stomach now could this not be a clue? I would say this emotion is fear. Remember now fear is an ego based emotion, not an intuitive one. This picture on your card shows in your mind a celebration of some kind. In this picture are 3 glasses, symbolically this means your 3 minds are working together now. There is one glass to the left and 2 to the right of the wine bottle. You must integrate the one by itself and your physical self is what stands between you ,represented by the wine bottle. You are progressing slowly and this is good for you so keep on with your present form of thought and then you can conquer these material and physical obstacles by using more right brain tactics. The left brain needs to dominate much less in your life now. Work on this integration more. Throughout the day remember to view your mental screen and I will help you to remember your dream. These may be flashes of pictures you will receive, so be especially aware of these. I will also be at the side of your father in law today to help him to recover from his operation. Send him love and healing energy throughout the day. May the force be with you in the midst of your day. March 25,97 Jazdula is this my said lucky day? Will my ship really come in as the cards indicated? What needs repair as also indicated by the well spring card? What synchronistic events are lurking around the corner today? Ask yourself what a light being is right now. Then answer yourself. My reply was;" a light being is pure light and energy. It is the opposite of darkness. It lights our path. It gives out strength and energy to all with whom it contacts. It is pure love. It is of a divine nature. It eases out sorrow. It is pure health and is the strongest force. It is pure intention and desire. It is who I am." Well Jaz how did I do? I am very impressed. Now if you can remember this throughout your day you will be walking in the light. This one day of remembering will then en turn into days, then weeks, then months. Ultimately into years and of course, beyond the physical. By seeing yourself in this way you will never encounter any obstacle because you will know that there really are none, only the ones you , your extension of yourself, put there. You will then be immersed totally in the pure joy of living which is life itself. You are not really as far away from this state of being as you imagine yourself to be my dear. I watch you and I see how you at times have reflections of this but because you are so immersed in your physical, you do not allow yourself more of these experiences. This time you have had to be by yourself is the best thing you have done. Last year you were not ready to allow this to unfold, but now you are. The repair is on yourself. The events are already in motion, will you be aware of them? Remember the waking dream symbols today and raise those feelers out of your head. Enjoy this brand new day. March 26, 97 Jazdula what is the missing key to my understanding of my situation? Those old fears are back now about not being able to get a job as simple as a house cleaner. Have they even considered me for this job yet? Who possessed me last night and the night before when I couldn't stop laughing? You must not despair my dear one for the universe works within its own time and space. It does not work within your time frame. All the elements are correctly aligned for your physical counterparts to manifest upon the planet. Do not fear your thoughts at this time, follow them to their source and this missing key will be revealed to you. This company has many resumes to go over but the fact that you sent your cover letter along with your resume, is a definite asset for you. You must draw your own inner strength from a deeper source and as the saying goes, "hang in there." And you will be rewarded in many ways. The laughter you experienced was so needed and to you it seemed border on the edge of insanity. In reality this insane state is the total opposite of your sane state. The state where you feel you must conduct yourself in a serious so called adult manner, always keeping your guard up. This laughter allows you to penetrate the realm of the other world, the world beyond limitation and fear. Keep on laughing and we will keep on tickling you to do so. Tonight at your board session we will be there with you all and we delight in this. Your guides are many and we enjoy their company and also sitting in among your energy circle. The e t s are delightful beings and they are also manifesting in full force upon your planet. Jaz I just received a thought, could these messages really be a book in the making? This flash my dear is inspiration and what do you think? It sounds like it could be a book in the making and you should just go with the flow and see where it leads you. Your message from me today is have faith in your own power which is the only power and this powers source is the universal total source. Posted by: Marian With Love and Peace Marian pudmar@imag.net --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5200006 Date: 05/01/97 From: JOHN CALI Time: 07:37pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Channeled newsletters From: "John Cali" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: IDT Original Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 17:01:14 -0700 Here are two e-mail newsletters dealing with new age topics, including channelled information. Both are monthly and both are free. The first is Sentinels of the Sky. It explores important topics in depth, such as personal growth, ascension, lightwork, meditation, past lives and much more. To subscribe, send your request to: ChiefJoseph@memo.net The second is the Salem New Age Center Newsletter. The newsletter covers a wide variety of topics, including metaphysics, lightwork, channeling, new age books, stargates, ETs and walk-ins, earth changes and more. To subscribe, send your request to: newage@salemctr.com--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5300000 Date: 05/02/97 From: MIKEY Time: 02:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: Entity's Reply-to: mikey@mail.iamerica.net From: "mikey" Originally to: "Denis Dhondt" Newsgroups: lt.paranet.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paranormal.sp lls,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.out-of-body,alt.prophec ies.nostradamus Organization: ET Original Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 20:32:02 -0500 Here is a Demon Possession Testimonial; at http://cust.iamerica.net/mcab/imc.htm meik Denis Dhondt wrote: > > Dual language Englisch-Dutch > Tweetaling, Engels-Nederlands > > Hallo, Hello, > > This message is posted International in any newsgroup that has a paranormal > or esoteric interest; > > Deze vraag is Internationaal gepost in iedere nieuwsgroep, van gelijk welke > paranormale of esoterische aard. > > For a special reason I am still in search for people who had an NDE by > trying suicide. The reason why I do this, I still can't say, but I will > repost it. > Now, for the same purpose (It has to do with the question above) I am also > looking for people who feel a presence near their side, like a presence > after a husband or somebody they now very well who has died recently. I > also like to know why you think that the presence is there. Are there any > signs that convinced you or is it yust a feeling? Signs can be: strange > things happening with a photograph of the person, a clock stopping at the > time of dead (I know somebody, who's old clock every year stops for a week > at the same time. The antique clock has been 'repaired' several times. But > every year it stops for a week), seeings strange lights, seeing things in > the mirror, feeling touched by somebody, hearing the voice of the person, > but also appereances in dreams. I does't matter or you can proof it or not, > mostly it only convincing for yourself. It does't also matter if your sure > or not. It does matter by what reason the person died, did he/she died by > accident or suicide or because of a desease. > > Om dezelfde reden (het heeft met elkaar te maken) zoek ik ook mensen die > het gevoel hebben dat er een aanwezigheid bij hen is, zoals een echtgenoot > of iemand die ze goed kennen die recent overleden is. Ik wou daarbij ook > graag weten wat je dit gevoel geeft? Tekens kunnen o.a. zijn: foto's van de > overledene die schuin gaan hangen, klokken die stilvallen omtrent hetzelfde > uur (Ik ken persoonlijk iemand, wiens antieke klok ieder jaar op dezelfde > periode een week stilvalt. Na die week is ze weer in gang te krijgen. De > klok ging reeds verschillende malen in reparatie, maar niets lijkt te > kunnen verhinderen dat deze ieder jaar rond dezelfde tijd en op dezelfde > datum 1 week stopt), ook dingen die je ziet in de spiegel, mistige lichten > die je ziet in het duister, het horen van een herkenbare auditieve of > mentale stem van deze persoon, maar ook verschijningen in dromen. Het doet > er niet toe of dit bewijsbaar is of niet, meestal overtuigt het alleen > jezelf. Het doet er ook niet toe indien je niet zeker bent. Belangrijk is > echter wel of de persoon stierf door een plots ongeval of zelfmoord, of > door een slepende ziekte. > > The reason why I do this will be answered after (a small) investigation in > the same newsgroups. The first answers I alredy recieved are conform with > what I think. I can't say the reason now, because it would suggest sertain > things. The investigation will be to small to proof anything, but it could > be a very importent thing that really helps to bring a light on something. > This message is posted, for investigation reason only, and because of > interest. It is not the purpose to discuss anything, so any sceptical or > curious reply's will not be answered untill I have a lot of answers. When I > got his answer, it is free to everybody to believe or denie everything. I > also can't garanty something is true. > > De reden waarom ik dit doe, zal na een kleine wereld-enquete beantwoord > worden in dezelfde nieuwsgroepen. De eerste reply's die ik kreeg bevestigen > reeds met wat ik meen ontdekt te hebben. Ik kan dus echt de werkelijke > reden voor deze vraag niet vrijgeven, omdat het de antwoorden zou kunnen > benvloeden. Het onderzoek is te kleinschalig om iets te bewijzen, maar het > kan een belangrijke sleutel zijn om iets meer sterker en duidelijker te > maken. Dit is gepost voor onderzoeksredenen en uit interesse en daarom is > het niet de bedoeling hier een welles-nietes discussie te maken. Daarom zal > ik niet reageren op enige sceptische of nieuwsgierige reply's totdat ik > voldoende antwoorden heb gekregen. Dan nog kunnen deze persoonlijke > ervaringen enkel een beeld geven die te geloven of te verwerpen valt. Ik > onthoud mij er ook van mijn persoonlijke opinie als garantie voor de > juistheid ervan te beschouwen. > -- > Greetings, > > Denis > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Denis.Dhondt@ping.be > http://www.ping.be/~pin03784/index.html > (Dutch Paranormal site - Nederlandstalige site voor het paranormale) --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5300001 Date: 05/02/97 From: BLUE RESONANT HUMAN Time: 02:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: ::: April was a Busy Month for the B:.B:14:05:0005/02/97 From: "Blue Resonant Human" Newsgroups: lt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet. si,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.magick,alt.magick .tyagi,alt.freemasonry,talk.religion.misc Organization: www.brotherblue.org Original Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 05:35:50 GMT Greetings Fratres, Sorors et Space Aliens; -=oO 23 11/11 93/93 (11 + 93 + 418) Oo=- April was a busy month for the B:.B:. Following is a brief synopsis of www additions during the Fourth Lunar Cycle of this, the year of our Lord 1997. Please note that they are sorted only in reverse chronological order, NOT by degree of Significance, Relevance and/or Holiness: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 04/28/97 .:. Liber vel Caeruleus Resonum [Class A Pub.] Wherein we try our hand at a li'l channelin'(tm) http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/resonum.htm 04/28/97 .:. Soror Chen on Kali, BABALON & the Beast The Neu-Neutopian Sex Goddess of the O.T.O. http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/chen.htm 04/28/97 .:. Articles by Devin 9th Dimensional Head of the Galactic Federation http://www.nibiruancouncil.com/articles/devin.htm 04/25/97 .:. Manly Hall on Elementals Striking parallels to today's "Space Aliens" http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/elements.htm 04/25/97 .:. Manly P. Hall on Ceremonial Magick "UFOs" -- same shit, different day http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/manly.htm 04/25/97 .:. Manly P. Hall on UFOs (1950) More from the Masonic Mind of the Manly One http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/hall-ufo.htm 04/25/97 .:. Alex Collier's "Andromedans," March '97 Much cooler than the greys or the Reptoids http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/collier.htm 04/21/97 .:. The Aquarium Rationale CIA Ph.D.'s Smith 'n Pandolfi -- an delightfully holy symbiosis http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/aquarium.htm 04/21/97 .:. C:.A:.C:. Speaketh Forth on the Draconian Reptoids Some damn fine interstitial intell here, pholks http://www.brotherblue.org/datruth/index.html #CAC 04/20/97 .:. The Structure and Purpose of the B:.B:. [updated] Some new pix & Enochian tables http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/thebb.htm 04/14/97 .:. Liber vel Dropas Orbis The strange case of the Ancient Alien Stone Discs http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/olddisks.htm 04/14/97 .:. An Confidential Scientological UFO OT-VIII Teaching From $cientology's Brother ElRon(tm) "One Mighty Sick MF" http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/ot8.htm 04/12/97 .:. Dr. Mario Pazaglini and the Enochian Space Aliens An Enochian Ph.D. UFO shrink -- who'da thunk it? http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/pazzagli.htm 04/12/97 .:. THE HORRIBLE TRUTH! An Exceptionally Holy and Exhaustive new addition http://www.brotherblue.org/datruth/index.html 04/12/97 .:. Kit 'n Igor: Green Smirvov Psychocorrectives This ain't yo mama's wotka... http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/smirnov.htm 04/12/97 .:. Paul Bennewitz and the Aviary Aviary + (Bennewitz * 3) = Heavens Gate http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/bennewit.htm 04/06/97 .:. Frater R.A.W. on Those Clever Sirians Sub-figura vel Liber Caeruleus http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/sirius.htm 04/05/97 .:. Ed Dames -- Holy Remote Viewer A delightfully iconoclastic look-psee http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/dames.htm 04/05/97 .:. Updates on Rich Boylan's Page [updated] Lots-o-new pix 'n links http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/boylan.htm 04/04/97 .:. An Relatively Holy CC RV Yikes -- the Angelic Guiley and the Demonic Dames on the same page! http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/cropcir2.htm 04/01/97 .:. CIA's Dr. Kit Green & the Demons of Langley Some pretty damn sp00ky stuff here http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/kitgreen.htm -=[ March Additions Follow ]=- 03/31/97 .:. RV-ing the Grey Collective Total redo of the BRuce AlaN walTON page http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/branton.htm 03/31/97 .:. Proof that RFK was a Saucer Nut! From Grey Barker & Jim Moseley http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/rfk.htm 03/15/97 .:. A Message From our Space Brothers via Shortwave Radio Occultist George Hunt Williamson's 1954 classic treatise http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/spacebro.htm 03/15/97 .:. The Birth of the Modern UFO Mythos Martians in space ships...? http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/williams.htm 03/15/97 .:. More quotes from the Wiccan Metaprogrammer Brother Whitley speaketh yet again http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/whitley.htm 03/14/97 .:. New sub-figura vel Liber H:.A:.A:.R:.P:. By...uh..."Dr. Tim, Bs.D." http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/haarp-dt.htm 03/13/97 .:. Boylan Rips a New One in the UFO Coverup One helluva rant there, Dr. B! http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/tpoc.htm 03/11/97 .:. The Enochian Apocalypse Some damn sobering interstitial intell here http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/enoch-ap.htm -=[ February Additions Follow ]=- 02/26/97 .:. Why are the "Space Aliens" Here Now? Another interdimensional perspective http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/why-here.htm 02/26/97 .:. More Montaukian Madness Sub-figura vel Liber BABALON http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/babalon5.htm 02/25/97 .:. Picnic with the Penguin An interview with LANL's Thanotologist Col. John Alexander http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/penguin5.htm -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Khabs am Pekht; Konx om Pax; *NIX* on National Security; -V.H. Fra. C., B:.B:., 33, Ph.D., etc. Sublime Lodge of the Holy Blue Brethren Sacerdotal Knights of National Security http://www.brotherblue.org/ "Beyond the word and the fool" --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5300002 Date: 05/02/97 From: BITBUCKET@NEWS.MSFC.NASA. Time: 02:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <5kcupo$5sm$3226@newssvr07-i14:05:0005/02/97 Reply-to: bitbucket@news.msfc.nasa.gov From: news@news.msfc.nasa.gov Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling,control Organization: Semi-Automatic Lupine Remover Original Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 15:17:48 GMT ignore Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5300003 Date: 05/02/97 From: OTTO J. MAKELA Time: 02:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <5k6gbl$jin@newsboy.isdn.net14:05:0005/02/97 Reply-to: "Otto J. Makela" From: "Steve G." Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: 30 Apr 1997 04:04:05 GMT Spam-cancel: "Florida" --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5300004 Date: 05/02/97 From: CLEWIS@FERRET.OCUNIX.ON.C Time: 02:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <33678BE4.5E2E@wku.edu> From: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca Newsgroups: lt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paranormal.crop-circl es,alt.paranormal.pyramid,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic Original Date: 2 May 1997 10:20:36 EST EMP/ECP (aka SPAM) cancelled by clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca. See news.admin.net-abuse.announce, report 19970502.21 for further details --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E5300005 Date: 05/02/97 From: ARMANDO F. VICTORIA Time: 02:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: Tarot Reply-to: vicres@philonline.com.ph From: "armando f. victoria" Originally to: access@bluewin.ch Newsgroups: lt.paranet.ufo,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.relig on.shamanism,alt.religion.universal-life,alt.tarot,alt.yoga,rec.m sic.newage,swnet.pryltorg,talk.religion.newage,alt.aromatherapy,a Organization: vicres development corporation Original Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 00:38:08 -0700 Cazal wrote: > > http://www.tarot.ch wish to know more about pranic healing --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1)