--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00018 Date: 04/14/97 From: HEIKKI HIETALA Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: On the linearity of time From: "Heikki Hietala" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Bitwit Oy Original Date: 14 Apr 1997 07:06:48 GMT Hi all, taking it for now that reincarnation is the way of the world, I ask you this: Is time linear? Can I reincarnate into a WW2 fighter pilot the next time around, even if that time frame is 50 years gone now? -h. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00019 Date: 04/14/97 From: CLEWIS@FERRET.OCUNIX.ON.C Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <5ill13$bi2@taurus.adnc.com>22:02:0004/14/97 From: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: 14 Apr 1997 09:48:06 EST EMP/ECP (aka SPAM) cancelled by clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca. See news.admin.net-abuse.announce, report 19970414.05 for further details --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00020 Date: 04/14/97 From: CLEWIS@FERRET.OCUNIX.ON.C Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <33500BA8.70F6@worldnet.att.22:02:0004/14/97 From: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: 14 Apr 1997 09:54:52 EST EMP/ECP (aka SPAM) cancelled by clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca. See news.admin.net-abuse.announce, report 19970414.06 for further details --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00021 Date: 04/14/97 From: EDEK ANDRED WYTEWITCH Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Meet Merry! From: "Edek Andred Wytewitch" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Voicenet - Internet Access - (215)674-9290 Original Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 22:33:45 GMT Meet Merry! Unfortunately I have found that during the wee hours of the morning (east coast time0 Wytewitchs Cauldron has been invaded and is being used by a group who since they cant get ops due to Dalnets ChanServ system they mearly flood off valid users.. so unfortunately I have had to clamp down real hard on this one! We want the channel to become a serious place for prationers to come and enjoy the company of others like themselves . . . Any of you who IRC regularly know the problems we all face, from roving net pervs to the Xtians who try to save us! We want none of that so We now have the channel keyed Please message Wytewtch@Voicenet.come for further information or come to Wytewitchs_Cauldron_Gather_Here and speak to someone for further information! That channel is open to all but there is an op there who will police it up as best they can! Sorry for the Inconvience There will Be a New Moon Ritual Monday Night April 7th @9pm eastern Every Wednesday Night Will be Swap night-spells rituals and general questions answered from 9pm-10 Also there is a Daily Prayer Circles @7am 12Noon & 10pm All are welcome!!! Also very soon we will be offering memebrships to the CyberCoven of the New Pathways which is an authorized part of The Coven of the New Pathways --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00022 Date: 04/14/97 From: CEN05328@CENTURYINTER.NET Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: ouija board From: cen05328@centuryinter.net Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Century Telephone Original Date: Mon, 14 Apr 97 22:06:19 GMT Can you get the ouija board to work by yourself? What do you do when it is mad at you? --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00023 Date: 04/14/97 From: JSL Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Channeled Info by Ytergi Reply-to: cool@jeffnet.org From: "JSL" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: COOL, Inc. Original Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 16:41:06 -0700 Celestine Order of Light WHY THE ANCIENTS LIVED TO BE 1000 YEARS by Ytergi Specialty: Cellular Regeneration The ancient earth humans lived in a pristine era. Pollution in any form was virtually non-existent. There were few earth humans and a vast unspoiled world of pure high oxygen living air, pure living water, and pure food uncontaminated by pollution or disease. Disease in any form was unknown. Because of their limited numbers and low technology, earth humans did not have the ability or desire to despoil the earth. Their collective consciousness was a oneness with the earth and a great reverence for it and all things on it, from a simple stone to all animals and all plants. The lifestyle of early earth humans was physically very vigorous. The combination of pure high oxygen living air, water and food, accompanied by vigorous daily physical activity, mental curiosity and creativity, uninhibited sacred sexuality, and a reverence for the living earth and all parts, from a simple stone to an animal, to a tree, kept the earth in a Garden of Eden state for over 200,000 years, and earth humans living disease free for up to 1,000 years. The oxygen content of the atmosphere approached 25% in the early years of earth humans, which contributed to their tremendous vigor and recuperative powers. Pollution and deforestation has lowered your atmospheric oxygen content to under 20% today. On earth today, many people are health conscious. They drink filtered and purified water rather than chlorinated poison water from their taps. But many still bathe in the poison water which is absorbed through the skin. The purified, filtered water they drink, while lacking the chemical poisons, is essentially dead. It has no life force and is only useful for lubricating and giving your body moisture. The ancient earth humans drank and bathed in water that fell pure from the sky, scrubbed by living air as it fell to earth upon the high mountains. It percolated through the earth, gurgling down the streams over unpolluted ground, around every twist and bend, absorbing life force energy from every living thing it passed over. They bathed daily and drank copiously of this living water. It imparted great life force to them, even as the living air and living plants over which it had passed had given great life force to the water. The human population grew as time passed. It was augmented by non-earth humans who colonized parts of the planet, creating lands of your myths such as Atlantis and Lemuria. Though not purposefully, by their very thoughts the non-earth humans began to alter the collective consciousness of the planet. This was accelerated by interaction and trade with the earth humans. Water began to be channeled through canals to grow crops and to provide for large numbers of people who began to live together in cities. Thus began the downward road to using dead water and the great vitalic loss from no longer using life force water. The ever increasing city populations began to pollute the earth. All things are connected. Polluted water gave birth to disease organisms and parasites that invaded the body and lived off the life force of humans. Dead and polluted water imparted no life force to the crops that were grown, which in turn gave no life force to the people or animals which consumed them. As animals were domesticated they began to be used as the primary food source, whereas humans had formerly been primarily vegetarian. The animals which were eaten had little life force but they passed on to the humans many of their diseases. As time passed, disease became common and each generation witnessed the average life span decrease. It was so gradual each generation had its own reality that did not seem to their perception to be different from the reality of their parents. Eventually there were no longer memories but only myths of a time when humans lived to be 1,000 years old. The collective consciousness slowly but inexorably changed throughout the world. Only in a few places of complete isolation did the old consciousness remain. But even there, the pollutions of the world, and the pressing of the mass consciousness upon their bubble began to diminish the span of their years. Beginning around 600 B.C. and culminating around 227 B.C., the collective consciousness of all the humans of the earth, except for very protected and isolated bubbles of humanity, believed more in disease and short life than it did in longevity and health. As the balance of belief tipped toward disease and death it became the reality throughout most of the world. Simultaneous with this shift in consciousness, was a shift away from a sacramental reverence for the earth and the life force that permeates all existence, toward a lifestyle that emphasized control and domination of nature and other people. Religions abounded and life was no longer revered for the joy of life it brought today, but for the nebulous afterlife it led to as taught by religions. The goal of living was perceived as only a necessity for gaining the afterlife. Human life and life in any form ceased to have sacred value and was seen as being at odds with this world and current time. By the year 1600 A.D. the collective consciousness had burst even the most isolated bubbles of the old consciousness, until none remained, and all the world now lives the consciousness of disease and early death. This is the history of earth. It is not the final history. That is yet to be written and destiny is in each of your hands. Over time the collective consciousness of earth can change back to longevity, health and vitality, as the balance of those who believe in it outnumber those who do not, and humans return to the sacred love and stewardship of the earth. In your life you can make a commitment to personally be an example and a light to others by drinking and bathing only in pure living water, by eating only sources of food that still contain the life force and do not kill or hurt other higher creatures, by vigorously exercising daily; preferably outdoors surrounded by living things emanating and bathing you in their life force. Most important, personally reject the current collective consciousness. Build your own bubble of truth around you. Know that you are designed to live in joy and abundance for 1,000 years. Make it so. For more information go to http://www.jeffnet.org/cool/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00024 Date: 04/14/97 From: OTVIO SOUZA LUCAS Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Out of body experiences. Reply-to: tata@persocom.com.br From: "Otvio Souza Lucas" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling,tata@persocom.com.br Original Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 20:31:17 -0300 My name is Otvio Souza Lucas. I am 24 years old and I live in Brasilia , the capital of Brazil. I graduated in Physics at UNB-Brasilia State University. I got to know the Monroe Institute through the book Far Journeys by Robert Monroe and I identifyed myself quite a lot with the out-of-body experiences related in that book, because I do it myself and not only myself but a group of friends in Brasilia who also identify themselves with the work perfomed by your institute, what assure the truthfullness of this phenomenum in a cientifie and technological way. Through internet we found a way to get in touch with you and exchange our out-of-body experiences with your institute , as well as other experiences as for instance, the contacts we have with the extraterrestrials from the Council of Ulra . This is the spiritual council which is in charge of the evolution of the planets that belong to this system and is also in charge of the earth's evolution and its mankind in the verge of its new age. Sie these contacts are made out-of- body, and therefore, in other dimensions. I have been experiencing a process of genetic and energetic transmutation in my bodies(physical, astral and spiritual) which consists of developing the Kundalini energy and make my bodies become sutier and expand my conscious, acelerating our process of evolution in the earth.I belong to a group called "Movement of the Expansion of the conscious" which aims at serving spiritually the humanity under the guidance of the Council of Ulra and of the Spiritual Planetary Council. I have been having my genetic code changed from ADN to AGN. These new genes beings you peace and serenity which is the next step in the mankind's evolution and transcend the egoism and the animality produced by the ADN genes. Due to these changes my bodies are becoming more plasmatic which make my out-of-bodies experiences broadener. Out of my body I project myself to several dimensions in the earth and in other planets , and even in other galaxies, realizing different kinds of spiritual work with this humanity and with other humanities, always related to the keeping of each other. I believe that we evolute when we keep others to evolute. I also project myself to the past and to the future using the clarivajance. Some extraterretrial and some intraterrestrial counsciences help me and make experiences using myself as a "lab guinea-pig", of course these are positive experiences which aim at the mankind's evolution, and are not related to the to the many negative experiences mentioned in many ufological uports. When I am under theses processes I come to an alter consciousness condition which leads to extases im my bodies - physical, astral and spiritual and I enter in "alpha state" even awaken. I wanted also to mention that the extraterrestrials act in my etheric-pysical body inside my own house, of course in other dimensions, not to be seen or distribed by my relatives, which don't know that I am under this process. And through their help I have been in touch with my "twin-soul", which is one of them. The extraterrestrial body which I used in my latest incarnation is been impressed in my etheric body and in the future, when my etheric body is completely formed I will be able to use this ET body in the earth in physical, astral and spiritual dimensions, in missions which aim at forming the new humanity that in the future will live in the earth. I know there are over 100 young people in Brazil and abroad, that develop transcendentals tasks like mine and that is why. I want to exchange these information with you to know if you have contacted people like me.I am also interested in out-of-body experiences. Thank you for your attention. addendum: Council of Ulra(Ulra=Solar). The council of Ulra is a solar council which aims at the technological and spiritual evolution of the Solar System in its several dimentional degrees. The council has an important role in the purification process which is now going on in our planet, and in the technological interchange now in process in other dimensions with the part of the humanity which has awaken up to the new existential reality. I am an incarnated member of the Council of Ulra like many others throughout the planet. In the near future our function well be to represent the Earth in the Council which get together in Ganimedes, jupiter's biggest moon, in the 9biodimension. Many of us When incarnated, don't reach the ideal way to represent the planet and succumb in the density of the earth's 1st biodimension. Therefore I want to ask every body who is in consonance with the energy of the Council of Ulra and to those who are being worked energetically by the extraterrestrials of this Council, to contact me through internet. We can exchange data about this energetic process of development done by the Council of Ulra since I am under a deep process of change and since I have information and contacts cwith extraterrstrial and human beings who already live this new reality. The Council of Ulra is divided into several levels of hierarchy. The highest hierarchy which govern the council is a Solar one composed of beings from the 18biodimension who live in jupiter and from time to time work in the sun and may become the spirit of an asteroid, a moon, or a comet. They are asteroid, a moon, or a comet. They are called Sideral Engineers because they construct these celestial bodies and them govern them. There is also an intermediate hierarchy composed of beings below the 18biodimensionin the second evolutional cycle of the physical universe in the Solar System. Many of them intend to evolute biodimensionally here in the earth. Finally there is a lower hierarchy composed of beings from the dimensions of the first cycle of our Solar System. In the third ,ilenium there will be a headquarter os the Council of Ulra in Brasilia, Brazil and the incarnated members of the council will represent the earth, justo after the formation of the Earth's first Physical Planetary government, when we will have reached a great spiritual and technological development in our planet. Earth will also have a representative in Ganimedes where the most important mestings take place. At this time we will have technological development to reach the 9physical biodimension. PS. I would rather correspond myself with you in spanish or portuguese because I don't know English quite well. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00025 Date: 04/14/97 From: EHKUHALL7@DELPHI.COM Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Oh Yes -- Another Heaven's Gate Web Page22:02:0004/14/97 From: ehkuhall7@delphi.com Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Delphi (info@delphi.com email, 800-695-4005 voice) Original Date: Mon, 14 Apr 97 19:16:37 -0500 Well folks, I just got it uploaded! A web page that features channeled news from a member of Heaven's Gate. REad it, enjoy it, pass on the news... http://people.delphi.com/ehkuhall7/wilderness.html --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00026 Date: 04/14/97 From: ALIKAT Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: On the linearity of t Reply-to: patk7613@tao.sosc.osshe.edu From: "AliKat" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Southern Oregon State College Original Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 16:38:49 -0700 Heikki Hietala wrote: > > Hi all, > > taking it for now that reincarnation is the way of the world, I ask you > this: > > Is time linear? Can I reincarnate into a WW2 fighter pilot the next time > around, even if that time frame is 50 years gone now? > > -h. there was an episode of (i think) amazing stories, or something like that, where a very very bigoted man kept getting killed and coming back as a jewish person in WW2, a black man in the early 1900s, a vietnamese man during the vietnam war, etc...it was to teach him to be a decent kind of guy...i don't recall how it ended, though, it's been a long time since i saw it... but anyhow....i never really gave that much thought until i saw this posting of yours...and i'm not sure, but this kind of thing would also be more like the quantum leap string theory, wouldn't it? what about clairvoyance...could it just be remembering a previous life that, linearly, we haven't lived yet? -- colleen patke patk7613@tao.sosc.osshe.edu @-'--,-- *** --,--'-@ *** @-'--,-- *** --,--'-@ roses are red, violets are blue, if i can see you on the web, then you can see me, too!! http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/6300/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E4M00027 Date: 04/14/97 From: ALIKAT Time: 10:02pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: ouija board Reply-to: patk7613@tao.sosc.osshe.edu From: "AliKat" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Southern Oregon State College Original Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 16:30:26 -0700 cen05328@centuryinter.net wrote: > > Can you get the ouija board to work by yourself? > What do you do when it is mad at you? i have occasionally gotten the board to work when i was alone...but, trust me, be in a decent mental state if you decide to try...don't drink, take mind altering drugs, that kind of thing. also if you are severely depressed, don't use it alone. i have had lots of experience with ouija boards, and have heard a ton of stories about how horrible and evil they are...i personally don't think they are really and truely evil...sometimes bad things get through, particularly if you're not in a decent mental state. a couple times i've had bad entities speak to me (and my friends, only once by myself), but for the most part it's been good (and sometimes you get a real wisea**!). just be careful, and just have fun!! most people i've talked to or read stuff about suggest going into a session with a open, good-natured mentality--no negativity!! that's what's made my sessions mostly good... -- colleen patke patk7613@tao.sosc.osshe.edu @-'--,-- *** --,--'-@ *** @-'--,-- *** --,--'-@ roses are red, violets are blue, if i can see you on the web, then you can see me, too!! http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/6300/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1)