--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EDM00003 Date: 09/10/97 From: JERRY ROBERTS Time: 09:36pm \/To: DIDIER WEERTS (Read 0 times) Subj: Novice... Hi ya Dider Game 1 Jerry | Didier -+--+--+-+-+--+--+- 6. e1-g1 | c8-d7 7. e4-e5 | f6-g4 8. c2-c3 | b4-c5 9. d3-d4 DW> Game 2 DW> Didier | Jerry DW> -+--+--+--+-+--+--+--+- DW> 6. e1-g1 | b7-b6 DW> 7. c1-d2 | O-O DW> 8. e2-b5 | d7-b8 (you are correct it should read c6-b8 DW> 9. oo DW> There is no piece on d7... your Knight is on c6... JR> Are you recording your moves? DW> Yep... I keep all EchoMail... JR> If so, we do not need to re-type the game history, only the last JR> couple of moves.. DW> Ok... :-))) DW> Didier DW> ... Je vois un Gardien qui n'a presque plus de creatures. DW> -!- FMailX32 1.22 DW> ! Origin: Dead System... +32-81/213.308 * 00h-06h * Mail Only! DW> (2:293/3409) ... Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)lap nearest innocent bystander. ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] --- AreaFix Fido MILITIA * Origin: Thor's Retreat/2 BBS Fayetteville, NC 910.424.0956 (1:3634/37) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EDM00004 Date: 09/10/97 From: JERRY ROBERTS Time: 09:40pm \/To: LARS FRICKE (Read 0 times) Subj: Anybody for a game(novic -=> Quoting Lars Fricke to All <=- LF> hi everybody, Hi ya Lars, LF> i am a pupil from germany and i am a novice in chess. Is there anybody LF> out for a game?? Let's play two games... Game 1 Jerry Lars 1. e4 if you prefer e2-e4 we'll use that long Notation. Game 2 Lars Jerry 1. Later, Jerry email: jlroberts@jhancock.com ... Two most common elements in the universe: Hydrogen & Stupidity. ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] --- AreaFix Fido MILITIA * Origin: Thor's Retreat/2 BBS Fayetteville, NC 910.424.0956 (1:3634/37) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EDM00005 Date: 09/10/97 From: JERRY ROBERTS Time: 09:47pm \/To: MIKHAIL BOIKOV (Read 0 times) Subj: Anyone for a game or two -=> Quoting Ken Blake to Mikhail Boikov <=- KB> On 09-09-97 14:17, MIKHAIL BOIKOV wrote MB>*** Let me reply to your offer from CHESS today. MB> Dear Ken! MB> I have continue a talk from 31 Aug 97 between Ken Blake & Bill Spangle MB>----------- KB> If anyone would like to play, I'm available. If you haven't been swamped I'll play a couple with you. Game 1 MB>Mikhail vs Jerry MB>1. e4 c5 Game 2 MB>Jerry versus Mikhail MB>1. Nf3 Later, Jerry email:jlroberts@jhancock.com ... "Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again." - L. Long ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] --- AreaFix Fido MILITIA * Origin: Thor's Retreat/2 BBS Fayetteville, NC 910.424.0956 (1:3634/37) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EDM00006 Date: 09/14/97 From: DOUG ATTIG Time: 02:32pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Chess Files on Fido Filebone! This file is being sent to the satellite systems because of requests for an MS-DOS-based viewer that will work with the files on Pitt. The convertors or converting CA, CB and NICBase to PGN for use with this program are being sent along with this file. Area : CHS-UTIL Comment : CHS: Recorders, Readers, other utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHV.ZIP 51,799 CHV -- Chess Viewer for MS-DOS. This program is suitable for reading PGN files, and is the only one I know of for MS-DOS which will do the job. CA, CB and NicBase can be converted to PGN and viewed with this program, using conversion utilities in /CONV at Pitt, and which I am re-atching to the Filebone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51,799 bytes in 1 file(s) Total of 51,799 bytes in 1 file(s). CONTRIBUTE! *You* can contribute files by uploading to ftp.pitt.edu under group/student-activities/chess/Uploads, or hatch into the Fido Filebone or Filegate systems in CHS-UPLD & I'll get them. Any file having to do with Chess is fine as long as it's not copyrighted by someone else! Best regards, Doug Attig * WCE 2.1G1/2269 * --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 * Origin: Knight-Line! * Tacoma, WA * (206) 565-0594 (1:138/239.0) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EDM00007 Date: 09/14/97 From: DOUG ATTIG Time: 01:43pm \/To: BILL SPANGLER (Read 0 times) Subj: Chess Files on Filebone! On 09/13/97, Bill Spangler wrote: > Chess Assistant Data Files > ChessBase Data Files > NICBase Data Files > PGN-formatted Files BS> Got any readers for FREQ for these formats? Any suggestions for running BS> under DOS 5.0 (freeware/shareware preferably) There are demos for all of them in the /Demo subdirectories on Pitt, but they are limited and i don't think theyr'e what you're looking for. There are almost NO DOS-based readers for any of them, with one exception: CHV.ZIP will view PGN files, however, and I'm sure it will run under DOS 5 - just ran it in a DesqView Window and it did fine... it's an old program, but it works. It's shareware, but the file date is 1993, so I don't know if it still is. It DOES, however, work! Most of the files on Pitt exist as PGN files. If you find something else you want to convert to pgn, you can use: CA2PGN.ZIP Converts CA data to PGN CB2PGN.ZIP Converts CB data to PGN NIC2PGN.EXE Converts NICBase data to PGN files. All of the above are available here for freq -- I will also put them on the filebone again in case some folks don't have them. Best regards, Doug * WCE 2.1G1/2269 * --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 * Origin: Knight-Line! * Tacoma, WA * (206) 565-0594 (1:138/239.0) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EDM00008 Date: 09/14/97 From: DOUG ATTIG Time: 03:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Chess Files on Filebone! The following files were placed on the Fido Filebone and International Filegate systems on Sunday 09-14-97. They are also being archived on ftp.pitt.edu under group/student-activities/chess followed by the area tag listed below, without the 'CHS-' (e.g. /CA). From the Web: http://www.pitt.edu/~schach Mouse on FTP Site, or on allindex.txt to download the index to the entire site. Area : CHS-CONV Comment : CHS: Conversion Programs for Databases & GN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CA2PGN3.ZIP 1,449 CA2PGN v0.03 upgrade! Alexander Nikulin's program to convert Chess Assistant files to PGN. Replaces earlier ca2pgn*.* CB2PGN.ZIP 17,660 CB2PGN -- Converts ChessBase files to PGN NIC2PGN.ZIP 17,341 NIC2PGN -- Converts NicBase Data to PGN Files ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36,450 bytes in 3 file(s) Total of 36,450 bytes in 3 file(s). CONTRIBUTE! *You* can contribute files by uploading to ftp.pitt.edu under group/student-activities/chess/Uploads, or hatch into the Fido Filebone or Filegate systems in CHS-UPLD & I'll get them. Any file having to do with Chess is fine as long as it's not copyrighted by someone else! Best regards, Doug Attig --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 * Origin: Knight-Line! * Tacoma, WA * (206) 565-0594 (1:138/239.0)