--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBU00004Date: 07/23/97 From: STEVE KEMP Time: 03:30pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Marijuana & Addicti [1/3 JK>If you call being unable to get out of bed until afternoon a joy and JK>a delight, Well, they certainly must get up...to get their "fix". JK> being wigged out to the point where it is impossible to think, You smoke pot? JK> and producing children with mild birth defects no problem, JK>than I guess one could say that. Now marijuana is a mutagen? JK>On the other hand, if you consider that going to jail for the use of JK>an illegal substance, not being able to keep up with the rest of the JK>folks in matters such as holding a job or maintaining a decent JK>relationship, then I can relate to that. So, everyone that smokes pot is unemployed? Where do they get the money for their drug of choice then? Robbing people? I doubt it...pot tends to mellow people out. SURE, I hear of potheads in blind "hyped up" rages cutting throats every day. NOT! Considering between 20 and 40 MILLION people smoke pot...this seems to be a tad incorrect. Again. JK>If you also consider that the use of pot masks the worst symptoms of JK>alcoholism in the early and middle stages of the disease then drops JK>the person abruptly into the chronic phase with a very severe JK>physical reaction, then I can also relate to that. Bull! Pot in conjection with alcohol makes one VERY high...leading to LESS drinking of alcohol. It also tends to make drunks throw up. They get dizzy...go figure. JK>As well as those I have talked to who made their first admit to a JK>mental hospital by the age of 21 after multiple drug use. WOW! You didn't shoot them in the head for being on "dope"? JK>SOME FOLKS DO NOT GET ANY REAL BENEFIT FROM POT USE! Most ENJOY it! Others get benefits from its use...you know, anti-nausea from chemo. But, you would rather people be unhappy and suffering. JK>And if you had even a fraction of real knowledge about this noxious JK>weed instead of the hype put out by potheads, you would know that. YOU are the queen of hype. This is clear from your lack of even the simplest knowledge of the effects and use of marijuana. --- * CMPQwk #1.42* UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY --- HyperMail! v1.22 * Origin: CENTRAL PARK WEST - FOLSOM CA - 916.351.1476 PPI 33.6! (1:203/1476) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBU00005Date: 07/23/97 From: STEVE KEMP Time: 03:41pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Marijuana & children JK>Then the kids in the old King County Jail and the North JK>Rehabilitation Facility come to mind who we couldn't get out of bed JK>in the morning for breakfast. They were still in the acute stages of JK>withdrawal from pot when arrested. The "acute withdrawal symptom" of pot is THE MUNCHIES! So, they would have sprung to their feet and eaten your arm if it was too close. I'd dare say that these kids LIED to you...they probably did some crank or crack, you see THAT would be a common withdrawal symptom. You really should open your eyes....look...then THINK. It works. --- * CMPQwk #1.42* UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY --- HyperMail! v1.22 * Origin: CENTRAL PARK WEST - FOLSOM CA - 916.351.1476 PPI 33.6! (1:203/1476) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBU00006Date: 07/23/97 From: STEVE KEMP Time: 12:25pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Marijuana/men Breast Canc JK>SK>And YOU are? Got news for YOU...you are living in the dark ages. JK>SK>If you haven't heard the information stated....then......you are JK>SK>lacking in information. Noone has stated here that "Pot is good" JK>SK>or "everybody should smoke pot". The point and fact is it IS the JK>SK>safest of the illegal drugs..and even safer than aspirin, I'd dare JK>SK>say (actually, far safer). JK>Aspirin doesn't damage the lungs or the heart as marijuana does. Nope. It causes Reyes syndrome and it gives people ulcers....MANY people die from it. The amount of pot needed to give the results which you state would be beyond most peoples ability. Those results would have more to do with defoliants and other secondary additives which pots illegality promotes, also. JK>Pot is much more harmful than tobacco is and that has been known to JK>all but the most die hard addicts of the stuff for some time now. So, more people die from pot than from tobacco? With that single statement you have eliminated any slight bit of credibility that you might have had. JK>And, the stuff is much stronger than it used to be in the 1970's. Some varieties are, true. There is still "dirt weed" around, too. So, is it MORE "addictive"? Nope. Because pot IS NOT addictive. It is a habituant. Your posing as a nurse on here has certainly been shown to be a futile effort. Any medical professional knows the facts...you don't know the facts. Thus, you are not a medical professional...obviously. Is it fun to pretend you are one? --- * CMPQwk #1.42* UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY --- HyperMail! v1.22 * Origin: CENTRAL PARK WEST - FOLSOM CA - 916.351.1476 PPI 33.6! (1:203/1476) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBV00000Date: 07/24/97 From: ALAN HESS Time: 09:22pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Marijuana Whilst masticating on , Jane Kelley (1:138/255) wrote to Ted Barnes: JK> Both of them also kill people, the nicotine usually from JK> developing lung cancer. Got news for you, pot is a lot more toxic JK> to the lungs. Go find some real information and find out. Nicotine is so toxic that children can be killed just from chewing used cigarette filters. Tobacco from cigarettes can be mixed with water to make an extremely potent insecticide. I have never heard the same about any of the chemicals in marijuana. Have you? As for the lungs, ANY burning vapor is bad for them. Lungs weren't made for breathing smoke of any kind. *adh* --- Msged 4.10 * Origin: Nerve Center - Source of the SPINAL_INJURY echo! (1:261/1000) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBV00001Date: 07/25/97 From: DIA SPRIGGS Time: 07:18am \/To: MARK PROBERT (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: What's The Subject? > I recently received email that purports to be an objective > scientific > study showing that a nutritional supplement is effective for > ADHD. I no problem at all...I've seen severallately..couple I've never heard of but haven't had time to do a lot of research on anything.....U/L away.... --- D'Bridge 1.30/002111 * Origin: THE SOURCE BBS Miami, Fla 305-624-2190 135/68 (1:135/68) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBV00002Date: 07/22/97 From: LAURENT DE FONTENAY Time: 10:50pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: ?Zen Hi Jane! On Sunday, 20 July 1997, 08:36:00, Jane Kelley wrote to Laurent De Fontenay: JK> The following is exactly the kind of rambling that is outdated JK> by what we know of today as the brain as a very in tricate machine, JK> geared to handle a wide variety of tasks, IF allowed to do so as it JK> was designed to do. Are you a shrink? LDF>> DL> the position expresses the oneness of duality: not LDF>> DL> two, and not one. This is the most important teaching:not two LDF>> DL> ,and not one. Our body and mind are not two , and not one. If JK> I also think that the whoever wrote it hasn't the first clue JK> as to what electromagnetic energy is or how our brains work and JK> interact with it. Neither do I! :-) Mind telling me more? What, e.g., affects the brain electrromagnetically? Stay well! Laurent Fido : 5:7102/111.2 - Internet : laurent@dogwatch.iafrica.com .!. Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think. --- Terminate 4.00 * Origin: Laurie's Realm, Cape Town, South Africa (5:7102/111.2) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBW00000Date: 07/25/97 From: ALEX VASAUSKAS Time: 08:00am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Med. Herb Seeds? Hello: Does anyone have toll-free phone nos. or e-mail or snail-mail addresses for places that sell seeds or starter plants for medicinal herbs? Thanks --- * Origin: 61 deg. 25' N / 149 deg. 40' W (1:17/75) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBY00000Date: 07/26/97 From: STEVE KEMP Time: 03:43pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Marijuana JK>SK>JK>Sonny, I don't know what mountain top you live on behind high JK>SK>JK>walls with barbed wire enclosures that isolates you from JK>SK>JK>reality. The blunt truth is that a "pure" alcoholic is almost JK>SK>JK>unknown today. Most addicts are using at least two drugs JK>SK>JK>besides alcohol and I am not limiting this to caffeine and JK>SK>JK>nictotine. JK>SK>Sorry, Mommy, but you are turning the point around again. YES, JK>SK>people that use drugs do tend to use other drugs and alcohol. The JK>SK>that point was MOST PEOPLE THAT DRINK ALCOHOL DO NOT USE OTHER JK>SK>that DRUGS. JK>That is a lie. A very poor one, but nevertheless, a lie. And if you JK>had one whit of the knowledge that you think you do, you would JK>understand why it is a lie. To be a lie I would have had to have known some other truth and purposely substituted a falsehood for same. Since I didn't do this...it is not a lie. I understand the issue far better than you, also. JK>There are very, very few folks today who don't use other drugs along JK>with alcohol. They smoke, getting nicotene all over the place. They JK>also drink coffee which has caffeine in it. Those are two of the JK>legal mind altering drugs available besides the alcohol. JK>And they tend to use sugar which is a problem in itself for some. I had inserted tobacco and caffeine into an earlier post...YOU disallowed them. So, I went with the tack of true intoxicates. Give me a break. O.K. people that drink alcohol use drugs...cigarettes, coffee, and aspirin...JESUS! Now would you like to speak to my point? That the majority of people that drink alcohol DO NOT use marijuana, cocaine, meth, heroin, etc. JK>Then those who become addicted to alcohol learn at an early age to JK>hold off the symptoms of early addiction and even middle stage JK>addiction by the use of other substances and think they have gotten JK>away with something. You are rambling again. JK>Until the damage to their brains and body becomes overwhelming and JK>they start to present late stage chronic symptoms of addiction JK>without having presented most of the symptoms of early and middle JK>stage addiction. I don't buy it. I'd dare say most alcoholics and drug addicts KNOW that they are addicted. JK>Then they also become very sick. From drinking alcohol? Why yes they do. It's very bad for people. --- * CMPQwk #1.42* UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY --- HyperMail! v1.22 # Origin: CENTRAL PARK WEST - FOLSOM CA - 916.351.1476 PPI 33.6! (1:203/1476) * Origin: From the Skies Over Eagle's Domain (1:2210/40) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBY00001Date: 07/26/97 From: ALAN HESS Time: 03:43pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Marijuana Whilst masticating on , Jane Kelley (1:138/255) wrote to Ted Barnes: JK> Both of them also kill people, the nicotine usually from JK> developing lung cancer. Got news for you, pot is a lot more toxic JK> to the lungs. Go find some real information and find out. Nicotine is so toxic that children can be killed just from chewing used cigarette filters. Tobacco from cigarettes can be mixed with water to make n extremely potent insecticide. I have never heard the same about any of the chemicals in marijuana. Have you? As for the lungs, ANY burning vapor is bad for them. Lungs weren't made for breathing smoke of any kind. *adh* --- Msged 4.10 # Origin: Nerve Center - Source of the SPINAL_INJURY echo! (1:261/1000) * Origin: From the Skies Over Eagle's Domain (1:2210/40) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EBY00002Date: 07/26/97 From: STEVE KEMP Time: 03:43pm \/To: JANE KELLEY (Read 1 times) Subj: Marijuana & Addicti [1/3 JK>If you call being unable to get out of bed until afternoon a joy and JK>a delight, Well, they certainly must get up...to get their "fix". JK> being wigged out to the point where it is impossible to think, You smoke pot? JK> and producing children with mild birth defects no problem, JK>than I guess one could say that. Now marijuana is a mutagen? JK>On the other hand, if you consider that going to jail for the use of JK>an illegal substance, not being able to keep up with the rest of the JK>folks in matters such as holding a job or maintaining a decent JK>relationship, then I can relate to that. So, everyone that smokes pot is unemployed? Where do they get the money for their drug of choice then? Robbing people? I doubt it...pot tends to mellow people out. SURE, I hear of potheads in blind "hyped up" rages cutting throats every day. NOT! Considering between 20 and 40 MILLION people smoke pot...this seems to be a tad incorrect. Again. JK>If you also consider that the use of pot masks the worst symptoms of JK>alcoholism in the early and middle stages of the disease then drops JK>the person abruptly into the chronic phase with a very severe JK>physical reaction, then I can also relate to that. Bull! Pot in conjection with alcohol makes one VERY high...leading to LESS drinking of alcohol. It also tends to make drunks throw up. They get dizzy...go figure. JK>As well as those I have talked to who made their first admit to a JK>mental hospital by the age of 21 after multiple drug use. WOW! You didn't shoot them in the head for being on "dope"? JK>SOME FOLKS DO NOT GET ANY REAL BENEFIT FROM POT USE! Most ENJOY it! Others get benefits from its use...you know, anti-nausea from chemo. But, you would rather people be unhappy and suffering. JK>And if you had even a fraction of real knowledge about this noxious JK>weed instead of the hype put out by potheads, you would know that. YOU are the queen of hype. This is clear from your lack of even the simplest knowledge of the effects and use of marijuana. --- * CMPQwk #1.42* UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY --- HyperMail! v1.22 # Origin: CENTRAL PARK WEST - FOLSOM CA - 916.351.1476 PPI 33.6! (1:203/1476) * Origin: From the Skies Over Eagle's Domain (1:2210/40)