--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00023 Date: 02/14/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:00am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Fun? FUN? What "fun?" I'm a Sysop! G'Kar: Would you prefer to be conscious or unconscious during mating Funny Name: Harod F. Mishmash Funny Name: J. J. Oladipupo Fundamentalism: an effective form of mirth control Fuzzy logic: A Vulcan contemplating a Tribble Fundamentalism: Believe in a kind, loving God or we'll kill you Fundie-itis: Please help find the cure Full Auto Mode...combat's simplest mediator Funny, everyone who agrees with me sounds so sensible Futon of Borg. You will be assimilated and then become a cou Funny you should use the word "taste" Fun is when you don't remember how you had it G'head! Tell me what you REALLY want Funny! The more I learn the more I seem to need to learn!OJW Funny, I don't bore myself Fruit Loops are cheerio's on drugs Fudd's First Law of Opposition: Push something hard enough and it will fall over Funny though, it didn't do it *this* time! Funny Bunny was buying *Baby* shoes....Hummmmmm Funny...I could've sworn I stole this tagline from YOU Funeral fun: Tell the widow that you're the deceased's gay lover Funny, only sensible people agree with me Fuzzy logic - a Vulcan petting a Tribble Fueled by inertia, depth, radius, and velocity, Frustrated Incorporated G'Kar: We will destroy them, or they will destroy us Full Moon: by Seymour Buns Funny, but the damage doesn't look as bad from out here Fun, fun, fun, til his wife takes his Blue Wave away! Fundamentalist: List of mental patients with loose purse strings! Funny Tagline Part Deux! Futuristic: It only runs on the next-generation supercomputer G'Kar: What happened, run out of small childern to butcher? Fume, c'est du belge Funny Name: I Wanna Looney Fuck'em if they can't take a joke Funny... Fuunnnnnyyyy... - Fozzy Bear Funny Name: Naughtybird Curtsey Fundie libraries only have room for one book...pity Full throttle, dry tank G'day, Bruce! Oh, Hello Bruce! How are you Bruce? Fundamentalist libraries only need shelf space for one book FunBoy: You gonna lecture me, or what? Funny Name: Fleno Bobo Fuzzy Logic - a Drunk Vulcan! Funny, I just knew you were going to say that Future, n. That period of time in which our affairs prosper, our friends G'Kar: There is nothing to mediate, Delenn Funny, these cookies don't taste anything like Girl Scout Funny how people die of dangers they said didn't exist Funk dat! -Beavis Fundamentalism: Fund; send cash, amentalism; without a brain Funny Name: Fawntreba Pyrtle G'Kar: You've already made the challenge! Furniture breaking...Love Making...the same thing in tlhIngan Hol Fuzzy Logic Options...(O)n (O)ff (O)pen (O)K (O)kay (O)nly (O)r Funnier than Johnny Carson, but then again, who isn't? Funny Fuuuuunnny... Fozzy Bear Funny Name: Curt Puke Funny Name: Xavier Yopp Full moon and empty parms Funny, all the sensible people agree with me Funeral fun: Leave some phony dog poop on top of the deceased Fun, fun, fun, 'til his daddy takes his MODEM away! Fundamentalist: An extinct creature too stupid to die Funny Name: Hadassah Mae Cheatum Fuck me if i am wrong, but do you want a screw? Frugality is a handsome income. (Erasmus) Furries - Bisexual gun nuts into BnD? Next on Geraldo Fun! Young! Tag-X Have Be Use Professional! Fu jung hai. Without eggs please. (c)1993 DJO FunSpots: Going strong!! Furtblurt: The hot dog vendor at the ballpark Furry Forever! Fweeze! Powesse! - Constable Fudd G'DAY MATE!! Throw anotha' Cat on the Barbie!! G'Quon spoke of a great war, long ago.--G'Kar Fundamentalism: Fund=give cash; amentalism=without brains Fuzzy theorists (and Zen Monks) both do it & don't do it Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear - Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair! Funny or not funny floating? Frhliche Weihnachten und ein glckliches Neues Jahr -German Christmas Funny - I won't miss him G'Kar: The question is do you have the courage to back it up? G'Kar: You are not a follower of G'Kwan? Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he? Funny Name: Cleyon Loonsfoot Full moon risen and my fever is high. - Eagles Funny Name: Tensil Cheesebrew G'day from the City of Elizabeth Frump! (c) 1993 Jo Peshek Inc. All rights deserved Funny noises are not funny -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F20 Fyberspace...Electron milieu Future, n. That period of time in which our affairs prosp Funny, she doesn't look Druish Fulcrums fly and Falcons die Fruit Loops: Gay Cheerios Full circle. Huh. Guinan Funny Band Name: Diesel Meat [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00024 Date: 02/14/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:00am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Funny Name: A. Toxin Worm Funny how the least little thing amuses him. - 007 (L & L D) Fugitives By Seargent Gonn A. Getcha Full body armor required prior to entry in this echo Fudge found in keyboard; Delete children (Y/N)? Fur sail cheep, Windows spiel chequer, wurks grate! Fruitful and can multiply Full station security alert! - Sisko Full moon again? Well pull your pants up G'Kar: Delenn is a member of the Gray council Funny Name: Wendekk Hinkle Furry Futile prayer as the end draws near Funnier than Siskel. Thinner than Ebert Fuch's Warning: If you actually look like your passport photo, you aren't well enough to travel Fun: work that's *your* idea Funeral fun: Use teh deceased's tongue to lick a stamp Fundamentalism means never having to open your mind Fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun Fudd of Borg: Be vewwy quiet. I'm assimiwating a wabbit! Frungy! Frungy! Frungy! Fundamentalist (n): modern day Pharisee G'Kar: We've never been in this position before Funny, I don't remember inviting you in this conversation G'Kar: Just making sure where we stand Fuzzy project goals avoid the embarrassment of estimating Frhe Weihnachten und ein Gtes Neues Jahr -German Christmas Fudd of Borg: Pwepawe to be assimiwated. Huh huh huh hut! G*d! What a mess this family's in Fundies resemble Al Bundy's undies Full OCP binary cyborg technology Full of sliding panels an illusion show.. -RUSH Entre Nous Fundamentalism: religion for the stupid Funeral - Real fun Fun is fun but no girl wants to laugh all of the time Funny Tagline. ... But seems like there's no benefit. :-) G'Kar: We are now at war, we are now at war Funeral fun: Take bets on how long it takes a body to decompose Frying pans do it best when covered with oil Frustration: n., see cat-herding Fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; amentalism = brainlessness Fruity as a nutcake Fuzzy Wuzzy was a grizzly G'day mate. Shall I throw another cat on the barbie? Furnulum pani nolo Furthermore ... I don't like your trousers Funboy: Obedience is submission veiled with gravity FunBoy: Spoken like a true angel of death Full ahead, Mr Sulu. Maximum warp. - Kirk Fundamentalism (n.): fund = give cash to; a-mentalism = mindlessness Fuzzy theorists both do it and don't do it Fundamentalist: Modern day Pharisee Fundamentalism: Fund=give $$$. Amentalism=without brain Funny Name: Cletus Clodfelter Fuzzy theorists (and Zen Monks) both do it and don't Fundamentalism means never having to open one's mind Ftar, awk, awk, yac, grep, go BERKELEY! Funny, I don't remember inviting you to this conversation Fundamentalists, fanatics and nuts...oh my! G'Kar: Talia I looked into the darkness, Na'toth G*t th*s* trib*les out*of m* ta*-lin* n*w! G'Kar: You have made many enemies Garibaldi: Call it a lifestyle G for Get It (Gee, forget it!) Full retro-thrust and ten degrees starboard!!! (Or something....) Fundamentalism: Ancient mythical refuse as modern real dogma G'day mate! Throw another cat on the barbie! Funny how life always eventually imitates LSD! Fuzzy logic... now that's my kind of thinking! Futility is useless G'Kar: This has to be stopped at the source Fun Meter: [...../] Hummmm! I thought So! Fulfill your destiny. No one else will Funny noises are not funny Fun with Greek #6: P P P your boat Funny noises are not funny - Bart Simpson's lines Furry Fandom: More than a state of mind, it's a way of life Funeral fun: Punch the body and tell people that he hit you first Funeral fun: Toss cooked rice on the deceased and scream "MAGGOTS!" Funny? No, I've had my sense of humor surgically removed Funny Name: Joop Spit Funny Name: Herbert Wolfeschlaegelsteinhausenbergerhaufstedt Funny Name: Felix J. Fluck Fun with Greek #4: Fee, , fo, fum! Frysbeterians believe when you die your soul gets stuck on the roof Fundies? Mmmmm, them's good eatin'! G is for Ghanhantoa, with his terrible stare Funny...Only insane people agree with me Future collides, the nightmare now begins Funeral fun: Blow a trumpet every time widow wipes her nose Funny Name: Zerubabel Blunt Funny off-topic messages are always on-topic Function call to load Windows/NT: Sooooeee_pig_pig_pig_pig() Furbling: Wandering through bank ropes even though your the only Fudd Of Borg: You have to be vewwy qwiet when assimiwait Fundamentalism-Abjectly accept what I tell you to believe...or else Functionality is irrelevant... it's compatible! Fuzzy Wuzzy attacked by youth with Nair, Film at 11:00 Full power! Darn you! Khan G'Kar: It seemed like a good idea at the time G'Kar: No one on Babylon 5 is quite what they seem Fuller's Law of Cosmic Irreversibility: 1 Pot T == 1 Pot P, 1 Pot P == 1 Pot T - R BUCKMINSTER FULLER [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00025 Date: 02/15/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:37am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] GOSH DARN THEM ALL TO HECK! - EWJ GFHM#07: Never begin a message with I KNOW this is off-topic... but GET a life? I'm scared my life's gonna get me! GOOD MORNING! Have you dropped your soap lately? GM's do it with great imagination G, D & De-Selecting Conference GOTO, GOING TO, GONE TO: Borg subroutine GN> If anyone has these please send them to me! Thanks! :) GEORGES SEURAT - Dot's All GLV: Ground the Line Voltage GORE = Greatly Oriented to Radical Ecology GONE TOO SOON....MICHAEL JACKSON GOD was so impressed with redheads that he only made a few GOOD Female programr's turn men's software into HARDWARE! GIVE: Support the helpless victims of computer error GIFs? We don't need no steenking GIFs! GOD created MAN...with Mary's approval GME: Generate Meaningless Error GOLDEN RULE OF ARTS & SCIENCES - Whoever has the gold makes the GOD!!! You weren't this ugly last night! GRAPHICS: Pictures that aren't pornographic; rare on some systems G-String : The final chord waiting to be plucked GC>*bipity, bip*, I had 3 pages of Taglines!! 8-) ...Thanks, Rick!! GETS A LITTLE BEHIND IN HIS ORDERS** GDR: Grab Degree and Run GERRINGONG (NSW) Pioneers; also VIDLER POPPLEWELL BOXSELL families GOD gave us FREE WILL to choose....not to be intimidated! GM stands beside their trucks... But they won't sit in them GC> I'm quoting from the World Book, Volume `H'. -- Crow T. Robot GMC: Garage Man's Companion GMC - Garage Mechanic's Companion GANGLAND BBS - Were Dodgin Bullets Around Here GEDCOM is NOT an executable DOS program such as GED.COM GRAVEDIGGERS die to do it GO SUCK A TRIBBLE! GOD is *not* dead!!! He's merely giving us more time GEOGRAPHERS do it everywhere GIF me ! GC> New book, Your own death and how to cope with it GOVERNMENT.SYS corrupt. Reboot President? (Y/N/Q) GIRDLE: A device to keep an unfortunate situation from spreading GR8T Great GENEALOGY is my hobby. I collect ancestors and their lifes GIs do it in a war zone GEW{JO}: Go to the End of the World {Jump Off} GG1, S1, Moguls and Mikados are not rock bands GO HABS GO!!! GOOD TO GO....HAMMER GO FAST <----TURN LEFT GO TO HELL - All in Christian love, of course GOD is natural. Not supernatural GALAHAD: American colloquialism for "former sweetheart" GANG BANG................................A mass execution GOOD HEAVENS! IT WORKS! -The Tick GCC 2.0 is to C as SVR4 is to Unix G=Guns, PG=Plenty of Guns, PG-13=More than 12 guns GA Go Ahead (or, 'I'm done, it's your turn to talk') GB keyboard has no key. GERMAN: Frohliche Weihnachten und ein Glueckliches Neues Jahr GI: Singing Xmas carols. BI: Singing Xmas carols on 4th of July GNOMES are too short to do it GOD keeps you in existance GOD: "What more do you expect? She's only made from a man's rib!" GI: Taking up bird calling. BI: Taking up buffalo calling G-d created men; Colonel Colt made them equal GARDENERS do it in bed GOD is in control G, D & Smashing Modem with Rubber Mallet GLACIAL STAGE: Bumpty and Dr. Freezegood GET A HAIRCUT! GIVE IN TO ME....MICHAEL JACKSON G. B. Shaw's Golden Rule: "There are no golden rules." GLUTTON: One who digs his own grave with his teeth GRADUTE: Klingon Warrior Academy GI: Playing cops/robbers in park. BI: Playing cops/robbers in bank GAELIC-IRISH: Nolag mhaith Dhuit Agus Bliain Nua Fe Mhaise GG|quoting from a song by Niel Young GAS STATION ATTENDANTS pump all day GI: Playing piccolo in marching band. BI: Playing piano in band G. Gabrielson noted, 'Try a class in PASCAL!' GI: Visiting the circus. BI: Having the circus visit you GET MAIL, FILES, NEWS & BULLETINS! Overnight with GETMAIL GET A CLUE. Cost. 50 cents! GARDENERS do it by trimming your bush G-d's last name is not "dammit." G-rated pornflick GO FLYERS!!! KILL THE (fighting) IRISH!!! -- U.Dayton fans GET OFF ABNORMALLY WITH PCBOARD! GEO - Good Engineering Overlooked GC>tell when the Sysop's out of town.)) `Nuff to drive him & me crazy! GESTAPO: Government Enforcement Streamlined To Assist Police Officials GEOLOGISTS do it to get their rocks off G-d does not play dice -> A. Einstien G, D & Flying south for the winter GD&R Grinning, Ducking, and Running GREEK: Kala Khristougena kai Eftikhes to Neon Ethos G, D & Installing C on Computer G. Gordon Liddy: "Headshots. Headshots. Kill the sons of bitches." GOLFERS get teed off. Golf Tip #17: To get more distance, smack the ball and run backwards GR 8 Great [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00026 Date: 02/15/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:38am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines