--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DGQ00013 Date: 12/19/96 From: BITBUCKET@NEWS.MSFC.NASA.GOV Time: 8:49:am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <59ca1i$1pb@bill.gnatnet.net8:49:35512/19/96 Reply-to: bitbucket@news.msfc.nasa.gov From: news@news.msfc.nasa.gov Newsgroups: lt.paranet.skeptic,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal. hanneling,alt.paranormal.forteana,alt.paranormal.pyramid,alt.para ormal.spells,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes,alt.paranormal.spells.he Organization: Semi-Automatic Chain Letter Remover Original Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 21:03:52 GMT ignore Make Money Fast post canceled by news@news.msfc.nasa.gov. Make Money Fast has been posted thousands of times, enough to qualify as cancel-on-sight spam. The chain letter scheme it describes is illegal in many countries. For example, see: http://www.usps.gov/websites/depart/inspect/chainlet.htm --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DGQ00014 Date: 12/19/96 From: ROBRON Time: 5:00:am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: WANTED: Qualified Psychics/Tarot Readers5:00:46212/19/96 Reply-to: robron@mindspring.com From: "RobRon" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Robron Services Original Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 20:12:52 GMT Do you have psychic gifts/talents? Do you find it difficult to use your gifts/talents alone to support your material needs and wants? Are you tired of working a conventional *J-O-B*? If you answered yes to the above questions, then this may be the opportunity you have been looking for. I represent a company called 'Spirit Connection'. We are one of the largest and (my opinion) most conscientious broker for PRN (Psychic Readers Network). Since we all have 3-D bodies to take care of, money is still essential for life in this dimension. Both Spirit Connection and PRN want to make money, but ONLY by using genuine psychic people who are talented in astrology, tarot, runes, clairvoyance, or more. It doesn't matter whether you're a newcomer or an old-timer, as long as you have the ability to help others with your *heart-felt* gifts/talents. This is a LEGITIMATE job offer paying $12 to $18 per hour in the convenience of your own home. You set your own hours. If you are still interested, then please e-mail me for more information. You must be a US resident over 18. I am looking forward to corresponding with you. :-) Sincerely, Robert robron@mindspring.com --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DGQ00015 Date: 12/19/96 From: CHRIS LEWIS Time: 5:00:am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <599er4$r8e@dfw-ixnews5.ix.n5:00:46212/19/96 From: "Chris Lewis" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: 18 Dec 1996 22:59:30 GMT 800PHONESEX spam cancelled by clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca Original Subject: **Hey Guys, I've found some COLLEGE GIRLS --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DGQ00016 Date: 12/19/96 From: COUGAR4800 Time: 5:00:am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: Channeling web site From: "Cougar4800" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com Original Date: 18 Dec 1996 23:50:43 GMT Thankyou for your information. I will look into your web site. Thank you sincerely. Cougar4800@aol.com or Kowiachobee.worldnet.att.net@worldnet.att.net --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DGQ00017 Date: 12/19/96 From: DANIEL JACOB Time: 5:04:am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: New Age Channeling, Pt. 1 From: "Daniel Jacob" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Prodigy Services Company 1-800-PRODIGY Original Date: 19 Dec 1996 04:25:29 GMT Q: By What Authority...... do you say these things? A: Well.....what would *work* for you? Hmmmm? The "Trance Channeler" steps aside and "brings through" someone else who has credibility in the moment. This is who *Spirit* (the voice of the One) has often selected as a spokesman. The "Conscious Channel" must OWN (to a degree) the energy being channeled as SELF.......albeit a higher version of that Self. In the light of present energy acceleration: "What works for you.......NOW???" A channeling is a CREATION of (at least) two levels of consciousness..... the speaker and the listener. No matter WHO the name is of the person "coming through".....in reality........that "person" is the CREATION, in the moment, of the listener(s) and the speaker. It doesn't make the "source" less real, because---to create something into your universe---is to simply BELIEVE IT EXISTS......or "realize" it's there. This source often doesn't NEED a name......only our attention. What sources have you experienced? Blessings, Daniel Jacob allone@prodigy.com --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DGQ00018 Date: 12/19/96 From: DANIEL JACOB Time: 5:04:am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: New Age Channeling, Pt. 2 From: "Daniel Jacob" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Prodigy Services Company 1-800-PRODIGY Original Date: 19 Dec 1996 04:26:23 GMT We might ask: "How do I know that what I am saying is true?" We have it backwards. First, we KNOW.......then....we know HOW we know......... --------------------------------------------------------------- allone@prodigy.com http://www.halcyon.com/recon/reconnections.html --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DGS00000 Date: 12/21/96 From: 43207@S01.COM Time: 6:20:am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: **HI Sexy, Wanna Party?!?! From: 43207@s01.com Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 03:31:31 GMT Dial TOLL FREE to get your secret access code to enter our CYBER SAMPLES PROGRAM, THE CALL IS FREE TO OUR INTERNET CALLERS. DIAL TOLL FREE: 1-800-770-6110 You will be happy you did. INTERACT!! ONE-ON-ONE. RIGHT FROM THE START. CALL: 1-800-770-6110 --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DGS00001 Date: 12/21/96 From: MICHAEL Time: 6:20:am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Chopin's voice From: "Michael" Newsgroups: lt.paranet.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi,alt.www.sites,alt.paranorma l.channeling,fidonet.music Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses Original Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 19:39:36 +0100 You are kindly requested to listen to a sound-clip of a paranormal voice alleged to be of Chopin -- Michael http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/chopin.html --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DGS00002 Date: 12/21/96 From: 43207@S01.COM Time: 6:20:am \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: **DESPERATELY SEEKING PLEASURE - 1-800-76:20:30012/21/96 From: 43207@s01.com Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 06:46:55 GMT Lonely Lady. Open Minded. Call Now for Mutual Pleasure. We can BOTH FULFILL OUR FANTASIES. DIAL TOLL FREE: 1-800-770-6120. Adults 18 and over only. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1)