--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00127 Date: 04/19/98 From: HOLLY SULLIVAN Time: 9:12am \/To: BARRY BLAES (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Red Dwarf Tags Barry was allegedly overheard mumbling something about "Red Dwarf Tags" as follows: bb> "Fidonet just IS. It's a Zen thing." --Holly Sullivan. Actually, that one's not from RD. I should know. ;-) ... "I dunno, I might let him live. We'll see." -- Slappy Squirrel --- DLG2000 v1.2.4/DLGMail v2.71 * Origin: Techno-Mages Guild * ==> (619) 549-0278 <== * (1:202/720) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00128 Date: 04/19/98 From: HOLLY SULLIVAN Time: 9:18am \/To: KURT MASTROVICH (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Amiga Tags Kurt was allegedly overheard mumbling something about "Amiga Tags" as follows: km> I would like some Amiga tags, as I like putting down Amiga Computers. Chip envy, huh? ... "Why, you stuck up..half-witted..scruffy-looking.. nerf-herder!" - Leia --- DLG2000 v1.2.4/DLGMail v2.71 * Origin: Techno-Mages Guild * ==> (619) 549-0278 <== * (1:202/720) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00129 Date: 04/19/98 From: HOLLY SULLIVAN Time: 9:19am \/To: MYRA I FOX (Read 1 times) Subj: Re: Red Dwarf Tags Myra was allegedly overheard mumbling something about "Red Dwarf Tags" as follows: BB> "Fidonet just IS. It's a Zen thing." --Holly Sullivan. mif> This is the wrong Holly . She posts in a lot of Fido and PODS Hello dear Myra! You mean I lurk a lot. (g) And that tagline is entirely your fault. I like it. :-) ... My opinions are my own; mistakes are the computer's fault. --- DLG2000 v1.2.4/DLGMail v2.71 * Origin: Techno-Mages Guild * ==> (619) 549-0278 <== * (1:202/720) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00130 Date: 04/18/98 From: ROB HILDITCH Time: 01:28pm \/To: JON HUNT (Read 1 times) Subj: Eyup lads... G'day Jon ! 31-Mar-98 23:47:00, Jon Hunt wrote to Rob Hilditch Subject: Eyup lads... JH> Hi Rob, SA>>>>> Tag-O-Matic V.13F has been officially released. RH>>>> Any chance of E-mailing it to on of the below addresses? RH>> So who is gunna put it up or e-mail it to me? JH> On its way to robby@ace.net.au! Got it, thanks.. ... Camp Counselor Hunt is now going to show us how to skinny dip! --- Terminate 5.00/Pro robby@ace.net.au robby@picknowl.com.au * Origin: Grease and oil change available here (3:800/469) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00131 Date: 04/19/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:26am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I could be reworked, but I'll never be top-of-the-line again I conceded. Jesus was a man that lived and died. Now get on with it! I dated a contortionist, but he broke it off I come in the house and my cat takes messages FOR ME! I couldn't think of anything for this tagline! I could prove God statistically I could be anybody, said ___ namelessly I color outside the borders I committed the first sin, said Adam, originally I couldn't care less about apathy I could be arguing in my spare time, you know. Monty Python I come from the shallow end of the gene pool I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it and besides, it was an accident I did not see Elvis Bart on the blackboard I could use a little of that kind of help myself. - Hawkeye I could learn to live without it I couldn't find my pencil Tom appended I definitely smell a pork product of some kind. -- Garth Algar I come from Alabama with a Tagline on my knee I close my eyes for a second and pretend it's Maggie wants I chewed my lip 'til it bled/But the phone made not a sound  Utopia  I did it for the money. - Alfred Krupp, industrialist under Hitler I couldn't help notice how much you look like everyone else I didn't do it nobody saw me you can't prove anyth I certainly don't I could have BBSed all night I did better the first time I messed up! I could hardly believe my nose! - Lister I decided to wait until I could figure out what was going on. - Ro I couldn't tell, she was on the fence. - Quark I could have been your father, but the dog beat me over the back fence I couldn't find any context. Maybe I'll try behind the couch I come from Alabama with a QWK packet on my knee I confess to an unatural and abnormal act: I've programmed computers I did get a life. Didn't like it. Traded it in for a bigger hard disk I control the world's supply of dairy products! - Frank, MST3K I deserve respect for the things I did not do.-D.Quayle I dance in the stars as they whirl throughout space I could show you my favourite obsession I didn't STEAL your tagline, @FN@, I IMPROVED it! I did not see Elvis -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G07 I couldn't resist! I could use one about now. - Dax I couldn't care less about your trivial childhood! -- Martis to Rom I did not ask for success. I asked for wonder and You gave it to me I degrade myself for the pleasure of others I couldn't do my homework last night because my cat ate my mouse I climbed up the tube, but couldn't find Jeffery anywhere! I did the KFC Bombing!!! Oh wait, wrong building I climbed Mount Everest, said Tom hilariously I completely understand DOS & Women. Equally I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet I come from a land where men are men & sheep are scared I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way I did read the docs, I just didn't understand them I did not mean what you thought I said I meant I couldn't think of a tagline! I could create a shapeshifter playmate for you... - Quark I could have been like Jeff Kennett ; except my parents were married I defend to the death your right to tell such LIES! I come back like an elasticized yoyo. - Anna Steven I could use a belt. - Potter. We know just the place. - Hawkeye I continue to miss my ex-wife, but my aim WILL improve! I could never be a nudist. I always spill hot coffee in my lap I did *NOT* escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass! I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without ca I could show you my favorite obsession };> I could have saved her. Do you know what you jut did?? McCoy I could have SWORN that he said you smoked I demand that I may or may not be lying! I contacted Satan this morning and he said it's gonna be a great day! I collect nipple impressions I come in peace. I only seek alcohol, men, and sex! I cooks it, they eats it, Charles cleans up I confess to an unatural and abnormal act: I've programmed a computer I could beat you with half my brain tied behind my back! I collect spores, mildew, and fungus I couldn't repair the brakes, so I made the horn louder I change gears, so people don't know *what* to believe...:) - TEC I did sculpt her in butter once - Crow I claim this echo in the name of (pause...) who? I cheat, but at least I'm honest about it I dialed 1-800-BOBBITT...I was cut off I couldn't shoot a game of pool with a shotgun. -- Sam Beckett I contend he's been reading too much material I close my eyes for a second and pretend it's me you want I could always kill you and ask your corpse I decided not to be an atheist. No Holidays! I did NOT escape. They gave me a day pass! I did it exactly like you showed me. - Neela I did sign the organ donor card, but I thought you'd wait till I was d I consider reality an intrusion on my dreams I changed the lock on my door and now I can't get out I carry a pistol because my AK-47 won't fit in my purse I converted Tom Servo into a pony-keg - Joel I channel for turnips I did use taglines, but I never inhaled I choose to steal what you choose to show I couldn't care less what happened to a _Klingon_ ship. - Sisko I couldn't possibly be wrong. I use an error correcting modem! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00132 Date: 04/19/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:26am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I completely agree with your last statement. What was it? I changed my mind, Hobbes. People are scum. --Calvin I couldn't decide which tagline to use.... so I used this one I did not say this. I was not here. You will not remember this I commanded a group of ships for a week, Tom said fleetingly I could respond with more agile and funny repartee I could use a friend on Bajor. I'd like it to be you. - Kira I completely condone what you're doing - Mike I did not see Elvis. - Bart's Board I come in peace I couldn't afford 10W30 oil, so I put Oil of Olay in my engine I chop down trees, I wear high heels, suspenders and a bra I confess to an unatural and abnormal act: I've programme I could destroy this planet. - Kirk I could always draw it on paper, Tom figured I cut it three times and it's still too short! I did not come for him. I came for you. - Data I colour outside the borders I consider reality to be an intrusion on my dreams I collect fairy tales, said the Moderator grimly I choked Linda Lovelace I could have prevented all of it. Kirk, 'The Apple' I checked out my family tree. Just as I thought... poison ivy! I didn't do it. You didn't see me. You can't prove anything! I couldn't repair your brakes so I made your HORN louder I could have lurked all night I caught ya! Stealing my taglines eh? I come from a good home - that's why they don't want me back I could almost tell my wife I love her - Mike as hero I could be handy, mending a fuse when your lights have gone. - Beatles I changed it to 'trust everything', didn't I tell you? - Mulder I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no class I could be writing this crap! -Crow on guessing next line I come from Kentucky with a QWK packet on my knee I couldn't use my computer today because my cat ate my mouse I chased Chastity until she was chaste no more I changed my mind. Again. Uhura to Sulu-2 I come to bury Ferret, not to praise him I could use a little frivolity.. ! I didn't cheat, I just changed the Rules! I could be Heisenburg of Borg. I cannot be certain I claim this chest for Spain. -- Kids in the Hall I could not possibly fail to disagree with you less I did no such thing! I don't cheat on trivia questions. Rude. - Anna I could show you my favorite obsession... - Frank N. Furter I didn't climb to the top of the food chain so I could eat GRITS! I counterfeit only pennies I count religion but a childish toy. - Marlowe I could attempt to remodulate the Tricorders delta-band emissions I catch Spears....usually..except for now*** I caught the scent of death. - Louis I could spread a particle beam out of the anti-matter chamber-Geordi I chalked up some frequent Loser miles today - Al Bundy I did sign the organ donor card, I thought you'd wait till I was dead I did not win...I busted him up  Data I deposited my heart in the banks of the Seine I danced like popcorn over a hot fire!! Had I good time, I'm told I could have been eating dogs instead! - Takhisis I dated Betty Crocker, She was Moist and Easy! I did all that with EDLIN. No, really! I circumsized my son by kicking his sister in the jaw I didn't do it. You didn't see me. You can't prove anyt I changed the name of the country to A.S.U. - Tom I didn't DO IT; nobody SAW me; you can't PROVE it; the Sheep LIE! I did not see Elvis -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G07 I could eat the lot of you I crush Cornflakes - Yes, I'm a cereal killer I didn't do it! It's really San Andreas' fault! I clean house using the Peg Bundy technique - ignore it I didn't STEAL your tagline, Ken, I IMPROVED on it! I did it for you. I did it for this crew. - Seska I choose to fight for youth, to fight for truth... - Fishbone I choose the battlefield. I assert reality. - Dream I could have just been picking nits. -- Wesley to Riker I coulda gone a long time without hearing this I deny you nothing. Nothing. -- Straub, Nosferatu I definitely hear a bowling alley. -- Joel Robinson I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you I desire that we may be better strangers I could prove God statistically - George Gallup I could name that crotch in- Mike I could be arguing in my spare time I did it again! I out an important word!!! I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain just to I could influence our fate in time and space I challenge you to a tagline duel I didn't do it, and besides it was an accident I could be arguing in my spare time, you know I didn't SAY they were GOOD. :) I come bearing a message of unholy death - Mike I compute, therefore, I AM NOT A TAGLINE I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask to become their God. Lister I come fairly...to kill you honestly I despise the pleasure of pleasing people whom I despise I didn't create reality... I'm just trapped in it! I couldn't help but notice how much you look like everyone else I did not wish to bother you with my insignificant visit. - Winn I checked the *last* door for the trap. You do it this time! I dare, because I care. -The Tick I couldn't pay my TAB at the SPACE BAR so I LEFT [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79)