--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EER00007Date: 10/19/97 From: MARK PROBERT Time: 07:59am \/To: DIA SPRIGGS (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: St. John's Wort DIA SPRIGGS was thinking about Re: St. John's Wort and keyed into cyberspace: DS>The lastest I heard was that they now think it's NOT an MAO inhibitor DS>even tho some of the chemical constituents have MAO activities. I DS>was always concerned if it was MAO you'd have to watch what you ate DS>very closely. Sometimes you wonder if anyone knows anything. Regardless of the source of the chemical, you have to watch what you eat when you consume a chemical. The Few. The Proud. The Chosen. markprobe@aol.com --- * CMPQwk #1.4 * UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY * Origin: PC BBS : Massapequa, NY : (516)795-5874 (1:2619/110) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EER00008Date: 10/20/97 From: ALEX VASAUSKAS Time: 07:42am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Saw Palmetto Herbal Information Center - Saw Palmetto Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) From: http://www.kcweb.com/herb/herbmain.htm Saw Palmetto is a small, palm tree like plant native to the U.S. Atlantic coast. This herb is called the "plant catheter" due to its therapeutic effect on the neck of the bladder and the prostate in men. An extract of the saw palmetto will decrease urinary frequency, especially during the night, due to inflammation of the bladder and enlarged prostate. Saw palmetto extract works to prevent testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone, the hormone thought to cause prostate cells to multiply, leading to an enlarged prostate. Preliminary evidence exists to also suggest saw palmetto may also aid those suffering from thyroid deficiency. Saw palmetto is a good expectorant for use in clearing chest congestion and can be used to treat coughs, asthma, and bronchitis. --- * Origin: 61 deg. 25' N / 149 deg. 40' W (1:17/75) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EER00009Date: 10/20/97 From: ALEX VASAUSKAS Time: 07:43am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Don quai Herbal Information Center - Don Quai From: http://www.kcweb.com/herb/herbmain.htm Don Quai (Angelica sinensis) Dong quai is an aromatic herb that grows in China, Korea, and Japan. The reputation of Don quai is second only to Ginseng and is considered the ultimate, all-purpose woman's tonic herb. It is used for almost every gynecological complaint from regulating the menstrual cycle to treating menopausal symptoms caused by hormonal changes. Dong quai is frequently used by the Chinese as a strengthening treatment for the heart, spleen, liver and kidneys. Both men and women use the herb as a general blood tonic. Dong quai contains vitamins E, A and B12. Researchers have isolated at least six coumarin derivatives that exert antispasmodic and vasodilatory effects. Antispasmodics are a remedy for menstrual cramps. The essential oil in dong quai contains Ligustilide, butylphthalide and numerous other minor components. Ferulic acid and various polysaccharides are also found in dong quai's root. These elements can prevent spasms, reduce blood clotting and relax peripheral blood vessels. Research has shown that don quai produces a balancing effect on estrogen activity. Modern treatments prescribe the herb to combat PMS and to help women resume normal menstruation after using birth control pills. The herb has been found useful in balancing and treating many female systems and cycles. Dong quai's constituents can act to stimulate the central nervous system which can remedy weakness and headaches associated with menstrual disorders. It strengthens internal reproductive organs, helps with endometriosis and internal bleeding or bruising. It relieves menopausal conditions such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes. The herb has also been used as a blood purifier, to promote blood circulation and nourish the blood in both sexes. It is high in iron content and may help to prevent iron deficiency and anemia. Studies show that it can aid in regulating blood sugar and in lowering blood pressure. Dong quai has a mild sedative effect which can relieve stress and calms the nerves. It has also be used to stimulate the uterus during childbirth, treat insomnia, alleviate constipation and for migraine headaches. Parts Used: Whole root. Found in tea, herbal preparations, capsules, extract and recipes. Common Use: The root has earned a reputation as the "ultimate herb" for women. It is used to restore balance to a woman's hormones and cycles and is helpful in restoring menstrual regularity and for conditions of the reproductive system. It is not recommended during pregnancy, for women with excessive menstrual flow or for people taking blood thinning agents. --- * Origin: 61 deg. 25' N / 149 deg. 40' W (1:17/75) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EER00010Date: 10/21/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:20am \/To: GEORGE LAGERGREN (Read 1 times) Subj: A.a Vs. R.r. GL> I heard, in my past, in regards to alcoholics that once they ACCEPT GL> they are prone to heavy drinking, there are two paths to follow: GL> 1. Some alcoholics can learn to drink only in small quantity and GL> now know when to stop. They are not true genetic alcoholics. They are people who act like true alcoholics. This is the reason why there has been certain verbage in the book of Alcoholics Anonymous on this subject for years and why one of the topics discussed in their meetings is whether or not someone is a "real alcoholic". Genetic alcoholics, once they reach a certain place in their drinking career, are unable to drink in small quantities and know when to stop. The nature of the disease is one of denial of this, and a true genetic alcoholic cannot stop after drinking what others consider "normal" amounts of the stuff. Placing them in jail will not work, putting them in hospitals after a severe accident and healing their broken bones won't either. What does work is treatment and A.A. where they face other genetic alcoholics in recovery from whom they cannot hide what they are going through in withdrawal. GL> 2. Some alcoholics can never have another drink because they must GL> then continue to want drinks. This is the "real alcoholic" described in the Big Book of A.A. The Gamma type drinker which founded it and which does very well. There are other types of alcoholics that don't do as well there or in ordinary treatment facilities. GL> Maybe catergory #1 drinker is only a heavy drinker??? Category one is going to have just as many health problems and die just like the real alcoholic. And requires treatment by certified chemical dependency counselors in order to stop. Not mental health professionals who haven't the faintest idea of how the human brain actually does work and what drugs do to the brain and central nervous system. GL> Also, alcoholics and drug addicts may be deficit in nutrition? GL> Like needing vitamin B complex and vitamin C. That is only a start. There are several minerals and neurotransmitters that we are aware are lacking such as the alcohol dehydrogenase which metabolizes alcohol in EVERYONE! The genetic alcoholic is born with a lack of this and uses up what little he or she has rapidly once drinking is commenced. Then the body begins a chemical changeover in addiction that is vicious. Unless someone is taught all of this and what nutritional supplements are necessary to combat the disease, the child grows up crippled when he or she could have a wonderful life using daily supplements of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. The research has been done in the Scandinavian nations and this one for years.....started around 50-60 years ago. But, WE HAVE A MULTI BILLION DOLLAR industry making, distributing, and selling alcohol. We are where we were before the truth about tobacco companies was splashed all over the media. The truth has been known for years. The sickening thing is that each generation gets worse. And we have been mutating the human gene pool adversely in this nation with alcohol and other drugs for years. Not improving the human animal in the process. Get statistics on how well our children are doing in school compared to those of other nations. Find out how they stand in physical ability as well as mental. And then get busy and do something about it. --- SLMR 2.1a My reality check just bounced. * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EER00011Date: 10/21/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:20am \/To: GEORGE LAGERGREN (Read 1 times) Subj: Addiction GL>-=> Quoting Steve Kemp to Jane Kelley <=- GL> SK> Really? Considering that I've been clean and sober for over a year nd GL> SK> a half, and I was an addict for 12 years.....hmmmmm. RIGHT! _I_ don't GL> SK> know what I'm talking about? SURE! GL> What were the reasons you were able to become an ex-addict? GL> Do you have to change your diet? There are open meetings of A. A. in your area which you can attend quietly and just listen. You will learn why people come to the realization that drinking is not for them. Most treatment facilities will also offer some sort of free literature or other information if asked. In my case, I had a hell of a hangover which lasted three full days after drinking just one bottle of beer on a weekend. Did that again the next weekend with the same result only at that point, the over-the-counter stuff I'd taken didn't work. Found one Percodan pill, a strong oral opiate, which dimmed the pain to the point where I could stand it. That is when I arrived at the conclusion that if I were going to continue to drink, I would need opiates to offset the resultant pain. Went to my doctor, got the usual counseling of that day (1969) and decided to attend A. A. and stop. 11 years later I went to the oldest school for chemical dependency counselors in this nation, Seattle University, run by Jesuits. The old priest who founded it doesn't talk, he fires words like machine gun bullets. So I got a tape recorder and managed to keep up with the other folks in the class. Had trouble with only one professor, a non alcoholic who was trying to teach us counseling techniques. I went over her head and took the course again from someone who knew first hand what works. And I can assure you that one of the first things we got told was that we were far from experts in the disease and its treatment when we entered Seattle U. Father James Royce made it very clear to us. And he would look at anyone with a year and a half of being clean and sober who attempted to set himself up as a guru and then slice him up with words in telling him the nature of his error. It takes 15-16 YEARS to get the maximun benefit from A. A. for a genetic alcoholic! That point is where the war mentioned in the Big Book is over and "we are at peace". During that time attendance at meetings is a must as is total and complete abstinance. It takes around two years to get through any professional classes designed for counselors. Who also have to be clean and sober along the way. Someone without any other knowledge except their own disease can be very dangerous when they attempt to render counseling and advice to others. --- SLMR 2.1a All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here. * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EER00012Date: 10/21/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:20am \/To: SUE ALEXANDER (Read 1 times) Subj: Maggot Therapy SA> Unfortunately, short-sightedness is a very common problem in edicine. SA>There are significant numbers of people that would still refuse the maggot SA>treatment even if amputation was the only other viable option because maggot SA>are "yucky", then insist on "miracle drugs" from the doctor and sue when the SA>limb is lost due to infection and necrosis or have the family sue when the SA>person dies from massive infection. If people don't take care of their basic immune systems, then there are no reserves to deal with this sort of thing. We put too many things into the human body in this nation which don't belong there. --- SLMR 2.1a Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up. * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EER00013Date: 10/21/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:20am \/To: DAVID NASH (Read 1 times) Subj: Marijuana & Addiction DN>purchase 'legal' stimulants that are proven to cause heart attacks and DN>stroke! Those have strict controls put upon them during manufacture in this nation. Illegal drugs do not. Therefore, there is nothing on file in the emergency rooms across the nation concerning the latest batch of some illegal drug, made under heaven only knows what sanitary conditions. ANYONE WHO USES SUCH IS OUT OF HIS OR HER PROFANE MIND! The problems that can arise from the use of legal drugs are documented in one textbook after another.....and published as fast as possible when new drugs are let loose on the market. Drugs with all kinds of claims to be some miracle cure or another. This nation has long had a fascination with drugs. Much better it got hooked on exercise and proper diet. --- SLMR 2.1a hAS ANYONE SEEN MY cAPSLOCK KEY? * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EER00014Date: 10/21/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:20am \/To: PETE SNIDAL (Read 1 times) Subj: Silver PS> One of the claims is that it's a great Candida Yeast killer. (Can you PS> say Beer Belly?) I'm currently going through a $15.00 jar of the stuff PS> to see if it can save me from another stretch of the only other PS>alternative PS> I've found - The Incredibly Boring Diet. Candida lives on sugars. Eliminate them from your diet and get hold of some Pau d Arco tea. --- SLMR 2.1a If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny. * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EES00000Date: 10/21/97 From: DIA SPRIGGS Time: 03:13pm \/To: SUE ALEXANDER (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Expiration Warning > conveying some frustration at his comments. I actually enjoy > reading here when there are not alot of arguments...which I > hope is the direction the echo is returning to. Oh it is...believe me, IT IS! I am glad people are starting to post again and I hope I will be not as preoccupied in the pursuit of day to day survival as to let it get out of hand again. --- D'Bridge 1.30/002111 * Origin: THE SOURCE BBS Miami, Fla 305-624-2190 135/68 (1:135/68) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EES00001Date: 10/21/97 From: DIA SPRIGGS Time: 03:16pm \/To: MARK PROBERT (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Post the rules > Please post the COnference Rules and the General Rules of > FIDO. I posted altmed's rules..did you miss them? I don't have Fido's general rules here and actually it is not anything that this conference should be concerned with. Thank you for your support in the recent past. But I think it's time to move on now. Anyone from this point that doesn't like the moderating can find an echo more to their liking I feel that I am fair, probably overfair at times. I hope the situation we all just went thru is resolved. I have taken steps to try and insure that it is. So let's move on with altmed subjects ok? --- D'Bridge 1.30/002111 * Origin: THE SOURCE BBS Miami, Fla 305-624-2190 135/68 (1:135/68)