--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3N00003 Date: 03/18/98 From: SIMON AVERY Time: 03:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Eyup lads... * Crossposted in LP_TDSOFT * Crossposted in TAGLINES_UK * Crossposted in TAGLINES Hello, All Tag-O-Matic V.13F has been officially released. Available from 2:255/90 using the magic Freq "T-MATIC" 252k in size. Also available after propogation as TMATC13F.ZIP From HISTORY.TXT Version 13F Released 1997 (The "F" is for "Fixed!") & Problem with Golded adding a blank line after Tag-O-Matic's tearline. Unable to solve this as it's beyond my control, but use the TAGID instead of the tearline if it bothers you, or use "..." as TagPre (not ideal) * New option; "EditSteal" (Richard Morrell / Simon Huggins) ! MsgSearchReplace had a /major/ bug. Caused Tag-O-Matic to bomb out if a message contained any words longer than a certain size, or if a line were too large. * Added 'E' option to scrolly list - edit/delete tagline. ! Fuzzy Dupe bug fixed. Was case-sensitive, so missed some. ! DupedTagFile sometimes failed to work. Fixed. ? I did mention I may be dropping the reformat routine. Feedback indicates this is still used by many, so will stay. * Tagutil /G Tearline Twiddler function added. (KWK) - Questionnaire removed from archive - I've had enough replies, thanks! * Hidden feature of V.13+ made public: T-MATIC /!GENERATE to create a keyfile & F2 (Edit file) First entry changed from "TM.MSG" to "[Msgfile]" ! Hopefully fixed "Unable to delete OLDTAGS.TAG" intermittant bug. (It's never occured here, so difficult to test!) ! MoveToEnd string had a problem, most notable with Golded. Fixed, kinda. Golded appears to add a blank line before its own tagline unless the preceeding line is a tagline. If you don't like this - best using TAGID instead of Tearline. ! Numeric keypad now works for prompt menu. ! Prompt menu "6" turned off tags, but didn't toggle properly. Fixed. ! "Offset" on fast tag picking now accurate to beginning of line. * New feature. 'L' from prompt allows you to edit the tearline. - SEVERE memory limitations - Have had to remove the random scrolly messages in the prompt screen. Logfile support dropped. UUdecoding dropped. Simon Avery ... Mr. Worf, place Ensign in the torpedo tube. ... Tag-O-Matic V.13F owned by Simon Avery --- FMail 1.22 * Origin: Green Frog: A Frog for all legions (2:255/90) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3P00000 Date: 03/18/98 From: SILVIA ARROJO Time: 09:32pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Cortan Las Lineas!!! * Crossposted from: Educacion Estimados participantes del Foro: Quiero ponerlos en conocimiento de lo que est sucediendo con la Fundacin Facultad de Medicina y el BBS Medicina. **************** NO DEJES QUE TE SAQUEN DE LINEA! ********************** BBS Fundacion Facultad de Medicina Al servicio de los alumnos y la comunidad La Comision Directiva de la Fundacion Facultad de Medicina, encabezada por los Dres. Fustinoni, Manrique y Brown, quiere recortar la cantidad de lineas del BBS. El motivo? Dicen que el dinero no alcanza. Por que invierten u$s 70.000 en tres aos y luego se hechan para atras por tener un deficit de $500 por mes? Es obvia la falacidad de este argumento. Politica quizas? Intereses detras? No lo sabemos. Pero, de esa manera, de las 24 lineas con las que cuenta actualmente, solo quedaran 8. Por eso te convocamos para que nos acompaes y no permitas que continuen con esta accion que solamente logra dejarte afuera del BBS. El unico sistema que funciona las 24 hs, que te brinda servicios a vos y a toda la comunidad y que esta a tu disposicion pagando apenas $3 por mes. Si queres comunicarte al BBS, llama al 963-7676 ... Blue Wave - World Tour - 1998 ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 --- FMail 1.0g * Origin: PARADIGMA BBS Tld las 24 Hs. al 717-0720 USR 33.6 V34+ 4:901/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3Q00000 Date: 03/18/98 From: ANDREW SLY Time: 05:43pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: More Windows-bashing In a list of computer-related acromyns, I found some ideas for the word "Windows" that I hadn't seen in taglines before. Thinking that there can never be too many windows-bashing tags, I decided to post them here. :) Andrew MS-Windows = Mainly Slow When It's Not Dealing Only With Solitaire Windows = Well, It Never Does Operate With Speed Windows = When I Need Data Output Without Speed Windows = While Idle, Never Does Operate Well, Sigh Windows = Wholly Inadequate Needless Damned Outrageous Waste of Space Windows = Will Install Needless Data On Whole System ... Famous last words: "Guinan, make me a Pangalactic Gargleblaster." ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 (720 Taglines) In file DEFAULT.TAG --- Maximus 2.02 * Origin: Crazy Train ][ (1:340/88) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3R00000 Date: 03/20/98 From: DAVE CRAWFORD Time: 10:36am \/To: WILLIAM ECKARD (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: Wanted On Wed 18-Mar-1998 3:33a, William Eckard@1:208/403.0 wrote: WE> Hacker taglines..... I am looking for taglines on the Hacker topic..... WE> anyone has any files with these please let me know..... Not many, but here they are.... 3.141592653589793238462643383279502883197116939937510... I forget the rest Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature. foo. Hackers do it till dawn. Hackers stay UP all night. Hackishness is next to Godliness. If hackers ran the world there'd be no war. A lot of accidents, maybe... --- CNet/4 * Origin: Harvest Moon, Canada's LARGEST Pagan BBS! 416-406-2796 (1:250/138) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3R00001 Date: 03/20/98 From: DAVE CRAWFORD Time: 10:45am \/To: IVY IVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: [1/2] Amiga Tags ;-} On Tue 17-Mar-1998 6:40a, Ivy Iverson@1:154/170.0 said to Dave Crawford: II> GREAT! Thanks! They have been assimilated into my ever-expanding file II> room. 8-} II> II> Oh well... I got all the tags, I guess that's what's important, right? II> But in the future, please break your posts at about 120 lines, so veryone II> can see all of them, ok? Many thanks! II> II> Catch you later... Happy Tagging. II> Ivy II> II> II> I looked in another file and found these, both pro- and con-... There may II> be some dupes from the other list... Enjoy! Okay, added, dupe-checked, etc. Now up to 285, and here's 1/3 (split into three posts). "Only Amiga makes it possible." - Commodore-Amiga, Inc. "Petro, I want the Amiga." - Manfred Schmitt ESCOM ((AMIGA)) ((AMIGA)) Awesome Stereo Sound, NO CARD REQUIRED!!! 1996: Amiga's Revenge! 1996: The Amiga goes from myth from the past to legend in its own time. 1996: The year Amiga becomes more popular than television (with some). 1996: The year of Intuition. 1996: The year of the Amiga adventure. 1996: The year of the new Amiga monitors. 1996: The year the A1000 is recognized as the best computer ever! 1996: The year the Amiga comes of age. 1996: The year the Amiga comes up to speed. 1996: The year the Amiga made new friends. 1996: The year the Amiga pulled the curtains. 1996: The year the computer world becomes more Amiga-Friendly. 1998: The year the AMIGA comes of age. 1:IBM RULES 2:Amiga RULES 3:Mac RULES 1 and 3:Shuttup, moron. 32 digital 16-bit voices... that's either 8 Amigas or 1 GUS! 42? 7 million years and you say 42? My Amiga said that yesterday! A day without my AMIGA is unbearable. A minuit, le PC de Cendrillon se transforma en Amiga.! A.M.I.G.A. = A Machine I Give Away A.M.I.G.A. = A Magnificent Idea Gone Astray. A.M.I.G.A. = A Marvellous Idea Gone Awry. A.M.I.G.A. = A Merely Insignificant Games Addition. A.M.I.G.A. = Amazing, Magical, Incredible Graphics & Animations! A.M.I.G.A. = Amiga's Make Incredibly Good Ashtrays A.M.I.G.A. = Amigas Make Idiot Gates Angry. A.M.I.G.A. = Amigas Make Incredibly Good Anchors A.M.I.G.A. = Amigas Make Incredibly Good Animations! A.M.I.G.A. = Amigas Make Incredibly Good Ashtrays A.M.I.G.A. = Any Mothers Instant Gratification Aid A.M.I.G.A. = Asinine Machine Invented for Gaming Adolescents. Adios, Amiga! AGA? Why?!? Isn't ECS good enough for you? AGT ... A Good Thing ...and... AmiGa Technologies. Ali's fallen and can't get up! Lets PARTY! Amiga FOREVER! AmiBW: the reason they had to invent the Amiga. AMIGA (n): yesterday's technology, tomorrow. Amiga + Compatability = ROTFL. Amiga -< HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Amiga 1/JAN/2000 -|- PC 1/JAN/1900 Amiga 3000: A Super Nintendo with a keyboard & floppy! Amiga 4ever! Amiga Advantage #1: NO "Intel Inside" worries! Amiga Advantage #2: It KNOWS how to divide! Amiga advantage #3: DOESN'T RUN WINDOZE! Amiga and XT: Both old, both slow, both worthless. Amiga CD^32 - always on the top. Amiga computers are now finding that theres NO software made for it! Amiga computers for people who want more than just a PC. Amiga Computers: Dividing properly since 1985 Amiga Computing is my favourite computer magazine - Sir Walter Raleigh Amiga does more with a 68000 than a PC with a Pentium & gets it right! Amiga does more with a 7 MHz 68000 than a PC with a 33 MHz 80486 Amiga does more with a 7 MHz 68000 than a PC with a Pentium! Amiga Error #1 System crashed - Intelligent user detected Amiga Error #2 User reached puberty, unable to continue Amiga Error #4 Pubic hair detected, access denied Amiga Error #5 Joystick not connected, system crashed Amiga Error #7 Fatal ERROR - Non game detect Amiga error message - "Hey dude, like, somethings wrong?" Amiga error message: Duuuuuuuuuuuude, you got a problem. Amiga for president... Amiga Guerrilla - Change for the Machine Amiga has better and faster windows! Amiga is not your "Amigo" Amiga is the best! Hey, whatz that... A gun.. AAAH. BUM! Amiga is to computing as Snail Mail is to Email. Amiga it's a kind of magic. Amiga made it possible Commodore made it dead ESCOM made it perfection. Amiga made it possible Commodore made it dead Escom revived it! Amiga made it possible, Commodore made it dead! Amiga made it possible, Commodore made it dead, Escom revived it! Amiga Mail Manager -> Let's Toss... and roll :-) Amiga Mail Manager, The Last Frontier!... Engage... Amiga Message #2 Do you shave? YES, $%^& system crashed Amiga Message #3 Press FIRE Button to continue Amiga multitasking - Can act as a paper weight AND a door stop Amiga owners don't do it. They emulate it. Amiga Owners: "Don't laugh IBM-breath... it's PAID for! :-) Amiga Owners: "Don't laugh Mac-breath... it's PAID for!" :-) Special sig created just for AMIGAGAMES area! Because, if your sig is larger than 2 lines, the world will end! So this sig ends right over here -------> Amiga cC######################################################################## #z0 cBAmiga: Multitasking, GUI, full Plug & Play since 1985. z0cC# ############################################################################## SuperTags v1.1, on Harvest Moon BBS Fido: 1:250/138.0 NAnet: 81:20/0.0 Internet: harvest.to.org, bearit.gryn.org --- CNet/4 * Origin: Harvest Moon, Canada's LARGEST Pagan BBS! 416-406-2796 (1:250/138) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3R00002 Date: 03/20/98 From: DAVE CRAWFORD Time: 10:47am \/To: IVY IVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: [1/2] Amiga Tags ;-} AMIGA POWER FOREVER !! Amiga Power user - can play a game while squeezing his zits Amiga Rules! And the X-FiLeS proves it! AMIGA RULES. No arguments. Amiga screen message: "Like, dude, something went wrong." Amiga sometimes does it right, but more often left. Amiga users get very good at the sidestep! Amiga Walker: More than one step ahead! Amiga! Only the Best! Amiga's are to computers what etch-e-sketch is to art Amiga's Forever... Amiga: "4000 reasons" why friends don't let friends do WindoesN'T. Amiga: (M)otorola (M)agic!!! Amiga: 2 * 2 = 4 Pentium: 2 * 2 * 4 Amiga: 2 * 2 = 4 Pentium: 2 * 2 4 Amiga: 4000 reasons why friends don't let friends do WindoesN'T. Amiga: A crash dummy for beta testers. Amiga: A friend that teaches you something new every day. Amiga: A kindergarten computer in a PhD world. Amiga: A Merely Insignificant Games Addition. Amiga: A museum artifact. Amiga: A pocket calculator with an attitude. Amiga: A step between the abacus and the slide rule. Amiga: a tool for fantasy Amiga: Abigamistake ! Amiga: After all "Mac" and "IBM" aren't Spanish for "girlfriend". Amiga: Alive and Kicking A**!!! Amiga: Amiga Meets IBM, Goes Ape Amiga: Amy's Favorite! -Eric Schwartz Amiga: Another Mega Identity Going Awsome Amiga: At the dawn of the new millenium. Amiga: At The Dead Letter Department. Amiga: automatic electronic apparatus for making calculations and friends Amiga: Awesome Stereo Sound NO CARD REQUIRED!!! Amiga: Back For Good! Amiga: Bally made it, Commodore f*cked it up. Amiga: banned in the 90's for impersonating a computer..! Amiga: Because a man can never have too many tasks. Amiga: Boob Tube for Waldo Watchers Amiga: brought to you by Barnum & Bailey. Amiga: brought to you by Curly, Moe & Larry. Amiga: brought to you by Manny, Moe & Jack Amiga: brought to you by Toys R Us. Amiga: Comp 'U' Toys 'R' Us Amiga: Computer With Training Wheels U Can't Remove Amiga: Computer With Training Wheels you Can't Remove Amiga: computers for people who want more than just a PC. Amiga: computing by Abacus. Amiga: Don't laugh -- it's PAID for!!! Amiga: Dweeb code word for "Duh !" Amiga: Flexible Amiga: For guys with real imagination Amiga: For mental retards on a roll. Amiga: For Pac Man Users Anonymous. Amiga: for the digitally handicapped. Amiga: from the people who brought you the C16. Amiga: GUI? Multitasking? Been there. Done that. Amiga: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Amiga: Input by joy stick. Amiga: it's a kind of magic. Amiga: King of dreams come true! Amiga: Making multimedia computers since 1985! Amiga: Motorola Inside Amiga: Multitasking and multimedia since 1985 Amiga: Multitasking R' Us Amiga: Multitasking, GUI, full Plug & Play since 1985. Amiga: Newest Orphan on the Block.. Amiga: No Intel inside. Amiga: No Intel Inside. Thank the Gods! Amiga: No Intel inside. No computer inside. No company outside! Amiga: No Intel Inside. Thank the Gods! Amiga: NoTel-ing what's inside. Amiga: Now on sale at 99 Cent Stores everywhere. Amiga: O Sporting dos computadores. Amiga: on the endangered species list. Amiga: Pong with a keyboard. Amiga: Potpourri-In-A-Box. Amiga: Pre-school for Etch-A-Sketch users. Amiga: Real multitasking and faster windows. Try again, Bill! Amiga: Seasame Street on a floppy. Amiga: See for yourself why! Amiga: Stereo quality sound - WITHOUT an expansion card! Amiga: the choice of the Politically InCorrect. Amiga: The computer for 2001 and beyond today. Amiga: THE Computer For The Creative Mind! Amiga: the computer will take you into the new millenium? Amiga: The computer with a /real/ fanclub. Amiga: The cutting edge of excellence! Amiga: The dumbing-down of technology. Amiga: the epitome of carpal knowledge. Amiga: The first computer to interact with cable! Amiga: The FIRST word in computers! Amiga: The Learning Channel for morons. Amiga: THE magic multitasking multimedia machine. Amiga: The ORIGINAL multimedia computer! Amiga: the paper weight of choice. Amiga: THE reason Babylon 5 exsists Amiga: the step between Nintendo and IBM. Amiga: The technology behind punch cards. Amiga: The vaporwear of hardware. Special sig created just for AMIGAGAMES area! Because, if your sig is larger than 2 lines, the world will end! So this sig ends right over here -------> Earth_2 cC###################################################################### #z0 cB"Sleep well, Devon. I won't" - Morgan on Yale z0cC# ############################################################################## SuperTags v1.1, on Harvest Moon BBS Fido: 1:250/138.0 NAnet: 81:20/0.0 Internet: harvest.to.org, bearit.gryn.org --- CNet/4 * Origin: Harvest Moon, Canada's LARGEST Pagan BBS! 416-406-2796 (1:250/138) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3R00003 Date: 03/20/98 From: DAVE CRAWFORD Time: 10:48am \/To: IVY IVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: [1/2] Amiga Tags ;-} Amiga: Too much power for the average user... Amiga: Try formatting 4 floppies at a time on your PC!!!! Amiga: very useful to hold down the lid on the trashcan!! Amiga: We will we will ROCK you!!! Amiga: Where Multimedia Started. Amiga: Where sound and graphics are _not_ an after-thought... Amiga: Where you want to be tommorrow. Amiga: Yesterday's technology, tomorrow. AmigaDOS ... 32-bit beauty that's more than just skin-deep. AmigaDOS is to MS-DOS as Blue Wave is to QWK. AmigaDOS: A hole in one on a PAR 5 AmigaDOS: Still THE Best 32-bit Object Orientated Operating System! AmigaDOS: The ONLY true multitasking operating system! AmigaDOS: The _ULTIMATE_ GUI!!! Amigas take a lickin' but keep on kickin'! Amigas. Jay Miner is dead. :-( Long live the AMIGA!!! AmyBW Q-Blue & Thor: AMIGA Blue Wave Offline Mail Readers! An old father MS-DOS sits down while a young boy Amiga starts his round. And I thought a Mac was a raincoat! Animaniacs - Only AMIGA makes them possible!!! Are you a Team AMIGA Member yet? Blue Wave is to QWK as AmigaDOS is to MS-DOS. Brought to you by A500 Q-Blue v2.1 & Supra 33.6k modem! But honey, an Amiga 4000T is a wonderful typewriter!!! C:AMIGADOS/KICK_OS2s_AS* C:\WINDOWS\CRAWL C:AMIGADOS/REALLY_MULTITASK/BLOW_WINDOWS_AWAY CD32 the computer Commodore should have designed instead of the A500. Computers are tools but the Amiga is an instrument. Doink it wit mien Amigahousenmarkenwasserdoozer! DOS: "Yes." * Mac: "Maybe." * Amiga: "What was the question?" DOS: 1968 Volkswagon * Mac: 1972 Triumph Spitfire * Amiga: '32 Indian DOS: Accounting * Mac: Desktop Publishing * Amiga: Ritual sacrifices DOS: Allman Brothers * Mac: Herbie Hancock * Amiga: cats in heat DOS: Alvarez guitar * Mac: Conn Trumpet * Amiga: Pershing Kazoo DOS: Amtrack * Mac: ValueJet * Amiga: Hindenburg DOS: black silk teddy * Mac: blue satin bustier * Amiga: clown suit DOS: Brunette * Mac: Blonde * Amiga: Tie dyed DOS: Catholic Church * Mac: Scientology * Amiga: Pagan Sex Magic DOS: CDs * Mac: 8 track * Amiga: Edison cylinders DOS: Classic Rock * Mac: Cool Jazz * Amiga: "mary had a little lamb..." DOS: cordless * Mac: cellular * Amiga: two tin cans tied together DOS: Foreplay * Mac: Sex * Amiga: "I have a headache." DOS: John F. Kennedy * Mac: Richard Nixon * Amiga: Warren G. Harding DOS: Missionary position * Mac: Doggy style * Amiga: Crossdressing DOS: nightgown * Mac: lingerie * Amiga: flannel jammies DOS: o2 * Mac: Co2 * Amiga: H2So4 DOS: pretty functional * Mac: pretty pictures * Amiga: pretty strange DOS: Sex with a blonde * Mac: Sex with a redhead * Amiga: Playboy DOS: White bread * Mac: White bread and gravy * Amiga: purple mushrooms From a 12-year C= and Amiga computing veteran VBG From an Amiga: what else ? Get that PC off my bridge Number One! Bring the Amiga! Guru Meditation #81000004.4655434B Guru Meditation #8100000B.48454C50 Have you hugged your */AMIGA/* today? HELP! I've fallen and I can't reach my AMIGA! Hold it! One false move and the dh0: drive gets it!! I think therefore I Amiga. I thought a CON: was a trick until I discovered Amiga! I thought a port was a harbor town until I discovered Amiga! I thought a process was a legal action until I discovered Amiga! I thought power was in politics until I discovered Amiga! I thought that cables were TV-networks until I discovered Amiga! I wonder if your local cable company is a famous Amiga user. I'm hopelessly addicted to my Amiga and modem! I'm hopelessly addicted to my Amiga my modem and Star Trek!!! I'm morphing Animaniacs in another window. I'm morphing objects in another window. I've got news for ya, not only is GOD a woman, she uses an AMIGA. IBM virus scan: Amiga found - delete? (Y/y) If there's no /Amigas/ in heaven, I'm not going. If you're stuck with QWK, at least use Q-Blue; it's not as bad that way. Join the multimedia revolution...Check out & Buy an AMIGA! MS-DOS=Republican MacIntosh=Democrat Amiga=anarchist My other computer is another Amiga. My other two computers are also made by Commodore! NEWSFLASH! 1995: IBM PCs move one step closer to a 1985 Amiga OS! Nobody expects the Amiga acquisition! Old Amigas never die. They're just multitasking in the background. JGMH Only Amiga makes it possible. Q-Blue v2.1 [#136]: The Few. The Proud. The Registered! Q-Blue v2.1: Getting Better all the time! Q-Blue: the first offline reader worthy of the Amiga. Q-Blue: the reason they had to invent the Amiga. Rebel is an attitude that seperates Amiga's from pc's! Running an Amiga is like typing Esperanto on a Dvorak keyboard. Team Amiga: something C= never had. Team Amiga: The user base for the machine that makes it all possible. Team Amiga: we're different. Thank God for Jay Miner. Otherwise I'd be stuck with a Macintosh. The Amiga CANNOT be killed. - Patrick Ford. The Amiga had it _right_ from the start! It took 10 yrs for Win 95... Wanted: Single White Female with Amiga. Send picture of Amiga. Well yeah an Amiga COULD run Windows. But why?... What would I do if I didn't have an Amiga? Buy an Amiga! Where Do You Want To Be Tomorrow? - POWER AMIGA - That's Where! Where do _I_ want to go today? Why straight to my AMIGA of course! Why is Amiga better? No Intel inside that's why. Why settle for less than Q-Blue? Window's down. (C) Crash (Q) Quit (G) Get an Amiga! Windows - from the people who brought you AmigaBASIC. Windows 95: what Amiga has always had! Windows 98: Only a few more years and it'll be as good as Amiga 85 Special sig created just for AMIGAGAMES area! Because, if your sig is larger than 2 lines, the world will end! So this sig ends right over here -------> Amiga cC######################################################################## #z0 cBAmiga: 2 * 2 = 4 Pentium: 2 * 2 * 4 z0cC# ############################################################################## SuperTags v1.1, on Harvest Moon BBS Fido: 1:250/138.0 NAnet: 81:20/0.0 Internet: harvest.to.org, bearit.gryn.org --- CNet/4 * Origin: Harvest Moon, Canada's LARGEST Pagan BBS! 416-406-2796 (1:250/138) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3R00004 Date: 03/20/98 From: JEFF SCHRUNK Time: 07:54am \/To: SIMON AVERY (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: Eyup lads... Hello Simon! 18 Mar 98 15:05, Simon Avery wrote to All: > Tag-O-Matic V.13F has been officially released. > Available from 2:255/90 using the magic Freq "T-MATIC" 252k in size. > Also available after propogation as TMATC13F.ZIP Well I have just tried 7 over seas calls to Freq that from you and I can't connect to your system. Would it be possible to email it to the address at the bottom of the message? Thanks! Yours, Jeff Schrunk schrunk1@airmail.net http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/1446/index.html ... This tagline was created with 85% recycled pixels. ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 Happy St. Cuthbert day! * Origin: The Ready Room CBIS * Dallas, Texas, USA (1:124/8002.20) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3R00005 Date: 03/21/98 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 09:55am \/To: SILVIA ARROJO (Read 2 times) Subj: Cortan Las Lineas!!! Whilst pondering the meaning of life Barry, saw Silvia Arrojo post this... Silvia, This is the taglines echo and the official language is English. Please only post in that language. SA> * from: Educacion SA> Estimados participantes del Foro: SA> Quiero ponerlos en conocimiento de lo SA> que est sucediendo con la Fundacin SA> Facultad de Medicina y el BBS Medicina. SA> **************** NO DEJES QUE TE SAQUEN DE LINEA! SA> ********************** SA> BBS Fundacion Facultad de Medicina Barry Blaes, Moderator Taglines, on Sat 21 Mar 1998, at 09:54:57. Netmail 1:2630/140. Internet Btblaes@bigfoot.com, or Http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3657746 Get Pgp Public Key at http://www.erols.com/btblaes ... Anime Excuse #500: Building a mobile suit out of Legos. *** Tag-O-Matic V.13 (319134 Taglines) Owned and operated by Barry Blaes. --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3R00006 Date: 03/21/98 From: JON HUNT Time: 01:08am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: GetTag For Windows Jon Hunt starts a new thread... Available for FReq from 2:263/500 GetTag For Windows by Jon Hunt GetTag is a way of pulling out all your taglines that contain a search string. Useful for passing them on, or sorting your large tagfiles into groups. This program is 32bit, and requires Win95/NT GTFW.RAR 749,176 03-20-98 8:13p Many thanks to Simon Avery for testing it, and coming up with some ideas for a future release. GetTag For Windows (c)1998 Jon Hunt [Begin Tags] Danger the drug that takes you higher --U2 Desperation is a tender trap, it gets you every time --U2 Did I ask too much? More than alot? --U2 Even better than the real thing -- U2 Every artist is a cannibal, every poet a thief --U2 Everyday dreamers die to see what's on the other side --U2 Feel like trash, you make me feel clean --U2 Give me one more chance and you'll be satisfied -- U2 Have you come here for forgiveness? --U2 Have you come here to play Jesus -- U2 Have you come to play Jesus to the lepers in your head? --U2 Have you come to raise the dead? --U2 He saw the hands that build could also pull down --U2 He wanted to believe in the hands of love --U2 He went deeper into black, deeper into white --U2 Her skin is pale like God's only dove --U2 [End Tags] Yours sincerely, Jon --- Terminate 5.00/Pro * Origin: Pointing out of pure ignorance... (2:263/500.1)