--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00004 Date: 09/19/96 From: NORVELL E. VON BEHREN Time: 3:27:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: October Newsletter--epredict.213 (1 / 7)3:27:45409/19/96 Reply-to: "Norvell E. Von Behren" <74471.2703@CompuServe.COM> From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 01:25:11 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== October, 1996 Earth Change Predictions Vol. 2, No. 13-- FILE # epredict.213 Contents of Vol.2, No. 13--This edition contains predictions and/or items relating to the following Earth Change events: 1. Caveat--Recent Predictions 2. Mailing List Distribution Volunteer Needed 3. Major San Andreas Fault Quakes Predicted Between 9/20 And 10/12 4. Entire California Coastline Instability Increasing 5. Earth Changes Will Free Earth Of Many Impurities 6. California Loss May Take Place By 1998 7. Slow Quakes Stir Scientific Tremors 8. We Will Have A New Beginning After The Earth Changes 9. Scientists And Scallion Agree-- The Earth's Core Is On The Move! 10. Widening Of Mississippi River To Cleanse Mid Section Of Country 11. Extensive Quakes, Steam/Lava Eruptions From Ocean Floor Predicted 12. A Happy Home Recipe 13. Why Are The Earth Changes Going To Happen? 14. Pole Shift Predicted By 1998 15. Sinking Of Land Near Large Arizona Cities To Become Apparent In 1996 16. Sun God Explains Purpose Of Future Flooding 17. Northwest And British Columbia Predictions 18. What Can We Do To Help Ourselves During The Earth Changes? 19. New York And Chicago Cleansing Predicted 20. The Rockies Will Move In Small Jerks This Month 21. Great Hurricanes To Batter East & West Coasts 22. Middle America Predictions 23. Large Stationary Space Ships May Be Seen Above Cities This Month 24. Southeastern States, Atlantic Coast And Gulf Of Mexico Predictions 25. Islands Of The Pacific And The World Predictions 26. Northern Europe Predictions 27. Australia Predictions 28. New Library Files Available For Downloading 29. UFOs: A US Presidential Election Issue? 30. Japan & Hong Kong Predicted To Be Split By Major Earthquakes 31. Do We Know When The Lord's Second Coming Will Occur? 32. The Millennium Effect--Chapter One 33. Recommended Reading 34. From The House of David Teaching Center 35. Words Of Wisdom---FEAR ***************************************************************************** This newsletter contains portions of recent predictions and news items relating to the coming Earth Changes. These are published or oral materials from magazines, newspapers, radio/TV shows etc. Some have also been submitted to us from our E-mail newsletter subscribers. The materials are from various items designated as the SOURCE below the headline of the prediction. Our Earth Change Predictions Newsletter and Library Files are now posted at the following URL Web Site locations: Web Site--Mind Body Spirit http://www.pix.za/mbs/spirit/predict.htm Web Site--The Phoenix Days http://phoenix.uchsc.edu/days/pr/hdtc/hdtc.html For the complete prediction, the reader is advised to obtain the magazine, newspaper etc. listed or contact the person making the specific prediction at the address given. ***************************************************************************** CAVEAT--RECENT PREDICTIONS-- Many times we receive new predictions from untested sources on short notice. It has been suggested by one of our readers that we should use only predictions from those channels whose predictions have a fairly good percentage of accuracy. Because of the short approaching time frame of some of these predictions and due to the extreme severe nature of some predictions, we will include them in future newsletter issues with a CAVEAT warning. ****************************************************************************** MAILING LIST DISTRIBUTION VOLUNTEER NEEDED * We are presently in need of a volunteer to help handle the distribution of our SYSOP-2 mailing list. Bryce Eckstein formerly handled this and is unable to continue due to business conflicts. The SYSOP-2 mailing list is a listing of volunteers who post our newsletter to various places and distribute it by printed copies to those who don't have computers. The volunteer will be sent the newsletter and library files each month prior to their posting at the web sites. The job then entails the posting of the materials to the members on the SYSOP-2 Mailing List. If you are interested in volunteering and helping us out, please e-mail me and I will provide particulars. We also want to thank Bryce Eckstein for handling this for us in the past and we sincerely wish him well in his new business venture. Until a new volunteer steps forward, we will handle the distribution form our House of David Teaching Center. ****************************************************************************** CAVEAT WARNING--MAJOR SAN ANDREAS QUAKES PREDICTED FOR 9/20-10/12 CAVEAT--Editor's Note: This is a very recent prophesy we received shortly before printing. Please note that it has come from a new UNTESTED SOURCE. It has been suggested by one of our readers that we should use only predictions from those channels whose predictions have a fairly good percentage of accuracy. Because of the short approaching time frame of the prediction and the extreme severe nature of the prophesy, we have decided to include it in this newsletter issue with this CAVEAT. SOURCE: LS from Los Angeles County--As posted Sunday, 15-Sep-96--Subject: Earth Change Predictions * I am a channel & have been getting messages from Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos, (& various ascended masters) that a major earthquake(s) is likely to happen between Sept 20 - Oct 12 (in the early morning) along the San Andreas fault & stimulating many other faults. There will be major damage in L.A., San Francisco & Seattle (!! don't even know if there's a fault there). We haven't been told the magnitude, but according to the intuitive visions & dreams that at least another dozen have recieved, the damage will be much larger than the Northridge 6.8 quake in '94. Sanat Kumara's warning is to insure that we will be prepared to go out & perform service & healing as well as help build the spirit of community. These quakes are planned to help Mother Earth to release & cleanse certain geographic areas of negative energies, as well as be a tremendous awakening for many people. I have been directed to alert light workers, so your group seemed to be an excellent method. I hope I'm dead wrong, but I don't think so. Please sign me: LS from Los Angeles County ****************************************************************************** ENTIRE CALIFORNIA COASTLINE INSTABILITY INCREASING SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. * The hot spots this month [October] look to be inland, near Big Bear Lake again, Palm Springs, and the Imperial Valley. Movements would be from shallow faults, as the crust shifts eastward. There is a strong probability of a strong quake in or near Los Angeles, and many areas will be seen to be dropping lower and even sinkholes appearing. The southern coastline, down through the Baja, will be hit with several smaller quakes during the month, not too damaging. Shorelines will continue to erode as beaches disappear and cliffs continue to fall away. The instability of the entire California coastline is increasing. The time is rapidly approaching, much sooner than most of you believe, that the land will start to break away. Think of it as a very thin pizza crust, ready to break at an easy tug. Weather in October will be cool and misty on the coast, cool and pretty much clear inland. We don't see much in the way of storm systems or moisture. There is a great deal of animosity in California regarding the racial mixture that has been growing over the last two years. Please remind yourselves that although cultures and languages may differ, we are all one creation and one people under God. Search for the similarities, not the differences. Take time in your prayer groups to send love flowing over your cities and the areas of hatred. ****************************************************************************** EARTH CHANGES WILL FREE EARTH OF MANY IMPURITIES SOURCE: Nancy's Collection of Information on the Future--As posted on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.azc.com/client/acsp/nancy.html * Dear friends: It is with much urgency that I write this letter to you. You see, the world we live in is about to undergo some very important changes. As many of you may know, there are several prophets in our nation who are predicting radical changes to our earth, our environment, our lifestyles, and to the world as we know it. These changes are going to be happening to free the world from many of its impurities; crime, hate, pollution, abuse, famine, and others. Do not fear these events, as they will cleanse our world and make it once again a safe haven for human life to flourish in. As you may be aware, you and I are souls here on earth for learning. Life is a continuum, so there truly is no death. Evil exists by its creation in the hearts and minds of mankind. Most of us souls have been reincarnated onto earth many times, and we chose to return here to the earthly plane in order to achieve growth. The religion you belong to, and the name by which you call our Creator, who is responsible for every atom of life in this universe, do not matter. What matters is what is in your heart, your sincerity in worship, and your love for your God, yourself, and for your fellow man. Do not fear death, for there truly is no such thing. In fact, if you attune yourself to your own energies and the energies of the Creator, you will soon find that your consciousness does not need your body, but is limited thereby. It is crucial that in this most urgent hour, you get in touch with your innermost self and with God....... ****************************************************************************** CALIFORNIA LOSS MAY TAKE PLACE BY 1998 SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on April 20, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * There has been much talk and prediction about the western part of your country. Some say that California will disappear into the ocean. I have heard the energy known as Edgar Cayce tell humankind much. I am one of the energies that has directed his predictions. There are many of his predictions that are yet to happen. I tell you, you will lose California and more people than you can count. But be not sad, for this is their contribution to the planet Earth. They are focusing their energies on these lands to help make it so. This may take place by 1998. I did hesitate with this as it could be delayed until 2001. But it will happen. ****************************************************************************** SLOW QUAKES STIR SCIENTIFIC TREMORS SOURCE: Robert Lee Holtz, Times Science Writer, LA Times, 9/5/96, Copyright Los Angeles Times --As posted by Joanne Pavia, Internet:bhps27a@prodigy.com--Posted on 9/6/96 on Prodigy Science & Environment BB--Topic: Obervations!!! * From the LA Times, 9/5/96: Discovery of Slow Quakes Stirs Scientific Tremors, Earth: Some experts think the events, which can last for days, cause new temblors. Others say they're safety valves. By Robert Lee Hotz Times Science Writer Most people think of an earthquake as a fearsome release of earth energy measured in seconds--still long enough at its most severe to topple the tallest buildings or remake a mountain range. But in research made public Wednesday, scientists at the Carnegie Institution of Washington show how some earthquakes can last hours, even days. Indeed, they present evidence of a magnitude 4.8 earthquake along the San Andreas fault in 1992 that lasted a week--unnoticed by the people who live along the famous fault line. The earthquake, which occurred near San Juan Bautista in Central California, was a hundred times slower than any previously detected--so slow that it did not even generate conventional seismic waves. The idea of a slow earthquake is a contradiction in terms --like jumbo shrimp. And the significance of this newly discovered phenomenon already is being debated. Some scientists suspect that this kind of slow-motion underground turmoil actually may trigger the chain of events that leads to more conventional--and destructive--earthquakes. Other experts, however, suggest the opposite: Slow earthquakes may prevent large temblors by harmlessly venting the powerful forces that build up as the Earth's massive tectonic plates grind against or slide underneath one another. In areas like Southern California and Japan, experts warn of an earthquake "deficit" because there have been too few temblors to relieve the pent-up seismic strain generated by plate motion. Quake researchers and emergency planning officials have argued over whether Southern California should brace itself for a series of devastating major earthquakes in the next few decades, which would release the titanic energy building up in faults crisscrossing the region. But the new finding suggests to some that perceptible, slow earthquakes may be a previously unsuspected safety valve. "It is a very interesting finding that has an important implication," said Hanoo Kanamori, director of Caltech's seismological laboratory. "It shows there is a place in the crust where slippage can be slow" and Earth's potentially destructive energy can be released safely. Researchers have been tantalized for years by hints of such unusual earth tremors. A slow earthquake was detected just before a 9.5-magnitude temblor in Chile in 1960. A second was detected after a magnitude 7 earthquake southwest of Tokyo in 1978. And traces of a third slow earthquake were recorded before a 1992 7.2-magnitude quake in Nicaragua. But none of these were definitively linked to those larger quakes, nor were they as distinctive or as slow as the San Andreas event reported in the current issue of the Journal Nature. The slow quake near Tokyo lasted two hours and generated aftershocks as large as magnitude 5.8; the Nicaraguan event lasted three minutes--about three times longer than normal. Slow earthquakes almost always elude detection, even with growing networks of sensitive seismographs and satellite sensors. So scientists usually must infer them after the fact through more indirect means. Researchers cannot use seismometers to detect them because such quakes usually do not generate seismic waves. The ground movement at the surface is often so small that even sophisticated measuring techniques, like the satellite-based Global Positioning System, can miss it. The slow earthquake on the San Andreas was detected serendipitously by two strain meters that had been installed in bore holes near the fault in 1984. Scientists wanted to monitor an area where the rocks on either side of the fault line often "creep" past each other without the need of an earthquake to push them along. In December 1992, the instruments picked up signals generated as 11 square miles of the fault surface slowly ruptured over a week to 10 days, the researchers reported in Nature. The sides of the fault moved about an inch, which would be equivalent to the movement caused by a magnitude 4.8 earthquake, the researchers said. "We had never seen this sort of thing before," said Alan Linde, a staff scientist in the Carnegie Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, who conducted the study. "We observed these huge, slow changes [in the instrument readings]." Although the slow quake did not show up on seismographs, it did generate a series of more conventional aftershocks, ranging up to magnitude 3.7. To double-check their readings, Linde and his colleagues monitored the site for three more years. The temblor was much deeper and much more powerful than any known creep event, putting it in a category all its own, the researchers said. ****************************************************************************** WE WILL HAVE A NEW BEGINNING AFTER THE EARTH CHANGES SOURCE: Nancy's Collection of Information on the Future--As posted on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.azc.com/client/acsp/nancy.html * .....I would like to answer a few questions that you may have about these most important events, and what our actions as caring, responsible humans should be. What are these changes? Who is prophesying these events? Why are many intelligent people like you concerned about these events? I implore you to take just a few moments and read on. What Changes are going to take place? In the near future, the earth is going to "tilt", or shift on its axis such that there will be extreme weather and changes in the earth's continents and bodies of water. The world as we know it will no longer exist. In the course of these changes, many will perish and others will suffer. Species of animals will become extinct, and new species will be created. It will be both an end and a beginning for mankind. After the changes take place, the Earth will have a new beginning. Humankind will once again be in touch with its most basic requirements: Our Creator, Spirituality, Love, and Respect for Life. Those fortunate persons who remain will experience a pure world filled with beauty, love, and divinity. Many souls will be returning to their true home with the Lord. Others will be existing in a void below the earthly plane where the negative energies of those unable to advance to the heavenly plane reside...... ****************************************************************************** SCIENTISTS AND SCALLION AGREE-- THE EARTH'S CORE IS ON THE MOVE! SOURCE: Carolyn Goodfellow, Internet:ghfm08c@prodigy.com--As posted on 9/8/96 on Prodigy * Recent discoveries about the makeup & inner dynamics of the center of the Earth have startling similarities to theories that GMS (Gordon-Michael Scallion) has outlined on numerous occasions in ECR (Earth Changes Report) over the past 5 years. Using 30 years of seismic data gathered from both earthquakes & nuclear explosions, scientists have gained an amazing new view of the Earth's core. Seismologist Paul Richards of Columbia -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00005 Date: 09/19/96 From: NORVELL E. VON BEHREN Time: 3:27:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: October Newsletter--epredict.213 (2 / 7)3:27:45409/19/96 Reply-to: "Norvell E. Von Behren" <74471.2703@CompuServe.COM> From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 01:25:15 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== University's Lamond-Doherty Earth Observatory & colleague Xiaodong Song were able to create a sonogram of sorts by analyzing seismic wave patterns collected from almost 40 earthquakes that occurred between 1967 & 1995. Because quake or explosion waves will travel faster or slower depending on what they must pass through, the researchers were able to depict the Earth's core makeup & movement, the journal "Nature" reported in July. These scientists believe that the innermost core is a dense moon-sized iron crystal that swiftly spins within the liquid iron molten outer core. Geophysicists hypothesize that the energy to propel the spinning inner core is generated from slow solidification of the inner core from the liquid outer core. This process adds about an inch to the solid inner core every 50 years. GMS has said that the core of the Earth "contains pressures of unimaginable levels" & has stated that the core likely consists of gases and elements contained by a magnetic field under extreme pressure. In March of 1993, GMS further explained that he believed planetary and star energies were acting upon the Earth's central core and that this core, "relative to the mantle, had shifted its position." The recent scientific data has not only offered new information about the physical properties of the Earth's core but has, indeed, led scientists to conclude that the Earth's inner core actually rotates independently from the rest of the planet. GMS has long expressed his belief that the Earth's core is a separate moving entity independent from the planet surface. Researchers are now confirming this belief about independent motion which they say is probably created by the inner core's interaction with the strong magnetic fields generated by molten fluids spinning in the Earth's outer core. In ECR 8/93, GMS described this exact scenario of outer core molten fluids and their effect when he wrote about magma that was being forced to the surface due in some small degree to platal pressures, but "predominately due to core displacement." The research has revealed that scientists believe the inner core is spinning at a separate rate from the rest of the Earth and that the two are actually rotating on differently angled axes (a condition known as an isotropy). This solid innermost core, it turns out, is spinning on a tilt about 10 degrees different from that of the Earth axis rotation. Most significant, is the revelation that the solid inner core is spinning in the same direction but at a rate approximately 1 degree faster per year than the rest of the Earth. Scientists claim that this independent motion could be caused by the effect created from the interaction of the inner core with strong magnetic fields that are created by the moving molten fluid of the outer core. A torque is created, causing the inner core to spin faster. Employing different methods, UC Berkeley geophysicist Raymond Jeanloz & colleagues at Harvard University simultaneously came up with almost identical conclusions. These new findings have taken the scientific community by surprise because they are generally contrary to previous opinions about the inner dynamics of the planet. "We have tended to see the internal structure of the Earth as static," Song commented. "It is obvious now that the Earth's core is far from still." This exciting glimpse of the Earth's inner workings may, among other things, offer researchers a better understanding of the reason for north and south magnetic pole changes. Scientists are hoping the new information will provide clues to help determine why the North and South Poles have wandered & even reversed periodically. Noting that north and south magnetic poles are thought to completely switch places every 100,000 years or so, Richards admitted that this was a phenomena scientists thought they'd never be able to measure. GMS has talked frequently about fluctuating magnetic pole shifts. In ECR 9/92, GMS said he believed that changes in the magnetic pole occurred as a result of magma moving at the Earth's core. A year later (ECR 9/93), he again assessed the situation and predicted that "a 6 to 7 degree magnetic pole shift will occur." He further added, "I continue to see visions of three magnetic shifts - 7, 7, and 6 degrees, occurring by 2001. This will occur as a result of the core of the Earth shifting positions. This, in turn, will cause the mantle to slip in three separate movements causing new magnetic headings each time in a counter clockwise direction." Song studied seismic wave data from the 1980's & then compared it with the readings acquired in the 1990's. The results showed that the time it took for waves to travel through the Earth was definitely faster in the 1990's than in the preceding decade. Scientists agreed this data clearly indicated that the inner core must have rotated, changing its relation to the surface of the Earth. "In the past," said Los Alamos National Laboratory geophysicist Dr.. Gary A. Glatzmaier, "people thought changes in the interior of the Earth were very slow. Now we can see something changing on a time scale of 10 years. That's remarkable." Because such changes at the Earth's core have inevitable repercussions on its surface, scientists expect that the core action has and will continue to be responsible for triggering some major Earth surface changes. GMS was aware of this correlation in February 1995, when he reported that he believed the recent spate of earthquakes that occurred during 1994 were a "signal of the shift of the tectonic system caused by the movement of the magma core of the Earth." As recently as last spring in Commentary (ECR 3/96), GMS said he had felt an energy shift in the planet during late January and February. "I began having visions, several dozen in a week, over and over. I observed magma streams moving to new areas beneath the tectonic plates. Visions also showed me the core shifting." These scientific findings will continue to offer new understanding about the temperatures at the Earth's center and the flow of heat which is ultimately forcing the movement of tectonic plates at the Earth's surface. This plate movement (see "More Mysteries Under the Earth," in this issue) is in turn responsible for creating mountains and oceans, moving continents and causing earthquakes. Though excited by the new findings, scientists readily admit that the discoveries have raised many more questions than they've answered. Still, it offers a springboard for gaining more insight into a realm which up until recently was only described by educated speculations or science fiction. ****************************************************************************** WIDENING OF MISSISSIPPI RIVER TO CLEANSE MID SECTION OF COUNTRY SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on April 6 and 28, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * The Mississippi River--"So I tell you that the river you now know as the Mississippi will become 2 1/2 times as wide. This will be necessary, for it will be washing away many of the undesirable structures that occupy the mid section of your country. There are many dirty chemicals that must be washed away with this. The widening of this river will occur in conjunction with a very major earthquake along much of the area that borders this great river. At the same time, several of those rivers that empty into this great body of water will be rerouted. This in turn will cleanse those areas of some of these same things I just mentioned. (Earth Changes One--April 6, 1992) There has been much talk and much channeling concerning the water levels in the United States. I have said that the great Mississippi River will widen. There will be tremendous flooding in the areas adjoining these waters. But there will be much water over the land mass called the USA. Many people are content with the trends of control by groups and government. They have "settled in their ways" in this regard. These people are content to focus on the material needs alone. But the water will force these people to abandon all that they have in the way of worldly possessions. They will consider this tragic. Indeed, many will choose to transition instead of living close to nature. But for those who remain, their lives will become much richer than they could even imagine. This will happen for those who surrender to the love of God and learn to live within themselves. This I tell you will happen in many of your states, too many to list. (Earth Changes One--April 28, 1992) ****************************************************************************** EXTENSIVE QUAKES, STEAM/LAVA ERUPTIONS FROM OCEAN FLOOR PREDICTED SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. Editor's note: This prediction covers the WEATHER, EARTH CHANGES AND HUMANITY'S DIRECTION. * The beautiful season of Fall is on its way as temperatures start to fall and crops are harvested. This year, it will be a strange Fall, as many crops fail to fill their seed pods completely or vegetables fail to come to full ripeness in many areas. Long periods of drought or flooding have damaged many growing things this year. If this is the case with your own area of farming operations, look closely at the changing seasons and determine if another type of growth would perform better in the future. This is going to be difficult, no doubt about it, as seasonal variations will continue to happen for the next few years. To keep really informed on weather deviations is the only way to continue to make a good living as a farmer. Your world is presently undergoing a great deal of stress, as many quakes and shifting of the crust opens deep cracks. You have probably heard by now of a very deep crack under the Pacific Ocean that is admitting sea water into the deep interior of the Earth. You will be experiencing extensive quakes and even eruptions of steam or lava from the ocean floor before long. This could cause some huge surges of water rushing across the ocean towards land, and this kind of shore flooding could happen very suddenly, without warning. It is becoming more and more apparent that the wisdom of building and living on a seashore is becoming very dim. The awesome beauty of a seashore home is in real danger now of being wiped out in a few minutes. This applies to any seashore, anywhere in the world. Rising waters from pole-ice melting will increasingly become a problem, as water temperatures resulting from that meltdown affect air temperatures and atmospheric patterns. The media is holding back so much information today that humankind is living in a cloud of pretense, a state of ignorance that could, and will no doubt prevent you from planning for an uncertain future and preparing yourselves, mentally and physically, for the events to come. Even police and governmental officials keep secret many events which might "panic" the public, instead of treating you as intelligent adults. This is a shame, for you are, today, mentally advanced to a point where you can accept and prepare for the future without going into tailspins of fear. It is time that you object forcefully to the non-information you are receiving and demand to be told. World-wide universal energy is rising again this month, and it is a good month to put aside the summer laid-back attitudes and start gearing up for the winter to come. This may change, but at this time we are not seeing a harsh winter for most of the country. There are conditions, above and below, which could alter this probability very quickly, and we will tell you later if it does. The Fall Season, which was so short last year, should be beautiful and long-lasting. The colorful display of leaves should be spectacular, with the deep freeze holding off a little longer. We wish to comment on the terrorist bombings that are increasing in the United States. Middle East influences have always been very deeply rooted in your country and their people who live here are being pushed now to pay allegiance to their native countries by participating in terrorist activities. It will be found that many occurrences of terrorist activities are by U.S. citizens, not by infiltrators, and this will be the reason. Unfortunately, there may come to be a situation where people with Middle East heritage will be ostracized just as the Japanese people were during the last World War. Be very careful about this. Let your inner guidance tell you when, and if, someone is dangerous or not. Only a few will hurt the many. We do not wish to alarm you, but we are seeing several more bombings of public airline flights through to the end of the year. Some will be by bombs in the planes, others by ground rocket attacks. There is no way to gauge which flights will be targeted, for terrorists will pick them practically by tossing a coin, or whatever seems easier for them at the moment. If you fly often, please take some time shortly before a flight and ask your Inner Self to ascertain if it is safe - to give you strong warning if it is not. Your increasing awareness of the world about you is an important part of your lives now, for you need to be aware of the events coming into place. Your loving Angels are always there to turn you away from danger, if you will but listen. We are also seeing an increase in train derailments in the near future, for the same reasons. Keep an eye on this. As to Earth changes generally, in October decreasing temperatures will slow some of the tremors, but this is an ongoing change in the Earth's crust so, of course, earth movements will continue. The rising consciousness of humanity is causing much of the pressure from the interior of the Earth to release through many small cracks and vents, rather than pushing up at just one place. There will be several very strong quakes in October; we see one island in Japan almost destroyed; a strong quake in Venezuela, a volcanic eruption in the South Seas that will send inhabitants to other islands, tidal waves hitting the West Coast of America; a strong quake near Los Angeles. All of these "sightings" are seen as conditions are in place at this writing and could change, one way or the other, as the time draws near. We are not going to predict the outcome of the coming elections, for there are many factors which are still to be figured into this race. October may bring some real surprises into the presidential election and into many state elections. Stay tuned as well as you can, and use your inner wisdom at the voting booth. The thought to hold this month should be: START YOUR MOTORS! ****************************************************************************** A HAPPY HOME RECIPE SOURCE: Author and Date Unknown--Submitted by Barbara B. from the West Coast. 4 cups of LOVE 2 cups of LOYALTY 3 cups of FORGIVENESS 1 cup of FRIENDSHIP 5 spoons of HOPE 2 spoons of TENDERNESS 4 quarts of FAITH 1 barrel of LAUGHTER Take love and loyalty, mix it thoroughly with faith. Blend it with tenderness, kindness and understanding. Add friendship and hope, sprinkle abundantly with laughter. Bake it with sunshine. Serve daily with generous helpings. ****************************************************************************** WHY ARE THE EARTH CHANGES GOING TO HAPPEN? SOURCE: Nancy's Collection of Information on the Future--As posted on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.azc.com/client/acsp/nancy.html ......Why is this going to happen? The world is accelerating into its own destruction. Humankind has grown so far away from its spiritual roots that there are many souls lost entirely to the essential important characteristics of a learning attitude, a love of God our Creator and of the Earth, and love for one another. Left to our own devices, where will humankind be in 10 years? Nuclear holocaust, unchecked technology running humanity, and rising rates of starvation, breakdown of governments, and other disasters come to mind. Friends, we can all see that this is happening already! Consider what is happening in Bosnia, in the former Soviet Union, and in Rwanda and Burundi in Africa. Neighbors are raping, killing, and torturing each other. It is inconceivable to you and me, but it is truly occurring in the world today. Atlantis had its demise for many of the same reasons our world is going to change. The Atlanteans forgot what was most important: Our Creator, Love, and Spirituality, and lived only conscious and cognizant of their own technology and accomplishment. The difference between human intelligence and the intelligence of God can be likened to the following analogy: While an ingenious human scientist such as Einstein discovers the relationship between the molecule and the atom, we must recall that it was God who created that relationship in the first place! Our Creator can not allow man to destroy himself. Our mother Earth will not allow herself to be decimated by nuclear war. The collective souls of the caring people in the world do not desire destruction. What answer, then, do the governing forces of our world, which consist of God and the Earth (whether our governments like to think so or not) have to turn to but a radical adjustment to the world. ****************************************************************************** POLE SHIFT PREDICTED BY 1998 SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on April 6 and 28, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * There has been much talk of a pole shift and much has been channeled in this regard. What has been lost in much of this is that humankind itself can have a beneficial or a detrimental impact on this event. There are going to be pole shifts. This will happen by 1998. If humankind would raise the love level, then there would be minimal shifts, perhaps as slight as 8-10 degrees. Otherwise the shifts would be sufficient to enhance the transition of many of those who do not wish to brighten their path with an elevated love level. This is in no way a punishment. Such people, all people, make choices. Many of those whose choice is not of love will be sent to study these matters from a different dimension. (Earth Changes One, April 6, 1992) * There will be a pole shift for certain. I have spoken of this. The new pole formations will take some time to develop. The Earth will move closer to the Sun. Therefore, the overall climate will be warmer. The poles will be smaller. As the poles shift and melt there will be tremendous waters to spring forth and cover the lands. I will speak more on this at a later time. Each who reads this will wonder how they will be affected. Most of those on the Earth will be directly affected. For some it may only mean some inconveniences. For others, their vibrations seek the full fury of some circumstances. To each I say, trust in yourself, trust in the love of the One Creator, and trust in those who serve with love. You will be concerned with your immediate needs, I know this. But keep your concerns and love of all as your overall focus and you will be amazed at the results that occur for each of you. (Earth Changes One, April 28, 1992) ****************************************************************************** SINKING OF LAND NEAR LARGE -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00006 Date: 09/19/96 From: NORVELL E. VON BEHREN Time: 3:27:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: October Newsletter--epredict.213 (3 / 7)3:27:46409/19/96 Reply-to: "Norvell E. Von Behren" <74471.2703@CompuServe.COM> From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 01:25:20 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== ARIZONA CITIES TO BECOME APPARENT IN 1996 SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. * Arizona has had a very dry year and you are seeing a trend which may last for another two years, at least. October will bring cooler, much cooler, weather and too little moisture. When there is rain, it may come as downpours, then clear off again. Weather fronts look to be very extreme. You can expect some beautiful days, with plenty of time to put the garden beds to sleep and clear away the summer trash. Doing this will also clear your minds and put things in order for the coming very busy months ahead. We are sensing some difficulties in your state government this month, which may cause delays in funds that come down to local levels. If you depend upon state funds, watch your pennies. Late forest fires are on the scene, but will be extinguished before much harm is done. Tremors may be felt throughout the month, especially in the southeast part of the state. Sinking of land near your big cities is going to become much more apparent this year because of increasing withdrawal of ground water from the earth. Over-building in the deserts has been unwise and is overburdening the land. This will continue until water problems will become top priority for those who ignored them too long. ****************************************************************************** SUN GOD EXPLAINS PURPOSE OF FUTURE FLOODING SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on April 20 and June 3, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * Many people are wary of future floods, as they should be. But the focus should be on the cleansing and replacing of fear and hate with love. This takes many forms. Humankind manifests these in your cities, in the chemical plants that corrupt the water, air and each of you. It is also manifested in each person's treatment of the other. So flood we will. I have already talked of flooding and cleansing. But the oceans will also rise up and overflow their banks. By 1996, Florida will be covered half by water. I warn so those who listen, will heal and flee to safe places. But I do not require that any person allow another of negative vibration into their home for shelter, even if there is an emergency. Many will not flee, for it is their intent to transition with the rising of the waters. This they have agreed to do. This is why so many do choose to live in that state. There will be back to back hurricanes that will empty the water over the land and whose winds will destroy many of the structures. Many people can choose to go within and follow their heart's path. Many of these will remain on the Earth. But the floods will occur regardless. It is not out of hate or punishment that the Earth does call on these cleansing efforts. It is in love for herself, humankind and all creation. (Earth Changes One, April 20, 1992) * I have spoken so often of the need to cleanse and raise the Earth's vibration. It is really the vibrations of humankind that need the cleansing. This is the reason great floods will be occurring over the next 8-10 years. Perhaps as humans begin to realize this, and sufficient numbers embrace a genuinely higher love level, then many of these may diminish in strength. These natural occurrences are merely a manifestation of the needs of the people. They will be the growing of the seeds sown by the higher selves of the masses. (Earth Changes One, June 3, 1992) ****************************************************************************** NORTHWEST AND BRITISH COLUMBIA PREDICTIONS SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. * October will start out cool and dry, beautiful Fall weather, then turn blustery with winds and showers. Temperatures will warm toward the middle of the month, then gradually start to cool down approaching November. Unsettled atmospheric conditions look to be in place from the middle of the month into November, with a very good chance of some strong storms moving through these areas very slowly. We are sensing many small earth movements along the coasts, inland bays and waterways, as a great deal of shifting is taking place. As the months go by this year, and especially in the year ahead, this land will be sinking slowly, eventually to disappear below a salty swamp land. Enjoy the land you love now, but be aware of the changes taking place so that you may see future changes as a new adventure, not a depressing move. The chain of volcanoes seems to be holding fast, pressure being alleviated by small vents opening and venting on most of the various slopes. Treat these vents with respect and do not become too adventurous, as they can widen and send out sudden spurts of steam and even lava very unexpectedly. ****************************************************************************** WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP OURSELVES DURING THE EARTH CHANGES? SOURCE: Nancy's Collection of Information on the Future--As posted on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.azc.com/client/acsp/nancy.html * What Can We Do to Help Ourselves? You and I can effect a positive change for ourselves and our World Today! We need to pray, meditate, and live our lives focusing on the spiritual as well as the physical. Communicate with God - He hears your every word. Ask him for guidance, and pray for your soul and the souls of your brothers and sisters here on Earth. Your prayer will make a difference in your life and in the lives of all mankind. Ask him how we can learn to Love each other again, to put aside our differences. Only in Him can you gain shelter from the stormy years that lie ahead of us here on earth. Reach inside yourself, and find your inner child, the person you were before the negative energies of the world starting working on you. By starting with yourself, and spreading the Love and Kindness to others, you can create positive energy and change in the world. Remember that it does not matter by what name you call God, or what religious affiliation you honor; it is your devout belief in the Creator of all life and your desire to do what is right in His eyes that matters most. It will take much energy, but the rewards of your faith will be many. There will be no moving away from the earthquakes, floods, storms, and disasters to come upon our physical plane, but you can be sure that your spirit will continue to exist for eternity. Please don't stop your spiritual journey here - this is just the beginning of a new world - do your research, open your eyes and your mind, and soon you will see what is happening in the World. I urge you to waste not a moment, for we are all running short on time. Begin your spiritual journey today. May God Bless You, and let it be His will to keep you safe and close to Him in these tumultuous times. ****************************************************************************** NEW YORK AND CHICAGO CLEANSING PREDICTED SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on June 3, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * I say this for now about several large population centers. New York has often been predicted as being destroyed in a nuclear holocaust, or in other ways. These of course were and are possibilities. But I do not see this as very likely. The mass consciousness of New York is so powerful, it could change its course in a single day. This much WILL occur. New York will be bombarded by a large meteor shower, with some meteors as large as 200 feet in diameter. This will cause considerable destruction. It will pave the way for even greater cleansing from the sea. The universal shower will serve as a wake up call to those who continue to ignore the many love choices that are available to them. It will be cause for the people to stop and consider other alternatives to the life styles that create such massive negative vibrations. Similar messages will be sent to many of the other large cities of the planet. Chicago has already felt the potential power of a water cleansing. Yet their focus still remains only on the economic affects and not the affects on personal relationships. This water warning was delivered to the business community by and large, but the response has been only to blame instead of helping each other. The next flooding will come from earthquake activity, and it will be even more "noticed" by the people. Oh, if only the people could realize their true love and true power. There would be no economic issues, for these would be of no concern when viewed from love for each other. ****************************************************************************** THE ROCKIES WILL MOVE IN SMALL JERKS THIS MONTH SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. Editors Note:These predictions cover Southwestern states and the Rocky Mountains. * A dry month in store, again, as weather fronts keep moisture further east. Expect some beautiful weather, however, a true Fall season with all the nice things that go with it. Moisture will fall, but in limited amounts as small storm systems move from west to east. Spiritual energies are increasing in Colorado and New Mexico, drawing many people to relocate in these land areas. It is a mixture of inner earth energies, the consciousness of humankind and the intense universal energies that are coming together here. Just as the Payson area of Arizona continues to intensify this way, so many other places in your nation are being prepared for the seekers of Truth to congregate, teach and share. New publishing houses will rise up to send out the Truth even further and to a wider range of readers. National publishing houses are opening their minds to new concepts of publishing. Your need will produce what you need to hear. The Rockies, from north to south, will move this month in small jerks, which will be felt as minor quakes. Do not be concerned. ****************************************************************************** GREAT HURRICANES TO BATTER EAST & WEST COASTS SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on May 12, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * "There will be more people not accepting the changes than those who do accept what I say. The more who do accept, the better the understanding of the love that is needed to minimize or even eliminate many of the Earth cleansings. I do not suggest that anyone talk another into any belief. Rather, I do suggest that each treat the other with love and this will become the belief-the love belief. All things are possible with love. So it is with the next Earth change I mention. There will be great hurricanes to batter the shores of your east coast and your west coast. These storms will even move inward several hundred miles. And there will be successive storms, so that those along your coastline will wonder if they will ever cease. This will also happen to the European coastline. Much damage will be incurred and many lives will be lost. These will begin in the fall of 1993. But humankind need only remember that acceptance of each other in a loving way will have the most direct affect on these storms. ****************************************************************************** MIDDLE AMERICA PREDICTIONS SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. * The northern states are already well aware that winter is approaching, as sudden nighttime freezes put layers of ice upon the top of furrows in the fields. For the first week or so, rain should be scarce, permitting what remains of standing crops to be harvested without complications. Expect considerable amounts of rain, however, starting around the middle of the month. Get things in order before then, if you can. In the "HEARTLAND", atmospheric conditions are setting in that may result in continued amounts of rain for at least two to three weeks beginning, as we see it now, about the second week. Cool, humid air will send you to your closets for warmer clothing. Be aware that the continued dampness will bring large amounts of mold spores drifting in the air that can produce some serious illnesses. Do whatever you can to dry all areas in your homes, especially the bedrooms, to be clear of mold spores. There are crystals on the market that will absorb the moisture, if it is too warm to keep heat going. The GREAT LAKES will be very stormy this month, with constant squalls blowing up, starting little storms that will race to the land areas nearby. Very cold winds could result and early crystals of ice may be seen in the far northern waters. The NORTHERN AND CENTRAL PARTS OF TEXAS will receive the edges of the moisture, interspersed with warm winds and clear skies most of the month. There are faults in the southwestern part of Texas that have moved in the recent past and which are getting ready to move again. The quakes will be startling, but not too damaging. Fault lines are increasing and may move further north. Use your inner senses and see if you can predict yourselves when and where they will occur! ****************************************************************************** LARGE STATIONARY SPACE SHIPS MAY BE SEEN ABOVE CITIES THIS MONTH SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. Editor's note: These predictions cover the Northeast states. * Unusually warm temperatures for these states will come into place about the second week of October, bringing a Fall of unexpected beauty and length. The waters of the Atlantic have calmed down and the energies are strong, but comforting. All the way from the Lakes, down through Virginia, you will be blessed with this weather. About the end of the third week, the cold will creep in from Canada, moving southward, and you will know winter is finally on its way. We have not said too much about what you call UFO's, for too much is being said already. However, we do not want to you panic if you see very large stationary space ships high about the great cities this month. If you do, say hello, but go about your business. They will not harm you in any way and we do not think they will be contacting many people. Those who are contacted will know about it ahead of time. It is a way to familiarize you with the fact that they do exist and are near. Remember, other-world species have been around your universe, helping to create and monitor for many thousands of years. This is nothing new. Coastline beaches will seem to stabilize this month, as water levels keep their place and the ocean is quiet. Good time to reconstruct, or even better, to think about relocating from the Outer Banks. Washington, D.C. will be feeling a lot of uncomfortable energy as the disquiet created by the negative infighting during the election spreads its effect over the entire area. If this bothers you, and it probably will, we would suggest, besides some quiet meditation, that you start drinking some stabilizing herbal teas instead of coffee this month. Your day will go a lot better. ****************************************************************************** SOUTHEASTERN STATES, ATLANTIC COAST AND GULF OF MEXICO PREDICTIONS SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. * October will continue to be warm and humid, especially in the coastal areas, much drier inland. Skies will remain pretty clear most of the month, but a lot of moist air will move in from the Gulf. Sudden storms will start to build about the middle of the month and some severe storms could result in coastal flooding. Florida and the Keys look to be buffeted with wind and rain during these times quite often. We are sensing some kind of tragedy building in the ethers, near or in, or over, the Gulf of Mexico. This could be a terrorist attack of some kind, either on the water or in the air. Please consult your inner guidance before traveling on or over this area during the middle part of October. ****************************************************************************** ISLANDS OF THE PACIFIC AND THE WORLD PREDICTIONS SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. * Continued movement in and near the Hawaiian Islands is apparent in October. Weather patterns fluctuate frequently during the month, as normal seasonal weather seems to dissipate. The upset in the government of the islands will set one race, one culture, against another, and there is a possibility of unpleasant confrontations. Please, we beg of you, although this is a difficult time because of feelings from personal difficulties plus the movements of your land, work together to resolve your differences. There must be changes because of the evolving islands, but you can work with them in peace if you refuse to work with them in anger. NEW ZEALAND's muggy atmosphere will be cleansed by strong winds this month. There is much disturbance below you and great possibility of another strong earthquake or eruption this month. When the winds suddenly cease, send out your senses for possible movements. The native peoples of this land are well aware of coming changes in their land; listen to them. ALEUTIAN ISLANDS October will signal an increased cluster of quakes and volcanic eruptions in this chain, with the possibility of connecting movements with the mainland of Alaska and/or the Kamchatka Peninsula. Setting up a piggy-back kind of movement. It will not be a quiet month there. ALASKA will be changing SEASONS very suddenly and that will also encourage ice movement and fault tremors. ****************************************************************************** NORTHERN EUROPE PREDICTIONS SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00007 Date: 09/19/96 From: NORVELL E. VON BEHREN Time: 3:27:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: October Newsletter--epredict.213 (4 / 7)3:27:46409/19/96 Reply-to: "Norvell E. Von Behren" <74471.2703@CompuServe.COM> From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 01:25:24 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. * A fairly warm Fall will gradually dry up the flooded areas of this continent and ease the tensions about the weather. Cold air will arrive about the middle of the month, but winter will hold off until almost the middle of November. Political tensions will ease up a little as even testy leaders feel a bit better. Peace conferences will again be in the news, and there is a better chance this year of some of them succeeding. ****************************************************************************** AUSTRALIA PREDICTIONS SOURCE: Peter and the Beings of Light through the Spiritual Receptor: Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, AZ 85541, Phone: 520-474-3515--Received August 14, 1996 and published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, October 1996. * Queensland will find itself in the news as new political leaders try to set up new governmental structures for this huge area. Citizens need to take a good look at the new ideas and blend them in with the old to find an efficient and acceptable way of living with each other. October weather will be pretty seasonal, with no unpleasant surprises. Expect a flood of tourists this month, as money problems ease and the world's population seeks new horizons. Those of you who have set up Light Centers and groups will do well to invite those you feel are Seekers on the Path to join you for meetings and conversation, for there are many who are thinking that Australia is a good place to "find God". October is a beautiful month of transition for the Earth and for human beings. It is a time to put away the toys of summer and prepare for the challenges of winter. It is, thus, a time for spiritual renewal and making more time for meditation. If you haven't done so before this, try to arrange a quiet place in your homes for study, relaxation and meditation, away from the television and busy areas of the home. You might feel a basement would not be a place to connect with the "God in the skies", but remember that which you term "God" is present in all things, in all places. The energy in the Earth then becomes even closer and more dear to you as you connect more closely with the energies of the planet. Start to reconnect with yourselves, your loved ones and all humanity, as clarity of mind becomes more real and meaningful. Connect with your Higher Self and you connect with All That Is. God Bless You All. ****************************************************************************** NEW LIBRARY FILES AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD * Editor's Note--The following library files have now been posted at the web sites and are available for download: New Library Files --Effective 9-3-96 ************************ File Name: cooper.txt Subject: UFO, Secret Government, MJ-12 File Description: A detailed history of the U.S. government involvement with alien space crafts and the recovery of aliens from crashed space vehicles. This file covers the establishment of the MJ-12 permanent committee to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned with the alien question.--35,494 bytes Source: Milton William Cooper--As posted on 7/18/96 on CompuServe Encounters Forum by member # 75342,125 ************************ File Name: dowse101.txt Subject: Dowsing, Divination, Ley Lines File Description: An interview with the Dowser/Author Sig Lonegren that covers the many uses for dowsing other that just locating water. Sig Lonegren has written several books on Dowsing that are listed at the end of this file.--15,363 bytes Source: D. Canton--from Seeker Magazine and entitled "A Look At An Ancient Art--Interview With A Dowser"--As posted on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.brainiac.com/eodale/v0196/interview.html ************************ File Name: dowsebk.txt Subject: Dowsing File Description: A complete listing of the books on Dowsing that may be ordered from the American Society of Dowsers Bookstore Catalog from the 800 number listed at the end of the file.--18,543 bytes Source: American Society of Dowsers, 101 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819--As posted on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.newhampshire.com/dowsers.org/catalog/bdowse.htm ************************ File Name: endtimes.faq Subject: End Times, Prophesy, FAQ File Description: An End Times FAQ (frequently asked questions) by Father Andrew (The Trumpeter), dated August 10, 1996. The FAQ answers many of the commonly asked questions regarding the present End Times such as the rapture, the 3 days of darkness, the death of the present Pope, the return of Christ and many others. --60,542 bytes Source: Father Andrew (The Trumpeter), P.O. Box 311, Bridge City, TX 77611-0311. For additional information on Fr. Andrews his web site is ************************ File Name: fatima.txt Subject: Prophesy, Secrets of Fatima, Apokalypso File Description: A paper on the Third Secret of Fatima apparitions written by the principal seeress Lucia dos Santos who is still living today in Fatima as a Carmelite nun known as Sister Lucy. She is last survivor of the three young shepherds who encountered the Virgin in her family's pasture in 1917. Lucia would keep the secret until 1941, when she received an inner "locution" Virgin giving her leave to publish all but the last of its three parts. The Vatican refused to disclose the Third Secret in 1960 and continues to suppress it to this day. The author uses a thorough analysis of the first two parts of the Secret to construct the essential aspects of the undisclosed third part as well. He concludes that the real thrust of the Third Secret does *not* concern itself with natural or man- made cataclysms, but rather with the *spiritual* catastrophe which is looming on humanity's horizon. ---130,587 bytes Source: _APOKALYPSO_--Summer/fall 1995--As posted on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.planet.net/ptgermine/fatima.htm ************************ File Name: mitar.txt Subject: Prophesy, Serbian File Description: The prophesies of Mitar Tarabich (1829-1899), an illiterate peasant from a small Serbian village called Kremna. Being a religious person and having a local Serbian orthodox priest for a godfather, he told this priest about his episodes of "seeing into the future". The priest wrote down everything in a small notebook, which was damaged by fire in 1943 when his family house was destroyed by the occupying Bulgarian army. This text is now in the possession of the family of Zaharich's great-grandson, Mr. Dejan Malenkovich. --30,504 bytes Source: Tim Hobbs - Web Site Author, alt.prophecies.nostradamus newsgroup--As posted on the Internet at URL: http://www.azc.com/client/acsp/mitar.html ************************ File Name: mormon.txt Subject: Prophesy, Mormon File Description: Thirty four Mormon prophesies pointing to the signs of the times for our age or dispensation. These identify the dispensation of the fulness of times and presage the Second Advent of our Lord.---37,324 bytes Source: Bruce R. Mc Conkie--From the "Mormon Doctrine" by Bruce R. Mc Conkie, Second Edition, Text copyrighted by Bookcraft, Inc.--As posted on 7/18/96 on Compuserve Encounters Forum by member # 75342,125. ************************ File Name: signs.txt Subject: Prophesy, Biblical Signs File Description: A listing of 48 Old Testament end time signs that most people have never heard about. The Christian Bible scripture reference is given so the serious Bible student can refer to and read the passages that point to the end of the age as we know it today. ---8,179 bytes Source: House of David Teaching Center, Littleton, CO ************************ File Name: trends.txt Subject: Prophesy, Biblical Prophetic Trends File Description: A prophetic report provides some ten prophesied trends in detail that the Bible shows will develop in this world in the next decade till the year 2005.---19,603 bytes Source: Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D., Internet:76516.3662@compuserve.com--As posted on 7/18/96 on Compuserve Encounters Forum by member # 75342,125 ****************************************************************************** UFOs: A US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ISSUE? SOURCE: Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D., Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 3, #3 (April-May 1996).--As posted on 4/25/96 by Carolyn Goodfellow, Internet:ghfm08c@prodigy.com --Dr. Boylan may be reached at 2826 O Street, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95816, USA, E-mail: rich.boylan@24stex.com--About the Author: Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist with a counseling practice in Sacramento, California, USA. Dr. Boylan has been a student of the UFO phenomenon since 1947, but in 1989 he began to interview persons reporting extraterrestrial contact experiences. In late 1991 he commenced an ongoing research investigation into ET encounters with humans. He has written two books, Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Responses (1992) and Close Extraterrestrial Encounters: Positive Experiences with Mysterious Visitors (Wild Flower Press, 1994), and has had many articles published. Dr. Boylan is a founding director of the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET), and has conducted numerous workshops for mental health professionals dealing with specialized counseling for experiencers of ET contact. * In view of multiple pressures compelling disclosure of UFO reality, and the exigencies of presidential election-year politics, Congressman Phil Graham and Senator Bob Dole had perhaps best be prepared for the possibility of the Democratic Presidential Re-election Campaign launching an unprecedented kind of "October Surprise". In view of this, one UFO investigator, Dan Smith, has entered into discussions with the Dole and Graham presidential campaigns' staff, offering them his information services about UFOs so that Senator Dole and Congressman Graham can minimize their risk of being blind-sided by the UFO cover-up/disclosure issue which may become the sleeper issue of the 1996 presidential campaign. Well-informed sources tell that both the Republican and Democratic national committees are trying to assess whether UFOs, and government secrecy over UFOs in particular, might be a legitimate issue in the upcoming political season. In an apparent effort to avoid being taken by surprise by the politics of UFO disclosures, Republican National Chairman Hailee Barbour and other RNC officials reportedly have contacted various astronauts to learn from them what they know about UFOs. The Democratic National Committee is thinking about putting one or more UFO-related questions on a national survey questionnaire they put out in preparation for the next election. Both major parties are aware that a third party candidate might push the UFO issue, too, to the embarrassment of Republicans and Democrats. It is known that Ross Perot, during his presidential campaign in 1992, made lots of back-channel UFO inquiries. The UFO campaign issue may have already begun. During the week of 17th September 1995, two national figures referred to UFOs. When former President Jimmy Carter was asked a question about UFOs, he answered by relating how the Director of Central Intelligence had used a psychic to locate precisely a downed secret US plane. This was a veiled reference to intelligence agencies' use of psychics to study UFOs and extraterrestrials. That same week, presidential candidate Bob Dole disparaged President Clinton's economic policy (that more than two per cent economic growth is impossible without inflation) by commenting, "That's like the Air Force saying UFOs are impossible." ****************************************************************************** JAPAN & HONG KONG PREDICTED TO BE SPLIT BY MAJOR EARTHQUAKES SOURCE: The Sun God--From Earth Changes One--As posted on June 9, 1992 on the Internet at the following URL: http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/EarthChange/Change1.html * I will continue with general changes but will also begin to be more specific to some areas. Your scientists have been predicting certain changes and will continue to do so. Most of the predictions which are considered "purely scientific" in their content, you may choose to forget, at least any major ones. Your science simply does not understand the energies of the universe. Consequently their judgements are clouded with insignificant data or reasons. There will be several open minded scientists who will actually be channeling the changes, although they may not realize it. But those who are steadfast to their scientific limitations will certainly block reception of any channeled input. I am saying this as the scientific community will denounce the book that Tom will be publishing on the Earth changes. This should be no surprise to anyone. There are certain other population centers that I wish to discuss this evening. Major earthquakes will split the cities of Hong Kong and Tokyo. These will be followed within 3-6 months by tremendous floods. The earthquakes will occur but the major flooding is avoidable. The floods are to cleanse so as to open the minds to true spiritual connection. These two cities are very similar in vibration as the material and control mentalities are present. Much has been said concerning the family values of Japan. But these values are now playing second fiddle to material growth and concerns. This has also long been a male-dominated society without recognition of equal status to the female, as well as to non-Japanese. The recognition of others as equals is the message to be learned. Hong Kong is very similar. There will be two areas that will change only minimally, as the energies there are very good for them. I will not mention these at this time as the energy balance could be significantly altered by panic driven individuals. I tell you this so you may know that there are places of balance on the Earth. This does not mean that some large areas are not or will not be synchronized with the solar system. I am only referring to country-type areas. ****************************************************************************** DO WE KNOW WHEN THE LORD'S SECOND COMING WILL OCCUR? SOURCE: Father Andrew (The Trumpeter), P.O. Box 311, Bridge City, TX 77611-0311. For additional information on Fr. Andrews his web site is * The 'called' Second Coming of Christ will occur 40 years after the three days of darkness. As in the past will be the future. 40 years did the Jews roam the earth. 40 years will we. Heaven says that it will take 40 years to re-cultivate the earth. I would like to make this clear, the Second Coming of Christ, where so many people presume or think is that Second Coming of Christ. (Look up: What does the Pope reveal to cause the Great Schism?) St. Francis stated and explained how Our Lord promised him, that the whole world must go through every one of the chastisements that the Israelites/Hebrews had gone through, when fleeing from Egypt. We also will have to go through all the plagues again, all the punishments and chastisements and this is to include their exile. Living in a world surviving only on faith. The Israelites had the Manna, and we have the Eucharist. Now, the communities will survive because of the faith of the people. St. Francis was even promised, by the peoples mere faith that stones and other things will turn into herbs and roots to feed them. All they had to do, was just have faith. And for the elapse of 40 years. Now this is 40 years with no days or nights. 40 years of endless time. Because time has stopped. This is where Heaven can honestly say, "the next day"; because there is no next day. It is all the same one day. An example is when Our Lady would say in one apparition "...and after the Days of Darkness the world will be a waste land." But She says in another place (apparition) "...after the 3 Days of Darkness, that next day, when the sun rises, all will be made new again." She is not contradicting Herself. Fr. Gobbi also says very much the same thing, referring to this transition that has to come. After the 40 years there is additional time to renew the face of the earth. How much time? We only know that it is GOD'S TIME. Then the Last Judgment. What Will Be The Sequence Of Events? I want to get far more detailed in the sequence of events. Generally, sequence of events convey to us, to watch for the conclusion...not the event itself. But I want you to be prepared and study the events! For instance; you are to be watching for the change of different Governments, currencies, you are to watch for different diplomatic actions, and certain disasters through nature. Okay, where we are right now in history: The event to be watching for, for the American people, is when we know that when a major earthquake has occurred in the central part of the U.S. (from the straight line that runs up and down in the middle and vertically across the country, west of the Missouri) a major earthquake will destroy by fire, a city. This is most likely Kansas City. But Heaven has never said which city it will be. So that is not a definite. But the city will be destroyed in that earthquake itself which is supposed to last a day or so. There will be constant earthquakes in that area, causing the church bells in the gulf coast and into Florida to ring from the shock waves. This will also cause ruptures in the oil wells and in the gulf and Mid Atlantic which is on the east coast. With this occurring and also right about -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00008 Date: 09/19/96 From: NORVELL E. VON BEHREN Time: 3:27:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: October Newsletter--epredict.213 (5 / 7)3:27:48409/19/96 Reply-to: "Norvell E. Von Behren" <74471.2703@CompuServe.COM> From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 01:25:29 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== the same time, just before or after, Cuba will be given full diplomatic relations with the United States. Overlapping this event, there will be a sinking of a major warship in the North Atlantic of the United States. Either an aircraft carrier or a full cruiser. Because Heaven said there will be several thousand deaths. Only those types of ships carry such a large number. When that has happened there is supposed to be right at the same time, a revolution a civil war in Italy. This Civil War will follow a war that has already started with Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Austria and all the different countries along the Baltic even in Georgia and also include Lebanon, Israel, Syria and those other countries there. At this point in time the only country that is not in war is Romania. When this breaks out into continuous wars, Italy will be invaded in a matter of few days. *The President of France will be assassinated and also the Leader of Germany within 2 days. Those two leaders will be assassinated. *Note: 5 to 6 different mystics in North America, Columbia, and Ecuador have received the same message, (who have support from their local bishops) they released it upon seeing that I had let it out. Now as I have stated previously, the red forces are those who are led by evil. They are all those who are against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The different Saints of history have referred to these red forces to be predominately occupied by Muslims. This is not to condemn the Muslims. But it is to point out that the Communist Muslims and also that the communist themselves who are Antigod, are Antichrist, place themselves in that position of being the "red forces". This can also be Socialism and Marxism, they are different tentacles of the same evil. When those wars break out, when Italy is invaded by the red forces, that is when the Holy Father (Pope John Paul II) flees. Because the Vatican will also be invaded. When the Holy Father flees we will be told that he is dead. So there will be no declaration that he has fled. This is where the people who are following the messages, have to realize this is the time we follow from point to point of what we have been told in faith, because the publicly released facts will all be erroneous. When the Holy Father flees, he will go into Holland, from Holland he will go into Belgium, France and into Canada. From Canada, he will bi-locate into other countries, but he will mostly stay in exile in a remote part of Canada. His stay will be in a part of Canada that will be 'passed over' during the invasion of Canada and the United States. The United States will be invaded in about nine weeks, after the Holy Father has been declared dead. The U.S. will be invaded and occupied for 6 months not to exceed 7. At the end of this 6 month time, is when the Great Warning comes. (The Warning is used by God, to stop Third World War.) The United States will have over a third of the country side occupied by a foreign force. The foreign force will actually be NATO. It will be NATO and the United Nations. The U.N. will invade the United States! They will invade us, just as we have literally invaded a number of countries including Yugoslavia. We have gone in there as a peace keeping force to make them and their own countries stop fighting. They went in there with their blue helmets and blue berets and everybody backed off. They have come to liberate that country from its own occupation. This is exactly the same way that they will invade the United States. At the time of the invasion, the U.S. will be having racial wars. Obviously this will be an excellent opportunity for the foreign invasion to take place. Our Lady allowed me to see a vision. I saw governments, military aircraft flying over different countries in populated areas, Canada, United States, Mexico and Europe, many other nations and they were spraying fumes into the air. Our Lord told me that this is in 1998 in an attempt to control the populations because, they will be revolting. These are chemical warfare gases that will kill thousands of people, thousands upon thousands of people and yet some people wonder why we are being told to store water and food and to stay in our homes to use sacramentals. The United Nations will be a united communist force. Stating that they have come into the U.S. to liberate the Americans from an occupying force. This is their whole plan. With the United States invaded, virtually every country will be at war. The United States will already have been involved in three foreign wars when we get invaded. So that is a clue. We are already involved in two wars, Yugoslavian area and the Iran, Iraq area. Those are two wars we are involved in right now. Now all we have to get involved in, is a third war, then we will know that part is completed. We already know that Heaven has warned us that the United States must give a "political recognition in hypocrisy to three nations"; that it would not recognize otherwise. Those three nations are China, Vietnam and Cuba. They are communist nations that are all against, clearly what our society is supposed to stand for. Even though, the U.S. turns around and gives them full recognition and preference over other countries. We are having trouble with China right now, stolen American technology, like the Intel Computer chips and so forth, yet the United States still gives them full priority in their dealings and trade with the United States. This is ludicrous. When the warning comes this will stop all the wars. (I will get into detail about the warning later). But for now, everything will stop. Scripture refers to the "turning swords into plow shares". Mankind will put down their guns and immediately and impulsively begin to rebuild. They will leave the cities by the millions and go into the country side and build hamlets upon hamlets. The only thing is that until they have the full wisdom that is given to them which comes at the time of the Great Miracle, the Second Pentecost, they will not completely understand and will not see the need for the religious and consecrated communities. (Look up: When do we go into Catholic Communities?). They will not understand this, until the Great Miracle and the Second Pentecost, as it is too late to build religious communities. Because it will be just a few weeks after that the Antichrist raises himself up to be the leader of all mankind. The Antichrist will proclaim worldwide that he brought all these things onto the world to lead the world to him. He will instruct all of them and request all leaders of the world to gather together. When the leaders of the world gather together at the United Nations, the Antichrist will not show up and none of his leaders will show up either. And this is the warning that Heaven gave about the United Nations building and parts of New York as being destroyed. This is an interesting fact, PART OF WHAT ROCKEFELLER had done when he made the U.N. building. He had put a catch 22 ultimatum in it, he had a nuclear warhead put into the foundation. So that any time the world turned into a monarchy or turned into a dictatorship, they can all gather there for a treaty and then destroy them all. Our Lady has warned about this in Bayside, Garabandal she has warned about this in a number of countries. So from this point on it is the continued fight with the Antichrist. ****************************************************************************** THE MILLENNIUM EFFECT--CHAPTER ONE SOURCE: Kathryn J. Harwig--A Hand-Guided Perspective Providing Shelter From The Fallout Of Change--Published by Spring Press, Saint Paul, Minnesota--Copyright 1996--ISBN 0-9638822-2-8. Excerpted from The Millennium Effect by Kathryn Harwig. Copyright (c) 1996 by Kathryn Harwig. Reprinted by permission of Spring Press. All rights reserved.: The following pages are the first chapter of The Millennium Effect. * The end of this decade will not only herald the start of a new century, but also the dawn of a new millennium. It will usher in an era of momentous change for our world. In the next few years, our planet will undergo an event of epic proportions and everyone on the planet will experience it together. The turn of millennium will foster a period of evaluation and questioning similar to the classic mid-life crisis experienced by individuals upon landmark events such as significant birthdays, deaths or births. The difference, of course, is that this crisis will be experienced by everyone in our world at the same time. I have labeled this the millennium effect. The awareness of millennial change is unprecedented in the history of human kind. AD 2000 will be the first time in history that a change in millennium can be observed by the entire world. The Gregorian calendar with which we all chart our daily lives was not adopted world-wide until after World War I. At the turn of the last millennium, much of the world including Russia, China and Turkey, numbered their days and years with a different system. Even the United States and Britain used a different method of numbering years prior to 1752. The transition from year 999 to 1000 would not have been noticed by people who lived out their lives within a few mile radius of the village of their birth. There was little or no communication between other cultures or nations. News traveled at the speed of the fastest horse. Months and even years would elapse before information reached outlying settlements. By then the accuracy of the news had become so distorted that few people knew the truth of what was happening in the world. Contrast that to today's instantaneous ability to communicate. Through satellite television, the Internet, and other technological advances we are able to simultaneously experience world changes and happenings as they occur. I believe that the millennium effect will cause our world and all of its inhabitants to simultaneously experience all the physical, emotional and spiritual effects of a midline crisis. There will be great turmoil and great opportunity. It will be a time when we will all be forced to re-evaluate our world and our places and roles in this world. The classic midline crisis is not a crisis so much as it is an awakening. At times of change or perceived change, emotions such as fear, anger and anxiety are much more likely to arise within you. These feelings have generally been brewing your entire lifetime, awakening at times of stress, in dreams, or in fantasies. It is not that the change causes these feelings, but rather that it rouses them from their slumber. The good news is that you can then examine these feelings and deal with their root cause. The bad news is that these emotions are often uncomfortable. Most of us would rather not feel this way and so we avoid happenings which generate these strong feelings. However, like death and landmark birthdays, the turn of millennium cannot be avoided. We will be forced to face these emotions--whether we wish to or not. As we approach the change of millennium, everyone in the world will experience this together--and none of us will ever be the same. The change of millennium will be, of course, merely another day. You will go to sleep on December 31, 1999 and awaken on January 1, 2000. It is unlikely that this twenty-four hour period will be any different from many others in your lifetime. What will be different is the attention and media hype leading up to that day and our emotions and behaviors generated by that information. Unless you live in a cave totally cut off from the rest of society, you can expect to be bombarded with data, warnings, predictions and analysis about the coming millennial change. You will be affected--whether you wish to be or not. The millennium effect has already begun. Soon this word will be everywhere, in product names, news releases, movie and song themes, probably even a new line of greeting cards. The word millennium is slipping into our everyday speech. Even the pope used that phrase during his 1995 visit to the United States when he urged his followers to relinquish violence and intolerance before "crossing the threshold of the new millennium. As we near the century change, this usage will increase until it becomes a deluge of millennial material. What types of things can you expect to hear? Ancient Prophecies made hundreds and even thousands of years ago will be dusted off and brought to your attention. Names such as Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus will become household words. Astrologers will tell you that we are nearing the passage from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, a transition predicted to instill drastic personality and character changes in us all. You will hear predictions about the coming times made by diverse groups such as the Hopi Indians and Hindu mystics, both of which prophesied severe climactic and sociological changes would occur at the turn of the millennium. "Signs and wonders in the heavens" which are predicted in the Biblical book of the Revelation to John will be seen in weather patterns and cosmic events. Biblical prophecy will be used to explain many of the disturbing events which will inevitably occur at the end of the century. You will hear that the Apocalypse has begun and warnings will be given to repent and prepare for the end of the world. The Great Pyramid of Giza is said to hold predictions for this time. Although the origins of this structure are a mystery, many scholars believe that each of its many chambers contain predictions and dates starting thousands of years before Christ and ending on September 17, 2001. This date is believed by some to be the date on which the Egyptians predicted the world would end. Half a world away, the Mayans too built pyramids to the sun. Over 800 years before Christ, the Mayans perfected a calendar system which is still considered to be one of the most accurate ever created. The Mayans believed that the world cycled through Ages consisting of 5,125.4 years each. They believed that our world had previously undergone four of these ages, all of which ended in cataclysm. The end of the last Mayan calendar age is not the year AD 2000 but falls within a close range--December 21, 2011. It is believed by many that on this date the world will enter a time of crisis which will ultimately transform everything remaining into something totally new. For many this is a promise of a new age of peace and serenity. For others, it foretells trauma, war and destruction. Only time will tell what, if anything will occur on that date. Until then, however, we will hear more and more about the Mayans' prediction of the end of the world. Edgar Cayce In my opinion, Edgar Cayce was one of the greatest prophets of our age. A simple, highly religious man, Edgar Cayce was given the gift of healing and prophecy which he used strictly for the good of others. While in an unconscious trance, he made diagnoses and prescribed treatments for thousands of individuals. Most of these people were greatly helped by his prescriptions which were incredibly accurate, especially as he generally knew nothing of the person except for his or her name. He became perhaps the most prominent twentieth century practitioner of psychic diagnosis and healing. When he died in 1945, he left over nine thousand readings which are kept on record by the Association of Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The ARE was located in Virginia because that area of the United States was believed to be one which would avoid most of the cataclysmic events which Cayce predicted would occur around the year 2000. Cayce predicted massive seismic disturbances, along with hurricanes, floods and other climactic changes. He believed that portions of New York City, along with large parts of California would literally disappear into the sea. In the year 2000 to 2001 he predicted that a shift would occur around the poles of the earth which would bring about major climate disturbances and great chaos. This time of crisis would ultimately be followed by a "new age" in which telepathy and other forms of psychic communication would become the norm. We will hear a great deal about this remarkable man as we approach the year 2000 as many of his predictions focused on this time. Nostradamus Four hundred years before Cayce, Nostradamus pinpointed nearly the same year as being a time of great catastrophe. A French doctor and astrologer who practiced in the 1500's, Nostradamus has been credited with predicting the rise and fall of Napoleon and Hitler, World War II, nuclear war and space travel. He wrote his prediction in Quatrains (four line poems) which are often difficult to interpret. Nonetheless, you can expect to hear Prophecies credited to Nostradamus which include a volcanic explosion in the northern Rocky Mountains before the year 2000 which will cause years of constant wintry weather in the United States. The prophecy which we are likely to hear often in the coming years begins, "The year 1999, seventh month, A great king of terror will descend from the skies." Perhaps you believe that you can remain unaffected by such Prophecies. You may consider yourself to be highly rational and scientific--not one to be swayed or frightened by new age nonsense. Consider then, the so called "scientific" Prophecies you read each day in the newspaper. Modern Prophecies Here are just a few headlines taken from one week's perusal of my local newspaper. "The Changing Workscape", "Emerging Diseases May Be Unstoppable, Researchers Warn", "On the Edge of the Digital Age", "Less Meat, More Potatoes: Experts Say Shortages Will Force U.S. to Change Diet", "Welcome to Cyberspace, Joining the Information Age", "Global Warming Study Heats Up Debate". Even Nostradamus could not make predictions as frightening as those we read each day in the newspaper and hear on our nightly news. We hear that AIDS will decimate much of Africa, while Cholera epidemics sweep through Latin America. We are told that cities such as Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, and Bombay are "dead" cities which have passed beyond any point of recovery. The air quality in Mexico City has become so deadly that a person there can contract hepatitis merely by breathing. We ponder the climatic changes that seem to be sweeping our globe. We see hurricanes occurring more often than any other time in recorded history, heat waves killing hundreds of people in our major cities, and floods decimating the Mississippi river valley. We wonder about the senseless crime that is a daily event in our lives. Even though we may not ourselves be victims, we live with a nameless fear that haunts us. Children murder other children, mothers turn against their offspring, drug and gang wars keep us from walking down our own streets. And, with all of this, most of us harbor a sense that it will surely get worse before it gets better. As one world and one people, we have come to believe that we are at a crisis point in our history. This is the first stage of the millennium effect. It is where we are at right now. Second stage The turn of the millennium will thrust us into the second stage of the millennium effect. This stage will cause us all to take time to examine every aspect of our lives. We will be forced to look not only at the way we live but also at the ways in which our society and world function. Finding our true life's work will become a quest which we will pursue regardless of the financial consequences. Spiritual matters will become paramount in our lives and even those who have never embraced religion will come to believe in a force greater than themselves. Training in psychic and intuitive abilities will become mainstream. Severe climactic disturbances will compel us to ponder how we treat the earth and the effect we -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00009 Date: 09/19/96 From: NORVELL E. VON BEHREN Time: 3:27:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: October Newsletter--epredict.213 (6 / 7)3:27:48409/19/96 Reply-to: "Norvell E. Von Behren" <74471.2703@CompuServe.COM> From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 01:25:34 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== have on other species. We will be shown our true place in the universe. These stage two changes will be uncomfortable and thrilling, disconcerting and exciting. Our emotions will take us on a roller coaster ride. Violence will increase as will volunteerism. It will truly be the best and the worst of times. Third stage Stage three of the millennium effect may have been best prophesied in the Biblical book of the Revelation to John where Christ returns to reign on earth for one thousand years. It will be the true dawning of the Age of Aquarius when peace and love will be the major motivating factors in our lives. Remember though, that both of the above Prophecies involve a time of great chaos and trauma before the dawn of enlightenment. The biblical prophecy requires the testing of the Apocalypse while the astrological transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius will change our entire way of viewing the world. The age of Pisces has been a time of material acquisition and consumption. The emphasis of this age has been on growth and progress. The transition to the age of Aquarius with its emphasis on intuition, peace and non-competitiveness is not likely to be an easy one. All of these things sound very nice until we realize that our lifestyles are, in all likelihood, going to be severely disrupted. Stage three is probably a long time in coming. We will need to hold its inevitability before us as a beacon as we set out from stage one into the rough and tumble ride of stage two and the turn of millennium. The millennium effect will have less negative impact on our lives if we know it is happening and are prepared for it. Nothing we can do will stop the whirlwind of emotions that will swirl through our lives. However, there are steps we can take to turn it into a positive experience. Tools for the new century As we approach the 21st century we must change if we expect to thrive. In order to cope with the events that are approaching, we need to develop tools that will aid us in this transition. The new millennium will present too many challenges for us to continue to operate as twentieth century beings. The first tool we all must cultivate is that of an open mind. Developing an open mind goes beyond merely being willing to consider new ideas or exposing yourself to fresh teachings. Picture what it would look like to truly possess an open mind. When I visualize an open mind I see a brain into which ideas and concepts flow like water into a glass. Is your mind able to hold all of this new material or is it too full of old concerns, resentments and regrets? Being open minded necessitates being in a state of not fullness. It may not be necessary or even best to be in a state of emptiness but it is crucial that there is space in your mind for new thoughts and ideas to grow and be nurtured. It not only means that you need to consider new things, it also means that you must let go of the old. We must train ourselves not to automatically discount ideas which do not fit into our world view. Admit to yourself that your world view is limited. Perhaps your world view is not wrong, but surely it is not the whole truth. Admit this simple thing---that you do not know everything. Dedicate yourself to entering the new century in a state of humility. Demand that our leaders admit this lack of knowledge. Prepare to be surprised. A crucial tool in your millennial tool box is a thorough knowledge of yourself. In this book you will be given a way to learn your true character by examining your hands. This is, of course, only one of many ways to discover your self. The important thing is to make the effort. Prepare for the millennium effect by embarking on a quest to find your true life's work. Go prospecting for your self. You will have little energy left to know what is best for anyone else. We must evolve into a species that explores not only the outside world but the inside world as well. We must suspend our disbelief and open ourselves to new possibilities. Developing your spiritual nature and your intuitive ability will be of immeasurable use in the new millennium. Your third tool will be to cultivate these natural skills so that you can use them consciously and purposefully. Simplifying your life in all matters is a tool you will find to be immensely valuable. One of the tasks that we all will face in the new millennium is cleaning house. We need to give away, throw away and clear away our lives, houses, relationships and ideas. Once we have cleared away the useless clutter and debris in our lives, we will be left with that which we truly cherish. We will then build ourselves sanctuaries which will provide us with physical, emotional and spiritual solace against the angry winds of the millennium effect. Finally, we must all embrace peace if we hope to survive. Our most important tool of all is to cultivate, peace, love and serenity in our lives and in the world. We must learn to create gentle environments and to model peace to others. Only in this way can we hope that the final millennium effect will be the ushering in of the true "new age." Throughout this book I will give you concrete suggestions of things that you can do to prepare for the new millennium. You may decide to embrace some of this advice while ignoring the rest. The important thing is for you to structure your own plan for joyously welcoming the upcoming changes. In order to remind you of these tools, I have placed a small icon at places in the text where I make recommendations of actions which you may wish to take. Look for an I as a reminder of tools you can use in the coming times. It is guaranteed that the new century will surprise you. You do not need to know how. Wait to learn its surprises. Judge everything by the resonating chord that springs within you. You will know the truth only about yourself and that will be enough. We have just a short time to hone our tools for the new millennium and a thousand years to use them. Let's get started. ****************************************************************************** RECOMMENDED READING * We constantly review many sources of information about Earth and Body Changes. We will recommend those to our readers that have a high degree of accuracy in our opinion. The following materials are recommended by the House of David Teaching Center for further Earth and Body Change information: A. CHANNELED AND SPIRITUAL RECEPTION INFORMATION 1. Children of Light Newsletter--Published monthly at $25/year ($27.50 Canada, $36.50 Foreign) by Ruth Ryden, HC Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona, 85541, (520) 474-3515. Sample Copies $2.50 a copy-Extra postage requested for Canada ($.20) or Foreign countries ($.85). Mrs. Ryden is a retired legal assistant of 20 years, who has been a Spiritual Receptor of the Masters since 1980. She is wife, mother and grandmother, and has made the bringing of spiritual knowledge to humanity her life's work and goal. 2. The Earth Changes Report--Published monthly at $38/year by the Matrix Institute, Inc., P.O. Box 336, Chesterfield, NH, 03443-0336, phone 1-800-628-7493, Gordon-Michael Scallion, Futurist and Editor and Cynthia Keyes, Editor.. ---Gordon-Michael Scallion's "Future Map of the World," printed on special map paper stock, is available in three forms at the 60" x 46" size: paper, folded to 8" x 9" for $22.00 plus shipping and handling; paper, rolled in a map tube for $25.00 plus s&h; laminated & rolled in a map tube, for $35.00 plus s&h. All maps come in appropriate heavy-duty cardboard shippers. Discounts are available for orders of three or more. The map was available for shipping beginning May 1, 1996. To order from within the U.S. & Canada, call 1-800-628-7493, Mon.-Fri. 9am-11pm, Sat. & Sun. 9am-10pm EST. Other locations, call 1-603-363-4916, Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm. 3. Sedona Journal of Emergence --Published by Love Light Communications, Inc., P.O. Box 1526, Sedona, Arizona 86339, (520) 282-6523--Basic subscription rate is 12 issues for $33. 4. Connecting Link Magazine--Published by E.L.I., c/o 9392 Whitneyville SE, Alto, Michigan, Published quarterly at $17/year by Susanna Konicow, Editor. 5. Journey of Souls--Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton, Ph. D.--Published by Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. 55164-0383--Copyright 1994--ISBN 1-56718-485-5 (pbk.). 6. Channeling--Communicating with the Unseen by K.W. Rinkievicus--Published by Prism Publications, P.O. Box 306, Belfast, ME 04915-0306--Copyright 1987--ISBN 0-940317-00-3. SPIRITUAL TEACHING MATERIALS 1. NEW--The Millennium Effect--A Hand-Guided Perspective Providing Shelter >From The Fallout Of Change--By Kathryn Harwig--Kathryn is a nationally known speaker who conducts workshops and seminars on hand analysis and intuition. Her previous book "Your Life in the Palm of Your Hand," has received impressive reviews. Kathryn is a practicing attorney and partner in a Minneapolis law firm. --Published by Spring Press, Saint Paul, Minnesota --Copyright 1996--ISBN 0-9638822-2-8. 2. NEW--Journey to the Heart--Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul--By Melody Beattie--In the spirit of her bestselling book "The Language of Letting Go", America's most beloved inspirational writer guides us on a sacred journey as we learn to expand our creativity, embrace our powers, and open our hearts--.Published by Harper, San Francisco--Copyright 1996--ISBN 0-06-251121-1 3. The Golden Path--A spiritual message through Ruth Ryden--A "Book of Lessons" by the master teachers explaining the process of being a Spiritual Receptor, the Akashic Records, karma, opening the third eye, the ego and the meaning of Bible stories. It is a master class for opening your personal pathway. $11.95 Soft-cover 200 pp., ($3 pstg, 1 or 2 books) ISBN 0-929385-43-8. Order from Ruth Ryden, Box 313-EC, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona, USA, 85541. 4. Living The Golden Path--Practical Soul-utions to Today's Problems--A spiritual message through Ruth Ryden--Guidance that can be used in the real world to solve dilemmas--to strengthen inner resolves and see the Light at the end of the road. Covers the difficult issues of failure, addictions, drugs, personal tragedies, rape, abortion, and suicide. $11.95 Soft-cover, 186 pp, ($3 pstg, 1 or 2 books) ISBN 0-929385-65-9 5. "Reconnections--The Return To Oneness", Daniel Jacobs, Reconnections Press, 413 14th Avenue West, Kirkland, Washington, 98033, USA Copyright 1994--ISBN #1 884557 00 7 EARTH/ BODY CHANGE/ PROPHECY MATERIALS 1. "The Millennium Book of Prophecy"-- 777 Visions and Predictions from Nostradamus, Cayce, Gurdieff, Tamo-san, Madame Blavatsky, the Old & New Testament Prophets and 89 others.--John Hogue, Harper, San Francisco, A Division of Harper Collins Publishers--Copyright 1994, ISBN # 0-06-251077-0 (pbk). 2. "Upcoming Changes--The Next 20 Years", A Michael Book by Joya Pope, Emerald Wave Publishing Company, Box 969, Fayetteville, AR, 72702, USA.--Copyright 1993, ISBN # 0-942531-33-7 3.. "You Are Becoming A Galactic Human", Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle, S.E.E. Publishing Company, Santa Clara, CA, USA--Copyright 1994, ISBN# 0-937147-08- 7 4. "New Cell, New Bodies", Virginia Essene, S.E.E. Publishing Company, Santa Clara, CA, USA--Copyright 1991, ISBN# 0-937147-06-0 5. " The Pleiadian Mission--A Time of Awareness", Randolph Winters, The Pleiades Project, Inc., P.O. Box 386, Atwood, CA 92601, USA --Copyright 1994, ISBN #1-885757-07-7 6. "1997 Starguide Universal Predictions Daily". Dr. Turi Louis M.D.S. Divine Astrologer, Speaker, Writer, Lecturer. Published in the US by Horus House press and Europe by Magazine 2000 in Germany. Syndicated radio show (Nelson Broadcasting Ca) in progress. Appeared on NBC/CBS/Showtime/Fox and many national / international radio and television programs -Guest of Art Bell (Dreamland) - Bill Cooper - Ivy West - Jan Ross - Dave Burger etc. Services, Books, videos, Classes by mail, conferences etc., please E-Mail for information . To order 1996 Starguide Universal Predictions please call (619) 275-5853 - >(619) 275-4416 - (608) 537-2383 or send $25.00 S&H included to Dr. Turi, 1325 Elevation Rd-San Diego, CA, 92110. Try my page, see my services - 7. "The Great Pyramid--Its Secrets and Mysteries Revealed", Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer-Royal for Scotland, Bell Publishing Company, New York, 1978, Originally published in 1880 as "Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid." ISBN 0-517-26403-X 8. "Great Pyramid Passages", John and Morton Edgar--Originally published in 1912 and 1913--Reproduction publication in 1976 by Colorado Bible Students, P.O. Box 29307, Denver, CO 80229. 9. "Studies in the Scriptures--The Plan of the Ages," Series I reprinted in 1974, Divine Plan, P.O. Box 144, Edison, N. J. 08817, U.S.A. 10. "Theomatics--God's Best Kept Secret Revealed" by Jerry Lucas and Del Washburn, Stein and Day, New York copyright 1978, ISBN 0-8128-2181-5--Theomatics scientifically proves that God wrote the Bible and sheds new light on Bible prophecy and end-time events. 11. "Pole Shift--Predictions and Prophecies of the Ultimate Disaster" John White--Editor of Future Science--A.R.E. Press, Virginia Beach, Virginia--Copyright 1980, IBSN: 87604-162-4 HEALTH/ HEALING MATERIALS 1. NEW--Gem Elixirs And Vibrational Healing, Vol. 1 by Gurudas--Channeled through Kevin Ryerson--This book focuses on the practical side of gem therapy. Encyclopedic in content, this text presents 144 gem elixirs and 81 combinations. Up to 25 issues are examined with each gem elixir. There is also an extensive discussion of how gemstones were used in Atlantis and Lemuria.-- Cassandra Press, P.O. Box 2044, Boulder, CO 80306--Copyright 1985--ISBN 0-961-58750-4. 2. "Spontaneous Healing", Andrew Weil, M.D., Alfred A. Knopf, New York, USA--Copyright 1995, ISBN # 0-679-43607-3 3. "Natural health, Natural Medicine"--A Comprehensive Manual for Wellness and Self-Care", Andrew Weil, M.D., Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, USA --Copyright 1995, ISBN # 0-395-73099-6 (pbk.) 4. "Health and Healing"--A look at medical practices--from herbal remedies to biotechnology--and what they tell us about health and healing.-- Andrew Weil, M.D., Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, USA --Copyright 1995, ISBN # 0-395-73100-3 (pbk.) 5. "The Natural Mind"--An investigation of drugs and the higher consciousness"--Andrew Weil, M.D., Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, USA --Copyright 1986, ISBN # 0-395-40469-x (pbk.) 6. "Perfect Health"--The Complete Mind/Body/Guide. Deepak Chopra, M.D., Harmony Books, New York, copyright 1991, ISBN # 0-517-58421-2 7. "Self Healing"--A Practical Tool For Maintaining and Improving Your Health--Dr. Andrew Weil--Published monthly at $29/year by Thorne Communications, Inc., 42 Pleasant St., Watertown, MA 02172; (617) 926-0200. ************************************************************************** >From The House of David Teaching Center The House Of David is a non-profit Teaching Group. We are not associated with any religious group or denomination. This file is not copyrighted and may be reproduced in full or part. Distribution to all is suggested and encouraged. We do not sell these materials nor do we solicit money from those reading them. They were freely given to us and are freely passed on to all as our means will permit. We urge you to support those who have dedicated their time to warning the population as to the coming Earth Changes. They have done this by stepping out into unpopular areas against a mainstream that does not want to hear their warnings. By reading their entire prophetic predictions and purchasing their products you encourage them in this difficult task. HOUSE OF DAVID Norvell E. Von Behren--Director 7463 S. Marion Street Littleton, CO 80122 Phone (303) 797-7323 We solicit any comments and suggestions you may have about this Library File or our Earth Change Predictions Newsletter. You can reach us at the above address or by E-Mail at the following address: 74471.2703@compuserve.com XPEV94A@prodigy.com Our Earth Change Predictions Newsletter and Library Files are now posted on the Internet and may be reached through the following two URL Web Site locations: Web Site--Mind Body Spirit http://www.pix.za/mbs/spirit/predict.htm Web Site--The Phoenix Days http://phoenix.uchsc.edu/days/pr/hdtc/hdtc.html **************************************************************************** WORDS OF WISDOM---FEAR * Some say the fear of abandonment is a universal fear. It's common to most people in most places. It is that anguishing, heartbreaking moment when we believe someone is going to leave us. For many of us, the fear began when some important person did leave or abandon us --physically or emotionally. Now the very thought of it happening again terrifies us. Although the fear may be universal, if we have it, it still belongs to us. It needs to be faced, felt, acknowledged, and released--it needs to be healed--or else it may control our lives and harm our relationships. Sometimes we may fear being abandoned so much that we don't want anyone to leave us--even people we don't like--because it triggers that old familiar feeling. If we don't deal with it, however, people can use it against us. All they have to do is threaten to leave and we crumble, acquiesce at the mere thought of feeling that way again. Underneath the fear of abandonment another fear may lurk too, a deeper fear, the fear that somehow we've made the people we love go away. Sometimes in our lives, certain people have had to go away, because that is where their path led them. But if they felt confused, guilty, or uncertain about leaving, they may have lied to us. They may have told us we did something wrong, we caused the separation, it was our fault they were leaving. And their lie became embedded in us. Did someone tell that lie to you? Tell yourself something different. Tell yourself the truth. You don't, make people go away. You weren't the cause. If someone needed to leave you, that was his or her choice. -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00010 Date: 09/19/96 From: NORVELL E. VON BEHREN Time: 3:27:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: October Newsletter--epredict.213 (7 / 7)3:27:48409/19/96 Reply-to: "Norvell E. Von Behren" <74471.2703@CompuServe.COM> From: "Albert Nanomius" Newsgroups: lt.prophecies.nostradamus,talk.religion.newage,alt.future.millenn ium,alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Original Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 01:25:39 GMT forwarded by A.N. ===cut=here=== Heal your fear of abandonment. Set yourself and others free. >From Melody Beattie--"Journey to the Heart--Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul." --See RECOMMENDED READING for further information. ****************************************************************************** ****** END OF FILE -- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ /\. |\| /\ |\| () |\/| | |/ _/~ nanomius@netcom.com A l b e r t N a n o m i u s http://www.newciv.org/~albert/ --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00011 Date: 09/19/96 From: SNOWHARE@XMISSION.COM Time: 8:48:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: cmsg cancel TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00012 Date: 09/19/96 From: "DANIEL WILSON" Time: 8:48:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Why it is OKAY to KILL TELEPATHS. From: ""Daniel Wilson"" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Compulink Information eXchange Original Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 21:24:44 GMT root@tailor.aleim.net (root) [who is obviously ashamed of his/her/its writings] said:- > If there > were even a small population of such people in the USA, live > television of any kind would be either impossible or an > enterprise full of sparks, mysterious images showing up on the > screen, announcers getting their ears wiggled forward, > women announcers getting their breasts felt by unseen hands, > etc. > > In other words, there would be pandemonium if even a handful of > `real' > psychics existed in the USA. We know from experience, and I > know from > my travels that isn't the case. Real psychics don't fondle women announcers' breasts. Not without permission, anyway. Dan Wilson (who is one, so should know) --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDP00013 Date: 09/19/96 From: ROBERT BRAVER Time: 8:48:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <51n3jm$2po@usenet4.interram8:48:52009/19/96 From: "Robert Braver" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Original Date: 18 Sep 1996 01:00:27 GMT Spam cancelled. Autocancel spam type: ONLINE18 Original Subject: GET UNZIPPED! http://www.online18.com/sexygirl --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1)