--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E2F00026 Date: 02/08/97 From: ADMIN.SHEG@DSQCLYDE.DEMON Time: 05:05am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: Apollo Moon Landings Faked Propogand05:05:0002/08/97 From: "Admin.sheg@dsqclyde.demon.co.uk" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: RIGHT CHOICE BBS Original Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 09:53:07 GMT . .mathworks.com!rill.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!dsqcl . yde.demon.co.uk!dsqclyde.demon.co.uk!admin.sheg From: Admin Officer .Newsgroups: alt.misc.forteana,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.canada,soc.cultu . re.usa,alt.usa-sucks,alt.conspiracy,alt.nuke.the.USA,alt.government.abuse,al . t.alien.visitors,alt.paranormal,alt.paranet.ufo,uk.media.tv.sf.x-files,alt.p . aranormal.channeling,de.so .c.weltanschauung.misc,alt.alien.research,sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur Subject: Re: Apollo Moon Landings Faked Propoganda .Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:53:07 +0000 .Organization: SHEG .Distribution: world .Message-ID: .References: <32F83753.1DB9@knowstruth.net> <32FA2708.6A55@netconnect.com.au> . <5dbn5o$1of@dfw-ixnews12.ix.netcom.com> .NNTP-Posting-Host: dsqclyde.demon.co.uk .X-NNTP-Posting-Host: dsqclyde.demon.co.uk .MIME-Version: 1.0 .X-Newsreader: Turnpike Version 1.12 .Lines: 13 .Xref: news.pla-net.net alt.misc.forteana:2396 soc.culture.europe:31880 soc.cu . lture.canada:53387 soc.culture.usa:66584 alt.usa-sucks:2582 alt.conspiracy:1 . 03470 alt.nuke.the.USA:45086 alt.government.abuse:7358 alt.alien.visitors:73 . 911 alt.paranormal:20305 a .lt.paranet.ufo:44505 uk.media.tv.sf.x-files:7798 alt.paranormal.channeling:41 . 08 de.soc.weltanschauung.misc:801 alt.alien.research:26924 sci.astro:38743 s . ci.astro.amateur:38902 In article <5dbn5o$1of@dfw-ixnews12.ix.netcom.com>, parsifal@ix.netcom.com writes mainly crap... I can't beleive how many people (myself included now) have responded to this obvious troll. Sorry...just couldn't beleive it Rydo -- Admin Officer --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E2F00027 Date: 02/08/97 From: MARK@JENMARK.DEMON.CO.UK Time: 05:05am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: Apollo Moon Landings Faked Propogand05:05:0002/08/97 From: "Mark@jenmark.demon.co.uk" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: RIGHT CHOICE BBS Original Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 13:47:03 GMT . .internetmci.com!hunter.premier.net!news.mathworks.com!howland.erols.net!fee . d1.news.erols.com!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!jenmark.demon.co.uk!jenmark. . demon.co.uk!mark From: Mark Duncan .Newsgroups: alt.misc.forteana,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.canada,soc.cultu . re.usa,alt.usa-sucks,alt.conspiracy,alt.nuke.the.USA,alt.government.abuse,al . t.alien.visitors,alt.paranormal,alt.paranet.ufo,uk.media.tv.sf.x-files,alt.p . aranormal.channeling,de.so .c.weltanschauung.misc,alt.alien.research,sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur Subject: Re: Apollo Moon Landings Faked Propoganda .Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 13:47:03 +0000 .Organization: Jam Productions .Distribution: world .Message-ID: .References: <32F83753.1DB9@knowstruth.net> .NNTP-Posting-Host: jenmark.demon.co.uk .X-NNTP-Posting-Host: jenmark.demon.co.uk .MIME-Version: 1.0 .X-Newsreader: Turnpike Version 3.01 <9+q9jmTdn8ah0rFWHoEwphTDe3> .Lines: 20 .Xref: news.pla-net.net alt.misc.forteana:2398 soc.culture.europe:31897 soc.cu . lture.canada:53394 soc.culture.usa:66606 alt.usa-sucks:2584 alt.conspiracy:1 . 03503 alt.nuke.the.USA:45116 alt.government.abuse:7362 alt.alien.visitors:73 . 924 alt.paranormal:20319 a .lt.paranet.ufo:44514 uk.media.tv.sf.x-files:7810 alt.paranormal.channeling:41 . 10 de.soc.weltanschauung.misc:802 alt.alien.research:26934 sci.astro:38755 s . ci.astro.amateur:38919 It was Wed, 5 Feb 1997, that momentous day, when the great Bo Fiddely spoke to us thus: - >As an American who always felt great pride in the success of the NASA >lunar missions of the late 1960's and 70's, I now believe strongly that >the whole thing was a cold war fake. > >In this month's issues of Fortean Times David Percy a professional with >the Royal Photographic Society proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, that >the photos and TV videos of the Astronauts on the lunar surface are >staged. And very badly at that. > I showed my sister the Article in FT an now she is convinced that the moon itself is a fake! Hasn't anyone seen Capricorn One? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Duncan Mark@jenmark.demon.co.uk "If it wasn't real, they'd have to invent it!" Anon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E2F00028 Date: 02/08/97 From: NICK S BENSEMA Time: 05:05am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: Nutopian Security Upd From: "Nick S Bensema" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: RIGHT CHOICE BBS Original Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 19:16:02 GMT . nntp.primenet.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!nickb From: nickb@primenet.com (Nick S Bensema) .Newsgroups: alt.stupidity,alt.society.neutopia,alt.jyotish,alt.journalism,alt . .cyberspace,alt.consciousness,alt.flame.jay-stevens,alt.alien.visitors,alt.c . yberpunk,alt.cyberspace.rebels,alt.religion.kibology,alt.paranormal.channeli . ng,alt.fan.jai-maharaj,alt ..paranet.psi,alt.culture.usenet,alt.wired,alt.religion.shamanism,alt.conspira . cy Subject: Re: Nutopian Security Update! .Date: 6 Feb 1997 12:16:02 -0700 .Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000 .Lines: 36 .Message-ID: <5ddali$mnl@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> .References: <32C80F7C.26B2@earthlink.net> <32d8147e.903351@betanews.demon.co. . uk> <5b97r8$rjm$1@proxy01.iafrica.com> <32fd4464.4384704@news.onramp.net> .X-Posted-By: nickb@ (nickb) .Keywords: hat tree brick rock wink prostate Dole corrugated firm bouncy happy . cat woof cobble freak hectare moo .Xref: news.pla-net.net alt.stupidity:28556 alt.society.neutopia:13858 alt.jyo . tish:10242 alt.journalism:35976 alt.cyberspace:14436 alt.consciousness:14210 . alt.flame.jay-stevens:3532 alt.alien.visitors:73928 alt.cyberpunk:16492 alt . .cyberspace.rebels:2051 al .t.religion.kibology:36085 alt.paranormal.channeling:4111 alt.fan.jai-maharaj: . 17794 alt.paranet.psi:5583 alt.culture.usenet:19089 alt.wired:23764 alt.reli . gion.shamanism:4667 alt.conspiracy:103518 In article <32fd4464.4384704@news.onramp.net>, Jaffo rote: >In alt.religion.kibology, on Sat, 11 Jan 1997 23:31:58 GMT, Schwann wrote: > >:This is an investigation into the possible brain implant you may have >:unwillingly allowed the last time you had a tooth filled. That dreamy >:sensation when the TV is switched on..know what I'm saying? > >I get an erection when somebody uses the toaster. Does this mean something? It's just your penis playing tricks on you. Not an implant. Trust me, I have an implant in my brain, and when I use the toaster it gives me this intense testicular pain. This left me the problem of whether to spend every morning doubled over for three minutes as thousands of fire ants seem to chew on my nads, or to stop eating my Pop Tarts every morning which of course is what the CONSPIRACY would want me to fo! So I went to the vet and told them I was a dog who was changing owners, and needed that little identifier chip removed. They removed the implant and replaced it with a little chip that, when scanned, says I answer to "Rex" and has my name and address listed as the owner. Not only that, I can enjoy Pop Tarts every morning, and every night... well, it's nice not to still be recovering from that morning. I later found out that for an extra $100 I could have gotten a chip that gave me an electro-shock every time I left my yard. Next time the CONSPIRACY comes over, I'll recommend this to them, they probably have a great need for stuff like that. -- N i c k B e n s e m a < n i c k b @ p r i m e n e t . c o m > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 98-KUPD Red Card Holder #710563 WedSpc License #71.0563 --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E2F00029 Date: 02/08/97 From: ANIMALS111 Time: 12:58pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Stories Needed From: "Animals111" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com Original Date: 8 Feb 1997 15:51:05 GMT Spiritual Truths & Lessons Animals Teach Us Have you ever learned spiritual truths or lessons from an animal? Has an animal taught you about gratitude, joy, survival, courage, forgiveness, or unconditional love? Have animals helped you in your dreams or intervened when you were suffering or in pain? Has an animal protected you from danger? Have you continued to feel the presence of an animal who has died? Do you have a story to tell? If so, it would be a privilege to hear it. I'm writing a book about the spiritual truths and lessons animals teach us and I'm looking for stories. Please write your story in first person with a length varying from 1 to 5 double space typed pages. This non-denominational book will include everyday, miraculous, and extraordinary experiences from individuals in all walks of life, ages, different cultures and from a variety of religions and belief systems. This is an opportunity for you to share with others your personal experiences and the awareness or spiritual truth you gained from them. All contributors will be given credits in the book. E-mail: Animals111@aol.com http://members.aol.com/Animals111/index.html Sincerely, Allen PS: Please e-mail for additional information and a post address for you to send you story if you do not want to e-mail it. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E2F00030 Date: 02/08/97 From: CHSU@FROM.NET Time: 12:58pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Send 20 FREE Pages of Fax to any Fax mac12:58:0002/08/97 From: chsu@from.net Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Fax24 International, Inc. Original Date: 8 Feb 1997 16:15:39 GMT Send Fax through the Internet. Low domestic and international rates. 20 FREE pages of Fax! Send to any Fax machines in the world! No obligation. Visit the site at: http://www.edfax.com/faxsav.htm Chris Sundres chsu@from.net --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E2F00031 Date: 02/09/97 From: RBRAVER@OHWW.NORMAN.OK.US Time: 05:05am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <32fb0feb.0@news.cias.net> From: rbraver@ohww.norman.ok.us Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: 8 Feb 1997 17:02:23 GMT Spam cancelled. Notice ID: 19970208.19. See news.admin.net-abuse.announce r http://spam.ohww.norman.ok.us/spam_notices/19970208.19.html for complete report. Original Subject: ADULTS ONLY! Check this out!!! (qjbGpA) --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E2F00032 Date: 02/09/97 From: RBRAVER@OHWW.NORMAN.OK.US Time: 05:05am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <5di8rb$nhu@netnews.hinet.ne05:05:0002/09/97 From: rbraver@ohww.norman.ok.us Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: 8 Feb 1997 17:52:48 GMT Spam cancelled. Notice ID: 19970208.20. See news.admin.net-abuse.announce r http://spam.ohww.norman.ok.us/spam_notices/19970208.20.html for complete report. Original Subject: Send 20 FREE Pages of Fax to any Fax machines in the World! --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: E2F00033 Date: 02/09/97 From: BITBUCKET@NEWS.MSFC.NASA. Time: 05:05am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel