--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F4E00012 Date: 04/08/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:38pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I Just can not resist a little fun along the way. :-) I add it to the yeast infections for additional color & flavor! I Had a dream 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 megs Free I Mult-task, I have two employees! I Wanna Decide Who Lives and Dies. --Crow's Xmas Wish I Hate Monday Mornings: Gaetan Oop I accept reality and dare not question it. W.Whitman I _suppose_ it's possible. - Garak2 I WILL be a captain's woman! - Evil Gypsy I WAN' MY INTERLINK!!!!!!!!!! I Regret That I Have But 1 Live to Give I admit that the boss made me what I am today - depressed I _am_ pacing myself, James. - Jack I LET you win, @FN@! I accept what has happened. - Spock I [HEART] MY [DOGHEAD] - Enigmatic Bumper Sticker I Know I Speak For All Of Us When I Say... I Fear A State That Kills Far More That I Fear A Man Who Has Killed I [ ] My Dog. I [ ] My Cat. I [L] My Keyboard I REALLY HATE PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS I M 2 CUTE 2 B 4 GOTTEN! I Love Animals. They're Delicious! I NEVER get to get [the phone]!!! - Wakko I accept your apology, Myra, but not your explanation I WANT TO BE... HAPPY I Love Mathematics: Adam Up I actually had an opportunity to _touch_ a plasma field. - Geordi I REALLY DO I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' recipe I YAM still here I DO have a clue; wait while I remember where I put it I LLLLLLLLLLIKE IT!!! - Emil I Lived in Detroit: Helen Earth I Drive OS/2 'cause I'm sick of being a Crash Dummy ! I Wuv U Guys! - Anthony I HAVE no emotions. What's your excuse?--Data I admire an atheist, that takes a lot of faith I _am_ holding still. I _am_ squirming. - Homer I Would Have Writ You A Letter, But I Couldn't Spell Yecch! I NEVER leech taglines! I DoubleSpaced my cat and now she ignores me twice as often I _can't_ even concentrate. - Bashir I HATE those bloomin' stop and go penalties I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' TAGLINE I Never Knew A Cat Who Suffered From Insomnia I HATE when you do that!!! - Crow to Tom I LOOOOVE scanning for lifeforms! I SAID, DO YOU HAVE ANY FRUIT TO DECLARE???? *BLAM!!* *BLAM!!* I Have To Stop Now, My Fingers Are Getting Hoarse I Like to help you out,which way you come in? I SHALL return! Yeah - so will a bum check! I admire a woman who can use a blade I DON'T SPEAK FOR ANYONE INCLUDING MYSELF! I absolutely _LOVE_ cats!!! When do we eat? I DON'T LIKE THE TURN THIS CONVERSATION IS TAKING I Forgot To Add A recipe I Don't Care What The World Can See I Had a brain scan the other day, thank god it turned up I HATE TRIBBLE RECIPES!!! I Make Money The Old Fashioned Way! I Print It I WILL kill him! - Sting I THOUGHT I saw Bill Clinton today, but no, THIS guy had his pants ON! I FOUND JESUS! (you can all stop looking now) I [] My dog. He [ate] My Cat I Left My Heart In Aunt Fran's Crisco I WAS a millionaire...mom threw away my baseball cards! I Seize your Commitment, Orville! I Love Jesus! I Love My Country and I Fear My Government I WANT DFW_UFO BACK AGAIN!!! :-< I KNOW you're alive... I just couldn't care less! I KNOW it was a tornado Toto, but you wizzed on my Carpet I Love Wills: Benny Fishery I KNOW A SURGEON WHO'S A REAL CUT-UP Keeps everybody in stitches! I SWEAR I thought she was 18! I accept your apology, @TOFIRST@, but not your explanation I DO want your money, because god wants your money! I THINK... therefore I can't be a Socialist! I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!! I admit that I am powerless over fish innards I NEED A NEW HOST-BODY! -- Laurie Brown I Say So! - by Frank O'Pinion I DON'T NEED YOUR PITY!!!!!! Yes, you do I Don't Have Any Pant's - Stimpy I agree with Garak. Lovok I WANT ON THE INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY! Crow T. Robot I See Your Face Printed On My Money I PITY THE FOOL WHO USES COAX! - Mr. 10BaseT I Hate Monday Mornings By Gaetan Oop I Never Thought You Were That Great To Start With-Lyzzard Skyzzard I _am_ the Supreme Being. I'm not _completely_ dim I _know_ what you're thinking, but you might be wrong I agree. So, what are we talking about? I Hate the Sun: Gladys Knight I Win!: U. Lose I Xeroxed my watch. Now I have time to spare. - SW I HAVEN'T LOST MY MIND IT'S BACKED UP HERE SOMEWHERE!!! I Xeroxed a mirror. Now I have an extra Xerox machine I Sing The Praises Of Llamas I TRIED to deny it, but they're STILL my people!--Odo [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F4E00013 Date: 04/08/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:38pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I Read You Like A Book: Claire Voyant I Speak Fish! - Stimpy I STILL want a Hula Hoop. : Alvin I NEVER tell lies. :-------------------) I DON'T care. You're the one who's doing the dying! --The Cat I LIVE ... to *stuff* your hard drive! :-) I WANNA BUY AND SAVE NOW, BABY!! - Opus, Outland I [ ] My Dog. I [ ] My Cat. I [ ] My Cockroaches I S*W*I*P*E*D _THIS_ Page, too, for the pearls within! I Had A Little Accident; I Lose A Pair Of Lungs. - Neelix I Left Moss Hart/In San Francisco I GOT A GIRL who love to use BLUE WAVE!!!! I ['d] My Dog. I ['d] My Cat I Was An Atheist Until I Realised I WAS God I Love You I know - Leia & Han or Han & Leia I Usually operate at a 90 angle to reality I Don't Think You're Happy Enough! - Stinky Wizzleteats I [] CorelDRAW! v. 2.0! I accept your apology, Orville, but not your explanation I admit, this is strange... even for Mulder - Dana Scully (1x04) I LOVE fine wines! I can afford reasonably decent beer I MUST BREAK YOU I Dream of Jeannie - created by Morton Lee Cohen I Was a Cloakroom Attendant: Mahatma Coate I [] My Cat. I [] My Dog. (Would you [] my ex-wife ?) I _had_ to do this. One day you'll understand. - Kira I Have a PATTON if You Have a General! I Don't bite...MUCH! I [ ] my dog. I [ ] my cat. I [!] my girlfriend I [] My Dog. I [8] My Cat I LOVE call waiting. Realy love call wait[ I Love You!: Alma Hart I GoT THe PoiSoN - i GoT THe RoDeNT BaiT I THUNK, therefore I AM........OS/2! I Thought Sex Was a Pain In The Ass Before I Found Women I [] My Dog. (Would you [.] my ex-wife ?) I Musta Died And No One Has Bothered To Tell Me I FEEL MUCH BETTER NOW I HATE BEING PUT ON HOLD! -- Logan I Need back issues of RolePlayer. R/O ->INNPARK I Wish I Were In Dixie Tonight, But She's Out of Town I _want_ an answer! - Mulder I [.] My Cat. I [.] My Dog. (Would you [.] my ex?) I Love Fractions: Lois C. Denominator I I need your opinion, I'll pull your chain I a Popeyus of Borg! Prepare to be assimiligrated! I DO know it all; I just can't remember any of it right now I FELT something was wrong. Multitasking causes schizophrenia I Love Crowds by Morris Merrier I added water, the oatmeal still taste odd. Oh, HOT water I Sam, therefore I am I Wouldn't Take Her To A Dawg Fight, Cause I'm Afraid She'd Win I Must Fix the Car!: Otto Doit I [8] my dog. I [8] my cat 2. YumYum! I LIKE a woman in uniform! - Quark I Don't do drugs - Echos are my escape from reality I I love love double double Chex Chex! I Don't find trouble...I AM trouble! I I was nice today. Nice to all those incepid monkeys! I _really_ don't feel like talking right now. - Ro Laren I LOVE this game! I Just Keep My Politicians Satisfied I [8] My Dog. I Ran/My Cat I SUPPOSE I'll let you blame your spelling on line noise. :) I STAND ON THE LINE YOU KEEP CROSSING - Skinner I GIVE away Truth, why BUY a liberal lie? I Sense.....*SLAP* Not on the bridge Will I admit to a little bias against Republican activities and beliefs I SAW YG! HE SAW ME! WE'RE TOGETHER! IN DARK CONCLAVITY! I [] Ventura Publisher! I accept good advice gracefully-- as long as it doesn't interfere with what I intended to do in the first place I accept your apology, but NOT your explanation! - Gul Dinar I VANT TO SUCK YOUR BLOOD......but your wallet'll do fine, too! I TO as your children wished their grandparents practiced birth control I Have A Headache Mode; A)bort F)ail G)et Your Hands OFF OF ME! I Love Crowds: Morris Merrier I Love you, and you can love me too for just $49.95 I See... I Like... I Steal... ...Taglines, that is! I agreed to suspend my disbelief, not hang it until dead! I agree to disagree I Wuz Framed!: Gil Tee I WILL procrastinate, if I can just get started! I NEED TAGLINES!!!!! I Will! No I Will! No I Will! .... You both can! - Troi I Wear My Sunglasses At Night I M a tru bleever in hour edukashun sistum, I NEVER! exaggerate-I just remember REALLY big!!! I Feel Better Now I [ ] this Tagline (and it loves me) I Had A Life Once, Now I Have A Computer I Like "Weeding Gardens," by Manuel Labour I admit it's offbeat, but let's not get hysterical I HAVEN'T BROKEN THE RULES IN A LONG TIME, I GUESS I'M ABOUT DUE I Remember When We Carved CPUs Out of Wood I _was_ decorated on my very _first_ mission... - Dax I adore simple pleasures. George Sanders A Picture of Dorian Gray I Hate the Sun - by Gladys Knight I WTFM I abused my stocks, so they split I Take No Prisoners But I Do Take Money!! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F4E00014 Date: 04/08/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:39pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] I accidentally drank turpentine ... and got thinner! I Turvived de 60's sith dinor mrain bamage I agreed to suspend disbelief, not hang it until it died! I THINK...therefore I KNOW! I Was A Son Of A Buccaneer: Rich Kidd I Used To Believe Heisenberg, Now I'm Not So Sure I Saw London. I Saw France. I Saw Orville's Underpants! I LOVE spotted owls!! They taste like chicken!!! I DON'T care. You're the one who's doing the dying! * Cat I admit it - *I* made all the crop circles I Don't Break For Barney....SPLAT! I LOVE a woman in uniform. - Quark I M a tru beleever in the Canadian edukashun sistum I admit it. I steal every tagline I see...except this one I HATE to sniff crotchless panties! I _love_ Bajoran music! - Anna Steven I Was Gonna Be Her Man! An original by Peter Britt! I STRONGLY suggest you do not proceed. - Kira I Want to Help: Abel N. Willin I Say So!: Frank O. Pinion I _want_ to believe. - Worf I HAVE had my eye on young Ensign Kim. Seska I act like a fool on purpose, Limbaugh can't help himself I LOVE the smell of cordite in the morning! I Got Me a 286 49mhz Laptop and Boy Does It Fly!!! Too Bad It's CGA!!! I Didn't Know Santi Claus Was DEAD! - Stimpy I Hate Housework - by I. M. Laizee I LOVE cats... Stir-fried is best! I Hate Fighting: Boris Hell I LIKE sex on TV! And the floor, the kitchen table, the I Do Tag Line Xpress <- look "MOM" I got a new toy! I Seize your Commitment, @TO@! I admit I wrote in COBOL once, but I didn't compile I SAW ELVIS' E-MAIL!! --Weekly World Tagline I Feel So Much Better Now That I Have Given Up All Hope!! I Love Hamburgers, I Like You! I FINALLY made it in music! I'm touring China with a wok band I Forgot To Add A Tagline I Wuz Robbed!: Alma Money I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THE RIDE I [] My Cat. I [] My Dog. (Would you [.] my wife I Love Mathematics - by Adam Up I PITY THE FOOL WHO STEALS THIS TAGLINE!!!!!!!!!!! I admit it! I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body! I Love to Tease, Do You Really Think You Can Handle Me??? I Hit the Wall by Isadore There I _like_ Quark I Idiot-Proof My Programs & Along Comes A Bigger Idiot! I WANTED TO SEE IF YOU'D COMPLETELY LOST YOUR MIND... - Aahz I Lovs To Go Swimin' Wif Bo-Legged Women! I accept...the challenge. Kirk I _hate_ shrinkwrap! I Meant Every Word That He Said I Like Liquor - by Ethyl Alcohol I NEED BASS! I HAVE ERASED THE THIN LINE BETWEEN GENIUS AND INSANITY I SAW YG! HE'S SO BIG! HE SMOKES CIGS! EATS LIKE A PIG! I [] My TomCat! I admit I used Windows once, but I didn't multi-task I WANT MY BFG 9000! NOW!!! Or a pistol will do I SAID PUT IT IN THE HAPPY BOX!!! -BigShot I [] My Dog. I [] My Cat. I [] My Keyboard I _can't_ sir. There's no way to do it! - Uhura I Got Friends In Low Places I Heard there was some really hot sex in Waco! I Threw A Beer At Clinton. He Dodged It. No Doubt A Draft I Don't do drugs - Star Trek is my escape from reality I M uh tru beleever in hour edukashun sistum I actually know very little Yiddish, just a shmata here and there I MAY BE SCHIZO, BUT I STILL HAVE EACH OTHER I Love Children... That's Why I'm Not Having Any I HATE TRIBBLE TAGS!!! I Love Bullfighting: Matt Adore I REFUSE to be moderated I admire a man who can use a blade I [8] Tokyo (burrrpp!) - Godzilla-san I agree: we're at war. Riker I Only Play With My Computer On Days That End With Y! I adjusted the brightness, but the msgs are still dumb I DO know everything. I just can't remember it! I Feel A Rumbly In My Tumbly I admit difficulty in following this logic. - Archerfish I _definitely_ need an MMU for my brain I Love My Co-Sysop I Work with Diamonds: Jules Sparkle I accidentally ate my own homework I SNORT MY MONEY UP MY MODEM! :%) I Print on Steel with an Industrial Laser I HATE TO HAVE TO BUY NEW SWEATSHIRTS EVERY YEAR! !NOT! I add a little excitement and all you do is complain. - Q I Got a date!! No more sticky fingers for me I Trek, therefore I am - Gene Descartes I HATE STUPID COWS!!! holy or not I agree, knowing others is wisdom,knowing yourself? That's not so easy I LOVE quoting!! I Like Fish: Ann Chovie I HAVE A BODY OF A GOD....BHUDDA! I _can't_ change the laws of physics! - Scotty I Feel Happy...Sais Who? I _DID_ 'RTFM', it didn't help [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79)