--------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00020 Date: 03/02/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:44pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Guy: Kill on sight * Tom: Don't look at me! Guy: Cows are a lot like people * Tom: They're sinners! Guy: She's a Texan * Tom: That means she's rock stupid Guy: 2 minutes * Mike: Should'a been NONE minutes Guns aren't lawful; Gun control is a great idea - for governments first Gun shops in tough neighborhoods have back-to-school sales Guy: At 134 pounds * Crow (as girl) 132! Guru: One who knows more jargon than you Guns cause crime like cars cause vehicular homicide Guts: n. putting "Moderator" in your TWIT filter Guy Fawkes, the last man to enter Parliament with honorable intent! Gun Owners are Citizens. All Others are Subjects Gun control laws don't defend people. Armed citizens do Gun control is being able to hit your target - CONSISTENTLY! Guy: Get that dress * Mike: In Mr. Wood's size Guns don't kill people, BATF agents do Guy on the far left! Nice curvy butt! -- Mike Nelson Guy: Alway's be a Star Wolf * Crow: Never a star Guns don't kill people, it's those little pieces of lead Guy: Fresh eggs * Tom: Given by disgruntled chickens Guts: Placing the name SYSOP in your twit filter Guns don't kill, people do Guy: Diet gum * Tom: Oh, you mean for fatsos? Gun the man down, I say gun the man down Guy: I'll sign a statement * Mike: I'll sign a basketball Guy: Are you daffy? * Crow: No, I'm Porky. You're Daffy Guy: Ahh, Spring * Crow: Filthy, shameful spring Guy: Before you put on your dress * Mike: Caress Guy: A black eye! * Crow: It's an EYE of COLOR Guns don't kill people. Janet Reno kills people Gun control is dead wrong. I don't want to wind up dead Gun Control...a steady, two-handed grip Guppies dancing among brightly colored power tools, their ears ablaze Guns don't kill people... bullets do Gun owners: the men in brown shirts will help you into the ovens Gun Show = Income Dispersal Center Gutteral noise need not make sense [SkiNny puPpY] Gun Laws don't work. We have over 20,000 as proof! Guy: Relieved of many tiresome tasks * Crow: Like acting Guy's clothes stay in fashion. Girls are lucky if their clothes stay stylish through the first three payments Gun Control: A Smooth Finger On The Trigger And Pull! Guns don't kill people, disgruntled BATF agents kill people Guts: putting SYSOP, MODERATOR & ECHO RULES in your twit filter Guts: Putting your NC, RC & ZC in your twit file Gun laws are enforced at gunpoint. - L. Neil Smith Gunslinger! How well you fulfill the prophecies of old! - Walter Guy: Hello Barney! * Mike: Wheres the big purple suit? Guns Don't kill people... homicidal lemmings kill people Gun Control: From simple minds come simple solutions Guns don't kill people...unless you throw it REAL hard Guns mean Power and the government demands a monopoly Guru Meditation error #8100000B.48454C50 Guns in the right hands prevent death Gumbo ingredients: oysters, shrimp, crab, okra, and @TOFIRST@ Gumbo - Nature's perfect food Guy: The cerebreal area * Mike: Ah, leave his area alone Guns don't kill people, OS/2 salesmen do Gun control is having a FIRM grip on my GLOCK Gun owners are the Jews of the 90's in a fascist America Guy: All about you * Tom: Your turnons & your turnoffs Gun Control: A lame excuse for criminal control Gun Control means holding it in both hands Guy: I'm not a medium * Crow: I'm a petite Guns will make us powerful, and Butter will only make us fat! Guns = Power and the government demands a monopoly Guy: DON'T shoot to kill! * Crow: Shoot to piss off! Gun control means hitting your target Guy: A talk w/you * Tom: (leers) A horizontal talk Guns of Navarrone vs. the Demonic Toy - Tom Guy: Anyone from 7-70 * Mike: Hmm, good demographics! Gun Control..Brady bill...an Oxymoron! Guns are not scary. People are. - Natalie Goodman Gurulandia DLG - jyvi{ varpusille! Gunfight At The OK Corral In Morse Code Gun control: It isn't about guns, it's about *control* Gummi Bears inside my head! They're chewing on my brain! --Portnoy Gun control is like declawing a cat, cruel and unnatural Guy: Martin's theory * Mike: This movie sucks Guns don't kill people. Small lead ball at 2000fps kill people Guy: An unidentified object * Crow: What is it?!? Gun control is really "Victim disarmament" Guy: She belongs to me! * Tom Servo: I have the pink slip! Guy: About pigs * Mike: More than you'd ever wanna know Guns don't kill, abortion protestors do Guru secret: add GPFs=OFF to your Config.sys Windows Installed - Gun buy-back programs: Melt all you want, we'll make more! Guy: Do you read? * Mike: Sometimes a book Gun Control is using both hands Guns don't kill people but IDDQD & IDKFA does! Gun control is a steady hand! Guy: Sumiko? * Crow: I will, soon as my lawyer gets here Gumbo ingredients: oysters, shrimp, crab, okra, and Reesa Guy: SUPER WEAPON! * Crow: Well, a really GOOD one Guy: Telepathy * Crow: I knew you were gonna say that! Gun bans work! Just look how safe New York City is! Guy: My job. My way - Tom: Mylanta Gun control is unilateral victim disarmament Gullible means very wise. Look it up if you don't agree Guns and Superheros don't mix. -The Tick [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00021 Date: 03/02/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:44pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Guns cause crime the way flys cause garbage Guns don't kill people...unless you throw them REAL hard Gunslingers with Gas: Wyatt Urp Guy: Hello, Durah * Bots: Valderie! Val Durah! Guns don't kill people. A$$holes with guns kill people Gun: A simple tool for making holes ... at a distance! Gun control is hitting what you aim at Gump. Like blood to chocolate fall Guy: Evacuate everybody! * Crow: Sounds painful! Gun Control: Ability to hit what you aim at! Guns cause crime like pencils cause misspelled words! Guy: A time of giants & dragons * Mike: And low inflation Guns cause crime like matches cause arson Gun Control: it's not about guns. It's about CONTROL! Gun control means people control. - A. Hitler, 1939 Guns don't kill, Ted Kennedy's car does! Guy with a name like Johnny Rotten's gotta be Kinfolk Guy: Don't worry * Mike: Be trampy Guten abend. Fraulein Pryde, I assume? - Nightcrawler Guy: As much as I'd like too * Mike: I can't act either Guns don't kill people..., I KILL PEOPLE! Gun control means tight groups! Gun Control is being able to hit your target Gun control protects criminals from work related injuries Gun control via laser designators Guy: Lieutenant? * Crow: Kiss me hard! Gun control works! Ask Schindler's Jews Guy: Don't stop to ask any questions * Mike: Why not? Gun control is a steady, two-handed grip Gun Control: Breathe, Relax, Aim, Sight, and Squeeze Guns cause crime like video cameras cause kiddie porn Gun Control-- Being able to hit the Target! Gun control... the emphasis is on CONTROL Guy: Hurts when I breath * Joel: Well then, don't breath! Guns don't solve problems; people solve problems Guy: I majored in Philosophy * Mike: Phyllis? Gurl sysops, what'll dey tink up next? Gun control is having a good grip on a .44 Magnum Guy: Gin! * Tom: Wait, we've been playing poker! Guns will make us powerful; butter will only make us fat Gunslinger with Gas: Wyatt Urp Gun Control: America's National Anathema! Gun shop in tough neighborhood has back-to-school sales Gun Control" is a Crime. REVOLUTION is a BIRTH RIGHT!! Guru: [n] A computer owner who can read the manual Gun control is a firm grip on a .44 magnum Guy: That killer is a madman * Mike: Thats a little harsh Guy: How bad am I? * Tom: Well, you're in THIS movie Guy: A good cook * Mike: Given her limitations Gun Control: The ability to drop a liberal at 500 yards Guns don't kill people, FBI agents do Guy: Her friend * Tom: Or that weird girl Guy: He was hanged * Crow: Was he well-hanged? Guy: Here's an interesting gadget * Tom: My winky! Guy: (mumbles) File my claim * Crow: Fly my clam?!? Gun Control is being able to put 2 bullets through the same hole Gun control "protects" you from being able to shoot back Guns cause crime like Freedom of Speech causes lies Guy: A far away land * Tom: The Catskills Gun control is a firm grip on a .44 magnum semi-automatic Guy: I'm going to the moon * Joel: Not tonight dear Gun control? Sure, You control yours, I'll control mine Guy: Arrrrgggghhhh!!! * Crow: Doorbell! Guns don't kill people, Gun Owners do Guy: She belongs to me! * Tom: I have the pink slip Guns for sale. Please dust off the cocaine Guns don't kill people. Postmen kill people Gun control can WORK! to enslave the people Guns don't kill kids. Kids kill kids Gun control: hitting your intended target Guns and bullets don't kill people. HOLES do Guns don't kill people, massive tissue trauma does Guy: I'm marrying Imoa * Mike A lawn mowa? Guns don't kill, fast moving lead projectiles kill Guns Guns Guns! Dammit! No bullets Guy: In '61 * Mike: (As John Caradine) Which century? Gun control works... look at all the chalk outlines! Guts: Grace under pressure Gullfriend: sea bird that comes back to you Guy: A night cover * Crow: To make HOT love on! Guy: Call the whole thing off * Mads: Tum-ah-toe, tomato! Guy: 55-45 * Tom: (singing) If man is still alive! Guns don't kill peopledeath does Guns Didn't Make America Unsafe - Congress Did! Gun Control: It isn't about Guns..It is about CONTROL Guy: Hello Cal * Tom: Low cal? Gun control means using both hands Guts: Putting "SYSOP" in your twit filter Gun control is being able to drop a liberal at 500 yards! Gun control means hitting the target Gun control *does* make streets safer... for *criminals*! Guns don't kill people...Class 2 Phasers do! Guns don't kill people. Idiots who own guns kill people Guy: Are they ground controlled? * Joel: To Major Tom? Guy: Miss Ho * Crow: Yo Ho! Gun owners are `special', like the Jews in Nazi Germany! Guy: Paired unity * Tom: Hair unity? Guns don't kill people, Negaverse monsters kill people Gun control is hitting your target Guy: Professor Kim Ping * Crow: Piiiinnnngggg! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00022 Date: 03/02/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:44pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Guy: (on skydiving) Like a bird * Mike: Poopin' on people Guru, Center for Advanced Cat Juggling Guns don't kill people..I kill people Gun bans work! New York City is safe, right???? Guy: Always smiling * Tom: What IS he on? Guns don't kill people. Husbands who come home early kill people Guns don't kill people. OS/2 kills people Guns cause crime like flies cause garbage!! Gun Control: Government dentists pulling your "teeth of freedom"! Guns don't kill -- Fast moving lead projectiles do! Guy Fawkes - the only man to enter Parliament with honest intentions Guts: Putting the moderator in your twit filter Gump: Like a chocolate, licked for the very first time Guts: Putting "Moderator" in your twit filter Guy: She was great in school plays * Mike: Slammer Girls Gun Control: Being able to hit your target Gun control is putting two in the center and one to the head Gun Grabbers would rather see two men holding hands than arms Guy: 8 successive girls * Tom: Wilt Chamberlain!? Guy: Gracia * Mike: Yeh, Prego, whatever Guy: Minored in Poly-Sci * Crow: You're unemployed Gun Ownership: An insurance policy for freedom Guy: I am lonely no more * Tom: I got a cat Guns don't kill, bullets do Guy: Pull it halfway out * Mike: NO! No, the throttle! Gun Control: Keep muzzle pointed at target Guns don't kill people off-line readers do Guy: Oh Randy * Tom: (singing) You're a fine girl Guns don't kill people. Small lead balls at 2000fps kill Gun control. It ain't about guns, it's about *control* Gun Control: The ability to drop a fundie at 500 yards Guns stop crime dead in it's tracks! Guy: How do you look? * Tom: Kind of parochial Gun control: Who ever has the gun is in control! Guy: A marriage development form * Mike: Patent pending Guy: It's them! * Crow: Not THEM, the giant ants?! Gun Control: All criminals support it Guy: Is that final? * Tom: Double dog final!! Gullible Ben's Runabout Rental Service - We rent to anyone! Gun control is not about guns. It is about control Gun Control will work when criminals obey the law Guy: I'll come back * Crow: Headless Guy: My horse threw a shoe * Frank: Made a ringer! Gun free zones are free for crime zones Guy: Before you leave the bathroom Servo: Flush! Guy: Look at yourself * Mike: You despise what you see Guy: Know any bookmakers? * Mike: Simon & Schuster Guy: Months in bondage * Tom: That was the good part Guns don't kill people, fertilizer does. Support fertilizer control! Gun control is hazardous to your freedom! Guy: Now speak! * Mike: Woof! Gumby + Rambo = Gumbo! Guns don't murder people, criminals murder people Gun nut?? Not me! I'm just a firearms enthusiast! Guy: Have fun tonight? * Tom: Did you Wang Chung tonight? Guns make me nervous - 007 (O.H.M.S.S.) Guy: He killed my 4 brothers * Crow: And my forefathers! Guy: Let me see what you have * Crow: Drop 'em! Gunwale Grabbing, a canoeing art form Guy: My flesh'n'blood * Mike: In law Guy: Its 10:51 * Crow: We're missing Leno Gun Control: Being able to hit what you aim at! Guy: Echos * Tom: Art echos? Guy: Shall we begin * Crow T. Robot: The Beguine! Guy: Before you leave the bathroom * Tom: Flush! Gun Control is not about guns; its about CONTROL! Guy: Get lucky * Tom: Luckier'n us having to watch this Guru Meditation 8000 1400 Out of Lager Gun control: Never missing your target Guy: I feel no pain * Crow: And an island never cries Guy: Midget's bucket * Mike: Billy Barty's bucket? Guy: Right to go right * Crow: Do the Hokey Pokey Guns don't kill people..Mail readers kill people ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 Guns don't kill people... death does Guns don't kill people, it's these little hard things! Guns equal power. And the government wants all the guns Guy: Before you leave the bathroom * Tom Servo: Flush! Guy: Car with no breaks * Tom: Sounds sexy Gun control is undemocratic to the core. -Charley Reese/columnist Gun Control: keeping the muzzle pointed at the target Gump of Borg: You will all be assimilated like a Box of choclates Gun control -- NOT about guns; it's about CONTROL Guns! Guns! Guns! *click* *click* *click* Uh oh Guy: King Holylamma * Crow: With a banjo on his knee! Guns don't kill people... well, okay, but you gotta aim Guns! Guns! Guns! -- Clarence Boddicker Gullible isn't in the dictionary. Really, go ahead, look! Guy: The choicest of their animals * Crow: Their dates! Guns don't kill people..Postal workers kill people Guvf yvar vf rapekcgrq sbe ab ernfba Gun Laws are the liberals' excuse for being soft on criminals Gun control is the ability to hit your target! Guy: Silver! * Tom: And Nutrageous bars! Guy: More festive! * Tom: Well, sort'a Guy: Killing, burning, ravishing * Tom: Itching, flaking Gun control: Keep the muzzle pointed at the targe Guy: Goodbye. Good luck * Tom: Good riddance Guy: The Gobi Desert * Joel: The goofy desert? Guns are not evil, people are Guns don't kill people, kinetic energy does. Let's ban it! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79)