--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DES00004 Date: 10/21/96 From: SNOWHARE@XMISSION.COM Time: 6:23:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <54g47b$ndg@dropit.pgh.net> From: snowhare@xmission.com Newsgroups: lt.paranet.ufo,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paran rmal.pyramid,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.parenting.solu ions,alt.parenting.spanking,alt.parenting.twins-triplets,alt.pare Organization: Devilbunnies Spam Cancelling Division Original Date: 21 Oct 96 15:35:13 GMT Spam Cancellation. Original Subject: *** EARN MONEY FAST AND LEGITIMATE! *** A copy of the original message can be found at --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DES00005 Date: 10/21/96 From: FYI@PSINET.COM Time: 12:2:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Free Tour! Hot, Naked Guys/Visit: http0:32:43610/21/96 From: fyi@psinet.com Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: PSI Public Usenet Link Original Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 08:40:23 GMT Yes it's true. PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE is on the Internet, complete with a FREE SAMPLES TOUR! Want hot, naked guys? Try: http://www.playgirlmag.com --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DES00006 Date: 10/21/96 From: ALBERT NANOMIUS Time: 12:2:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: FW: November Earth Changes Newsletter (10:32:43610/21/96 Reply-to: 74471.2703@compuserve.com From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 20:30:21 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== November, 1996 Earth Change Predictions Vol. 2, No. 14-- FILE # epredict.214 Contents of Vol.2, No. 14--This edition contains predictions and/or items relating to the following Earth Change events: 1. Possible 6.0 Quake Near New York City Predicted For November 2. We Are On The Edge Of Something Wonderful And Yet Dreadful! 3. San Andreas Quake Dream 4. Gradual Breakdown Of Northwest Coastal Area Cliffs Predicted 5. Global Geophysical Earth Changes Will Now Accelerate 6. California Energies To Feel Peculiar In November 7. Vision Of Destruction Of Five U.S.A. Cities 8. Crustal Movement Continues In Rockies Pushing Deep Strata Upwards 9. United Kingdom To Sink Beneath Waters For Planetary Balance 10. Rapidly Growing New Hawaiian Volcano To Affect Plate Movement 11. Long Periods Of Darkness From Volcanic Eruptions Predicted 12. Vision Of The Volcano Domino Theory 13. The Media Is Withholding Details On Earth Changes 14. Underground Pressure In Gulf To Cause Electronic Anomalies 15. Many Earth Changes Are For Cleansing 16. Terrorism Predicted To Erupt In Many U.S. Cities 17. Caveat Warning--Eitta's Prophesies 18. Mt. Etna Predicted To Erupt Before End Of Year 19. Crop Circle Formation Caught On Video?? 20. Solar Energies To Affect Communications--Possible Blackouts Due 21. Cleansing Winds Up To 500 MPH Predicted To Sweep The Earth 22. People By The Thousands Are Waking Up To Religious Control 23. The Photon Belt And Body Changes 24. Much Flooding Predicted To Cleanse Africa 25. New U.S. System Of Governing Predicted By End Of 1997 26. Our Body Requires More Fluids For The Coming Photon Christ Energy 27. Hold On To Your Hats Arizona ! 28. Massive Quakes Predicted For Middle East Cleansing 29. Volcanic Eruptions In Nova Scotia To Occur Between 2003 And 2006 30. Canada Flooding Predicted During Pole Shift 31. Atlantis And Other Lands Predicted To Arise Out Of Sea 32. Chicago And Detroit Shorelines Are Starting To Sink A Bit. 33. Northeast States Predictions 34. The Photon Belt Is The Coming Christ Consciousness 35. UFO's To Make Appearance Over Gulf States In November 36. Violent Quakes & Volcanic Eruptions Around Ring Of Fire Predicted 37. Under Sea Formations To Cause Red Tint In Australian Coastal Water 38. Inner Cellular Changes Causing Aching, Itching And Exhaustion 39. The Earth Changes Will Cause Us To Reevaluate Our Belief Systems. 40. A Secret Government? 41. What Are The 3 Days Of Darkness ? 42. Food Supply Chain Creates Tremendous Damage To Earth 43. Glacier Melting Predicted To Cause Great Tidal Waves 44. Mullein Tea Helps Flow Through The Lymphatic System 45. Visions From Joan--The Gates Have Been Opened 46. Recommended Reading 47. From The House of David Teaching Center 48. Humor--The Creation ************************************************************************** *** This newsletter contains portions of recent predictions and news items relating to the coming Earth Changes. These are published or oral materials from magazines, newspapers, radio/TV shows etc. Some have also been submitted to us from our E-mail newsletter subscribers. The materials are from various items designated as the SOURCE below the headline of the prediction. For the complete prediction, the reader is advised to obtain the magazine, newspaper etc. listed or contact the person making the specific prediction at the address given. Our Earth Change Predictions Newsletter and Library Files are presently posted at the following URL Web Site location: Web Site--Mind Body Spirit http://www.pix.za/mbs/spirit/predict.htm Due to problems encountered at The Phoenix Days web site, they will not be posting the newsletters until further notice. We want to thank Dave Richards at The Phoenix Days web site for all the help and cooperation in posting the newsletters and library files. ************************************************************************** *** CAVEAT--RECENT PREDICTIONS-- Many times we receive new predictions from untested sources on short notice. It has been suggested by one of our readers that we should use only predictions from those channels whose predictions have a fairly good percentage of accuracy. Because of the short approaching time frame of some of these predictions and due to the extreme severe nature of some predictions, we will include them in future newsletter issues with a CAVEAT warning. ************************************************************************** **** POSSIBLE 6.0 QUAKE NEAR NEW YORK CITY PREDICTED FOR NOVEMBER SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 12, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, November 1996. Editor's Note--This prediction covers the Weather, Earth Changes and Humanity's Direction * The Ring of Fire looks to be quite active in November, producing numerous quakes and volcanic eruptions all over the world. Perhaps it is time to start writing letters, sending faxes and phone calls to the radio and television structures and demand that these occurrences be aired during prime time. There are a few who broadcast them very briefly during the wee hours of the morning. Any movement on your planet affects the entire globe one way or another and you should be entitled to know. As to violent occurrences in the United States, Hawaii and Alaska, we see tremendous pressure under the volcanoes and faults in Alaska; continued quakes in the Hawaiian islands as the new island continues to rise at an astounding rate. The California coast will probably be shaken by the effects of undersea quakes in the Pacific that come closer as the months wear on. Beaches will wear away this month due to high, pounding waves and efforts to replace them will meet with the realization that much thicker piles of sand and gravel will be necessary. The East coast will continue to endure constant low-frequency quakes as displacements below the great cities move in small jerks and slides. There is a strong possibility of a quake near New York City in November that may read as high as a 6.0. If this happens, expect a lot of damage. We cannot be more specific, sorry. This may occur on land or a small distance off the coast. The center of your continent will endure a lot of rain, snow and stormy weather through much of the month, as atmospheric systems set into place and move very little. Don't let your heating fuels run too low, for there may be shortages. Forget your little differences with your families, co-workers, church members, etc., for the time has come to understand that you are all of one faith and lineage, that of the Family of Humanity. You all have the same needs, the same desires and the same purpose in life - to find out what love really means and to share it. Your egos are working overtime now, trying to promote within you the fallacy of your self as being completely dependent upon your own strength, your own knowledge, your own safety and the idea that you must protect yourselves from all others, defending yourselves in any way possible. No. Resist these thoughts, for you are not alone; you are here to share and help all others and they are to share with you and help you. You have the knowledge that you are a spiritual being, not a lump of chemicals and water formed without consciousness or love. The love, strength and caring that dwell within each of you will sustain you through any challenge that may arise in the months ahead, and there is no reason to let fear put up a wall of defense that will not function. Work together now; make a point of sharing with others, helping others, even when you are not required to do so. This is the time to practice being what you are meant to be. ************************************************************************** ** WE ARE ON THE EDGE OF SOMETHING WONDERFUL AND YET DREADFUL! SOURCE: Joan M. Ladue--Internet:frank@javanet.com--As posted on September 28, 1996. * .....About six years ago God started giving me revelations and prophesies. He would even wake me up during the night to give them to me. He always gave me Scripture to confirm what He was telling me. This is still happening. He told me I was to tell no one of what He told me until He said it was time. He told me I was to go on the Internet. I was to learn the Internet and he would direct me on the path I was to take. A few months ago my sister in New Mexico asked me if I ever heard of the Photon Belt. I had not so I went on the Internet. It was my first time and low and behold I found the House of David Teaching Center. I found your information on the Photon belt and then I started checking into the other files you have. I was amazed! Your teachings are the same things that God has been sharing with me all of these years. Even the Scriptures were the same. God was confirming His message to me. Your message needs to be given to the people. Time is short, as you all ready know. God has told me He would direct my steps and lead me to where He wants me to go. I believe he led me to your Teaching Center and your messages. This is why I would like to help you in any way I can. I am still not quite sure where God is taking me but I am following. I believe He will direct me and you on what I can do to help. About a year ago God started to tell me to leave the churches. He said it was time. He wants His children out of the churches. I had a very hard time with this because I always believed we were supposed to go to church. He started sharing with me what He is going to do to the "man-made-churches." He also started sharing with me what he was going to do to America. It is not good. One night he came to me in my sleep and told me to copy phoenix 6. I even heard His voice as was waking up reminding me to copy phoenix 6. I could not understand at first what He meant. All of a sudden I remembered that your files were under phoenix and they were numbered. I went in and copied your file GLOBAL.C06. I was amazed because this confirmed what He was telling me. I then went in and copied your file GLOBAL.C07 and I was even more amazed. They matched what God had told me, even the Scriptures. I knew He was confirming His message to me. I have left the churches. I know what He will do to them just as I believe you do. In the past two years, at least, God has been teaching me. He has been gradually taking out the conditioning which man has put in and He has been putting into me His wisdom. As you know, His wisdom is not man's wisdom. This is all new to me. I have asked Him to empty me of all that man has taught me and put into me His wisdom. He is doing this. He is taking me on a path that is all new and exciting. The teachings are way beyond anything I could ever think or imagine. Every morning I wake up in anticipation of what will come today. I know we are on the very edge of something. Something wonderful and yet something dreadful. I guess it depends where you are walking. I am always excited. I have had this excitement now for about six years and it is increasing with every year..... Editor's Note--The Phoenix Web site mentioned in this letter has been closed. The files on the PHOTON BELT as well as the GLOBAL.C06 and GLOBAL.C07 files may be downloaded from the Mind Body Spirit Web site at the following URL: http://www.pix.za/mbs/spirit/predict.htm ************************************************************************** *** SAN ANDREAS QUAKE DREAM SOURCE: T.H. from the West Coast--As posted on 9/27/96. * Hello--In regards to your newsletter on a possible major earthquake on the San Andreas fault, I may have the exact magnitude of the quake. About three years ago I dreamed that the Bay Area will first have a 4.9 magnitude, then it would be followed by a magnitude 7.9 earthquake. Last April we had a 4.9 earthquake on the San Andreas (or what's referred to as a slow earthquake) I just thought that this might come in handy. ************************************************************************** **** GRADUAL BREAKDOWN OF NORTHWEST COASTAL AREA CLIFFS PREDICTED SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 12, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, November 1996. Editor's Note: This prediction covers the Northwest and British Columbia * The first part of the month may be drier and warmer than expected, but the cold air from the north and swirling eddies of storm fronts will move in soon after. Temperatures will fluctuate and some nice, warm days will probably brighten up your lives about the middle of the month. Expect the snow to start to fly near the end of the month, and fly and fly. Coastal areas will no doubt experience a lot of low-level quakes in November and residents will become aware of the gradual breakdown of many cliffs and breakfronts on the ocean edges. A strong quake is possible near Eureka, but it might evolve further out into the ocean on the large cross-fault. British Columbia will feel some of the tension from the States as its political arguments seem to cross the line. Try not to get too involved, for you will soon have your own political problems again. ************************************************************************** **** GLOBAL GEOPHYSICAL EARTH CHANGES WILL NOW ACCELERATE SOURCE: Gordon-Michael Scallion--As published in the Earth Changes Report, October, 1996, Issue No. 61, Page 2--Subject "Geophysical Earth Change Updates.". * I believe global geophysical Earth changes will now accelerate after a prolonged quiescent time period. I continue to perceive December as a beginning window for significant global Earthquakes & volcanism that will build in strength throughout 1997. As previously stated in ECR, watch the Western and Eastern U.S. ************************************************************************** **** CALIFORNIA ENERGIES TO FEEL PECULIAR IN NOVEMBER SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 12, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, November 1996. * Up and down will go the weather fronts, warm and sunny one day, cold, windy and rainy the next. Up and down will go your mood shifts and attitudes. Energies hitting your coast will feel very peculiar in November, making it difficult to keep the peace in relationships and families. Be aware this is not you, it is the situation. Put forth more love, even to a point of overdoing it with the hugs, but you will need it. Patience will indeed be a virtue this month. Constant quakes that shift around all over the state and even up into Oregon, will keep the nerves somewhat on edge. The possibilities of strong quakes remain on the fence and movements could happen any time this month, or calm down to low level activity. This is a time to really hone your inner awareness, preparing for emergencies and knowing what to do. If you listen, you need not carry a burden of fear on your shoulders. ************************************************************************** **** VISION OF DESTRUCTION OF FIVE U.S.A. CITIES SOURCE: Joan M. Ladue--Int ernet:frank@javanet.com--As posted on September 28, 1996. * ....I do have something else to share with you and I was wondering if you know or heard anything about this. A few weeks ago I had a vision of five cities in America. They were devastated. I do not know how they were destroyed. It could have been nuclear or nature. I am not sure. The cities were New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago. I have a friend who has had a vision very similar but she did not know the cities. Have you heard anything of this. I do not know what this means but I know something is coming. I do not know when..... Editor's Note: This vision seems to be consistent with the destruction of major U.S.A.cities as shown on the Gordon-Michael Scallion Future Map of the United States and as discussed in our Library File GMS.001, compiled by the House of David Teaching Center. If any of the readers have had similar visions, please send the complete details to us by E-mail as well as the date the vision occurred. We will publish these in future newsletters using only your initials and not your full name unless specifically authorized. ************************************************************************** **** CRUSTAL MOVEMENT CONTINUES IN ROCKIES PUSHING DEEP STRATA UPWARDS SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 12, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, November 1996. Editor's Note: This prediction covers the Southwestern States and the Rocky Mountains. * Nevada, Idaho and Colorado will be in an in-between position concerning colder temperatures and storms this month. Cold fronts will seem to brush them slightly and the storm systems pass just south most of the time. Only towards the end of the month do we see any really strong indications of winter setting in, then it really will. Crustal movement continues to make more folds in the Rockies, pushing deep strata upwards as it goes. This is happening very gradually, and only very faint hints of quakes will be felt. We -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DES00007 Date: 10/21/96 From: ALBERT NANOMIUS Time: 12:2:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: FW: November Earth Changes Newsletter (20:32:43610/21/96 Reply-to: 74471.2703@compuserve.com From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 20:30:26 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== foresee some real battles in some of the state governments brewing in these states, even after the election. May be a run-off or re-count somewhere along the line. Strong winds and even tornadoes may race across these regions on the western side of the Rockies near the end of November. We see sand and rocks flying through the air. Watch your forecasts. New Mexico may also experience some strong columns of wind and perhaps dust storms as rainfall again dries up. Temperatures will remain seasonal and snow may come early with the arrival of an unusual storm from the east. ************************************************************************** **** UNITED KINGDOM TO SINK BENEATH WATERS FOR PLANETARY BALANCE SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes Two--As posted on July 7, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http:/ /www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * And so it is that I tell you of the changes to the countries of Europe. I have spoken to these before. But I will tell you more. The country known as the United Kingdom is surrounded by water. It is an island, an island of much energy and much strife. I now tell the people of this land mass, that as parts of Atlantis will arise from the depths, these countries [United Kingdom] will sink beneath the waters. This is to be done for planetary balance. At the same time a cleansing is necessary before these land masses seek the cover of water. There will be great hurricanes that will be for the sole purpose of cleansing the countryside of the negative vibrations of prejudice that are so obvious in these countries. But do not fret, for all those who raise themself and so choose will be able to flee to other lands. This is as it should be. Many will want to know a time for this. I tell you this will occur before the closing of the special God-love energy [the 11:11 window is open until 2012]. ************************************************************************** **** RAPIDLY GROWING NEW HAWAIIAN VOLCANO TO AFFECT PLATE MOVEMENT SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 22, 1996 and published in the October 96, Children of Light Newsletter. * ....Wind storms will become common on the West Coast as sea currents send up tremendous amounts of energy from expanding volcanic action on the sea floor. The new Hawaiian volcano now growing rapidly is only one of the visible reactions to the production of molten lava spreading the floor of the sea beneath the Pacific. The spreading action from the lava will affect the movement of the Pacific Plate and force it to push even harder against the North American Plate, causing a speed up of earthquakes along your western continental shelf. Those who live within ten to twenty miles of the coastline will feel tremors under their feet growing in intensity through to the end of the year....... ************************************************************************** **** LONG PERIODS OF DARKNESS FROM VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS PREDICTED SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on April 28, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * It is beautiful and sunny outside this evening. Wherever I shine I bring joy. And when my rays cannot be seen for a time, each person's energies change. For with my light comes life on this planet. But there will be long periods of darkness and no sunlight for different places on this planet. This will happen as a result of several circumstances. I have mentioned volcanic activity. This will be so great in several instances that the Sun's rays will be blocked for weeks at a time in vast areas. But this will not be the only reason for darkness in some of the same areas. There will also be a great solar eclipse that will remain in place for up to three days. Many will fear the end of the world when this happens. But this will not be so. But many people will be so frightened at these two occurrences that they will transition at their own hands. And I tell you there will be other strange happenings during this same time. ************************************************************************** **** VISION OF THE VOLCANO DOMINO THEORY SOURCE: Joan M. Ladue-- Internet:frank@javanet.com--As posted on 10/8/96 * I wanted to tell you that God has shown me in a vision about this Volcano eruption in Iceland. This is the first domino in what they call the "domino theory". I am not sure what path it will take but it will continue. The volcano is going to trigger earthquakes and volcanoes and it will run in a path for a long ways. Have you heard anything about this? ************************************************************************** **** THE MEDIA IS WITHHOLDING DETAILS ON EARTH CHANGES SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 12, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, November 1996. Editor's Note--This prediction covers the Weather, Earth Changes and Humanity's Direction * Many of you have been and are pulling up stakes and shifting your belongings and jobs to other locations, trying to find better frequencies in the land on which to live. The pressure to move, primarily, is because you are becoming more attuned to Mother Earth, feeling within you the disturbing changes going on deep below and needing to find a place where you feel comfortable again. This is difficult and each person must find their own way. Danger often has nothing to do with it; it is a need to become one with the flow of the future. Your wonderful media have been withholding many details about earth changes, including quakes around the world, volcanic eruptions, the results of typhoons in the Pacific, deep cracks that are appearing in China and many other places on the Asian continent. You must see by now that control is the main factor here, not a real concern for panic, as they claim. Most of you have come a long way to understanding and accepting that the world you live upon is continuing to make great changes on its surface and that you need to work and move with these changes. The awareness you have allowed to deepen in your consciousness will continue to become much stronger as the months go by, as all living things become closer to the higher frequencies that are intensifying through the bands of energy now surrounding the Earth. Don't fear the images that appear in your minds, take heed of them. Voices that become a real hassle in your minds need to be controlled by your conscious mind, either shutting them out, or listening to those you know deeply within to be divine messages being given for your benefit. Voices are becoming a common complaint and it is terrifying to those who do not realize they have the ability to block them out. Voices come from spirits who dwell at the outer edges of your reality, your spiritual teachers and Angels, and, more often, are the voices which are reflections of thoughts of those in your near vicinity. Many people now hear rather angry thoughts in their heads when driving on freeways; guess where they are coming from! Do not lose control or hide under the bed; call upon your inner strength and knowledge to construct a mental doorway through which they are not welcome to pass. You can do it. ************************************************************************** **** UNDERGROUND PRESSURE IN GULF TO CAUSE ELECTRONIC ANOMALIES SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 22, 1996 and published in the October 96, Children of Light Newsletter. * ....We are becoming aware of great pressure upon the Gulf of Mexico, the southern edges of the states abutting the Gulf, Florida and the Keys, from deep within the earth. We experience this as a tremendous invisible bubble of energy that is trying to rise to meet the changing magnetic field on the surface. This pressure will not be felt as the energies above mentioned on the west coast, but as anomalies in the atmosphere and universal energy that surrounds each of you in these regions. It will be recognized as a sense of confusion, memory loss, reactions to normal every-day events becoming mixed up or out of place. Mechanical objects, such as automobiles, appliances, even stop lights, will act strangely: computers will have a tendency to lose their programing--back up everything very often! Electronics of every kind could lose small bits of information. The effects of this anomaly should only last for a month, then completely disappear. The timing and placement of these effects will vary a great deal; we can only give you some warning here so that you may understand what is happening if it occurs in your immediate vicinity.... ************************************************************************** **** MANY EARTH CHANGES ARE FOR CLEANSING SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on May 5, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * I speak of so many natural events that many will wonder why the Earth simply does not shake everyone off, like fleas on a dog. Remember, the Earth is going to a different dimension. She does love humankind. She has asked the people, in the form of light bodies, to occupy and live in peace on the Earth. The Earth does not wish to destroy humankind. She only wishes to cleanse herself of the vibrations that slow her ascent. She wants to help the people in every way she can. Many of the Earth changes are for cleansing. Many are for the physical balance of the future planet as she takes her new position in the universe. The Earth is to be a planet of LOVE. I love all as we are all loved by the One Creator." ************************************************************************** **** TERRORISM PREDICTED TO ERUPT IN MANY U.S. CITIES SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 12, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, November 1996. Editor's Note--This prediction covers the Weather, Earth Changes and Humanity's Direction * There is a great deal of understanding that needs to come to your attention this month; many changes of a violent nature and of political significance for the entire world, not just the United States. First of all we must say that the tensions in the Far East will be at a high point in November, despite the best efforts of your President the past few months to pour water on the fires that rage in the distorted minds of the leaders involved. Because of the constrictions of time during the national elections in the U.S., there will be some dire consequences because of this inattention that will affect your country, especially in the form of terrorism that will erupt in many of your coastal cities and work farther into Chicago, Houston and Detroit. If you live in these areas, be especially careful during the pious electioneering going on, for behind the scenes and trappings there are negative (dare we say evil?) influences capturing minds that should be more vigilant. We are urging you to vote, but vote most carefully, as we have been advising in months past. Every one of you are perfectly able to detect the negative vibrations of those who stand and try to make themselves heroes in your eyes. Many new people are vying for public office that are pure in heart and free from commercial pressures. You might want to give them a chance to turn things around a bit, or at least point the way to the tremendous changes that will be taking place in your government in the near future. It would be wise to refrain from mingling in the large crowds that gather to see or hear popular candidates, for in those masses of people slink those who will plant sneaky little bombs and place poisoned materials into the junk food normally sold at such outings. If you must attend, bring your own food and drink - and be alert. ************************************************************************** **** CAVEAT WARNING--EITTA'S PROPHESIES SOURCE: Eitta as posted on the Internet at the following ULR: http://www.m-m.org/~jz/oraclefeature11.html * ORACLE -- Eitta's Prophecies--A future landscape through prophecy -- group hysteria, millennium fever, or real events...? [Editors note: In one of our MMChats, Eitta talked about herself and a group of associates forming a focus group to examine the "landscape" of our times ahead. I was particularly struck by the way her group went about this, going out of its way to maintain a high degree of clarity; testing each question. Here are Eitta's comments on her process with this group and what came up.] You asked two questions: (1) What have we found and/or confirmed; and (2) provide an overview of the group process/methodology. I'll try to provide a summary answer to each. Feel free to ask more questions if you like. If I can't or am prohibited from answering, I'll tell you so and why. OK, now for some answers.... 1. What have we found and/or confirmed? EARTH CHANGES -- We have confirmed that the destructive cycle predicted by many has begun. However, we cannot confirm the extent or severity of the destructiveness (we've received mixed readings). We've been told to pay particular attention to the number and severity of storms as well as volcanic eruptions, explosions, etc. Our readings indicate that the West Coast of the U.S. will likely be affected before the East Coast, with the possibility of Mt. Rainier erupting before the year 2000. However, the readings suggest damage rather than annihilation. We've also been warned to watch out for diseases that are being passed off as "natural," but are, in fact, manufactured. We've seen widespread famines being watched carefully by a "dark man." This being or group is of great concern to us. INTERNAL U.S. CONFLICTS -- In mid-January, 1996, our readings confirmed that certain hate groups would try to incite a racial war this year, but they would not be successful now or in the near-term future. However, there is one man, blond, tall, athletic build, possibly in his early 30s who must be watched. He will be the head of what appears to be a youth group. In reality, this will be a group of terror. His organization can and must be stopped. GLOBAL CONFLICTS AND ANTICHRIST -- We've done the majority of our work here. We definitely perceive a man currently living in the Mideast who meets the Nostradamic descriptions of the Antichrist. He is very near his 40s, well-educated, financial- and/or computer -systems savvy. His "mark" may well be currency of the United Arab variety -- sort of like an Arabic ECC. He appears to others as a man of taste and refinement with a great love of the fine arts. In fact, he is intelligently cruel and manipulative with rather well-developed psychic/metaphysical talents. He is being groomed for politics and magic, and has a rather strong metaphysical group surrounding him. There is a woman involved -- possibly a wife -- who is even stronger psychically than he. She hides her real talents out of cunning and survival instinct. He is extremely fond of astrology and has a special penchant for solar and lunar eclipses. He loves Paris and frequents it often. As of about two months ago, he was in Jordan. He travels frequently. Few know who he is about to become. He will seek to unite in the name of Islam and punish those who have injured the cause. But he will seek coalitions first. There are a handful in the U.S. government who know him for what he is. He's being watched by our side. But not enough understand the damage potential. We think he'll make himself more visible in the 97-98 time frame. No one on the world front so far matches the face we've seen in our efforts. By the end of 97, the U.S. will be gearing for war, although not so much so that the public will see. POPE'S DEATH -- We keep seeing the possiblitly of recent illnesses that are really poisoning attempts. Also, light colored, almost blond, stone buildings, clear blue skies, winding streets...perhaps this is where the assassination attempt occurs. EXTRATERRESTRIALS -- Definitely sense them and feel that some are already among us, and in need of our help. For those here, contact is difficult because of fear on both sides... especially within their religious hierarchy. 2. Overview of the group process/methodology First, Michael, all of us involved in this project are experienced occultists from a variety of traditions. In addition, some of us are also accomplished business professionals with advanced degrees and significant work experience. We use the "normal" divination tools such as Tarot, Runes, Skying, etc., always within Circles specifically inscribed for the purpose relative to the best lunaric influences. Each tradition represented goes about the process of using divinatory tools in a slightly different manner. In my tradition, we have specific guidelines about the level of metaphysical attainment and proficiency required prior to entering into this type of divination. One of the problems we've wrestled with is that each of us has felt a "quickening," an "urgency" of sorts regarding the millennium prophecies. We wondered if we were tapping into "group hysteria" rather than real events. Being well-trained, we're also skeptics and familiar with several analysis methodologies that assist in separating emotion from fact. To counter this, we've established a rather elaborate checks and balances system that I am not at liberty to disclose by group consensus. Suffice it to say, that we utilize both metaphysical, psychological, and scientific aids to ensure that what we're "feeling" reflects the truth as we can best interpret it with as much of the usual emotional/intellectual filters removed. Don't get impressed here. Remember, no one can ever completely turn those "filters" off completely. Occasionally, we, as a group, are -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DES00008 Date: 10/21/96 From: ALBERT NANOMIUS Time: 12:2:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: FW: November Earth Changes Newsletter (40:32:44610/21/96 Reply-to: 74471.2703@compuserve.com From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 20:30:39 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on May 5, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * Tom has asked me about the "Great Wind" as predicted by Nostrodamus, and as he has recently channeled to Tom. I can say that such an occurrence is not an Earth change. But what he has spoken of will occur. The winds will come from the atmosphere and will sweep through the Earth. The winds will have tremendous velocity and power and will be used to cleanse the Earth as well. Tom has been told the wind velocity could range from 500 miles per hour up to 1,200 miles per hour. So much depends on the people of the Earth. I do not wish to be precise at this time, for each of you can help each other and the Earth. I do say the winds will be moving very rapidly across the earth and will have speeds of at least 500 mph. ************************************************************************** **** PEOPLE BY THE THOUSANDS ARE WAKING UP TO RELIGIOUS CONTROL SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 22, 1996 and published in the October 96, Children of Light Newsletter. *.....Organized churches of the world are becoming very aware of the change in the thinking of humanity as it becomes aware of its spiritual background and being. There is a rising negative force in churches against anything or any understanding that does not conform to their teachings. People, by the thousands every day, are waking up to the realities of religious control and are seeking Truth wherever they may find it. There are many people pretending to be seekers but are in reality followers of religious beliefs still encased within their minds, who are trying to infiltrate new spiritual groups in order to find ways of defending them. As new people come to you or join your spiritual groups, use your inner powers of observation to detect such individuals. Treat them with love and with honor, and perhaps they may come to find their own inner urge to find the Truth. If they swear at you or enter into tirades, listen politely and answer with love and wisdom. This is truly the time to "turn the other cheek."..... ************************************************************************** **** THE PHOTON BELT AND BODY CHANGES SOURCE: YHWH through Arthur Fanning, August 14, 1996--As published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October, 1996, Page 4, Subject "On-Off Circuitry: Shutting off the old, opening the new." Arthur Fanning may be reached at P.O. Box 684, Cornville, AZ 86325. * ....When the photon energy (consciousness of you) arrives in pulses--it is the way it works, it is what it is really is, a heartbeat. Know you heartbeat--that is what circulates your blood, indeed, beat, beat, life force, electrical, energy, thought, Photon Belt (consciousness of you), pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse--it is not going away. These three days of darkness everyone is whining about is going to be the on-off circuitry of your physical brain shutting off old structure, awakening to a new, shutting off, opening circuits. Now I've told you this before, indeed, that there is going to be circuits of the brain opening. When they do, some of the old ones aren't going to be necessary anymore. You'll still be able to use them, because we're not going to take you into fourth-, fifth-, sixth-dimensional activity and shut off the other dimensions. You're not going to do that; you're going to keep them all open so you can work with them all. No sense in becoming a master if you're stuck on seven, know what I mean? Now, as this pulse of photon energy (consciousness of you) comes, your brain will shut off and then on. New circuits will open that can handle more energy. You will perceive differently, indeed. You'll see differently, you will feel differently, you will love more. You will understand the foolishness that you had in the past, look at it and laugh, incorporate and prepare for the next pulse. Now, there is a sequence and a timing to it, but I'm not going to tell you what it is because you need to integrate between the pulses. Now, this pulse is what is important. You will literally feel them in your brain. Now, humanity, know you how you've been feeling heavy? Indeed? Know you how you've felt energy around you and the old understanding from what you would term your early 80s to here would be that you would take light energy and try to ground it in the body. Know you "ground it?" That's why you got bigger. Now, what you want to do is blend with it, you want to practice an expansion into it and pull something else back out. Sort of give to your auric field a part of you, a part of your light to here, bring something else in. Your auric fields are going to become outrageous, because that is who you are. You're going to play in those boundaries. The skin layer and your are being changed because the grid systems in your planet are becoming altered. It needs to in order to handle more consciousness. It's different. Your diets will become different. You will see; you will eat once a day maybe, maybe twice if you're really starving yourself to death. But you will enjoy the food simply because you have a physical vehicle that you can move your teeth over the food. You'll begin to assimilate what is termed the consciousness of you, which is a seventh-dimensional being, by the way. When it's fully integrated that will be who you declare who you are, that part of you that's riding this wave out there, that's coming to find you..... ************************************************************************** **** MUCH FLOODING PREDICTED TO CLEANSE AFRICA SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on May 5, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * I have not spoken much of the great continent known as Africa. I can say few countries on this planet have such natural beauty as this one, as well as love, fear and hate. There are such extremes in the land. There will be new mountains formed on these lands. These mountains will help raise the love of the people to new heights. When these formations do occur, much flooding will also take place to cleanse the country of many of those who are so filled with hatred of others. I see changes taking place on these lands-changes directed towards helping each other. I do encourage these changes, as they can help diminish some of the cleansing effects. ************************************************************************** **** NEW U.S. SYSTEM OF GOVERNING PREDICTED BY END OF 1997 SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 22, 1996 and published in the October 96, Children of Light Newsletter. * .....Military maneuvers in the Middle East will cause a backlash that will throw many plans out of kilter and expose some high level maneuvering that is not to the benefit of your country. Even though it is wearing on the ears and emotions, make an effort to listen to whatever the news media designs to tell you about this, and pay attention to the many "underground" news purveyors as they bring out facts that may be hidden on the national level. As far as the election is concerned, the outcome will not change what is to be in your country. By the end of 1997, there will be such confusion and bickering among your Representatives and Senators that a new system of governing will have to be formed. This may well result in separations in some parts of your country, whose citizens will wish to be self-governed. On the down side, this will result in many militaristic militias popping up who will want to take charge and make themselves little "Caesars." Do not feel this to be a completely negative future to have to endure, for it is really part of the changes being put in place by the Mind of God to alter the thinking of humankind and bring new unity to all people. Ride with the changes, do not let yourselves become upset and have temper tantrums, for that is of no use to you or your country. Feed into the coming situations all of the creative and forward-thinking ideas you can, and be a part of the better times to come. The dismantling of governmental structures will be sudden in some cases, very gradual in others. Even at local levels, citizens will be coming forward to protect what is unfair and unworkable, forcing new laws and benefits. Be part of this if you can...... ************************************************************************** **** OUR BODY REQUIRES MORE FLUIDS FOR THE COMING PHOTON CHRIST ENERGY SOURCE: YHWH through Arthur Fanning, August 14, 1996--As published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October, 1996, Pages 6-7, Subject "On-Off Circuitry: Shutting off the old, opening the new." Arthur Fanning may be reached at P.O. Box 684, Cornville, AZ 86325. * All right. That is what is going on all over humanity. Don't define it. Enjoy the energies. It be like little baby--even though another gets upset that you're playing with your potty, you love it. You might learn later, "Well, that is not true," but it's grand! Know you what I mean? That's what's going on now. Over your past three months, four, you've been getting an acceleration of this consciousness of you coming. The pulses are getting longer, stronger, and they are going to continue. It's a good thing it does pulse (just like your heart beats slowly) in the physical so you can perceive third-dimensional activity, stay in the flow of it, because there is a rhythm there. If it beats too fast or it didn't beat at all you'd be in another level of activity. So too with this energy. All of your organs are beginning to resonate that way, indeed. Now, liquids are going to become very important. Your teas are going to become very important, your juices will be--because this energy requires fluid in the body. And it doesn't matter what; it may be wine if you like. It requires the fluid to be there. The teas (which I have spoken to you [about] before) are going to become profound. You should know your herbs when you do your tea, not only to be in what is termed understanding how to heal the physical form. You will not be able to heal the physical form with the herbs as we make this shifting for the third-dimensional understanding. You'll heal the body with the herbs...oh, we'll use Zoosh's 3.5, 3.4, wherever we're at, know you? You'll heal for upper-level understandings. One of the favorites of mine is raspberry [leaf] tea. Why? Because it has piazz; it has the azz in there, as is, and razz the rest of them! It is aligned unto your blood system and the blood because it's of crystalline alignment. [It] is going to need its lovingness now, because you beings are moving from your carbon understanding to a higher level. Know you crystal frequency, indeed? Well, not crystal--silica. But that's why I've told you before [that] your crystals will help you through this, they'll remind you. Indeed, so your raspberry [leaf] tea, it would be grand to take that in your morning. You may take it in your bed [before going to bed], but we sort of override anything you've done so far to your system as we shift you through your sleep period. But in your morning it'll remind the blood that the new frequency is easy to handle, indeed. A little bit, just a cup--not even a whole cup, but you may drink more. You may drink as much as you like; you can't OD on that, know you? What you term your shot glass, little glass in the morning..... ************************************************************************** **** HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS ARIZONA ! SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 12, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, November 1996. * Hold on to your hats, Arizona! It's going to be an eventful November. After the very dry summer, expect some real storm systems to move across the state about the middle of the month. Part of this atmospheric disturbance will be caused by some very strong energies hitting your part of the country from space which will set everyone's teeth on edge and cause a lot of accidents. Temperatures will be cool and chilly for the most part, dropping lower towards the end of the month. Try to take the attitude that uncaring remarks are being caused by this strident energy, and forget them. Try to guard your own speech against making unkind references to others. Holiday preparations will be difficult because of all of this, but turn your thoughts at Thanksgiving to the realities, of your blessings, rather than to disturbing little things. The political scene will be a hateful one, with Perot really providing some fuel to show the fraudulent workings of Arizona in full bloom. Try to keep your own thoughts balanced. We are sensing at this time a lot of movement in the Grand Canyon faults that may work up to a 5.0 quake - when? - about the last half of the month. Flagstaff will feel this and there might be a little damage if it happens. ************************************************************************** **** MASSIVE QUAKES PREDICTED FOR MIDDLE EAST CLEANSING SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes Two--As posted on July 1, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * It might seem that the Middle East may escape the pains of cleansing, but the Earth has much to remove in these areas. There is unparalleled hatred between the different religions and sects. Each has their own greed at heart. The Jews are fighting the same hatreds they have maintained as sacred rites for centuries. The Muslims do the same. I choose not to detail all, for the hatred is the same. These people lack love for their neighbor and themself. There will be massive earthquakes in such places as Iran, Iraq and Jerusalem. These quakes will open the Earth so that it will remove many of the reasons for the anger and hatred - the material possessions. These Earth changes will give these people the opportunity to work together as one people so they will see that each is a child of God and equal in Its eyes. There are such strong non-love energies in these countries, that I do not anticipate an attitude change, so the Earth will quake for certain. ************************************************************************** **** VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS IN NOVIA SCOTIA TO OCCUR BETWEEN 2003 AND 2006 SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on June 3, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * I will continue with Earth changes. As with all the changes, each is unique in itself and each is designed in some loving way to cleanse the Earth and help raise her vibration. There is a land or area known as Nova Scotia. This will be one of the future balancing points for the planet. It will not only have mountains that create a physical balance for the Earth's rotation, but it will also be a great vortex of energy. But there are certain activities that must occur before either of these can happen. The mountain ranges will form from tremendous volcanic eruptions. These eruptions are intended as both a regional cleansing tool as well as the mechanism for mountain growth. These eruptions will be felt all the way to your Central American regions and well into the Russian countries. This will occur between 2003 and 2006. These eruptions will be unusually powerful because of the need to extend the land mass outward. ************************************************************************** **** CANADA FLOODING PREDICTED DURING POLE SHIFT SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on April 20, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * There will be no major land mass that is not involved in the cleansing process. None! There too will be much flooding in the country known as Canada. This will occur as the pole shift does take place. They will also have the volcanic eruptions as reminders that they would best serve their creator in the unity that many will be asking for. ************************************************************************** **** ATLANTIS AND OTHER LANDS PREDICTED TO ARISE OUT OF SEA SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on April 28, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * It is also the popular topic to speak of the rising of the lost continent known as Atlantis. Indeed this land was lost, lost by mistreatment of those who dwelled there. But much of that land does still remain above the waters. There will rise out of the water more of these and other lands. I say this will occur in the regions along the Mediterranean Sea and into the Atlantic Ocean for some 200 miles. But I tell you that the continent is not lost. You need only look beneath your feet in the eastern United States including Kentucky. It is only the belief in Atlantis that is lost. So many people are pinning their hopes for the future on the Atlantean treasures and knowledge. I say that these are fools. Do not look to the past. Look forward. There are secrets and treasures for certain. But these are all within many of you and they will be bursting forth very soon. All knowledge is within your own souls. ************************************************************************** **** CHICAGO AND DETROIT SHORELINES ARE STARTING TO SINK A BIT. SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received September 12, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, November 1996. Editor's Note: This prediction covers the Middle America States--The Canadian Border to Central Texas. * Although weather conditions across the country may seem to point to a very cold and stormy winter, we will take a deep breath and say we do not believe it will be. At the higher levels of your atmosphere, the magnetic grid that controls the movement of the Earth in its orbit is shifting restlessly and changing directions in minute ways. We see the result of this to be a slight warming in the atmosphere around the world, only a few degrees to be sure, but enough to keep the frigid temperatures that encased your world eons ago from settling into place. There will be isolated instances where a really powerful and cold storm will drop down and overwhelm a portion of the middle section of the country, but just where this might hit cannot be seen at this time. It can be forecast and will be, but still will come on quite suddenly. Just as quickly, it will clear away and dissipate. The northern states will encounter lower temperatures early in the month and wait for snow until the second or third week. Central states will have seasonal rains and chilly weather most of the month. Oklahoma and northern -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DET00000 Date: 10/22/96 From: HINEYR Time: 6:47:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <54g1f6$a3e@newsbf02.news.ao6:47:38010/22/96 From: "hineyr" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Original Date: 21 Oct 1996 17:16:41 -0400 Please cancel this posting --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DET00001 Date: 10/22/96 From: OTTO J. MAKELA Time: 6:47:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <326a0560.0@news.gorilla.net6:47:38010/22/96 Reply-to: "Otto J. Makela" From: "CuriousStr8 Guy" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 11:02:49 GMT Spam-cancel: "Str8 Curious M/F!!! >CONFIDENTIAL< 1-900-825-6000 xt 9793 --THE LOCATOR--" --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DET00002 Date: 10/22/96 From: STEVE HOOD Time: 1:29:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: We`re all telepaths From: "Steve Hood" Newsgroups: lt.paranet.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi,alt.paranet.science,alt.par anet.skeptic,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 15:32:22 -0700 CyberGuy wrote: > Telepathy has nothing to do with 'race' or body type. It is a native > ability of every spiritual being. I agree. I used to freak out my mates by sending numbers to my best friend`s mind. Not a clue how we did it, but it worked. Anyway, we went our seperate ways (we were at boarding school) and months passed. I lost touch with him, and I told one of my other old mates to forward my number. Days passed, nothing happened. So, one day I went for a walk and tried to transmit my number, etc with the message `Tim. Steve. `. Next day, he phoned. Not a surprise as he would have got the number from the messgae I gave my other friend. However, as we talked he began telling me how he felt someone was following him, calling `Tim.` to him. He also had a dream the night before that someone was trying to contact him. Sorry if the story bored you, but it made me realise that we all have some kind of telepathic ability, it`s just that in some of us we have to be desperate before it can happen. Steve H. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DET00003 Date: 10/22/96 From: CLEWIS@FERRET.OCUNIX.ON.CA Time: 1:29:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <54g1f6$a3e@newsbf02.news.ao1:29:49010/22/96 From: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: 22 Oct 1996 10:02:06 EST Make Money Fast cancelled by clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca. See news.admin.net-abuse.announce, report 19961022.08 for further details --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DET00004 Date: 10/22/96 From: FYI@PSINET.COM Time: 1:29:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: NAKED MEN, FREE! Try: http://www.playg1:29:49010/22/96 From: fyi@psinet.com Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: PSI Public Usenet Link Original Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 09:26:12 GMT You've enjoyed PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE at your newsstand and now you can try it on the Internet, complete with hot, naked guys - their dreams, their photos, desires. Take the FREE tour now. VISIT: http://www.playgirlmag.com --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1)