--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFS00001Date: 11/22/97 From: BARBARA BUCKANTZ Time: 02:09pm \/To: SHARON MCCORMICK (Read 1 times) Subj: Garlic S> That does not work here. We eat a lot of garlic in this house, if I S> have no garlic, onions, or oregano, I can't cook! But my husband gets S> flea bites anyway. How does one differentiate between different kinds of bites? I do know the difference between mosquito and spider bites, but that's all. --- GAPNet Enhanced * Origin: QUACKERS BBS - Cleveland, Ohio (1:157/443.0) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFS00002Date: 11/22/97 From: SHARON MCCORMICK Time: 03:39pm \/To: BARBARA BUCKANTZ (Read 1 times) Subj: Garlic BB> S> That does not work here. We eat a lot of garlic in this house, if I BB> S> have no garlic, onions, or oregano, I can't cook! But my husband gets BB> S> flea bites anyway. BB> BB> How does one differentiate between different kinds of bites? I do know BB> the difference between mosquito and spider bites, but that's all. Good question, Barbara! The flea bites, well, we just know when there are fleas around, and Mike has a bunch of tiny red blotches all over his ankles. --- GAPNet Enhanced * Origin: QUACKERS BBS - Cleveland, Ohio (1:157/443.0) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFS00003Date: 11/22/97 From: RICHARD SMITH Time: 11:40pm \/To: LISA MADGE (Read 1 times) Subj: glaucoma . . . };> Lisa Madge wrote in a message to Richard Smith <:( "RS> " I went to the opthalmologist on Monday, and during "the " "RS> course of a regular eye examination, they discovered that " the "RS> pressure in my right eye is about 30. From what I was " said, this "RS> can lead to nerve damage and eventually "glaucoma " and all the joys "RS> " Is there anything I can do to help decrease the amount of " fluid, "RS> perhaps even get it to drain a bit more readily, " etc., short of "RS> appreciated in regards to this. " I'd like to not develop glaucoma LM> I'm sorry to hear that you are having probs with your LM> eyes,,,there is a lot of fear when people hear the tern LM> GLAUCOMA,,so let me tell you a little bout myself,,i was Thank you for all this excellent information and advice. I've filed a copy away for later rereading. I guess my next step is a good medical book or two . . . Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret. Richard Smith --- timEd 1.01 * Origin: Syr Undry BBS ):> Bendigaid };> (916) 481-1301 (1:203/9046) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFT00000Date: 11/22/97 From: BARBARA BUCKANTZ Time: 07:18pm \/To: SHARON MCCORMICK (Read 1 times) Subj: Garlic S> Good question, Barbara! The flea bites, well, we just know when there S> are fleas around, and Mike has a bunch of tiny red blotches all over his S> ankles. Do they itch at all, are they painful, or just plain unsightly? --- GAPNet Enhanced * Origin: QUACKERS BBS - Cleveland, Ohio (1:157/443.0) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFT00001Date: 11/22/97 From: VERN FAULKNER Time: 03:06pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Maggot Therapy JK> "their own suicidal tendencies" is a blanket statement that just is JK> hogwash. It connotates a mental health stigma on your part that these JK> people simply do not deserve. Let me see - we're engineered to survive. You're telling me people who are able to over-ride this natural instinct aren't sick? Don't have baggage? Their coping mechanisms are just fine, thank you? Uh-huh. People who are suicidal have _problems_. Period. Trying to avoid their problems with cutesy politically-correct and mind-numbing adjectives doesn't help them - or their problems. They're not functioning properly in society. THey do not perform to the social norm. They are, in short, mentally ill. Sick. In need of help. JK> What they need, and what they don't get, is help from other addicts who JK> have gone on and taken courses in addiction AFTER they got their own JK> habits under control. Folks who can walk in and get their attention and People either deal with their addictions through self-control and willpower or they don't. They may be assisted through outside intervention. Of course, they have to be considered ill enough to recieve that aid first.... --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Fox n' Dragon Inn BBS (472-8313, Victoria, BC) (1:340/44) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFT00002Date: 11/22/97 From: VERN FAULKNER Time: 03:08pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: On Drug Laws DN>any form of drug legal or otherwise, and I shall follow your twisted DN>teachings like a mindless accolyte. JK> There is a difference between taking legal drugs which have been JK> produced under stringent controls and taking substances which are Ah, so the most potent and damaging drug in society today - alcohol - would gain your acceptance then? Legality has no bearing on the effect of a chemical on a person. Ask a buddy of mine, who has an addiction to codiene, gained through legal medical prescription many years ago. Ask me. I was addicted to a drug. A nice, legally availble material not even listed as a "drug" in today's society. Caffiene. It goes to show that the people who make the laws should be medical professionals, not lawyers. How you can come in and proscribe one thing as fine because its legal and another bad because it isn't is mind-numbingly baffling. And illogical. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Fox n' Dragon Inn BBS (472-8313, Victoria, BC) (1:340/44) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFT00003Date: 11/21/97 From: DOUGLAS ANDERSON Time: 01:36pm \/To: ALEX VASAUSKAS (Read 1 times) Subj: Adverse Drug Reactions Alex Vasauskas wrote in a message to Douglas Anderson: TJ> What IS THE Difference BETWEEN ADDICTION AND dependence. I ran out of TJ> meds and started getting the shakes and I was having strange feelings TJ> almost like an LSD trip. I think they are as addictive as opiates DA> Physical and psychological dependence means that if you stop taking DA> the drug you will go through a withdrawal syndrome, such as the DA> shakes and strange feelings you were having. AV> Physical addiction by definition involves a physiological AV> withdrawal effect. Psychological addiction means that you AV> repeatedly seek to duplicate an experience because you AV> desire the experience No, when are speaking of drug-seeking behavior, which is what you have described, we are talking about addiction - not dependence. Any time we use the term dependence we are speaking of the potential for withdrawal effect, whether it is physiological withdrawal for physical dependence, or psychological withdrawal for psychological dependence. To contrast, tricyclic antidepressants have demonstrated a well defined psychological withdrawal syndrome, although they do not cause physical dependence (thus they are not a scheduled drug). On the other hand, benzodiazepines cause both psychologic dependence and physical dependence causing both psychological and physical withdrawal syndromes (thus they are scheduled drugs). A patient may be either physically or psychologically dependent upon a benzodiazepine without "seeking to duplicate the experience" or being addicted. DA> Everyone who is addicted is dependent, but DA> not everyone who is dependent is addicted. I take blood pressure DA> medicine. If I quit taking my medicine I go through a well-defined DA> withdrawal syndrome. I am physically dependent on my blood DA> pressure medicine. But calling me addicted to it would be DA> ridiculous. AV> Why? Because you attach a different emotional meaning to AV> the words? Of course, no one probably considers themselves AV> addicted to air or water although we are dependent on them. Exactly. My point is that the term addiction is used very loosely by health care professionals (I am a professor of pharmacy and medicine), without realizing the emotional impact of the terms on the patients. Telling a mother whose child is using phenytoin for controlling seizures that her child is addicted to the phenytoin is like hitting her with an emotional sledge hammer. However, telling her that he is dependent on the medication to prevent seizures is much gentler, and really much more accurate. All I am asking for, and standing on the soapbox about, is accuracy in the rminology. AV> But, if you define addiction as the body's dependence AV> on a non-essential substance the withdrawal of which results AV> in a physical syndrome, it seems that dependence on that AV> substance (in your case a drug) is the same as addiction. That isn't how I'm defining addiction. AV> There is also the assumption that addiction in itself is AV> inherently bad. Right, absolutely. And if you define addiction as you have above, equating it with physical dependence, then that isn't necessarily so. What I'm saying is that we cannot equate physical dependence and addiction in our rminology. AV> life. For example, there are physicians who will withhold AV> painkillers from hurting and even terminally ill patients AV> because the patients might become addicted. This is absurd I agree wholeheartedly. And I believe that the terminology is part of the problem that creates this situation. AV> It is amazing how self-righteously hypocritical AV> humans can be in AV> their "morality". Again I agree. We may not be able to end self-righteous hypocrisy, but we can be clear about what terms mean when we use them. Douglas doogie@fiona.umsmed.edu --- timEd-B11 * Origin: RebelNet II BBS -=- Ole Miss (1:3632/72) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFT00004Date: 11/21/97 From: DOUGLAS ANDERSON Time: 01:51pm \/To: GEORGE LAGERGREN (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Thrush George Lagergren wrote in a message to Chris McCarthy: CM> Her condition doesn't seem to have improved yet. Can anyone offer any CM> advice on this? She has cut sugar and yeast from her diet. GL> GL> Question: What is trush? A Candida (yeast) infection of the mouth. Douglas doogie@fiona.umsmed.edu --- timEd-B11 * Origin: RebelNet II BBS -=- Ole Miss (1:3632/72) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFT00005Date: 11/21/97 From: MARK PROBERT Time: 05:45am \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Add And Adhd JANE KELLEY was thinking about Add And Adhd and keyed into cyberspace: JK>MP>One of the most commonly used ones is the yarn about the parent JK>MP>who had their child taking Ritalin for five (or four or six, it is JK>MP>YOUR choice) years and watched their child wither away or grow two JK>MP>heads. (What sort of parent would just watch for five years?) JK>And then there is the adult male who became a drug and alcohol JK>counselor (also has extensive knowledge in chemistry) who abused JK>Ritalin and claims that it can leave talc deposits in the brain which JK>effect peripheral vision. You have been told that is hogwash numerous times. JK>Pycnogenol I've not had any direct experience with for hyperactivity, JK>I have seen other food supplements used with a great degree of JK>success. There is no clinical demonstration of efficacy. JK>Ever encounter the gummy bears made from vegetables? Phyto-bears. Yep. I taught my kids not to play with their food. Again, useless for real ADHD. JK>They work just fine on one of my grandchildren. Since we don't know JK>the family's genetic history, we don't know why. She was adopted. Your grandchild has Gummy-Bear deprivation syndrome. BTW, Ciba_Geigy is making a new form of Ritalin that will be in a chewable, like the Flintstones vitamins. Great to hear. The Few. The Proud. The Chosen. markprobe@aol.com --- * CMPQwk #1.4 * UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY * Origin: PC BBS : Massapequa, NY : (516)795-5874 (1:2619/110) JANE KELLEY was thinking about Add And Adhd and keyed into cyberspace: JK>DS>I work for a psychotherapist here and some of the clients I have JK>DS>off the record mentioned pycnogenol to try. The majority have had JK>DS>startling results One little boy who is mother refused to let him JK>DS>take any drugs and he was just unteachable..couldn't read, write, JK>DS>behavior problems. Now he's at abou the 3rd grade level and doing JK>DS>pretty well considering. JK>Some children from families with genetic alcoholism are doing well on JK>a vitamin/amino acid compound. They do not do well on Ritalin. JK>DS>Research is great but sometimes you have to see how it works with JK>DS>just plain folks. If I had a kid with it, I sure would try it. JK>DS>At least that's my opinion. JK>I believe in trying every alternative to the drugs for behavior JK>problems in children. My daughter adopted two children, boy and JK>girl. The girl had a seizure disorder and behavior problems, didn't JK>socialize well at all until she was fed gummy bears that are made JK>from ingredients made from vegetables such as broccoli. That child JK>is now doing very well at school and much better at home. The label JK>just mentions the many vegetables, not what the concentrated results JK>are. JK>She has to send for them, heard about them from a friend who now JK>lives in PA and is a special ed teacher with a special child of her JK>own. JK>That child won't be on Ritalin. Right. because methylphenidate treats ADHD, not Gummy-Bear Deficiency Syndrome. I just hope your grandchild does not grow up thinking it is fun to play with her medicine. The Few. The Proud. The Chosen. markprobe@aol.com --- * CMPQwk #1.4 * UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY * Origin: PC BBS : Massapequa, NY : (516)795-5874 (1:2619/110) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EFT00006Date: 11/21/97 From: MARK PROBERT Time: 07:29am \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Add And Adhd JANE KELLEY was thinking about Add And Adhd and keyed into cyberspace: JK>DS>I work for a psychotherapist here and some of the clients I have JK>DS>off the record mentioned pycnogenol to try. The majority have had JK>DS>startling results One little boy who is mother refused to let him JK>DS>take any drugs and he was just unteachable..couldn't read, write, JK>DS>behavior problems. Now he's at abou the 3rd grade level and doing JK>DS>pretty well considering. JK>Some children from families with genetic alcoholism are doing well on JK>a vitamin/amino acid compound. They do not do well on Ritalin. JK>DS>Research is great but sometimes you have to see how it works with JK>DS>just plain folks. If I had a kid with it, I sure would try it. JK>DS>At least that's my opinion. JK>I believe in trying every alternative to the drugs for behavior JK>problems in children. My daughter adopted two children, boy and JK>girl. The girl had a seizure disorder and behavior problems, didn't JK>socialize well at all until she was fed gummy bears that are made JK>from ingredients made from vegetables such as broccoli. That child JK>is now doing very well at school and much better at home. The label JK>just mentions the many vegetables, not what the concentrated results JK>are. JK>She has to send for them, heard about them from a friend who now JK>lives in PA and is a special ed teacher with a special child of her JK>own. JK>That child won't be on Ritalin. Right. because methylphenidate treats ADHD, not Gummy-Bear Deficiency Syndrome. I just hope your grandchild does not grow up thinking it is fun to play with her medicine. The Few. The Proud. The Chosen. markprobe@aol.com --- * CMPQwk #1.4 * UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY * Origin: PC BBS : Massapequa, NY : (516)795-5874 (1:2619/110)