--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00033 Date: 02/16/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:14pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Garlic is to salad what insanity is to art Gates of Borg: OEMs will be assimilated Gamera, hey! Oh you Gamera, hey! Dig it - Tom jazz theme Gates : 1 inadequate man. 1 inadequate vision. Many inadequate products GUIDANCE FAILURE ON LOVE MISSILE F1-11 Gary say: Time for answering messages should = Time for Taglines. :-) Gary Caplan has been caught stealing taglines again GYMNASTS perform floor exercises Gal Excuse #4:Taking revenge for a slight facial scratch Gazing at people/Some hand in hand GYNEACOLOGISTS mostly sniff, watch and finger Gas and match make kitty go "WOOF"! Gay female spys : Lesbianage! Garak/Bashir lunches; Garak/Odo breakfasts; next: Garak/Kira dinners? GSB: Gulp and Store Bytes Gary and his TagXPro are my best *Tagline* hope ;-) GUITAR PLAYERS do it with a G-string GUN CONTROL: Using Both Hands Gamera's really neat! Gamera's full of meat! We love Gamera! Galileo: Condemned in 1633. Pardoned 359 years later. About time!! Gagbag: Little lined sack in the airline seat pouch in front of you Gay: If sh!t happens, decorate it GURU: One who knows more jargon than you Galactic Conquest or bust. -- Borg Gasp, someone else got thru the busy signal! Gave up my favorite diner. Am now eating at the "Y" GT Sysops have 1 thing in common! "P&MS" Gayness is like alcoholism: Newt Gingrich. Well Hic! Here'sh too ya! GROOVY! Would you believe I meant to do that? Not a chance, Big Fella GST: Goddamned Sales TAX Gang Leader: Mine's gettin' kinda old. Crow: Sorry to hear that Gary Caplan - Baltimore, Maryland (USA) Game Master (Maybe too old of one) Gay community in Calgary selling Fruit Cakes to promote gay pride! Gary, you'd better not think about swiping this tagline! Galladnium's Fantastic Technology - By West End Games Garmites: Clothing that fits in the store but shrinks on the way home Gate gate paragate parasamagate bodhi svaha Gary doesn't need a Life; he has TAGLINES! GTJ: Go To Jail Gay mush dogs prefer the unchanging scenery Gather ye taglines while you may Gates's girlfriend discovers why he's called "Mr MicroSoft" Galbraith's Law of Political Wisdom: Anyone who says he is not going to resign, Gas grenades... Don't talk to me about gas grenades. -- Recoil Garlic roll, Barnabas? Garlic? Aieeeee!! GUI is sort of like "icky" GUN(n): the perfect solution to that cat-box odor problem Gajan Kristnaskon kaj Felican Novan Jaron --Esperanto Christmas Garlic? Mama mia! Have you got the wrong vampire! Gay entertianment can be a real drag Gangway: On boarding ship, the point of no return Garbage in, reality out Gaagh is always best when served live GROWL! Sheesh...remind me never to lick in the wrong direction! Gasoline and a match make Kitty say "Whoooooffff!" Garden: Rows of vegetables to keep t Garmites: Clothing that fits well in the store but shrinks on the way home Gamera is a great guy....BUT DON'T CROSS HIM! GUARANTEED: All bugs out of Windoze. By 2095, of course GROWL the SNORT GRUMBLE possessed GRRRRRR newsgroup ROOAARRR! Garcon! Take this grenade to the Chef Orville, very quickly, please Gasoline engine, diesel fuel GUN CONTROL......the ability to hit what you aim at GSI: Generate Spurious Interrupts Gambling: fast way to throw money away Garlic is good for you Gather round like cattle and ye shall be herd Gads! You want me to *think*? GUI:A set of pretty pictures to entertain the illiterate Gargle twice daily - see if your neck leaks Garry Baker - Conference Sysop - Black Gold BBS Gambled at work, lost my awl Gary Hart: living proof that you *can* screw your brains Garlic gum is not funny. - Bart's Board Gawd I love blondes Gays don't recruit, but Christians sure as Hell do! Garcon! Take this grenade to the Chef Bullitt, very quickly, please Gays don't recruit children, but Christians sure do! Garibaldi ... is ranked a Chief Warrant Officer Gay Lingo: To be "Outed" is to have another proclaim that you are gay GROG! Gaffa tape is like the force; It has a light side and a dark side Gates: 640k should be enough for everybody Gay bashers are closet queers Gary Caplan's friends' dream = a Moderator's nightmare Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing Garlic gum is not funny - Bart Simpson Gde je taj Bill Gates da mu ja kazem par stvari? Gambling: Fast Money GUI: Ghastly Unusable Interface GUMBAH - Tom's super hero Game point--nobody wins... Gawd I'm such a messaging whore! GUI: A set of pretty pictures to amuse illiterates GUI's, We have to use those extra Mhz's somehow! Gay password <--C : ### (Enter colon pound pound pound) Gawd! I HATE Edmonton! Gas smells awful; Geanealogists do it generation after generation after generation [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00034 Date: 02/16/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:14pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Gay Female Spies: Lesbianage Gays in the military bring new meaning to "Rear Admiral" Garibaldi, there are days I'm glad I don't have to think the way you do! Gave up on a happy medium, settled for a reasonably contented X-large Gde si sada, baby, ko ti decu pravi GRETA GARBO - Alone at Last Gary L. Anderson, Congressman (N.Y.), was an Eagle Scout Gambling: by Monty Carlos Gay Christian or Christian Gay? Gather around you little twits ! It's Howdy Doody Time ! GROWL the SNORT GRUMBLE possessed GRRRRRR bbs ROOA Garibaldi, it's time to feed the Vorlon Gaelic - What you speak after drinking too much Scotch! Gateman sees name, garageman sees name tag Gamera! Gamera! Let's just get it over with! - Bots sing Gavel doesn't quite hit the bench Gay politicians are always seeking mandates Gator mah foot! That there's an honest tah'gawd Everglade dragon, son Gde cemo? Aj u zbunje! GROK; As in "I GROK" = thorough understanding.(From Heinlin) Garanteed Zero Defekts and Errers! GROK-As in "I GROK" means thorough understanding Galbraith's Law of Political Wisdom: Anyone who says he is not going to resign, four times, definitely will Gardnerians do it with scourges Gallup Poll: Kim 3%, Jean 2%, Audrey .5% Anyone else: 94.5% Gay Whales Against the Bomb! Garfield's Eating Tip: Never eat anything that's on fire Gamera is really neat, Gamera is filled with meat Gallstone surgeons - Little Rock, AR Gaza Strip? I thought you wanted Zsa Zsa strip Garry Baker - Temporary Conference Host GUI: Gross Undesired Interface Gary's cleverly disguised as a responsible adult GYMNASTS do it with grace Gave myself a hot foot - Mike after hazing himself G_C_U Trek: The Text Generation Gary Caplan Gamera is really neat. He is full of turtle meat GUTS is: Telling the moderator he's off topic Gas all decks but this one! - Kirk Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming Gardeners DO IT on their knees Gates change a lightbulb? He doesn't. He declares dark the standard Gay Rush Limbaugh: spread homophobia among gays! Gary has no Elvis in him at all Garrick Utley in Allie Sheedy's Frankenstein... -- Tom Servo Gangs don't kill people with legally purchased guns Gay Lingo: To "Come out of the closet" is to proclaim that you are gay GUS what I've got ?! Gas up eat beans Gary Trudeau for President! GYMNASTS mount and dismount the best Geanealogy isn't always dead easy!! GUN: A simple tool for transporting lead to a far off place! Gamera's enchantment still grows - Mike as lounge singer Game over, man! Game over! -Hudson Gaelfriend: your irish companion Garlic gum is not funny -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G13 Games don't kill productivity, people do Gary say: Tagline like *sex* and ZIP file. Can be used over & over! GYROPED - A kid who cannot resist spinning around on a diner stool Gardeners believe in plant parenthood Garry Baker - Penny's Assistant Gary, it looks like you've leapt into a tagline! GURU-(noun) Great Understanding, Relatively Useless Gateses to divorce! Wife refuses to do Windows Galacticomm is a Major mistake GST: Going South Tax Gay man to friend: "It's all Greek to me!" Gary say: Gary shorter word than Confucius. More room for Tagline Garlic is the catsup of intellectuals Garbage In -- Gospel Out GREYHOUND DRIVERS do it with fewer stops Game show hosts do it behind Door #3 Gagh...breakfast of champions! Gawkgauging: Looking into the cockpit of an airplane as you board Gay?.....no....but I *DO* get awful f*cking happy from time to time Garak's Clothiers - Phaser burn repairs my speciality! Game Blaster is NOT Adlib compatible Gasoline prices are inversely proportional to your gas gauge GUITAR PLAYERS had their licks Gaze into the future -- say NO to drugs Game Game Game Eat Game Game Game Sleep Game Game Game Gazite mrave! I oni bi gazili vas kada bi mogli! Gay by Nature - Proud by Choice Game over, man! GAME OVER!!! GUELPH: The sound a dog makes when it throws up Gamblers do it by chance Gates of Borg: "You will be assimilated in '94...no, '95...'96?" GUN CONTROL: 6 Shots; 6 Hits Gary's measuring quotes to see if they will make Taglines.- Myra Fox Gde mi je srafciger :) Gay men talk about movies like straight men talk about sports Geanealogy - One step forward, two steps back Gary, you forgot the bloomin' TAGLINE Gardeners DO IT on the bushes Gal Excuse #12: Borrowing clothing and finding them baggy Games would be so much easier without players Galoob Sucks huh huh huh huh Gaack is always best when served live [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00035 Date: 02/17/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:10pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Gender feminists are statistically impaired Genealogy: Tracing yourself back to people better than you are Genealogists read backwards Genealogy: An Addictive And Infectious Disease Gee, I love your approach - now let's see your departure Geeze! When did my wild oats get "rolled over?" Gee, I hope your not in our military Gee that lightning sure is bri#@$%^#$%^...NO CARRIER Gee, Wally, Why do people use Windows? Dunno Beav Genealogy: Looking for needles in haystacks Generic Tagline v5: [ ]Flame Moderator [X]Flame Sysop [ ]Flame user Generic Tag Line #9 Gee, let me think...sure! - Ace Ventura General Delivery one of the great generals - Tom Genealogists do it yesterday,and last week,month,year,decade,century Geez, that lightning is close b... NO COMPUTER General. Welcome to Babylon 5. - Ivanova Genealogy is great when you score! Genealogy = A DNA square-dance in the Thighlight Zone Geco wasn't abused as a child, but should have been Genealogy: chasing your own tale Gee, Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore Gee that bear smells. No wonder they call him Pooh. --Chris Robin Gee, said Tom sinisterly Gee, Ken, being a Network Administrator = Fun being a Sysop! Genealogists do it off the record Gee, look at all them indians! - George A. Custer General notions are generally wrong Gee, Brain, what are we gonna do tonight? - Pinky Generic Industry Standard recipe General failure reading drive A: - Please remove fist Geneology - It's not who you know. It's who conceived Ya! Genetics: proof that God gambles. Clinton: proof He lost Gees, I can't get it out. - Tenchi Gene Police: Bullitt! Out of the pool! Gee, are you sure its supposed to be at a rolling boil? Geco: Graduate of the Uncle Fester School of Party Etiquette Genealogy is RELATIVE only to the persons involved Geez, look at you... just out of the shower, and all wet! Gee, Odo, I didn't know you were hiding in the toilet! Genealogists never die, they just lose their roots Genealogists are time unravelers Genealogy: Better than the best adventure game and just as frustrating Gee, dad. I wish you'd let mom drive, it's more exciting Gee thanks...I feel so much better General Tagline Error: Abort, Retry, Fail? General Failure Reality Check: (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)rug Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance Gene Rodenberry, 1921-1991 Shakka, when the walls fell Gelignite suppository Genealogy: Sort-a Like-a "time machine" Genealogists looking for dead people are not ghouls Geco, don't you have a terribly empty feeling ---- in your skull? Gee, Toto. I don't think we're in Miami anymore! Genealogy. Tracing descent from someone who didn't Genes: Come in stone washed or plain blue Genealogists do it generation after generation after generation General things are to be put before particular things Gee! And some jerk said my TAGLINES weren't real too Genealogy: People collecting people! Gee, I wonder if anyone will believe that line of Bull! Gee... what a cute little tagline! Genealogist: tracing descent from someone who didn't Gen. Campbell was RIGHT! Gene Police: You! Jones! Out of the pool! General! Ambassador! You can't fight in here! This is the War Room Gender feminizts are statistically impaired Gee, thanks. - Anna Steven General, prepare your troops for a surface attack. -- Vader Geez! I must be Lawful Good! I believe in the Rules! Geco, have you ever written: "I never make misteaks!" ? Geco's a few tiles short of a successful re-entry Genetists DO IT with sick genes Genealogy is a T-R-E-E-rific hobby! General Failure reading John Dvorak Generals don't smash chairs over people's heads! * Rimmer Gee, Ward, weren't you kind of hard on the Beaver last night? Gene Police: Hey YOU! Get out of this pool Geneology: chasing your own tale Generic Tagline v 6.01 Genealogists never lose their jobs, there is always another branch! Genealogy is an easy hobby! Win a lottery and relatives find you Gee, thanks! *MWAH*!!! - Yakko Genealogy: A search for the greatest treasures, our ancestors General Quarters! Security condition 3! - Kirk Genealogists do it in the library Genealogist caught trying to chop down family tree! Genereic Condoms: A new condom for cheap fuckers! General failure error reading author's mind! Generic Condoms: A new condom for cheap fuckers! Geev eet to heem! Geev eet to heem! Geez! Has this subject hit my 'hot' button, or what? Geez, have you ever seen so many Orcs? Guys? Guys? Gene Police: YOU! Out of the pool Gee, I should have had another Cold Frosty Bud -Socrates Genealogist: One always in search of a good dead man! Geco's a few bricks shy of a load Genealogist caught chopping down family tree! Microfilm at 11:00 Generic, non_offensive, non_funny tagline... boring, eh? Gene Police: Grigsby!! Out of the pool! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00036 Date: 02/17/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:11pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines