--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DEQ00006 Date: 10/19/96 From: BLUE RESONANT HUMAN Time: 6:34:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: ::: Liber Lac Gallinaceum Caeruleus ::: From: "Blue Resonant Human" Newsgroups: lt.alien.visitors,alt.consciousness,talk.religion.misc,talk.relig ion.newage,sci.sceptic,alt.magick,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: CTS Network Services Original Date: Sat, 12 Oct 1996 03:47:57 GMT LIBER LAC GALLINACEUM CAERULEUS by Frater D.T.S. Released in Class C by order of V.H. Fra. B.R.H., B:.B:. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sub-Figura Alpha Our Present Situation By unlocking the mystery of the atom, we nearly brought our world to an end with the advent of nuclear weapons of mass destruction. That was just a preview of what is about to occur. The only mystery greater than that of the atom, is that of the mind. In finally unlocking the doors of the mind we will be setting in motion the events which will bring this world to an end. There is only one secret of the mind, which is simply that there is only one mind, despite any appearances to the contrary. The corollary to this truth is that the world is its construct. After we finally grasp this simple truth, the world will become for us just another option, just a state of mind. It will be ours ultimately to set aside or reconstruct as we then see fit. There will also be ample opportunity to experience other worlds - the other creations of the cosmic mind. This sounds like an end of the world that we can all live with. Hopefully, yes. But there will be an attendant trauma and suffering, the minimizing of which will be our best motivation and guide toward performing an optimal cosmic transition. The true miracle is not the revealing of the secret of the cosmos, but rather the fact that we were able to postpone this revelation for so long. Be assured that this postponement was the cosmic intent, and is a tribute to the creative power of that mind which is all of what we are. But was all this really necessary? Of course. Recycling is a cosmic necessity, and we of the microcosmic persuasion were the vehicles for bringing that about with the least amount of trauma and discontinuity that was possible. This was not the best of possible worlds, it was the best possible mulching system. It could have been worse. It is only now that we can get on with mastering the real possibilities, so let us try to enjoy the few remaining years of our compulsory sojourn with the Earth. It might take on a new meaning, even a new taste! It is stunning how long science managed to postpone its day of reckoning with the mind. That it might be so swift, is a very good reason to have kept putting it off. Science likes to dally over the digestion of its subjects. It might have wished that the mystery of the mind could have kept it in the clover for centuries to come. But, unfortunately, that is not what is in the stars. Think of me as the thief in the night, coming to rob science of its feast at the last moment. Let me now go through the motions of an explanation. This will not get me off the hook, but it will have to do for now - we scientists know all about hand waving, I trust. It was the deconstruction of space, especially in the radical fashion of quantum cosmology, which set the stage for the recon- struction of the cosmic mind. The 'anthropic principle' certainly did not hurt the cause, either. Now, science is not supposed to deal with imaginary things, which is what an unobservable, unmeasurable universe would be. Imaginary is what our universe would have been without observers. That means one of two things. There was a preexisting virtual mind waiting for the appropriate virtual universe to come along so that together they could achieve reality. That sounds rather Cartesian - a mind and matter proposition. The alternative is to skip the material part and let the universe simply be a construct of the mind. Then there will be a lot fewer ships out there passing in the night, thank you Occam. Another way to approach cosmogenesis is to consider the primordial chaos of the quantum void, in which everything is virtually possible, including virtual kitchen sinks and universes, like ours at the time of the alleged big bang. However, there is a bias on the part of physicists toward virtual objects at the expense of virtual subjects. One can split the difference and simply posit virtual experience, again Occam comes to the rescue. The primordial quantum soup then looks less like a junkyard and more like a bad hallucination, if anyone can tell the difference. Whether we start with a quantum 'junkyard' or an hallucinatory jumble, we must also posit a principle of self-organization. It is reasonable that self-organization should apply more naturally to virtual thoughts than to virtual particles. Take your pick, but here we are and the only thing we know for sure is that we are thinking. All the rest is up for grabs, which was where I came in. Could there be any other 'cosmic' minds out there in the night? No. There are other worlds which are just chips off the same block, all more or less interconnected. But in the primordial chaos, everything already happens at once. We are part of how it all gets sorted out. That is our genius, that is the cosmic genius, or God, if you will. Finally we can put away our rocketships and our atom smashers and start using our minds, as they are now truly meant to be used. They will take us to wherever we can imagine. When we think we know where the truth is leading us, it is a burden that we can all share. But when there is an apparent change of course, a new direction must be articulated. At that crossroads, truth becomes a singular affair. That is the stuff of prophecy. One can either wait patiently, or put everything else aside. I cannot apologize for doing what someone had to do in this singular situation. My job may already be finished. Perhaps not. That is largely up to you. In this transition there is a need for some new authority, a new combination of spiritual, intellectual and political authority. It is the new truth that we will all be living, but here at the crossroads, continuity of consciousness demands a balancing of the old and the new. That is the politics. There are many things to discuss, we just need the proper provocation. If I should continue to be that, then fine. Sub-Figura Delta The Inevitable Risks of Reality Engineering Given the high probability that our world is not, strictly speaking, a mere object of our perception, to that same degree its stability will eventually become vulnerable due to the natural and artificial amplification of some forms of spontaneously initiated disturbances of a mass psychological nature. So, despite the fact that any form of preparation is likely to hasten the anticipated instability of our world, it is deemed that a minimal, quasi-public preparation effort at this time would be our best overall strategy. To the degree that there is a subjective component inherent to all of reality, to that degree the world must be considered to be a construct of all perceivers. Any construct of that sort is open to a similar deconstruction. Furthermore, based on various historical and logical considerations, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the potentiality for its timely deconstruction would have been an essential feature of our world from its inception. There are two scientific results which have a special bearing on our considerations. The first is that our individual mental functions appear to be highly integrated and correlated to the rest of reality. The second is that those same functions are far more resistive to analysis than any other aspect of reality. These two results combined offer a very strong argument favoring the notion that our minds manifest an essential aspect of all of reality, despite the fact that our scientific endeavor has heretofore been premised upon the contrary conception of reality. So far we have spoken of the world as a construct that might be deconstructed. The other possibility to consider is the eventual reconstruction of the world. How that might actually come about is very difficult for us even to imagine at this very early stage of our reconceptualization of the world. But, certainly, our proper reconceptualization will be a principle ingredient of the reconstruction process. What I am suggesting is that our world may not be quite as 'natural' as it appears. Behind its apparent naturalness, there exists a considered purposiveness in which we have, up to this point, been the unwitting collaborators. Our unwittingness had been one of the design features. We are about to make a dramatic conversion to being conscious collaborators in the larger scheme of things. At that point we are participating in the recreation of our world. We become reality engineers, for better or worse. Sub-Figura Omega Concerning the End of the World Science is fairly definite about what it points to, religion is rather less so. And most people accept that both of these traditions represent at least some form of reality, and that the realities thus represented cannot be entirely independent. Thus there are many people just as intelligent and rational as you or I, who believe that the institutional segregation of reality as represented by science and religion is an historically generated distortion of a what is actually a more unified world. If human understanding of the world is going to continue to advance, then at some point we will have to confront and overcome these institutional limitations. The greatest minds in the world have spent millennia grappling with the problem of how to integrate the material and spiritual aspects of reality. Most philosophers would now agree that there is only one rational answer to that question. The answer is simply that reality is ultimately spiritual. The many modern and post-modern philosophers who defend other beliefs, will readily admit that they do so only because they believe that reality and rationality are radically divergent, no matter how much all of us might wish otherwise. In other words, scientific modernism is the view that although the world may be partially intelligible, this does not imply that it is the construct of a larger intelligence. But I do not see this as sufficient reason to reject the idea that our minds are an essential part of a larger intelligence of which the world is a product. But if I am right, then science is wrong about the world, particularly in reference to its beginnings and possible endings. I can do nothing other than uphold the traditional spiritual imperative to concern ourselves actively with these beginnings and especially the endings. Thus, in as much as science claims to know about the end of the world, I should do everything in my power to make sure that its claim is seen by the public to be rationally refutable. This ought to be a fairly straightforward task, albeit one with spiritual, intellectual and political ramifications. -Fra. D.T.S., In the year of our Lord 1996 --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DEQ00007 Date: 10/19/96 From: RAYSTAR Time: 6:34:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: A New TEchnology Site From: "Raystar" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Star Shop Original Date: 18 Oct 1996 17:11:03 -0700 You may find this particular web site very interesting. http://www.interchangelab.com I have the research paper they offer. It is a real eye opener. You may want to visit it. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DER00000 Date: 10/16/96 From: RENEE DEYOE Time: 01:53am \/To: EDDIE (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Please help me Ed> Could someone please help me. Hi there Eddie..I would like to try.. Ed> I'm not a witch or a magician but I do strongly beleive that magic is I'm not either..I am a believer of the mystic law and of a karma changing chant ..it is called Nam myoho renge kyo..It can truely protect you and help you to achieve what goals you want, it will take more of a faith of what "you" are capable of instead of looking outside of yourself for the answer. The reason taht you are going through what you are is because of some kind of "cause" you made in the past, (whether it was in this life or a past life) and now you are having an "effect" from that "cause"...with this chant you can change that effect so that it comes in on a smaller tide and you can change your bad karma into good so that the future is better..if you feel that this might be an avenue you wish to explore then let me know. I do also have friends that are practicing Wiccans that I baby sit for..they may be more of your direction you are wanting to go..either way I will be glad to try to help you myself or put you in contact with them directly..BTW I am a buddhist so the philosophy I follow you may know...it is the same chant that you may have heard if you saw the movie "What's Love Got to do With it?" with Tina Turner...she is the same type of buddhist..<:...I do however think that maybe if you wish to explore what I do we move this convo to a religious echo...even if I don't lable chanting Nam myoho renge kyo as a religion as mush as a philosophy of life. I don't want to take up space in an echo with things that are not really that echos topic..<; I just wanted to reach out to you out of compassion for your heavy karma you are going through right now..take care and let me know if you want me to have a Wiccan write back to you..see ya round..<: A Lotus for you; Renee Deyoe --- Telegard v3.02/mL * Origin: Island Snow!! Clarksville TN 615*552*2021 (1:3621/22) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DER00001 Date: 10/16/96 From: RENEE DEYOE Time: 02:04am \/To: JAMES LOPEZ (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Where Do We Go When We Die? > I am hoping that someone could give me some sense of direction. Losing > my father has been quite difficult, I have heard of channeling as a > way to contact the recently departed. I would appreciate anyone telling > of their experiences with this. What is this parallel universe? Hello James, My heart is sad over your loss of your father. I am a buddhist and we believe that we re-incarnate. We feel that more times that not (exceptions are definately a possibiltiy) we will re-incarnate around those that we have been close to in past lives. So keep that in mind if someone close to you gets pregnant or did get pregnant soon after your father's passing..it could be he. If you would like to know more about the buddhist view of life after death send me a fax number and I will send you a wonderful thesis that explains the whole prosess and how we believe it happens..take care and hang in there! A lotus for you, Renee Deyoe --- Telegard v3.02/mL * Origin: Island Snow!! Clarksville TN 615*552*2021 (1:3621/22) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DER00002 Date: 10/20/96 From: CHIN JOSEPH N Time: 2:53:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Channeling From: "Chin Joseph N" <3jnc@qlink.queensu.ca> Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Queen's University, Kingston Original Date: 19 Oct 1996 19:58:23 GMT Wade Rowley (wade.wave@sympatico.ca) wrote: : Kevin1701G wrote: : > : > How do you channel? I would like to try it! : > : > Kevin : : Kevin, : : Channeling is not something that you try. If you would pick up a few : books on metaphysics, you would realize that it is a gift that some of : people have. The reading is quite interesting. Explore, and enjoy! Don't mean to step on your toes! In my reading and experience, channeling is a skill that can be learned by anyone. You don't need any special talents to channel, only desire and the know-how. Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer have taught hundreds how to channel in their workshops and tape courses (now in place of their live workshops). If you wish to find out more about it, I have found their book OPENING TO CHANNEL: HOW TO CONNECT WITH YOUR GUIDE to be excellent. It gives processes on how to do it and plenty of background material. They also have a tape course (by the same name) that are a companion to the book (the tapes are optional though- it is for additional assistance if you still are having difficulty trying the processes on your own). Their other books (and tapes) are first class as well- among the best I've ever read. I have read their books and used their channeling tape course with success so if you have any questions I'd be happy to assist. Cheers! Nick --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DER00003 Date: 10/20/96 From: ME@DRAGONTREE.COM Time: 2:53:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Channeling From: me@dragontree.com Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: very little Original Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 20:32:46 -0700 Kevin1701G wrote: > > How do you channel? I would like to try it! > > Kevin I don't claim to be an expert, but.... It's like a 'still small voice' often already going on in the background. If one 'quiets the mind' by any meditation technique, then we can focus on what is already (quietly and peacefuly) being said (or pictured, etc) to us. Jane Roberts said a lot of useful things about this, probably concerning her Seth books. Mary -- mary@dragontree.com new fairytales online, children's classics, AD&D stuff "What a wonderful thing is metaphor." - Mendip --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DES00000 Date: 10/20/96 From: MICHAEL Time: 12:0:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: hear voices of the dead From: "Michael" Newsgroups: alt.life.afterlife,alt.paranet.psi,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses Original Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 10:46:56 +0100 For soundclips of voices of the dead go to http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/deathnoe.html --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DES00001 Date: 10/20/96 From: BLAIR P HOUGHTON Time: 12:0:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Why it is OKAY to KILL TELEPATHS. From: "Blair P Houghton" Newsgroups: lt.paranet.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi,alt.paranet.science,alt.par anet.skeptic,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Internet Access, Chandler AZ. Original Date: 20 Oct 1996 02:15:38 -0700 In article <32671D0D.4CF9@intnet.net>, CyberGuy wrote: > >This is some thread. Especially since the CIA and other governments >have a desperate NEED of good telepaths. And actively engaged in using >them. The CIA has (or, rather, had) a paranoid fear of the possibility of enemy exploitation of unknown power. This does not translate to any sort of desperate need. A few good diplomats can do far more to reduce risk than a gibbering telepath can. --Blair "Okay, so when you say a 'blocky' structure, do you mean like an ICBM launch facility or the organization of Dan Quayle's brain..." --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DES00002 Date: 10/20/96 From: MODERATOR Time: 11:24pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: RULES - PLEASE READ!! ************************************************************** CHANNELS Conference Rules - Updated June 30, 1994 ************************************************************** NOTE: these rules do NOT apply to alt.paranormal.channeling o This conference is for the discussion of Channels and related topics, including: - The messages that come from channelling - How to channel - What is channelling - Who channels - The entities giving the messages ************************************************************** o The Following are NOT ALLOWED at any time: 1. profane language. 2. Personal attacks against any person or organization 3. Long threads on topics not related to channelling 4. Attempts by anyone other than the moderator to police the echo. Anyone who breaks these rules is subject to having his feed or access to CHANNELS, cut or put on probation. ************************************************************** This conference is carried by MUFONET, SearchNet, and Fidonet. SysOps, please use your fidonet node numbers if you have one ************************************************************** Please allow the moderator to do the moderating No FLAMING is allowed Everyone must be TOLERANT of other people's opinions. ************************************************************** I encourage participants to post their personal knowings, related to the spirit realm, even if they don't consider it channelled. Glenda Stocks (Moderator) --- FileMgr 3103G * Origin: FileMgr -- The Ultimate Fileprocessor (1:330/201) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DES00003 Date: 10/21/96 From: TERRY SMITH Time: 6:23:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Read "In Search of the Light" by Susan B6:23:37610/21/96 From: "Terry Smith" Newsgroups: ci.skeptic,alt.astrology.marketplace,alt.metaphysics.alchemy,alt. aranet.metaphysics,alt.paranet.paranormal,alt.paranormal,alt.para normal.channeling,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.tarot Organization: Fidonet:3:800/846.23 Original Date: 21 Oct 96 15:44:16 > From: sir@srv.net (Steven Reiser) > Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 11:40:48 -0600 > I have read material by her and she is jaded by science in that > science seems to demand repeatable control over nature. `Demand' isn't quite the word. The thing you are attemting to describe performing the action of `repeatable control over nature' is the very action itself. That is the way you can test a scientific idea. You cannot, for instance, `control' for the presence of a god. A `god' cannot be measured or controlled scientifically, therefore science has nothing whatsoever to say regarding the validity or otherwise of the concept. A criticism that the author is `jaded' by science is no more valid in assessing the work, than the comment a spreadsheet author was `jaded' by figures would be in assessing the accuracy of the sums obtained relative to the figures entered. Terry --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1)