--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00133 Date: 04/19/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:27am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I could have more fun in cat litter I didn't ask to be killed. Merlyn Temple I didn't believe in reincarnation in my last life, either I didn't *really* call you Eddie-baby, did I sweetie? I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain just to eat veggies I cna tyep 300w rods pre minuet! I did it! It's finally gone! I'm free! Denevan I cry your pardon, Gunslinger I could broadcast every Sunday...a commandment a week! - Fr. Mulcahy I chased Fido with a net! I didn't catch the Blue Wave! I dare you to cross this tagline I couldn't think of one I daydream, you are an escapist, he should see a psychiatrist I didn't do it! (hmmm... I know I'll blame Hermit!) - Quickling I could have beaten you in 20 moves - Riker I did it! I found the program's last bugbugbugbug I curse the day Sandy Frank was born! - Tom I deny the allegation, and I defy the allegators ! I couldn't find any needles, so we'll have to use 6-inch nails I carry a pistol 'cause my shotgun won't fit the holster I didn't believe in reincarnation last time either I did not intend to sit on you. I did not realize that was you I crunch, therefore I am. - Desfroggies I dated Betty Crocker. She was easy, soft and moist I couldn't *find* any traps I come to seize your berries! I dated Siamese twins, I slept with Bigfoot, too. - Weird Al I did NOT claw my way to the top of the foodchain to eat vegetables! I decided to hook my brake lights up to my gas pedal I couldn't run this station without you - Sinclair I didn't STEAL your tagline, @TOFIRST@, I IMPROVED it! I did not see Elvis - Bart Simpson's lines I cn't clean my desk until they loosen my straightjacket+ I did not come to destroy, but to fulfil. - Matthew 5:17 I decided i was never coming down I claim this tagline in the name of Mars. Isn't that loverly? Hmmmm? I could eat her like an Icecream Cone! I did that on purpose I could tear your walls down as I chip at who you are now. -Candlebox I could have been a Socialist - but I had too much self respect! I did do something. I panicked, hehehe... -- Crow T. Robot I could get out for bravery. I'm not making it for nutsery. -- Klinger I claim this suit for the revival of Zion! feel our spirit! SIEG JION! I didn't believe in reincarnation the last time either I couldn't love the woman - she wouldn't lie down I claim this chest for France. -- Kids in the Hall I cleaned up the root partition and now there's LOTS of free space I deal with things by abstaining, said Tom copacetically I could send them to you, but I'd want some money up front, of course I did not come on this ship to be a veterinarian, captain.-Neelix I could set you up with a _terrific_ holosuite program! - Quark I could have sworn I used birth control. I pulled out I could catch to boat to save myself. So I drowned in dry dock! I did not see Elvis I cna tpye 300 wrods per mniute! I definitely smell a pork product of some kind I didn't do it; nobody saw me; you can't prove it; the aardvark lies! I did NOT see a big worm...Nothing out in space...Nosiree...-Astronaut I could eat a dictionary & puke a better tagline I couldn't imagine running the station without you. - Kira I deserve a promotion to captain for this, sir. Beverly I claim this message in the name of (pause...) who? I couldn't think of where to start, so I didn't! I cut my dog's toenails too far, Tom said quickly I couldn't replace you, I don't know what you are I could try for the rest of my life, but that wouldn't be half enough I did it for Jodie Foster... -- Crow T. Robot I come unbundled I didn't STEAL your tagline, I IMPROVED on it! I confuse the onset of senility with the downfall of civilisation! I could have told that just by looking at you. O'Brien I didn't do it. Nobody saw me. Can't prove anything. It wasn't me I carry a pistol 'cause my rifle won't fit the holster I come from a long line of progenitors I could always draw it on paper I did a bit of boxing before I joined the Jesuits. - Mulcahy I could lie & say it held me captivated...but I don't do lying.-Anna I couldn't help but admire his tenacity. - Beverly I didn't *steal* your girlfriend! I just *borrowed* her for a while! I didn't design the room. I just work here I did the application now how i do the Icon? I come in peace. I only seek alcohol, women, and hockey! I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers I despise WINDOWS! I certainly wouldn't trust anybody who understands us. - Hawkeye I choose the danger. - McCoy I confess that I love Pooh and have never seen Beavis and Butthead I couldn't spell it right & so now Worf is after me with his Bat'leth! I could keep it above, but then it wouldn't be sky anymore I did so! - or not! (Depending on whether or not I was supposed to) I dated Betty Crocker once...she was moist and easy! I come to seize your berry, not to praise it I derive pleasure from your reactions TO the torment. - Dire Wolf I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat tofu! I considered Atheism, but there weren't enough holidays I did it for Jodie Foster - Crow as kid who stole plane I could have more fun in a cat litter I didn't do it! Nobody saw me do it! --Bart Simpson I didn't do it...the computer did! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00134 Date: 04/19/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:28am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I devote my spare time to neglecting duties I cool my coffee by holding it closer to my heart I changed my mind... you *are* crazy. -- Sam Beckett I collect PEZ dispensers I command a private army, said Tom maliciously I close my eyes, it gets black, and then it gets morning. - JMS I cheated on my metaphysics exam. I looked into the soul next to me I couldn't just let him lie there, all alone and scared I could've put a tag here, but it seems kinda redundant now I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lava I dare you to 'Trick or Treat' at the White House I decided to take a personal interest in your career. You're fired I denies the allegation -- and I resents the alligator! I cried out - "Don't look Ethyl..." But It was too late I could be a valuable member of the team. - Q I did start using Taglines, but I never inhaled I did it for the Captain of the Starship Enterprise - Kirk ST:G I did NOT flip out. I freaked - Crow I could have more fun in a cat litter pan I could have stuck with DOS, but NO I could learn to like opera. Yakko, Animaniacs I confused him. I did it better. I did it quicker. I was first! I categorically deny ever having written any of this I confuse myself just fine, thank you. Don't need help I dialed 1-800-BOBBITT.. and I got cut off! -..X I could wax eloquent, but will spare you I close my eyes for a second and pretend it's me Maggie wants I depend entirely on word of mouth for Trek facts. - Anna Steven I come from a land down undah! - Men at Work I couldn't disagree with you more I derailed my train of thought - hundreds were killed I deserve my fat - I worked hard for it! I didn't climb to the top of the food chain just to eat vegetables I could listen to him for hours I could get out for bravery. I'm not making it for nutsery.-Kilnger I couldn't scare a paranoid schizophrenic I demand satisfaction! - Maj. Margaret Hoolihan I didn't do it! Nobody saw me! You can't prove a thing! - Bart Simpson I claim this chest for Mother Russia! -- KITH I couldn't tell you what anyone of these things are"-Scully (3x19) I come from a broken home. I'm the one who broke it I claim this Mongol for all crows everywhere - Tom I did not commit a fatal error! I demand to be shot! Its my right! -- Simon Killian I did my own thing and now I've got to undo it I coulda sworn that it wasn't YOUR sister I was with I could be Heisenberg of Borg. I cannot be certain I didn't do it, nobody saw me, and you can't prove it! - Bart I did not understand that wanting does not always lead to action I come in peace.... Then leave in pieces! I did feed the cat!.............to the DOG! I carpalate...therefore I am on-line I demand the right to statement first. Spock I did do something. I paniced, hehehe - Crow I didn't do it, my modem did! <---Tagline stolen from some kinky fool! I couldn't understand the directions...! - Jake I come from a minority, my parents loved me. - B. Seigel I collect dead relatives and sometimes a live cousin! I dance at a topless club, the girl said barely I dealt a flush with Tarot cards. Five people died I could eat a dictionary and barf up a better tagline! I couldn't figure that out at first. - Sisko I didn't appreciate Barbara Bush till Hillary slithered in I did it. I killed them all I could be wrong. - Michael Cosgrove I couldn't possibly fail to disagree with you less I cast fireball! - Tom said magically I cried out to the skies, "It's lonely being immortal!" To no avail I did it!! - Crow confesses murder I consider ALL arguments in support of my view I changed my mind Rabbi. Put it back!!! I did'nt say it! It was him! I could swear this message is a dupe Kyle D Jackson I did it just for you, Mary Draganis! I could be a perfect parent if I didn't have kids! I despise WINDOWS! I do whatever my Rice Crispies tell me to do I collect fairy tales, said Tom grimly I command you to make the walls bleed! - Bart to haunted house I did read the docs, that's why I'm SO confused! I deleted my taglines files but they keep coming back to haunt me I couldn't possibly be wrong!I use error-correcting modem I chop down trees for a living, said Tom lumberingly I carry the dust of a journey I crucify myself everyday I cna tyep 300 wrods a mineut!! I cracked the balls, then I scratched. - Quickling I did *not* flip out. I freaked. -- Crow T. Robot I didn't do it, the *computer* did it! I did my pushups in the nude, but I didn't see the mouse trap I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid. -- Data I did not say this. I was not here. -- The Guild Navigator I cleaned up my act once, but I decided it was more fun when it was dirty I didn't do it, no one saw me, and you can't prove a thing! I como, I esta, I usted I could spare you, but why? I didn"t make desisions on 99% of the things I had opinions about.-HRC I cried because I had no shoes; then I met a man who had no feet I compute, therefore IBM I configured those coils myself. - O'Brien I could stand to lose 50% of my body weight, said Tom affably [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00135 Date: 04/19/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:28am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I consulted an attorney(Zoe Baird) I could see that... -- TV's Frank I did feed the cat..........................to ALF I did a drot of lugs in college, I hink I thave dain bramage I did it. I killed them all -- Timothy I decided to grab all the tags that followed and weed them out later I could take it to the matter reclamation unit? - Nog I come in peace, you go in pieces! I didn't do it, you can't prove it, and besides, it was an accident I caught you, you bitch! - Mike as bad guy to hero I checked my Notebook? I CHECKED MY NOTEBOOK! I compacted my editor but my messages are no smaller I deleted 3/4 of it because I wanted to see if I could rebuild it I crashed my Windows - used the Necronom Icon! I could kill you, but I prefer to use you. - Kalas I did send a copy of the disk; I xeroxed it! I could buy a 3DO, or I could eat this year! Decisions, decisions I despise guessing games. -- Scar I couldn't figure out what birds and bees had to do with anything I didn't DO IT; nobody SAW me; you can't PROVE it; the Sheep are LIARS I csn typ e 300 wrdsp er min ute! I didn't ask to get hatched into this family! - Robbie I couldn't repair the brakes, so I made your horn louder I couldn't think of a Politically Correct tagline I decided to hook my brake lights up to my gas pedal - s.w I count religion but a childish toy ... there is no sin but ignorance I certainly hope it's cheap and trashy I crawled down alleys to try and scrape away the tracks that marked me I control the world's supply of dairy products! -- TV's Frank I couldn't think of anything stupid to say here I didn't do it, really, I'm innocent I could have my chin smallered - Tom I couldn't find the remote control to the remote control I didn't do it, Nobody saw me do it, can't prove anything---Bart I didn't do it! You didn't see me! You can't prove it! I could get this kind of abuse at home I could've sworn I switched him with Barney at birth I cna tyep 300 rwods pre mniuet I confess! I've been peeing in the sink! I could use both those lists (She's Stupid (Obviously)) (ROFL)!!! I didn't do anything - unless I was supposed to I could not find any Ancestors! Do I really exist? I cried when Peebles and Bam Bam got married I did read the docs - but I don't believe them! I could lick it until my tounge's sore !! I detect no vessels in the vicinity -- Worf I count three landscapes, Tom said horizontally I didn't do it! Nobody saw me! You can't prove a thing! I crucify myself everyday --Tori Amos I could get lost inside your arms I did not see Elvis. --Bart Simpson I couldn't let all those people die. - Amanda Rogers I caught you stealing my tagline!!! How did I know?? I clean house every other day. This is not the other day I changed my mind... you *are* crazy, All! I didn't do it. I don't know who did it. I won't do it again I consider cake and ice-cream my just desserts I did it! I found the program's last bug! I didn't ask for excuses! I want service! I did a text file SAVE of your orig. message - Lotsa good Tags I certainly don't look like the creature... He isn't cute enou I couldn't retire. I cross my heart and hope you die! I could say home sweet home, sir - Data I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. - Shakespeare I di wana an kwa'hol a:kokshi I demand my money back! I counted only 100 dalmatians I cast CoP: Pink with Purple polka dots I caught two hares, said Tom abrasively I could go to heaven You ? I doubt it - Calvin and Hobbes I did not........'grow up' as you think of it... - Odo I decided to hook my brake lights up to my gas pedal...- Steven Wright I dearly love my machine. - Lady Taltos I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you I clean public lavatories. After 5 years they give me a brush I did feed ALF..........................to the cat I could never smoke, drink, gamble or do drugs...I'm much too cheap! I could use 6 hours of screaming, biting, clawing sex right about now! I demand that I may, or may not, be Vroomfondel I did see a few more a couple of days ago, but since I'm here only since I come in peace. I only seek alcohol, women, and football! I criticize by creation, not by finding fault. Cicero I cuss, you cuss, we all cuss for asparagus! I did not start this BBS to put up with shitheads I condemn a lot of people, so they should be in good company. - SJ I didn't betray you. I simply put a stop to you. Pamela Franklin I cut down trees, I skip and jump I chop down trees, I wear high heels, suspendies and a bra I cna tpye 300 wrods a mnieut! I counted you among the dead the minute you touched that girl. --Crow I could be chasin' an untamed ornithoid without cause I cooks it, they eats it, Wesley cleans up I choose not to pay my voluntary income tax I could tell you, but I'd have to shoot you afterwards I dare you to swipe this tagline. OK, THIS one! THIS ONE! I didn't do it; nobody saw me do it; you can't prove it I could have sworn I saw your face on an Elvis stamp! I dated a contortionist, but she broke it off I deserve respect for the things I did not do. - Dan Quayle I did not come on board this ship to be a veterinarian, Captain! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00136 Date: 04/18/98 From: DENIS BURKE Time: 07:12am \/To: JAMES SHERIDAN (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Beer/Alcohol/Drunkene -=> Quoting James Sheridan to All <=- JS> 'ullo All, JS> Can someone post a list of tags relating to Beer, pubs, being drunk, JS> drinking and alcohol. ^ | Sure Jim...lemme look/see....searching for --------+ Deja Brew: We have all been Beer before. TV Truth: Drinking beer attracts beautiful females. Women Vs Beer: A beer doesn't care when you come. "No ma'am, I don't want a beer too. Step out of the car!" "Another day of wine and roses - or in your case, beer and pizza." "Bother" said Pooh as he smashed a beer bottle over piglet's head. "Guns and liquor? That's almost as much fun as beer and power tools!" "I'm not asz think asz you drunk I am, Ossifer!" "That was the beer that made Mel Faymee walk us!" (hic) BWave 2.10 (hic) BWave 2.10 * My computer is drunk ... * <- Tribble _ <- drunk tribble Never take a beer to a job interview. Beer bellies = great waist. Great beer bellies are made, not born. 101 empty botles and a drunk on the floor. Pick one up, toss it away 12. A beer doesn't sulk. 13. A beer wouldn't waste its money on Playbeer magazine. 2210* After God created woman, beer was the bug fix. @N@ - The person who brought you the beer milkshake. A beer can't interrupt. A beer doesn't care if you go shopping. A beer doesn't have to sleep with the windows open. A beer doesn't mind having pantyhose dry in the bathroom. A beer doesn't mind when your mother visits. A beer doesn't snore. A beer doesn't think black leather bikinis are neat. A beer doesn't want to go out alone with the other beers. A beer lasts longer than seven seconds. A beer NEVER leaves the toilet seat up. A beer never needs a shave. A beer tastes good. A beer will only come when you want it to. A beer won't switch the TV channel. A beer would never make fun of your new outfit. A beer wouldn't waste its money on Playbeer magazine. A case of beer and high explosives, sounds like a party. A drunk with a gun is always allowed to speak his mind. A lighter Dark Beer is an oxymoron A man is never drunk if he can lie on the floor without holding on. A warm beer is better than no beer at all All this beer and only one mouth. Always store beer in a dark place Amazing what alcohol does to a sence of humor. Death becomes funny. American beer is like sex in a canoe. F*cking close to water Are beer commercials great or what? Assembler Command: FBI: Free Beer Inside. Australian beer is made out of kangaroo hops. Barcissist - The person in every bar staring at hinself in the mirror. Bear Whiz Beer : It's in the water thats why is's yellow! Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder BEER - Bloody Effective Emotion Re-caliber BEER ... It's not just for Breakfast anymore! Beer and women: Two of God's best gifts to mankind. Beer belly? It's a fuel tank for a sex machine! Beer bottles and blondes are both empty from the neck up. Beer brewers DO IT with more hops. Beer Can wHEN tHIS...Notify SYSOP have Sales Aids...UNCH Beer cans empty! Memory Full! Zzzzzzzzzz!!! Beer for me, Bloody Mary for my friend @fn@ here. Beer goggles-see the world thru the eyes of drunk. Beer Gut? Nah, I got pregnant before I had the sex change Beer in MODERATION is Good, In EXCESS its even BETTER ! - Liz Reynolds Beer is Better: Beer bottles don't get sprayed with pesticides Beer is Better: Beer is always in season. Beer is Better: Eating cucumbers to forget doesn't work. Beer kills brain cells, but only the weak ones Beer makes the world go `round (and `round, and `round... Beer makes you feel like sex, but mostly your-an-eight. Beer makes you lean, on counters, posts, and bars. Beer math is: Two beers times 37 men = 49 cases. Beer not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic Beer not found: (S)ettle for import; S(t)art brewing Beer Nuts are $1.29 but Deer Nuts are under a buck. Beer nuts: The dreaded final stage of cotton balls. Beer overdose... SHutting User off till bubbling stops... Beer will be the urination of me! Before it was wine, women and song, now it's beer the old lady and TV. BELLYOLOGY: The study of beer bellys Bill Clinton drank a beer once, but he didn't swallow any. Blonde Mating Call: "Oh, I'm so drunk [giggle]!!" Bunnies and beer don't mix. Can I yell FREE BEER in a crowded AA meeting?? Clinton daffynition: economic stimulus package - pork bar Da mi je Kivi}ev mozak bar na mjesec dana pa da se dobro odmorim! Deja Brew: the feeling that you've had this beer before. Deliver: What too much alcohol affects. Do beer lovers have Coorgasms? Do you consider a six pack of beer and a bug zapper quality entertainmen Does your wife have a bigger beer belly than you and you find it attract Dog Catcher: Wealthy drunk at a singles bar. Don't anger dragons, you're crunchy & go well with beer Don't say during sex: Hic! I need another beer for this please. Don't worry, we can get beer there. Draft Beer Not People. Drink and drive responsibly.......don't spill your beer Dumb Blonde or beer bottle: both are empty from neck up. Eval Day 35 * Never take a beer to a job interview. Eval Day 49 * D.D.A.M.A.D.D.! = Drunk Drivers against MADD! Even in space, booze satisfies! -- Crow T. Robot Everybody must believe - I believe I'll have another beer Expensive imported beer is good for the soul. Fat, drunk & stupid is no way to go through life FF bottles of beer on the wall Flash!! Judge Gives Drunk Six Months in Violin Case Freefall Sex: Single,Lonely,Tired of the Bar Scene? Try "Leap of Love"! Fruit stand: A gay bar without stools. Gas and alcohol do mix! The taste isn't too hot though! Get drunk and be somebody else. God first made woman and then made beer to atone for his mistake. God is great, man is not. Man made beer but God made POT God Made Whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the World! Great beer bellies are made, not born. Ham on rye: Drunk radio operator Have you ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle? Having a beer can't make you pregnant. Having a beer doesn't make you want to take a shower. He's The person who brought you the beer milkshake. Headline: Drunk Gets Nine Months In Violin Case Headline: Judge Gives Drunk 6 Months in Violin Case Headline: JURY GETS DRUNK DRIVING CASE HERE Heard at a gay bar - "This butt's for you!" Heather: Get drunk and tip cows. Help I've fallen and I can't reach my BEER !!! HELP!!! I've fallen and I can't reach my beer !! Honest, Occifer! There's no blood in my alcohol content..... How come not one man in a beer commercial has a beer belly? I am an alcoholic, in case of an emergency, please buy me a beer I am Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as--! I am Drunk of Borg. Resistance is floor tile. I don't do jogging, it makes my beer all foamy. I don't have a beer belly! It's a gas tank for a sex machine. I don't jog. It makes my beer foam. I drank a beer once but I didn't swallow any of it. I just had one beer ocifer! A pony keg. I poured beer in my rice crispies and heard "Snap, crackle, I spent most of my money on beer and women - the rest I just wasted. I was really drunk at the time. I'm not asz think asz you drunk I am, Ossifer! I've got a BEER attitude. Ice cold beer is better than ice cold anything else If you don't play sports, you don't get to make beer commercials If you pour a beer right, you always get good head! If you share your beer with the dog, you might be a Redneck. In heaven there is no beer that's why we drink...HUH?-Tom Is a domestic beer one that cleans up after itself... Is beer like Champagne? It's not a beer belly. It's a fuel tank for a sex machine Judge Gives Drunk Six Months in Violin Case KAOS - what happens when you run a Zebra over a bar code scanner Karaok: Japanese for "tone deaf drunk with a microphone" Karaoke: Japanese for "Tone-deaf drunk with a microphone" Keep America Beautiful - swallow your beer cans. Keep your best whiskey in a bottle marked mouthwash. Let's get some beer and dynamite and go fishing. Lite beer on tap! So that's where it goes after you flush the troff A beer always goes down easy. look, It's a drunk tank of trombones! Man can not live on beer alone. But it's sure fun trying Man Vs. Beer: A beer wouldn't waste its money on Play beer magazine. Math & Alcohol don't mix. Don't drink and derive! Men only learned to walk upright cause they put beer on the top shelf! Men: Because beer and pizza can't snuggle. Milwaukee cocktail party: The beer is served in a glass. My life is like a beer commercial. Name of the bouncer at the gay bar in China: Hu Flung Kum Never accept a beer from a Urologist Never program and drink beer at the same time Never take a beer to a job interview. NWT's other official flower: empty aluminum beer can :( Ohhhhhh...ET must be into the beer again....I'm drunk! Old Musicians never die, they just go from bar to bar. On a beer day, you can pee forever. One Beer At A Time. One Beer gets me Drunk...usually the 47th. One can never have enough beer and sex! OXYMORON : A lighter Dark Beer OXYMORON : Nonalcoholic beer PC Multitasking: Have a beer and fart while downloading Pour a beer in your hand: Get your date drunk. Pour beer into your SmartModem & make your Baud Wiser! Put a drunk back on the interstate...join the ACLU. Rampaging anarchist horde and floating beer party Reached beer d/l limit must u/l now... Real men don't drink beer from a glass! Reality - a state caused by a lack of alcohol Reality: An illusion produced by an alcohol deficiency. Religions change, beer and wine remain. Salvation is only a Beer Bottle away....... Sanity: an illusion caused by alcohol deficiency SchlitzBeer of Borg: You will be assimilated with gusto! Sex and food ain't everything, there's booze too! Smart Beer Making: Bud Wiser. Someone threw a beer at Clinton. He dodged it. (It was a draft) Sometimes you get beer, sometimes beer gets you Spent mosta my money on beer & women. The rest I wasted! Spilling your drink is alcohol abuse! Star Trek VII: The Search for Shatner's Beer Gut. Stolen from the 7th. Street Bar and Grill. Sure beer kills brain cells, but only the =weak= ones! System Error:003 Dynamic clinking error, Beer spilled. That was the beer that made Mel Faymee walk us!" The best way to hold your beer is in a glass. The four food groups: coffee, ice cream, beer and pizza. The good old days: Beer foamed and dishwater didn't. The only thing have to burp is beer itself. The only thing we have to fear is no more beer The person who brought you the beer milkshake. The worst beer around is WinBooze. The worst thing men is that when not drunk they are sober Then he poured a beer in his hand and got his date drunk. There's a whiskey named after you - Old Crow! they don't really Like warm beer - they got Lucas fridge They who drink beer will think beer. Three Jews go into a bar and buy it! To beer or not to beer? - Shakesbeer TV Truth: Drinking beer attracts beautiful females. Unable to locate Beer -- Operator Halted! Unable to locate Green Beer ... St. Paddy's Day cancelled URA Pagan Redneck if: You celebrate the autumn harvest with beer nuts. URA Pagan Redneck if: You worship the gods of cheap beer and Nascar. URA Redneck if you take a beer with you to a job interview. URA Redneck if your wife has a beer belly, and you find it attractive. URA Redneck if: you ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle. URA Redneck if: You were holding a beer in your wedding picture. Vegetinting - Taking items from a salad bar to make your plate colorful. Warm beer and bread, they say, could raise the dead... Warm beer on a cold night. Nothing better. We're for a good time not a long time - Beer drinker's motto Whaddya mean you don't STAPLE beer labels on? What we need is a Pizza Door and a Beer Door When in doubt, HAVE A BEER and think about it! When the cat's away, the mouse will get drunk and pick up hookers. When you go to a beer, you can always pick up a bar When you know your in Munchkinland: 17th level NPCs in bar fights. Why do they use alcohol preps when giving the lethal injection? Windows 95: What IBM employees get drunk and joke about. wish You were beer Woltman's Law: Never program and drink beer at the same time. Women Vs Beer: A beer doesn't care when you come. Women Vs Beer: A beer doessn't demand equality. Women Vs Beer: A beer goes down easy. Women Vs Beer: A beer is always wet. Women Vs Beer: A beer never has a headache. Women Vs Beer: A friend's beer is a good beer.. Women Vs Beer: Beer always gives good head.. Women Vs Beer: Beer is never late Women Vs Beer: Beer labels come off without a fight.. Women Vs Beer: Beer stains wash out. Women Vs Beer: Beer waits in the car while you play football. Women Vs Beer: When beer goes flat, you can toss it out. Women Vs Beer: You can have a beer in public. Women Vs Beer: You can have a beer the whole month. Women Vs Beer: You can have more than one beer a nite. Women Vs Beer: You can share your beer with your friends. Women Vs Beer: You don't have to drive a beer home in the morning Women. You can't live with 'em. Pass the beer nuts. Women... you can't live with 'em... pass the beer nuts. Women: can't live with them, pass the beer nuts. -Norm Yo'momma referees bar fights without a shirt on. Yo'momma so fat she went to the salad bar and pulled up a chair. Yo'momma so skank she gets drunk at communion. Yo'momma so ugly her momma had to be drunk to breast feed her. Yo'momma so ugly she had to get her baby drunk to breast feed it! Yo'momma so ugly she has to get her vibrator drunk first. You don't have to let a beer win. You're not drunk as long as you can hold onto the floor. You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. ||#|||#||#|# <-- Bar code Tagline ... the latest in digital technology Be well -= Denis =- ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 --- ViaMAIL!/WC4 v1.30 * Origin: FidoNet:Treasure Mountain BBS (317)-897-3438 (1:231/60)