--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] HOMER: D-oh! MARGE: A deer! LISA: A female deer! HOMOEOPATHIST, n. The humorist of the medical profession HONK! if you run OS/2! HTC: Halt and Toss Cookies HS>books. (long list too.) HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Try popping popcorn without the lid HS-Link: Do unto others - bi-directionally! Hacker (v.) (1993): See "Bobbitt, Lorena." Ha, Ha, Ha..! Ho, Ho, Ho..! And a couple of Tra-La-La's Haggis: the 5th state of matter HTML...Has The Mac Look HOMOPHOBIA is a social disease! HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Dance naked in front of your pets HOW DO YOU KNOW I'M A NEW USER? Hackers DO IT relocatably Hadn't sent him for groceries he'd still be alive - Mike HORN PLAYERS do it French style Ha! Got you buddy!! I don't believe in the Grim Rea%$#% NO CARRIER HO! bort etry ho gives a #$%#$%??? Habit: a shackle for the free. Ambrose Bierce HTML...Half True Maybe Lying Had this been an actual movie... - MST3K Hackers do it in the microcode Had enough, @FN@? Or do I have to get rough? HOMEY DON'T PLAY THAT! Hackers 1369 AD: Vandal breaks down door with axe HTS: Halt and Throw Sparks HMPH!! Love indeed HISTORIANS do it over long periods of time HIV is a virus, Pat Robertson is a curse from God Hacker: Exceptional programmer. Webster's 9th., 1991 Ha, ha, made you look! -- John 3:16 Ha, she's probably shacked up with some new pair of tights already.-BA HOMER SIMPSON - D'Ohh! Ha. Ha. Yours Truly, Crow TEEE Robot - Crow HYDRA: [n] A kind of animal the ancients catalogued under many heads Hackers DO IT with all sorts of characters Hackers do it with computers HONK if you've slept with Commander Riker! Hacking is not a meaninful lifestyle HTML...Hail To Machine Logic HIV is a virus. Rush Limbaugh is God's punishment Hader du ogs windows? HOSPITALS! They clean you with alcohol, but make you drink water! HITECH: High Technology HONDA: Hold Overs Not Doing Anything Hackers DO IT in the software Hacking is easy! It's hacking with impunity that's hard HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Drive to work in reverse Hacked version of FP-208A is FP-205 HOUSE MUSIC: OK as long as it's not the house next door HP: - High Price Ha, I have infinity plus one! HORNY.COM invoked .Lets Git Naked. Yo' Man!! HYDROGEOLOGISTS do it till they're all wet HIT them Mr Moderator - they are OFF TOPIC! HUGH BEAUMONT died in 1982! HOT AIR: A commodity monopolized by politicians & SciCre HOSPITAL, Butt-Head! HOSPITAL! - Buzzcut HURRY, n. The dispatch of bunglers HOW TO MAKE A TOURNIQUET by Hank R. Schiff HLVB Hasta la Vista Baby Ha. So much for the death of roleplaying HOCKEY PLAYERS do it; so what? HOUDINI did it in a strait jacket HRPR: Hang up and Ruin Printer Ribbon Hacked versions of PKzip. 1.2, 2.0 , 2.01, & 2.02 Had I sneezed, you would not be standing.--Worf HOUSTON ROCKETS......94 NBA CHAMPIONS...PLANET EARTH HTB Stress, Sit naked on a shelled hard boiled egg Hacked version of K6DEMO is |ALIENS Hackers do it in O(n log n) HISTORIANS do it with dates Hacked version of BNU170 is BNU202 HILLARY CLINTON VIRUS: Files disappear, reappear in another directory HUMBUG! HUMBUG! Some Humbug, Mr. Horne.-Blackadder Hackers do it all night HMMMMM!!!....My kind of gal Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables Hackers DO IT randomly Hackers do it immediately HTe [Glodbreg] Virus was fiound. Deleet? [Yes/jo] Hackers do it without proof of termination HORACE GREELEY - At West Hackers don't do it -- they're hacking all the time HTML...Hack This Mighty Language HOMO.........What black kids call each other in The `Hood HIRSCHFELD2 - BorN IN ArgeNtINA HOBBY: Getting exhausted on your own time Haggis is defined, of course, as dining on a full stomach Had a breakdown? MAYBE! - E. Nygma, BATMAN FOREVER [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00002 Date: 03/05/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:58pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Haggis - Galic for Spam Hacker's tombstone: CONNECT 1964 - NO CARRIER 1994 Hackers DO IT with PEEKing and POKEing Had to give away the kids - The cat got allergic Hackers DO IT forever even when they're not supposed to HUNTERS go deeper into the bush HISTORY: Oldest program ever Ha ha. He's such a b@#&h! - Bart Ha! -Simba/Lion King HST is not dead, but it sure smells funny! Ha' ye nae learned, we HAVE no shame, here HIPMOTIZE!! HONDA Help Our National Debt Accumulate Ha! Kiss my artificial fanny! Data Haagen-DOS, the High fat Operating System Ha, ha! -- Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act III Ha, ha. Ho, ho. He, he HYPERTRICHOLOGISTS do it with intensity HOW Honesty; Openness; Willingness HORN.CAR not responding. Using FINGER.WAV instead HOTSTUFF.EXE not found. Insert FEMALE.COM at Drive N> HOLIDAY SEASON: Observed religiously by all at the mall of his choice HOT DOGS ARE BEST WHEN SERVED WITH A BALL GAME HINNAT ON HALVAT, KYSY LIS--! HUP: Hang Up Phone Hacked version of AutoMenu. 4.8 HOTELS: A place where traveling humans are parked at night. (Wings) HOPE ain't in Arkansas,.... It's in 1996!!!!!!!! Hack and Slash into the Realms of Chaos HONEST, teacher! A virus really DID eat my homework! Haggis - Gaelic for Spam HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Pay your electric bill in pennies HUNTERS eat what they shoot Hacked versions of Turbo Antivirus 9.00b, & 9.01a HYPNOTISTS do it beguilingly Ha! Ha! You must be a shoe salesman! HUMPHREY BOGART - The Big Sleep HTML...Horrid Tedious Mental Logic HLLOWORL.CPP: 17 Errors, 31 Warnings Hackers get overlaid Had enough yet? Wait 'til you see her HEALTH TAX! Hacking is an alt.lifestyle Had brain washed, can't do a thing with it HORNY: Date-less brass player HUSBAND: A handyman with sex privileges Hackers do it conditionally HYPERSPACE: For travellers sick of calculating Improbability Factors! HS>words HONK if you can resist suggestions HUBBLE SCIENTISTS: Maybe the Universe uses FUZZY logic! HOUSEWARMING: Last call for wedding presents Hack? I like to call it apprporiate HOW TO MAKE MONEY FROM A COMPLETE STRANGER: Send me $10 HOBOKEN?! OOoooh! I'm DYING again!!!! Hackers do it with phantoms Hacking? I don't have furballs, do I? HOBOKEN? I *KNEW* I should have taken that left at Tau Ceti Alpha HTML...Heady Talk Minus Logic HURDLERS do it every 10 meters HOCKEY PLAYERS spend two minutes in the box Haelllppp! Popeye! Bluto won't practice safe HIV is a virus; Jesse Helms is a curse from God. PROZAC is a BLESSING HORSEBACK RIDERS do it in the stable HOOMAN! 640Kb is NOT enough! We will take some of you holds HOUSE PASSES GAS TAX TO SENATE Hackers DO IT after gaining access Hackers DO IT with bugs HSJ: Halt, Skip and Jump Had to make myself beautiful -- K'Ehleyr Had my car's alignment checked; it's "Chaotic Evil" HOLD on..I hear you talking to me but no one is there! HOMEMADE = Another word for LOVE HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Tattoo Out to Lunch on your forehead HUMPTY DUMPTY [after a few days] - RIPe Had it for years and threw it out? You'll need it next week HUFF! HUFF!! HUFF!!! and I'll Blow your House Down!!! Oh, never mind HORSEMANEUR: One who knows, appreciates & loves the sport of horses HOW can I be OVERDRAWN if I still have CHEQUES lef HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Make up a language and ask people for directions HOOTERS: Delightfully tacky yet unrefined. - Clearwater, Florida Hacked Scan 74, 78, 79, 81, 83, 87, 88, 92, 96 Ha bloody ha. :) - Digital Shakespeare Hackers, as a rule, do not handle obsolescence well HOTLine RBBS - Home of the SIERRA CLUB Echo HOLY_SMOKE: Because fundies are funny! Hackers of the world, unite! Had some trouble with a horse, but I'm on top of it now HOMER (Homo Neanderthal'us) HUH! Me ??? THE COMPUTER DID IT!!! Hacked versions of TDraw. 4.3, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0. & 8.0 HISTORIAN, n. A broad-gauge gossip Hack first, ask questions later HUMAN CANNONBALL: A job for which you have to be the right calibre HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT? IT'S NOT PERVECT, IT'S PER- Right HYBRD activates Friday 13th (1992) Hackers, call 1-800-NO CARRIER for the carrier dropper from the HYMAN KAPLAN - R*E*S*T I*N P*E*A*C*E Hackers do it without protection Hades has got a big thing for Persophone. --Charon HIS(n): Hers [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00003 Date: 03/05/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:00pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Sit naked on a shelled hard boiled egg HIV/AIDS: Russian Roulette actually has better odds HOT DANCE IN CHERRY MOON!!! Hackers do it without you even knowing it Had to walk buck naked through forty miles of snow... - Weird Al HUMBUG! HUMBUG! Some Humbug, Mr. Smith.-Blackadder HOVEL, n. The fruit of a flower called the Palace HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Tattoo Out To Lunch on your forehead Hah! He was dead BEFORE and THAT didn't stop him!- Maggie Habla Escargole...I'm Bilateral! Hackers do it in trees Hacked version of BitFax. ZipFax Had there been an actual emergency, you would no longer be here HOUSTON: The ROCKETS have landed, and it's T*W*O*R*I*F*F*I*C !!!! HUMAN(n):semi-useful domestic animal;popular with cats Hackers DO IT with demons Ha! King Booger! - Crow Hah! You're one too! HOO: Hide Operator's Output HYBRID(n): a brid on drugs Had enough, *<<>>*, or do I have to get rough? HISTORIANS did it HOLY CONDOMS BATMAN! Look at all those f*cking bad guys! HOW CAN I DISPROVE LIES THAT ARE STAMPED WITH AN OFFICIAL SEAL? HOUSE MUSIC: Okay as long as it's not the house next door Hackers DO IT bottom up HO HUM -- The Redundant HONEST! *FAX* MADE ME TYPE IT!!! HOST SYSTEM NOT RESPONDING, PROBABLY DOWN. DO YOU WANT TO WAIT? Hacking's just another word for nothing left to kludge HS>you, but the library was closing and you can't check out reference Had this been an actual emergency, your spleen would have melted Haa! Kymppi tarjottu!! Had to get rid of the kids. The cats are allergic! HYMEN............................Guys who do a lot of LSD Hackers do it in a HRRI HOTELS: A place where travelling humans are parked at night. (Wings) Ha. Ha. Ha....JERK! - Crow HUMANS?????? WHERE?!?!?!?!? - Batty HONEST, honey, this Dual Standard will save me $ HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS A NEW USER? HORSE DOCTOR: A physician with a sore throat HONDA Hell Of a Nice Damn Automobile HUMPTY DUMPTY - Rest In Pieces Hackers do it only at night when the rates are low Had this been an actual emergency, your spleen wou HUGO was a wimp compared to Desert Storm HWP: Halt Without Provocation Hah! - You're disgusting. - Odo Hackers do it till dawn HST's HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Pay your electrical bill in pennies HR 47,308 A bill to fund motherhood and kill Newt's book HORATIO: Numerical relation of hookers to clients Had to give up drag racing. Couldn't run in high heels HOME OF THE LIBERTY BELL: PHIL A. DELPHIA(l) HS/Link # 01222 Had supernatural powers, I tried Windows... Now I'm 1st level again HYPNOTISTS do it on the count of three HR> They say "Jump!" and you say "How high?" Had a cat once.......kinda tasted like chicken Hackers do it in dumps Hacked version of LHarc. LHarc 1.14, & LHice 1.14 HORSEBACK RIDERS stay in the saddle longer Hacking means never having to say you're done HTML...The Code of Champions Hackers have high bawd rates HTML...Had Too Much Love HISTORY.LIE Virus Detected - Run FEMINIZT.BAT ! HSC: Halt on System Crash HTB Stress, Dance naked in front of your pets HONKY: An impatient driver HYPERCARD == "Has Your Program Even Run? Can't Always Read Docs!" HOUSELESS, adj. Having paid all taxes on household goods Had half a brain, once. They took it away: too dangerous Hacked version of ARJ241 is ARJ250 HOOKE OWN FONIKS WOOKED FORE MIE! Ha ha, beat ya! I didn't steal this tagline, I _wrote_ it!! :-) HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Tough Guy! - Hacksaw Jim Duggan Had enough, Orville, or do I have to get rough? HISTA LA VASTA, BYBA HUNTERS do it with a big gun HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Bill your doctor for time spent in waiting room HULK-A-MANIA LIVES !!! (In the minds of the mentally incompetent.) HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Drive to work in reverse Hacker circa 1985AD: Brat kid steals 360k file at 300 baud... mainly by category, such as Star Trek. I'd've posted the list for [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00004 Date: 03/05/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:01pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Habit is stronger than reason. - George Santayana Hackers do it with words HOCKEY PLAYERS do it in 90 minutes HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Polish your car with earwax Ha ha ha ha... I AM!! - Mary Jane Hackers do it in stacks HUAL: Halt Until After Lunch HOMESEARCH: Music from your home CD, coming from GSU. When??????? HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Braid the hairs in each nostril Hackerbelle: Gorgeous female computer nerd. See Oxymoron HSLink is like Madonna, goes both ways and chats! HOW TO BEAT STRESS, User your Mastercard to pay your Visa Hackers DO IT detached Hackers DO IT with open windows HOME is where dad fixes stuff HS s riK BurwlL f tag-x O. h's t, im Hacked version of BiModem. 1.26 Hackito ergo sum HISTORIANS do it for prosperity HISTORIANS study who did it HIV is just a virus. Rush Limbaugh is God's punishment Had a mind like a steel trap - until it rusted shut Habit is stronger than reason Ha! They are all loonie, you see. And @TOFIRST@ is their keeper Hackers do it iteratively Hackers have kernel knowledge HIPHIPPO.SYS missing, bort etry ho gives a s**t? HOOTER ALERT! -- Al Bundy HIMEM.SYS not found. Loading LOWMEM.SYS... Out of Memory Hackers do it in less space HINDSIGHT ENGINEERING: We make tomorrow's mistakes today! Ha! They are all loonie, you see. And I am their keeper HOW TO MAKE AN ELEPHANT FLY. FIRST GET A HUGE ZIPPER HSJ: Hop, Skip and Jump HOLE: Nothing. But you can break your neck in one HS>Don't panic- you'll find 'em. :) Hackers do it loaded HIRE A TEENAGER, while they still know everything! HONK if you have never seen an UZI fired from a Truck ! Haggis - Gaelic for roadkill Hackers do it during downtime HKELLER.COM...Error: Cannot find SEEEYE.DOG Had to quit cunnilingus and B&D together--always getting tongue-tied Had enough, @TOFIRST@, or do I have to get rough? HOLY SPIRIT - THE ULTIMATE DOWNLOAD!! HISTORY IS BUNK - FORD ... MY BUNK IS HISTORY - BART Hackers discover the powers of two HOBBITS ARE PEOPLE TOO! So there.|> Hackers do it faster Ha. Ha. Ha. Ah, the antics - Tom, sarcastically HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Use your Mastercard to pay your Visa HOCKEY PLAYERS like to puck HOOTER ALERT! -- Bud Bundy Hackers do it with daemons Hacked version of LHarc released as LHarc 1.14 Ha, Ha, Ha, He's done it again! HTML...Had Too Many Laptops Ha! - Simba HONEY! Put that shotgun DOWN! I'm quitting NOW!! Ha! I laugh at your feeble attempts at humor! Hah! If only BELL knew what I was do2b NO CARRIER Ha ha ha! Boy, I wish *I* had some dynamite! -C&H Hah! What a batch of DIP switches! - Enzo Ha ha! Acquittal on all charges! Complete Exoneration! - Calvin Hacked version of Q-Modem. 4.51 HOCKEY PLAYERS do it with their sticks Had enough? Limbaugh/Pournelle in '96! Hah! I got that ten pin down! said Tom sparingly HIV: Reveal or Refrain else it is homocide HRC Plan: Take 2 pills and call me in 6 months Hackers have all the right MOV's HIRE THE HANDICAPPED - GIVE A SYSOP A JOB HIPPY GROOVESTERS REIGN Hacked version of Bluewave is BWAVE213 Hackers take big bytes HTML...Hail This Magic Look Hacked version of Math Master MATHMSTR.* Had to give UP phone sex--got one heckuva ear infection!! Hackers DO IT without a net HOT DOG!!! A worthy advasary!!!-The Tick Haggis - Galic for roadkill Habanero. Much hotter HOSANNAH: Lady firefighter mentioned in the bible HILLARY RODHAM MARRIED BILL CLINTON/RODHAM Had to think about THAT one, didn't you! - Quark HORNY.COM invoked .... Lets Get Naked! HOBBITS do it only if it isn't dangerous Hackers stay UP all night HUNTERS do it in the bush Hackers stay up longer Had it been another day I might have looked the other way HUNGARIAN: Boldog Karacsonyl es Ujevl Unnepeket HURRY! Your on the clock! Oh my! I hope I didn't crush it Had this tagline been a storm, you'd be wet!! HUNTERS do it with a bang HOMER.COM not found! (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)OH! HOW TO BE ON-TOPIC Lesson 1 : Don't write messages like this! Hah! Michelangelo didn't get MY compu**NOW FORMATTING** Ha. Ha. Ha. Ah, the antics. -- Tom Servo HUMBUG. An insect who'd sing, but doesn't know the words [End Tags]