--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00003 Date: 02/10/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:56pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Forrester: It's going to start hurting soon Fortunately my ancestors spawned in another ocean than yours did Forrest. I never thanked you for saving my life. Lt. Dan Forrest Gump: People to respect: Female Gym Teachers Forrest Gump: It's a small world unless you're a midget, in which case it is Forrester: Uncooperative. Hostile. Uncoordinated Forrest Spock Logically speaking, we are all chocolate Forrest Gump: Out of the mouths of Babes oftentimes comes drool Forrester: Hmmm? VooDoo! Found God? If nob Found COLDBEER.BUD: SysOp Loaded! Forrester: Yello, Deep 13. How can I help you? Forrest Gump: One man's trash is another man's garbage Forrester: We will crack this planet like a china cup! Forrester: Enjoy it while it lasts, astro boy-toy! Forrester: Congratulations. You just invented the staircase Forrest Gump: I Hate it when I put my $.02 worth in, and get change back! Forrest Hawke - By 1990 no chocolate will be without a box Forrest Gump: If one shoe fits, find the other one Found [WHALE] virus. Thank God! We can eat now! Forrest Gump: Hell hath no fury like a woman who's just gotten a bad haircut Fortunately for me, reading Usenet is a job requirement Forrester: `Charles Moffit... feared not!' Hahahaha! Fortunately I'm the stoic type - Calvin Fortunately, the Worm Cycle is equipped for such occasions. -EWJim Forrester: Natural Born Squirters Forrester: Shame fuels the economy! Forrest Letterman...10 Reasons Why Life is Like a Box of Chocolates Forrest Gump: Ice cream is a dish best served cold Forrester: Sometimes, it's just too easy Fortunately, Kentucky and Tennessee fit snugly together Forrest Gump: Treat your mama right-unless she is an abusive, unethical alcoholic Forward! If any man is killed I'll make him a corporal. -Chaffee Forrest Gump: If you think your life is unmanageable, try playing for the New York Mets Forrester: I'm much cleaner than you are, Frank Forrest Gump: Life is like a dumpster, It Stinks Forrester: What? What? Forrester: A Dr. Clayton Forrester presentation Fortune cookies and Tag lines are like ________? Forrester: Deal with it, joyless prole! Forrester: This is our new song, `Plastic Man'! Forrester: I'll show you balls! Forrester: Well... Back to planet Earth Forrester: Delightfully devious Fortune truly helps those who are of good judgment Forrest Gump: Stupid is as Stupid Doo Forrester's dance make anyone else physically ill? -- Mike Nelson Forrester: All my intestines cried out at once! Forrest Gump: Do you like Shrimp? Forrest Gump: People to respect: Lonely Ranchers Forward he cried from the rear and the front rank died -Pink Floyd Forty-two, said Deep Thought, with infinite magesty and calm Forrest PsychicLine Yes, I knew you were a chocolate Forrester: Oh, quit whining, Frank! Fors fortis Fortunately for Sir Isaac Newton, Zucchini don't grow on trees Forrest Vader Luke, I am your chocolate Fortes fortuna adjuvat Fortune smiles; another day of wine and roses. - Two-Face Forrester: We're mad scientists! What do you expect? Fortunately Homosexuals can't breed. Keep adoptive Children from them! Fortunately, the second-to-last bug has just been fixed. - Ray Simard Forrester: I'm so sick of gingham I could scream! Forrester: I've already removed all my vile flesh Forrest Gump: There's nothing new under the sun, with possible exception of the Wonder Bra Forrest Gump: Keep enough money on hand to bribe a policeman Forrest, I do love you. Jenny Forrest Gump: If you can't do, Teach. If you can't teach, do nothing, or be Vice President Forrester: Nonsense. What could go wrong? Forrester: Fine, Joel... You have your little insurrect Forrest Gump: Roses are Red, Violets are blue. The way to get chicks is to learn haiku Forrest Gump: Life is like a warm Puppy, except when you get HeartGermers Forrester: Shut up, Frank, or I'll let the dog play with Fortune Cookie: What you put into life, you shall receive in bed Forrester: I miss my spur noises Forrester's life is on the line. -- Mike Nelson Forrester: What are you looking at? Forrester: Are we on a date? Forrest Gump: Talk is Cheap, unless you're online Fortunately... no one's in control Forrester: What'sa matter, little Franky-wanky-coco-but Forrest Gump: Don't play the TUBA after running a marathon Forrester: Next week we'll introduce the lathe of Heaven Fort Wayne is not the headquarters of F troop Forrester: What is that noise? Forrester: We are gathered here today Fortunutely, I have a 256 Tribble limit ===================================================== Forrest Gump: It's Much easier to bury the hatchet than to bury a body Forrester: Actually... It's not that bold Forrester: We've invented a Lucy sketch! Forrest Gump: Two heads are better than one unless all you wear is urtlenecks Forrest Gump: Much can be said of the term "Your on my foot." Use it whenever Necessary Forrester: It's the Bazooka Joe guy! Forrest Gump: Killing 2 birds with 1 stone will often make the Audubon Society Upset Fortune favors the bold. - Terence Forrester: Thank you Mike. Tim Salvo. And, uh, the rest Forrest Gump: Keep your metal detector in good workin' order Forrest Seinfeld.What's the deal about a box of chocolates? Forrest Gump: If the shoe fits, find the other one Forrester: This will, of course, eventually kill Frank [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00004 Date: 02/10/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:57pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Forrester: Cork it, Larry Forrester: What? I was right in the middle of splicing DNA Forrester: You're living in your own filth! Ooooh! Fortune is random. Faith shoots from the hip. -Rush: Roll the Bones Fortune is random. Faith shoots from the hip. - Rush Forward yesterday Forwarned is forarmed, but 4 arms are too many Fortune: Segmentation violation - Core dumped Found on Borg Spacecraft: MICROSOFT BORG, v.4.1 Forrester: I gotta do everything around here! Forrester: Where there's shame, there's business Forrest Lincoln: "Fourscore and seven chocolates ago..." Forrester: See how clean Frank is? Fortune Telling: by Crystal Ball Fossil Fuel. Use us and nobody gets hurt Forrester: Norman Bates gave me that Forward, Forward, Down, HK --- Sub zero Fatality --- Step 1 Forrester: Part of the Foundation Trilogy gift set Forrester: More Garth! More Reba! TV's Frank: Wynnona! Forrester: We just don't have time to relax Forrester: Dr. Clayton Forrester & his loveable sidekick ResusciAnnie Forrest Gump: You can lead a horse to water, but who has the time? Forrester: Hello, Joel the Mole Forrester: You disgust me Found a piano stool, and I thought pianos were housebroken! Forrester: In your face, Nelson! Forrest Gump: You can't teach an old dog new tricks, unless one of them is "DIE." Fortunately, neither of us are dead. - Spock Forrest Gump: Tools are made to be broken Forrest Scotty The box, she's breaking apart Capt'n Forrest Gump: Keep in mind: Piece of cake over peace on earth Forrester: Into the theatre, Ferlengetti! Forty-two, said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm Found Jesus? Where were his bones discovered? Found On Road Dead Forrest Gump: Do unto others before they do unto you Forrester: The Thigh-Master is now the Die-Master! Found a nest of field mice livin' in the glove compartment. McCall Forrest: Limbless man surrounded by a lot a trees Forrest Gump: What does not kill us makes us extremely nauseous Fortune is a woman... friendly to the young Forrester: My little corn muffin Forrester: Here's a waffle for *you*, scarecrow! Forrester: We're mad scientists, damn it! Fortification - Two twentifications Fortify your front, and you'll get your rear shot up Forrester: Get it? Of course you do Forrest Gump: Strike while the iron is hot,But turn it off before you get on the Picket Line Forrest Hump - Crow suggests name for porno movie Found 65536 bytes in 8 lost chains - Convert to taglines? Forrester: Brooks and Dunne! Brooks and Dunne! Forrester: My Life As A Dog: The Western Version Forrester and TV's Frank were hatching an evil scheme Forrest, you don't know what love is. -- Jenny Forrester: Emotions are alien to me. I'm a scientist Forrest Gump: If you can't do, teach. If you can't teach, do nothing Forrest Gump: It's good to be born under a lucky star, so long as it's Forrester: These are squeeze-toy guitars, Joel! Forrest McClaine I used to be a box of Chocolates Forrester: Digging under my nails, between my toes Forrester: Yes, well... let's press on, dingleberry! Forrester: We can't even keep Lisa Loeb outta' here! Forrester: So, @FN@, what size jumpsuit do you wear? Found my way downstairs and drank a cup. - Beatles Fortunate are teh people who roots are deep. Forrest Gump: No news is good news-but enough about USA TODAY Forrester: Oh, how I loathe you Forth - One of the top five computer languages Forrester: I've basically been in the shower since Tuesday Foster's. Australian for beer Forsooth, even the zephyr hath more direction than I Fortunes come tumbling into some men's laps. -- Bacon Forrester: Yes, the one used for crushing mimes! Forrester: Brass Monkies, Frank! Brass Monkies! Forrester: Very nice, Clambake! Forrester: Until next time, collective dufuses Forrester: Why don't we just call it a draw, Robinson Forrester: Ball's in your court, Joel Forrest Yoda There is a dark chocolate, and a light chocolate Forrester: Push the button, control group Forrest Gump: Never smell the inside of bowlin' shoes. Especially someone else's Forrest Gump: Talk is cheap, unless you are online Forrest Of Borg All chocolates must be assimilated Forrester: Give 'em the hard sell, Frank! Forrest O'Hara Tommorrow, is another box of chocolates Forrester: You, as per usual, are the test case Forrester: Decidedly *un*-bold Fortune prick me, there do be spoilers here! Forrester: I don't cotton to those long-haired artsy type Forrester: Alive! My corn-fed Minnesota chicken is alive! Forrest Gump: Never get a manicure during an Earthquake Forrester: Watch and learn, Stink Bombs Forrester: Shield your eyes, Frank Forrest Lauper People just wanna have chocolate Found -=Use Real Operating System=- Fossil flowers come from the Petrified Florist Found a Yankee in my tree - will trade for horse thief or black sheep Forrester: And now I have to strangle Frank Forrester: A safe economical way to inflict evil on the world Forrester: It's all in the name of science [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00005 Date: 02/11/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:25pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Frankenhooker! -- Tom Servo Free dl of all WordPerfect Printer Drivers, etc! Free Bagpipe: Stuff cat under arm, pull legs, and chew tail Four words that destroy the male ego: "Is it in yet?" Free choice is mandatory Free advice is seldom cheap Free speech: say anything you want as long as you don't mean it Freedom cannot be legislated - M. Muir, Suicidal Tendencies Free! I'm free at last! The body is dead, long live the head Frank Sexton only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y." Free men do not have to ask permission to bear arms Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute Free? Nothing is free... except TmNice the TAGLINE Master! Found: Positronic Brain near US Robotics. Needs work Fraud and deceit should excuse no man Franklin (Gen): Your mother worries if I eat a hamburger Freedom has a special meaning to those who have to fight for it Free advice is worth only what it cost Frag, frag, frag, till daddy takes my shotgun away! Four more for Clinton -- 5-10 more for North! Free fuel, deliveries daily (re: solar energy) Free Willy II Starring Lorena Bobbit Freddy's dead, but look out world here comes Help! Free Arthur Fowler Free men can possess arms, slaves are "armament challenged." Frankie - Mouseable User Interface Engines for Clipper Frank, you're ruining it for me. -- Dr. Forrester Freedom cannot be legislated - M. Muir Fred Raven of Bullshit Design Inc Frankfort, Ky: It is against the law to shoot off a policeman's hat Free? You're a Terran. You were born a slave & you'll die a slave Fox's Dad: You should be protecting her. *Always* Franklin University of Cultural Knowledge Four out of five doctors agree that Hillary is lying Freedom is doing what you like, happiness is liking what you do Franklin: well you could put a bag over his head and DO IT for b5 Frank: Wynonna! * Dr. F: Billy Ray Cyrus! Free flying lessons for your cat. Skyway Bridge at noon Free BANK with purchase of any Toaster Frank & I are going out tonight - Mother Forrester Free-spirited: crazy and irresponsible Free Canada. Trade the Tories!!! Four. WHAT? Some beans and some beans is four beans. -Baldrick Free advice is seldom cheap.....and even moreso when from a Ferengi Four basic food groups for dragons: Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Four hours* to bury a cat ? Yes - it wouldn't keep still Fourteen out of ten computer users don't prefer Amiga Free Money! Press CTL-ALT-DEL for details! Four out of five people think the 5th person is an idiot Frank: I'm sorry * Dr. Forrester: I accept your appology Frankly Geordi, I like the beard - Riker Framptom Comes Alive - Mike on blonde teenager Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. - Beatles Frank, my towel and your heinder have an appointment! Four basic food groups: Fast, Frozen, Microwaved, & Junk Four newspapers are more to be feared than 1000 bayonets. -Napoleon Francium and Gallium are, frankly, pretty gauling Freedom is just another word for "nothing left to lose" Free dinner with any pest control job! Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man Free cheese is Found only in a mousetrap Four out of five salmon that smoke get bagels Franklin: Energy and persistence conquer all thing Freakazoid was right! I am a monster! - Mary Jane Found: broken kamikaze Founder, SAFI--StarFuries Aren't Furry, International Franklin: Lighthouses are more helpful than churches Frankly Julian, I still like chicks. - Dax Foxes will be assimilated. We're wild and crazy Borgs Four out of Five people think the fifth is an idiot Freedom from incrustations of grime is contiguous to rectitude Fountains mingle with the river, rivers with the ocean Franklin: Dr. Jacobs is a decent human being Free Bible! Just download JOANOF.ARC Francois has listed "Reality" as a PREVIOUS address!! Four Food Groups: Beer, Chips, Chocolate, Pretzels Free speech is worth what you pay for it Frddy's here! Can't you see that?- Patient Frank, have you been sniffing medical samples again? - Hawkeye Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give a Darn Freedom is never granted. It is taken with bloody hands Free the San Francisco 49ers! Free finger pullers available with every Taco Bell meal Found the word ugly in dictionary,your picture was above Fred MacMurry - The Father of >Flubber< Free are those who dream dreams Frankly my dear, I don't give a download! - Rhett Sysop Four grey walls and four grey towers overlook a space of flowers Franklin & I will start first - Dr. Forrester Frank Enstein was Albert's son Free men bear arms; serfs plow the fields Free the Babylon Five Franlin: Why is my life suddenly passing before my eyes? Freedom cannot survive without morality Fourth Law of Thermodynamics: If the probability of success is not almost one, then it is damn near zero. - David Ellis Free and single again! Fred Can Philosophize!: by Immanuel Kant Frank: Limbless man on a barbeque Four is an even number Freedom is a hard bought thing, A gift no man can give [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2Q00006 Date: 02/11/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:26pm \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Taglines