--------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00005 Date: 03/05/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:01pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Make up a language and ask people for directions Hackers do it digitally Hacking is a conversational black hole Hackers do it on Bulletin Boards Hackers do it discreetly Hacking's just another word for nothing left kludge Hacker: Someone who knows 4,567 ways to have sex, but doesn't know Ha! I've seen it. -- Columbia Hack,Hack,Cough! Ungh, excuse me,I had a tagling chokeing me! HS>I checked the 95 Internet Yellow Pages and there's many sites listed, Hackers do it synchronously HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Forget the diet center and send yourself candy Hackers have better software tools HOUSEWORK never killed anyone, but why take the chance!! Hackers do it reentrantly Hack, hack, hack, hack, eat, sleep. Hack, Hack HOMESCHOLARING...Our future depends on it! Had he the knowledge, any man could reach his own Amber HOCKEY-PLAYERS do it; so what? HONESTY(n): Fear of being caught Hackers do it locally (or globally) Hacked version of PKZIP110 is PKZIP20B Hacker: One who knows 867 ways to have sex but can't get a date HOLY BATSHIT, FATMAN! I mean - Robin HOCKEY PLAYERS do it with a snap-shot HOCKEY: Term unknown, please define HOOTER ALERT! -Al & Bud Bundy HOOMAN! 640K is NOT enough! We will take some of your holds HYDRA, n. A kind of animal that ancients catalogued under many heads Hackers do it recursively HOTEL: A place where traveling humans are parked at night. (Wings) Hackers have faster access routines Had this been an actual movie, you would have been enter HOCKEY PLAYERS use hard sticks HIPPO:Hippie International Political Party Organization Habit is everything - even in love Hacked version of Q-Edit released a X-Edit 1.0 HOW TO PREPARE MAN". with fries. THE OUTER LIMITS Ha!!! I own you!!!!! Hackindeeminor - Contagious coughing between movements of a Had a cat once. Tasted like a hairball! HORNY: A dateless brass player Hack And Slay, Hack And Slay, All the live long daaaay Had a dog who thought her name was "Shut the F*** up!" Had this of been an actual reply, it would have made *less* since Had a nce...kinda tasted l.t hap chicsted ln HYBRID, n. A pooled issue Hacker != Cracker HOCKEY PLAYERS do it with long, curved sticks HIS: Halt in Imposible State HaS anYonE SeEn mY CaPLocKs KEy? HUH ? oh, tagline right,...whatever Hackishness is next to Godliness Hacking pays...and neither does crime HaHaHaHaHaHa..my eyes are filled with tears Ha! I don't even believe in the Grim Reap^%$# NO CARRIER HS/Link users get it coming and going! Habitual flamers have uncontrolled vowel movements Hackers do it absolutely Hack? I like to call it appropriate Hacienda somos todos... bueno, casi todos (Mariano Rubio) Had my hair trimmed to a lunatic fringe Hah! That's more like it. - Kira Hacker: Hex-Assembly Computer Knowledgable usER Had the third escaped? The thought brought panic with it HRH PRINCE ANDREW - Alas, Poor York Hah! So I expect they'll want Morn in a sleigh drawn by voles! HOT FROM HOLLAND Ha! and you thought you had heard them all! HTML...Hates The Mentally Lame HOSPITAL, BUTT-HEAD! HOSPITAL! -- Mr. Buzzcut Had this been an actual emergency, you would no longer be here Hacker pickup line: "Wanna connect at 2400?" HORSEHOCKEY !..... Sherman Potter HOMEOPATHS do it in potency Had a cat once. Tasted like chicken HaVE YoU ALLReAdY VoTED FoR CApS LocK For PaRRoT? HOWARD STERN does it tastelessly Hackers do it automatically Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror, HOT--PLAIN--TOMATO--SOUP! Paris Hackers DO IT efficiently HOW can I be OVERDRAWN if I still have CHECKS left??? HQelQp! MQy kQeyboarQd hQaQs bQeeQn tQakeQn oQveQr HOCKEY PLAYERS do it on the ice HOW YOU CAN TELL THAT IT'S GOING TO BE A ROTTEN DAY HUMPTY-HUMP: What Mr. Dumpty gives Mrs. Dumpty now & then Hackers don't DO IT-they're hacking all the time. --Uh, huh. Sure HOCKEY: Female sex fantasies on ice! Ha! That's more like it. - Kira HS>a gopher search, or Yahoo, if you have Web access for either of those HONESTY(n): my irreverence to your 'deity' Ha Ha .. only serious HOUSE SEX***BEDROOM SEX***HALL SEX: the 3 stages of a marriage Had to sell my internal organs...just to pay the rent! Hacked version of PKL115 is PKLTE201 HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Write a short story using alphabet soup Hacker (v.) (1993): See Bobbit, Lorena Hackers do it in SEXTRAN HOMEBREW NAKED! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00006 Date: 03/05/98 From: JEAN HALVERSON Time: 03:39pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Confucious say... Does someone have a list of "Confucious" tags? I saw a post of them awhile back but deleted my mail before I saved them (doh...). Thanks in advance, Jean Halverson ... I'm a big fan of scientific advancement if nudity's involved. --- * Origin: * The Ratz Nest BBS * Texas * (817) 447-1619 * (1:130/911) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00007 Date: 03/07/98 From: PAULA PELLETIER Time: 02:07am \/To: JEAN HALVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: Confucious say... -=> Quoting Jean Halverson to All <=- JH> Does someone have a list of "Confucious" tags? I saw a post of them JH> awhile back but deleted my mail before I saved them (doh...). JH> Thanks in advance, You're welcome... Confucious not know what to say! Confucious Say: "He who snorts Coke gets ice-cubes up his nose" Confucious say: Baseball wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk. Confucious say: Boy & girl go camping together sure to have nauty intent. Confucious Say: Man who Farts in Church sits in own pew. Confucious say: Man who pushes piano down mineshaft get A flat miner. Confucious Say: Man who stand on toilet is high on Pot. Confucious say:Woman who fly upside down, is all crack up! Confucious...man who live in glass house shower in basement. Confucius (with cold) say "Man who kwitisize moduwator get node bwoke. Confucius also say: Girl who fly upside down have crack up. :) Confucius not know what to say! Confucius say "Never raise hands to children!" It leave groin exposed. Confucius say Girl, who rides bicycle, peddles a** all over town. Confucius say too damn much! Confucius say too much. Confucius say wife for life is better than wife for strife. Confucius say woman lousy flier, have crack-up anyway! Confucius say, "Stop quoting me!" Confucius say, -- Man who abuse his computer get bad bytes! Confucius say, A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose. Confucius say, Chemist who fall in acid get absorbed in work. Confucius say, Couple who make love in strawberry patch have ass in jam. Confucius say: Even the greatest of whales is helpless in dessert Confucius say, Find old man in dark, not hard! Confucius say, Girl who fly upside down have crack up. Confucius say, Girl who lay on ground have piece on earth. Confucius say, Girl who rides bicycle, peddles a** all over town. Confucius say, Girl with back to fire warming whole of her body. Confucius say: Girl who douche with vinegar walks around with sour pussy. Confucius say: Girl who sit on brother-in-law's knee make hard for sister. Confucius say: Girl who slides down bannister nude gets splinters by cracky. Confucius say, He who chases car will get exhausted. Confucius say, He who pass gas in church must sit in own pew. Confucius say, He who put head in punch bowl get punch in nose. Confucius say, He who stick head in open window gets pane in neck. Confucius say, He who stick head in oven gets baked bean. Confucius say, I didn't say that! Confucius say, Is stuffy inside fortune cookie. Confucius say, Janitor who clean by day clean bidet today. Confucius say, Man fly upside down have crack-up! Confucius say, Man should never straddle barbed wire fences. Confucius say, Man who abuse his computer get bad bytes! Confucius say, Man who fart in church sit in own pew. Confucius say: Man who kisses girl behind gets crack in face. Confucius say: Man who lifts stones off woman get rocks off. Confucius say, Man who live in glass house should dress in basement. Confucius say: Man who lose key to girlfriend's house no get new key. Confucius say, Man who meows ate pussy! Confucius say, Man who pushes piano down mine shaft get A flat miner. Confucius say, Man who put face in punch bowl get punch in nose. Confucius say, Man who put foot in mouth....get athlete's tongue. Confucius say: MAn who put hand in pocket feel cocky all day. Confucius say" MAn who put head on railroad track get splitting headache. Confucius say: Man who put rooseter in freezer overnight have frozen cock. Confucius say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille! Confucius say: Man who screw on hillside not on level. Confucius say: Man who sleep in cathouse by day sleep in doghouse by night. Confucius say" Man who sleep with old hen find it's better than pullet. Confucius say: Man who sneezes without hanky takes matters in own hands. Confucius say, Man who stand on toilet is high on Pot. Confucius say: Man with tool in woman's mouth not necessarily dentist. Confucius say, Many man smoke, but Fu Man Chu. Confucius say, Never raise hands to children! It leave groin exposed. Confucius say: Never trust man with short legs, brains too near the bottom. Confucius say: No difference between man & mouse. Both end up in pussy. Confucius say: OK for schoolboy to masterbate long as not against Principal. Confucius say: People who have gift for gab don't know how to wrap it up. Confucius say, Place to look for helping hand is end of own arm. Confucius say, Shit happens. Confucius say: Sailor who get discharged from navy leave buddies behind. Confucius say: Soldier who go to bed hrony wake up with discharge in hand. Confucius say: Wallflower at party is dandelion in bed. Confucius say: War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left. Confucius say: What you do not want done to yourself do not do unto others. Confucius say: While others are inside sitting down you will be outstanding. Confucius say, wife for life is better than wife for strife. Confucius say: Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse. Confucius say, woman with cold hands have fire under skirt. Confucius say... Girl with back to fire warming whole of her body. Confucius say..man who read woman like book, prefer braille! Confucius say: "Baseball all wrong... man with 4 balls cannot walk" Confucius say: "Blonde who fly upside down have dark hair Confucius say: "He who chases car will get exhausted..." Confucius Say: "Is good to learn how to masturbate, may come in handy!" Confucius say: "Is stuffy inside fortune cookie." Confucius say: "Man who fart in church sit in own pew." Confucius say: "Man who go to sleep thinking about sex pr Confucius say: "Man who sit on hot stove will rise again!" Confucius say: "Many man smoke, but Fat Man Chu." Confucius Say: A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose. Confucius say: All men eat, but Fu Manchu. Confucius say: America Good Place to Put Chinese Restuarant. Confucius say: Australia Good Place to Put Chinese Restaurant. Confucius say: Baby ill-conceived in automatic car shiftless bastard. Confucius Say: Baseball all wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk. Confucius say: Baseball wrong - man with four balls cannot walk. Confucius say: Baseball wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk. Confucius say: Baseball wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk. Confucius say: Before becoming master fisherman, must be master baiter. Confucius say: Better to sleep with chicken than to choke it. Confucius say: Bird in hand makes hard to blow nose Confucius say: Blonde who fly upside down have crack up. Confucius say: Boiling water is very hot! Confucius say: Boy fool with girl in wrong period get caught red handed. Confucius say: Boy go to bed with sex problem wake up, solution in hand. Confucius say: Boy who diddle little girl do diddly squat. Confucius say: Boy who play with himself pulls boner. Confucius say: Boy with hole in pocket, feel cocky all day. Confucius say: Cat who walk on keyboard wind up in Chinese wok!!! Confucius say: Chemist who fall in acid get absorbed in work. Confucius say: Confucius say too damn much! Confucius say: Couple who make love in strawberry patch have ass in jam. Confucius say: Couple who screw in strawberry patch have ass in jam. Confucius say: Crowded elevator smell different to midget. Confucius say: Do unto others what you think is funny. Confucius say: Don't judge book by cover, but by how thick it is. Confucius say: Don't quote me with stupid accent. Confucius say: Find old man in dark, not hard! Confucius say: Girl at bachelor pad for snack get tidbit Confucius say: Girl laid in tomb may soon become mummy. Confucius say: Girl who fly upside down have crack up. Confucius say: Girl who go to bachelor pad for snack get tit-bit. Confucius say: Girl who is wallflower at party is dandelion in bed. Confucius say: Girl who lay on ground have piece on earth. Confucius say: Girl who marry detective must kiss dick. Confucius say: Girl who rides bicycle peddles a** all over town. Confucius say: Girl who sits on jockey's knee gets hot tip. Confucius say: Girl with back to fire warming whole of her body. Confucius say: Girl's best asset is her `lie' ability. Confucius say: He who chases car will get exhausted. Confucius say: He who dies with the most Taglines, wins. Confucius say: He who eat cookies in bed, will wake up feeling crumby. Confucius say: He who eats ice cream in car is a Sundae Driver Confucius say: He who eats too many prunes, sits on toilet many moons. Confucius say: He who fart in church sit in own pew. Confucius say: He who fishes in another man's well often catches crabs. Confucius say: He who pass gas in church must sit in own pew. Confucius say: He who pull out too fast leave rubber behind. Confucius say: He who put head in punch bowl get punch in nose Confucius say: He who puts face in punch bowl get punch in nose. Confucius say: He who refuses to listen is lying. Confucius say: He who sitteth on an upturned tack shall surely rise. Confucius say: He who sniffs Coke, drowns. Confucius say: He who stand on toilet is high on pot. Confucius say: He who stands in corner with hands in pocket, feels nuts. Confucius say: He who stick head in open window gets pane in neck Confucius say: He who stick head in oven gets baked bean Confucius say: He with no taglines is deprived Confucius say: Hockey player on ice have big stick Confucius say: House without toilet is uncanny. Confucius say: I didn't say that! Confucius say: If chain still swinging seat will be warm. Confucius say: If rooted in confusion, nothing will be well governed. Confucius say: If you park, don't drink, accidents cause people Confucius say: If you turn an oriental around, he become disoriented. Confucius say: If you want pretty nurse, you got to be patient Confucius say: Is good to learn how to masturbate, may come in handy! Confucius say: Is more to running BBS than finding ON. Confucius say: Is stuffy inside fortune cookie. Confucius say: It takes a lot of balls to make a football team. Confucius say: It take many nails to build crib but one screw to fill it. Confucius say: It's OK to meet girl in park, better to park meat in girl Confucius say: Janitor who clean by day clean bidet today. Confucius say: Keeping it in family sure sound incestuous. Confucius say: Kotex not best thing on earth, but next to best thing. Confucius say: Lady who go camping must beware of evil intent. Confucius say: Lady who live in glass house, dress in basement! Confucius say: Look for helping hand on end of own arm. Confucius say: Man and mouse alike, both end up in pussy. Confucius say: Man fly upside down have crack-up! Confucius say: Man kicked in testicles, is left holding bags. Confucius say: Man should never straddle barbed wire fences. Confucius say: Man trapped in pantry have butt in jam. Confucius say: Man trapped in whore house get jerked around Confucius say: Man who abuse his computer get bad bytes! Confucius say: Man who argue with wife all day get no peace at night. Confucius say: Man who buy drowned cat must pay for stinking wet pussy. Confucius say: Man who drive like hell bound to get there! Confucius say: Man who drop watch in whisky is wasting time. Confucius say: Man who eat many prunes get good run for money. Confucius Say: Man who Farts in Church sits in own pew. Confucius say: Man who get hit by car, get that run down feeling. Confucius say: Man who get paid pick up chick. Confucius say: Man who go out with flat chested woman feel shallow. Confucius say: Man who has woman on ground has piece on earth! Confucius say: Man who have circumcision lose a bit of foresight. Confucius say: Man who jump off cliff jump to conclusion! Confucius say: Man who jump through window screen, strain self. Confucius say: Man who lay girl on hill not on level. Confucius say: Man who lay woman on ground have peace on earth. Confucius say: man who live in glass house should bathe in the basement. Confucius say: Man who marries a girl with no bust, feel low down. Confusius say: Man who masterbate in cash register come into money. Confucius say: Man who masturbate only screwing himself Confucius say: Man who meows ate pussy! Confucius say: Man who mess with steamroller flat out lose! Confucius say: Man who polish knob play pocket pool. Confucius say: Man who pull out too fast leave rubber. Confucius say: Man who pull out too soon get hit in rear end. Confucius Say: Man who pushes piano down mine shaft get A flat miner. Confucius say: Man who put cock on stove have hot rod. Confucius say: Man who put cream in tart, not really a baker. Confucius say: Man who put foot in mouth get athlete's tongue Confucius say: Man who put foot in mouth get athlete's tounge. Confucius say: Man who put head in dryer bound to get sock in the mouth! Confucius say: Man who read woman like book, prefer braille! Confucius say: Man who scratch butt should not bite fingernails! Confucius say: Man who sit on hot stove will rise again. Confucius say: Man who sit on tack get point! Confucius say: Man who smoke pot choke on handle. Confucius say: Man who stand on toilet is high on pot. Confucius say: Man who stand on toilet, be high on pot. Confucius say: Man who stands on toilet is high on pot. Confucius say: Man who step in it often say it. Confucius say: Man who sucks nipples makes clean breast of things. Confucius say: Man who take lady on camping trip have one intent. Confucius say: Man who tell one too many light bulb jokes soon burn out! Confucius say: Man who walk through door sideways is going to Bangkok. Confucius say: Man with an unchecked parachute will jump to conclusion. Confucius say: Man with athletic finger make broad jump. Confucius say: Man with forked tongue not need chop sticks. Confucius say: Man with four balls cannot walk! Confucius say: Man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs. Confucius say: Man with hand in pocket is having a ball. Confucius say: Man with hole in both pockets not feel too cocky! Confucius say: Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day. Confucius say: Man with holes in pockets feels nuts. Confucius say: Man with no legs bums around. Confucius say: Man with one chopstick go hungry. Confucius Say: Many man smoke, but Fu Man Chu. Confucius say: Many men smoke but Fu Man Chu Confucius say: Many with hole in pocket feel cocky all day. Confucius say: Mind's journey begins with a single Why? Confucius say: Never raise hands to angry child, it leave groin exposed. Confucius say: Never trust woman who uses phrase eager beaver Confucius say: Nothing. Because he's dead! Confucius say: Panties not best thing on earth, but next to it Confucius say: Passionate kiss like spider web, lead to undoing of fly. Confucius say: Pentocostal who pass out get laid in church Confucius say: People having gift for gab know not how to wrap it up. Confucius say: People who quote me are fools! Confucius Say: Place to look for helping hand is end of own arm. Confucius say: Preserve wildlife - pickle a hedgehog! Confucius say: Put Rooster in Freezer Get A Stiff Cock. Confucius say: Quit quoting me, you blubbering twit! Confucius say: Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. Confucius say: Ring on her finger = Ring in your nose Confucius say: Rook before you reap! Confucius say: Rotten wood cannot be carved. Confucius say: Secretary becomes permanent fixture when screwed on desk. Confucius say: Shit happens. Confucius say: Show off always shown up in showdown. Confucius say: Squirrel who runs up woman's leg not find nuts. Confucius say: Support bacteria; it's the only culture some people have! Confucius say: The early worm has a death wish... Confucius say: The essence of knowledge is, having it, to use it. Confucius say: The hand that turneth the knob, opens the door. Confucius say: Those who make love in strawberry patch have butt in jam. Confucius say: Those who quote me are fools. Confucius say: To prevent hangover stay drunk! Confucius say: Too darn much! Confucius say: Virgin like balloon - one prick all gone. Confucius say: Virgin with thimble on finger never feel prick. Confucius say: Virginity like balloon, one prick, all gone. Confucius say: Wash your face in the morning, neck at night. Confucius say: Watched Tandy Never Boots! Confucius say: When baby cry, give bust in face. Confucius say: When in doubt, whip it out Confucius say: When lady say maybe, she mean yes. Confucius say: When lady say no, she mean maybe. Confucius say: When lady say yes, she no lady. Confucius say: Why did Confucius always speak in English? Confucius say: Why do Chinese philosophers always try to Confucius? Confucius say: Wife for life is better than wife for strife Confucius say: Woman is like jazz music, 3/4 jazz time and 1/4 rag time. Confucius say: Woman lousy flier, have crack-up anyway! Confucius say: Woman run faster with skirt up, than Man with pants down. Confucius say: Woman who cook carrots and peas in same pot not sanitary. Confucius say: Woman who danse wearing jock strap have make believe ballroom. Confucius say: Woman seek equality with man - no ambition. Confucius say: Woman who eat banana get cream in mouth Confucius say: Woman who fly upside down, is all crack up! Confucius say: Woman who pounce on dead rooster go down on limp cock. Confucius say: Woman who put detergent on top shelf, Jump for Joy. Confucius say: Woman who shaves legs have no hair, by cracky. Confucius say: Woman who sit on judge's lap get honorable discharge. Confucius say: Woman who slide down bannister make monkey shine. Confucius say: Woman who spend much time on bedspring have offspring. Confucius say: Woman who turn back on lover get screwed over. Confucius say: Woman who wear G-string, high on crack! Confucius say: Woman with cold hands have fire under skirt. Confucius say: Women and elephants never forget an injury. Confucius say: Women fake orgasm, Men fake foreplay. Confucius say: Work to become, not to acquire. Confucius Say: `A Watched Tandy Never Boots!' Confucius says that man with four balls cannot walk! Enjoy! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Juxtaposition BBS. Lasalle, Quebec, Canada (1:167/133) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00008 Date: 03/06/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:57pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Halolla pin nk jos vanhoja muistelee Hail them. Janeway Hand-foot-and-mouth disease - an embarrassing condition Hand! Hand! It rhymes! Wakko Warner Half of two plus two equals three Hair Club For Men ad: "I'm not only a Ranger, I'm also the President! Hang in there, old chum - Tom as Batman to Mike Half the lies they print aren't true Han: Now let's blow this thing and go home! HamBorger Helper:Add 1 human.Mix well. 3 Billion servings! Halftime at The Circus Maximvs, the Lions lead the Christians 367-0 Halftime at Circus Maximus: Lions 24 Christians 0 Hah!, it's a bloody inefficient system. - O'Brien Hand me a pair of leather pants and a CASIO keyboard-I'm living for today! Hajde dijete otvorimo ples zamisli da svira najdrazi bend Halpa ja hyv eivt aina ole sama asia Hand-me-downs: the first Sharewear Handrage: Frustration opening a Band-aid while bleeding Hang on, we're going to make space tracks! Halloween, a pagan holiday perpetuated by the American Dental Assoc Hail, hail, to Michigan, the Champions of the West! Hair Dryer warning -- Never use when sleeping Half the people who are constipated don't give a shit! Halitosis is better than no breathe at all Hamburgers can be vicious if they're only wounded Han Solo and the Corporate Sector - By West End Games Hair. Shining. Streaming. Flaming Flaxen Waxen. -- Servo Han: That can be arranged! Ham radio operators do it with great frequency Halloween: A pagan holiday perpetuated by the American Dental Assoc Hal Needham was brought in to direct this scene - Tom Hang both Hanoi Jane AND Chicken Willie Hair is the only thing that prevents baldness Half of the people in the world are below average Hair by Jim Henson. Crow T. Robot Half the truth is often a great lie. -- Franklin Hamsters cannot fly -Bart Simpson Half of the people in the world are below average Hand in hand some drummed along to a handsome man and baton Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain't that a big enough majority in any town? Hang on a mo', something is different! - Holly Handspinners put their own twist on things Ham operators DO IT with frequency Hah, good question. - O'Brien Hand me the raprod, Plate Captain! -Zaphod Hang this next to the Batsuit - where it belongs! - Robin, B FOREVER Hallo, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die Halloween: Satan's Christmas Haiti isn't an invasion - it's armed welfare Hah!, strange business. - Odo Hair stands on the back of my neck...- Metallica Hakuna Matata it means no worries for the rest of your days Hammertoe - occurs to clumsy capenters Han: You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake Half Step - The pace used by a cellist when carrying his instrument Hame Barney walk a tight-rope over the San Andreas fault Handle with care - Elderly tagline operator! Hallelujah! Yeshua Ha Mashiach Adonai! Ham Radio -- your best refuge from the O.J. Simpson hearings! Half a loaf is better than no rest at all Hand over the letter, Mike - Crow sticks up Mike Hail to the northerners! Down with the Mikrons! Hah, Chris Jones the mighty tagline even knows your name Hailing frequencies closed. Captain Lock Hahahaha Fooled you.... BANG! Hailing frequencies closed. Captain @TOLAST@ Hah! This is SOOOO futile.--Carson of Borg Hand me the glass. (clink) No, the other glass Hah! Michelangelo didn't get MY compu**NOW FORMATTING DRIVE C:*** Hallanmaan maastopyrilykeskus Hyrynsalmella Han: Better her then me Hangar...Er...Ummm...18, I'm guessing - Tom Hahahahaha... jobs interfere with everything!! Han: Look, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine. Trust me Half secret, for your eye only Hail to the sun god! He is the fun god! Ra! Ra! Ra! Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You stole my TagLine. Prepare to die Half the lies our opponents tell about us are not true Hand over that tagline and no one will get hurt Hairy Kiwi: Death by fruit Handballs Express - The ONLY way to go to Hell! Hammer Time! Hair Club For Men ad: I'm not only NYR's center, I'm also a client Haikiba! Nice dismount! Ghymkata! - Tom Handel's Messiah: by Ollie Luyah Haha! This is really creepy - Mike Hamish McEwen would be the breakout star - Crow Hanging - The Beta Test version of bungee jumping Han: Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind Hair color by Bozo the Clown -- Crow T. Robot Hailing is what Tiggers do best!-Tigger, WTNE Half an hour of begging is not considered foreplay Ham radio operators do it till it megahertz Hand over your tag lines and nobody gets hurt! Ham Radio? I can talk cheaper on my Cell Phone Hairball..hairball don't touch it !!! Half of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at Han: I'm not really interested in your opinion, Threepio Han: Not bad for a little furball Hakkeripukki [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00009 Date: 03/06/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:57pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines