--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00092 Date: 04/26/98 From: HEATHER LENNOX Time: 09:20am \/To: SIMON AVERY (Read 1 times) Subj: Ooooohh.... Wotcher Hinny... SA>> ... Tag-O-Matic V.13F HL> It's out!!! Where can I get a copy? SA> http://www.zynet.co.uk/sanctuary/tmatc13f.zip Oh 'eck! I'm not on the Internet. HL> SA> Calm yerself girl! I can't! My coffee perc. has thrown a wobbly. ;-)) Tatta ducky! ... Oh, no... Simon Avery has discovered my secret! ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: Sidewinder! Your Military Info BBS. 649-267-3546 (3:772/210) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00093 Date: 04/26/98 From: MARK FOSTER Time: 01:36pm \/To: SCOTT ROBERTS (Read 1 times) Subj: Tagline <- Scott Roberts talked to All, and Look What Happened! -> SR> Autobiography is now as common as adultery - and hardly less TAG-MASTER is making tags incorrectly tho. should be three fullstops eg: ... this is a tagline The one you used there, isnt. ~~~ ReneWave v2.00 [NR] --- Renegade 5-11/CDRM 1.13FX * Origin: Sidewinder! Your Military Info BBS. 649-267-3546 (3:772/210) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00094 Date: 04/26/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:31am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I hate that technical stuff!!! I had to fire my first mate from the boat, said Tom excruciatingly I have a feeling this isn't Kansas, Toto! I have a dirty mind because I ran out of soap! I have a grip on reality, just not this particular one I hate gold. Fake gold? Even more I have a Betazoid modem -- it senses what boards I want to call I hate knowing where food comes from. All the magic is gone I hate Vulcans. I hate their logic. * Sela I have a dream: Sword, +100 Holy Avenger vs. Politicians! I have PMS *and* a gun. Any questions? I hate quotations I have a husband and a dog. What the heck do I need kids for?!!! I hate it when my foot falls asleep, it's usually up all night I hate cats, unless stir-fried & tossed in dumpster I have a feeling we're not being told the whole story here, Mulder I hate pies with crumb bases, said Tom crustily I have a foot fetish, but I'll settle for 7 or 8 inches I have Impedimentum memoriae I had to hit him -- he was starting to make sense I hate him, Odo. -- Kira I hate TV Guide sometimes. - Anna Steven I hate mirror episodes. - Anna Steven I hate it! Its famous. Its a meteor. Thank you - Crow I have a dream too; Radio for the people, by the people! I hate hospitals, they're icky! They keep blood in refigerators!-Freak I have a *wife*? Good heavens, why wasn't I informed? -jms I have PMS and a .44 Magnum. Was there something you wanted to say? I have Inopia celeritatis I have P-M-S, E-S-P and a G-U-N - don't even THINK about it! I hate hexa taglines! I had no idea Canada was this much fun! - Crow as bimbo I happen to know a great deal about a lot of things I have a decaffeinated coffee table. You'd never know it to look at it I have a life!" - Mulder (Jersey Devil) I hate whiners & crybabies I hate that question. Let's avoid that. - Anna Steven I hate Microsoft. Bill Gates is the Great Satan I hate it when my Neutrinos drift on me I hate to see any marriage go kablooie. -- Col. Potter I hate it when you move and everything gets misplaced I hate it when weird guys have Mary Kaye parties - Crow I hate it when my tagline is too long to fit in this spac I have a life! I watch Animaniacs after work, so THERE! I hate you, you hate me. -Barney for the 90's I hate taglines that get cut off before the end of a sent I have Van Gogh's ear for music I have a dream: 512845642 bytes free I had to quit nursing school; my nipples got too sore! I have a bad habit of telling the truth... - Kira I have a feeling I used to be the jealous type. - Ro Laren I had no idea you were on the station. - Winn I hate sloppy release code. Probably why I don't go near Windows I hate being right all the time I had no idea you were such a cad. I'm impressed.  Q I hate being in brain fog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a Black Belt in Bourbon! I have a dream... DIR C: 999,937,498,127 Giga-bytes free I hate quotations. Tell me what YOU know. -Ralph Waldo Emerson I hate it when my screen gets all GUI! I have THREE computers. Can I breed them? I happen to be a Republican President,ah,the VICE President-Dan Quayle I hate personal violence, especially when I'm the person I have a code in my node I had sex almost every day. Almost on Monday; almost on Tuesday; almos I hate sweet potatoes, Tom yammered I have a bad feeling about this I hate taglines, now I have PROOF aliens are among us - LOOK AT THE MACINTOSH! I have a 33.6Kbps modem and 1.5bps fingers I have GOT to get me one of these! --Capt. Steven Hiller I have a dream. DIR C:.. "937498127857 bytes free" I hate when my shwartz gets twisted! I have a good memory. It just doesn't last very long I hate Brother Florian just on principal.. - Quickling I had to! I was under oath! I hate puns. I'm a contrapuntalist I have a good mind, but I don't like to bore anyone with it. I happen to be propelling the ball w/my hoverskirt! - Tom I hate four-letter words: Wash, Cook, Dust, Iron I hate Victor Hugo, said Les miserably I had no idea you were such a cad. I'm impressed. ... Q to Picard I had no idea that history was your specialty. - Kirk I hate emergency vehicles. All the names are on backwards I had plastic surgery to conform to Feng Shui principles I hate bathing my cat, I can't stand their hair in my mouth I have a frim grip on reality...now to strangle it! I have NOT lost my mind. It's ZIPped up somewhere! I hate shellfish, said Tom crabbedly I have a child's heart--in a jar on my desk I had to install a presure valve in my girlfriend's ear. She's blond I have a condom, can I get a third degree? I hated Rush Lamebo -- until I got my lobotomy. (Limbaugh) I hate questionaires - Worf I happen to know a great deal about a lot of things. - Dr. Scott I hate hookers that backwash I had to install a presure valve in my girlfriend's ear I hate Tag lines!!! I don't read THEM!!! I have a <*SNORT*> high tolerance level. - Brian Cullen I hate to be cured and run. - Dr. Freedman [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00095 Date: 04/26/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:32am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I have ESP, PMS and a GUN, so don't even think about it I have 6,993 taglines. How many do you have? I have PMS and a Klingon Bird of Prey. Any questions? I hate it when I leave my lunch in the ready room I had to stop driving my car for a while. The tires got dizzy. - s.w I had to delete Windows,my cat ate the mouse I hates meeces to peeces! Jinx T. Cat I have Geco's brain, in a thimble on my desk I have a dream .. C:> 937498127857679023 bytes free I hate it when I'm right! - Yakko I hate elevator music, the way we fight - Tori Amos I hate what you say, but I'll defend to my death your right to say it I hardly feel those injuries I sustained... -- Crow T. Robot I hate it when his face lights up - Mike I have a firm grip on reality. I just strangled it I had to risk more in life before I could risk more in poetry. I hate it when I can't trust my own technology ! I had some words with my wife, I didn't get to use mine I had no shoes and wept. Then I met a man who had no feet. So I said, I have a 14,400 bps modem, but only 1.5 bps fingers! I hate four letter words: cook, dust, iron, wash, diet I have a life. C:\MYRA\LIFE.EXE - see? I had no idea a simple Yoshi could be so strong. - Bowser I have a feeling that you'll NEED other contributors, Darren! I have Immortal taglines in me. -Tagspeare I hate this job - Principle Spittle I had to give up being a vegetarian because of the side effects I hate bathing my cat. I can't stand her hair in my mouth I have NOT lost my mind, it's backed up on tape someware I had to shoot him, judge. He tried to get away I hate to cook. - Joan of Arc I hate Shadows, they hate me, I'm a Vorlon family! I hate it when Humans think they have rights. - Any Computer I have a collect call from Reality. Will you accept... I hate safe sex... the door keeps closing and locking me inside I have a dream....90756435463 bytes free on drive C: I have a bad feeling about this..--All of the Star Wars characters I have .25 Clusters per Sector I have a Betazoid modem ... it downloads the files it senses I want I hate Iambic Pentameter Orville mused poetically I had to stop to play a game with Yoshi. - Lakitu I hate these BLINKING taglines!! I hardly feel those injuries I sustained - Crow I have *plenty* of theories..." - Mulder to Scully (Pilot) I hate him! I wish my mother were here. - Alexander I had to admit I am the greatest. I was under oath I had right of way but the other guy had a Mack! I hate what you say, but I'll defend to your death your right to say it I have a great memory... it's just a little short I hate to blow my own horn, but 'Beep Beep.' I have a friend who is a pilot on a 747. I said "Hi Jack." He shot me I have a Mercede's buried in my yard. My dog is an over-achiever I hate the British. They're so f*cking pompous. -- Death I have OS/2 because it takes less space than Micro$loth Dos and Windows I had this terrible day at work. The computer broke down, and I had to think all day I hate my tagline! I had some help in taking advantage of the virgin, said Sam, oily I have a blip on the motion sensor, Captain. - Spock I have FIVE TIMES your strength! Khan I have a good memory. It just doensn't last very long I had to hoped to meet you in battle! - Kor to Kirk I had only 2 nerves left when I woke up AND NOW YOU'RE GETTING ON 'EM! I have Canary fever..but it's tweetable I have a drinking problem. If Jake has 5 beers and Dan has 4 I have a barnacle on my botton, Mr. BigHead. -Rocko('s Modern Life) I have a degree in C.S.--Creative Stupidity! I have 140 computer viruses in purple dinosaur shapes! I have WIN 3.1, WFWG, NT, WIN95 & OS/2 for true DOS compatibility I have a fantastic memory.......but it's short I hate worms, 'specially the ones I just stepped on I hate sex on TV. I keep falling off I had nothing against women till I married one, now I have nothing! I have REALLY gotta stop replyin' to tag-lines I had some sense knocked into me, and I've got the bump to prove it! I hate easy targets I hate repeating myself! I hate it I hate it I hate it! I have PMS and ESP. I'm a bitch that knows everything I have a clean mind-I don't let it get cluttered with a lot of facts I hang around where the grass is greener I hate people who don't love everybody! I have Taedium pellucidorum I have a deskview out my window I hate when he says "Interesting problem you have here" I hate questionarres -Worf I have a dream: "Transfer completed, 1000000 CPS." I hardly said anything, apart from "geronimo". -- Rimmer I have a GUT feeling... way down in my TOES I have a brand new hard drive and a corrupted backup! I hate 4 letter words - you know..like iron, cook, wash, dust I had three kids once. I was hungry that night I hate pineapples, said Tom dolefully I hate daddy's GUTS! Shut up and eat what's on your plate I have a 'full deck',..I am just a 'slow shuffler'! I have a Slick Willie in my family - Ted Kennedy I hate it, yes I HATE it! - Data ST:G I have a chocoholic fervor: I observe all masses of chocolate I hate to be repetitive. I hate to be repetitive. I hat I hate Bloody taglines I hate this movie already! - Crow I hate getting a shock by licking the stamps on electronic mail [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00096 Date: 04/26/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:33am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I have Morbus irrigationis I have a Slick Willie in my family - T Kennedy I hadn't seen anything like that since I left Pennsylvania I have a defective butt... it has a crack in it I have a gun permit. The Second Amendment I hate you, you hate me, lets toss Barney in the sea I have CRAFT: Can't Remember a Flamin' Thing! I have MOUNTING Questions...are you a Sex Therapist? I have a heart like the US Army - open for all men between 18-35 I had to quit jogging... It made my beer foamy I hate these wacky morning DJ's. -- Crow T. Robot I hate four letter words!..cook..wash..dust..iron I have OFFICIAL PERMISSION to do this I have IA... Artificial Intelligence ! I have a cheap sysop, no taglines:-( I hate 4-letter words! cook, wash, dust I hate to wait on the money men I hated PKZIP 2.04c before you did I hate misspelled graffiti and no good grammar I had to give up on being a vegetarian because of the side effects I hate Shadows, they hate me, we're a Vorlon family I hate him he hates me lets hang Barney from a tree! I hate all that silence - Calvin I have PMS and a handgun. Any questions? I hate laundry month I had trouble in school. I was using a BLACK highlighter I hate, I just *HATE* retractable claws - Calvin I hate flying. - Nick Knight I hate this eternal revenue tax! uh... that's INTERNAL revenue tax I hate tailgaters on the Information Superhighway I have a business opportunity that may interest you. - Nog I have a dynamic memory. It needs constant refreshing I had my head x-rayed today. Nothing there I had supernatural powers, I tried Windows... Now I'm 1st level again I have NOT lost my mind, I left it over there, I think I hate wearing that uniform! -- Nana Visitor I hate what I say, but I'll fight 2 your death 2 defend it I had no idea you were so...formidable. Anan 7 I have a file! I HAVE A FILE!! - Homer I hate taking naps. Waking up once a day is bad enough I hate emergency vehicles. All the names are backwards I have a 9600bps modem and 1.5bps fingers I hates meeces to pieces - Mr. Jinx I have a dream: C: 93285298429872582 Mega bytes free I hate Sysops that think they know it all I have a grip on reality, just not a particularly tight one I hate quotations. Tell me what you know I have PMS and a loaded gun, now, what did you say???? I have a black belt in haiku I hate broccoli. Yet, in a certain sense, I AM broccoli! -The Tick I hate you, You hate me. Let's hang barney from a tree I hate it when the Version number ends in .00 I had no idea porn could be so stressful - Mike I have a bad dose of....Genealogy Fever....and it's highly contagious! I hate payday. -- Quark I had some hockey taglines, but don't know where the puck I put them I have an urge and I'm fulfilling it I hate this movie already! -- Crow T. Robot I hate temporal mechanics. -- O'Brien I had too much to dream last night I had you in mind, Mr. Garrovick. Kirk I have OS/2 because it takes less space than Dos and Windows I hate my father's idiotic ideas I hate me, I hate you, and I hate our whole life here! - Hawkeye I have a few that I made that I'm a little proud of I hate you, you hate me, let's throw Barney in the sea I have a Betazoid modem -it dls what it senses i want I have PMS, ESP, and a G-U-N! Got a PROBLEM with that?? I have a friend named Felix who can fix anything. - 007 I hate baronial politicking I hate sheep! ------ A True Kiwi! I have a firm grip on reality--by the throat I have a good eye, Uncle, I can see a church by daylight. - Shakespea I have a knife of DM slaying I hate mornings. They start too early in the day. - Garfield I had this *really* strange dream... Scott Calvin I hate flashbacks! I hate flashbacks! I hate flashbacks! I hate I have NOT lost my mind. It's backed up on disk somewhere I hated cigarettes, till I saw a NO SMOKING sign I hate today. - Arthur, after kissing the Tick in Carmalita's body I hate humans!They really get my goat,I'm not so fond of goats either I have 100 GB of software, All on 360K floppies! I hate 4 letter words: cook, wash, iron, dust, diet I had to discover your _real_ intentions. - Balok I hate disintegration, watching us wither - Tori Amos I hate it when I miss the really simple answers I had to go potty - Mike as pilot lands I had to shoot him, officer! He was about to hurt himself!! I hate 4 letter words - you know..like work, iron, cook, wash I hate my Mom but I honor her anyway! I have a Mickey Mouse PC with a Goofy operating system I had to eat a lizard & drink my own urine - Crow T. Robot I hardley recognised you with your clothes on! I have a heart like the US Army - open for all women between 18-35 I had proof of the existence of God, but my cat ate it I hate it when the Tagline is just one charachter too lon I hate you. You hate me. Let's go out and kill Barney I had no shoes and wept. Then I met a man who had no feet I have a good memory, it's just short I hate to risk one of my lives for a politician. - Rita [End Tags]