------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ashtar Command Events Worldwide ------------------------------- Ashtar Command Monthly Gathering of the Starseed,Lightworkers all on mission on Earth are invited to attend in Connecticut USA the gathering on the second Sunday of each month between 1pm till 4pm.Topics and discussions varied.This is a main Ashtar base in Connecticut linkd up with our ships and peopl off planet.What is your mission on Earth? email alcyone@nai.net for more info. Ashtar Command gatherings are being setup worldwide start gathering of lightworkers and starseed in you area if you cannot attend ours in Connecticut. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AshtarCommand News is needed if you have some Ashtar news via channeling etc sent it to us for te Newsflash.Love to you all from the Ashtar Command --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDM00001 Date: 09/16/96 From: GORDIET@INTERGATE.BC.CA Time: 12:0:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: The New Age and the Paranormal From: gordiet@intergate.bc.ca Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: Internet Gateway Corporation Original Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 00:54:04 -0800 Many people to-day are experiencing the paranormal...and for many the New Age World View is being adopted to explain their experiences...let's see briefly what the "new age" is...and some of the problems people are encountering: The New Age World view is Syncretistic. In other words it blends elements of other world views. Russell Chandler, author of "Understanding the New Age", suggests the following beliefs make up some but not all of the components of this movement: - All is One (monism). The Cosmos is pure, undifferentiated, universal energy - a consiousness or "life force". Everything is one vast, interconnected process. All life is of equal value. - All is God (pantheism). God is an impersonal principal, a conciousness, lifeforce, Energy. Everything that is, is God. - Humans, nature, spirits, ET's, the earth, etc. are infused with or of the same essence as God. (polytheism). Humans have unlimited potentials being one with the One." We are God, "affirms many within this movement. Other enlighten beings, entities, etc. which share this divinity can also guide, instruct and empower those who opened the door to other side. Paranormal experiences are often sought and experienced when encountering these guides, assorted spirits, ET's and unknown entities. - All religions are essentially One. Jesus, Krishna, Buddaha, Lao- tsu, and all the mystics old and new, realized and taught this Oneness. All spiritual paths are equally valid. Dogmas and doctrines which cause separation should be de-empasized in favour of personal or communal unitive experiences of at-one-ness. There is a need, say some, for a New Age which will bannish intolerance and promote harmony and unity. Reincarnation is believed to expalain suffering and karma. - Humanity's problem is not sin but ignorance. We have forgotten we are one with God and we ...have infinite potential at our fingertips if we allow it to flow. Therefore we need to reject the self limitations and beliefs of the old ways of perception and embrace a "paradigm shift': a distinct new way of thinking. - How does humanity embark upon a paradigm shift? Through an "awakening experience" each individual may "actualize" his or her divine nature and achieve union with his or her divine nature with the Ultimate Unifying Prnciple by applying a plethoria of consciousness-changing techniques, or "psychotechnologies', to body mind and spirit. - Some examples of what Ferguson calls "intentional triggers of transformative experiences" are: meditation, Yoga,chanting, mood-altering music, mind expanding drugs, esoteric systems of religious mysticism and knowledge, guided imagery, balancing and aligning"energies," hypnosis, body discipines...radical seminars designed to obliterate former values, etc...The pathway to godhood lies not in left-hemisphere logic but in right hemisphere's intuitive 'knowing' and creativeness.' - The sequel to expanded personal awareness is planetary tranformation, charaterized by mass enlightment and social evolution.... Many of the world's problems: overpopulation, the envoirmental crisis, war, economic problems etc. may be solved by realizing our Oneness and untapped potentials. A New Planetary Order or New World Order which calls for an emerging global civilizaton and one world government is in the agenda. When a "critical mass" is achieved through world wide New Age events like the Harmonic Convergence, or the World Peace Meditations, or Mind Body Conferences, Earth Day, etc...then we will arrive at the New Age. Millions have already participated in these events and some of them are annual and ongoing..there are countless new age communities, conferences, peoples, and publications in many countries "networking" to achieve critical mass or the "Hundreth Monkey Effect" as it often called. Although at this present time there is no one leading group or indivdual guiding this movement...it, never-the-less through networking... is becoming a powerful force in society and the world. CRACKS IN THE NEW AGE WORLD VIEW - the assumption that all is One and it's implications are not true. If God is impersonal or all is One, there is no basis for absolutes in terms of truth, ethics or understanding reality. Reality, truth or right or wrong becomes whatever a New Age person perceives it to be. A Oneness which encompasses all and is all must also embrace evil. Ethical relativsm is illogical and unworkable. Try it sometime in a relationship or in society and see the fruit of anarchy and chaos... Nor do we need abitrary absolutes given to us by an authoritarian elite...If there is no higher law than the state or an New Age elite then democracy is obsolete...we must return to the concept of Lex Rex which states that those that govern are also subject to revealed moral laws...If All is One, then there is no difference between cruety and non cruelty...Charles Manson said "if all is One then nothing is wrong"...he was more consistant with his pantheistic beliefs than most new age people you meet. - Man is not God. Human imperfection, finitude, falliblity, and fallenness are the observable human condition. Humanity may with God's grace may become more saintly..ie. God's Spirit may enable men and women to bear the fruits of peace, love, goodness and experience God's miracles of healing etc... but man will not attain Godhood. The finite will not become the infinite. We have potential not unlimited potential. Where is evidence of human perfection or compassion in Roman Ceasars or others who also claimed to be God? ...all you see is human folly and the corruption of power. - There are distintions within the created order. Not all life is of equal value as taught by new age Deep Ecologists or sometime by reincarnation beleivers. Relativism-plugged into reincarnation theory-denigrates the value of human life by reducing all life to the lowest level. In India, "human babies are no more important than rats! Rats may not be killed because they are expressions of the same universal energy that characterizes man. As a result, rodents and other animals eat 20% of India's grain crop-food that could be available for starving people. Recently in India bubonic plaque has broken out again as it has in the Middle Ages due to rats growing out of control. Although all life is to valued as part of nature, nature is not perfect and can produce pestilance and harmful mutations..perhaps we are reaping the fruit of this as man tries to play God tinkering with genetic engineering...or planting new species in the wrong eco-systems. Panthesism says all life is equal...so man becomes no more valuable than the grass we trample on or burn... - Jesus did not teach that all paths lead to a pantheistic Oneness or that man will achieve Godhood. (see John 14, Matt 7:14,) His teaching has to be distored to suggest that Christ taught New Age philosophy as many within New Age circles try to imply...by taking his teaching out of context. Not all religions promote panthesitic monistic beliefs...as suggested by uninformed teachers within the movement... -The Altered State of conciousness reached through meditation and other psychotechnologies often negates critical thinking and reason, often dulling the individual's ability to discern between truth and deception. It also allows for the possiblitiy to contact deceptive or masquarading spirits (many within the movement acknowledge the existence of negative or evil entities) or be possessed by them as may happen in the channeling phenomena. A old proverb states "a man without self- control is like a town without defences". A person in ASC who is passive is more vulnarable to suggestiblity and outside control by whatever controllers human or non human that might happen to be around. Real spirituallity involves the mind, intellect and heart...critical hinking, not scepticism or mind-less-ness is - necessary for spiritual discernment. - Utopian notions of man and utopian New Age political goals may lead to totalitarian systems that would grow increasingly intolerant of those who would critize it. It was the belief in the fallenness and falliblity of human leadership in Europe during the Reformation and afterwards that led to ideas of democracy and freedom, as well as the need for checks and balances in government 7. This may be lost as New Age ideas are more and more embraced in society. Some kind of hierarchy of so called "enlighted" beings are trying to guide us into the NEW AGE claim many within this movement. The question is how do we know that the spirit guides, ET's or whatever, are what they appear to be...there is growing evidence that they are not so enlightened after all, and may have some other more sinister motives in mind when providing guidance and so called "transformative" experiences. - Reincarnation and evolutionary beliefs instead of bringing real love and unity to mankind may create elitist feelings and a callowness to human suffering. Karma supposedly determines a persons caste or position in life. To try to help those who are suffering, is to interfere with their karma. Unenlightened people are already called "cancer cells"2.* in body of Gaia by some within the movement...with the implication that a "cleansing" is coming or needed..we heard that before from Adolf Hitler... who in his time wanted to usher in a New Age..(Hitler also claimed he was guided by voices from the other side) ..There are presently some prominant leaders guided by powerful entities in this movement who are presently taking on or promoting Messianic leadership...as well as the "cleansing concept" ..their spirit guides are saying this is necessary...John Randolph Price, the primary moving force behind the "World Instant of Cooperation," was told by his favorite spirit guide, "Asher," that "nature will soon enter her cleansing cycle...." These individuals [the two billion human beings who do not have he 'ring of protection' around them] with their lower vibratory rates will be removed during the next two decades...2*. " Please read some of the eferences listed below ...there are many people already who are unknowingly caught up n this spiritual pandora's box...wake up don't be one of them. Many persons exploring New Age beliefs are sincere and pleasant people.. and are not throwing their lot in with the more dangerous elements of the New Age...there are people being hurt by these beliefs and by cultic leaders.. as well as seductive entites...I've dialoged with many of them in several countries...so I encourage compassion for victims...we may disagree and be discerning and helpful but not be arrogant, for in the eyes of God we all all short of perfection...for it's only by God's grace that we are able to see the many of the pitfals of a fallen world..If you are following New Age beliefs ask God's Spirit to guide you in your quest for truth and reality... Also do your own research as others have below...some listed below were formally in the New Age Movement and in leadership positions...some experiencing powerful paranormal experiences until they woke up to the deception. References below: 1. The Beautiful Side of Evil - Johanna Michaelson..former assistant to psychic healer...and Sylva Mind disciple. 2. Like Lambs to the Slaughter - Johanna Michaelson. * pp 307-310 3. Understanding the New Age - Russell Chandler , Journalist and religion writer For Los Angeles Times. 4. Inside the New Age Nightmare - Randall N. Baer -former "crystal power" expert and teacher. Huntington House, 1989. 5. When the World Will Be As One -The Coming NEW WORLD ORDER in the NEW AGE y Tal Brooke - former follower of Sai Baba, presently with The Spiritual Counterfeits Research Group - Berkeley , Calif. 6. Out on a Broken Limb - Dr. F. LaGard Smith ..Professor of Law at epperdine University. Harvest House 1986. 7."How Should We Then Live' - The Rise and Fall of Western Civilization, by Dr. Francis Shaeffer. Fleming H Revell Co. NJ. 1976. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDM00002 Date: 09/16/96 From: CHRIS LEWIS Time: 12:0:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <323CCA23.1345@ChewsPlace.co0:50:23609/16/96 From: "Chris Lewis" Newsgroups: lt.paranet.psi,alt.paranet.science,alt.paranet.skeptic,alt.parane .ufo,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paranormal.crop circles,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.parenting.solutions Original Date: 16 Sep 1996 12:12:38 GMT MMF spam cancelled by clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca Original Subject: NEED CASH FAST? $5 COULD = $25,000 --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDM00003 Date: 09/16/96 From: MANTAUR Time: 12:0:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: cmsg cancel <51j78d$9qp@cumin.telecom.uq0:50:24609/16/96 From: "MANTAUR" Newsgroups: lt.paranet.science,alt.paranet.skeptic,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.parano mal,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.paranormal.crop-circles,alt.par normal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.parenting.solutions,alt.parenting.s Organization: Universit du Qubec Montral Original Date: 16 Sep 96 13:16:02 GMT Take five minutes to read this and it WILL change your life. I just read an article in an internet newsgroup describing how to make $50,000.00 in only one month from a $5.00 investment. Of course I thought this was rediculous ,or some type of pyramid. I talked it over with my family, an attorney, and my friends, and they all agreed it was some sort of scam.I hate scams because usually someone gets burned, and I didn't want it to be me! I blew it off for a few weeks then saw another one in a newsgroup I go to alot and thought, "Maybe this is legitimate!". Besides, whats $5.00 , I spend more than that in the morning on my way to work on coffee and cigs for the day. Well, two weeks later,I began recieving money in the mail! I couldn't believe it! Not just a little , I mean big bucks! At first only a few hundred dollars, then a week later, a couple of thousand , then BOOM . By the end of the fourth week , I had recieved nearly $47,000.00. It came from all over the world.And every bit of it perfectly legal and on the up and up. I've been able to pay off all my bills and still had enough left over for a nice vacation for me and my family. Not only does it work for me, it works for other folks as well. Markus Valppu says he made $57,883 in four weeks. Dave Manning claims he made $53,664 in the same amount of time. Dan Shepstone says it was only $17,000 for him. Do I know these folks? No, but when I read how they say they did it, it made sense to me. Enough sense that I'm taking a similar chance with $5 of my own money. Not a big chance, I admit--but one with incredible potential, because $5 is all anyone ever invests in this system. Period. That's all Markus, Dave, or Dan invested, yet their $5 netted them tens of thousands of dollars each, in a safe, legal, completely legitimate way. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: STEP 1. Invest your $5 by writing your name and address on five seperate pieces of paper along with the words, "PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST." (In this way, you're not just sending a dollar to someone; you're paying for a legitimate service.) Fold a $1 bill, money order, or bank note inside each paper, and mail them by standard U. S. Mail to the following five addresses: Article cancelled by news@service3.uky.edu. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDM00004 Date: 09/16/96 From: ANTONIA MARTINEZ Time: 3:21:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Web sites with channeling info From: "Antonia Martinez" Originally to: "Jim" Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: bway.net, part of Outernet, Inc. in New York City Original Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 09:15:14 -0700 Visit THE HEALING SPIRIT. It offers information on meditations and other exercise that assist in this. Also provide a monthly channeled horoscope. If you have particular questions on channeling that you couldn't find answers to at the site, drop me a line: Antonia forafi@bway.net --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDM00005 Date: 09/16/96 From: US031162@PSINET.COM Time: 3:21:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: This SLIT is open. FREE SAMPLES: http:3:21:28009/16/96 From: us031162@psinet.com Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: PSI Public Usenet Link Original Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 06:53:45 GMT HEY GUYS! There's hot SLIT, open and waiting for you - explicit photos, hot audio tracks, sizzling sex stories and more. Try it FREE!! Adults 18 and over VISIT: http://www.nwnt.com/slit --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDM00006 Date: 09/16/96 From: ANGELTAM@ANSWERME.COM Time: 3:21:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: * FREE Astrology Chart and Catalog With3:21:29009/16/96 Reply-to: angeltam@answerme.com From: angeltam@answerme.com Newsgroups: lt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.paranormal.channeling,alt.pa anet.paranormal,alt.paranormal,alt.paranormal.crop-circles,alt.pa ranormal.pyramid,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Organization: Concentric Internet Services Original Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 23:11:16 GMT FREE NATAL ASTROLOGY CHART Send Your: Name U.S. Postal Address Telephone # ( ) - Date Of Birth (mm/dd/yy) Time Of Birth (am/pm) City Of Birth State of Birth to angeltam@answerme.com You will receive via snail mail within 3 - 5 days your FREE Professionally Printed Natal Chart along with a catalog of our other Astrology, Aromatherapy and Positive Affirmation Tapes. You will receive a confirmation via e-mail within a few minutes. --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 258 CHANNELING Ref: DDM00007 Date: 09/16/96 From: US031162@PSINET.COM Time: 3:21:am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: !NAKED MEN. FREE SAMPLES - http://www.p3:21:29009/16/96 From: us031162@psinet.com Newsgroups: alt.paranormal.channeling Organization: PSI Public Usenet Link Original Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 13:27:46 GMT Join the FREE SAMPLES TOUR. Playgirl Magazine has hit the Internet. Get free links to audio clips and pictures. VISIT: http://www.playgirlmag.com --- MailGate 0.25e * Origin: Ask your Fido Feed for I_UFO (1:330/201.1)