--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] GM: General Mainteneance GI: Whistling while you work. BI: Whistling while you eat GATT - God-Awful Trade Treaty GAWD! Whutta tagline LEEEEEEEECH! G-PHILES: Text more interesting than a sysop could write alone GOOD friends are your CHOSEN family!!!! GI: Playing the scales on the piano. BI: Playing the scales on a fish G-d will judge you in the manner in which you judge others GO BIG RED: Big 8 Champs! Football & Volleyball in '94 GAYS do it better in the end GNOMES do it with mushrooms GHENGIS.COM will conqueror all RAM addresses GORS: GO Real Slow GO HOME! Sorry Commander, it didn't work. - Rick Hunter GE Dash 9's.....An ALCo in a tuxedo GOVERNMENT.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot Washington D.C. (Y/n)? GOOD HEAVENS, Whew, For A MOMENT there It Was All Starting To Make GAFF SCHOONER: _______~|~|\\_________ GECOWAVE : Black or Blue...Here's one screwed up Wave ! G, D & Hoping to heck Scotty has my coordinates! GOBLET: A young turkey GOP '96: Lies made, lies exposed! GI Joe kills Barbie... News at 15:42:43 GD&RVFVF Grinning, Ducking and Running, Very Far, Very Fast GNU: The opposite of old GLLEP! GEOGRAPHERS do it continentally G, D & CTRL-ALT-DELETING #~... NO CARRIER GOLF PLAYERS always sink their putts GET OUT OF JAIL FREE tagline GM: Generous Motors GOLFER(n): yells "Fore!",takes Five,writes down Three GMC: Get More Chicks GET OFF MY SHIP * Picard GENEOLOGY - When Barbara Eden visits her OB/GYN GET SLACK! GOVERNMENT.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot London (Y/n)? GOOD! ... Get *RID* of them! GOE, Antwerp GEOS: The ORIGIONAL GUI, (Windoze was #3 after MAC!!!) GIVE ME TOAST OR GIVE ME DEATH! GOD.COM not found. Atheist mode ON GI: Playing piccolo in marching band BI: Playing piano in marching band GO 'WAY! You can no have brains! Bruno have them first! GORBACHEX: Popular Russian Breakfast cereal GNet EMS Connections! BBS 609/692-4126 Vineland NJ GET DOWN! SHE HAS PMS, AND SHE'S GOT A GUN!! GFM: Go Forth and Multiply GOP National Convention: Day of the Jackals G-rated sex? Now that's a different one. hahaha GO PRI Send Private Mail GEnie: Once thought to be magical, now not thought of much at all GO Wolf pack... Go GM has a better idea! Buy a Toyota GOUT, n. A physician's name for the rheumatism of a rich patient GET YOUR OWN TAGLINE !! GOP=Genuinely Obfuscated Pygmies GODISNOWHERE G.I. Series -- soldiers' ball game GARDENERS have 50 foot hoses GEHIRN.SYS corrupted - load TRATSCH.SYS [Y/N]? GP fault at 0009:0483 - Operator halted! G-d never laughs at my jokes GOD is REAL - unless defined INTEGER GLH Computers -- Looking for parts REPLY to Greg for info GMC - Get More Chicks GENEALOGY FEVER: A Deadly And Infectious Disease GOOD MORNING!: An opinion - not a greeting GAINING MOMENTUM....HAMMER GMC: Got More Crap GLITCH: Gremlins Loose In The Computer House G.G. Liddy? I know that name. Something about a felony G.O.D.----- Great Omnipresent Discrepancy GIRLFRIEND [ ] LUSTING [X] HAPPY WITH JOB [X] GMC: Got Mechanic Coming G-d is not dead. He is alive and autographing bibles today GOD bless the ignorant, weak and self righteous GOLF: - Got Another Little Friend GOOD GOES !!! GEORGE WASHINGTON - He *Doesn't* Lie, Here or Anywhere GOOD twins?? This could stink.- Earthworm Jim's Evil Twin GO FAX YOURSELF....(G) GAD, a refugee from AUTORACE.....! GD&R Grinning, Ducking & Running (@ end of "nasty" message) GFD: Go Forth and Divide GI Series: Baseball series for soldiers GIVE: Support the helpless victims of computer err GO AHEAD SHOOT ME ! Oh shit ... Brandon Lee (The Crow) GETTING BEHIND? OFF Top... oh, yes, I see what you mean GALOOB = Greedy Arrogant Loathesome Opportunistic Offensive Bastards! GENT: GENerate Thesis GEOLOGISTS are great explorers GI: Dressing for Halloween as a pirate. BI: Dressing as a pinata GOLF: A game where the ball usually lies poorly and the player well GASP!!! DONALD!!! YOU'RE NAKED!!! - Daisy Duck GLG Goofy Little Grin G, D & Putting on Blindfold & Smoking Cigarette GE999 BBS will take you on a journey to the stars! GOD made man; Winchester made them equal GO AWAY...No one else will talk to me while you're around [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00027 Date: 02/15/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:38am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] GIRLS NIGHT OUT....TORONTO G=girls, PG=pretty girls, PG-13=pretty girls over age 13 GEORGE did it with a Bush in hand GM's love a hero. GM's also love a good joke...Think about it GAP: Grade All Projects GI: Doing your own yard work. BI: Doing your own dental work GAMBLERS do it with a kidde (kitty) GOD.SYS not found. Use (W)ICCA.SYS? GEOGRAPHERS do it globally G.I. Series -- Soldiers' baseball game GR: Get Real GO TO YOUR ROOM!! That was a horrible tagline! GMC: Gay Mens Car G.E. We bring good things to death. - Joel Robinson GOVERN.SYS corrupted; reboot the suckers out? (Y/N) GIRLS WANTED: No experience necessary GOD intends to resign - as soon as a replacement can be found GALLANTRY: To do a perfectly unselfish act for selfish motives GOLFERS swing a stiff shaft GECO: Any smarter and he could be a slug GL: Get Lost G.I. Series: Military baseball game G-spot, I'm all the way up to the P-spot! GOSUB:coffee; work;RETURN: GORT! Klaatu...Barrada...Nihto GRADUATE: Klingon Warrior Academy GI: Having breakfast served in bed. BI: Having tennis balls served GAZPACHO SOUP! -- Rimmer GARIBALDI! -Ivanova/Babylon 5 GAELIC-SCOT: Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur GDW Grin, Duck, and Weave GCR: Generate Confusing Results GENITAL: not a Jew GREETING : How the f**k are you? GATE.GRD found in drive A: (A)bort, (R)UN!, (V)iolent site gag? GIE: Generate Irreversible Error GI: Cleaning up litter. BI: Cleaning up kitty litter GMCC: Generate Machine Check and Cash GENITAL: not Jewish G.B. Shaw's Law: Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, administrate GRAFITTI IS COOL GLB stands for Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals GAME WARDENS do it with animal instinct GIWIST Gee I Wish I'd Said That GHOST, n. The outward and visible sign of an inward fear GARBAGEMEN come once a week GP> WD> KF> JP> MM> BG> JH> MF> stop quoting this GIF - God-Awful IBM format GOD: "Let there be light!" (bartender gives him a BUD) GENITALS.....People of non-Jewish orirgin GOOD THING ABOUT A SHORT MEMORY - You make new friends everyday GN> Hi I am looking for a list of tags GIF, n: a means of transporting pornographic representations GCAR: Get Correct Answer Regardless G-d must love stupid people; He made so many of them GND: Guess at Next Digit GM Advice: Conan the Barbarian cannot safely be translated to RPG GENERAL FAILURE A>bort, R>etry, F>ire Shotgun ? GENIUS: Someone who can do anything except earn a living GENEALOGISTS: It's 1997: Do you know where YOUR great grandparents are? GOD STRIKES YOU !! "What, played already two hours?" G-d is subtle but He is not malicious GCDPS - Good Collective Destination for Parental Search GRAFFITO: "Do you like heavy reading? Read the bathroom scale." GEAR LEVER: Biggensticken fur Kangaroochoppen GERRY NORMANDEAU waits in anticipation as Sommer unsheathes her Claws and GDP: Grin Defiantly at Programmer GNU PROGRAMMERS do it for free and they don't give a damn about look & feel GAME OVER ** HIGHEST SCORE: 245,837,282 YOUR SCORE: 247 GONE CHOPIN - BE BACH IN A MINUTE GRANITE: Cede or give, as in "Granite to us, O Lord.." G, D & Moving to strike that last statement, your honor GAFIA Get Away From It All GOOD SHOT, KURT! GMC: Grungy Merchandise GORO: Forwarned is four armed G.I. Series: An Army ballgame GEOS - The GUI with all but the appetite for hardware! GO4IT: Go for it! GARY LARSEN - Farther Out Than Ever GEORGE did it in the Bush GORGE(n): eat well GEORGE STARK - 1975-1988 - Not a Very Nice Guy GIF: Gee, It's Free -- the easiest method for porn distribution GRAVITY: Not just a good idea--its the law! GMC: Generate Machine Check GARDENERS do it on the bushes GMC: Gotta Mechanic Coming GMC: Generally Mediocre Cars G. I. SERIES: Baseball game tween' teams of soldiers GO BIG RED: Football & Volleyball- Going for more in '94 GAME OVER * HIGH SCORE = 6,746,895 YOUR SCORE = 130 GPS: Global prosimian system GMAC: Got Me Another Car GOVERNMENT'S LAW: There is an exception to all laws GO BOARDLESS!! -- Simon Peter's School of Surf GOD I hope this rolls over before Savage calls back GET ON THAT GROOVY TRAIN!!! GATES: Proof that pirates can become mega-rich heroes GC> In my book, food should be nutrition and entertainment. * Calvin [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00028 Date: 02/15/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:38am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] GOD is *not* dead!!! He's merely giving you more time GP> JC> Cigarettes are killers that travel in packs GOMER PYLE - The Marine Corpse G=Guns PG=Plenty of Guns PG-13=Over 12 Guns R=aRsenal NC-17= GARDEN;BOTAN;FLOWER;TREE GRAMMAR POLICE AT WORK - CLEANING UP THE LANGUAGE GODZONE : Godzilla's birthplace? G=Guns, PG=Plenty of Guns, PG-13=Over 12 Guns, R=aRsenal, X=Target GECO.COM failed. Missing CPU GOSUB = Avoid and then crash GI: Play catch w/grandfather. BI: Play catch WITH your grandfather GADZOOKS! My JOY knows no BOUNDS! GALILEO: Nevertheless, I still move GGrreeaatt hhoouussee!! IItt''ss aa ffuull--dduupplleexx GOP Christmas card: Season's Greedings! GOSH...an ordinary egg beater...how fortutitous...- Peter Puppy GAFIATE: Get Away From It All (as in drop out of Fandom) GAY = Got Aids Yet? G.I. Series ... Baseball game between teams of soldiers G.B. Shaw's Law: Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach GREP: Global Ruin, Expiration, and Purgation GOD OF THUNDER: Walk softly and carry a big HAMMER! GBB: Go to Back of Bus GARKIN, YOU ILLCONCEIVED SON OF A WOMBAT! - Aahz G.w., never trust a dog with orange eyebrows GNet: Open foot, Insert mouth, Echo international GAY - Good As You GOLFER--Yells "Fore!", Takes Five, Writes Down Three GLAZING: Corporate-speak for sleeping with your eyes open GC: "So you went for the big E?" CK: "Wet and wild!" GENIUS at work! (he left me in charge 'til he gets back) GI: Feeding stray kittens. BI: Feeding stray kittens to a bear G.I. Series: Army baseball GLOCK 23: *REAL* protection for todays needs GOOD:Nobody saw me steal the latinum. - BAD:Argh! Odo IS the latinum! GI: Buying a pair of shoes on sale. BI: Buying a parachute on sale GNU programmers DO IT for free & don't give a damn about look & feel GPF - the Microsoft Award for Programming Excellence G.I. Series (def.) - Army baseball GOTO, GOING TO, GONE TO - Borg subroutines GHOST: Shoreline, as in "I live on the ghost." GREM: Generate Random Error Message GREEKS do it with their brothers and sisters GRADUATES do it by degrees GENERALS have something to do with the stars G.I. Series - baseball game for soldiers GIGO bleech !!!!! - Darkwood GAMERS do it by the rules GOLDEN SHOWERS.....What rich people have in their bathrooms GOP? Yes, you are excused GOOD: your daughter's on the Pill;BAD:she's 13;WORSE: ..months! GASPATCHO SOUP! - Rimmer GET OFF THE DRUGSS!! YOU'RE HAVING A FIT !! GPCR: Generate Petty Cache Request GIVE generously: support the hapless victims of network error GOVERNMENT.SYS corrupted. Reboot Bill of Rights? (Y/n) GARGOYLE: Eases a sore throat G.I. Series: Baseball game between soldiers GODISEVERYWHERE GI: Finding Easter eggs on Easter. BI: Finding Easter eggs on Xmas GANGRENE -n. The favorite color of a band of hoodlum GONSNO: on an 85 Jeep CJ-7 GM: Garbage Makers GOLFERS do it in 18 holes GENETISTS do it with sick genes GR82CU! HST nix ? M8 nix! CUL8ER! GOOD THING ABOUT A SHORT MEMORY - You forget your worries G.E. We bring good things to life GET REAL! Elvis is DEAD! Accept it! GDL Customer Guarantee: "You no longer have a problem." G, D & CTRL-ALT-DELETING #~cb+ NO CARRIER GOVT.SYS corrupt - (R)ecall, (R)ebel, (E)ject GET READY FOR ACTION! REX DART: ESKIMO SPY GGGde mmi je LSD GIANNI AGNELLI - Fiat Accompli GI: Kissing a loved one. BI: Kissing a total stranger GI: Tossing penny into fountain. BI: Tossing your cousin Penny in GRACE - God's Redemption At Christ's Expense GRASP: What you want to do to the models in this "movie" format GI: Give your dog a bath. BI: Have your dog dry-cleaned GOD ERROR #01 -Universe 98% full. Delete EARTH.SYS (Y/N) GOOD, adj. Sensible, madam, to the worth of this present writer GENERAL SYSTEM FAILURE! (R)eboot, (R)epair, (R)eplace GERALDO requires a week! No, can I? GENTLEMAN: one who plays the bagpipes but doesn't! GAMES!SEMAG!GAMES!SEMAG!GAMES!SEMAG!GAMES!SEMAG!GAMES! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00029 Date: 02/15/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:38am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] GO MAVERICKS!! and please take the Rangers and Cowboys GIF'S, The GIF That Keeps On GIFFing G.T.i. Got Tossers Inside GAY ABANDON - Homosexual repellent perfume GORBACHEX: Russian breakfast cereal GOD Good Orderly Direction GOD Gang Of Drunks GIRDLE: A device to keep an un GET OFF THE DRUGS!... YOU'RE HAVING A FIT! GOLDILOCKS - *This* Casket is Juuuuust Right GI: Going skiing in winter. BI: Going skiing in summer GOOD GIRLS GOES TO HEAVEN, BAD GIRLS GOES EVERYWHERE....MEAT GC>tell when the Sysop's out of town.)) `Nuff to drive him & me crazy! GOSSIP: The more interesting, the less likely to be true GET A LIFE. Cost. 50 cents GERALD FORD does it on his face GI: Playing horsey w/little sis. BI: Playing horsey w/Aunt Bertha GOVT.SYS corrupt. Reboot President? (Yes/No/Conspire to Assasinate) GI: Ordering a chilidog to go. BI: Ordering one that makes you go GR8SPCL: Great Specials GARDENERS do it twice a year and then mulch it G, D & Acquiring Guard Dog GIGANTIC! GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT WATCH! LAY OFF THE POOR BEAVERS! - GL: Geez, Louise! See GRASP (and watch it and watch it...) GIVE UP---To let your children run amok GRACE = God's Riches At Christ's Expense GEORGE BUSH does it in a kinder, gentler way GIGO = Garbage in, gospel out GI: Stopping to smell the roses. BI: Stopping to feel the roses GR8LAKE: Great Lake(s) GAMBLERS do it on a hunch GEOMETERS do it constructively GI: Visiting McLean, Virginia. BI: Visiting McLean Stevenson GAUCHE: Proceeds, as in "How gauche it with you?" GOD I LOVE BULLSH.....I MEAN BBSING...you light up my life..{SEG} GM Association: Monsters do not kill people. We do GOVT.SYS corrupt: (A)ssassinate (R)ebel (I)mpeach GOD has given me permission to own an assault rifle! GO AWAY! - PADD message from Bashir to Dax GC: "Kramer!" JS: "Now, THERE's a character." GC NECROCOMEDIAN: The Book of Dead Jokes GET OUT OF MY CHAIR-Picard GEOLOGISTS do it in folded beds GASPATCHIO SOUP! * Rimmer GARAGE: Der Hieway Robberung GOOD GRAVY, WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON? GIBB - NOT Stayin' Alive like my brothers GOD intends to resign - when a replacement can be found GMTA Great Minds Think Alike GARIBALDI! --Ivanova GOVT.SYS corrupt: (A)ssasinate, (R)ebel, (I)mpeach? G, D & Reaching for Fire Extinguisher GIF at 11! GOOD MAN/GOOD WOMAN....BONNIE RAITT GNET The No*Name BBS Wilm,DE Where YOUR 2 cents COU GOOD HUMOR IS THE HEALTH OF THE SOUL, SADNESS THE POISON GRAMMARIANS do it in conjunction GFHM#04: Do *not* go into a new echo and ask What do y'all do here? GOD made Pot, Man made Booze.....Who do you trust? GOLFERS get teed off GOVERNMENT.SYS corrupted. Reboot Constitution? (Y/n) GM: General Mistake GAMERA! But, I don't have any film GO HOUSTON ROCKETS! ALL THE WAY TO NBA WORLD CHAMPS! GO ROCKETS GO! G. Gordon Liddy in '96! G, D & ATH0 %a+! NO CARRIER ATDT911 GN> You Know You Are A Pagen Red Neck When GORE = Gennifer's Only Remaining Enterprise GOLF: The Colection: Compiled by Chris Freeh G: Tagletter GONAD........A mythical barbarian created by R. E. Howard G, D & Getting Sex Change Operation (Would you hit a lady?) GOT ANY COMPLAINTS? CALL 1-800-WAA-AAAA G-d said "Let there be cats!" and was promptly ignored GAMERA! GAMERA! Okay, okay, I'll get the camera! GIRL PREGNANT - (M)arry (I)gnore (A)bort G=Girls. PG=Pretty Girls. PG-13=Pretty Girls over the age of 13 GABBA GABBA HEY GLUTTON: A person who escapes the evils of moderation by committing dyspepsia GFHM#001>Created by MYRA I FOX and GARY CAPLAN GONE! GOTO 10 ' This line should mess up offline mail readers GOD DON'T DEDUCT DAYS FISHING FROM OUR LIFE** GLC: Generate Lewd Comment G- t- h-ll -ssh-l- .........buy a vowel! buy a vowel! GEOLOGISTS do it eruptively, with glow, and always smoke afterwards GNU programmers DO IT for free & don't give a darn about look & feel G-d wants you to THINK... not THUMP!!! GMC: Gotta Nechanic comming G.I. Series: A military baseball game GEORGE BURNS - Oh, God III! (Just the Understudy Now) GOSSIP: Good memory with a tongue hung in the middle of it GENEALOGY is my hobby. I collect ancestors & descendants GOD IS DEAD, AND NO ONE CARES...--NiN GC: "What were her exact words?" JS: "'I don't like him.'" GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out GEOLOGISTS know how to make the bedrock GENERIC TAGLINE * I have no imagination! GMs Motto: Never kill a character without first humiliati [End Tags]