--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: ED400001Date: 09/02/97 From: MARK PROBERT Time: 08:11am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Herbal Information Some may say that I am "anti-herb" or anti-alternative medication. However, NOTHING could be further from the truth. What I am "anti-" is the knee jerk attitudes expressed by the "Herbies" and their irresponsible behavior in posting less than complete information. Now, if you want to use a herbal product, and want real solid information, there are some references that are quite good. One is the Botanical Safety Index Handbook. It is available for $39.95 from the American Botanical Council, 1-800-373-7105. I make nothing from this. While $39.95 may seem a bit pricey, just call your local funeral director for an estimate. Pay now, or pay later. ===>The Voice of Reason<=== mark.probert@juno.com --- * CMPQwk #1.4 * UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY * Origin: PC BBS : Massapequa, NY : (516)795-5874 (1:2619/110) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: ED400002Date: 09/02/97 From: BILL SPANGLER Time: 06:15am \/To: GEORGE LAGERGREN (Read 1 times) Subj: Pharmacutical company George Lagergren, In a message on 31 August, you wrote to me : GL> Bill -->Correct. GATT and the WTO want to have grain seed GL> companies get royalities on seed designs. The "dirt poor" GL> farmers in 3rd world countries say they can NOT afford GL> to pay the seed companies this royality money. And from the way I heard it, they don't even have to buy from the seed co. to owe the $$$ Even using their OWN seed stock (potato eyes) as long as it's the same "design" (do these farmers even have "money"?) :( ATP/qwk 1.42 --- FMail 0.98 * Origin: Lava Lamp -*- Gettysburg PA 717 337 2222 (1:2700/119) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: ED400003Date: 09/03/97 From: BRENDA LEE Time: 11:10pm \/To: DIA SPRIGGS (Read 1 times) Subj: need help DSlemme ask around and see..I'm in Miami.....will get back to you... Thank you very much it would be greatly appreciated...... ... QMPro 1.52 Never say 'OOPS!' Say: 'ah, interesting!' --- Whats NEXT SB&)$N * Origin: The Scrap Bin, Hampton, VA (757)825-9502, 9503 (1:271/320) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: ED400004Date: 09/03/97 From: BRENDA LEE Time: 11:12pm \/To: DIA SPRIGGS (Read 1 times) Subj: need help DSHere's a couple numbers..from there there's usually lists of others.. DSall area code 941- DS455-6390 352-9742 598-4141 434-3028 Thank you very much I will pass these along to my girlfriend, an hopefully she will find one that she likes, will let you know how it all turns out..... ... QMPro 1.52 New Mail Not Found. Start whine-pout sequence? (Y/N) --- Whats NEXT SB&)$N * Origin: The Scrap Bin, Hampton, VA (757)825-9502, 9503 (1:271/320) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: ED400005Date: 09/03/97 From: MARK PROBERT Time: 05:31am \/To: TY MEISSNER (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Open minds TY MEISSNER was thinking about Re: Open minds and keyed into cyberspace: TM> On 08-23-97 23:14, Dia Spriggs typed to Alex Vasauskas TM> regarding: => Open minds <= TM> Hello Dia, TM> > The fact is that is legal for some in the U.S. and many in TM> > other TM> > countries. And fidonet is international, isn't it? TM> > What damage? To how many people? TM> DS> This echo is based in the US and accountable to it's laws, right TM> DS> wrong or indifferent....this is NOT a debatable TM> DS> subject...PERIOD! TM> As a certified California Peace Officer, I can tell you that * TM> I and ONLY I * am permitted to DISCUSS medical marijuana. TM> Anyone else, conference hosts included are committing a felony TM> by talking about this illegal drug and is subject to a MINIMUM TM> of 10 years in federal prison. TM> YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. TM> cc: Attorney General Dan Lundgren, Sacramento, CA Wrong. You forgot about the first amendment. ===>The Voice of Reason<=== mark.probert@juno.com --- * CMPQwk #1.4 * UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY * Origin: PC BBS : Massapequa, NY : (516)795-5874 (1:2619/110) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: ED500000Date: 09/04/97 From: KATHY PEARDON Time: 04:04pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Marijuana & Addictions Hello Jane, My name is Tony Peardon, I am writing this on behalf of my wife, Kathy. Kathy was diagnosed early as having an Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder, and was placed on liquid Ritelin at the tender age of two. She stayed on Ritelin in some form and dosage until we moved in together, she 18, I 19. Now as for me, I grew up ignored in a very happy home, laced with the intrigue of living within a small marijuanna drug empire. I could have started smoking marijanna very early, and I did. I was severly stoned from grade five, up to grade seven. Then I had two strait years followed by being drunk until the completion of my high school carrer, which I decided was to end part way through grade 11. Again I started smoking marijuanna. When I met my wife, our two worlds collided, I tried her drug, and she found mine. My first experience with Ritelin was an awakening one; meant in a very literal sence. I was awake for three days!!! Kathy's first experience with marijuanna was, for me, a little scarry. The effect was incredible. She claimed she was experiencing double vision, and went for a walk out into la la land. I never tried Ritelin again, and my wife stopped taking it completely shortly thereafter. We both, however, still smoke marijanna. I beleive that marijuana, like water and everything else on the planet, is a God givin gift. A gift that humanity is wasting. My wife is no longer hyper-active, and I beleive marijanna to be the main factor of developement. I could find out for certain if Kathy would stop smoking, but she will not. As you seem to have a different veiw, I would like to hear what you have to say about the situation. Thankfully, Tony Peardon P.S. Remember that the reply is to Kathy, not to me. Thanks. ___ X SLMR 2.1a X The truth is simple, only a lie is complex. --- Maximus 3.00 * Origin: Dragon's Lair BBS (1:3404/143) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDA00000Date: 09/05/97 From: STEVE KEMP Time: 12:39pm \/To: MARK PROBERT (Read 1 times) Subj: Open minds MP>TM> As a certified California Peace Officer, I can tell you that MP>TM> * I and ONLY I * am permitted to DISCUSS medical marijuana. MP>TM> Anyone else, conference hosts included are committing a MP>TM> felony by talking about this illegal drug and is subject to MP>TM> a MINIMUM of 10 years in federal prison. MP>TM> YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. MP>TM> cc: Attorney General Dan Lundgren, Sacramento, CA MP>Wrong. You forgot about the first amendment. I'm pretty sure that was a joke. It wasn't very funny, because it didn't have a punchline. It would be nice to know WHAT his point was, if there was one. :) --- * CMPQwk #1.42* My Pretty Hate Machine --- HyperMail! v1.22 * Origin: CENTRAL PARK WEST - FOLSOM CA - 916.351.1476 PPI 33.6! (1:203/1476) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDA00001Date: 09/05/97 From: MARK PROBERT Time: 08:53am \/To: GEORGE LAGERGREN (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Herbal Information GEORGE LAGERGREN was thinking about Re: Herbal Information and keyed into cyberspace: GL>-=> Quoting Mark Probert to All <=- GL> MP> Now, if you want to use a herbal product, and want real solid GL> MP> information, there are some references that are quite good. One GL> MP> is the Botanical Safety Index Handbook. It is available for GL> MP> $39.95 from the American Botanical Council, 1-800-373-7105. GL> Mark --> Thanks for your posting. Contrary to popular opinion, I am not against alternative medicine. I am against alternative logic to justify some of the things that the "herbies" and other promote. ===>The Voice of Reason<=== mark.probert@juno.com --- * CMPQwk #1.4 * UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY * Origin: PC BBS : Massapequa, NY : (516)795-5874 (1:2619/110) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDA00002Date: 09/05/97 From: MARK PROBERT Time: 08:37am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: NY Times Article Let's see haw Jane responds to this: Wednesday September 3 6:42 PM EDT More Adults Diagnosed with ADD NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Psychiatrists are now treating a flood of adults for attention deficit disorder (ADD), a syndrome often thought of as a disorder of childhood. According to a report in The New York Times, this year alone over 729,000 American adults will be prescribed Ritalin, the drug most commonly used to combat the inattention and frenetic pace characteristic of ADD. That's nearly triple the number of prescriptions for the drug written for adults in 1992. "Years ago, few people were aware of what ADD was when it came to adults," Harvard University psychiatrist Dr. Charles Popper told the Times. Popper, who is also editor of the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, said that with increasing visibility "there should be more understanding." That understanding could help ADD sufferers nationwide. A 26-year-old New York stockbroker told the Times his mind "just moves too fast. No one can keep up. People I speak to are talking about one thing and my mind has already moved on to the next subject. I feel like a leopard in a lion's cage." Such feelings and behaviors have cost those with ADD both personal relationships and careers. Unrestrained ADD can result in disorganized, fractured lives, as individuals drift from place to place and job to job. According to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, ADD symptoms may include the following: -- failure to pay close attention to details, along with frequent errors. -- inability to maintain attention on one task or play activity. -- frequent loss or misplacement of tools necessary to complete tasks. -- frequent episodes of forgetfulness or 'drifting off.' -- problems with planning and organizing activities. -- restless movements like fidgeting, and squirming in one's seat. -- acting 'driven' and constantly 'on the go.' -- excessive talking, or interrupting. Experts note that many of these behaviors must occur over the long term (with some symptoms beginning in early childhood), and seriously impair daily functioning, before an ADD diagnosis is reached. Once diagnosed, most adult ADD patients turn to Ritalin, a drug thought to increase levels of the brain chemical dopamine. Many researchers believe a shortage of dopamine is behind ADD behaviors. Sally Furbish believes she suffered from undiagnosed ADD for years. After beginning Ritalin therapy more than six years ago, the relatively chaotic pace of her former life has calmed down. Furbish, who is now a special education teacher in Gainesville, Georgia, told the Times that her ADD diagnosis "gave me my life back. I still have trouble planning, but I'm making much more progress than I had before I knew what was wrong." Dr. Martha Denckla, a learning disabilities expert at Baltimore's Kennedy Kreiger Institute, says Ritalin is not a "miracle cure." Individuals still must 'program' themselves to overcome the ADD-caused weaknesses which can disrupt their lives. Ritalin "can't teach someone how to organize himself or make lists," she said. Not everyone embraces the idea that ADD is, in fact, a specific disorder. Controversy continues within the psychiatric community as to whether the symptoms exhibited by those diagnosed with ADD constitute a real disorder, or are merely a collection of relatively 'normal' personality traits. About 4% of adults are estimated to have ADD, according to literature provided by CH.A.D.D., the Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders organization based in Plantation, Florida. While the cause of ADD is still unknown, studies have suggested that the disorder is inherited, that is, that it is based in the genes. SOURCE: The New York Times (September 2, 1997:A1, D4) ===>The Voice of Reason<=== mark.probert@juno.com --- * CMPQwk #1.4 * UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY * Origin: PC BBS : Massapequa, NY : (516)795-5874 (1:2619/110) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EDA00003Date: 09/05/97 From: BRIAN SHAW Time: 10:38am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: CRYPTO-PYRROLE Hello everyone, Has anyone heard about crypto-pyrrole C4H5N? My wife reads true crime stories, and in the Misbegotten Son, by Jack Olson, (the true story of serial killer Arthur Shawcross), a clinical psychiatrist researched and sited many studies that illustrate the over production of crypto-pyrrole by the liver in causing profound behavioral problems. The average person has 0 to 20 mg of this toxin in their urine, but Shawcross and other lesser criminal types have 50 to 200 mg in their urine. Apparently the only treatment for such a disorder is mega doses of B6 and zinc. Brian brian.shaw@ablelink.org ... Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any Blue Poupon? ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 --- QScan/PCB v1.19b / 01-0150 * Origin: Ability OnLine - Toronto Canada - 416 650-5411 (1:250/518)