--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] HAM RADIO OPERATORS do it till their GigaHertz HCI doesn't need accurate numbers -- just a gosh number Gypsy: You shot my boyfriend you dirty fuzz! HACKERS do it in SEXTRAN Guy:1 other planet it could come from * Crow:Uranus haha! H e l p I g o t a s t u c k s p a c e b a r HANGOVER - what my belly does over my belt past 40! Guy: You're thieves! * Mike: We're gypsies & tramps Guy: Whats on your chest? * Crow: Just a rash Gypsy: Was it exciting in the movie? * Tom: Nope! H2O: Like a chevrolet or something H * A * P * P * Y H * O * L * I * D * A * Y * S Gypsy: You said I could watch the movies with you guys! Guy: The prince! * Crow: Look busy! Guy: Your own flesh & blood * Crow: Mostly flesh Guy: We're not entering it's tail * Crow: Sounds painful Gypsy, you don't look fat. A little lumpy maybe... -- Nelson H. Ross Peron for President in `96? "Don't cry for me Texarkana" Gypsy: The day Tom lost control of his hover skirt Guys! That's *not* cheese! Gyesmu the Iron Fist, 55th Emperor of the Petal Throne (2015-66) HA-HA! -- Nelson HARDWARE HACKERS do it over a wide temperature range HAL, those steaks you defrosted were three scientists! HAIR STYLISTS are shear pleasure Gypsy: Gypsy crushes Joel! We'll be right back HD Crash: (P)anic, (S)uicide, (K)ill bystanders? H I M O T U V W X Y...Letters that read right in a mirror HARDWARE HACKERS do it with connections HACKERS do it without a net H - E - L - P is on its way HARDEEHAR Here's a really dumb everyday euphemism hardly anyone reads H. L. Mencken's Law: "Those who can do. Those who can't teach." Gypsy, every woman gets a shower! Crow T. Robot Gypsy: Evil! You are evil! Evil! HA! HA! HA! Deep Hurting. DEEEEP HUUUUURTING!!!! HAL started out as a Moderator Guy:Buried his loot over there (points) Mike:In her BRA? HAMS do it until it Hz! HACKERS do it conditionally HACKERS do it without you even knowing it HAL, you are full of carpal ! HACKERS do it with all sorts of characters Gypsy, I weep for you. Tom Servo HACKERS do it absolutely H a giant humanoid (baby purple worm) HACKERS do it with their fingers H.I.L.L.A.R.Y.: (H)usband (I)s (L)ying (L)ike (A) (R)ednecked (Y)okel HAH!!! Aica cooli cirjoitusvirhe, sanoisin.. :-) HCI - Help Crush Individualism! HCRS: Hang in CRitical Section HACKERS make it quick HACK and you shall receive Guy: We know who did it * Crow: A killer! Hahaha! HAL, we're going to make you IBM compatible HACKERS are I/O experts H.M. QUEEN ELIZABETH II - My Pocketbook Stays On My Arm HCI's new slogan: The average American is CRAZY! HAM OPERATORS do it with frequency HANGING - v. An early Western form of bungee jumping HACKERS do it in stacks HACKERS do it in dumps HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....YOU'RE STUCK HERE!!!!!!! Guy: Your name? * Mike: Kitten W. Whip Guy: Two words * Crow: BOR-ING! HACKERS do it in less space Gypsy: Voice of Jim Mallon, body of a upright canister vacuum cleaner HACKERS do it in loops HACKERS do it bug-free HBW: Hang Bus and Wait H a r d c o r e Power! HACKERS do it iteratively HARDWARE: The parts of a computer that can be kicked HAM on rye...a drunken radio operator! H. YOUNGMAN - I Said, "My *Wife* HAMS do it in Megahertz! HACKERS do it in the software HDH: Hi Dee Ho Guy: Your teeth * Crow: Comb them, too HAL, read my lips, O_P_E_N T_H_E P_O_D B_A_Y HACKERS penetrate further Guy: Warmth & gentleness * Tom: Control & repression HACKERS discover the powers of two HACKERS have response time HAL 9000, you're pretty drunk aren't you Dave? Gymnasts do it with grace HACKERS do it top down HACKERS do it with demons Gymnists mount and dismount well HA! Difference between a virus & windows? Viruses never fail HACKERS do it in batches HACKERS appreciate virtual dresses HARDWARE HACKERS do it with emitter-coupled logic Gypsy: A white male, middle class power holder H@PPY D@YS ARE HERE HACKERS stay logged in longer HACKERS do it forever even when they're not supposed to H-Bombs - The ultimate party gag! HACKERS do it with high priority HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY JOY! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00027 Date: 03/03/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:09pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] HAMS DO IT around the world HAS ANYONE SEEN MY cAPSLOCK KEY? Gypsy dwarf escapes jail : Small medium at large H.M.O.: Hibbert Moneymaking Organization HAMMY + BITCOM + EDLIN = A better smoke than DSZ HACKERS do it in trees HAVE YOU MET THE FORMER OWNERS OF FUR? Gypsy: You, the white male, are my personal oppressor! Guy: The fourth dimension * Tom: Or Marilyn McCoo? HARDWARE HACKERS have faster rise times HACKERS do it in parallel H. Ross Perot: Folksy billionaire or Ferengi in disguise? You decide HALLOWEEN activates Oct 31st HACKERS do it in O(n log n) Guy: Yes...I...Have 2 daughters * Crow: And...A...Puppy HARSH REALM: February HARDWARE HACKERS do it with male connectors HARD DISK : Definitely not for beginners HAVE YOU HUGGED YOUR TOILET TODAY? HD failure: (A)bort, (R)etry, (N)egotiate, (P)lead, (B)eg HANDYMEN like to pound it in Gypsy: Maybe it's Tom I don't get HACKERS do it immediately HARMAN/BOECKMANN/COUCH/THOMAS/WHITE/WILLIAMS/WILSON Guy: What do we do? * Mike: First, cover up HARDWARE HACKERS do it with female banana plugs HA HA HA you can't see this. OOPS H - Deep-sea tribble HACKERS take big bytes HANDLE WITH EXTREME CARE: This Amiga contains minute Guy:Names are important * Mike:Names good. Tor like names Guy: You saw the skidmarks * Tom: In my underwear! Gymnasts do it with a flying dismount Gypsy: Are you man enough to take command? HACKERS do it in the microcode HACKERS do it digitally Gypsy! No, not yet! -- Crow T. Robot H * H H H H - Tribble Olympics: Hurdles Guy: Underpaid, under privileged * Crow: Underpants! Guys, none of these letters are addressed to me HACKERS know what to diddle Gypsy: I think he's lying! HALF-BOY, HALF-GIRL MAKES SELF PREGNANT - He/she's both mommy and daddy to twins. - The Globe HACKERS do it reentrantly Gypsy you don't look fat. A little lumpy maybe - Mike HACKERS do it with words Guys don't make passes at crones with big *sses. - Cybil Sheppard H&K: In a world of compromise, some men don't Gypsy's review of our political, satirical review - Tom HACKERS have good hardware Guy: They had us under siege * Joel: With Steven Sagal! HACKERS get off on tight loops HACKERS do it with computers Gypsy: Cheating is bad. Richard Baseheart is good HACKERS do it in two states HACKERS do it without proof of termination HACKERS do it attached HAC: Hold All Calls HAIRDRESSERS give the best blow jobs HANDS! You've got free speech, as long as you don't say, "You suck, Mr H e l p I g o t a s t u c k s HAZARDOUS MATERIALS : What man has created man must now control H-m-m, or was it unlock the safe then swim to the surface? - H. Houdini HANDYMEN do it with their tools HACKERS do it discretely Gwon, Geoverer. - D-Roc as Scorpion HACKERS do it randomly Guy: Venus * Tom: Yeh, no arms, nice rack! HACKERS do it interactively HACKERS do it without detaching HARDWARE HACKERS do it with resistance HANGOVERS go away HAL 9000-Dave. Put down those Windows disks. Please Dave HARDWARE HACKERS do it noisily HACKERS do it sequentially Gypsy: Say `The Master' again. Servo: Belay that order! HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD! H is for HasturAUGHHHmmpmpffff Guys?? Is it bad when there are THAT many fires on the ho Gypsy: Don't patronize me, Joel H lp! S m b d st l ll th v w ls fr m m k yb rd! HACKERS do it with editors Gypsy: I'm just a little depressed HACKERS do it with side effects HAL-PC is the user group for me HAPPY FATHER'S DAY... @!$% THE CAKE! HACKERS know all the right MOVs HA! Just try and steal THIS tagline Gypsy: Am I pregnant? HA!!!! Made you look! hehehe... /\/\ \/ Gypsy: That wasn't Sinbad HAWAIIAN: Mele Kalikimake me ka Hauloi Makahiki hou Guy: Told me what to do * Crow: It involved my bottom HAIRSTYLE---That bizarre thing on your teenager's head Guy:Tasteless, odorless & leaves no trace * Crow:Velveeta Guy: Traveled Far & Wide * Tom: Member F.D.I.C HARDWARE HACKERS do it with maximum ratings HACKERS do it during downtime HANG-GLIDERS do it in the air HAL, open the pod bay doors or else I'll run Windows! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00028 Date: 03/03/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:10pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Guy: You heard nothing? * Tom: Just bongos HA HA If the telephone system only knew what I was do(&$#$^ NO HACKERS have high bod rates HACKERS do it without arguments H y! Who stol my k y?!?!?! HARD DRIVE FAILURE...Kiss PayCheck GoodBye! HACKERS have it where it counts Gypsy: Was it funny? * Tom: Nope! HD failure: A)bort, R)etry, N)egotiate, U)se hammer HARDCASE - On sale now, if you get there fast! Guys, we got a big problem on our hands... Tom Servo Gypsy's in trouble! Gypsy's in trouble! -- Tom Servo HACKERS stay up longer Guy: What's that car doing? * Crow: Oh, about 30 I guess Guy: They stay wasted * Mike: HEY! That's a good slogan HACKERS get overlaid Guy: Whats a jungle w/out banana trees? * Mike: A Forest? HACKERS have better software tools H.R. Haldeman on drums! Mike Nelson HCF: Halt and Catch Fire HACKERS do it a little bit HALT: No-Op Guy: We were in E.T.O. * Tom: They were in B.T.O?! HAL, read my lips, O_P_E_N T_H_E P_O_D B_A_Y D_O_O_R_S_! HCI: Help the Criminally Inclined HARDWARE WARS FIDONET ECHO HARDWARE HACKERS do it with transceivers HACKERS avoid deadly embrace HD failure: (A)bort (R)etry (N)egotiate (B)eg HA HAH HA HAH HAH - Anna Steven HARDWARE HACKERS do it intermittently HARDWARE HACKERS do it with uncommon emitters into open collectors Gypsy: There goes my vacation H.J. HEINZ - Gone With The Wind Guy: Unbelievable? * Crow: No HACF: Halt And Catch Fire Gypsy: Mike, this sucks! Can we just eat? Gypsy: I sing whenver I sing whenever I Guys wanna hear about my fruit fly experiment? -- Tom Servo HACKERS do it by the numbers Guy: The swap meet * Tom: Swamp meat? HACKERS do it with recursive descent Gypsies DO IT with crystal balls HACKERS do it with key strokes Guy:Peaches your real name? * Tom:Is 4'9 your real height Guy: We will bide our time * Tom: We will wear our pants HANDYMEN like good screws Guy: There is a way out * Mike: It's booze! Guy: What we already know * Crow: Cubs suck HAL of Borg: I'm sorry Dave, resistance is futile Guy:Whats happening * Crow:We're getting our asses kicked HACKERS do it globally HACKERS do it detached HANDYMEN do it with whatever is available HARDWARE HACKERS are a charge Guy: We gotta make time * Crow: (as geek) Be gentle! HARD DRIVE - A car trip over bad roads HACKERS do it in a HRRI Gypsy dwarf escapes ..Small medium at large [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00029 Date: 03/03/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:11pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] HACKERS do it with open windows H.E.A.S. - Pyh{n hengen voimalla. In god we trust! HD FAILURE: C)old Boot W)arm Boot S)teel-toe Boot? Guys don't make passes at women who kick asses. (*I* DO!) H.R. Haldeman on Drums! - Mike HARD ERROR: Noisy Bug Guy: Wouldn't miss it for anything * Joel: Except cheese! Gypsy, we don't have room on the ship for a pony! Joel HARDWARE HACKERS do it with power Guy: Thunder * Tom:That's jet noise. We'll fix it in post HACKERS DO IT with firmware HACKERS do it all night HCFI: Halt and Catch Fire Immediate HARDWARE: n. The part you kick HACKERS do it graphically HCI stands for Help Crime Increase! HAMS do it til their MegaHertz! HBT: Harvest Binary Tree HANGOVER.EXE found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)pew, (O)h Sh**! HARDWARE HACKERS do it with AC and DC HACKERS do it recursively Gypsy crushes Joel! We'll be right back. -- Gypsy HARDWARE HACKERS do it on a bus Gypsy: I'd just as soon take Nyquil with a spoon H.Solo Institute of Action Without Thought (Hyperdrives Also Repaired) Guy: Worlds champion, Clara... * Mike: Peller! Guy:Beautiful girl * Tom:(as guy) That's whats inside me Gypsy: I don't get it HA!--Odo HA!--Quark sarcastically HAWAIIANS do it volcanicly HACKERS do it locally H. DUMPTY - Rest in Peaces HACK ATTACK coming on...Please Stand Back!!! HANDLING YOUR EMOTIONS by Mel. N. Collie HACKERS have faster access routines HALF OF U.S. HIGH SCHOOLS REQUIRE SOME STUDY FOR GRADUATION HACKERS do it without protection Guy:Contributing to the delinquency * Mike:But you're 30! H.E.L.P. is on the way! Guy: What's the solution? * Tom Servo: Saline! HA! I kill me! Guy: The months slipped by * Tom: Like a pair of pants Gyros are loose Guys, you can have my computer FREE when rapture occurs HD failure: (A)bort (R)etry (N)egotiate (C)ry HA! _I'm_ just finishing up a port of VMS for my Timex Sinclair! Top THAT! Guys, there's some dinner on the floor if you want it - Neil, YO's HAMLET: A small pig Gypsy: Down to you, Madmen HATE is a 4 letter word, Gay is not! HAL 9000: Dave, put down those Windows disks. Dave HCI lied Guy: Ward of the state * Tom: A Burt Ward HARDWARE HACKERS do it closely coupled HACKERS do it concurrently HA HA clunk-- laughing my head off HACKERS do it efficiently Guy: This is a scramble! * Crow: I'd like the omelet HAL 9000: Help me, Dave. I can't run under Windows, Dave HACKERS do it with insertion sorts Gyp! Gyp! I want my money back! HANDJOB.....................................Manual labour HAIR! I HAVE HAIR!! - Homer Gypsy's chunking! Crow T. Robot HCF Halt & Catch Fire (Irish Assembler) HAVE A GREAT DAY TODAY! AND A BETTER ONE TOMORROW!!! HARRY SECOMBE - Goon But Not Forgotten Gypsy Sysops have plenty of ROM Gyakorlott zongoraszlltkat keresnk. Jelige: TV torony Guy:Suppose there IS no contamination*Joel:We'll add some H. Beam Piper -- originator of Fuzzy logic! Gypsy, every woman gets a shower! - Crow HARPISTS do it by pulling strings Guy:I'll take gin w/that tonic * Mike:Yeh Booze! Alright! Guy: Traced to ONE thing * Tom: Tight underpants! Guy:Wanda Saknussenn? * Tom:No it cleared up. But thanks H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G ! Guy: Wanna' belt? * Crow: No, I've got suspenders HATCHET, n. A young axe, known among Indians as a Thomashawk HAH: Halt And Hang Gypsy's in trouble! Gypsy's in trouble! - Tom sings Gypsy: They're steam-cleaning the horses! Guy:The ear is the human organ Tom:After the human nipple Guy: Winners remain anonymous * Crow: Remain bottomless Guy:Gotta go to the bathroom * Crow: Just go in your suit Guy: This is the probe * Crow: Go ahead, lick it! Guys should never view x-rated gifs when using a laptop Guy: There won't be a panic * Joel/Bots: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Gypsy: Once a driller always a driller. Is that dirty? Guy: They were dead. And buried * Crow: In that order HAUNTED FOREST Witches Castle 1 Mile -- HACKERS do it with interrupts Guy: The he-man athletic type * Crow: Grandpa? HACKERS do it bottom up Guy: They can't stop me! * Mike: I'm Mighty Boy! HARDWARE HACKERS do it with bus drivers HACKERS do it at link time HARDWARE HACKERS have sensitive probes Guy: Your mental growth * Crow: Represented by Tom Dooley Gypsy: Bite me! [End Tags]