--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I am Brubeck of Borg, Prepare to take five I am Fundie of Borg, you will be assimilated. Because God said so! I am French, sir, not Swiss. Data to Clemens I am Buttercup of Borg: But Westley, you were assimilated! I am Ernest of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, know whut I mean? I am Cyrus of Borg. Your acky breaky heart is irrelevant I am Borg. James Borg. Vodka Martini, Gin is irrelevant I am Bubba of Borg...Y'all are fixin' to be assimilated I am Echo of FIDOBorg: BBS is irrelevant. Prepare to be assimilated I am Eastwood of Borg: Resistance is irrelevant, punk I am Buffalo Bob of Borg: What time is it? Assimilation time I am Edison Carter of Borg and what I want to assimilate is I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is yusewess. Huh-huh-hut! I am Clinton of Borg: Grab your ankles to be ass-emulated I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to have your wallet assimilated I am Deanna of Borg. I sense you wish me to assimilate you I am Fudd of Borg: Wesistance is wusewess I am Flatulus of Borg, Hear me roar! I am Charlemagne of Borg...Resistance is feudal I am Dalek of Borg: You will be EXTERMINATED! I am Chewbacca of Borg: RRWARARRHHG! I am Elmer Fudd, Millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht I am Caesar of Borg. Veni, vidi, assimilation I am Fudd of Borg! Pwepawe to be assimiwated!!! I am Buddha of Borg, Resistance is suffering. Suffering is futile I am Bubba of Borg. Y'all's fixin' to be assimilated I am Flatulence of Borg! Pull my finger! I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is usewess I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare your money for assimilatio I am Echo of FIDOBorg: Your BBS is irrelevant. Prepare to be assimilated I am Clinton of Borg. Your pain is irrevant I am Daddy of Borg. Bedtime! Resistance is futile! I am C-3P0 of Borg: Master Luke! We will all be Assimilated! Oh, my! I am DDB of Borg: Your Arguments are Futile. Your Topic is Irrelevant I am Captain Peacock of Borg. Are you being assimilated? I am Boris of Borg. We will assimilate moose and squirrel! I am Elmer Fudd of Borg: Wesistance is wusewess. huh huh huh hut! I am Daffy of Borg: You - You - Yooourrrr'e Irrelevant! I am DirtyHarry of Borg, Go ahead and resist us, punk. Make our day I am Cullen of Borg. M-O-O-N, that spells Assimilate, laws, yes I am Butthead of Borg: Resistance SUCKS I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistence is usewess I am Descartes of Borg. We assimilate therefore we are I am Flatulus of Borg. You will be asphyxiated I am Deiter, and I wilkommen you to SPROCKETS!! I am Buzz Lightyear! I come in peace! - Buzz Lightyear I am Chaotic Evil! Prepare to die, fools! -- Grond the Anti-Paladin I am Clinton of Borg: Assimilation of Perot is relevant I am Flatulus of Borg: Prepare to suffer I am Data of Borg. Picard-"Not Again!" I am Fudd of Borg: Pwepare to be assimuwated I am Clinton of Borg. Hillary has told me that resistance is futile! I am Elvis of Borg (thankaverymuch). Assimilate me, tender...Assi I am Fred of Borg, YABBA-DABBAssimilate DOO! I am Ed McMahon of Borg. You may already be assimlated I am Daffy of Borg. Prepare to be athimilated I am Daffy Duck of Borg: Yoooouuuuu'rreee Irrelevant! I am Ed McMahan of Borg, You may already be assimilated! I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is usewess, huh huh huh I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be...Ooooooo, Babes! I am Dahmer of Borg, prepare to be mutilated I am Butthead of Borg. Uh-huh-huh-huh Assimilation's cool I am Fudd of Borg: Wesistance is wusewess. huh huh huh hut! I am Dangerfield of Borg, Respect is irrelevant I am Elemental Augury of Borg: Your library will become Futile I am Duncan Mcleod of Borg. There can be only Borg I am Borg of God; you WILL assimilate ME! [smile] I am Diamond of Borg: Song Sung Borg, Everyone's assimilated I am Chewie of Borg. You will be awroomilated I am Drunk of Borg. Resultance is floor tile. Prepare to be 'simmed! I am Eddie Murphy of Borg. Prepare to be @$$#%!+%#@ Edsil Murphy I am Drunk of Borg: Resillance is floor tile. Wanna be 'sim'late I am Earl Schieb of Borg: I'll assimilate any car for $79.95! I am Chekov of Borg: We will assimalte your Wessel! I am Eclectic Wicca...prepare your Deities for Assimilation!!!!! I am Cat of Borg: I think I'll assimilate ... myself! I am Boris of Borg. Hokay... now ve assimilate moose and sqvirrel! I am Cyrus of Borg. Your achy breaky heart is irrelevant I am Clinton of Borg. You will be assimila... BIG MACS!! I am Dr. Ruth of Borg: Penis size is irrelevant I am Drunk of Borg. Reluctance is both floortile and our elephant I am Clinton of Borg. You may or may not be assimilated I am Christopher Robin of Borg. You sit here and assimilate Piglet I am Elmer of Borg. Wesistence is usewess... huhuhuhuhuh I am Clinton of Borg. Hillary says resistance is futile! I am ButtHead, a Borg. Duh-Uh, Resistance sucks I am Elders of Borg: A planned and wanted assimilation I am Dan Quayle of Borge, spellinge is irrellevante I am Dracula. I bid you welcome. Bela Lugosi I am Borg. James Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, Miss MoneyPenny I am Clintonof tBorg. Your earnings ill be ssimilated I am Catwoman, hear me roar! - Catwoman, BATMAN RETURNS I am Dalek of Borg. AS-SI-MI-LATE! AS-SI-MI-LATE! I am Ernest Angley of Borg, Prepare to be HHHEEAAALLED! I am Doctor Borg. Your T.A.R.D.I.S. will be assimilated! I am Dirty Pair vs the Borg: Fault is irrelevant. *BAROOOOOOM* OOps I am Futon of Borg, You will be assimilated then become a couch I am Clinton of Borg. You will not be inhaled I am Bullshit of Borg: Prepare to be inundated I am Energizer of Borg. You will be assimilated, & assimilated, & [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F4G00010 Date: 04/10/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:50pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I am Daffy of Borg: What do you mean =we= will? I am Chief Higgins of BorgATF. Your religion is irrelevant I am Elizebeth II of Borg : We are not amused by that assimilation I am Ferret of Borg. We will assimilate your shiny things I am Darth Vader of Borg. The Force has been assimilated I am Droopy of Borg, You know what? You're about to be assimilated I am Butthead of Borg, you're gonna be, like, assimililated, huh huh I am Fudd of Borg. Allwight... Pwepare to be assimiwated I am Elma Fudd of Bowg. Pwepawe to be Assimiwated I am Dalek of Borg: Resistance is futile. You will be as-si-mi-la-ted I am Enoch king & charismatic leader of the dog people I am Eek! of Borg: Gee, isn't it swell when people are assimilated? I am Daffy Duck of Borg. Resistance is dithpicable! I am Flintstone of Borg. You will be yabbadabbasimilated I am Elmer Fudd of Borg. Pwepare to be Assimiwated I am Drunk of Borg. Resistance is floor tile I am Flanders of Borg. Prepare to be assimilly-limilly-lated I am Borg. You killed my collective. Prepare to die I am Dot of Borg, being cute is irrelevant! I am Borg of Borg. You shall be confused I am Crowely of Borg, You will be Initiatied I am Dalek of Borg: We obey I am Ewmew of Bowg. Pwepawe to be assimiwated, wabbit! I am Daffy Duck of Borg. Yooooouuuuurrrrrr Dethpicably Irrelevant ! I am Fundie of Borg: You must believe to be an assimilated again Borg I am Cthulhu of Borg. You are in some SERIOUS trouble I am Electrician of Borg Resistance Is Useless! (If - 1 ohm) I am Ernest Angley of Borg. Prepare to be HHHEEEEAAAALLLEEEDDDD! I am David Johnson of Borg, Please assimilate me I am Doc Zimmerman of Borg. You have a lovely assimilation I am Bush of Borg: Read my lips...Resistance is futile I am Daffy of Borg. Yoooouuuu'rreeee irrelevant! I am Dot of Borg. Calling me Dotty is futile I am Borgapopa: Clickety click, assimilate-a-trick I am Dan Welch of Borg. Prepare to be... oooh, Taglines I am Colgate of Borg. You will be assimilated like liquid into chalk I am Boris of Borg. Moose and squirrel are irrelevant! I am Elmyra of Borg. We will hug you and squeeze you and love you I am Clinton of Borg. Your incomes will be assimilated I am Dracula of Borg. I never assimulate wine I am Daffy Duck of Borg: Yooourrrr'e Irrelevant! I am Clinton of Borg. Your income will be assimilated I am Elvis of Borg. You will be assimilated. Thank ya very much I am Fudd of Borg. Prepare to be Assimiwated I am Borg. James Borg I am Drunk of Borg: Resillance is floor tile. Wanna be 'sim'lated I am C-3PO of Borg. Master Luke! We will be Assimilated! Oh, my! I am Buttercup of Borg: But Wesley, you were assimilated! I am Electrician of Borg. Resistance is futile if less than 1 ohm I am FLUFF I am Elmer Fudd of Borg. Pwepawe to be Assimiwated I am Boris of Borg. Hokey... now ve'l assimilate moose and sqvirrel! I am Elmer Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is Yusewess. Pwepawe to be Assimiwated I am Elmer of Borg: Wesistance is usewess huh huh huh huh I am Eastwood of Borg, You're thinking, Did he assimilate 5, or 6? I am Dax of Borg, My slug has been assimilated I am Eek! of Borg: It never hurts to be assimilated I am Flintstone of Borg. You will be assimilated. Yabba, dabba, doo I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be...OOOOOHHHH! McDonalds! I am Elvis of Borg. Thank you... Thank you very much I am Dino of Borg, prepare to be fossilized I am Bubba of Borg. Y'all fixin' to be assimilated I am Dahli Llama of Borg, You Will be, and you will not be I am Bush of borg, read my lips: you will be assimilated I am Fractio de Borg, prepare to be bifurcated I am Darth Vader of Borg, The FORCE is Irrelevant I am Cornholio. Are you threatening me? I am Dyslexic of Gorb ... puree to be estimated I am FredRogers of Borg, It's..a..beautiful day in the Collective I am E. Honda of Borg: All desserts must be assimilated I am Dexter of Borg. You will be... Deedee, get out of my Lab! I am Data of Borg. Never the less, you will be assimilated I am Catwoman. Hear me roar I am David Myers of Borg. You will be assi.. oooh, LDs! I am Electrocutus of Borg-Resistance is currently futile I am Frau Blucher I am Dyslexia of Borg, Prepare to have your ass laminated I am Elvis of Borg: "Assimilate me, tender" I am Elvis of Borg: Your jelly doughnuts will be assimilated I am Frazier of Borg. My GOD! I've been assimilated! I am Elmyra of Borg: We will hug you and squeeze you and I am Bubba of Borg, Y'all is fixin to be assimilated! I am Clinton of Borg. Inhaling is irrelevant I am CopyCat of Borg, Your tagline will be assimilated! I am Daffy Duck of BORG. We will assimilate your Egos! I am Common-of-Borg; chase cards are irrelevant! I am Clinton of Borg. Your income is now assimilated I am Crowley of Borg, You will be initiatied I am Flatulus of Borg. Prepare to suffer. ... I am Flatulus of Borg I am CrocoBorg Dundee: G'day mate! Assimilate another shrimp on the barb I am Debbie Hisle of Borg. You will resist, I hope I am Elmira of Borg, We will hug you and squeeze you and love you I am Frodo of Borg: Your cakes and ale will be assimilated I am Drunk of Borg. Resultance is floor tile I am Dot of Borg. Call me Dotty, and you will be ASSIMILATED!! I am Ferengi of Borg. Your money will be assimilated I am Dorothy of Borg, Kansas is irrelevant I am Dude of Borg! Prepare to be... Whoa! Babes!!! I am Daffy of Borg. OH NO YOU DON'T!...Assimilate when you get home! I am Death, and I here-by declare you to be living impared. - Death [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F4G00011 Date: 04/10/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:50pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I am Flatulous of Borg...Pull my finger I am Butthead of Borg: Prepare to be, uh, ass imilated I am Chewie of Borg. You will be awrRRROOOOoomilated I am Dirty Harry of Borg. Go ahead, assimilate my day! I am Cat, hear me roar, I am too big to be ignored. -- Garfield I am Brain of Borg. When I take over the world, you will be assimilate I am Doc Zimmerman of Borg. Your assimilation is not on file I am Devo of Borg: We are not men....We are Borg I am Bullwinkle of Borg. Prepare to be pulled out of my hat I am Checkov of Borg: Shall I assimilate that wessel, keptin? I am Clinton of Borg, Campaign promises are irrelevant I am Borgs Bunny. What's assimilated? I am Dalek of Borg: As-si-mi-late I am Duncan MacLeod of Borg. Remember that name when I take your head I am Elizabeth II of Borg : We are not amused by that assimilation I am Doug McKinze of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, eh I am Flatulus of Borg. Prepare to be asphixiated I am Flintstone of Borg. You will be assimilated. Yabba I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is wusewess. Huh-huh-hut! I am Dahlmer of Borg, prepare to be mutilated I am Daffy Duck of Borg: Yoooouuuuu'rreee Irrrrrrrelevant! I am Frog Of Borg: You Will Be Crunched! I am Bubba of Borg: Prepare your beer to be assimilated I am Flatulus of Borg. Pull my finger I am Democrat-poor, with a Republican's sex life I am Fred of PCBorg. You will be assimilated I am Butthead of Borg. Huh-huh-huh-huh, resistance sucks! I am Flatulus of Borg: You shall be asphyxiated I am Bugs Bunny of Borg. Prepares tos bees askimilatred I am Ernest of Borg, Hey, Vern. Resistance is futile, knowhatahmean? I am Bounty of Borg...prepare to be absorbed I am Demonic Hordes of Borg: Your lands will be assimilated I am Duncan Macleod of the clan Macleod and you are dead! - DM I am Futon of Borg. You will be assimilated and then become a couch I am Death, destroyer of worlds. I have come for you..opps, wrong person I am Engel of Borg. prepare to read my thoughts I am Flatulus of Borg: Here me ROAR! I am Excel of Borg. You will see your finances being assimilated in 3D I am Ernie of Borg, Pull my finger I am Flatulus of Borg. Someone press 7, please? I am Dundee of CrocoBorg: G'day mate! Assimilate another shrimp on the b I am Dugite of Borg. Prepare your Bandicoots for assimilation I am Ed McMahon of Borg, you may have already been assimilated! I am Fudd of Bowg. Wesistance is wusewess. Pwepawe to be Assimiwated I am Clinton of Borg. your money will be assilimated I am Eddie_Murphy of Borg, Prepare to be #$$#%!+%#@, ya jive-sucker! I am Cyrus of Borg, You will be achy breaky assimilated I am Dex of Borg. Babes will be Moderated I am Data of Borg, Assimilation is intriguing I am Emory of Borg... Prepare to be filed! I am Elmer of Borg: Pwepare to be assimiwated I am Borg of Data. Contraction is irrelevant I am Ernest of Borg: I'm gonna assimilate ya, Vern. Know whut I mean? I am GOD in here! I am ECHO of FIDO, your BBS is irrelevant, prepare to be assimilated I am Clinton of Borg: Tax increases are irrelevant I am Curly of Borg. Resistance is futile, woo woo woo I am Boris of Borg. Will assimilate Moose and Squirrel! I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to...Ooo! Nice skirt, baby! I am Chewbacca of Borg: You will be awroomilated I am Ernest of Borg 9...prepare to be torpedoed I am Flintstone of Borg. YABBA-DABBAssimilate DOO! I am Callahan of Borg. Go ahead... resist us I am Bullsh*t of Borg ... prepare to be inundated I am Fudd of Borg: Be vewwy quiet. I'm assimiwatin' a wabbit I am Expert of Borg, prepare to endure the authoritative I am DDB of Borg: Assimilation, while nice, is not on topic I am Cage of Borg. Coolness is irrelevent. Jumping is futile I am Drunkard of Borg. Resultance is floor tile I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be Taxed I am Butthead of Borg. Assimilation is...uh...cool! he he I am Carnegie of Borg. Win Friends and Assimilate People I am Dr. Jack KeBORGian - let me help you assimilate yourself I am Clinton of Borg; your pay will be assimilated I am Elmer Fudd of Borg: Wesistance is usewess. huh huh huh hut! I am Forrest Gump of Borg. Resistance is like a box of chocolates I am Dan Quayle of Borg... potatoe is irrelevant I am DOS of Borg! Prepare... oops, out of memory! I am Darth Vader of Borg- You will be assimilated. It is your desssssstiny I am Fudd of the BORG! Pwepare to be assimiwated! I am Cthulhu of Borg, and you are in some SERIOUS trouble I am Dyslexsic of Borg, Prepare to have your ass laminated I am Fudd of Borg: Be vewy quiet. I'm assimiwatin'wabbits I am Bush of Borg...oh, the assimilation thing I am BorgJames Borg. 007 has been assimilated I am Dan of Borg.. Grammar checker is irrelevant!! I am Dan Quayle of borg"potatoe" is irrelavant I am Clinton of Borg: Prepare to be Politically Irrelevant I am Bubba of Borg. Uh, are y'all fixin' to be assimilated, or what? I am Cat of Borg.We will assimilate your shiny things I am Fourth Doctor of Borg. Your jelly babies will be assimilated. <-TLP I am Fundie Borg: You must believe the Bible to be assimilated I am Elmer of Borg, be vewy quiet, I'm assimilating wabbits I am Bundy of Borg. NO!! ... I swear I will not assimilate you, Peg! I am Dan of Borg, I can't assimilate all these taglines! I am Butthead of Borg. Assimilation is, like... uh... totally cool! I am Camus of Borg, We must resist even though resistance is useless I am Duncon MacLeod of the clan Macleaod... here's my card I am Boris Badenov of Borg. We will assimilate moose & s I am Cool Hand of Borg: What we have here is failure to ass'mlate [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F4G00012 Date: 04/11/98 From: MYRA I FOX Time: 07:18pm \/To: BARRY BLAES (Read 2 times) Subj: Red Dwarf Tags -=>Quoting Barry Blaes to Wolfgang Ernicke<=- BB> "Fidonet just IS. It's a Zen thing." --Holly Sullivan. This is the wrong Holly . She posts in a lot of Fido and PODS "Alright, dudes- what's going down in groove town, then?" -- Holly "Go on, have a guess." -- Holly "I suppose I should have updated the system." -- Holly "Samuel Morse invented Morse code. Plato invented the Plate."--Holly A computer's got to do what a computer's got to do. --Holly. Even with an IQ of 6000 it's still brown trousers time. --Holly. This is a recording. I'm afraid Holly is busy at the moment. --Holly. "Abandon Shop. This is not a daffodil." -- Holly ... "An excellent suggestion sir, with only two minor flaws...." - Kryten --- RA/FD/FMail * Origin: The Eclectic Fox = Memphis,Tn., USA = 1-901-327-1008 (1:123/101) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F5G00000 Date: 04/12/98 From: KURT MASTROVICH Time: 11:53am \/To: IVY IVERSON (Read 1 times) Subj: [1/3] Amiga Tags KM> I would like some Amiga tags, as I like putting down Amiga Computers. KM> So if any of you have got some amiga tags please send them to me II> Sure, here's my collection., both pro and con. Enjoy. THANKYOU very much I will enjoy these indeed. Bye :-) ... Instant human: Just add coffee! --- Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] * Origin: Eastland BBS (Gisborne, NZ +64 6 868-1995) (3:774/115)