--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] History repeats itself, that what's wrong with history History books which contain no lies are extremely dull History is a set of lies agreed upon by the Victors History doesn't repeat itself - historians merely repeat each other His elevator is stuck between floors His family are all baboons! - Crow sings about Tom His forever, endless Night His lust is so sincere. -- Janet Weiss History is a lie commonly agreed upon. - Neitzche Hmmm... This @TO@ person must not read the docs Hit him again Jim, I saw his foot move His mind is made up. Don't confuse him with facts His little red choo choo done jumped the track Hit the showers, white boy. You're debunked His rundown boots clocked the miles His sense of smell, no doubt. Who had to clean the stables? :-) His family wasn't dysfunctional until he arrived Hmmmm, I think my family came from a rotten tree His face never really came together - Crow History repeats itself because nobody listens His liberty is full of threats to all. - Hamlet Hmmm, Feels A Little Snug, Have To Cut Back On Sweets - Stimpy His family are all baboons! Crow T. Robot History tends to exaggerate. -Colonel Green His parents couldn't afford a dog, so they got him instead Hitting Rob on the head is a Lowe blow Hmmm Warm And Snuggly, Just Like I Like 'Em - Cow With Underpant's Hit ALT-H for free D/L credits? Ok!!! #+&+^% NO CARRIER Historian: person with extra-century perception Hmm... It's either Country music, or 9 cats being tortured HmMMMMmMM she said HmmI usually roll over and go to sleep...:) - TEC His face was flushed but his broad shoulders saved him His face never really came together. Crow T. Robot History repeats itself, because @TOFIRST@ never listens Hmmm! Couldn't have been all bad! - Anna Steven History: Do you remember keypunch cards? Y = Retire Hit and key to continue.........EXCEPT THAT ONE!! Hmmm...henchrat not know... - Evil the Cat's henchman on Earthworm Jim His system administrator is never in Hmmmm, now where did I put that recipe? HmmmDoctor Who tags (that you haven't got?) Historian (n) person with extra-century perception Hmmmm what's this red button+++| NO CARRIER Historians study who did it Hmm...Nice tagline. SUCKER!!! AH, HAHAHAHAHAHA Hmmm... I don't think cats and electricity mix History tends to exaggerate Hitno potrebna devojka koja koristi mejbi bejbi! His reserve, a quiet defense. Riding out the day's events.: Rush His elevator doesn't run to the top His wife hurt herself making dinner yesterday Hm..what's this red button foNO CARRIER His feet were so big that he had to put his pants on over his head Hit @#$*;/ to abort. Hit any other key to format C Hitler, Hussein, Geco, if only their father's had worn condoms History does not repeat itself, -- historians merely repeat each other His fly's undone"-Scully "You insinuating something?"-Mulder (3x22) Hmmm, How Do I Get Inside That Head - Ren History is the refutation of the "moral world order." - Nietzsche Hmmm, I fear I'm not good in a harsh discussion when talking/writing i His name's Shus..na...something-or-other. Garibaldi History never repeats itself. - Larry Niven Hit Alt-H to activate the Help menu History: A bunch of lies, agreed upon by the victors Hmmmm. New shotgun or pay the rent? (deciding) Hmmm, Mail Hub Down, wonder what this file thing is? His nuts roasting on an open fire... OUCH! Histology: Scientific study of snakes, cats & leaky tires His fork only has one tong His super power is to turn into a scotch terrier History books get it right on the second edit His post: [ ]Humorous [ ]Insightful [X]Just plain stupid His life was formal; his actions seemed ruled with a ruler Hmmlooks human. Smells funny. Must be an android History is written by the whiners! Hmmm, you *never* know. - Beverly Hmmm...does Ralph Cramden use Norton's Utilities? His heart has not been valiant enough... - Thrakhath about Blair Hit any key to continue... EXCEPT DAT ONE! Hmmm ... History will repeat itself as long as no one listens to it His puzzle is missing a few pieces His mercy endureth for ever. - Psalm 136:1 History = An agreed upon bunch of lies, written by the victors His word is TRUTH! His synapses are about *that* far apart His forever, endless Night... His mind is like a steel trap - rusted shut! Hitler: The number 1 supporter of Gun Control! History repeats itself because almost nobody listens Hmm, what's this red button fo Hmmm, that's funny - I don't remember ordering a dragon His neurons must have tenure - none of them can be fired Hit "CAPS LOCK" to stop screaming in my ear! Hit any user to continue His motives aren't suspect - they're convicted! Hit me, beat me, make me type bad taglines! His response is unknown, and probably unprintable Hmmm... one bullet left. Think I can get them to line up? [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F4200008 Date: 03/30/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:55pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Hit any key except +UX+b NO CARRIER His head on any bird in the world would make it a turkey His pulse never rose above 80, even while he ate her tongue History repeats itself Hitler 6,000,000; Christianity 50,000,000 Hitler dies, reincarnated, new name: Bill Clinton Hit any key except .. NO CARRIER History is a distillation of rumour. -- Carlyle Hit Ctrl-A for greater control over your Tagline's destination History has made its judgement. Kirk His pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere Hit any sysop to continue His helmet is ribbed for her pleasure - Mike His wife has two cunts - He's one of them His train of thought is still boarding at the station - Calvin His heart was yours from the first moment that you met History doesn't repeat itself. Historians do Hmm, nice floppies Hmmm, Maybe I should have read this one! HmBill GatesBill Doorcoincidence? Historical reminder: Always keep Horace before Descartes Hit to take IQ test or to skip His pores get plugged and go untreated and... he dies. -- Crow Hmmmm, that's funny - I don't remember ordering dragon His library has run out of books Hitting him with a Marathon bar - Crow His grandfather on his mothers side was a balding zombie. -- Crow His home was America, and his ways were secret ways. - The Stand Hmmm. Looks like I picked up "cent" as well as "penny." Hmm......Think I need an "Aladdin" fix Hmm, let me think. - Pinky Don't hurt yourself, Pinky. - Brain Hmmm... This @N@ person must not read the docs Hmmmm, Lets see, first you load, no..you boot, no....you Hmm. Single syllables! A formidible opponent. - The Tick Hitchhiker Guide Entry... EARTH - Mostly harmless Hiya, Jimmy-Boy!! McCoy History repeats itself. I'll have another glass of orange juice! His heart runs away with his head. -Colman Hmm.. y'say less than half the cars you own run..? His receiver is off the hook Hmm.. you seem to have a.. carefully chosen collection of seashells His father helped me get into the Academy. Kirk on Mallory His sharing was illuminated by occasional flashes of silence Hmm, not bad. Here's what I have! His head whistles in a cross wind Hit -J to pick a John Hancock 3 tagline Hmmm, taking umbrage ... is that anything like stealing taglines? His name shall be called...The everlasting Father- Isa. 9:6 Hit me, I'm a lawyer Hmmm...hockey or boxing? Same tickets, anyway Historians prophesy about the past History: A set of lies agreed upon by the victors History keeps repeating itself because nobody listens. - Hitch-hiking on the Information Superhighway Historians USED to do it His music has no beginning or end Hmmm, Alphabetical order, what _*WILL*_ they think of next??? Hmm nice! Wonder what they pay for rent? -Crow in Deep 13 Hmm... nice! Wonder what they pay for rent? -- Crow T. Robot Hmm, let's see..I can burn the flag, but not tobacco? Hit any key to continue or any other key to quit His source code is missing a few lines History books which contain no lies are DULL Hmmm mmmm, Hmmm mmm <-- Can't remember the words History's *first* really awkward moment. -- Crow T. Robot Hitler: 6,000,000; Stalin: 25,000,000; Christianity: 50,000,000 Hm..what's this red button fo|+>X++NO CARRIER His parents almost lost him as a child. Unfortunately, they didn't take him far enough into the woods Historians DO IT over long periods of time His mind. He is...a very dynamic individual. Spock Hitler started with gun control, too! Hit L1-A to continue: Hiya Gerry!!! I have some...but they aren't filtered yet..but enjoy! :) His mind is so narrow, he could look through a keyhole with BOTH eyes! His feet are the wrong size for his shoes. -Hig Hurgenflurst Hm. I understand. I am also fond of you, Commander. - Data His family tree doesn't fork Hmm... what's this red button fo NO CARRIER Hmm, now what does this key do agai Hitler became Moderator of Germany in 1933. <--Title incorrect Hmmm. Maria seems to know *what* a guy grabs for when he's insecure Hit here [ ] with hammer for a new monitor Hit Wes Landaker to continue History's FIRST really awkward moment - Crow on dance His nipples are shrinking! - Tom His record IS impressive. - Ivanova Hmmm, It's either very young cheese or very old meat Hmmmm, this is a tagline echo...better upload some tags quick! Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, Star Wars or Calvin & Hobbes? Hmm! When the cats away, the mice go into orbit! Hitchcooking: Stabbing frozen food to speed up cooking His shirt is so tight you can see his liver - Crow HmmHow *did* they finally kill Frosty? -- Hobbes His wife got rid of 235 pounds of ugly fat....she divorced him His job was to peel the tape off Wendy O. Williams after her concerts! Hit me one time...Hit me twice...OH! That's rather nice!" -- Hexxus Hmmf! No more privacy than a goldfish! - Jiminy Cricket His eyes were frozen. Franklin Hmmm ... History is the science of what never happens twice [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F4200009 Date: 03/30/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:56pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Hmm..Wonder what this red button doe..*%^$*%^&$#(*^% NO CARRIER Hit any key (with baseball bat) to continue Hitting Pins, by 'Bo Ling' History is *what* happened. - Rush Limbaugh Hit it! - The Mask His pajama's are a little formal - Mike on guy in suit His name is Zimmerman. He looks a lot like me, actually. - the HoloDoc Hmmm... you failed your Turing test, didn't you? Hmmm ... isn't BBSing just full of surprises? Hitlery Clinton -- big brother in drag Hit my smoke! You're cleared hot! - Typical FAC Historians do it for old times' sake Hmmm. Single syllables! A formidable opponent His name was Adam. - Spock Hmm... no replies in 10 days.. Oops.. twit filter on ALL Hit him again, I saw his foot move ...L.A. Cop Hitler, Stalin, Clinton ... "experts" who agreed on Gun Control! Hmmm, What does "Formatting Drive C:" mean? Hmmdrinking isn't herediary, is it? Can't be- TEC Hmmdrinking isn't hereditary, is it? Can't be- TEC Hit any key? With what? Hitler, Hussein, He, if only their father's had worn condoms His way is the only way any other way is no way! History occurs twice - the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce His mind is like a steel sieve Hmmm, when was the last time the Tooth Fairy visited you+ Hljol His gyros are loose Hmmmm, now where did I put that tagline? Historic Tagline: "Taglines beget their own Negation." --Karl Marx Hit me again, I love it! Soddam Hussein Hiya Fella: Gladys Eeya His only problem is the world exists Hmmm. Impossible puzzle. Get the paradox eliminator! Hmmm, define original #++NO CARRIER His word is dirt. - Arkansas columnist M. Oakley, about Bill Clinton His face was as expressionless as a smoked herring History: Use it or lose it! History repeats itself. That's what's wrong with history. Edsil Murphy Hit any key to continue... F ... Not THAT one, stupid! Hmm... How *did* they finally kill Frosty? - Hobbes Hmmm,not much to see at the movies.Let's just stay in & watch the Orb History repeats itself, but each time the price goes up History is a lame excuse for the stupid things men do History repeats itself. Historians repeat each other His pooper. Or his anus - Tom Hit the softest, cheapest thing as slowly as possible Hitno potrebna LEPA DEVOJKA radi sexa !!! His perfect kingdom of killing, suffering, and pain - NIN His low-fat diet really works! The fat hangs lower every day His hair is bouncin' and behavin' - Crow Hm..what's this red button fo:=/07Hmm...Nice tagline. SUCKER!!! AH, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! History repeats itself. That's what's wrong with history. MURPHY'S LAW Hit him! That's what the Captain would do! G'wan hit him!-O'Brien2 History: an agreed on bunch of lies written by the victors Hmmm, the Force is strong in this one His name is Worf.--Crusher Wharf? Like where ships go?--Picard Hit and run means never having to say you're sorry His face is being eaten away - Mike His was the most...human. Kirk History and reality are both what you make of them History teaches us that we learn NOTHING from history Hmmm, When is the last time the Tooth Fairy visite Hit Ctrl-A for greater control over your recipe's destination His madness was not of the head, but heart. -Byron His girls send him lots of fan mail--all of it giving him the breeze His engine was smoking, but that's ok, it's old enough Hmm ... the above quoted bits fail all intelligence scans Hiss! - Spot, to Riker His mind is like a steel trap - full of mice - Foghorn Leghorn History is the sum total of things that could have been avoided Hitler was a Conservative His name is Zimmerman. He looks a lot like me, actually. Doctor Hmm...Nice tagline. SUCKER!!! AH, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! His name's Shish nash uh buh somethin'r other. --Garibaldi Hit ALT-H to view next message His lungs have been removed. Doctor Hitler's brain survives in Rush's head Hmm.. it somehow seems a little too nice Hitchhiker's Guide - "Cheaper than the 'Encyclopedia Galactica'." Hit any key to continue, hit any other key to reformat your hard drive Hit any key to continue. *SMASH* Oops His last words were: Huzzah! -- MST3K His memory is truly random-access His metabolic processes are now history! Hmm...tastes like chicken. Here toady toady toady. huh huh huh Hmmm... I don't remember leaving any tanks on the lawn His elevator doesn't go to the top floor Hmmm... I can see I need to do some editing. 8) His/Her turbolift doesn't go all the way to the bridge Hit any key to continue... Except that one History is written by the victors Hit me, beat me, make me read messages on-line!!! Hmmmm what's this red buttoƺNO CARRIER His face is a crimson mask! - Gordon Solie His hair is pulled back into a severe bun - Mike [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F4200010 Date: 03/30/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:56pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] His faith is accounted for righteousness. Romans 4:5 His head is on backwards! - Zircon His warring has not been skillful enough... - Thrakhath about Blair His father bought a program with famous players. - Quark His name's Howard. "Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be Thy name" History, like reality, is what you make of it Hmmm how about involuntary dismissal, then? His hair doesn't look combed, it looks paved - Crow Hmmm. Our ghost has materialized. Spock on Klingon battlecruiser HmmmA giant fire breathing cat just teleported in Hmmm. Did your parents happen to own a cattle prod? Hmmm? Oh, sorry. I was having an out of body experience Hmm,Wonder what this red button does*%^$*%^#+NO CARRIER History has the relation to truth that theology has to religion -- i.e., none to speak of Hit Me His signal-to-noise ratio is epsilon His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork Hmm, whatt happens if I MEEEEEOOOOWWWWWW!!! Hmm, where's my cloud filter? Hmm... hockey or boxing? Same tickets anyway... =) History: A bunch of lies written by the victors His mind is on vacation but his mouth is working overtime His speech follows no logical pattern. - Spock on Gill Hmm, nice hem - Mike as camera shows girl's sexy legs Hitler believed in Gun Control for the Jews Hiyo Voyager, away! Hmm, good answer! - Crow on goofy techno-babble His gene pool has an acute algae problem Hit me. Where is Blofeld? - 007 (Diamonds Are Forever) Hm..what's this red button fo:=/07NO CARRIER History repeats itself. It has to - nobody listens Hmmm, Alphabetical order, what _*WILL*_ ty thp.knos next??? Hmmm, it looks somewhat bold - Dr. Forrester His mustache is like little windshield wipers - Tom History repeats itself. That's one thing wrong with history Hmmm, I'd have sworn I had another tagline His forehead has been clear cut - Mike Hmmm...now how about saying something on-topic in this message Hmmm...Is this TAG on? Thump Thump Thump Hmmm! When the cats awaythe mice go into orbit! His wife was a brunette. He had married a blonde, but then she dyed History tends to exaggerate. - Col. Green History only repeats itself because nobody listened the first time Hmmm? You said something? History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, then as a farce History will be kind to me for I intend to write it Hit me again, Hit me again, Harder, Harder History repeats itself. That's what's wrong with history. DMURPHY'S LAW Hmmm, what could I give you that you don't already have ??? His hair looks so natural. -- Crow T. Robot Hmmm...There was no tagline specified for this message..I WONDER WHY??? History isn't over with yet, but it soon will be Hmm, lemme see, Dragon Handbook...Red Historians DO IT with dates His face springs into action! - Tom History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake His letterhead. His CRAYOLA letterhead - Tom on letter Hmmm? Are you talking about catfish or lawyers? Hmmm, When is the last time the Tooth Fairy visited you? History is the short trudge from Adam to atom Hmmm.. What about Doctor Mal Practice? History is a lot of old stuff Hmmm... I wonder what this red button does His head's been ripped off. I'll get you another Hm! She is made of harder stuff! History is the essence of innumerable biographies His mind is out to pasture His head smashed in and his heart cut out Hmmm. I feel like being annoying today, and since it's Sunday. (EG) History: An agreed upon set of lies His face was filled with broken commandments Hit ALT-H for SYSOP function Hmmm, this all seems very familiar somehow History never repeats itself. At best it sometimes rhymes HmmmI think there's something unreasonable in your reasoning. - DW Hit me again, I love it! -Saddam Hussein His name shall be called...The mighty God- Isa. 9:6 [End Tags]