--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00047Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: ALAN FLETCHER (Read 2 times) Subj: Acupuncture AF> Quoting a Merck manual from 1972 is not exactly up-to-date info. But AF> there again, why are you worried about syphilis at all? It is an AF> almost extinct disease in the western world. The figures have been AF> plunging (even before antibiotics) over the past century and it has AF> now all but disappeared (in spite of rather than because of safer AF> sex practises). The Merck manual is the only thing I have in print on this one. We don't see much of it now because of the tests that are given to each person when admitted to any hospital and to newborn infants. This nation keeps up its guard against it. There are some nations, however, who do not. And folks tend to travel further, faster, than they used to do just a few years back. * SLMR 2.1a * I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it? --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00048Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: ALAN FLETCHER (Read 2 times) Subj: Adhd AF> > AF> Such a diet is still effective today in at least RELIEVING the AF> > AF> effects of osteoarthritis..but it can not cure it. It can and AF> > AF> does cure many arthritis sufferers, however, and also prevents AF> > AF> both gout and arthritis. Whatever I am doing is starting to work. I forgot the aspirin yesterday when I went to a symposium in Tacoma (on water and the enviornment this time) and didn't hurt much at all after what I had taken early in the morning wore off. I credit this to the Glucosamine I am using now. AF> Because you yourself are a sufferer it is understandable that you AF> place a greater accent on relief rather than on a cure..and even AF> more understandable when an ailment such as osteoarthritis is not AF> curable. Nevertheless, this is not the way to go for the future, AF> more effort (i.e. research funds) need to be pumped into prevention AF> and hence cure (prevention is the only cure) and thus into the AF> causes of diseases and ailments. If the Glucosamine lives up to its hype, it will start to heal some of the damage. AF> This is your opinion....but if you continue to take pain-relief drugs AF> and antibiotics for the inflammations you have already destroyed your AF> immune system anyway. Er, ah, you apparently haven't seen any of my posts where I have outlined the problems with antibiotics that came from Group Health prescribing one after another for me. I am now allergic to a couple of them and will take them only as a last result. That is why I haunt this kind of conference and why I am trying other things instead. The eventual goal is to get my activity level up again. My mother-in-law got an artificial hip joint AF> about 5 years ago. She is now 80, doesn't take any medication for it, AF> does not have any pain (any more) and is enjoying life to the full. AF> I'm not an advocate of artificial anything if the condition that AF> caused it can be prevented in the first place. But once the horse AF> has bolted.... She is 80. I am 69 and I don't want trouble with the cement or the drugs. And I know I will have. AF> > JK> > Most of the studies linking allergies to joint disease have AF> > focused on JK> > rheumatoid arthritis, although mention of rheumatism AF> > (some of which was JK> > probably osteoarthritis) in older reports AF> > suggests a possible link. JK> > You will just have to understand that we stopped listening to other JK> > nations a couple of centuries or so ago, and that we insist upon doing JK> > things our way here now. AF> Not true Jane. Please stop using the term "we" to mean the U.S.A. AF> rather than you and perhaps a few others. There are plenty of AF> good "alternative" researchers and medics in your own country who AF> no longer suffer from food allergies BTW. And there are thousands who suffer and don't know it. AF> > That includes listing food allergies or allergies as a disease problem. They are. * SLMR 2.1a * --T-A+G-L-I+N-E--+M-E-A+S-U-R+I-N-G+--G-A+U-G-E-- --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00049Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: ALAN FLETCHER (Read 2 times) Subj: Alcohol As An Alternative AF> > The problem with humans appears to be that by the time they realize the AF> > need to save and invest money, they are too old to enjoy spending it. AF> > Instead, it goes for medicines and doctor bills :). AF> Many people here start paying small monthly payments into low-interest AF> mortgage schemes at an early age (also for their kids) and can thus AF> get a substantial low-interest and fixed interest loan to buy a new AF> house or buy and renovate an old house. The cost of land and building AF> (no wooden houses here and all houses have underground cellars) is AF> fairly expensive (but a good investment). Our homes around here are all over $100,000. The income level of many folks prohibits a loan in the amount necessary to purchase unless both husband and wife are working and get help from their parents. Most of the houses sell for around $200,000 and up. On the east coast, this would be considered cheap. Jobs pay less........those starting pay less than $20,000 in many cases. One daughter with a Master's degree has just broken the $30,000 barrier. She is fortunate; her sister's husband has worked for the same firm for six years with a B.A. and doesn't make that much money. Her sister and her husband also have a hefty mortgage on a home that cost $165,000 a few years back. The same place today might well sell closer to the $200,000 figure. During the last census, the median income in Pierce County was $17,500. The median income where I live was $12,500. That was for a family! This is one reason why folks are turning to alternative health care. The cost of doing business with doctors is simply too high in many cases and the results are poor also. In other cases, they perform miracles. * SLMR 2.1a * Press any key to continue or any other key to quit --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00050Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: ALAN FLETCHER (Read 2 times) Subj: Alcoholism AF> There is a distinct difference between the child of an alcoholic AF> being endangered (highly possible I would have thought considering AF> those poor children of parents addicted to heroin etc.) and a AF> child having a specific genetic pattern which spells alcoholism at AF> some stage. Even if this latter possibility was proven (we are AF> still waiting of course and paying researchers to research and AF> research...) alcoholism would still be a self-inflicted injury. Father Royce, at Seattle University's Addiction Studies Department, poses the question of whether or not the disease itself should be renamed. He long ago encountered with folks such as yourself who must have definite proof of everthing. Thank heaven most of England doesn't support that view! The small office in Whitehall during WWII which dealt with the witches, druids, and others still practising the ancient religions in the British Isles would never have been possible in Washington, D.C. Nor would the alliance between the Masonic Order and those who have kept alive the ancient knowledge that led Joan of Arc to the Dauphine. The Allies would not have been able to accurately predict every military move Hitler was about to make and learn to counter him effectively. Nor would the chain of telepaths have been set up from England, across the channel, across Europe, and into wherever he was. There is much in this world that you cannot see, smell, or taste, Alan. Living as you do is like eating all food without spices. * SLMR 2.1a * I think therefore I am not a REpublican. --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00051Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: ALAN FLETCHER (Read 2 times) Subj: Arthritis AF> I have reached the conclusion that even today the allopathics still AF> have no idea at all what a detox is and how it should be done..and AF> the reasons against doing it their way. The same applies to many AF> so-called alternative nutrition groups (the most famous being the AF> microbiotic crowd..who nearly killed themselves before realising AF> the error of their ways). It takes more than "Just say no". During the Reagan/Bush years, we had a trumped up excuse to remove tryptophan from the market at the same time that North, Poindexter, and Co. were flying cocaine in here from Central America. (Dateline just had a TV special on this for any readers who want to fight about this subject, complete with maps and the California location involved.) Tryptophan makes it easier for addicts to stay off cocaine during withdrawal. JK> > then progressed to adding other food supplements as their use AF> > was understood. AF> Food supplements? Why should we need food "supplements"? BECAUSE WE GET OUR FOOD FROM SEVERAL THOUSAND MILES AWAY FROM WHERE IT IS CONSUMED! We don't grow our own here anymore, not enough to feed all of our people. Beef comes from one place, chickens from another, orange juice from Florida or CA. And it suffers in transit. WE ARE TURNING OUR BEST FARMLAND INTO INSTANT URBAN SLUMS! JK> > Then when JK> > the "Friends of Dr. Bob" got going, the medical and nursing folks who combined their educations with experience, other methods cropped up. AF> Hopefully not those of Dr. Bob (does he still have any friends BTW?). Several thousands around the globe. Sober alcoholics in the medical and nursing and other health care professions. Even in Germany. JK> > Most of this is dietary. I have one diet for hypoglycemia from Cabrini JK> > Hospital in Seattle that was the first sort prescribed as many newly JK> > recovering alcoholics are reactive hypoglycemics. That will correct JK> > itself in most cases if they follow the diet and then get into A.A. JK> > and/or treatment. Essentially, no sugar or processed foods with sugar in them, 4-6 small JK> > meals a day instead of the one large meal most of them ate while JK> > drinking, lots of fruit juices, and no sweets such as pie. No coffeee JK> > either or pop with caffeine in it. AF> Whilst this would certainly be a step in the right direction..what AF> else are they "allowed" to eat and why are they allowed to consume AF> gluten foods? They are encouraged to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Lately we have learned about other foods. Not everyone is allergic to gluten foods, incidently. Some folks tolerate wheat very well. JK> > Later foods which stimulate the production of specific neurotransmitters JK> > were advocated when it was learned that the variation in the Alpha and JK> > REM brain waves could be "fixed" on a daily basis by elevation of them. JK> > They would be Dopamine, Norephinephrine, Serotonin, and GABA. Because JK> > we try to ELEVATE the low levels of Serotonin usually found in both JK> > alcoholics and Bipolar individuals, the use of a drug such as Prozac JK> > which will LOWER the level of Serotonin receptors in the brain, is JK> > counterindicated by our better psychiatrists. JK> > This chart should help: JK> > Amino Acid Neurochemical Effects AF> Most natural foods contain even all of the above essentials Jane... Once again, our supermarkets get food from Mexico, Argentina, Florida, Austrailia, and other places, not from around here. The quality of our food has been found to be deteriorating in research projects for some time now. And no, I don't have them. I don't find it necessary to keep evidence of what is generally known around here. AF> People who regularly take sleeping pills sleep just as well AF> when the doc gives them a placebo for a couple of months in AF> between (same shape, size and color of course). Tryptophan AF> is thus not the answer to sleep just as dopamine is not AF> the answer to wellbeing or phenylalanine to energy and AF> alertness. It would be nice if it were that simple. Alan, what works, works. And all of the ranting and raving to the contrary isn't going to change the mind of anyone who has learned what does work for them. WE DON"T HAVE A DECENT SOURCE OF FOOD IN THIS NATION. * SLMR 2.1a * Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch! --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00052Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: ALAN FLETCHER (Read 2 times) Subj: Asthma' Contrib [1/2] AF> It would certainly seem that asthma is a nervous complaint in the AF> first instance..and that both family circumstances and even hormonal AF> imbalances can play a role here. Only to someone with your data base, Alan. * SLMR 2.1a * hAS ANYONE SEEN MY cAPSLOCK KEY? --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00053Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: ALAN FLETCHER (Read 2 times) Subj: Cancer AF> If we are taking about cancer..I will give you any sources you like AF> on what I say on this subject. I do sometimes say that "I believe" AF> or "I am convinced" merely because the sources (which you can have) AF> are also not yet certain. Cancer..as I'm sure you are aware..is still AF> a problem not yet solved. OTOH, the incidence of cancers is on the AF> increase..and Jane does not offer any explanation or theory as to AF> why whatsoever. So is the incidence of new viruses such as the Ebola, Alan. How do you explain that? * SLMR 2.1a * hAS ANYONE SEEN MY cAPSLOCK KEY? --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00054Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: ALEX VASAUSKAS (Read 2 times) Subj: Marijuana AV>Unfortunately, there are many people in the U.S., who through a AV>vested interest in maintaining public anti-drug hysteria or by AV>having bought into that hysteria, maintain that marijuana is an AV>absolute evil. On the other hand, I have one book put out by a union which included in its membership those who were corrections officers and those who worked in other places where prisoners were kept. They knew first hand what the use of marijuna did to those in custody at the time. They printed this book for the use of parents in dealing with their kids. That union is Local 519, Public Safety Employees, a labor union affiliated with Service International Union and AFL-CIO. It had a total membership of around nine hundred people, most of whom were King County Employees who worked in jobs that were directly related to law enforcment. The book is entitled "Marijuana and the Family, 1984". It was paid for by advertisements from business owners in the Seattle area, all kinds of business folks. Unlike tobacco and alcohol, which are legal, AV>the federal government classifies marijuana as a Schedule I AV>substance -- equivalent to heroin, and people are sentenced to AV>prison for decades and have their property confiscated by the AV>government for growing or possessing less than a pound of it. AV>In fact, fishing vessels have been confiscated due to police AV>finding a just-measurable amount of marijuana in the possession AV>of a crew-member but unknown to the owner and captain. AV>Prohibition has helped government grow, become more powerful, AV>and been very lucrative for it. Consequently, there is a AV>substantial interest in demonizing marijuana and other substances. AV> > [However,] _the criminalization of AV> > marijuana use may itself be a health hazard, since it may expose AV> > the consumer to violence and criminal activity._ AV> AF> Here I would agree 100%. All narcotic drugs should be legalized AV> AF> (and the proceeds used to treat those who want to be treated and AV> AF> to bury those who don't). I wonder how much of the alcohol or AV> AF> tobacco taxes are used for this purpose. AV>Here in Alaska (which now has the highest tobacco tax in the U.S.) AV>the tobacco tax statute directs that all taxes be used to fund AV>public education -- and then the politicians make self-righteous AV>noises about how those who smoke tobacco, do not have private AV>health insurance, and have health problems are a drain on the AV>public health treasury. AV>Bests, AV>Alex AV>--- AV> * Origin: 61 deg. 25' N / 149 deg. 40' W (1:17/75) * SLMR 2.1a * Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch! --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00055Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: TY MEISSNER (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: No "Red Indians" Here TM> Very true. Some of my indigenous friends don't like themselves TM> Americans at all, but most of my friends accept their situation with TM> a lot of grace and very little bitterness and considerthemselves art TM> of the greater community, hence "indigenous Americans." TM> Ty Do they tell you anything at all about their ancient medicines or healing methods? For example, I learned by accident that one Yaqui brohu (excuse the terrible spelling) one lady had seen some time back had put her into a trance, taken her back to beyond her birth to the time of her conception, and then brought her forward again. She claims that this allowed her to use the elctromagnetic energy of the part of her brain that was removed at the University of Washington. She was born with blood vessels in the brain being very weak on one half, and I was around during her second surgery. That was found to be much more extensive. I have part of the C.A.T. scan of the first one, showing a hole in her head. Literally. I had two shamas with whom I was close to at the time as well as one woman whose grandmother had been a medicine woman in the tribe. I asked each of them, individually ( none knew each other at the time) if their people had learned to alter the electromagnetic structure of the human brain. EACH ONE OF THEM SAID YES! I was also told by one of them that the Canadian folks were into the cure of brain tumors by ancient techniques. He didn't say what those were. Later on encountered a couple of shaman at at the University of Washington at the Medicine Wheel conference. They also claimed to be doing things up north that are unknown here when they sat in the conference hall in the School of Medicine and spoke to the white eyes in the audience. I think it is long past time we learned to pay attention to what the old men with the long braids are trying to tell us at times. * SLMR 2.1a * Hello, I am part number ޺۳ݳݳ --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 257 ALTERN. MEDICINE Ref: EAN00056Date: 06/19/97 From: JANE KELLEY Time: 09:42am \/To: ALAN FLETCHER (Read 2 times) Subj: No "Red Indians" Here ! AF> Thanks for your (terrible) political correctness (what do you hope to AF> achieve with all this?). Of course I know that Red Indians is not the AF> correct term for any number of different tribes. But neither is AF> "indigenous" for that matter as it is believed they were originally AF> from Mongolia. NOT according to some of the elders I spoke with in Alaska from the Tsmpsian Nation. They came to Alaska from the south, had known ties to those in the California Redwood area and are known to be linked to the Nez Perce in Idaho by their artwork. They also sent female navigators along in the dugout cannoes to Hawaii and back. These folks who now live in Alaska are related to the Polynesians who are thought to have originated in ancient Egypt. Thor Hyandal proved a trip possible in his reed boat from there to South America. The art work in the jungles of Central America is almost identical to that in Egypt, that done by ancient Mayans and others. Folks went a lot further in their little boats than we know about today unless we are privy to ancient tribal records. * SLMR 2.1a * Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted! --- JCQWK * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255)