--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3U00002 Date: 03/24/97 From: DAVID ZIMMER Time: 05:20am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Are We Free To Listen? From: "David Zimmer" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: InfiNet Original Date: 22 Mar 1997 14:04:06 GMT QUESTION: Are We Free To Listen? Upon carefully observing myself and others, I wonder about our (everyone's) ability to listen and observe. In other words, are we able to completely listen to another -- with all our senses -- so completely that we are void of all thought. We are not anticipating what they may or may n ot say. Neither are we thinking about how we are going to respond to what they saying while they are talking. We are giving them 100% of our undivided attention. Can we listen to anothers who express views or opinions that are different than ours without formulating an opinion or judging them? We we able to listen to a so called "nobody" the same way we do to a so called "authority?" Can we listen to our children the same way we listen to an adult or to our spouse or to our employer? In other words, are we able to listen to anyone and everyone the same? These questions of mine has caused me to redefine what is commonly called "listening" and to pay more attention to how well or poorly I listen. In the process of doing this, I have discovered that I also need to listen to what I say or tell others because I have discovered that it applies more to me than to them. -- David --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3U00003 Date: 03/24/97 From: BLUE RESONANT HUMAN Time: 05:20am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: ::: URGENT!!! Galactic Federation Updat05:20:0003/24/97 From: "Blue Resonant Human" Newsgroups: lt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.paranorm al.channeling,alt.silly.bullshit Organization: The B:.B:.(tm) Original Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 19:47:13 GMT ::: Update by Sheldon Nidle ::: The Galactic Federation March 22, 1997 (10 Batz, 19 Ceh, 5 Eb) Greetings! We come to discuss several important matters with you, dear blessed ones. These subjects are ones that we have promised to talk about previously. To give you the necessary background, we shall first review the many sensible ways to easily eliminate fear in your environment. Then, we shall explain in greater detail how your planet is now changing. You must understand that both you and your planet have to change together. Finally, we shall give you more information about some previously undisclosed aspects of the mass landing operation. Before we formally start this brief epistle, this assembled committee would like to review some facts about what is happening to you as well as to ourselves. First, we are all involved in a most momentous mass reality shifting procedure. This reality shifting can, at times, lead anyone, and especially those limited consciousness beings, to stress and to some form of fear. It is essential that we quickly transform this fear and/or stress into love. Remember, we are all instruments of light acting out the divine plan as put forth by a most loving Supreme Creator and a series of radiant divine agents, the Spiritual Hierarchy. These agents of Love and Light have come forth to serve us. Their divine service has given us a great dispensation of grace. This grace will easily allow us to eradicate any vice such as fear that either limits or distracts us from our task. Second, this planetary system sits at the forefront of a great destiny. This destiny is one that will permit all the sentient star systems of this galaxy to achieve their destiny. Hence, you are not alone in this reality shift. We in the Galactic Federation are completely behind you and have come to assist you in any way that is divinely possible. Think of it, you sit at the edge of a great precipice. Yet, there are all sorts of divine and sentient beings that have assembled to lend you assistance. This fact alone should profoundly encourage you and help you to see that you can only succeed. Your galactic brothers and sisters are here to lead you across this great precipice. Do not be in fear. Finally, You have reached a time when the great prophecies of your world and of ours are about to be fulfilled. All of Creation has prophesied your success. This contract with the divine ones further ensures your successful completion of this most godly task. You have a most exceptional guaranteed completion certificate in your possession. Your great labor of divine purpose under a most difficult set of circumstances will be allowed to reach fruition. Each of you is assured of this fact by the Supreme Creator. So, please do not continue to worry or to cast yourself into an environment of fear and uncertainty. Instead, please permit yourself to convert any fear or excess stress into love. This change will quickly transform your environment and, most importantly, your life. In addition, it will quickly transform your planet, your society, and your family. Since it is so important to us all, let us now consider ways in which this transformation can occur. Fear is an element that has been put into both your limited consciousness and into your genes. Its strength is quite illusory. Yet, it appears to you to be as mighty as the legendary tall and majestic mountains that are distributed throughout your world. It is not, dear brothers and sisters, as powerful as it may seem. Fear is simply an emotion. Fear is fully controlled by your beliefs. Change your beliefs and fear quickly loses its power. The first new belief that we would like you to adopt is that the Spiritual Hierarchy wants you to lose your fear (lack of empowerment). You have a special dispensation to quickly and easily get yourself out of fear and to be empowered (personally sovereign). The second new belief that we want you to embrace is that a special system exists to easily get you out of this fear. We will now recite this special system to you in detail. First, you should realize that you have the complete ability to transform any cellular beliefs (fear, anger, hate, etc.) that are imbedded in your genes. These emotional life patterns are mere energy sets that are fully controlled by your subconscious mind. Hence, you should fully enunciate the nature of this fear and just ask that it be connected to its source (past life or this life). Remember, you have the ability to empower yourself and to use that power to make your environment more loving and productive. Second, you should ask your Angelic Council, or any level of Angelic Beings that you select to put this fear and all of its roots (see above) into a special unbreakable bubble. Ask them to send it on a one way journey into the Light. The Angelic Realms have been given a special dispensation that allows them to accomplish this task for you. Please understand that the Spiritual Hierarchy is now empowered especially after 11 Eb, 0 Mac, 5 Eb (March 23, 1997) to accomplish this feat for you. Finally, you should ask that love and a feeling of support be put in its place. As a part of this final step, you should also ask that divine protection be given to you. Also, you should lovingly demand that a special dispensation of grace be given to you and that any other elements that are a part of this fear should be taken away in your sleep and/or meditations. The Spiritual Hierarchy is now deeply determined to lower and/or eliminate as much fear as is divinely possible from your environment. So, please take advantage of this heavenly program and lose as many fears as you wish (hopefully all major ones). It is our sincere hope that you will now do so and that by so doing, you will permit your world and yourself to be quickly transformed into the beautiful reality that all of you want it to be. These facts lead us into a discussion about the change going on in your planet. At present your planet and its Spiritual Hierarchy are involved in creating a special timetable for returning its surface environment to a pristine condition. Previously, we noted that they have speeded up the time frame for this change. They also demanded that we accelerate the project for moving your civilization to subterranean holographic interiors. This program means that we shall have the major 300 metropolitan areas on your planet so situated some six months after the mass landings are completed. In addition, the two layers of the firmament will be in place some two months after the landings operations are concluded. Finally, the full extent of the "lost continents" of Lemuria and Atlantis will be lifted out of their respective oceans. This feat will be accomplished some four months after the mass landings. As you can see, we together have a most complicated series of tasks to perform. In addition to these realities, planet Earth intends to reset its grids and to reposition its geographic and magnetic poles. Your planet deeply desires to return to what it once was. This wish needs our mutual support for it to be accomplished as quickly as is necessary. All of you should see yourselves as planetary guardians living on your world by the grace of your planet's Spiritual Hierarchy. You have no right of ownership to any part of your world. You are only specially invited guests. Your task is to use your special gifts as sentient beings to help planet Earth to live as fully and as long as it so wishes. Remember, we are Beings of Light (Angels) temporarily experiencing a human existence. In the past few days, some of the procedures that are part of the mass landings have been altered. Let us now go over a few of this changes for you. The first major modification was that the pre-landing scenario has been slightly changed. We will be doing some testing of the new temporary power grids some seven hours before the main landing scenario begins. The purpose for this change is the local Council of Elohim. They want us to use their special energy portals to transfer power to our temporary power grids. The power engineers and scientists want to pre- test this system. Another change concerns those Galactic Federation counselors involved with the "star seeds". These counselors want to teleport those selected star seeds to their training vessels some two to three hours before the mass landings commence. These adjustments are due to the need of the counselors to add some additional elements of training to their agendas. This training involves the use of an expanded etiquette program on full consciousness. It also entails a new program on advanced counseling procedures that previously was deemed unnecessary. It is now the opinion of the special counseling liaison teams that a more thorough training is quite necessary. The main Scheduling and Agenda Committee has now insisted on this procedure. The special team involved with the whole operation of putting Earth humans in the initial holographic interiors has made a special request. They have asked that one urban area be so teleported while the first wave is underway. This special Galactic Federation team feels that this simple test will prove the efficiency of their technology. A special urban area will be selected on 13 Ix, 2 Mac, 5 Eb (March 25, 1997) for this purpose. As a result, the main landing instructions will now include a mention of this metropolitan region. This special prelanding report will also tell this urban area what to shortly expect. It is hoped that this action will be completed in about the first 30 minutes after the first wave of the mass landing has begun. Special procedures to limit panic and assuage other possible reactions will be included in this evacuation procedure. Specially trained Galactic Federation counselors and those affected star seeds will be a part of this test operation. Another aspect that has been altered concerns the nature of the world wide power failure. It will now be conducted in two parts. First, there will be a power failure of all types of military and secret government power generators some eight hours before the landings commence. This action is being taken so that we can vaporize and completely eliminate all power facilities before any suppression raids are sent out. We will teleport all power facility personnel to safety on our ships before vaporizing these facilities. This activity is being done to formally close all space/time portals, as well as all related facilities. It has come to our attention that these technologies are being improperly used as a back-up strategy by the secret government. Consequently, we must react decisively to these heinous plans. Second, we will execute the regular power failure as scheduled. Be aware that this measure is being done to prevent any counter-measures which could possibly jeopardize the safety of Galactic Federation personnel and those affected Earth inhabitants. Let us now conclude this message to you, dear brothers and sisters. We are very, very, very, very close to the start of our first contact procedures. Know that we value you quite deeply. For many, many, many years, you have struggled in deep darkness, waiting for the time when the prophecies would at last be fulfilled. Now that time is finally at hand. We ask you to look to the skies for signs and to keep your hope, love, and patience in focus for just a little while longer. Soon, we will be able to co-create a new reality and a new galactic civilization on your world. We leave you with much thanks and a ton of gratitude for your continued forbearance. Selamat Ja! (Be in Joy!) http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/conflight-l.html http://www.lightwork.com/LudicrousBullshit/sheldie.html http://www.users.cts.com/sd/d/density4/index.html Love and light, etc.; -Brother Blue, B:.B:. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3U00004 Date: 03/24/97 From: JOHN CALI Time: 05:20am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Channelled e-mail metaphysical newslette05:20:0003/24/97 From: "John Cali" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Sentinels of the Sky Original Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 16:14:40 -0800 Here are two e-mail newsletters dealing with new age topics, including channelled information. Both are monthly and both are free. The first is Sentinels of the Sky. It explores important topics in depth, such as personal growth, ascension, lightwork, meditation, past lives and much more. To subscribe, send your request to: ChiefJoseph@memo.net The second is the Salem New Age Center Newsletter. The newsletter covers a wide variety of topics, including metaphysics, lightwork, channeling, new age books, stargates, ETs and walk-ins, earth changes and more. To subscribe, send your request to: newage@salemctr.com--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3U00005 Date: 03/24/97 From: STONEPLE@SEDONA.NET Time: 05:20am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Women's Gallery For Sale! Reply-to: stoneple@sedona.net From: stoneple@sedona.net Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Sedona Internet Services, Inc. Original Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 23:42:11 GMT The owner is relocating and is seeking responsible woman to purchase thriving 8 year old women's art and gift gallery. Located on a busy street on the north side of Chicago, IL. 1 1/2 years remaining on present lease with 5 year option available. Please call Nancy at 773-878-0300 --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3U00006 Date: 03/24/97 From: PAUL HACKATHORN Time: 05:20am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Ways of contact From: "paul hackathorn" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: 23 Mar 97 22:37:22 GMT I was wondering if anyone knew of anyways to contact the dead other than Sins boards, mediums, auto writing and ouija boards.....any help would be appereciated. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3U00007 Date: 03/24/97 From: WAYNE FOSTER Time: 05:20am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: psychics From: "Wayne Foster" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Prodigy Services Company 1-800-PRODIGY Original Date: 23 Mar 1997 23:35:18 GMT I'm looking for information about psychics and their powers if you have any information please e-mail me at rlnj85a @ prodigy.com please reply asap --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3W00000 Date: 03/24/97 From: SABAN Time: 10:41am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: ::: URGENT!!! Galactic Federation U10:41:0003/24/97 Reply-to: saban@chilli.net.au From: "Saban" Newsgroups: lt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.paranorm al.channeling,alt.silly.bullshit Organization: Customer of Access One Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia Original Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 00:03:26 +1100 Blue Resonant Human wrote: > > ::: Update by Sheldon Nidle ::: > > The Galactic Federation March 22, 1997 > (10 Batz, 19 Ceh, 5 Eb) > > Greetings! We come to discuss several important matters with > you, dear blessed ones. These subjects are ones that we have > promised to talk about previously. To give you the necessary > background, we shall first review the many sensible ways to > easily eliminate fear in your environment. Then, we shall > explain in greater detail how your planet is now changing. You > must understand that bot --- BLAH BLAH BLAH Could anyone actually read this drivle and not fall asleep? --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3W00001 Date: 03/24/97 From: FRANK WIJNANS Time: 10:41am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: Come and see my Web Site: Links, Abo10:41:0003/24/97 From: "Frank Wijnans" Newsgroups: lt.life.universe.everything,alt.magic,alt.magick,alt.magick.sex,a t.meditation,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paranor al.spells,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes Organization: University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands Original Date: 24 Mar 1997 15:12:14 +0100 People posting in html should be locked up. People posing attachments outside binary groups should be hung. Greetings Frank --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3W00002 Date: 03/24/97 From: JOHN BRUKE Time: 06:48pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: ::: URGENT!!! Galactic Federation U18:48:0003/24/97 Reply-to: burke123@ix.netcom.com From: "John Bruke" Newsgroups: lt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.paranorm al.channeling,alt.silly.bullshit Organization: Netcom Original Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 10:46:43 -0800 Hello Great one can your get me a Russian women for me and my 7 children? I need a wife to take care of the house, cook and help with the kids any help in this area will be considered a act of Love to me and my children! P.S. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU AND YOURS --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E3W00003 Date: 03/24/97 From: GARR Time: 06:48pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Aliens Here! From: "Garr" Newsgroups: lt.out-of-body,alt.paranet.paranormal,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.paranor mal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paranormal.crop-circles Organization: Rasm Original Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 12:15:10 +0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------46A2282F5862 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit http://www.teleport.com/~garr/ --------------46A2282F5862 Content-Type: image/gif; x-mac-type="47494666"; x-mac-creator="4A565752"; name="rmbericon.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="rmbericon.gif" R0lGODdhSABhAPcAAP//////zP//mf//Zv//M///AP/M///MzP/Mmf/MZv/MM//MAP+Z//+Z zP+Zmf+ZZv+ZM/+ZAP9m//9mzP9mmf9mZv9mM/9mAP8z//8zzP8zmf8zZv8zM/8zAP8A//8A zP8Amf8AZv8AM/8AAMz//8z/zMz/mcz/Zsz/M8z/AMzM/8zMzMzMmczMZszMM8zMAMyZ/8yZ zMyZmcyZZsyZM8yZAMxm/8xmzMxmmcxmZsxmM8xmAMwz/8wzzMwzmcwzZswzM8wzAMwA/8wA zMwAmcwAZswAM8wAAJn//5n/zJn/mZn/Zpn/M5n/AJnM/5nMzJnMmZnMZpnMM5nMAJmZ/5mZ 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