--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00013 Date: 02/28/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:27am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Greetings from Deathand, Texas Grave Mistakes: Paul Bearer Greetings from Vita, Minn Gregg De Winter is to Moderators what mosquitoes are to campers Great, now your're talking like a vorlon! - Ivanova Great snack: Fudge Frosting! Great Cubes Of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis Great to hear - any idea when the upgrade will ge out?? Graphics recorders will deposit more ink on humans than on paper Grasshoppotamus: A creature that can leap to tremendous heights... once Gravity isn't just a good idea... it's the law Great heavens! That's a laser! Great! My Kat's been cashing my reality checks again Gravity is a myth, the Earth sucks Green: is turbo! Greene's Summer Camp - not just for the criminally insane!!! Grandma got run over by a dragon, running from a cave on Xmas Eve Gravity: it's not just a good idea, it is the law! Greetings from Play, Tex Great Is Your Reward In Heaven !! Grep me no pattern and I'll tell you no lines Great minds always meet at infinity Grandma got run over by a reindeer, on the way home from our house Xmas Grass is always greener over the cesspool Greatness is a transitory experience. It is never consistent Greepers - People who walk up the down escalator to appear motionless Great warrior? War does not make one great. - Yoda Green Manilishi (With A Two Pronged Crown) -- Judas Priest Great. Just great. Riker Greed rules in a nation of fools Green with aprocot? That just might work! * Cat Greetings from Sprayin, Wash Grease gonna do a little offshore drillin tonite Great Dragons! Are you in trouble! Greetings and hallucinations. - Irv Koch Great fleas have little fleas. -- Augustus de Morgan Great, it's a cactus killer... Crow T. Robot Gravediggers die to do it Great minds run in great circles Gravity: more than just a good idea. It's the law! Grelb's Addition: ... if it was bad, it will be back Great minds discuss ideas; Small ones, people Gray hair is God's graffiti Graphic Artist seeks Boss with vision impairment Great chocolate ... a redundant term Gravity is a Commie plot to keep us on the level Gregg De Winter, CowTipping Conference Moderator Green Lawn Chairs: by Patty O'Furniture Grenades, ammo, flak jacket ----- ok, I'm ready to post Great. Just what we need. A manic bard who can't sing Greetings from Critical, Mass Grease Lightning Go Grease Lightning Gravity sure can be rough at times Great is Truth, and mighty above all things. - 1 Esdras 4:41 Gregg De Winter joins the echo. Moderator has a link cut party Green House theory proved wrong, Hot air due to heavy bean eating Great Gobs o' goose grease! A computer Great minds think alike, and steal the same taglines Gresiti je ljudski, ali je za potpuni haos potreban kompjuter Greetings from ORLANDO, FLORIDA !!!! Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance Greetings, Tim the Enchanter. - Arthur Great sex is like a sore dick, you can't beat either! Grandfather on his mothers side was a balding zombie-Crow Greatest Film ever: "Scott Of The Antarctic" Grdauaet @TO@ shcool of typign Great Lies #2: Engineering will have it tomorrow Great and good are seldom the same man. - Thomas Fuller Great recipes tempt me into becoming a kleptomaniac Gravity doesn't exist: the earth sucks Great sex is wonderful - bad sex isn't too bad, either Grandpa tribble with hearing aid: *? Green god Grass god Living god of the prairie Greetings from Scotland Great goal, @FN@! That was one in a million! Great SCOTT? They Were in Scotland! Greed is eternal. Quark Gravitation on automatic! - Kirk Greetings from beautiful downtown Workmans Corners Great minds meet at MRFA! Grelb's Reminder: If it was bad, it'll be back Greetings to from #UF#. #C# Great spirits are often met with violent opposition from mediocre minds. --Albert Einstein Great curves are found on young women and old guns Gravity: Not just a good theorem, it's the Law! Great ones! Thanks! Gravity isn't easy, but it's the law Graphic Artist seeks Boss with vision impairment Grandma got run over by a reindeer on the way home from our house Cmas e Grass is always greener before you smoke it Gravity isn't my fault. Hey, I voted for velcro Green thumb moon...Drop trowel Green. Blue. Ultra Violet. Mega Violent. - Entrippy Greensleeves! -- Mike Nelson Gravity doesn't exist. Earth sucks Great heavens, that's a laser! -- Dr. Scott Great Scott! This looks like a job for SUPERMAN! Gravity is the chief culprit in airplane crashes Grave diggers DO IT as a matter of corpse (pardon the pun Granny could feel the shape of the future, and it had knives in it [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00014 Date: 02/28/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:27am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Greetings from Belvedere,SC.-Augusta,GA is our suburb Grep..grep..grep... (Frog w/UNIX stuck in throat) Grape nuts is a social disease Gravity doesn't exist: the earth sucks, majorly Grdauaet of teh @TO@ shcool of typign Great effect. He's climbing on a postcard. -- Crow T. Robot Green sticks are not orange Greet Jehovah's Witnesses with a cheery "Satan is Lord." Green ball in center pocket! Spiderman Grantnap: Extra 5 mins of sleep that somehow makes all the difference Grandma went to cyberspace and all I got was this tagline Gray hair is a sign of age, not wisdom Great Old One Devours Power Rangers! Film at 11:00! Grape: Uninteresting larval stage of wine Gravity doesn't exist. The Earth sux Greetings from Hell, wish you were here Great thing about standards is so many to pick from! Green Grass And High Tides -- Outlaws Great shot, @TOFIRST@! That was one in a million! Great! So much for the plot! We're back at the beginning! Greaser: Landing claimed by all, witnessed by none Gravity is a myth. The Earth sucks Greetings from the Land of Two Seasons - This Winter and Last Winter Green Dragon White Tiger Great!....now, do you want my ex-wives? Grape Nuts - You open it up, no grapes, no nuts! What's the deal? Graphics programmer...A Cartesian coordinator Grandparents: reliable baby-sitting Great God, Phil, 81 gunboats and transports have passed here tonight Grease: The version they dared not make - Tom Great Americans of the Bible, a Time-Life series, order now $19.95 Great shot, Orville! That was one in a million! Grdauaet of teh @N@ shcool of typign Greeting Sheep Strangers: by Hugh R. Ewe Greed is eternal. - FRA #10 Great minds may at times think alike, if at all Greetings from the honored and highly steamed Moderator Grandma got run over by a dragon... running from a cave on Cmas Eve Greener's Law: Never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel Greater is none beneath the sun than oak and ash and thorn Great shot, #TN#! That was one in a million! Great shot, Mark! That was one in a million! Graphic Artist seeks Boss with visual impairment Green men Dr.? NO! little green blobs in bonded polycarbide armour Grape nuts? I didn't know grapes had nuts Gravity always wins Grape nuts? What do they do with the rest of the grape? Gravity. It's not just a good idea, it's the law! Great! My cat's been cashing my reality checks again Gravatationally enhanced: fat Gresiti je ljudski, ali je osecaj bozanski Great stuff, more ammo for the tagline dump... ;> Gravity is an illusion -- the Earth sucks Greetings from the Acme Explosives and Infernal Devices Comapny! Gravity brings be down Grandma got run over by a dragon Great truths come in small messages Gravidity - what keeps you from floating off the planet Greetings from Praise, Ala Great procrastination tagline, maybe I'll steal it tomorrow Graveyards are full of the indispensable Gray Council Member: We no longer know your heart, Delenn Great, but I need a script and a camera first... :) Great, it's a cactus killer - Crow as lazer shoots cactus Grape vines think alike Gravity brings you down Grave error: To do nothing because you can do little Great neglect is equivalent to fraud Great Cooks Are Not Found In Kitchens Only In Heaven Great... Just what I want to be... cute! -- Ro Great minds think alike Greetings from Marcuswelby, Md Grandma got run over by a reindeer Gravity increases expontentially with beer consumed Great men are made, not born. - Prince Charles Gravity is the absence of levitation. --Dr. Dimension Great wisdom comes from silence Great compassion is the root of all forms of worship Greetings, honoured and highly steamed Moderator Great Spirit Guide Me on the Sacred Path Great! Don't get cocky! Gravity sucks! - Issac Newton, rubbing his head Greed is Eternal Greetings from Hell's Half Acre Grandma got run over by a reindeer, on the way home from our house Great shot, @FN@! That was one in a million! Gravity is a myth. The Earth just sucks Gravity is a lie, the earth just sucks Great Cooks Are NOT Appreciated Greatings Earthling. Take me to your Sysop! Greetings from Marietta GA home of Lockheed and the F-22! Grep me no patterns and I'll tell you no lines Great, a murder on a Friday afternoon -Tom disappointedly Great! Now if we can just keep it from exploding! Great goal, @LN@! That was one in a million! Gray would be the color if I had a heart Gravity Tax for the rich Greetings from Near, Miss Greetings Hooman! We now accept Visa, MC, and AMEX! Great place to die, though. Real spooky! --Tom Servo [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00015 Date: 03/01/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:02am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Gul Kira, look at your chest; How many breasts do you see? Guest hosting for Rush tonight is Orville Bullitt Gross anatomy - the study of ugly people Guinan: Shut up, kid Guess who taught @TOFIRST@ to use a computer...? Gruesome. - Bugs Bunny Guitars better than women: You can rent a guitar without worrying Guess ya noticed *we* invented pizza Guess what's coming for dinner? -NOOOO!!! NOT CapsLock again?!!??! Group theorists DO IT either way Guitars better than women: You can have a guitar professionally adjusted Guinan: You made a living doing this? Ground beef: A cow with no legs Gul Grayson must be feeling daring today Guess I'll go take a leak. -Beavis Growing old is mandatory; growing up is not Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of government Guess what boys? It's naptime. - Ace Ventura Groups of the '90s: Kevorkian and the Grateful Dead Grossman's Misquote: Complex problems have simple, easy to understand wrong answers Groovy Grumble grumble growl hiss bitch whine piss moan Gretzky hasn't scored near as often as that Japanese player, Heeshutsee Guess I'll leave the light on...for you. Queensryche Gul Hemenover must be feeling daring today Guess I'll have to break the news/That I got no mind to lose  Ramones Grit and bear it Guess what, my husband isn't on the computer right now! Guest-Starring Barbara Rush as Nora Clavicle Gross: Living in the basement of an outhouse! Guesswork and luck come to play a great part in war. -Clausewitz Guillotine: A French chopping center Guess what? Tomorrow, someone's having a yard sale! - Yakko Warner Guilt as charged, your on-her! Group TRIBBLE: 117 taglines Guests who kill their talk show hosts. On the LAST Donahue Guardhouse lawyers are generally found in the guardhouse! Guest-Starring Malachi Throne as False-Face Guinan, can you make me a Pangalactic Gargleblaster? Guard your rights! Join the National Tag Line Xpress Association! Guess I had that comin'. - Sheridan Growing old is mandatory; Growing up is optional Greta, that's NOT what a covergirl puts in her body!-Greta's Mum Guess who taught @FN@ to use a computer...? Guitars better than women: You can take lessons on how to play a Guinness Book of Records... the BEER facts Group TOM: 248 taglines Guess it kind'a wore off - Tom Guantanamera... Guajira Guantanamera Guess I'll have to send the recipe police after ya Grits, a good excuse for butter when you can't afford a lobster Ground Control, trace this call and tell me where I am Guess what? There's mistletoe in my fannypack Guitars better than women: You can get a lighter set of strings Grow your own dope...plant a politicWELCOME.ANS Greyhound drivers DO IT with fewer stops Guess who's coming to dinner? -- Chekov Growl for me, let me know that you care! - Q to Worf Guest-Starring Vincent Price as Egghead Guitars better than women: You can play all the guitars you want for free Gross Ignorance: 144 Fundies Guess what, kid...life's a b*tch and so am I Gul Orville must be feeling daring today Gross negligence is equal to fraud Groundhog's Day, the time you can celebrate all spring or winter Guard your rights! Join the National Tagline Assoc Gross Ignorance: 144 athiests Groups of the '90s: The Mamas and the Mamas Grow up?!? Orville never finished his _first_ childhood. :-) Guard, be sure you take away @TOFIRST@'s belt, shoelaces and modem Gross denial: when Larry King says he's not liberal 144 times Gross - While doing an autopsy, the body suddenly twitches or moves Grrr! It is 'WORF,' Frank, *NOT* 'WOOF' Guitar players do it with wang bars and longer head stocks Grrrrrr! It's WORF not WOOF!!! Grumpy Old Men! Guest-Starring Art Carney as The Archer Growing old is not nice, but it's interesting Gross ignorance: 144 times worse than ordinary ignorance Grit your teeth. This is a serious tagline Guitars better than women: You can play the guitar with your bare fingers Groin Patrol! - Tom on odd camera angle Gross Ignorance: 144 times worse than ordinary ignorance Group Photo Grow your own dope, plant a POM Groan Network! Puns For Jesus Grrr! (growl some)! - Wookie First Mate Guess I'll have to send the Tagline police after ya Guess I'll have to send the *Tagsquad* after ya Guest-Starring Joan Collins as The Siren Grrr! It is 'WORF,' *NOT* 'WOOF' Gul Evek - I am Gul Evek Guitars better than women: You can make a guitar scream as loud as you want Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Haha! Thrust! Guacamoto...Japanese avocado dip Guillotine operator wanted. Chance to get ahead Guinan: I believe truth is in the eye of the beholder Guinan: That was setting #1. Anyone want to see setting #2? Guess it's not a good day to be a bad guy, eh Skank? -Eric Draven Growing older is mandatory, but growing up is optional [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F3D00016 Date: 03/01/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:03am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines