--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00033 Date: 03/04/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:22pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] HEDGEHOGS do it with a 1000 pricks HEADLINE: DEFENDANT'S SPEECH ENDS IN LONG SENTENCE HELL WITH JUSTICE, LYNCH @TOFIRST@!!! HHGTTG: What's this fish doing in my ear? HELLOOOOO, Pixie! - Wakko HEADLINE: MAN HELD IN MIAMI AFTER SHOOTING BEE HHGTTG: Vogon poetry is of course the third worst in the universe HEISENBERG SLEPT HERE (or somewhere else nearby) HEY! Just shut up about the First Amendment, okay? HERO OF THE STUPID: Stuttering John Melendez HERMITS do it alone HIGHWAY CODE: Der Wipen fur Arsen HHGTTG: Hey! I just got front row tickets to a Disaster Area concert! HHGTTG: Welcome, the voice said, to the Starship Heart of Gold HHGTTG: I wish you would stop saying that, shouted Ford HHGTTG: Hoopy: really together guy HELP! I've fallen and I can't get up! (Nice carpet!) HHGTTG: !Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy HHGTTG: What? Harmless? Is that all you've got to say? Harmless! HEADLINE: BRITISH LEFT WAFFLES ON FALKLAND ISLANDS HHGTTG: What's that? - Arthur Something blue. - Ford HELP, HELP The KOTEX is on fire! TAMP ON it!! HELP! I`m modeming and I can`t get up......! HEM: Hide Evidence of Malfunction HHGTTG: Oh, excuse me, but my Vogon space cruiser is here. Bye! HELP: Type 'No Help Available' HEY! YOU WITH THE TAGLINE F R E E Z E ! -TAGLINE POLICE HELP! I have Impulsive Downloading Disorder! HHGTTG: Zaphod Beeblebrox was amazingly good at his job HHGTTG: Thy micturations are to me! . . . - Vogon Poetry HEY!!! This Door is begining to stick, GET THE SANDPAPER! HELP! Protect America's children, soil, and water today HELP! I've dropped my carrier and I can't reconnect HEARSE, n. Death's baby-carriage HELP! MY TYPEWRITER IS BROKEN! -- E. E. CUMMINGS HELP, HELP, the Moderators are after me HHTYAY Happy Holidays to You and Yours HHGTTG: Arthur Phili... I've done you before, haven't I? HHGTTG: I'm so hip I have trouble seeing over my pelvis. - Zaphod HEADQUARTERS knows nothing about it HEY LOOK, Ifix xedthat spaceb arprob lem. - oh da mn HEADLINE: MRS. CORSON'S SEAT UP FOR GRABS HEY SANTA!! I'VE BEEN GOOD!! HEY! YOU! C'MERE! -Viking foreplay HELLO! My Name Is: About To Die A Pitiful Death - Tomwars HHGTTG: It's just life, they say HHGTTG: Share and enjoy! - Sirius Cybernetics HELP! I've fallen and I can't get up! HELP, a thief just stole my burglar alarm! HIGHWAY - The only, but not lonely HE won't be back next week - Crow on explosion victim HHGTTG: Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure HHGTTG: Is it safe? - Ford Prefect HEAD TRIP HDS, got a package people! - Ace Ventura HELLO, ST. LOUIS! That's Springfield, Steven. Uh yeah, right HEADLINE: NEW AUTOS TO HIT 5 MILLION HEADLINE: ASBESTOS SUIT PRESSED HEADLINE: KILLER SENTENCED TO DIE FOR SECOND TIME IN 10 YEARS HHGTTG: Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it HHGTTG: It said, This is probably the best button to press HE'S the one that does all the singing.--Odo HELLO Hello helloIs there anybody OUT there? HEAVY METAL: Codpiece and chaps HHGTTG: I don't want to die now! I've still got a headache! - Arthur HELP! PaPa Smurf In My CPU Died HELP.. I need a tagline. HELP.. Not just any tagline HHGTTG: Ford said Arthur, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it HGA: High Gain Antenna HELP! I screwed up my girlfriend's Computer! HELP! I've crashed ... AND I CAN'T BOOT UP! HEY! I was just kiddi#*$#!^*NO CARRIER HHGTTG: Time is an illusion. Lunch time, doubly so. - Ford Prefect HELL WITH THE EVIDENCE ...it's Politically Correct! HHG, more popular than Life Begins at Five Hundred Fifty HEY, who put the carpet tacks in my F*#$@NO CARRIER. - Lawrence Carter HEY ROCKY, watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat HHGTTG: A hoopy frood really knows where his towel is HEADQUARTERS controls it HHGTTG: What's the meat in it? Perfectly Normal Beast HIDE!!!! HHGTTG: There's no point in acting all surprised about it. the Vogons HEADLINE: Campus killer to remain in prison despite apology HHGTTG: Don't Panic! HEADLINE: MEN RECOMMEND MORE CLUBS FOR WIVES HEADLINE: Aliens Invaded Los Angeles (And No One Noticed) HELLO, ST. LOUIS! Uh, that's Springfield, Steven. Uh yeah, right HHGTTG: No, Zaphod. Just very very improbable HIGH SPEED CONNECTION FOR EFFICIENCY! HHGTTG: Time is not currently one of my problems. - Arthur Dent HELP.. I need a recipe. HELP.. Not just any recipe HEY! Wait babe don't touch the PHO(~&*! (*$! HHGTTG: Where are we? - Arthur Er... somewhere green. - Ford HEADLINE: SALESMAN SAYS HE LEFT 4 LARGE RINGS IN MALDEN BATHTUB HEADLINE: NEVER WITHHOLD HERPES INFECTION FROM LOVED ONE HEISENBURG probably did it HHGTTG: Sass: know, be aware of, meet, have sex with HELP, THE PARANOIDS ARE CHASING ME HIHO AG: hi ho silver! HHGTTG: Mister Desdiato is spending a year dead for tax purposes [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00034 Date: 03/04/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:23pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] HHGTTG: Is there any tea on this spaceship? - Arthur Dent HE WHO USES 'QUICKEN' LEAVES THE OFFICE LAST HEY! I saw you snatch one of MY opinions! PUT IT BACK OR I'LL SHOOT!!!!! HE WHO hesitates is probably smart. --Etzel Murphy HHGTTG: The answer to the Great Question is 42 HEADLINE: CARTER PLANS SWELL DEFICIT HEADLINE: CAUSE OF AIDS FOUND -- SCIENTISTS HHGTTG: Life said Marvin, don't talk to me about life HHGTTG: Here I am, brain the size of a planet... - Marvin HHGTTG: They've got as much sex appeal as a road accident HELP: Hinder Everyone with Little Productivity HHGTTG: Don't Press THE BIG RED BUTTON! HELP! I've R'edOTFALMAO and I can't get up or find my A! HHGTTG: SEP - Someone Elses Problem HHGTTG: 42? 7 1/2 million years and all you can come up with is 42?! HEADACHE(n): early form of birth control HEY, Get that cat off the keyboard!! fWqYSjhowur; u hd HEADLINE: DEATH CAUSES LONELINESS, FEELINGS OF ISOLATION HEADLINE: DEALERS WILL HEAR CAR TALK FRIDAY NOON HELL WITH JUSTICE, LYNCH @FN@!!! HHGTTG: There's a frood who really knows where his towel is HHGTTG: Zaphod loved effect, it was what he was best at HEADLINE: POLICE DISCOVER CRACK IN AUSTRALIA HHGTTG: You want me to suck your towel?- Zaphod Beeblebrox HEY GRANDPAW!!! WHAT'S FER SUPPER????? HEADLINE: CITY MAY IMPOSE MANDATORY TIME FOR PROSTITUTION HHGTTG: It must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays HEY!! I don't bop 'em!! I club 'em! :) -Cain HERE'S last month's phone bi %@&^(!$# NO CARRIER HI TO THE CLASS OF 82 - L.S.E HEX dump; place where witches put used curses HHGTTG: The suspense is killing me, said Arthur testily HEADLINE: LIFE MEANS CARING FOR HOSPITAL DIRECTOR HEY! The taglines are down here! HHGTTG: Would it give you a lot of pleasure? Zaphod HHGTTG: You pick a cold night to visit our planet, Earthman HEADLIGHTS: Das Dippendontdazzelubasted HHGTTG: What a depressingly stupid machine. - Marvin HICKEY..................One of Walt Disney's cartoon mice HHGTTG: As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee. - Vogon poetry HEADLINE: Young bunglers try to steal a van filled with policemen HERE'S A CLEAN JOKE!....Compost happens! HELL NO, WE WON'T WINDOW HEY DOG! Don't bite that! ...*bang*... NO TERRIER HELP! My doctor just referred my case to Dr. Kevorkian! HEY! The movie's back on track! - Tom as girls wrestle HEADLINE: Foot doctor accused of sucking patient's toe HHGTTG: Oh said Arthur, sounds ghastly HEADLINE: ROBBER HOLDS UP ALBERT'S HOSIERY HHGTTG: Damogran, secret home of the Heart of Gold HHGTTG: I'm so cool you can store meat in me. - Zaphod Beeblebrox HHeellpp!! II''mm ssttuucckk iinn hhaallff dduupplleexx!! HHGTTG: He's called Arthur, but I think he's harmless. Lintilla HHGTTG: Don't worry man, the answer is 42. But the question ???? HELP ME ! I'm captured in your Hard Disk HEN: An egg's way of making another egg HEADLINE: COUNTY OFFICIALS TO TALK RUBBISH HHGTTG: Well that about wraps it up for God - Oolan Caloophid HEADLINE: FINE YOUNG MAN CONVICTED OF MISDEMEANOR HELLO.......hello.......IS THERE ANYONE THERE......is there anyone there HEY! Don't pick up that phonJIf+>+Aoa~c++ HHGTTG: I want you to know I'm feeling very depressed right now HELP! I've callen and I can't hang up! HHGTTG: Your monkey has got it right, sir HIIIIIIIIIIIIYAAAAAAAAAA!- Miss Piggy HEADLINE: HOUSE PASSES GAS TAX ONTO SENATE HELP....my dog is licking my toes HEADLINE: 20-YEAR FRIENDSHIP ENDS AT ALTAR HEALTHY GOOBER: A dead patient HEY! It's me--Han Solo HELP ME . . . I've fallen and I can't reach my lawyer! HELLOOOO, Pixie! - Wakko HELP! I'm lost in my computer and can't get out! HEADLINE: QUARTER OF A MILLION CHINESE LIVE ON WATER HHGTTG: Let me guess; Horrible. Am I warm? - Trillian HHGTTG: Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? HEALTH TIP #1: Never Agree to Trading Stools in a HERE'S last month's phone bill! ...#$^ NO CARRIER HI ALL!!! i USE wINDOWS!! i KNOW HOW TO PRESS CAPS LOCK!!! HHGTTG: Don't worry, it's all part of the program. - The Mice HF: Hide File HENPECKED: A sterile husband afraid to tell his pregnant wife HHGTTG: Terrible pain in all the diodes down my left hand side HEARING AIDS: What you get from phone sex HELP! HELP! I'm bein' repressed! HELP! I've fallen and I can't reach my AMIGA! HHGTTG: This was because reason was in fact out to lunch HEY DUDE, WHAT'S 'APPNIN? HHGTTG: Life. Don't talk to me about life HHGTTG: Frood: really amazingly together guy HEADLINE: MAN EATING PIRANHA MISTAKENLY SOLD AS PET FISH HEINZ does it with great relish HGD: Halt, Get Drunk HELP!!!..... Ron! HELP! - I've fallen and can't reach my beer! HHGTTG: We Apologise For The Inconvenience HEY! Who's the who censored my post? HHGTTG: I was lying in a hole, but I got up because I began to like it HERE LIES PINOCCHIO HEADLINE: CITY PACT FIGHT BOILS [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00035 Date: 03/04/98 From: GREG KURTH Time: 08:37am \/To: JANADA OAKLEY (Read 2 times) Subj: NUGENT JO>My thoughts exactly! Say, my mind's going...but did I send you the JO>Nugent lyrics or the taglines? I can send you what I missed if you JO>like. But for now here are some semi-related taglines I like... I'm not sure. It was more like tag lines that were lyrics. Do you have his e-mail address? . --- SLMR 2.0 #1330  Nobody really likes Sarah B.  --- FLAME v1.1 * Origin: Telnet toltbbs.com or call 313-854-6001, Boardwatch #55 (1:234/2) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00036 Date: 03/04/98 From: HEATHER LENNOX Time: 05:59pm \/To: BRIAN JACKSON JR (Read 2 times) Subj: Macro tags...? Wotcher Hinny... HL> ... ERROR: Unable to come up with a good tagline HL> ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 ! I recognise the Blue Frog. Member: Team BJJ> want one....only catch olmr required GOTCHA!!! That ERROR message is a tagline. I chose it deliberately to see who I could catch with it. One...! ;-)) Sincerely Yours, ... Sysop reason No.5: I got the power plug in my hand ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 ! I recognise the Blue Frog. Member: Team *Amiga* ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: Sidewinder! Your Military Info BBS. 649-267-3546 (3:772/210) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00000 Date: 03/06/98 From: BARB MURPHY Time: 07:18pm \/To: JEAN HALVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Confucious say... Jean Halverson wrote in a message to All: JH> - Origin: * The Ratz Nest BBS * Texas * (817) 447-1619 * Check the file area of the above BBS....it probably has quite a few... It under "Taglines"....(of course).... Barb ... Life's truths are only found on T-shirts and tag lines! --- * Origin: * The Ratz Nest BBS * Burleson TX * (1:130/911) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3E00001 Date: 03/05/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:58pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines