--------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00020 Date: 02/14/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:56am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Fundies are like farts. All smoke, and they leave a bad smell Funatic: The school mascot at a sporting event Future will be canceled due to lack of interest G'Kar: I don't know what your pleasure threshold is Funny Name: Pebble Belcher Fuck Cens_rship Fuzzy project goals avoid the embarrassment of estimating the costs Funny tagliiiiiiiinnnes...no whaaaaaammieeeeeeeeeeeessssss...STOP! Frustrated hackers use self-modifying infinite perversion Funny Name: Latawanna Flateau Funny kitty seen fuzzy bunny? - Mindy Fundamentalists suffer from apocalyptic seizures Funeral fun: Use the deceased's tongue to lick a stamp Fungi do it sporadically Full motels are irrelevant. You will serve us chocolate Funny Name: Sedonia Minnewather Funny Name: Condo Hester Fundamentalist: Fund(v) to give money; Amentalist(n) without thinking Fweeeet! Misquote!! 10 yard penalty, loss of down! Fundamentalist: fund=give money;amentalist=without brains G'Kar My shoes are too tight. - Londo Furball on keyboard. Delete cats? (y/n) Funeral fun: Toss cooked rice on deceased and scream "MAGGOTS!" Funny how these things always happen to me?!?! G'Kar: Your time has come and gone. It's our turn now! G'Kar: One does not risk everything to settle a score prematurely Fun is flaming people who post stupid questions G'Kar: Run out of small children to butcher? Funny thing about Democrats is that they don't believe in Democracy G'Kar: Mr Garibaldi, it's a big universe Funny how two people can see the same event differently G'Kar: ENOUGH! THIS ENDS! NOW! Fruit salad: Gay lettuce G'Kar: You just stand there and never say anything Funny Name: Prudie E. Forcum Fundamentalist: Mental case, wants funds Fruitbowl - Floridsdorf/VIENNA/AUT/EU Fun, fun, fun, til her daddy takes her Blue Wave away! Fun Times in the Sleeping Bag - by Nap Sack Funny Guy, eh? - Jenny Nywening G'Kar: One more word and you will be part of the excess population Funny noises are not funny. - Bart's Board Funny Animalus Buxomus Big Buckus - aka Dark Cutey Fun is just point of view Fully compatible with everything, past, present, or future G'Kar: Leftover food and medical supplies Funeral fun: Leave some phony dog poop on the top of the deceased Fundamentalism: From fund (send money), a- (without), mental (thought) Fundy-Babbleometer [///////////////..] Hmmm..thought so! Fundi logic: Bible says it. Evidence contradicts it. Bible is right Fundies are like farts. They all smoke, and leave a bad smell Funny Name: Dovie Lou Nuckles G'Kar: There's someone else out there, Na'toth G'Kwan spoke of a great war, long ago - G'Kar Fundamentalism:Fund-(give cash),-amentalism(w/out brains) Funny...These cookies taste nothing like Girl Scouts Fun Fact: Chickens are the chief food of captive alligators Fungus doesn't take a vacation.-- Rob Pike Fundamentalism (adj.), Fund=(give cash)+amentalism (without brains) Funny Name: Magdalena Babblejack Function call to load Windows: here_piggy_piggy_piggy_piggy Fundie Logic: Lie 1 + Lie 2 + Lie 3 = "God's Truth" Fundie Cafe: John the Baptist Platter, with holy water and fries Future looks spotty. You will spill soup in late evening Funny how no sysops have complained over the "extra expense" Funny how some of our best friends have never met face-to-face Fun, fun, fun, til her daddy takes her GoldED away! Fur sail cheep, Windoze spill chekker, works grate Future Frontier! Funny Name: Trougout Zumm Funny Name: Peregrine Worsthorne Fundy Logic: Lie 1 + Lie 2 + Lie 3 = "God's Truth" G'Kar: If this ever happens again Ivanova will personally rip your lungs Fundie, 'eh? Back to strong-arming schools boards again? Fuzzy wuzzy was a fuzzy logic programmer Fun-fun-fun, 'til her daddy takes her SPEED READ away! FxS=k. The product of freedom and security is a constant. - Niven Furtail Dash - Phenomenom of noticing something scurry, looking & its gone Fusion + Necrophilia = Meat pies - The Nameless One Funny, I don't remember being absentminded Fruit carts? I HATE FRUIT CARTS! - Professor Monkey for a Head Fun with Greek #5: Freud, Burke, Ensign P, Bill /\ Fundamentalist: One who's mental and wants your funds Fun: work that's your *own* idea Funny, I don't remember @TOFIRST@.GIF being in my file directory Fun is taking you to the edge of insanity, then pushing Frustration is not having anyone to blame but yourself! G'day, Bruce! G'Kar: Weep for the future Na'toth. Weep for us all Fundamentalist libraries have shelf space for only one book Fun may be the most important discipline of all Fun, fun, fun, 'til her daddy takes her Modem away! Frysbiterian...when you die, your soul goes up on the roof Fudd of Borg: Pwepawe to be assimiwated. Huh huh huh Fuzzy logic: Vulcan contemplating a Tribble Fudd of Borg. Pwepare to be assimiwated Full motels are irrelevant. You will serve us chocolate. -Zorch of Borg Funny I can't think of a thing...oh well? Fundi logic: Bible says it. Evendence contratdics it. Bible is right Funny Name: Jingle-Bells Kaplan [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00021 Date: 02/14/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:56am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Funny Name: Hilbert Gitchuway Fun, Legal, Profitable--pick two Funny Name: Tivoli B. Disharoon Fun, fun, fun, 'til her hubby takes her Blue Wave away! Function FIVE...I'm in!!! - Crow Future beware: The soul is in the software. - Cyborg2 Funny, I don't remember @FN@.GIF being in my file directory before Fumasphere - The row of seats adjacent to the smoking area Fundies are proof that evolution is an unguided system Funny Name: Albirdia Tuggle Fundus: Anal Orifice Mentus: Mind Therefore a Fundamentalist is...? G'morning, Wha' time is ...? 3 A.M.! TO THE INTERNET! Fuzzy logic...Lint on the Motherboard Funny thing... the harder I work, the luckier I get Funny Name: Opal Lively Zickafoose G'Kar: Do you want me to beg, Delenn? Fundies: More fun than an atheist should be legally allowed to have Funny Name: Tastsumbie DuPea Funniest thing in the world. Well, pretty good, anyway. -Anna Steven Fundamentalism: By sword or by cross. America's Homegrown Death cult G'Kar: I sugest you return home and join the military Fundamentalism, n.: Fund=give money. Amentalism=without brains Furious activity is no substitute for understanding. - H. H. Williams Full details on reverse side Funny Name: Lester Ouchmoody Fundies are poster children for birth control G'Kar: Thank you for the tea, Delenn, and your honesty Funny Name: Oofty Boofty Bowman Frustration: when a girl puts on her bra backwards and it fits Fruit tags would be grapely apricoted Fundy motto: Ignorance is next to Godliness Furry weddings are where "groom" is a verb, not a noun Funny Name: E. Vercel Fuglestad G'Kar: G'Kwan spoke of a great war, long ago Funny Name: Olga Flabbi Fruit stand: A gay bar without stools Fudd's First Law:If you push something hard enough, it will fall over Funny Name: Exzera Suggs Fundamentalist: if good enough for Moses, it's good enough for me Fund (give cash) amentalism (without brains) Funeral fun: Tell the widow that you're the deceasd's gay lover Fundamentalist (n): Braindead, backwoods redneck Funny Name: Boobpha Upthumpa Fuzzy Sex? That sounds interesting nice and warm Funny off-topic messages are almost always on-topic Funny Name: JoAnn Floozbonger G'Kar: They have the right to defend themselves Frustration is not having anyone else to blame but one's self Fun, fun, fun, 'til work takes his online away! Funny Name: Urban Flusche Funny, you don't look a day over 60 Further, higher, faster, onward, upward Funky bassists bust G strings Funny Name: Gardiner L. Porcupile Fundamentally, there may be no basis for anything Funny Name: Petway K. Plunk Fugitive from a tagline factory Fundies and Undies. Neither should air in public Fundamentalism - n. Fund (give cash); -amentalism (without brains) Fuzzy Logics means you need to vacuum your computer case Fundie King ad: Have it OUR way...or burn in Hell! G to [G]oto sysop menu Funny how landlocked peoples have no flood myth G'Kar: Walk beside me, Na'Toth Full Moon: Seymour Buns Fundie, 'eh? When do the book burnings start? Fundies criticizing science: Shaming of the True Funny Name: Perpetua McGurk Full frontal nudity? Not in this part of Esher Funny Bunny wasn't too Funny on Sunday Fungal Bloom: "Zit" Funny Tagline: [ ] Yes [ ] Yes [ ] Yes [x] No Fruit Loops are gay Cheerios G D & +++ATH0 %... NO CARRIER ATDT911 Full of broken thoughts i cannot repair Futuristic: It will only run on a next generation supercomputer Fundamentalists can legally park in handicapped zones Funny Name: Waldemar Floggie Fun, eh? Funny noises are not funny -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F20 Fur Trek: The voyages of the U.S.S. Hirsute! Funeral breads. War breads - Mike Fun, fun, fun, till her daddy takes her Blue Wave away! Full Auto - When you don't have time to aim each shot Ful savourly, er he was war of this Funny, I don't remember being absentminded Funny noises are not funny Bart on the blackboard Funny old thing, life Future may not be available as seen G'Kar: No, mustn't let them see weakness Funny, I keep expecting a knock at the door--Jim Morrison Fundamentalism: The functionally illiterate trying to sound wise Funny how no Sysop complains over the extra expense Fun! Young! Tag-X Have Be Use Professional! (or something like that.) Further distribution is encouraged by the author Funny Name: Felty Goosehead Full power! Damn you! Khan Futile, resistsace is. - Yoda of Borg Funboy: Pal, something is seriously wrong with you Funny Name: Noble Pluntz [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00022 Date: 02/14/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:58am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Full stop! What happened?! - Picard Frustration: attempting Dutch rolls in an Ercoupe Fundamentalist motto - "A mind is a terrible thing to use." Fundies for Ceridwen! Join Today! Funny Name: Aurelian N. Schexnayder Fundamentalism: Fund (give money) + Amentalism (without brains) Frying pans without fires are often far between Fruit farmers can DO IT with melons Funny...I was about to ask you the same question. - Bashir Future not available in Africa, India or Central America Funny how they often appear at the bottom of messages, isn't it? Funny, I didn't feel a thing ... but then I'm a Sadist Frugality: who can afford it? Funny Name: Loyal Trout Fruit juice everywhere--not one drop to fill me Full of sliding panels an illusion show.. Entre Nous Fun with Greek #8: Checkers or Backn? Function call to load Windows95: here_piggy_piggy_piggy_pi Further the cause buy, yes you know the game... G'Kar, don't do something we'll both regret. - Capt. Sheridan Funny Name: Rolla Longnecker Fun, fun, fun, 'til his wife takes his modem away! Funny Name: Blanche Pubis Furbling: Walking a maze of ropes even when you are the only person G is for George, smothered under a rug, H is for Hector, done in by a thug Funny Name: Olga Beanblossom Fuzzy Dice and bongos, Brodie knobs and spinners, Chromium plated Funny noises are not funny. --Bart Simpson Funboy, don't be happy. Worry. - The Crow G'Kar: You will do nothing! Fundamentalism is never having to open your mind! G'wan, go to sleep. - Mulder G'day, what are you here as? Furball on Drive C: (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)ough up? Funny Name: Grace Pinkapank Frhliche Weihnachten und ein glckliches Neues Jahr -German Xmas G'Kar: The wheel turns, does it not? Funny, I don't remember @first@.GIF being in my file directory before Futile, resistance is. - Yoda of Borg Fundamentalism Stops A Thinking Mind Furious activity is no substitute for understanding Funny, that's what the Christians say too Fuzzy bunny good. Fuzzy Buttons better! Fundies debunked, free-of-charge! Fur's a little snug today ... better cut back on sweets! Fun book to read: _The Color of Her Panties_in Braille:.::: ::..: Future OS/2 users are current MS-Windows users, be kind, 8^) Funny Name: Sibyl Bibble Funny Name: Olney W. Nicewonger G'Kar: No ships, no fighters, no cruisers Full astern! - Emergency warp speed! - Kirk Funny thing.... harder I work, luckier I get Future LOTTO winner. Accepting suck-ups now Funny Tagline NOT Fun, Fun, Fun, till her daddy takes her vibrator away Fundamentalism - Please help us find the cure Frustrated, out dated, I really want to be overrated Funny Name: Taffy Sidebottom Ball Funny how that does not cheer me up. -Brain Fwow him to the fwoor! Fudd's First Law: "If you push something hard enough, it G'Kar: 2 hours ago my government declared war on the Centari Republic Full phasers? What the devil is Kirk doing? Wesley Funny Name: Urbin Bowels Furry Hedonism at its WEIRDEST! Funny Name: Epcy Fooshe Fun with Greek #3: She's my cherry ! Funny Name: Varnard P. Longhibler G'Kar: After a thousand years the darkness has come again Fundamentalists do it with Christ! Fun to beat Boffo the clown savagely & repeatedly - Frank G M, From The Nice Folks Who Brought Them The Atom Bomb! FunBoy: I never let nothing define or limit me G is for Guinan, she tends Ten Forward's bar Furthermore, you jerk, you remind me of Thatcher Funny how life imitates LSD Fustrated, self-hatred, my hands turn to fists - H. Rollins Function to call windows: Here PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY! Funny Name: Doodle Dangle Wang Funny, NET_DEV gets along fine without a moderator Fundie females will only get wet panties when Jesus comes G = Guns, PG = Plenty of Guns, PG13 = more than 12 guns Fully compatable with everything, past, present, or future Furry Fandom: The Final Frontier Frustrated not being able to try Raptor!!!! Fundamentalism: Proof that anacephaly is not necessarily fatal G'Kar: Will you please say something Funny Ha! ha!, or funny peculiar??? Fun Guy from Yuggoth Funny Name: Epluribus Kitchen Funny... she dosen't look Druish Funeral fun: Drive behind widow's limo honk your horn FzWzWzABr*FzWzHd0Hr*FzWzWzntFz,WZ? (BtrLvngThuDtaCmprssn) Future Headline: MICHAEL JACKSON GETS OFF DUE TO HUNG JURY Fun Party Games Involving Porcupines Frum the deks uv Dan Quail Fundamentalist Christianity: Please help find the cure Fruitcake: An inedible form of pastry mainly used as a door stop Fudd, of Borg: "Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm Assimiwating." Funkengruven: German for Bitchin' Car Stereo [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79)