--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDA00004Date: 09/05/97 From: BRIAN SHAW Time: 09:58am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: SILVER Hello everyone, Has anyone heard of the positive health benefits of silver? A friend of mine was telling me he uses an electronic device to "charge" his drinking water with silver particles. He claims the term "blue blood" to refer to royalty originates from the 18th century practice of treating royals medically with pure silver to prevent illnesses, apparently the procedure turns the blood slightly blueish. Sounds far out, but my friend is in his 70s, and he claims his skin cancer has cleared up and attributes it to the silver intake. Does anyone know anything about this? Brian brian.shaw@ablelink.org ... All I need is a Wave and a board to surf it on. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 --- QScan/PCB v1.19b / 01-0150 * Origin: Ability OnLine - Toronto Canada - 416 650-5411 (1:250/518) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDB00000Date: 09/04/97 From: JASON HUFF Time: 11:32pm \/To: TY MEISSNER (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Open minds TM> As a certified California Peace Officer, I can tell you that * I nd TM> ONLY I * am permitted to DISCUSS medical marijuana. TM> TM> Anyone else, conference hosts included are committing a felony by TM> talking about this illegal drug and is subject to a MINIMUM of 10 TM> years in federal prison. TM> TM> YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. TM> TM> cc: Attorney General Dan Lundgren, Sacramento, CA so it is a felon to talk about marijuana? but that was a big statement to make considering how others of us could be peace officers, or not even in the country. --- GEcho 1.00 * Origin: DiGiTaL OnLiNe MaGaZiNe - [409]8Ext-237 (1:3811/350) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDB00001Date: 09/06/97 From: GEORGE LAGERGREN Time: 04:25pm \/To: MARK PROBERT (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: ADD Problem -=> Quoting Mark Probert to All <=- MP> NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Psychiatrists are now treating a flood of adults MP> for attention deficit disorder (ADD), a syndrome often thought of as a MP> disorder of childhood. MP> Once diagnosed, most adult ADD patients turn to Ritalin, a drug MP> thought to increase levels of the brain chemical dopamine. Many MP> researchers believe a shortage of dopamine is behind ADD behaviors. Mark --> A person with ADD would probably be treated differently depending on whether person seeks help from a natrapathic doctor [ N.D ] verus a medical doctor [ M.D ]. A N.D. believe an person with ADD can and should be treated with nutrition while a M.D. would treat that person with chemicals. Thus, the debate between natrapathic [ ALTMED ] and allopathic medicine. ... "Scotty, beam me up another Blue Wave message." ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] --- Amie v0.98 * Origin: The Edge BBS * Severn, MD * (410)551-2586 (1:261/1454) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDB00002Date: 09/06/97 From: GEORGE LAGERGREN Time: 04:25pm \/To: BRIAN SHAW (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: SILVER -=> Quoting Brian Shaw to All <=- BS> Has anyone heard of the positive health benefits of silver? A BS> friend of mine was telling me he uses an electronic device to BS> "charge" his drinking water with silver particles. BS> He claims the term "blue blood" to refer to royalty originates from BS> the 18th century practice of treating royals medically with pure BS> silver to prevent illnesses, apparently the procedure turns the BS> blood slightly blueish. BS> Sounds far out, but my friend is in his 70s, and he claims his skin BS> cancer has cleared up and attributes it to the silver intake. Brian --> "Collidial" silver is claimed to be effective against some 60+ viruses. Collidial means having super fine particles suspened in a liquid. An old wives tale that throwing a silver dollar in a can of milk would kept the viruses away. Of course, the FDA is said to want to ban collidial silver. Collidial silver is available from big discount vitamin houses nationwide. Could you provide more info on your friend's machine? Thanks. I read some posts which claimed that pau d' arco has cleared up skin cancer. ... "Scotty, beam me up another Blue Wave message." ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] --- Amie v0.98 * Origin: The Edge BBS * Severn, MD * (410)551-2586 (1:261/1454) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDC00000Date: 09/06/97 From: GERALD ALBION Time: 03:44pm \/To: JASON HUFF (Read 1 times) Subj: Open minds TM>> As a certified California Peace Officer, I can tell you that * I TM>> and ONLY I * am permitted to DISCUSS medical marijuana. TM>> Anyone else, conference hosts included are committing a felony by TM>> talking about this illegal drug and is subject to a MINIMUM of 10 TM>> years in federal prison. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. cc: Attorney TM>> General Dan Lundgren, Sacramento, CA JH> so it is a felon to talk about marijuana? JH> but that was a big statement to make considering how others of us could be JH> peace officers, or not even in the country. He's full of sh*t. Not only is it legal, it is constitutionally protected in your country and in mine. And it very much deserves intelligent discussion. -=( T )=- Tommy, Sysop, THC BBS (250) 361-4549 www.vvv.com/~tommy tommy@tommys.spydernet.com --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: A BBS Somewhere, with a phone number. (1:340/26) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDC00001Date: 09/06/97 From: TY MEISSNER Time: 12:18am \/To: MARK PROBERT (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Open minds On 09-03-97 05:31, Mark Probert typed to Ty Meissner regarding: => Open minds <= Hello Mark, MP> TY MEISSNER was thinking about Re: Open minds and keyed into MP> cyberspace: ------------------- snip ! 8< --------------------- MP> Wrong. You forgot about the first amendment. I haven't forgotten about it. I watched it go down the tubes. Unless you have 10 or 20 million in the bank to secure your First Amendment rights, you are virtually without them. Any individual with a tiny amount of power can silence you in any number of ways from arresting you on trumped up charges to a SLAPP suit, to having your access to cyberspace cut. Our government has NO INTEREST in our "First Amendment rights." In America in the 90s we only have as much rights as we can afford to pay for. For instance, I've been denied access to cyberspace by vindictive individuals who were offended by my views on health care and health economics. And I continue to be threatened with loss of access by individuals who mistake the authority of their office or title with the right to silence me - and I'm NOT talking about Fidonet conference moderators who are all models of tolerance and gentleness compared to these types. Regards, Ty . Ty Meissner . E-MAIL: Ty.meissner@grape.net I will sleep and dream like the air, and move like the wind, with assion when it pleases me. The Universe is not up there... Its here, and we're in it, third rock out from the sun. - Peter Spiro ... A yer ago I kudnt spel progrmer now I are won. ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- QScan/PCB v1.16b / 01-0507 * Origin: The Electronic Grapevine [707] 257-2338 (1:161/910) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDC00002Date: 09/06/97 From: TY MEISSNER Time: 01:30am \/To: MARK PROBERT (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Pharmacutical company On 09-01-97 15:09, Mark Probert typed to George Lagergren regarding: => Pharmacutical company <= Hello Mark, MP> GEORGE LAGERGREN was thinking about Re: Pharmacutical company and MP> keyed into cyberspace: ------------------- snip ! 8< --------------------- MP> It is not GATT and the WTO, but the fact that newly developed seed is MP> patentable. MP> The farmers of the third world have extensive supplies of seed MP> available them to use. MP> ===>The Voice of Reason<=== MP> mark.probert@juno.com Under the pending WIPO and global investment treaties, corporations WOULD BE PERMITTED to patent any and all naturally occuring substances. They have already done so with the tumor cells of certain individuals. The proposed WIPO treaty would allow corporations to patent all cuurently existing, naturally occurring plant and animal (including human) material and to charge royalty fees to all users (who have been using such substances royalty free since time immemorial). As an analogy, think about having to royalty fees like a ultility bill, on the air we breathe, to Global Greenhaus Gasco, Inc. That's what has us poor folks in such an uproar. Its corporate colonialism of an exploitative style remeniscent of slavery days. Regards, Ty . Ty Meissner . E-MAIL: Ty.meissner@grape.net I will sleep and dream like the air, and move like the wind, with assion when it pleases me. The Universe is not up there... Its here, and we're in it, third rock out from the sun. - Peter Spiro ... I started out with nothing. I still have most of it left. ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- QScan/PCB v1.16b / 01-0507 * Origin: The Electronic Grapevine [707] 257-2338 (1:161/910) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDC00003Date: 09/06/97 From: TY MEISSNER Time: 01:38am \/To: BILL SPANGLER (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Pharmacutical company On 09-02-97 06:15, Bill Spangler typed to George Lagergren regarding: => Pharmacutical company <= Hello Bill, BS> George Lagergren, BS> In a message on 31 August, you wrote to me : GL> Bill -->Correct. GATT and the WTO want to have grain seed GL> companies get royalities on seed designs. The "dirt poor" GL> farmers in 3rd world countries say they can NOT afford GL> to pay the seed companies this royality money. BS> And from the way I heard it, they don't even have to buy from the seed BS> co. to owe the $$$ Even using their OWN seed stock (potato eyes) as BS> long as it's the same "design" (do these farmers even have "money"?) :( That is the interpretation I also have heard in every discussion of this topic. It won't have much impact beyond the usual annual price increases for those of us affluent enough to buy our food in grocery stores. But for the majority of the world's population which stll lives off the land, it's virtual economic slavery. Regards, Ty . Ty Meissner . E-MAIL: Ty.meissner@grape.net I will sleep and dream like the air, and move like the wind, with assion when it pleases me. The Universe is not up there... Its here, and we're in it, third rock out from the sun. - Peter Spiro ... "Vote for me and you'll be as happy as I look." -Bubba Clinton ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- QScan/PCB v1.16b / 01-0507 * Origin: The Electronic Grapevine [707] 257-2338 (1:161/910)