--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2M00002 Date: 02/17/98 From: GERRY NORMANDEAU Time: 03:36pm \/To: CRAIG MEEKINS (Read 2 times) Subj: TMNICE On Sunday, 15 February 1998 The Imperial Klingon Vessel NEXIS decloaked. Intercepting a communique sent from Craig Meekins to Gerry Normandeau about TMNICE! GN>> a sig that I have custom made and I would like to use it. Is GN>> there a way to use a multi line sig through TMNice? Or any way to GN>> configure it to use a multi line sig? Thanks! CM> Just add it into your personal sig file. Mine is person.sig, CM> just make sure that you have no comment markers in front of each CM> line. That is CM> %this is part %of my signature ^with these '%' marks in front CM> it will not be added, however CM> this is part of my signature %this will print in the signature Ok. Thanks for the info it worked perfectly. I never think to go the simplest route. With these things I always look for the most complicated way. Imperial Klingon Vessel NEXIS recloaking. Engage! The best I can do for now... ___ ______ \ \\__/ ___// NEXIS \___/_// Gerry Normandeau \ \\ Vanier, Ontario. Canada / // * Nexis@Offsbbs.com * Nexis@Storm.ca * ~~~ .!. "It does not bode well to leave a live dragon out of your calculations." --- Terminate 5.00/Pro * Origin: Get real, get better, get faster, get Terminate! (1:163/117.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2M00003 Date: 02/16/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 08:37am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Anti-Amiga Kamek the TagKoopa here, looking for Anti-Amiga and Amiga-Bashing taglines... Please reply ASAP, I'll give you anything I've got. TIA ^_^ [k] Kamek the TagKoopa [i] AOLSD address: SlrAlpha@aol.com ... "Bother," said Pooh, and nuked Iraq. >:) Tag-O-Matic V.13 Norians Shot On Sight. 37/2 --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2M00004 Date: 02/07/98 From: SEBASTIAN VITANGELI Time: 10:23pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Star Wars Taglines Please! En una mojada maana,y hablando sobre Star Wars Taglines Please!, Sebastian Vitangeli le decia a All, mientras atacaba un monitor Hi there, does someone have some Star Wars Taglines? Chau All,nos leemos! -------------------------------------------- ... FidoNet ========> 4:903/115.20 ... E-Mail ========> Skywalk@argenet.com.ar ... ICQ# ========> 7337313 -------------------------------------------- ... DMP: Destroy Memory Protect key --- SimplePoint 1.2 * Origin: The Dark Side BBS .. Tld 23 a 7hs .. +53-23-51-6185 .. CaLL NoW! (4:903/115.20) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2N00000 Date: 02/18/98 From: GERRY NORMANDEAU Time: 04:55pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: TMNICE "On Wednesday, 18 February 1998 16:55:26, the Imperial Klingon Vessel NEXIS decloaked." Hay All. I just want to thank all those who sent me help on fixing TMNice to my Terminate. It is working perfectly. Thank you "Imperial Klingon Vessel NEXIS recloaking. Engage!" Take care All! ___ ______ \ \\__/ ___// NEXIS \___/_// Gerry Normandeau \ \\ Vanier, Ontario. Canada / // * Nexis@Offsbbs.com * Nexis@Storm.ca * ~~~ .!. "Abandon the search for truth: settle on a good fantasy." --- Terminate 5.00/Pro * Origin: Track a ghost through a fog, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1:163/117.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2N00001 Date: 02/17/98 From: CRAIG MEEKINS Time: 09:04pm \/To: GERRY NORMANDEAU (Read 2 times) Subj: TMNICE * MOOD: Always bent outta shape)( Quotes from the original message written at 15:36:00 on 17-Feb-98 GN> Ok. Thanks for the info it worked perfectly. I never think to GN> go the simplest route. With these things I always look for the most GN> complicated way. Glad to help out, I've used TMNice for quite a while now and have no complaints about it. I used to use Tag X but dropped it after trying TMNice 3.0. Incidentally, if you really like TMNice and use Microsoft Outlook for email you may want to consider checking out Lisa from the author of TMNice. Give it a go what could you loose? Would you or anyone know of a good program that checks for duplicates? TMNice does it some what but, I'm looking for a program that has more powerful algorithms to handle different situations. C Meekins -Internet: cmeekins@viperlink.net .!. Perfect Offline Experiance=Terminate+TerMail+TMNice+Fosters! --- Terminate 5.00/Pro TerMail/QWK Terminate point system * Origin: Doc's Place, Clw Fla. telnet://docsplace.dyn.ml.org (1:3603/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2N00002 Date: 02/18/98 From: HEATHER LENNOX Time: 06:26pm \/To: RACHEL DAWSON (Read 2 times) Subj: More tags...? While Heather Lennox was stuffing herself with chocolate, she said Macro gs. RD> Want more!!!! Raych want more!! hehehehe Anyone know more D&D and RD> fantasy tags? Please, please. MR. WIZARD!!!! I don't wanna be a Sysop anymore!!!!!! Meddle not in the affairs of wizards, for... ribbit? ribbit? The Wizard of Oz...The First SYSOP Dragon or Freefall Sex: Fantasy or Reality? Depends on who you ask! ERROR in REALITY.SYS, (A)bort, (F)ail, (R)un FANTASY.COM? ERROR in REALITY.SYS, (A)lter Reality (R)un FANTASY.COM? Freefall Sex: Fantasy or Reality? Depends on who you ask! Dragon or Man! I appoint @N ambassador to Fantasy Island! Tatty-bye now! ... WORK: Annoyance to endure between coffee breaks. ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 ! Grins, Ducks, Runs, Cackling madly into the distance. ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: Sidewinder! Your Military Info BBS. 649-267-3546 (3:772/210) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2N00003 Date: 02/18/98 From: HEATHER LENNOX Time: 06:26pm \/To: CHRISTER TJERNQVIST (Read 2 times) Subj: Macro tags...? Hello Cheeky.... CT> I've btw noticed that INSULT_MODERATORS.TAG isn't very welcome in a CT> moderators only echo.. *evil grin* How long before you got a reply to that? "Clinton got his economic policies in The Soviet Union" : Limbaugh "I am Clinton of Borg. Hillary says resistance is futile!" "Sleeping Your Way to the Top" by Hillary Clinton "Sleeping with the Enemy", starring Bill Clinton! (001) Logic Error CLINTON.SYS: Truth table missing @N - Part of the 57% that didn't vote for Clinton @N is doing time in San Clinton - up for parole in @D @N secretly wishes he were dominated by Hillary Clinton @N secretly wishes he were married to Hillary Clinton Any IDIOT can be President here. Clinton has proven it. Bill Clinton after sex: "I'll be home in an hour, Hillary." Bill Clinton on Homo-Sexuality: But I didn't Swallow! Bill Clinton sucks... Hey maybe that is why the homosexuals like him Bill Clinton thinks safe sex is when Hillary is out of town Bill Clinton, "I tried homosexuality once, but I didn't swallow." CLINTON = Chicken Lickin' Idiot Now Taking Over Nation CLINTON HEALTHPLAN ERROR, A)bort, R)etry, G)o back to tax payers CLINTON-Error in EXE file CLINTON: Commie Lying Idiot Now Terrorizing Our Nation Clinton - A one bit brain with a parity error Clinton - If idiots could fly, Bill Clinton would be a 74 Clinton Sex Ed: Lend a hand...and pull for your school Clinton is living proof that mountain men screwed weasels. Clinton may fib sometimes, but at least he can tell the difference. Clinton tried Oral Sex.... Claims he didn't swallow! Clinton's first 100 days--9% fewer homosexuals! Clinton's got a strange sex life - He's a pussy & she's a prick! Clinton, the flower of Liberals. Blooming Idiotis Clinton/Gore - Divide Zero by Zero error! Clinton/Gore - ERROR 11 - Attempted division by zero Clinton/Gore - Error #12, Timeout error: 100 days of inactivity Clinton/Gore : ERROR - Division by zero! Clinton/Gore: Divide by ZERO error - not allowed! Clinton: Chicken Licken' idiot now taking over nation Clinton: Commie Lying Idiot Now Terrorizing Our Nation. Clinton: From a 60's Flower Child to a Blooming Idiot in the 90's Clinton: Terrorist-in-Chief ERROR 666: Clinton.sys Corrupted...Run Constitution.exe ERROR OPENING CLINTON.LIE CANNOT SAVE COUNTRY.USA ERROR OPENING CLINTON.LIE, CANNOT FIND TRAITOR2.USA ERROR OPENING CLINTON.LIE, RUN LIMBAUGH.BAT TO CORRECT ERROR OPENING FILE CLINTON.LIE: OUT OF DISK SPACE ERROR PROCESSING CLINTON ECONOMIC PLAN: DIVISION BY ZERO ERROR: CLINTON.SYS missing? Substitute SATAN.SYS? Error Opening Clinton.EXE, Found TRAITOR2.USA virus Error in CLINTON.LIE Can not recover COUNTRY.USA Error in CLINTON.SYS- Truth Table Missing! Error in module CLINTON.SYS, (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)mpeach Error loading CLINTON.LIE Unable to recover COUNTRY.USA Error opening CLINTON.DAT. (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)mpeach? Error opening CLINTON.LIE Cannot recover COUNTRY.USA Error opening CLINTON.LIE. Run LIMABUGH.BAT! Fatal Error in C:\CLINTON.LIE Cannot recover COUNTRY.USA If idiots could fly, Bill Clinton would be a 747 If you voted for Clinton, you must have inhaled! It takes a Village IDIOT to believe Hillary Clinton! Let me see Clinton the Idiot or Reagan the forgetful, I'll take Reagan! No military, lots of sex, some pot...hey!, Clinton's a hippie! Protected Sex: Sex after Clinton's healthcare insurance. SHORTEST BOOK: Our Sex Life Since Gennifer Flowers, by Hillary Clinton Sexy Woman: Woman Hillary Clinton hates. Sysops, this is your new Moderator, Bill Clinton, NO CARRIER The Clinton Sex Scandal: Fornigate! What does Bill Clinton say after sex? "Be home in an hour, Hillary." With Clinton and $0.85 you can get a cup of coffee. Tatty-bye now! ... ERROR #6060: TagLines aren't funny. Operator taken out back and shot ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 ! What hairy legs you have Grandmama! Team *Amiga* ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: Sidewinder! Your Military Info BBS. 649-267-3546 (3:772/210) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2N00004 Date: 02/18/98 From: HEATHER LENNOX Time: 06:26pm \/To: CHRISTER TJERNQVIST (Read 2 times) Subj: Macro tags...? Hello chubby-chops! HL> Nope...! Somethings gone wrong somewhere... There was no posting for HL> Andrea either. CT> What? *growl* -Let's try AGAIN! :-> "It's not I who am Crazy...It's I who am MAAAADDD!!!!!!!" @N, one of the folks that drives Sysops crazy! I used to be crazy. Now I'm a Sysop. I'm not crazy, I just don't give a &*$#. I'm not crazy, the voices in my head told me so. Just another crazy idea from @N Q.: How do you drive an idiot crazy? A.: Run Time Error 485728403 ... Sysop Obviously Crazy. Sex drives me crazy! Others too! Sysop NOT crazy! But it sure helps Tell when the Sysop's out of town.)) `Nuff to drive him & me crazy! You don't have to be crazy to participate here...but it helps! :) ... Man who walk through airport door sideways is going to Bangkok. ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 ! Grins, Ducks, Runs, Cackling madly into the distance. ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: Sidewinder! Your Military Info BBS. 649-267-3546 (3:772/210)