--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I have a mind and the ability to reason; I don't need a bible I have measured out my life with coffee spoons I have an extensive library. - Connor MacLeod I have no problems with God. It's his fan clubs I hate I have no idea what's going on. -- Crow T. Robot I have been too lenient. - Adolf Hitler I have a love-steal relationship with taglines I have more quotes than most people have BRAINS, proving SOMETHING I have first amendent righ(@#$!9*&^ NO CARRIER I have found insanity to be an aid in writing taglines I have come here to kick ascii I have seen the truth... and it makes absolutely no sense I have never seen anyone eat _ten_ chocolate sundaes before. -Data I have a sense of humor, I'm talking to you, aren't I ? I have a love-snag relationship with recipes I have never kissed the editor of the Radio Times I have an ANSI.SYS, and an ANSI.BRO as well I have returned because there is a great need in my people.-Kahless I have more pipe dreams than an organist I have no self-control. My wife has it I have returned...and I will lead my people again! - Kahless I have my orders from the Emperor himself. - Piett I have found you can find, happiness in slavery - Trent Reznor (NIN) I have no idea I have but one claw, but beware! -- Batty I have no intention of performing for your amusement! - Picard I have enough gaul to be divided in three parts! I have enough trouble single-tasking! I have a speech impediment....my foot!!! I have a terminal swap file I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways tha I have only one complaint: Why can't we have longer tagli I have had just about all I can take of myself I have had no _visions_, I have received no _insight_....! - Worf I have a map of the United States that's actual size I have been, and always shall be your friend. Spock I have an orb to sell to the Bajorans. Zek I have an intense desire to return to the womb, anybody's I have been on fidonet for MANY years now, I have now I have bad eyes. They see everything that @FN@ writes I have know idea what I could be doing wrong I have nothing to do, and no time to do it. - Dire Wolf I have sailed farther than most men have dreamed. -- The Mariner I have a new "User Surly" computer I have only three months to live I have nothing against my cat....it already shredded my shirt I have a map of the United States, it says scale: 1 mile = 1 mile I have an inferiority complex, but it isn't a very good one I have my Texas hunting license here... -- George Bush I have lived so many lives all in my head - NIN I have no beef with God. It's His fan clubs I can't tolerate I have enough people pissed at me already!! I have seen much better examples of that I have cute taglines now, too! I have dynamic memory, it needs refreshing I have lots of comic books! - TV's Frank I have memory problems. Have I said that before ? I have just one word for you, my boy...plastics! I have a terrible rash! Must be the HERPES VIRUS I D/L'ed I have learned silence from the talkative I have a mind like a steel...thing...you know...doohickey I have invented the world I see I have full diplomatic accesss I have my faith, and I have my prayers I have never killed anyone at the dinner table. -Kurn I have a war wound. And IT doesn't...work - Mike I have no mouth, and I must burp I have developed "Power Word Nuke". Send me all your gold I have half a mind to give you a tagline! I have no need for friends, even less for enemies. -- Slag I have decided to display my feminine self today. - Worf I have no idea what that meant. Dot, Animaniacs I have dispatched an enemy - Hobbes makes a kill I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this... T I have a photographic memory, but I'm out of film I have fools on the left of me and feeders on the right - Londo I have an open mind: my brains keep falling out I have a real good memory, except it's short. Like my I have been designated the official "agitator" there by the moderator I have come here to chew gum and kick *ss. I have full diplomatic accesss. - Garibaldi I have seen the future....Please shoot me NOW! I have but four enemies: fear, ignorance, and math I have great faith in fools I have a list, they will never be missed I have a photographic memory - but no film I have a mind like a steel sieve I have as much in common with David Duke as Tupac Shakur I have been shot 8x. And as a result I have almost missed work.-Ah Poo I have always been crazy, but it kept me from going insane I have no grasp of it whatsoever I have never let my schooling interfere with my educations I have no humility. It's a virtue, but I can live with it I have bad news for you. Major Kira has an airtight alibi. Odo I have no special love for the Minbari, or their poets". -G'Kar I have concluded that life is an nP complete problem I have a mind like a steel...animal catcher thingie I have no tagline initiative I have a pass: C:\MARYLAND\LIFE.EXE. It lets me do *things* I have a love-steal relationship with that Tagline [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00195 Date: 04/27/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:14pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I have come to tell you that you _are_ free I have seen the UNDERTAKER too ! I have a very good memory - it is just short :-) I have a patient with many questions. McCoy I have found that humans value their uniqueness... - Data I have a special mind that thinks in the dark I have been...and always will be...your friend -- Spock I have a tarrasque for a familiar, you know I have a mind like a ... err ... hmmm I have no concept of time other than it is flying. - Alanis Morissette I have a rare photograph of Houdini locking his keys in his car I have never seen anyone eat TEN chocolate sundaes, but I'll try I have no soul now, just taglines all over RWC... - Alyx I have found that humans often use smalltalk during awkward moments I have never seen anyone eat TEN chocolate sundaes I have got as much as I can from all of my known living relatives I have found a clue! Now, where did I put it??? I have formed a partial hypothesis. I must check it out. Spock I have a mind like a steel...um, what's it called?...you know I have in my hand a box of chocolate bunnies I have learned tolerance from the intolerant, kindness from the unkind I have a stiffy. - Beavis I have got a disk ache ! I have been seduced by the dark chocolate side of the for I have my own will, Captain. - Spock I have a price on my head. If I don't pay off Jabba, I'm a dead man I have bungee fever and there's only one cure....BOING I have fought my way to the castle beyond the Goblin City I have seen the future. I'm not going I have an eight-track mind, but I can't find a player I have seen the future! It's just like the present but longer! I have great faith in fools -- self confidence my friends call it. -- Edgar Allan Poe I have a mind like a steel..thing..you know..doohicky I have never met a chocolate I did not like. - Deanna Troi I have hard evidence of the efficacy of ginseng I have no desire to damage my brain. - Kirk I have added you to my computer data; assuring you immortality I have an interesting way of my words structuring I have partaken of the Great Banquet of Life. What I need now is I have an examination tomorrow which I intend to pass. --Rimmer I have a tatoo of Rush Limbaugh on my butt. Wanna see it? I have no on-line boyfriend; you're lucky this time. - Anna I have seen the darkened depths of Hell I have not lost my mind! It's on disk somewhere I have never known a country to be starved into democracy. -G.D. Aiken I have seen the future of gaming and its name is DOOM I have a speech impediment....my foot!!! 08 Jan 96 I have no solution but I admire your problem I have little love for Beta 5 snobbery! Gary Seven I have a reputation?"--Mulder (Squeeze) I have a soft head and a hard drive I have a pager that responds/vibrates/feeds back/resonates. So what? I have a right to know if I'm right. - Frank Burns I have no drinking problem. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem I have all the money I'll ever need -- if I die by 3 o'clock! I have finally given Gary a new tagline file! I have a new memory... so new, it doesn't fit in my head! I have him trapped in my monitor I have been so completely beaten, and by a Yoshi! - Bowser I have lost my mind, but it must be backed-up somewhere I have an appointment with eternity & I don't want to be late.-Soran I have a really good memory....only it's short! I have a mind like a steel trap, but it's a bit rusty I have been diagnosed with Blue Wave Fever. It's catching too! I have a passion for apathy I have a question. You're gonna eat me aren't you? - Mike/#606 I have no _good_ answer to that question. - Bashir I have a mind like a steel...uh....thingamajig I have had just about all I can take of myself. I have found power in the mysteries of thought -- Euripides I have a mind like a steel...thing...yow... a I have bad ears. They hear everything @FN@ says I have an interesting structuring of my words way I have no idea what that meant. - Dot I have a real bad feeling about this... - Han Solo I have no desire for you to become a vegetable. - Kor I have full diplomatic access I have no humble opinions I have made no undetected errors I have little bunnies painted on my knees - Crow I have an exceptionally high Q.I I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with great caution. ---- Wernher von Braun I have become comfortably numb. - Pink Floyd I have a place in the universe, but I'm never in it I have alcohol-ism not alcohol-wasm I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in I have no answer. - Spock I have made the orc metabolically impaired! I have a photographic mind...it never developed I have a watch cat! Break in and she'll watch! I have enough guilt to start my own religion I have no idea, said Tom thoughtlessly I have learned that it is useless to argue with you - Picard I have seen the tagline and it makes no sense I have a teflon brain - nothing sticks to it anymore I have bursts of being a lady,but it doesn't last long-Shelley Winters I have but three enemies: fear, anger, ignorance I have never suceeded. When I went looking for trouble i I have resorted to turning messages into taglines I have a rapier wit, but everyone keeps parrying [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00196 Date: 04/27/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:16pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter. -- Blaise Pascal I have often depended on the blindness of strangers I have a watch cat! Just break in and he'll watch I have been accused of being human. It's a lie I have more than enough of almost everything I have a love-snag relationship with that recipe I have always been diametrically opposed to opposition!OJW I have come to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of gum! I have plenty of WILLpower; I need some WON'Tpower! I have a mind like a steel....wazzat called? I have a photographic memory, but I've run out of film I have a reverse-silence problem at times I have my cat's permission to use the computer I have a photographic memory...but it's out of film I have my cat's permission to use my computer I have no delusions of ogre ancestry! -Dire Wolf I have no intentions of being your token Maquis officer I have dynamic memory...please refresh me I have heard ENOUGH of your accusations! - Kurak I have more than I dreamed possible, brother - Lore I have a saddle too, Jean-Luc....  Beverly I have my faults, but being wrong isn't one of them I have become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds I have no problem with God. It's his fan clubs I hate I have measured my life with coffee spoons I have but one asterisk for my country I have an inferiority complex, but not a very good one I have all the time in the world... I'm dead!!! I have a tarasque for a familiar, you know I have learned that diversity is good-A. Corbin I have no idea what it means, but I like it I have seen the future: it doesn't work! I have a mind like a steel trap; what DOES it take to trap steel?? I have always admired strong males -- Lwaxanna I have heard their eerie howling I have given my pain a name..!! I have an extended business trip, and NO laptop I have good news and bad news. The bad news is for you I have an IQ of 6,000: The same IQ as 6,000 P.E. Teachers I have a new law firm: Damne, Goode, and Reddy I have drunk of joy and I will taste no other wine tonight I have seen the evidence. I want DIFFERENT evidenc I have opinions of my own but I don't agree with them I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something. Jackie Mason I have plenty of do's but no don'ts, Tom said dauntlessly I have eight children, Tom apparently said I have a life. C:\STARTREK\ST-TNG\ST-DSN\ST-VOY\LIFE.EXE .....See? I have run out of cheeks I have seen the future and it is just like the present, only longer I have him, Captain, more or less. Paris I have been shot 8x. And as a result I have almost missed I have no sympathy for clumsiness. - McCoy I have a subspace message for you from your wife. - Dax I have only one burning desire. - Hendrix I have no quarrel with you, good Sir Knight I have a very bad feeling about this. - Luke I have everything and I WANT MORE!!! I have seen the data...now bring me some I can agr I have never asked for any trouble I have made mistakes but I have never made the mistake of claiming that I have never made one. -- James Gordon Bennett I have no idea, but apparently it's worth a billion dollars! - Yakko I have da people - I have da plan - I have you sucked in! I have not yet begun to retreat I have seen the truth but I didn't really care much for it I have decided to allow you to do what I cannot prevent I have one word for you, Mrs. Troi: VD. Look into it I have a really, pretty bad headache - Mike I have seen the data,now bring me some I can agree with I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm doing it well I have made it a rule never to smoke more than one cigar at a time I have a photographic memory. What's your name aga I have an inferiority complex. I think everyone is inferior to me I have difficulty remembering whose side I'm on. - Picard I have seen strange before, but this breaks new ground I have given a name to my pain. It is "@TOFIRST@" I have a vewwy gweat fwend in Wome called Bigguth Dickuth I have seen old ships sail like swans asleep Flecker I have no time for fantasies. - Odo I have noticed a certain amount of ill humour on your part today I have a life. C:\VIRGINIA\LIFE.EXE.....See? I have given a name to my pain, and it is @N@! I have a mind like a steel...you know...doohicky I have a really bad feeling about this I have seen the future of hip-hop, and it is @TOFIRST@ I have discovered the art of deceiving diplomats. I tell them the truth and they never believe me I have a watch cat! Just break in and she'll watch I have a perfect cure for a sore throat: cut it. - Alfred Hitchcock I have not seen as far as others because giants were standing on my shoulders I have lived here before, the days of ice.  HENDRIX  I have a picture of him doing it. - Dragonrider I have one request: may i never use my reason against truth I have not failed. I've just found ways that won't work I have a photogenic memory I have listened to the realm of the Spirit. I have seen the future, it is just an extended present I have read your book and much like it I have not lost my mind, it's backed up on tape I have put myself on the line for you here. - Kira I have no rival, no man can be my equal I have seen the face of horror and his name is Clive Barker [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00197 Date: 04/27/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:16pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I have no problem with God, it's His Fan Clubs I question I have absolutely no intention of joining The Beaumont Society I have a nastier namebut it's really not fit to print. - Vhujunka I have often regretted my speech, never my silence I have my official sweet and innocent id card =) -Tristessa I have never seen this hat as long as my head has lived. - BJ I have no tanlines. Wanna see? I have seen selfishness before! I have no way to escape. - Neela I have eight children, said Tom apparently I have no solution, but I really admire your problem I have a ticket to the Good Life, but couldn't find the entrance I have one nerve left and you're getting on it I have a watch dog. Just break in and he'll watch I have a watch Kat! Just break in and she'll watch I have one hell of a headache. - Janeway I have come to doubt all I once held as true I have pampered my child. I've given him my genes I have seen the future, and humans are not in it I have full diplomatic access. --Garibaldi I have always thought life was a case of grow or die I have only to look at the Graveyard to see that, milady. -6thDr I have charts and graphs that prove I'm right I have heard of only one politician that never lied. His I have already not made that point I have only one life. I will live it armed I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. (1CO 3:6) I have measured out my life in coffee spoons I have never verified any of the above allegations I have multiple personalities. No I don't! Yes I do! I have been a stranger in a strange land. - Exodus 2:22 I have seen my enemies, and they are worms. - Hitler I have only one burning desire. Let me stand next to your fire-Hendrix I have been poor and I have been rich. Rich is better I have been on the bridge that spans 2 worlds..... - Mulder I have a photographic memory, too bad it was not developed I have been drunk now for more than two weeks I have never met a Moderator QUITE like you I have driven thru downtown Manhattan at lunchtime...on a I have an eye for a rather nice veiw I have bursts of being a lady; it doesn't last I have faults but being wrong isn't one of them I have no intention of explaining to anyone. AGT I have dieted 103 years and it hasn't done me any good I have everything I had 20 years ago, only it's all a little bit lower I have nothing against cats. I wouldn't let one get that close I have dynamic memory, it needs constant refreshing I have no trouble parking-I drive a forklift I have not lost my mind-- I know *exactly* where I left it I have escaped from a political correction facility I have resorted to turning messages into recipes I have seen the truth and it makes no sense I have prepared 2 meals for a tent full of simpletons!-Winchester I have never seen anything so beautiful! - Nog I have no fear, for my teddy bear is near! I have no sense of smell! - Odo I have mastered the fine art of dementia! I have a secret to tell from my electrical well I have a small piece of brain lodged in my head! I have honors enough. Cochrane I have given a name to my pain, and it is Batman. - The Joker I have had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it. -- Groucho Marx I have a rock garden. 3 of them died last week I have a rock garden. Last week three of them died I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time I have a shitty little job in a shitty little town on a shitty little planet I have no problem with @N@, it's His Fan Clubs I question I have morals. I just keep misplacing them I have sang cowboy, love, blues & lullaby songs, now life I have a vitally important role serving as a bad example I have seen the truth and it makes sense! I have broken this man's index finger. Who killed Edward Blake? I have a rope and an ostrich feather, and I know how to use them I have invente d a fish magnet! -The Fin A FISH MAGNET?! -The Tick I have my priorities straight... - Don Horton I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass I have see the truth and it makes no sense I have excorcised the demons - Ace Ventura I have reached my Beer D/L limit, I must U/L now! I have been searching for you hooman! I have seen the future, and it's pass I have my own form of protection I have a mind like a steel...thing...you know..a doohicky I have a promise to keep. To slay the dragon? No, to heal it I have grown older, and you have grown colder- Pink Floyd I have all the erasers to all the miniture golf pencils in the world I have engaged the enemy. The wedding is this Friday I have seen the truth and it is a lie I have all the specs and diagrams at home.. - Sergei Roschenko I have seen the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is a train I have a pet jellyfish named K-Y I have no idea what that meant. - Dot Warner I have no mouth, and I must SCREAM! I have no idea. - Sisko I have fallen down @FIRST@, could you send me another beer? I have a very firm grasp on reality! I can reach out and strangle it any ime! I have not yet begun to byte! I have been accused of being out of phase with reality myself! I have nothing against windows. It is a great solitaire game I have seen the future and it is now the past [End Tags]