--------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00010 Date: 02/12/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:09am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Freefall Sex: I bet your mother never warned you about This! Fried Balogna: Newfie Steak Freefall Sex: Leapin' Lovers, Batman! What'll they think of Next?! Freefall Sex: My sky or yours? Freefall Sex: I bet Orville never tried it! Friends come and go, but but enemies accumulate. - Thomas F. Jones, Jr Freefall Sex: Honey, the time for foreplay was Before we jumped! Freefall Sex: First imagined by Hindenberg as his wife fell overboard! Freefall Sex: Never before seen video! Produced @MONTH@, @YEAR@ Friends come and go. Why do enemies accumulate? Freefall Sex: For a *Lasting* Kick, try it *without* a parachute! Freinds, Romans, countrymen, lend me your wives! French Pervertible: the top stays up while the driver goes down Freefall Sex: Would anyone like to try it with me??? Friends Come And Go, But Relatives Never Leave Friends Don't Let Friends use Blue Wave! Freefall Sex: Not just for Astronauts, anymore! Freefall Sex: Lover's Leap takes on a whole new meaning! Freeze burn - Fascinating effect on a screen when a film jams & melts Freefall Sex: acrophobiac's nightmare, nymphos dream! Freefall Sex: Sends you Into Orbit!!!! Friendly Cookie Company (1:107/422) Freedom of thought implies the freedom to communicate those thoughts Freefall Sex: The time for foreplay was Before we jumped! Hurry up! Freefall Sex: I bet @FN@ never tried it! Freefall Sex: Help! I'm falling, and I can't get it up! Frequently wrong, but never in doubt! Freefall Sex: The Wright Brothers didn't know what they missed! Freefall Sex: Never *too old* to learn something n-e-w ... <*aarrgghh!*> Freefall Sex: Wanted: Imaginative, Openminded, Outdoors types. Apply Freefall Sex: "Lover's Leap" takes on new meaning! Freefall Sex: The Holodeck has "Other" uses, Geordi! Try a "REAL" Girl! Freefall Sex: It's why Skylab was so popular with the Astronauts! Freefall Sex: Bungee Boffing's Alternative for those without rubbers! Freefall Sex: Ah, the couple that Flies together, dies together! Freefall Sex: The Wright Brothers don't know what they're missin'! Freefall Sex: This is why the Angels envy Man! Freefall Sex: Gives new meaning to the term: Freedom of Expression! Freedom of choice is not you telling my kids what is wrong is right Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookie of life Freefall Sex: I bet Orville Bullitt never tried it! Freefall Sex: Lounge Lizards Leaping 4 Love or Lust? Next on Oprah! Freefall Sex: For those who *really* want to go down! Friday the 13th XXXIV: Jason take the Enterprise Friends come & go, but enemies accumulate Freefall Sex: The *reason* Redheads were invented! Friend? What makes you think I'm your friend? - Kim Freedom: I won't! -- Frank Russell, The Great Explosion Freefall Sex: Really makes you "aware" of the "experience" Freefall Sex: Brings new meaning to "Space: Above & Beyond"! Freedom of the press belongs to the owner of the press Freefall Sex: Watch out for that First Step, #TF#, it's a doozy! Freeze! - The Crow Friday the 13th Part LCMXXIV : Jason Meets Spock Freefall Sex: Watch out for that First Step, @FN@, it's a doozy! Freefall Sex: To Test "action vs reaction" at a Personal Level Freud knew about the w hole thing Freefall Sex: This isn't a *regular* flight to Baltimore, Maryland? Freeze! Information Highway Patrol! We gotcha doin' 57600 in a 14400! Freefall Sex: Is it stressful? My doctor suggested I take it easy, now Freefall Sex: Hon, why doesn't my chute have lots of cords like yours? Friday night: Rain dance -- weather permitting Freefall Sex: I bet The Umpire never tried it! Freedom of speech has a price tag--you're it! Freefall Sex: Helps to have a nice body when dressed like *that*! Freedom wasn't won with a welfare check Fresh ground pepper sir? - Mike as bums eat Freefall Sex: It's not risky, is it? I can't stand Excitement! Freefall Sex: I bet Rick never tried it! Friend or Foe?????????????????? Freedom of religion includes laughing at it Freefall Sex: I only *write* these lines, I don't *perform* them! French fried eyeballs Freefall Sex: Safe Sex for Bungee Boffers! Freefall Sex: Going down while going down! Freefall Sex: Night jump, anyone? Imagine *3* moons in the sky at once Freefall Sex: Why would anyone want to do it with @TOFIRST@? Freefall Sex: Try showing THIS in a G-Rated Movie!!!! Freefall Sex: Why the Angels envy Man! (Don't have to mess with wings! Freedom, like crabgrass, keeps popping up Freefall Sex: Caution! Activity *May* be More Hazardous Than Smoking! Freedom of religion is also freedom FROM religion Freefall Sex: Living it up when you're going down. (Aerosmith) Freq ARCHIVE.MAY or any other month for sample articles Freefall Sex: @TOFIRST@, you sure this is a part of "living together?" Fresh Meat!! Fresh Meat!! Fresh Meat!! Fresh Meat!! Fresh Meat!! Freefall Sex: It's not risky, is it? You know I can't stand Excitement French Overpopulation: Francis Crowded Freefall Sex: May be hazardous to the health of Nymphomaniacs! Freedom...is a worship word -- Cloud William Freefall Sex: We know why SkyLab was so popular with the Astronauts! Freefall Sex: If you don't get it the first time, forget it! French Cars: Myra Neault Friendly Is when I get a sweat up Freefall Sex: For those who Really Enjoy living Life to the Fullest! Freefall Sex: Safest when using a Parachute! Freefall Sex: Now if I can just remember my parachute Freefall Sex: Only Bungee Boffers who are safety conscious do it! Freefall Sex: Now we know why SkyLab was so popular for the Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookies of life [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00011 Date: 02/12/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:10am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] FriBorg the 13th: Part XXI: Jason gets Assimilated Freefall Sex: If at first you don't succeed then it's not for you! Friday means two more working days 'til Monday Freeze! Assume the Ctl-Alt-Del position Freefall Sex: I bet Nimoy never considered This for "Deadly Games"! Freefall Sex: "Care to join me, Lt Tuvok?" Capt. Janeway Freefall Sex: a whole new meaning to dropping your partner Freefall Sex: Caution! *Can* turn Hard Drive into Floppy! Freefall Sex: On the next Geraldo! Freefall Sex: Only for Dropouts of the Bungee Boffing Prog Freefall Sex: Wanna make a Real Impression? Do it without a Parachute! Freighter Sanction, this is the Enterprise. Picard Fresh salt can tame anything Freefall Sex: It's not risky, is it? She never takes chances! Freefall Sex: For those who aren't up to Bungee Sex! Friends are sometimes better then sex. But having both is GREAT! Freefall Sex: Oprah reveals her distressing addiction: Next on Friends come and friends go, but enemies accumulate Freedom: The liberty to do what you SHOULD; not what you WANT Freudian Virus: Computer obsessed with its own motherboard Friend of Oberon, Merle Oberon - Crow as wimpy prince Freelance UFO tracker: Melissa Bateman! Freefall Sex: For a real Kick, try it without a parachute! Freefall Sex: Now we know why SkyLab was so popular with the Friendly SysOp? Isn't that an oxymoron? Freeware...heh...I've got some. Just not all my stuff Freefall Sex: The ultimate in quickies! Freiheit, schner Gtterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Freefall Sex: Sixty-Nining now is Going down while going down Freefall Sex: Lounge Lizards Leaping For Love or Lust? Next on Oprah! Freefall Sex: Wanted:Imaginative,Openminded,Outdoorsy types.Apply Now! Freeze right there, Mr.Spock, or I'll put you to sleep for sure! - Scott Freedom: You don't notice it till AFTER it's gone! Freefall Sex: It's not risky, is it? @TO@ never takes chances! Freefall Sex: Bungee jumping is just foreplay! Freeze, or I'll shoot! Freefall Sex: Take the leap of love or love the one you leap with! Freefall Sex: Leapin' Lover's Batman, Batgirl taught me a new trick! Freefall Sex: What a Thrill!! Friends and lovers slowly won are held longer Freedom of expression is not negotiable, fight all forms of censorship Freefall Sex: It's not risky, is it? @T0@ never takes chances! Freefall Sex: I bet @TOFIRST@ never tried it! Freefall Sex: What a Thrill!! Oooo! And we haven't left the airport! Friends are people you can be quiet with Freedom...? That is a worship word. (Rush Limbaugh was on Star Trek?) Freefall Sex: They never mentioned THIS in Sex Education Class! Nooo! Freedom, not servitude, is the cure of anarchy. -- Burke Friedman's Law: The first person off is at the back of the elevator Freefall Sex: "Care to join me, @TOFIRST@?" Capt. @FOMLAST@ Freunlevin. Freunlevin. Freunlevin.... Animaniacs Freefall Sex: I bet @TO@ never tried it! Friendly fire - isn't. Freedom of speech is too often a euphamism for Right to ridicule Friends and family take time. So does family history Freefall Sex: Why would anyone *Not* want to do it with a blond? Freefall Sex: Why would anyone want to do it with him? Freefall Sex: It's not risky, is it? @TN@ never takes chances! Fremen do it with Maker hooks Freefall Sex: I bet Kuntry never tried it! Freshest if eaten before date on carton Freefall Sex: Maybe this could've saved the Bobbitts' marriage? Freedom's just another word for nuthin left to lose Friends - those relations that one makes for oneself Freefall Sex: Dragons do it with wings spread wide! Friends don't backstab. That's what we've got enemies for Freefall Sex: Watch out for that First Step, Orville, it's a doozy! Freefall Sex: Never before seen video! Produced @TODAY@, @TIME@ Freefall Sex: You're never too old to take the Leap of Love Freefall Sex: Not recommended for Nymphomaniacs! Freefall Sex: Not for those easily distracted! Freeware: If it breaks you get to keep both pieces Friend is another word for fool. -- Kickback Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one Freemen ! Unabombers ! As Montana goes, so goes the nation Freefall Sex: Pee Wee Herman should've tried This, instead! Freefall Sex: I bet Rick Cooley never tried it! Freefall Sex: Single, Lonely, Tired of the Bar Scene? Try Leap of Love! Freefall Sex: For those who perform well facing a deadline Freedom rings where opinions clash Freud Fantasy Gardens - Id required Freedom of speech is beautiful! Freedom, freedom! Friendly fire ain't Freefall Sex: I bet #TN# never tried it! Freeze! I seldom miss at this range! -- Bored-Flak the Bolt Lobber Freefall Sex: No! Don't pull the cord, yet! I'm just about to...oohhh! Freefall Sex: Only blonds really know how to take it to the Limit! Freedom of Speech means letting those who are wrong speak anyway Freefall Sex: I bet Judy never tried it! Friends are family you choose for yourself Friends do not let friends vote Republican Freefall Sex: Not just for Star Trek fans anymore! Space:Above & Freefall Sex: Honey, if this is *safe*, why the priest and the rabbi? Freefall Sex: Caution! May be the Most Exhilarating Experience Ever! Freefall Sex: Imagine telling your Buds you Leaped with Madonna! French Cousine - by Sue Flay Freefall Sex: It's not risky, is it? (Of course not!!???) French Emporer Exploding: Linoleum Blownapart! Fresh interests will lead to happiness! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00012 Date: 02/12/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:10am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Freefall Sex: Whaddayamean I can't come until you do? You're impotent! Freefall Sex: Blondes will believe ANYTHING! Freeze, you traitorous unhappy mutant! - Force Fresco's Discovery: If you knew what you were doing you'd probably be bored Freefall Sex: The One Alternative to Bungee Boffing minus rubber bands! Freefall Sex: Can anyone attest to having actually *done* this?? French Emperor exploding: Linoleum Blownapart Freefall Sex: This is why the Angels don't envy Man! (S*P*L*A*T) Friction is a real drag Freefall Sex: Sex Education taken to it's Highest Limits! Friday the 13th XXV, Jason takes the Enterprise Freefall Sex: Watch out for that First Step, Rick, it's a doozy! Freefall Sex: Why would anyone want to do it with Rick? French Overpopulation: by Francis Crowded Freedom: the connerstone of Democracy Freeze-dried cats are easy to store and keep for years Friendly Reminder to Disgruntled Yankees: I-95 runs BOTH directions! Freedom to engage in voluntary school sacrifices. - Hector Plasmic Friend got a new car for his wife - good trade Friday the 13th Pt. 25 Jason takes the Enterpris Freefall Sex: If she wants to Keep you, she'd better Leap with you! Friction can be a drag sometimes Friends don't keep track of who owes what Freefall Sex: The *reason* blonds were invented! Freefall Sex: The TRUE Reason for Women in Space ! Freefall Sex: Testing orbital dynamics in -intimate- detail! Freefall Sex: Next best thing to being in Orbit! Freefall Sex: When Chocolate just won't satisfy! Freefall Sex: Is it stressful? Yes! You won't believe the Rush!!! Freefall Sex: Watch out for that First Step, @TOFIRST@, it's a doozy! Freefall Sex: Newest Fad for Daredevil Sex Maniacs Friend: someone who has the same enemies as you Freedom: You can blow out a candle, but you can't blow out a fire Freedom? It is our worship word, too. -Cloud William, Kirk Friends are like chocolate,it's what's inside that counts Friends are the icing on the cake of life...I love to lick icing! Friends Don't Let Friends Lurk on RIME Freefall Sex: Why would anyone want to do it with Orville? French fries are MURDER!!!! - Mr. Potato Head Freedom of the press is limited to those who have one Freefall Sex: Try showing THIS in an X-Rated Movie!!!! Fri Nov 29 09:42:43 EST 1991 Freedom of religion MUST also include freedom FROM religion Freefall Sex: Fantasy or Reality? Depends on who you ask! Dragon or Freefall Sex: The Leap of Love; for lovers who won't do it Lying down! Frequently we just repeat verbatim what the White House gives us.CHUNG Freefall Sex: Would anyone like to try it with #TN#??? Freeze! Thank you very much. -- Wax Elvis Red Dwarf Freefall Sex: Now we know why SkyLab was so popular with the Freefall Freefall Sex: To Leap or not to Leap! That is the Question! Freefall Sex: I've got a bad feeling about this Friar Tuck's been fingered - Mike on crossbow Freedom rings where opinions clash. - Jefferson Freefall Sex: Never before seen video! Produced September, 1994 Fregi Ventum, not just a pretty fragrance! Memphis TN (1:123/318) Freeze this moment just a little bit longer Friday I'm in love French Quarter, A little bit of Europe in the USA Freefall Sex: The man with the camera will pay *us* for the pictures- Friend: anyone who has the same enemies you have Freq 'PETER.LHA' for a mug-shot Fresh from the Box Freya, Goddess of Love & War - lay 'em or slay 'em! Freud is for the Jung at heart Fresh flowers are acceptable. Fresh mouths are not Freefall Sex: Wanted:Imaginative,Openminded,Outdoorsy Redheads.Apply Now! Freefall Sex: Brings new meaning to the term Flights of Fancy Friends are Friends forever if the Lords the Lord of them Friends Don't Let Friends Use 2400 Baud Friendly fire; isn't. - Murphy Friday the 13'th Part 13, Jayson Dies of Natural Causes Freefall Sex: Should you wait til the second date before trying it? Freefall Sex: Watch out for that First Step, Rick Cooley, it's a doozy! Friends and lovers slowly won are longer held Freefall Sex: Safest when done in Orbit! Friendly angel, come to me Friends --- Just like money, are easy to get and hard to keep Freely ye have received, freely give. - Matthew 10:8 Friend of Oberon... Merle Oberon. -- Crow T. Robot Freefall Sex: Lasts Longer in Orbit! Freedom of choice: If you don't want a baby, don't have sex Freefall Sex: If you know how to Leap you don't need no Sheep! Freefall Sex: It's not a balloon, hun, I forgot to put it on First! Freefall Sex: Helluvalot better'n eatin' pizza alone on a Sat night! Friends are like chocolate -- good to have around anytime! Freq 'FINALWORD' for a text ed Freedom of religion includes the freedom to laugh at it! Freefall Sex: It's not the same as doin' it in the back of a '57 Chevy Freefall Sex: Where your acrobatics Won't disturb the neighbors! Freefall Sex: Now we know why SkyLab was so popular with the Astronauts! French mother, Alagonkin father. Paris Freefall Sex: Imagine telling your Buds you Leapt with Madonna! Frequent naps prevent old age, especially if flying Freeware Windows Compression Utility: C:\WIN [Enter] DEL *.* [Enter] Friday the 13th Part XXIV: Jason Takes the Enterprise Friends are great, FIENDS are better Freefall Sex: Never before seen video made during September, 1994 Freefall Sex: Never before seen video with Michael Jackson and Freefall Sex: Is it stressful? My doctor suggests I take it easy, now Freefall Sex: Fantasy or Reality? [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79)