--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00010 Date: 03/25/98 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 09:51pm \/To: TAMMY WILSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Cat & Dog Tags Captain White, the communicators are out of range. Capt. it would appear this civilization uses taglines to communicate. Cardinal Rule of Cats: When fat, arrange self in slim pose. Careful not to let education get in the way of your learning.... Carpitchulake: Host of TV show catches, talks then throws back a fish. Cat: A Bit of Heaven Here On Earth Catabolic: Dogs lick themselves too! CAT: a bundle of fluffy love................... Cataclysm: Bible study classes for cats. Cat-A-Comb a Salon for Cats--it's a Cat=Meow! Catacomb: Italian Cats Comb. Catacomb (n.) - used for brushing cat hair. Catacombs: Where kitty gets a hairstyle. CAT: A dog with an attitude problem. CAT ADVICE: Take some time to eat the flowers. Cat advice: Take the time to eat the flowers. Cat advice; take time to eat some flowers. Cat;ady. Cat: a fluffy ball of love and mischief. Catagory: Road flattened cat. Cataholic: Can't stop bringing cats home. Cat-A-Lan a network of Cats--it's the Cats-Meow! Cat-a-Lan a network of Cats--they're the Cats-Meoowww! CataLAN: Local area network for Cats. Catalan Opening: Starting a local area network for cats. Cat: Alien that took over the Earth millennia ago. Catalina: What happens to a catholic. Catalog: Cats Firewood. Catalog Junkie; Computer Illiterate; Crone; Are You *X*-perienced? Catalog: [n] firewood for cats. Catalog: the cat's firewood. Catalogue : Dialogue by four people. Catalogue: How to tell one sort of cat from another. Catalyst: An alphabetical list of cats worldwide. Catalyst:(n) An alphabetical list of cats worldwide. CATALYST n. An alphabetical list of Italian cats. Catalyze: To lie while looking cute. Cat: an animal that can wrap you around its paws in a minute. Cat...an attitude in fur! CAT: A nice animal, frequently mistaken for a meatloaf. Cat:Animal that proves eating and sleeping is not ALL bad. Cat: An unprogrammable animal. Cat: a pet that shows it's affection by giving you a dead rat. Cat aplomb: Whatever happens, look as if it were intended. CATapult: device for throwing cats long distances. Catapult: (n) Large device for propelling cats over long distances. CATapult: used to rid oneself of annoying, furry, 4-legged noisemaker! Cat: a purr-bearing mammal. Cataract: A cat being questioned by the Spanish Inquisition. Cat-A-RactCats being questioned by the Inquisition. Cataract ('cat uh ract) n. - a Japanese luxury car. Cataract: Pool playing Cat. Cataract: Rack for punishing bad puddy tats. Cat are always more sarcastic than dogs. Catarrh: Stringed instrument. CATASATROPHE: Award given to the cat with the cutest buns. Cat asleep on my shoulders - the ONLY way to wear fur! Cat: A small animal resembling a meatloaf. Cat: A small animal, when defurred, resembles Chinese food. Cat: A small, furry animal resembling a meatloaf. CAT: A small furry beast resembling a meatloaf. CATasstrophe: An award for the cat with the nicest buns. Catasstrophe: What you get if you don't clean the litter box. Catastrophe: 38 Years of Liberal Democrats in Congress. CATastrophe: Add CAT to any body of water... Catastrophe: An award for a cat with nice buns. Catastrophe - An award for cats with nice buns. Catastrophe: An award for the cat with the nicest buns. Catastrophe: An award for the feline with the cutest buttocks. Catastrophe: An Award For The Feline With The Nicest Buns. Catastrophe: Award for cat with the cutest buns! Catastrophe: Award for the cast with the nicest buns. Catastrophe: Award for the cat with the nicest buns. Catastrophe: award given to the cat with the cutest ass. Catastrophe: Award given to the cat with the cutest behind. Catastrophe - Award given to the cat with the cutest buns. Catastrophe [n]: An Award For The Cat With The Nicest Buns. Catastrophe (n): Award to the Cat with the nicest buns. Catastrophes are daily events to a House Parent. Catastrophes to others are everyday events to you. Catastrophe: The award for the cat with the nicest buns! CATASTROPHE: The award given to the cat with the nicest buns CATASTROPHY: Award for the best looking feline butt. CATASTROPHY: Award for the feline with the nicest buns. Catastrophy: Award given at a cat bun show. Catastrophy: Cat claw marks written on your skin. Catastrophy: Cat punctuation written on your skin. CATASTROPHY(n): Award given to feline with the cutest buns. Cat-as-trophy - what I have on my mantle piece. Cat ate cheese and waited by mouse hole with baited breath. Catatonic: Aging cat in desperate need of Geritol. CATatonic: An aging cat in desperate need for Geritol. Catatonic - elixir for your feline. Catatonic: Feline medicinal drink. Catatonic: (n) an aging cat in desperate need of Geritol. Catatonic (n): Geritol for cats. Catatonic (n.) - Italian beverage most preferred by cats. Catatonic: what cats in Boston drink. Cat Bathing: A martial art. Cat bathing as a martial art. Cat bathing is a martial art. Cat bathing is not at the top of my list of recreational pleasures. Cat bathing should be a martial art. Cat + BBS = Paranoid Sysop. Cat-Birds will watch your *Bird* for you --it's a Cats-Meow! CAT: Black or white, may or may not be missing. Contact Schrodinger. CAT: Black or white, may or may not be missing. Contact Schredinger. Cat bumper sticker: Life is hard, then you nap. Cat Cardinal Rule #377: When fat, arrange self in slim pose. Cat - Car Target. CAT: Cat do this, Cat do that; what am I? A dog? Cat (cat') n. Dog with an attitude problem. CAT caveman for DAMIT! CAT caveman for DAMN IT! Catch 22 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Humans 0 Catch 23: Major Major Major - Three wrongs don't make a Colonel. Catch a Blue Wave and surf the information... well, you know. Catch a breath of morning exhaust fumes. Catch A Falling Star And Put It In Your Pocket. Catch a falling star. Put it in your pocket. Save it for a rainy day! --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. $25.99 per tagline. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00011 Date: 03/25/98 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 09:51pm \/To: TAMMY WILSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Cat & Dog Tags Communication: The Universal Solvent. Communication, without it, everyone's a mushroom. COMMUNICATORS do it long distance. COMMUNICATORS talk about it. Computer analysis of the tape indicates that it really is Rob Lowe. Computer cats prefer IBMs, Macs don't work with a dead mouse. Computer cats prefur IBMs, Macs don't work with a dead mouse. Computer Guru to the Center for Advanced Cat Juggling. Computer, locate Counselor Roshenko. Computer, locate Counselor @TOLAST@. Computer Term - daisy chain: a dog's leash. Computer: Warning! This is a plot complication, Warning! Condensed cats drink evaporated milk. Condogminium - A fancy doghouse. Condom: Catholic cathador. Condom: corn dog. Condom: cum catcher. Condom: cum cathador. Condom: doggie bag. Condom: dog house. Condom: fornication filtration. Condom: hatch catcher. Condom: hot dog bun. Condom Nickname: Catholic cathador. Condom Nickname: corn dog. Condom Nickname: cum catcher. Condom Nickname: cum cathador. Condom Nickname: doggie bag. Condom Nickname: dog house. Condom Nickname: fornication filtration. Condom Nickname: hatch catcher. Condom Nickname: hot dog bun. Cone of Confusion: Located near final approach fix. Conference hosting is Like herding Cats. Conference Management is like trying to herd cats. Conference Management: Trying to herd cats Conference Moderating is like trying to herd cats. Confirmation #'s guarantee quick verification of lost reservations. Confiscate and bebother these dwarves! Confiscate CRIMINALS, NOT GUNS! Confiscated, swiped, borrowed and/or stolen! Not rented Confiscate *my* guns? You'll get the ammo first.... Confiscate my weapons? Come into range and get 'em. CONFUCIUS SAY: Cat who walk on keyboard wind up in Chinese wok! Confucius say: He who fishes in another man's well often catch crabs. CONFUCIUS SAY: He who fishes in another man's well often catches crabs. Confucius say: He who fishes in other man's well, often catches crabs. Confucius say, He who fishes in others' holes often catches crabs. Confucius say:Man be like dog, if it can't be eaten or screwed, pissn it. Confucius say: Man like dog, if it can't be eaten or screwed, piss on. Confucius Say; Man who buy drowned cat must pay for stinking wet pussy. Confucius Say; Man who fuck ugly dog get howled at. Confucius Say; Man who sleep in cathouse by day, sleep in doghouse by night. Confucius say: Seek time is a measurement in dog years. Confucius says: Man who buy drowned cat must pay for stinking wet pussy. Confucius says, Man who fuck ugly dog get howled at. Confucius says: Man who sleep in cathouse by day, sleep in doghouse by night. Confucius says: Tagline deities should not truncate taglines. Confucius Says: Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house. Confucius say: Tagline deities should not truncate taglines. Confucius say: User who justify text vindicate meaning. Confucius Say; Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house. Confucius say: Wife who put man in dog house may find in cat house. Confucius say: Woman who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat-house. Confusticate and bebother these dwarves! Congress: It's not a job, it's a vacation. Conjugate Subjugate Lubricate Salivate Lactate Procreate! Conservatives musn't rest! Shift fire onto Clinton's Lap-Dog Media. Conservatives must never rest! Shift fire onto Clinton's Lap-Dog Media. Conservatives mustn't rest! Shift fire onto Clinton's Lap-Dog Media. Continued dark w/Widely scattered daylight in the morning. Continuing Education-living life yourself! Contrary to belief, the Cat is NOT a domesticated animal! Contrary to popular belief, a Cat is NOT a Domesticated Animal! Contrary to popular belief, a redhead CANNOT be domesticated! Contrary to popular belief, Cats are NOT domesticated animals. Contrary to popular belief the cat is not a domesticated animal. Contrary to popular belief, the CAT is NOT domesticated. Contrary to public belief, the cat is *NOT* a domesticated animal. Contrary to public belief, the cat is not domesticated. Conversation is the slowest form of human communication. Cookbook on preparing our K9 friends. Woking the Dog! Cooking Bestseller: Vietnamese Cuisine Cooking by Good Doggie. Cooking Bestseller: Vietnamese Cuisine Cooking by Good Doggy. Cool cats usually aren't. COPS is filmed on location in a Winchells donut shop. --Crow. COPS is filmed on location twenty years ago. COPS was filmed on location in THIS guy's yard. --Crow. Copulate, fornicate. Have no date? Masterbate! Copycat: n. Any programmer at Microsoft. Copyright: Duplicate without errors. COPYRIGHT: To duplicate a disk without errors. Coruscate, coruscate, diminuative celestial object. Coruscate, coruscate, diminutive celestial object. Cost consciousness and sophisticated design are basically incompatible. Country music: dog died, my woman took my truck, think I'll get drunk! Country music is just bad enough to keep the flies off'n a dog's butt. Country music: Mah dog died, mah wife left. Country music: my dog died, my woman took my truck, think I'll get drunk! Country music:my dog died, woman took my truck, think I'll get drunk! Courageous convictions will drag the cat into existence. Court is in session, the Cat presiding. Cousin caterpillar-- seven pairs of legs for you. Cow Chip Throwing Contest: Professional Category for lawyers and politicians. C:\pet C:\pet\cat C:\cat\ignore\human. C:\pet C:\pet\cat C:\pet\cat\ignore\human. C programmers never die: they are just allocated at NULL. CPU: a juvenile way of telling your dog he missed the paper. CPU - Baby talk way of telling your dog he or she missed the paper. Creation took *nine* days -- no other explanation accounts for cats. Creative Hamilton death #12: Suffocate him with his inflatable lover. Criticism strips the tree of both caterpillars and blossoms Cross a dog with a chicken and you'll get pooched eggs. Cross over to Cats Crow: Sunshine and laughter * Tom: Bunnies and kittens. Crow T.: Come on! Make with the kitten! Crow T.: Commie scat! Crow T.: COPS is filmed on location in a Winchells donut shop... Crow T.: He'll have some exciting vacation snaps. Crow T.: I fell, pell mell, for Kim Cattrall! --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. $25.99 per tagline. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00012 Date: 03/25/98 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 09:51pm \/To: TAMMY WILSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Cat & Dog Tags ERROR! KITTY.CAT virus has exterminated the MOUSE driver. Error! KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated MOUSE driver. ERROR! KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated the MOUSE driver. Error locating COLDBEER.CAN Sysop not loaded! Error locating COLDBEER.CAN - User not loaded! Error locating MAFIA.EXE - program not executed. ERROR LOCATING MAFIA.EXE: SELECTED PROGRAM RELEASED WITHOUT EXECUTION. Error: MOUSE.SYS eaten by CAT.COM. ERROR opening CATFOOD.CAN, eat mouse instead? (Y/n)? ERROR OPENING COLDBEER.CAN: GLASS.DAT OR MUG.DAT NOT LOCATED OR READY. ERRORS show up in the duplicate while the Boss reads it. Error: Unable to locate COLDBEER.CAN - Sysop not loaded. ERROR - Unable to locate TRASH.CAN, use KITTY.LTR instead [Y/n]? *ERROR* Unable to locate witty tagline. Continue? (Y) (N)? Eschatology! Scatology! What's the difference? Eschew and avoid redundant obfuscation. ESCHEW OBFUSCATION (look it up!) ESCHEW OBFUSCATION! --S. REINKE. Eschew obfuscatory behavior! Eschew terminological obfuscation! EtherNet - A device for catching the Ether Bunny. Ethernet: A device to catch the Ether Bunny. Ethernet - device used to catch the Ether Bunny. ETHERNET:(n) A device used to catch the Etherbunny. Ethernet (n) Device for catching Etherfish. ETHERNET(n): device used to catch the Ether bunny. Ethernet (n): something used to catch the Ether Bunny. Ethernet - What you use to catch the Ether Bunny! Euphemism for FECES: Defecate. Euthanatize your cat? Sure, hand me that tire-iron! Evelyn, a modified dog, viewed the fringe of a quivering doilly. --Zappa. Even a cat may *see* a king. Even a noseless cat can smell. Even a nose less dog can stink. Even cats have their own lives; get on with yours. Even God never tried to out stubborn a Cat. Even Hitler loved his dog... Even if you beat it, you can't teach a cat to bark. Even if you're not the lead dog, the view can be interesting! Even if you understood cats, you would never believe it! Even my dog isn't stupid enough to try my sister's cooking. Even my dog writes better. Even the smallest kitten is a work of Art. --da Vinci. Even though work stops, expenses run on. --Cato the Elder. Even worse than raining cats and dogs is hailing taxi's. Ever catch yourself reading taglines and skipping mail? Ever feel like a hydrant and all your friends are dogs? Ever feel like that cat in the box with the hammer and prussic acid? Ever feel like the only tree in a dog kennel? Ever feel like you're just a figment of your cat's dreams? Ever hear Fry Your Cats in Crisco? Ever kissed a dog? I mean like right on the mouth? --Joel. Ever lob a live grenade into a basket full of kittens? Ever lob a live grenade into a basket of kittens? Ever lob a live kitten into a basket of grenades? Ever notice how a cat's tail looks like a fuse? Ever notice how dogs got four elbows? Ever notice how time slows down during a catastrophe? --Calvin. Ever notice that cats seem to have their genitals in their heads? Ever notice that the friendliest thing in the world is a wet dog? Ever read 1000 Ways to Wok Your Dog? Ever see a couple of dogs do it human style? Ever see a Manx cat try to chase it's own tail? Ever tried catching a boomerang at night? And survive? Ever try brushing a cat's teeth? Go ahead, I dare you. Ever try Topsy Tail on a cat? Ever wonder what a cat is thinking when they smile at you? Every article which coruscates is not fashioned from aureate metal. Everybody wants to be a cat! Every cat deserves a house, but not every house deserves a cat. Every Dog has his Day, but the Nights belong to Cats! Every Dog Has His Day, But The Nights Belong To Us Cats! Every dog has his day, but the nights belong to us Dragons! Every Dog Has His Day, But The Nights Belong To Us Kats! Every dog has his day, Fran. --Harold Lauder. Every dog has his day, @TOFIRST@. Every Dog has his day, when is mine? OR did it go by already? Every dog has its day, why do some bark all night? Every dogma has its day; that is, until some karma runs over it... Every dogma has its day; until some karma runs over it. Every dog must have its day. --Jonathan Swift. Every dog must have its day. --Jonathon Swift. Every educated man is a bully in a discussion. --Beerbohm. Every educated person is a future enemy. --Bormann. Every fool knows a dog need a home, a shelter from pigs on the wing. Every human should be owned by at least one cat. Every improvement in communication makes the bore more terrible. Every life should have nine cats. Every living thing that is not a cat is a STUPID cat. --Nisse. Every man has within him the wild, uncontrollable urge to kick cats. Everyone loves a cat. They just may not know it. Everyone needs time to catch up with themselves. EVERYONE ON THE PREMISES IS A VEGETARIAN EXCEPT THE DOG. Everyone should have a chihuahua -- a small emergency back-up dog. Everyone, with scarce exception, has duplicates, & tastes change! Everything I need to know about life I learned from my cat. Everything I need to know about women I learned from my cat. Everything I need to know, I learned from my cat. Every time I see a cat I think of stir fry. Every time the family dog makes a mess, he suddenly becomes your dog. Evidence indicates the creature is here to spawn. --Spock. Evil is nothing but chewing gum beneath the table of justice. --P. Puppy. Ex #7: Two-legged cats are slower than three-legged cats. Exams : education's laxative. Exceeding design specifications may be hazardous to your health! Excessive mouse activity detected. Running CAT.EXE to fix. Excessive mouse activity detected. Running C:\CAT.EXE. Exchange taglines? I have some duplicates! Excited as a blind dog in a meathouse. Excommunicated - On vacation without a computer and modem. Excuse me! Any of you folks Catholic? --Father Mulcahy. Excuse me! Any of you folks Catholic? --Mulcahy. Excuse me, but I believe that my karma ran over your dogma. Excuse me? Did you say Catch the car? You're the brick. Excuse me - it's time for my medication now. --Jym. Excuse me. I've got to see a man about a dog. Excuse me, Mr. Rip-Off Artist, Sir... --Peter Puppy. Excuse me, there's a dog brain in my toilet. --Tom. Excuses not used by humans: Catastrophic Error. Exiting pontification mode. --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. $25.99 per tagline. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00013 Date: 03/25/98 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 09:51pm \/To: TAMMY WILSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Cat & Dog Tags IBM is unconsciously underwriting my education,but I don't want it I Brake For NO Cat! I called my cat Rush and he bit me! I called my cat the other day and got an answering machine. I call my dog camera because he always snaps at people. I Came, I Saw, I Ran Like A F*$^%^ Scardy-Cat! I came to MIT to get an education for myself and a diploma for my mother. I can never get away with feeding my broccoli to the dog. I cannot stun my cat. But I can perform a sex change. I can see a cat before he sees me. --Winchester. I can't decide what to call my puppy. Maybe I'll just call it Quits! I Can't Run That Service Call cuz ... His Dog Is Talking To Me. I Can't Run That Service Call cuz ... I Am Scared Catching Something. I can't use Win95. My cat ate my mouse. I can't use Windows because my cat buried my mouse. I Can't Use Windows!..My Cat Ate My Mouse! I can't use Windows. My cat ate the mouse. I can't use Windows. My cat killed my mouse. I can't use Windows, the cat ate my mouse! I can't use Work Bench, my cat ate my mouse. I can't zeem to locate our enemy's disposable lighter, said Tom xenophobically. I categorically deny ever having written any of this. I * CATS! Especially for 1 hour at 350 with some veggies. I come in the house and my cat takes messages FOR ME! I could have been your father, but the dog beat me over the back fence. I could have more fun in a cat litter pan. I'd catch 100mph pucks with my bare hand if I was paid $1 million! I'd druther catch an incurable social disease, rot and die. I did feed ALF..........................to the cat. I did feed the cat..........................to ALF. I did feed the cat!.............to the DOG! I Did NOT Feed Dog Food To Your Sister On Our Date! I didn't know cats quacked until I stepped on my cats paw! I didn't need a dog because I have Barbara Bush. --George Bush. I didn't start listing *categorized* Tags `till I had over 3,000! I did the application now how i do the Icon? Idiolocation: "You are here->" on any map. I'd like a hot dog, he said frankly. I'd like a hot dog, Tom said frankly. I'd like three Coruscating Newbies, please. I'd like to return this laptop...my cat is jealous of it. --Hoest&Reiner. I'd love to, but... I have to floss my cat. I'd love to but I'm building a cat from a kit. I'd love to, but it's my cat's bowling night. I'd love to but, I've dedicated my life to linguine. I'd love to go out with you, but I have to floss my cat. I ['d] My Dog. I ['d] My Cat. I donated my cat to the local Chinese restaurant. I don't advocate sex and insanity... but they work for me. I don't care *whose* dog you are, you will not snarl at me! I *don't* care. You're the one who's doing the dying! Cat. I DON'T care. You're the one who's doing the dying! --The Cat. I don't do mornings. --Garfield the cat. I don't hate cats. I just find them entertaining whilst dying. I don't have a mom, the dog ate her .--Crow T. Robot. I don't know, ask Cathy. I don't know... I think the nurses are mixing his medications again... I don't like dogs... Keep getting mustard on my catching glove. I don't like the cat. It tastes funny. I don't like to duplicate software, but I'll check it out I don't love you anymore since you ate my dog. I don't need a guide dog. I have Sly. I don't own a cat; I have her on a long term lease. I don't snore, I purr in my sleep. I don't steal s - I replicate them. I don't steal tagline - I replicate them! I don't steal taglines - I replicate them. I don't steal things - I replicate them. I don't want my atoms scattered by that damn thing! I'd rather he was a sewerage attendant or a rat catcher. I dreamed I was excommunicated in my Maidenform bra. I dream of cat burgers - making them in a blender. I dreamt I was a cat dreaming of being a person. I dropped my hot dog on the beach! cried Sandy Frank. I'd sign a paper certifying you an English sheepdog. --Trapper to Klinger. I eat, I sleep, I play. I'm a cat. It's my job. IEEE + ISO + CCITT + FTP = Communications? I ended up posting over 7100 (non-category) Tags to her. I expected more from you, a man of your education... If a cat could talk, would it still say meow just to confuse you? If a cat is a flabby tabby, then what is a very small cat? An itty bitty kitty. If a dead dog can walk, then why not a man. --Kim Kelley. If a dog bites you 1,048,576 times, is that a megabite? If a dog sweats through its nose what are its armpits for? If a kitten has two paws, would you call it an illegitimate pussy? If Albert Einstein were alive today, he'd run Wildcat! If ancient cats had, had prehensile thumbs we'd have fur and whiskers. If any of your hobbies require dogs and a lantern, you may be a Redneck. If a stud cat gets fixed, it's broken. If at first you don't succeed, ask the cat. If at first you don't succeed, try using a cattle prod! If a tree falls on a box in the forest, does a cat make any noise? If a tree falls on a cat in the forest, does it purr? If both your dog and your wallet are on a chain, you may be a Redneck. If %cat%==away goto play. If(cat!= here) play(mice); If CATNIP affected HUMANS, it would be ILLEGAL! If cats and dogs can live together why can't men and women. If cats bought cat food it would wiggle. If cats could be registered voters they would vote Republican. If cats could talk: Open the orange can NOW. If cats could talk, they'd remind us that their ancestors ate ours. If cats could talk, they wouldn't. --Nan Porter. If cats ever developed opposable thumbs, humans would be history. If cats had wings there would be no ducks in the lake. If cats had wings there would be no sea gulls crapping on the beach. If cats have kittens, do bats have bittens? If cats ran in packs, there would be no coyotes. If cats ruled the world... WHAT? YOU MEAN THEY DON'T? If cats spoke, they would remind us that their ancestors ate ours... If cats spoke they would remind us their ancestors ate ours. If curiosity killed the cat, what did my car run over? If (dog_age => old) num_tricks = max_tricks; If dog.age >= OLD then num_tricks := max_tricks. If dog backwards is god, what does tac mean? If (Dog_bark = true) then letter:=arrived; If dogbark=true .then. mailman = present If dogs do the dog-paddle, what do Wookiees do? If dogs had catapults, would cats be safe in trees? I fed some lemon to my cat and now I got a sour puss. --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. $25.99 per tagline. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00014 Date: 03/25/98 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 09:51pm \/To: TAMMY WILSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Cat & Dog Tags `Little Jaguar.' Condescending, maybe. But I like it. - Catwoman Living with a cat reminds one that we are lucky we have opposable thumbs. Locate Cmdr Riker - Bad command or filename. Located across from Rush Limbaugh's Charm School. Located near the William J. Clinton Ethics Academy. Located next door to Kojak's Barber Shop. Located next door to the Beavis and Butt-Head School of Social Graces. Located next door to the Grace Kelly Driving School. Located next door to the Jane Fonda School of Nuclear Physics. Located next door to the Joan Crawford Day Care Center. Located next door to the Karen Carpenter Diet Clinic. Located next door to the Natalie Wood Swimming School. Located next door to the Roman Polanski Home for Child Stars. Located next door to the Rush Limbaugh abortion clinic. Located next door to the Ted Kennedy Driving Academy. Located next door to the William Holden Liquor Store. Located next to Dahmer's Butcher Shoppe. Located next to Kojak's Barber Shop. Located next to Koresh's Bar-B-Q pit. Located next to the Al Gore Taxidermy School of Endangered Species. Located next to the Dahlmer Gourmet Meat Shoppe. Located next to the Donald Trump School of Business Located next to the Fammy Faye Bakker Cosmetic School. Located next to the Grace Kelly Driving School. Located next to the Idi Amin Cooking School. Located next to the Jeffery Dahmer Cooking School. Located next to the Jim Bakker Secretarial School. Located next to the Marie Antoinette Bakery. Located next to the Michael Jackson Child Care Center. Located next to the Rodney King School of Behavior Management. Located next to the Roman Polanski Home for Child Stars. Located next to the Ted Kennedy Driving Academy. Located next to the Tonya Harding School of Competition. Located next to the William Holden Liquor Store. Located next to the Woody Allen Day Care and Dating Service. Located not to the J.S. Bach Planned Parenthood Center. Lockoblanko -The inability to remember your combination after vacation. Lockport, land of Pelicans, Hot dogs and Catfish. Locutus to Replicator: Oil, Quaker State, hot! Locutus to replicator: Pennzoil, 40 weight, hot. Locutus to replicator: Pennzoil, 40 wt, hot. Locutus to replicator: Pennzoil, steaming hot. Logic indicates that we should run like hell! Logic indicates that we should run like h*ll. Logic is the f*cking great magpie that just stole your cat. Logic is the fucking great magpie that just stole your cat. LOGIC PROGRAMMERS do it with unification/resolution. Lonely, Worf seeks a Dog/Turtle hybrid for companionship. Look...a new day...has begun. Memory from Cats. Look at this, a boy and his dog. --Richie Ryan. Look at those newborn kittens, said Tom literally. Look for a while at the China Cat Sunflower. Looking for your cat?.....Look under my Tires! Looking for your cat? Talk to my 300 pound canary. Looking left and then right for lurking Cat... Look out for barking dogs that bite. Look out! The Cat is on the prowl again! Look! Lemur scat! We must be close... --Tom Servo. Look what the cat brought in - @TO@. Look what the cat dragged in! Spot? Look what the cat dragged in! Suzy? Look what the cat dragged in! @TOFIRST@? Los Angeles billboards advise businesses to relocate out of Calif! Lose my leg? None of my suits will fit! --The Cat. Losing messages? ... That Fido, he be one HUNGRY puppy! LOST: Black cat named Goway with huge claws. No reward. Lost: Small lame, blind dog Named Lucky. Lost your cat? Look on my tires! Lost your cat? Look under my tires. Lots of cats and no litter boxes means many catasstrophies. Louis Armstrong: The great Cat of the South. Louise, dump the milk! The cat drinks unleaded from now on! --B. County. Love cats? They spit on their hands and rub it all over! Lovers: If you're not scaring the cat, you're not doing it right. Love thy neighbor, but don't let her husband catch you. Love to but, I have to floss my cat. Love to but, I've dedicated my life to linguine. Luficfer (n): Bringer of the light or knowledge (education). Machines used in demolition are called Cats. Coincidence? I think not! MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs. MACRO : What you set a sprat to catch. MAFIA.EXE located on-line: Execute SYSOP (Y/n)? Magenta has just released the dogs. - Riff Raff MAGNET(n): something you find crawling on a dead cat. Magnet: Something you find crawling all over a dead cat. Majel Inside -- run your applications at Warp Speed! Majel Inside -- run your applications FASTER than the speed of light! Make a cat bark? Gas, match, kitty go WHOOOOOFF! Make a cat float? Start with 2 scoops of ice cream. Make a cat meow? Freeze it, take a band saw and MEEEOOWWW! Make a cat meow? Freeze it, take a handsaw and MEEEOOWWW. Make it SBD, Then hope the dog is still in the room! Make it so-da. --Picard to Replicator. Make like a Catholic and pull out. Male Child Abuse: Football in school and calling it education. Managing men is like trying to herd cats. Managing programmers is like herding cats. Managing senior programmers is like herding cats. Managing women in a mall is like trying to herd cats. Man be like dog, if it can't be eaten or screwed, pissn it. Man can not live on starlight alone; that's why he needs cats! Mandatory jail terms for people who don't use turn indicators! Man finds winning lottery ticket in dog's mouth. Man is a dog's best friend, and a cat's slave. Man is a dog's idea what God should be. Man killed by family cat, after he shoots it 8 times... Man may rule, but cats really don't care. `MANOS: The Hands of Fate' was shot on location in an empty lot. Manos was filmed on location in a vacant lot. --Crow T. Robot. Man should be like dog, if it can't be eaten or screwed, piss on it. Man who buy drowned cat must pay for stinking wet pussy. Man who fishes in other mans well catches crabs. --Confucius. Man who fuck ugly dog get howled at. Man who sleep in cathouse by day, sleep in doghouse by night. Man without a cat purring on his lap is like a tagline without a point. Many are educated but few are learned. Many are educated, few are learned. Many people own cats - and go on to lead normal lives. Many people own cats...on go on to lead normal lives. Many Windows applications use the default printer. --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. $25.99 per tagline. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00015 Date: 03/25/98 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 09:51pm \/To: TAMMY WILSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Cat & Dog Tags Remember when: Sex education meant learning to kiss without bumping noses? Remind me. Next year, separate vacations. --Joe Dawson. Replicators broadcast your weight over the com channels when you snack. Replicators down? The E for some Earl grey tea! Respect faith, but experience is where you get education. Respect faith, but remember doubt is what educates. Respect faith, but remember that doubt is what educates. Respond to sexual nuance with communication, not legislation. Retirement: When you get a certificate of depreciation. Return to my own vomit like a dog. Reunification of Man with GOD. Revivals in 30min, or your next religion is free! --Dogmanoes Piety. Right next to the dog-faced boy! --Kirk. Right now, God is killing mothers and dogs because he has to. Right Said Data: I'm too Sexy for my cat. RIGOR MORRIS - The cat is dead. Rimmer's dad died. --Lister. Well, I prefer chicken. --The Cat. Rivet? Who names a cat Rivet?! RLAC | Relocate and Lose Core. Road Kill Cafe: Flat Cat served single or stacked. Road Kill Cafe - Today's Special: Puppy Chowder. Road Kill Diner - Special - Flat Cats (Singles or a Stack). Roast cat and mushrooms AGAIN. I HATE mushrooms... Robbie, the replicator is on the blink again - can you fix it? ROFLASTC: Rolling On Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat. ROFLMAOSKCAD = ROFL My A$$ Off Slipped Killed the Cat And the Dog. Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat. Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hysterically I Scared The Cat.... Roll That Puppy, Cambot! --Servo. Roman Catholicism: The world's oldest and largest franchise. Roman Catholics - the world's most successful cult. Roman Catholic: The world's most successful cult. Roman Catholic: The world's oldest and largest franchise. `Rope' had more Hawaiian locations... --Crow T. Robot. Rosanne Barr sings like a cat in heat. Roseanne sings like a cat in heat. Roses are red, violets are blue. The dog is pregnant, thanks to you. ROTFLASTC............ Rolling On The Floor Laughing & Scaring The Cat. ROTFLMAOASTC - Rolling on the floor laughing ... and scaring the cat. Rough Nite? Yes, cat box more accessible than toilet. RPGNet - The Dedicated RPG Mail Network, Check It Out Rude Awakening: A cat's tongue across your eyelid. Ruffroof: The condition a dog suffers when eating peanut butter. Rule #4: I don't want to catch anybody not drinking. Rule Four, I don't want to catch anybody not drinking. Rule Four: Now this term, I don't want to catch anybody not drinking. Rule of Feline Frustration: When your cat falls asleep. Rule of Feline Frustration: When your cat has fallen asleep. Rules build up fortifications behind which small minds create satrapies. Run for it, Dogbert! The Volcano is erupting! --Dilbert. Running through dino scat over there... --Tom Servo. Rush Limbaugh: A product of Outcome Based Physical Education. Rush Limbaugh: Poster boy for Outcome Based Physical Education. Rush Limbaugh: Proof that American education has limits. Rush Limbaugh: Proof that even a good education has limits. Rush Limbaugh wants to stop education in favor of incarceration later. Rush wants to stop education in favor of incarceration later. Russian Catastrophe - By Pulya Pudoff. Sad how whole families are torn apart by simple things-like wild dogs. Sarama: Mother of the Brindled Dogs of Yama. Satan kissed my dog! Saucer Separation - See the space duck catch the space frisbee. Save a bird and help a dog...KICK A CAT! Save a bird . . . help a dog. KICK a cat! Save the cataloging for later, Tuvok. --Janeway. Save the coyote -- abandon cats in the country. Save the planet from disaster -- Replicate. Scalpel...sutures...oops...pen...death certificate. Scatha, Goddess of Death, The Dark One. Scatology, The science of shooing cats Scattered showers my arse.... --Noah. Scattered showers my *ass*! --Noah. Scattered showers, my f??king arse! Noah. Schr*dinger's cat? Sorry, I haven't seen it. Schr*dinger's Pet Clinic - Give your cat half a chance. Schrodinger's Cat Clinic--Give your pet half a chance. Schrodinger's Cat Games #23: Ha! Made you look! Schrodinger's Cat? I probably have seen it... Schrodinger's cat is really Krazy Cat in disguise. Schrodinger's Cat => Schrodinger's cat? Sorry, haven't seen it. Schrodinger's cat? Sorry, I haven't seen it. Schrodinger's cat? Well maybe I've seen it and maybe I haven't. Schrodinger's Pet Clinic - Give your cat half a chance Schroeder's Cat--put in a box until Beethoven's Birthday. -= TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00016 Date: 03/25/98 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 09:51pm \/To: TAMMY WILSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Cat & Dog Tags Unable to locate Tea, Earl Grey, Hot - Operator Halted! Unable to locate used coffee grounds, snuff substituted. Unable to open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat Logitech mouse instead? (Y/n)? UNDERDOG: A bitch. Underhoodist: A station attendant with a genius for locating hood latches. Underhoodist: Station attendant with a genius for locating hood latches. Understand alien races, I can't even understand my *cat*! Un, deux, trois - cats sank. More biligualism. Un, deux, trois - cats sank. More bilingualism. UNIVERSE.DAT not located, suspect All. Universe.Dat not located, suspect @TO@. Unless you're the lead dog, the view never changes. Unlike cats, you can ride a Harley any time of the month you feel like. Unpupular: Anyone whose dog refuses to play them. Unpupular - Anyone whose dog refuses to play with them. Unrecoverable Application Error: (A)bort, (R)etry, (B)uy Desqview? Unrecoverable Application Error; (A)bort, (R)etry, (O)S/2? Unrecoverable Application Error, Dave - HAL 9000. Unrecoverable Application Error - Detonation follows. Unrecoverable Application Error, @TOFIRST@. Unsightly facial dog hair. Until O'Brien's puppy program comes out to play again ... Upset Dogs by Mr. Legs. Ura HI-TECH REDNECK IF... your baseball cap reads DEC instead of CAT. Ura Ohioan if you try to tune in WLW to catch all the Reds games! URA Pagan Redneck if: Your invocation starts with Y'all. URA Pagan Redneck If your ritual wine is Mad dog 20/20 or Jim Beam. URA Pagan Redneck If your Wand of Power is a cattle prod. URA Redneck if any of your hobbies require dogs and a lantern. URA Redneck if both yer dog and yer wallet are on a chain. Ura redneck if: both you and your dog wear a chain. URA Redneck if both your dog and your wallet are on a chain. Ura Redneck if If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain. URA Redneck if taught your dog to retrieve beers from the fridge. URA Redneck if the dog can't watch you eat without gagging. URA Redneck if Ur wife can climb a tree faster than your cat. URA redneck if U take your dog for a walk & U both use the same tree. URA Redneck If U've taught your dog to retrieve beers from the fridge. URA Redneck if you are allowed to bring your dog to work. Ura Redneck if, You bring your dog to work with you. URA Redneck if you dog doubles as your dishwasher. Ura Redneck if, You'd rather catch bass than get some (if you can't guess...) URA Redneck if, You ever named a child after a dog. Ura redneck if, You fish in your above-ground pool. . . and catch something. Ura Redneck if you have a subscription to Hound Dogs Today. URA Redneck if you have more than twelve dogs on your porch. URA Redneck if you keep catfish in your aquarium. Ura Redneck if, You pick your teeth from a catalog. Ura Redneck if your baseball cap reads DEC instead of CAT. Ura Redneck if your bowling ball cost more than your colledge educatin. Ura Redneck if your bowling ball cost more than your college education. URA Redneck if your chain to your wallet is as big as your dog chain. URA Redneck if your checks feature pictures of dogs fighting. URA Redneck if your dog and wallet are both on a chain. URA Redneck if: your dog and your wallet are both on a chain. Ura Redneck if, Your dog and your wallet are both on chains. URA Redneck if your dog can smoke a cigarette URA Redneck if your dog can't watch you eat without gagging. URA Redneck if, Your dog can't watch you eat without getting sick. Ura Redneck if your dog can't watch your cat without gagging. URA Redneck if your dog doubles as your dishwasher. Ura Redneck if your dog sleeps closer to you than your wife does URA Redneck if you're allowed to bring your dog to work. Ura Redneck if, You're dog and wallet are both on a chain. URA Redneck if, Your front porch collapses and four dogs git killed. URA Redneck if your front porch collapses and kill more than 3 dogs Ura Redneck if your front porch collapses and kills more than 3 dogs. URA Redneck if your front porch collapses and kills more than five dogs. Ura redneck if, Your front porch collapses and kills more than six dogs. Ura Redneck if your front porch collapses and kills more than three dogs. Ura Redneck if, Your front porch collapses and more than six dogs are killed. Ura Redneck if your front porch collapses, killing more than three dogs. Ura Redneck if your front porch falls in and kills more than three dogs. URA Redneck if your porch collapses, and it kills more than 7 dogs. URA Redneck if your porch collapses, and it kills more than seven dogs. URA Redneck if your porch collapses and kills more than 7 dogs. Ura Redneck if your porch collapses and kills more than seven dogs. URA Redneck if: Your porch collapses and more than 3 dogs die. URA Redneck if your porch collapses and you kill more than one dog. Ura Redneck if, Your wallet and your dog are both on a chain. URA Redneck if your 'watch dogs' are geese. URA Redneck if: Your wife can climb a tree faster than your cat. Ura Redneck if your wife rides in the back so the dog won't get sick. Ura Redneck if, You share your beer with the dog. Ura Redneck if, You taught your dog to retrieve beers from the fridge. URA redneck if you teach your dog to smoke cigarettes. URA Redneck if, You've ever been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog. Ura Redneck if, You've ever named a child for a good dog. URA Redneck if you've ever names a child for a good dog. Ura redneck if...You've ever vacationed in a rest area. URA Redneck if you've named your truck, but not your dog. URA Redneck if you've taught your dog to retrieve beers from the fridge. Ura Redneck Trekker if you ask the replicator for grits. URA True Northerner if any of your hobbies require dogs and a sled. U.S. children are now teaching their dogs to eat floppies... Use a big lure, you won't catch any small fish..... Useless Invention: Cat flap for the fridge. Useless Invention: Electric dog polisher. Useless Invention: One way Cat Flap for the fridge! Use phenolphthalein, @TOFIRST@ indicated. Use phenolphthalein, Tom indicated. Users are losers. --MacGruff The Crime Dog. Use Tag-No-Mor to stop those replicating taglines! Order Today! Use your enemy's hand to catch a snake. Using religion as a justification. --Mulder. VACATIONERS do it in a leisure way. Vacation in the billion worlds of a used book store... Vacation in Washington and visit your money. Vacation (n.): Where you are when you COULD be comfortable! --KJ Radkey. Vacation Special. Have your home exterminated. Vacation: Take half as much clothing and twice as much money! Valiant Icatia was the last of the Sarpadian empires to fall. VAMPIRE BITES CHRIST. Ponder the ramifications. Vampire bites Jesus - ponder the ramifications! Vaporware never conflicts with your other applications. Varicose -- located nearby. Vegas - The vacationland of the Ferengi. Veni, vidi,.....confiscates.... Verbal communication - The roadkill of the Information Superhighway. Vertically-fornicated mind. --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. $25.99 per tagline. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00017 Date: 03/25/98 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 09:52pm \/To: TAMMY WILSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Requests: Whilst pondering the meaning of life Barry, saw Tammy Wilson post this... TW> Looking for taglines: TW> Pets Sending Cat and Dogs tags. TW> Love & Relationship Tags with love in it. TW> kids Tags with kids or children in it. There might be some dups but... here you go! From Barry Blaes, on Stardate 9803.25. E-mail: btblaes@bigfoot.com. Http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3657746 Get Pgp Public Key at http://www.erols.com/btblaes ... Its my party, and I'll lie if I want to. --Newt Gingrich. *** Tag-O-Matic V.13 (319134 Taglines) Owned and operated by Barry Blaes. --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00018 Date: 03/25/98 From: BOBBY SAYLOR Time: 04:49pm \/To: BARRY BLAES (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: Cortan Las Lineas!!! BB> BS> ENGLISH ONLY!!!!!! BB> BB> Please let Ivy and I moderate the echo please. Why? I don't read any other language, so I am telling them not to post, I don't care... --- GEcho 1.00 * Origin: HellTown BBS (209)476-8884 Stockton,CA. (1:208/206) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3W00019 Date: 03/24/98 From: EPITOME Time: 11:43pm \/To: JEAN BRASSEUR (Read 2 times) Subj: Cfmt-Tv As I uncrossed my arms, Jean Brasseur said something about CFMT-TV. Pr> Well, as I'm certain everyone knows by now (I'm only about a month Pr> behind on my mail, thanks to the ice storms) CFMT is starting season 5 Pr> on Feb 1. at 6 pm. JB> Yes, this is correct information. I have just been re-connected to the JB> echo after a three-week shutdown of my boss node thanks to Ice Storm JB> '98. CFMT is indeed the Babylon station of eastern Canada served by JB> the Shaw/Rogers cable systems. I have not seen any mention of the JB> airing of the TV movies on CFMT. Has "In The Beginning" aired at all in JB> Canada yet? Well, I just saw it for the first time last night, on City TV. Oh, and sorry about the late response. I'm finally getting back into this mail thing. :) Kevin Moorcroft | "If life gives you lemons, squeeze AKA Prizm, Epitome | the juice into a watergun and | shoot other people in the eyes." ... Word have meaning, and names have power. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 --- Maximus 2.02 * Origin: Acoustic Plains BBS. Ottawa, ON. 613-742-7612 (1:163/551)