--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2H00008 Date: 02/09/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 12:27am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Oxymoron.tag by Request [8/8] >>> Part 8 of 8... Oxymoron: Vaguely Recall. Oxymoron: Valueless Education. Oxymoron: Vanilla Fudge. Oxymoron: Vegetable beef soup Oxymoron: Vegetarian Chili. Oxymoron: Ventura Freeway. Oxymoron: Very Much Uninspired. Oxymoron: Vexation Exercise. Oxymoron: Vice Admiral. Oxymoron: Vice Pres Quayle. Oxymoron: Villainous Hero. Oxymoron: Violent agreement. Oxymoron: Virgin Islands. Oxymoron: Virtual fishing. Oxymoron: Virtual Reality. Oxymoron: Virtual Storage. Oxymoron: Vociferous Silence. Oxymoron: Voice mail (this one's more than simply an oxymoron). Oxymoron: Voluntary Contributions. Oxymoron: Voting power. Oxymoron: Vulcan Sentimentality. Oxymoron: Waiting patiently. Oxymoron: War Games. Oxymoron: War hero. Oxymoron: Waste Management. Oxymoron: Water Landing. Oxymoron: We will arrest any inmate who misbehaves. Oxymoron: Weak President. Oxymoron: Weak support. Oxymoron: Wealthy Professor. Oxymoron: Weather Forecast. Oxymoron: Wedded Bliss. Oxymoron: Welfare Benefits. Oxymoron: What does it mean, 'exact change'? Oxymoron: What Quayle thinks he uses on pimples. Oxymoron: Whole Half. Oxymoron: Whole Hemisphere. Oxymoron: Why do they call them apartment when they are all together. Oxymoron: Why do they call them apartments when they are all together? Oxymoron: Wicked Good. Oxymoron: Wickedly Funny. Oxymoron: Wickedly Nice. Oxymoron: Wilderness management. Oxymoron: Windows accelerator Oxymoron: Windows Capable. Oxymoron: windows expert! Oxymoron: Windows Multitasking. Oxymoron: Windows NT (New Technology). Oxymoron: Windows NT ready. Oxymoron: Windows Power User. Oxymoron: Windows Productivity. Oxymoron: Windows-Capable. Oxymoron: Winnable nuclear war. Oxymoron: Wireless Cable. Oxymoron: Wise Democrat. Oxymoron: Wonder Bread. Oxymoron: Wonderfully Ambiguous. Oxymoron: Woods Metal. Oxymoron: Work Party. Oxymoron: Working Dinner. OXYMORON: Working vacation. Oxymoron: Worlds biggest truck is called a semi-truck. Oxymoron: Young Floridian. Oxymoron: Young Republicans. Oxymoron: Yugo Turbo. Oxymoron: Yummy sushi. Oxymoron: Zero tolerance. Oxymoron: `cash surplus'. Oxymoronic Book Title: _UNIX for Dummies_. Oxymoronic tautology is an oxymoronic tautology! Oxymorons... military intelligence and tech support! Oxymorons: Great Democratic Mind, Great Republican Mind. Oxymorons: military intelligence and tech support! Political Promises - oxymorons believed in by Liberals. Political Promises - oxymorons believed in by morons. Political Promises-oxymorons believed in by conservatives. Political Promises-oxymorons believed in by Democrats. Politically Correct - the perfect oxymoron. Politically Correct is an oxymoron. Politically Correct the perfect oxymoron! Professional journalism...an oxymoron. PROGRAMMER'S OXYMORON: Spare Time. Progressive Conservative is an oxymoron. Random order = oxymoron. Random order is an oxymoron. Rap music = oxymoron. Rap MUSIC is an oxymoron. Rap music is an oxymoron. Anyone listening to it is just a Moron. Rap music is Oxymoron. Rap music, yet another oxymoron. Resident Visitor is an oxymoron! SUPEROXYMORON: Government worker. The *correct* plural of Oxymoron is oxymora. The best oxymoron is a well-known secret. The biggest oxymoron in the world: The Senate Ethics Committee. The book Understanding DBase IV is an oxymoron. The Senate Ethics Committee is an oxymoron. The term Liberal Think tank is an Oxymoron! The Ultimate Oxymoron - - - Conservative Democrat. The ultimate oxymoron: Holy War. The ultimate Oxymorons. Military intelligence and Tech support! To demolish ruins is an oxymoron, I believe. --Selma. Today's oxymoron - Dr. Elders' solution. Tran-Zen-Dental oxymoron: Dentist who wishes patients weren't mouthy. Trioxymoron: Amtrak experimental high-speed train. Ultimate Oxymoron -oxymoron. Ultimate oxymoron: 'Cash Surplus'. Ultimate Oxymoron: good morning. Ultimate Oxymoron: Progress in Congress. US Media intelligence - oxymoron of the 90's! Use Oxymoron for those really stupid pimples! Use Oxymoron, kids, and ZAP those really stupid pimples. Want the ultimate oxymoron? Look at the cover of ANY copy of MS-DOS 6.x! Windows NT Performance - Now there's an Oxymoron. [k] Kamek the Magikoopa [i] AOLSD address: SlrAlpha@aol.com ... How do soldiers killing each other solve the worlds problems? >:) Tag-O-Matic V.13 President, Anti-DiC Moonie Club 26/2 --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2H00009 Date: 02/09/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 09:55am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Shake.tag by Request [1/2] >>> Part 1 of 2... "'Tis brief, my lord. As a woman's love." D Shakespeare "... and damned be he who first cries `Hold, enough!'" D Shakespeare "A crow that flies in heaven's sweetest air." D Shakespeare "A dream itself is but a shadow." D Shakespeare "A fool's bolt is soon shot." D Shakespeare "A harmless, necessary cat." D Shakespeare "A hit! A most palpable hit!" D Shakespeare "A jest's prosperity lies in the ear that hears it." D Shakespeare "A knavish speech sleeps in a foolish ear." D Shakespeare "A light heart lives long." D Shakespeare "A little more than kin, a little less than kind." D Shakespeare "A message well sympathized; a horse to be ambassador for an ass." "A very gentle beast, and of a good conscience." D Shakespeare "Action is eloquence." D Shakespeare "Ah, do not, when my heart hath 'scap'd this sorrow," D Shakespeare "All the world is indeed a stage..." D Shakespeare "All the world's a stage..." D Shakespeare "Curtain call."D Death "An ill-favoured thing, sir, but mine own." D Shakespeare "And all the rest forgot for which he toil'd." D Shakespeare "And art made tonguetied by authority." D Shakespeare "And beauty, making beautiful old rhyme." D Shakespeare "And captive good attending captain ill." D Shakespeare "And simple truth miscall'd simplicity." D Shakespeare "And stretched metre of an antique song." D Shakespeare "And tongues to be your being shall rehearse." D Shakespeare "And who can sever love from charity?" D Shakespeare "And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste." D Shakespeare "And, beauty dead, black chaos comes again." D Shakespeare "Angels and ministers of grace defend us!" D Shakespeare "Answer me in one word." D Shakespeare "April hath put a spirit of youth in every thing." D William Shakespeare "Away with him! Away with him! He speaks Latin." D Shakespeare "Aye, that way goes the game." D Shakespeare "Bad in the best, though excellent in neither." D Shakespeare "Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang." D Shakespeare "Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar." D Shakespeare "Be wary then; best safety lies in fear." D Shakespeare, Hamlet "Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold." - Shakespeare "Beshrew my heart, but I pity the man." D Shakespeare "Best men are often moulded out of faults." D Shakespeare "Beware the Ides of March." D Shakespeare "Bid me discourse, I will enchant thine ear." D Shakespeare "Brevity is the soul of wit." D Shakespeare "But sad mortality o'ersways their power." D Shakespeare "But thy eternal summer shall not fade." D Shakespeare "Calls back the lovely April of her prime." D Shakespeare "Can one desire too much of a good thing?" D Shakespeare "Care keeps his watch in every old man's eye." D Shakespeare "Catching all passion in his craft of will." D Shakespeare "Cel. Not a word? Ros. Not one to throw at a dog." D Shakespeare "Chewing the food of sweet and bitter fancy." D Shakespeare "Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works." D Shakespeare "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!" D Shakespeare "Cursed be he that moves my bones." D Shakespeare's Epitaph "Damnable iteration... able to corrupt a saint." D Shakespeare "Damnable, both sides rogue." D Shakespeare "Deceive boys with toys, but men with oaths." D Shakespeare "Farewell! thou art too dear for my possessing." D Shakespeare "Few love to hear the sins they love to act." D Shakespeare "Fie! What a spendthrift he is of his tongue!" D Shakespeare "File, coward woman, and soft-hearted wrench!" D Shakespeare "Fire that's closest kept burns most of all." D Shakespeare "Flowers are like the pleasures of the world." D Shakespeare "For greatest scandal waits on greatest state." D Shakespeare "For he being dead, with him is beauty slain." D Shakespeare "Fortune reigns in gifts of the world." D Shakespeare "Frailty, thy name is woman!" D William Shakespeare "Full many a glorious morning have I seen." D Shakespeare "Hamlet, thou art slain." D Shakespeare "Hast thou not spirit to curse thine enemies?" D Shakespeare "Having nothing, nothing can he lose." D William Shakespeare "He says a thousand pleasant things, but never `Adieu.'" D Shakespeare "He should have worn the horns on his head." D Shakespeare "He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous." D Shakespeare "He wears the rose of youth upon him." D Shakespeare "He's a tried and valiant soldier. So is my horse." D Shakespeare "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here." D Shakespeare "Her silence flouts me, and I'll be revenged." D Shakespeare "Horribly stuffed with epithets of war." D Shakespeare "How hard it is for women to keep counsel!" D Shakespeare "How low am I, thou painted maypole? Speak D How low am I?" -Shakespeare "How many fond fools serve mad jealousy!" D Shakespeare "How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea." D Shakespeare "I am a right maid for my cowardice." D Shakespeare "I am amazed and know not what to say." D Shakespeare "I am as poor as Job, but not so patient." - Shakespeare "I am but mad northnorthwest." D Shakespeare "I am wealthy in my friends." D Shakespeare "I can hardly forbear throwing things at him." D Shakespeare "I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him." D Shakespeare "I do begin to have bloody thoughts." D Shakespeare "I do desire we may be better strangers." D Shakespeare "I have a good eye, Uncle, I can see a church by daylight."- Shakespeare "I have Immortal longings in me." D William Shakespeare "I must be cruel, only to be kind." D Shakespeare "I shall desire more love and knowledge of you." D Shakespeare "I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought." D Shakespeare "I summon up remembrance of things past." D Shakespeare "I throw thy name against the bruising stones." D Shakespeare "I was born to speak all mirth and no matter." D Shakespeare "I was never curst, I have no gift at all in shrewishness." -Shakespeare "I will kill thee a hundred and fifty ways." D Shakespeare "I would the gods had made thee poetical." D Shakespeare "I'll show you how t'observe a strange event." D Shakespeare "If I be waspish, best beware my sting." D Shakespeare "If that be jest, then all the rest was so." D Shakespeare "If we offend, it is with our goodwill." D Shakespeare "If you will jest with me, know my aspect." D Shakespeare "In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes..." D Shakespeare "In time we hate that which we often fear." D Shakespeare "It cannot but make the judicious grieve." D Shakespeare "It skills not greatly who impugns our doom." D Shakespeare "It's easier to kill when you strike from below." D Shakespeare "Jesters do often prove prophets." D Shakespeare "Lay negligent and loose regard upon him." D Shakespeare "Let every eye negotiate for itself and trust no agent..." D Shakespeare "Let us make an honourable retreat." D Shakespeare "Like stones of worth, they thinly placed are." D Shakespeare "Lord, what fools these mortals be !" D Shakespeare "Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks..." D Shakespeare "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..." -Shakespeare "Love is too young to know what conscience is." D Shakespeare "Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind." D Shakespeare "Men die and worms eat them - but not for love" D Shakespeare "Mischief, thou art afoot, take thou what thou wilt." "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows." D Shakespeare "Motley 's the only wear." D Shakespeare "Must I bite?" D Shakespeare "My cousin's a fool, and thou art another." D Shakespeare "My grief lies onward and my joy behind." D Shakespeare "My love thou art, my love I think." D Shakespeare "My pride fell with my fortunes." D Shakespeare "Neither a borrower nor lender be." D Shakespeare "Never did mockers waste more idle breath." D Shakespeare "No evil lost is wailed when it is gone." D Shakespeare "No medicine in the world can do thee good..." D Shakespeare "O, how full of briers is this working-day world!" D Shakespeare "Oh night, which ever art when day is not!" D Shakespeare "Oh, for a horse with wings." - Shakespeare "Oh, kiss me through the hole of this vile wall!" D Shakespeare "Oh, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!" D Shakespeare "One out of suits with fortune." D Shakespeare "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." D Shakespeare "Ophelia, Get thee to a nunnery!" D Shakespeare "Oppress'd with two weak evils, age and hunger." D Shakespeare "Or bends with the remover to remove." D Shakespeare "Pardon me, sir, you're bad entertainment." D Shakespeare "Present fears are less than horrible imaginings." D Shakespeare "Rest, rest, perturbed spirit !" D Shakespeare "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead." D Shakespeare "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." D Shakespeare "Still constant is a wondrous excellence." D Shakespeare "Sweep on, you fat and greasy citizens." D Shakespeare "Sweet are the uses of adversity," D Shakespeare "Swift as a shadow, short as any dream." D Shakespeare "Tagline, Pytamus. Thisbe, stand forth. - W." D Shakespeare "Talkers are no good doers." D Shakespeare "Talkers are no good doers." D William Shakespeare, "Henry VI" "That full star that ushers in the even." D Shakespeare "That is the true beginning of our end." D Shakespeare "That skull had a tongue in it, and could sing once." D Shakespeare "That you might kill your stomach on your meat, And not upon your maid." "The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose." D William Shakespeare "The Devil hath the power to assume a pleasing shape." D Shakespeare "The ears are senseless that should give us hearing." D Shakespeare "The fair, the chaste, and unexpressive she." D Shakespeare "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." D Shakespeare "The grass stoops not, she treads on it so light." D Shakespeare "The hand of little employment hath the daintier sense." D Shakespeare "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." D Shakespeare "The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept." D Shakespeare "The little foolery that wise men have makes a great show."D Shakespeare "The ornament of beauty is suspect." D Shakespeare "The very ice of chastity is in them." D Shakespeare "The wheel is come full circle." D Shakespeare "The"why" is plain as way to parish church." D Shakespeare "Then is Doomsday near." D Shakespeare "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio..." D Shakespeare "There's no more valour in you than in a wild duck!" D Shakespeare "Therefore my age is as a lusty winter, Frosty, but kindly."-Shakespeare "They keep us down and they keep us out..." D Shakespeare "This above all; to thine own self be true." D Shakespeare "This courtesy is not of the right breed." D Shakespeare "This grief is crowned with consolation." D Shakespeare "This is the very false gallop of verses." D Shakespeare "This lion is a very fox for his valor." D Shakespeare "This man, with lime and roughcast doth, represent Wall." D Shakespeare "This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine." D Shakespeare, The Tempest "Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee." D Shakespeare "Thou speakest wiser than thou art ware of." D Shakespeare "Thou whoreson Z! Thou unnecessary letter!" D Shakespeare "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't..." D Shakespeare "Thus men may grow wiser every day." D Shakespeare "Thy brains are useless, boiled within thy skull!" D Shakespeare "Tis brief, my lord. As a woman's love." D Shakespeare "To be or not to be." D Shakespeare "To die by thee were but to die in jest." D Shakespeare "True is it that we have seen better days." D Shakespeare "Up, sluggard, and waste not life; in the grave will be sleep enough." "Upon those boughs which shake against the cold..." D Shakespeare "We cannot misuse him enough." D Shakespeare "We must speak by the card, or equivocation will undo us." D Shakespeare "We'll teach you to drink deep ere you depart." D Shakespeare "Weigh oath with oath, and you will nothing weigh." D Shakespeare "Well have you heard, but something hard of hearing." D Shakespeare "Well said. That was laid on with a trowel." D Shakespeare "What folly I commit, I dedicate to you." D Shakespeare "What, wouldst thou have me prove myself a bastard?" D Shakespeare "When all the breathers of this world are dead..." D Shakespeare "When Caesar says `Do this' it is performed." D Shakespeare "When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw." -Shakespeare "Where breath most breathes, even in the mouths of men." D Shakespeare "Where the bee sucks, there suck I." D Shakespeare "Which eyes not yet created shall o'er-read." D Shakespeare "Whose action is no stronger than a flower?" D Shakespeare >>> Continued to next message... --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2H00010 Date: 02/09/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 09:55am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Shake.tag by Request [2/2] >>> Part 2 of 2... "Why may not that be the skull of a lawyer?" D Shakespeare "Why, may not that be the skull of a lawyer?" D Hamlet "Why, mistress, sure my master is horn-mad." D Shakespeare "You come most carefully upon your hour." D Shakespeare "You speak an infinite deal of nothing. -" D Shakespeare "You still shall live such virtue hath my pen" D Shakespeare "You tread upon my patience." D William Shakespeare "Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth." D Shakespeare "Your heart's desires be with you!" D Shakespeare "Your If is the only peacemaker; much virtue in If." D Shakespeare "Your lord sends now for money." D Shakespeare "Your monument shall be my gentle verse." D Shakespeare If you had a million Shakespeares, could they write like a monkey? Shakespeare, a man of note, wrote so many things to quote. Why did Shakespeare use so many famous quotations in his work? [i] AOLSD address: SlrAlpha@aol.com ... Freedom: You don't notice it till AFTER it's gone! >:) Tag-O-Matic V.13 Founder and CEO, Minions Are Us 27/2 --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2H00011 Date: 02/09/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 09:57am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Tribble.tag by Request [1/7] >>> Part 1 of 7... WARNING! NOT DUPE-CHECKED USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!   op op op <- Tribbles listening to rock and roll.   p p p <- Tribbles listening to rock music.  Pack up your Tribbles in your old kit bag...   <- Brigadier General Tribble.  <- Major General Tribble.  <- Lieutenant General Tribble.  <- General Tribble. !$!@$****#^**&%^*%******* Tribble talking dirty about other tribbles. # <--Tribble after Borg assimilation. #*# #*# #*# <- Tribbles after the Wash Cycle. % <- Tribble Kids Seen From Above Arguing over a Fence. % <- Tribble neighbors. ',',',',',' <- Tribble tracks. (*) (*) <--- Tribbles with shields up. (*) <- Tribble with headphones. (*) <---<< Tribble wearing headphones. (-*-) <-- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter. (.)(.) <- Dolly Parton Tribbles. )*( Ross Perot reincarnated as a Tribble. * * * (Tribbles). i i i (Tribbles after Biology lab). * * * * * * * * * TRIBBLES OUT OF CONTROL! * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10010110. <-- Tribbles and Bits. * * * * * * @TO@ * * * * * <-- @TOFIRST@ joins a Tribble parade * * * * <- TRIBBles. o o o <- after hair club visit. * * * <- Tribbles . . . <- Tribbles after a haircut. * * * <- Tribbles.    <- Tribbles on drugs. * * * <- Tribbles. *' *' *' <- Tribbles with an attitude. * * * <- Tribbles. . . . <- Tribbles after a haircut. * * * <- Tribbles. <- Cloaked tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles. <- Tribbles on drugs. * * * <- Tribbles. d d d <- Hare Krishna Tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles. O= O= O= <- Tribbles on a windy day. * * * <- Tribbles. _ _ _ <- after fight with Godzilla. * * * <- Tribbles. | | | <- after being stuck in elevator. * * * <- Tribbles. j j j <- Tribbles wearing condoms. * * * <-- Tribbles. 0 0 0 <-- Tribble roadkill. * * <- 2 Tribbles (*) (*) <- 2 Tribbles with shields up. * * <- Tribble Olympics: Syncro Swimming. * * <- Tribble. + <- Tribble on a diet. * * <- Tribbles. o o o <- Picard tribbles. * - Tribble ^*^ - Vulcan Tribble * - Tribble. *o - Tribble in love with rock. * . . . . . <- Tribble Mother and Young. * <- After hair club for Tribbles . <- Before hair club. * <- How *DARE* you delete my Tribbles! * <- McCoy Tribble. Darnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Tribble..uh.. * <- Regular Tribble. * <- Odo disguised as a Tribble. * <- this is a Tribble. ^ <- this is a Tribble on drugs. * <- TRIBBle ********** <-- 5 minutes and a bowl of wheat later. * <- Tribble o*o o*o <- Mickey and Minnie Tribble. * <- Tribble U@\_ *\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_ _/* _/@U <- Tribble hockey. * <- Tribble 0 <- Tribble in Transporter. * <- Tribble i. <- Tribble after big dinner. * <- Tribble o@\_ *\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_ _/* _/@o <- Tribble hockey. * <- Tribble! <- Tribble course 180 Mark 0 Warp 6. * <- Tribble.  <- Teenage mutant Ninja Tribble. * <- Tribble. <- Cloaked Tribble. * <- Tribble. ! <- Tribble After Encountering a Klingon. * <- Tribble. ! <- Tribble With A Mohawk. * <- Tribble. !*! <- Skiing Skiing. * <- Tribble. !*! <- Skiing Tribble. * <- TRIBBle. !*! <-- Tribbles Skiing. * <- Tribble. "*..*" <-- Tribble family portrait. * <- Tribble. # <- Tribble After Borg Assimilation. * <- Tribble. # <- Tribble Waffle. * <- TRIBBle. # <-- Tribble after Borg assimilation. * <- Tribble. ### @@*# <- Redneck Tribble Olympics '96: Tractor Pull. * <- Tribble. $ <- Donald Tribble. * <- TRIBBle. $ <- The Donald Tribble. * <- Tribble. $ <- Tribble Bred To Government Specs. * <- Tribble. % <- Siamese Twin Baby Tribbles. * <- Tribble. % <- Tribble Undergoing Mitosis. * <- Tribble. % <-- Siamese twin baby tribbles. * <- Tribble. %%%%%%%%*%%% <- Tribble stuck in zipper. * <- Tribble. & <-- Tribble.ZOO. * <- Tribble. &@^#*@*&$! <- Klingon sees a Tribble. * <- Tribble. ' <-- Tribble.ZIP. * <- Tribble. (*) (*) <-- Tribbles with shields up. * <- Tribble. (*) <- Tribble With Deflector Screens. * <- Tribble. * <- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy. * <- Tribble. * <- Odo disguised as a Tribble. * <- Tribble. * <- Odo disguised as Tribble. * <- Tribble. * <- Tribble Disguised As An Asterisk. * <- Tribble. * <- Tribble. (Creativity Block). * <- Tribble. * <- Upside-Down Tribble. * <- TRIBBle. * <-- Tribble disguised as an asterisk. * <- Tribble. * <-- Tribble. (Side View). * <- Tribble. ** <- Siamese Tribbles. * <- Tribble. *** <- Tribblets. * <- Tribble. ******** <-- Same Tribble, next day. * <- Tribble. ********* <-- 5 minutes and a bowl of wheat later. * <- Tribble. **7 <- Secret Agent Tribble. * <- Tribble. *+ <- Grandpa Tribble with his cane. * <- Tribble. *+ <- Tribble Snorkeling. * <- Tribble. *- <- Tribble With A Chain saw. * <- Tribble. *-*-*-- <- Tribble Kabob. * <- Tribble. *--* <- Violent Tribbles. * <- Tribble. *.* <- Binar Tribbles. * <- TRIBBle. *.* <-- Bynar Tribbles. * <- Tribble. *..* <- Tribble Family. * <- Tribble. *...*...*...*...* <- Tribble chain gang. * <- Tribble. *.... <- Tribble Droppings. * <- Tribble. *..... <- Tribble With 5 Tribblepups. * <- Tribble. */ <-- Tribble with a lightsabre. * <- Tribble. */ \* <- Tribbles Sword fighting. * <- Tribble. */2 <- Tribble that hates DOS. * <- Tribble. *8 <- Tribble and mama out for stroll. * <- Tribble. *> - <- Tribble Firing A Bow. * <- Tribble. *>--> <- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves. * <- TRIBBle. *J <-- A Tribble snorkeling. * <- Tribble. *o <- Tribble In Love With A Rock. * <- Tribble. *\ |--| /* <- Tribble pole vaulting. * <- Tribble. *^^^ <-- Bajoran Tribble. * <- Tribble. + <- Bald Tribble. * <- Tribble. + <- Tribble With Mange. * <- Tribble. + <- Tribbles On Drugs. * <- TRIBBle. , <-- A:\Tribble.ZIP, . <-- A:\Tribble.ARJ. * <- Tribble. ,*t <- Tribble peg-leg with cane. * <- Tribble. - <- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast. * <- Tribble. -*- <- Tribble Hula-Hooping. * <- Tribble. . <- Shaved Tribble. * <- Tribble. . <- Tribble After A Shower. * <- Tribble. . <- Tribble After Hair Club. * <- Tribble. . <- Tribble after Jenny Craig. * <- Tribble. . <- Tribble On Dexitrim. * <- Tribble. . <- TRIBBLE.ZIP. * <- TRIBBle. . <-- A wet tribble. * <- Tribble. . <-- Tribble.ARJ. * <- TRIBBle. /^\*[-- <-- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribble (Eugene). * <- Tribble. /~\*[-- <-- Teenage Mutant Ninga Tribble. * <- Tribble. 0 <- Pregnant Tribble. * <- Tribble. <*> <- Tribble with shields up. * <- Tribble. <- Invisible Tribble. * <- Tribble. <- Teenage mutant ninja Tribble. * <- Tribble. <- Tribble on drugs. * <- Tribble. <-*-> <- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter. * <- Tribble. <-- Stealth Tribble. * <- Tribble. <-- Tribble.OWS +_o_+ Unpacked Tribble.OWS (dead). * <- Tribble. =<*>=<8) <- Tribble Meets a Snake. * <- Tribble. ===#=== <- Tribble Road kill. * <- Tribble. >< <- Tribble In A Vice. * <- Tribble. >< <-- Tribble in a vise-grip. * <- Tribble. ? <-- Tribble in mid life crisis. * <- Tribble. ?*? <- Tribble In A Quandary. * <- Tribble. @ <- Tribble In A Whirlpool. * <- TRIBBle. @ <-- A Tribble with a bad perm. * <- Tribble. @ <-- Tribble with a bad perm. * <- Tribble. @\_ *\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_ _/* _/@ <- Tribble hockey. * <- Tribble. d <- Hare Krishna Tribbles. * <- Tribble. Duh. * <- Tribble. o <- Bald Tribble after hairclub vis. * <- Tribble. o <- Fat Tribble. O <- Really Fat Tribble. * <- Tribble. o <- Jean Luc Tribble. * <- Tribble. O <- Tribble Grunting With Power! * <- TRIBBle. o <-- Sheared Tribble. ,,,,,, <-- Tribble Wool. * <- Tribble. o= <- Tribble listening to rock music * <- Tribble. Oo*0 <- Tribble in a line-up. * <- Tribble. x <- Village People Tribble. * <- Tribble. [+*+] <-- Tribble on a Klingon Firing Range. * <- Tribble. \*/ <- Tribble giving up to mugger. * <- TRIBBle. ^*^ <- Count Tribbula, the BatTribble. * <- Tribble. ^*^ <- Dead Tribble. * <- Tribble. ^*^ <-- Count Tribbula, the BatTribble. * <- Tribble. ^*^ <-- Vulcan Tribble. * <- Tribble. ^o^ <- Viking Tribble. * <- Tribble. _ <- Tribble After A Steam Roller. * <- Tribble. _ <- Tribble Meets Godzilla. * <- Tribble. _ <- Tribble Vs. A Klingon. * <- Tribble. _ <- Tribble vs. Godzilla * <- Tribble. _*_ <- Tribble With Extra Large Feet. * <- Tribble. __ <- Oops! Didn't See That One! * <- TRIBBle. __ <-- A Tribble vs. Godzilla. * <- Tribble. `*' <- Andorian Tribble. * <- Tribble. `*' <- Viking Tribble. * <- Tribble. | <- Anorexic Tribble. * <- Tribble. |*| <- Tribble in a TIE fighter. * <- Tribble. |_*_| <-- Housebroken Tribble. * <- Tribble. }*{ <-Tribble TIE fighter. * <- Tribble. ~ <- Very Drunk Tribble. * <- Tribble. ~ <-- Tribble toupee. * <- Tribble. ~%#{..~$ = Tribbles after using Windows. * <- Tribble. ~*~ <- Tribble in heaven. * <- Tribble. <- Dreaded Tribble Viper. * <- Tribble. <- Tribble After Wash Cycle. * <- Tribble. p <- Tribble listening to rock music. * <- Tribble. 2 <-- Tribble.DWC. * <- Tribble. MM------ <- Tribble-kabob. * <- Tribble. h <- Deep-Sea Tribble. * <- Tribble. h <- Tribble Sandwich. * <- Tribble. i <- Tribble after Biology lab. * <- Tribble. k <- Hari Krishna Tribble. * <- Tribble. l <-- Tribble Reproducing. * <- Tribble. m <- Tribble Impaled On A Huge Spear. * <- Tribble. p <- Dissected Tribble. * <- Tribble. p <- McTribble Sandwich. * <- Tribble. x <- Tribble after a close shave. * <- Tribble. y <-- Tribble.SQZ. * <- Tribble. z <-- Tribble.HAP. * <- Tribble. */ <- Sergeant Tribble. * <-- Good TRIBBle. * <-- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy. * <-- Good TRIBBle. =* <-- Evil Tribble. * <-- Odo, disguised as a Tribble. * <-- Tribble + <-- Tribble going bald. * <-- Tribble @AAAAY Rudolph the Red Nosed Tribble. * <-- Tribble. # <-- Tribble after Borg assimilation. * <-- Tribble. # <-- Tribble in a waffle iron. * <-- Tribble. # <-- Tribble of Borg. * <-- Tribble. *$ <-- Tribble Leaving The Bank. * <-- Tribble. *... <-- Tribble droppings. * <-- Tribble. *\ . /* <-- Tribble Olympics: Ice Hockey. * <-- Tribble. + <-- Born again Tribble. * <-- Tribble. @*@ <-- Perot Tribble. >>> Continued to next message... --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2H00012 Date: 02/09/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 09:57am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Tribble.tag by Request [2/7] >>> Part 2 of 7... * <-- Tribble. o * * <-- Tribbles living near Three Mile Island. * <-- Tribble. X <--- Tribble after biology lab. * <-- Tribble. @DDD*DDDY <-- Texas Longhorn Tribble. * <--- Tribble. *J <--- A Tribble snorkeling. * <--- Tribble. -*- <--- Flying Tribble. * <--- Tribble. @*@ <--- Ferenghi Tribble. * <--- Tribble. x*x x*x <--- Mickey and Minnie Tribble. * <----Tribble . <---Tribble.zip. * <----Tribble o <---Jean Luc Tribble. * <----Tribble. . <---TRIBBLE.ZIP. * <----Tribble.EXE . <---TRIBBLE.ZIP. * <-Tribble. # <-Tribble after Borg assimilation. * <-Tribble. }*{ <-Tribble TIE fighter. * <=3D- Tribble . <=3D- Tribble.sit * = Tribble. ~%#{..~$ = Tribbles after using Windows. * Tribble. (*) Tribble in a tie fighter. * Tribble.!@#$%*)^$(@! Tribble mixed up with bad company * __*_\__|--|_/*___ <=-- Tribbles pole vaulting. ** (siamese tribbles). *** <-- Tribbles. ... <-- Tribbles with haircuts. *** Tribble *> Odo disguised as a Tribble. *\ TRIBBle with a HEAVY saber. *? <-- Grandpa Tribble with his cane. *kihem Darn! Only one thoroughbred Tribble left! + <- Born again Tribble. -*-*-*-*-* <- Tribble Ka-Bob. ----------***** Group Tribble bungee jump. . <- Tribble after a haircut. ...they'll be no 'Tribble' at all. --Scott. /\*/\ <- Alien After Gestation Inside A Tribble. /\*/\ <--ALIEN after gestated in a Tribble. 255 tribbles found a bug and ran rampant. :*:. Tribble on a dune buggy. :-( To# <--Tribble after Borg assimilation. <* <- Private Tribble First Class. <*> Grinning Tribble. <- Cloaked Tribble. <-*-> <- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter. <-*-o-*-o-*-o-*-o-*--- Tribble and onion kabob. <<* <- Corporal Tribble. <<<* <- Sergeant Tribble. <<<*) <- Staff Sergeant Tribble. <<<*)) <- Sergeant Tribble First Class. <<<*))) <- Master Sergeant Tribble. ===\-+-+-/~~~~*~~~ <- ship saving drowning Tribble >>>DDD*DDD> <- Steve Martin Tribble. ?*? <----Tribble in a quandary. @ <- Dreaded Tribble viper. A Denebian Slime Devil is a Tribble built to Klingon specifications. A denebian slime devil is a Tribble built to Klingon specs. A dust bunny is a poor man's Tribble. A Mogwai is simply a highly evolved Tribble. A Tribble a day has the Minimum Daily Requirement of fur. A Tribble a day keeps the Klingon well fed. A Tribble a day keeps the Klingons away! A Tribble a day keeps the Klingons well fed. A Tribble a day keeps the Trekkers away... A Tribble a day keeps the Trekkies away. A Tribble a day keeps the Trekkies away...or is it Trekkers now? A Tribble is a furry little creature from a humorous Star Trek episode. A Tribble is good eating, just remember to singe the fur off first! A Tribble is the only love that money can buy. A whole wad a tribbles deleted for brevity. A whole wodge a Tribble deleted for brevity. A whole wodge a tribbles deleted for brevity. A whole wodge of Tribble deleted for brevity... A whole wodge of tribbles deleted for brevity A wookie is an over-sized Tribble with an attitude. About as likely as a lonely Tribble! Add a grain of truth to a Tribble and you get another Tribble. Airman Tribble first class: \\*//. Alex, I'll take 'Tribble' for $300. DING-DING! Daily Double! Alex, I'll take 'Tribbles' for $300. Daily Double!.. uh Triple! uh... Alex, I'll take 'Tribbles' for $300. DING-DING! Daily Double Alexander wants a Tribble...On next S.T.: The Adolescent Generation. Alexander wants a Tribble...On the next S.T.: The Adolescent Generation. All right, who put the tribbles in the replicator? All Tribble must be destroyed!: del ***.***. All tribbles must be destroyed!: del ***.***. All we have to do is stop feeding them! --McCoy on tribbles. And best regards to Captain Duns Darn! Only one thoroughbred Tribble left! And Captain! You're in good hands with Tribbles! And get these tribbles off the bridge. --Kirk. And get these tribbles outta my lab! --Jim Kirk, Sysadmin. And we never heard of a Tribble tagline, and were ... And, Brother, do they have a lot of will! --McCoy on tribbles. Anyone Posting Tribble Recipes Will Be Shot. Anyone Posting Tribble Taglines Will Be Shot. Anyone want to buy a harmless, little Tribble? Are U wearing a troupe or is that a TRIBBLE on your head? Are you wearing a toupee or is that a TRIBBLE on your head. Are you wearing a troupe or is that a TRIBBLE on your head? Aren't Tribble much more fun than what most people consider important. Aren't tribbles much more fun than what most people consider important. As happy as a Tribble at an All-U-Can-Eat Buffet! As near as I can figure, they're born pregnant. --McCoy on tribbles. Assimilated Tribble: Quadrotriticale is irrelevant. Aye, Captain - it'll be no Tribble at all! --Scotty. Aye, it be no Tribble atall, Captain. Bad hair day, Captain, or is your Tribble in heat? Bat Tribble: ^*^. Beat me, Moderate me, make me write Tribble taglines. Beat me, whip me, make me squish Tribble Taglines --> ____ Beat me, whip me, make me write Tribble taglines. Besides, tribbles have no teeth! --Cyrano Jones. Beware of Low Flying Tribbles! Binary Tribble: *.*. Borg meets Tribbles: We are the Borg. We surrender. Please help. Borg on tribbles: Soft and furry is irrelevant, you will be assim*******. Bother said Pooh as he pulled a Tribble from his honey. Bother said Pooh as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot. Bother said Pooh pulling the Tribble from his honey pot Bother said Pooh, pulling a Tribble from his honey pot. Bother said Pooh, removing the Tribble from his honey pot! Bother! said Pooh as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot. Bother! said Pooh pulling a Tribble from his honey pot. Bother! said Pooh pulling the Tribble from his hunny pot. Bother! said Pooh removing the Tribble from his honey pot! Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled a Tribble from a honey pot. Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled a Tribble from his honey. Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot. Bother! said Pooh, as the Tribbles made him *itch* like mad. Bother! said Pooh, as the Tribbles rained down on him. Bother! said Pooh, pulling a Tribble from his honey pot. Bother! said Pooh, pulling the Tribble from his honey pot. Bother! said Pooh, pulling the Tribble from his hunny pot. Bother, said Capt. Pooh when he found his toupee was a Tribble. Bother, said Pooh as he found out his Tribble was pregnant. Bother, said Pooh as he pulled a Tribble from a honey pot. Bother, said Pooh as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot. Bother, said Pooh as the tribbles rained down on him. Bother, said Pooh pulling a Tribble from his honey pot. Bother, said Pooh pulling the Tribble from his honey pot. Bother, said Pooh pulling the Tribble from his hunny pot. Bother, said Pooh removing the Tribble from his honey pot! Bother, said Pooh, as he found out his Tribble was pregnant. Bother, said Pooh, as he pulled a Tribble from a honey pot. Bother, said Pooh, as he pulled a Tribble from his honey. Bother, said Pooh, as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot. Bother, said Pooh, as he stuffed tribbles into Barney's ears. Bother, said Pooh, as the Tribbles made him *itch* like ants. Bother, said Pooh, as the Tribbles made him *itch* like mad. Bother, said Pooh, as the Tribbles rained down on him. Bother, said Pooh, pulling a Tribble from his honey pot. Bother, said Pooh, pulling the Tribble from his honey pot. Bother, said Pooh, pulling the Tribble from his hunny pot. Bother, said Pooh, removing the Tribble from his honey pot! Bother. said Pooh, as he pulled a Tribble from a honey pot. Bother. said Pooh, as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot. Bother. said Pooh, as the tribbles rained down on him. Bother. said Pooh, pulling a Tribble from his honey pot. Bother. said Pooh, pulling the Tribble from his honey pot Bother. said Pooh, removing the Tribble from his honey pot! Boy Trekkie meets Girl Trekkie -- Object: Tribble. But they do like Vulcans. Kirk on tribbles. Canonical Tribble taglines will be posted after breeding new ones. Captain ... one .. harmless ... little ... Tribble? Captain ... one .. harmless ... little ... Tribble? --Chekhov. Captain ... one .. harmless ... little ... Tribble? --Cyrano Jones. Captain @TOLAST@...one harmless little...Tribble? Captain one .. harmless little Tribble? --Cyrano Jones. Captain, a Klingon does *NOT* play SimTribble! Captain, one little Tribble isn't harmful! --Cyrano Jones. Captain, this Tribble is dead. --Spock. Captain. One. Harmless. Little. Tribble. --Cyrano Jones. Captain...one...harmless...little...Tribble? Cardassians enjoy blood sport fights between Voles and Tribbles. Cats think Tribble--tags-are-Trouble! Cats: mate like tribbles. CAUTION! **_**_** Tribble crossing. CAUTION: Tribble crossing ahead ****************** Christmas Shopping for @TO@? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for @TOFIRST@? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for her? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for Him? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for Worf? Buy him a Tribble! Clingon society for the promotion of cruelty to Tribbles. Cloaked Tribble: Closet: @TOFIRST@ set up a scenario based on Tribbles make you itch. Coal mining Tribble with pick: *--) Copyrighted Tribble: (*). Critters; Tribble on steroids! Critters; Tribbles on steroids! Cross a tagline and a Tribble? You get a full HD... Cross between a Vulcan and a Tribble? Fuzzy logic. Crow T.: It's a Tribble! Cybersmurf vs the Rabid Tribble II in Super 3D. Cybersmurf vs the Rabid Tribbles II in Super 3D. Cyrano Jones - Captain...one harmless little Tribble? Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Tribble! Dances With Tribble - Stomp SQUEAK Stomp SQUEAK. Dances With Tribbles - Stomp SQUEAK Stomp SQUEAK Dances with tribbles. >>> Continued to next message... --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2H00013 Date: 02/09/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 09:57am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Tribble.tag by Request [3/7] >>> Part 3 of 7... Dances With Tribbles.... stomp SQUEEK ..stomp SQUEEK. Dances with Tribbles: STag-O-MaticP Squeak STOMP Squeak STOMP Squeak! Dances With Tribbles: Stomp SQUEAK Stomp SQUEAK Dances with Tribbles: STOMP Squeak STOMP Squeak STOMP Squeak! Darn! Only one thoroughbred Tribble left! Darn! Out of Tribble tags! Darn! STILL out of Tribble tags! Darn, out of Tribble tags! Darn, still out of Tribble tags! Darth Tribble in tie fighter: -*- Del *.* <- How *DARE* you delete my Tribbles! Denebian slime devil - a Tribble built to Klingon specs. Did***one***of**you*****feed****my***tribble**?************* Do assimilated tribbles become the B*rg? Does anyone know who put the Tribble in the quadrotriticale? Does anyone know who put the Tribbles in the quadrotriticale? Don't wet your Tribble and NEVER feed it after midnight Drunk Tribble: _. Dueling tribbles: *- -*. Dust balls. The cheap man's tribble. Dust balls: the poor man's Tribble. Dust Bunnies are the poor man's Tribble. Dust-balls - The cheap man's Tribble. Dust-balls - The poor man's tribbles. Dust-balls - This century's Tribbles. Dust-balls: The cheap man's Tribble. Dust-bunnies: The cheap man's Tribble. Dust-bunnies: The poor man's Tribble. Dustballs: The cheap man's Tribble. Eat quadrotriticale....3.56 billion tribbles can't be wrong! Eat Quadrotriticale: 3.56 quadrillion tribbles can't be wrong. Eat triticale: 3.56 quadrillion Tribble can't be wrong! Eat triticale: 3.56 quadrillion tribbles can't be wrong Electrocuted Tribble: #. Emoticon: *) Tribble Smiley. Er, it's time to stop feeding those tribbles! Error: Tribble.dat full - open new ear. ERROR: Tribble.dat full. Errrr, it's time to stop feeding those Tribbles! Excitement is a Klingon with a Tribble in his pants. Female Tribble: *. [Not tonight, I started my period.] Ferengi Q-Tip = A Tribble with a stick up its ass. Ferengi Tribble: @*@. Flying Tribble: -*- For Sale: Tribble Contact H. Mudd at 17:01/A. For Sale: Tribbles. Contact H. Mudd at 17:01/A. Fortunately, I have a 256 Tribble limit and they know that! Fuzzy Evolution-EWOK-->WOOKIE-->MOGWAI-->TRIBBLE. Fuzzy logic - a Vulcan contemplating a Tribble. Fuzzy logic - a Vulcan petting a Tribble. Fuzzy logic--a Vulcan contemplating a Tribble. Fuzzy logic: Vulcan contemplating a Tribble. Give a friend a TRIBBLE-- the gift that keeps on giving. GO SUCK A TRIBBLE! Grandpa Tribble with hearing aid: *? Grinning Tribble: *. Hamsters: Tribble with an attitude. Hamsters: Tribbles with an attitude. Have fun with a Klingon. Put Tribble in his shorts. Have fun with a Klingon. Put tribbles in his shorts. Have I ever! I haven't mated in 15 minutes! --Tribble. Have you cooked a Tribble today? Fried? Baked? FLAMBE? Have you cooked a Tribble today? Fried? Baked? FLAMB? Have you hugged your Tribble today? He who dies with the most Tribble taglines wins. He who dies with the most Tribble wins. He who dies with the most Tribbles taglines wins. He who dies with the most Tribbles wins. He won't bite, will he? --Chekhov on Tribble. He wrote TRIBBLE TAGS! by pouring tea on a Ouiji Board. Help! I'm in deep, deep Tribble! --Kirk. Help! The Tribble recipes are multiplying! Help! The Tribble Taglines are multiplying! HESATO: Hamsters Earning Support Against Tribble Over-awareness. Hey Rocky, watch me pull a Tribble out of my hat Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a Tribble outta my hat! HH - Deep-sea Tribble. How do U tell a Chtorran from a Tribble? They purr, eat, and AUGH. How to irritate a Klingon -- put a Tribble in his shorts. I am Ben-Wa of Borg - I will assimilate your Tribbles. I am Ben-Wa of Borg - your Tribbles will be assimilated. I am Cyrano Jones of Borg, Want to buy a Borg Tribble? I am going to post Tribble taglines until everyone's brain explodes. I am Tribble of Borg. Where's The Beef! I beamed them aboard the Klingon vessel, no Tribble at all! I had a chicken once. Tasted just like Tribble. I had a Tribble once, Tasted like chicken. I had a Tribble once...it tasted like chicken. I had a Tribble once...kinda tasted like chicken. I had a Tribble once...Tasted just like chicken. I HATE TRIBBLE TAGS! I like Tribbles ... defurred and deep-fryed! I love Tribbles (with mustard and mayonnaise). I tried to Tribble, but only got Worfed... I want to know what killed these tribbles! I want to know what killed these tribbles! --Kirk. I'd rather be squishing tribbles - Klingon Anti-Earth League. I'm 1/2 Klingon and 1/2 Tribble...I'm a kibble! I'm half Klingon and half Tribble I'm a kibble! I'm just a harmless little fuzzball... What, like a Tribble? Uh-oh... I'm off to wax the shuttle craft! Anyone got a Tribble? I'm so ashamed. I wrote a tribble tagline. I* <= Geordi TRIBBle (asleep, of course!) If the Borg assimilated tribbles, would they become the B*rg? If Tribbles lived forever, where would we all live? If you can't eat with the big tribbles, stay out of the grain bins! If you compress five tribbles do you get one big one? If you've seen one Tribble, you've seen 'em all! Irritate a Klingon...Put a Tribble in his shorts. Is that a Tribble in your pocket or just glad to see me? Is that a Tribble on your head or did The Hair Club die? Is that a Tribble on your head or did THE HAIR CLUB go under? Is that a Tribble on your head or is this a Bad Hair day? Is that toupee or is a TRIBBLE on your head? Is that troupe or is a TRIBBLE on your head? It waits... for a campfire cookout featuring Tribble on a stick. It waits... for a campfire cookout w/ Tribble on a stick. It waits... for one who dances with Tribble. It waits... for one who dances with tribbles. It's a Tribble! --Crow on Nummy Muffin Coocool Butter. It's a Tribble! --Crow T. Robot. Joke: Re-program Holodeck to add tribbles to all of Worf's scenarios. Klingon Rx - Take two Tribbles and call me in the morning. Klingon society for the prevention of cruelty to Tribbles. Klingon torture device: 5,000 tribbles and one chocolate bar. Knock knock *| * Who is it? --Tribble blind date. Latest galactic thrill: Tribbles replace Ben-Wa balls. Life is just a bowl of tribbles. LOAD*,8 Commodore 64 Tribble. Logic: A Vulcan contemplating a tribble. Mates like a Tribble. May all your tribbles be little ones Member of Tribble Eaters Anonymous. Meter: [...../] Tribble multiplication meter: [*****/]. Mmmmmm... I love Tribbles! Mogwai is simply a highly evolved Tribble. Mr. Worf, fire phasers and tribbles -- simultaneously! My car has seen more action than a Tribble in heat! New hotel - The Tribbled Inn...for some reason the Klingons never stay. Next on Yan Can Cook! Tribbles Klingon style. Next: Tribbles Klingon style, on Yan Can Cook! No one knows the Tribble I've seen.. Nobody knows the Tribble I've seen. Nobody knows the Tribble's I've seen. Not to mention your avoiding the Tribbles by hiding in the closet! Off to wax the shuttle craft. Got a Tribble I can use? Oh, nobody knows the tribbles I've seen! Old man tribble, he just keeps rolling along. Once I had a Tribble, now I have a dozen. One more *%^%$^@! tribble tagline and I get violent. Pack up your Tribbles in your old kit bag PURR if you're a Tribble. Quadrotriticale is irrelevant. --Borgisized Tribble. Quadrotriticale....3.56 billion tribbles can't be wrong! Quatrotriticale....3.56 billion tribbles can't be wrong! RoboSmurf -VS- The Rabid Tribbles II in 3D. Rush is a harmless little fuzzball. So are tribbles. Say, Jim, is that a Tribble on your head? Spock, quick, I smell tribbles! Spock-Kirk is that a Tribble on your head or a new taupe? Stone me, stain me, Make me read Tribble taglines. Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribbles. That's not a steel wool pad, it's a Dorsai Tribble. That's right friends we got Tribble! Right here in River City! That's right friends we got Tribble! Right here in River. The offspring of a Tribble and Ross Perot: @*@ The only good Tribble is one served with onions. The only good Tribble is served with onions. The trouble with tribbles is that they've got *'s in their eyes. There will be...Tribble! These taglines multiply faster than Tribbles. They'll be no Tribble at all! This is a Tribble -> * This is a Tribble on drugs -> + Any questions? This is your brain o This is your brain on tribbles *. This is your brain: <>. This is your brain on TRIBBles: <*>. Got it? This Tagline has trouble with Tribbles. Those TRIBBLES can make you itch! Beware of John Foster & his TRIBBLES! To Tribble or not to tribble? That is the *. Tonight we're having Chocolate Tribble Surprise. Tonight we're having Chocolate Tribble Surprise. Worf, you first. Torrid tales of paluckoos and tribbles, next on Geraldo! Tribble + quadrotricitikayle = *********************** Tribble -> * Tribble having safe sex -> * Tribble -> * Tribble having safe sex -> * Tribble -> *. Borg assimilated Tribble -> #. Tribble -> *. Jean-Luc Tribble -> o. Tribble -> *. Tribble sees a Klingon ->!. Tribble after sex: *-~ Tribble at 1st and 10...glommer 2 yards to go. Tribble breed at will...And boy do they have a lot of will. Tribble like time fills empty space. Tribble math is sexpoential. Tribble math: * + * = ****************************** . Tribble Math: * + Food = ************************ Tribble Math: * + Grain = ***********. Tribble Mathematics: * + * = ************************* Tribble meets Ford at 65Mph ---> ____. Tribble multiplication meter: [*****/]. Tribble of Borg: Cooo... Purrrrr... Assimilate! Tribble Olympics, Archery: *}- 0. Tribble Olympics, Baseball: *! . Tribble Olympics, Dueling: *- -*. Tribble Olympics, Fencing: */ \*. Tribble Olympics, Golf: *L. I. Tribble Olympics, Jousting: ,*|-------*-. Tribble Olympics, Pole Vaulting: *\|__. Tribble Olympics, Skiing: *\\. Tribble Olympics, Snorkelling: *+. Tribble taglines are irrelevant. Prepare to be emasculated. TRIBBLE tune Just rolling along... Tribble use # - Keep your cats entertained. Tribble use #07 - as a palukoo substitute in recipes. Tribble use #09 - indoor baseball. Tribble use #12 - TrekActors hairpieces. Tribble use #27 - keep your ears warm on those cold mornings. Tribble use #28 - use instead of lab rats... you'll never run out. >>> Continued to next message... --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2H00014 Date: 02/09/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 09:58am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Tribble.tag by Request [4/7] >>> Part 4 of 7... Tribble use #32 - with white wine sauce, shallots and mushrooms. Tribble use #40 - a kinder, gentler Orb. Tribble use #57 - Biology class: the Birds and the Tribbles. Tribble use #57 - latest galactic sex toy. Tribble use #78 - fuzzy dice for your rear-view mirror. Tribble use #84 - as part of a balanced diet. Tribble use #89 - use instead of silicone for implants. Tribble use #94 - Tribble Daiquiri. Tribble use #97 - entertainment for your cat. Tribble!@#$%*)^$(@! Tribble mixed up with bad company. Tribble, not just your small furry beast anymore ####. TRIBBLE.ZIP = / TRIBBLE.ARJ = . Tribble: Fuzzy ball, born pregnant, and has voracious appetite! Tribble: When a girl trekkie and a boy trekkie get together? Tribbles - $5.00 for all you can pile on top of you. Tribbles : The worlds purest safe sex. Tribbles are born PREGNANT! --McCoy. Tribbles are to busy reproducing to have sex. Tribbles are too busy reproducing to have sex. Tribbles don't have fleas!The TRIBBLES' fur's toxic! TRIBBLES IMITATING ANTS.********************************************* Tribbles who love Klingons, on the next Oprah! Tribbles, you can't have just one. Tribbles-not just for makeup. Tribbles: The worlds purest safe sex. Tumbleweed: Colorado Tribble. Two wet tribbles having sex: : Vampire Tribble ---> *=. Warning: Tribble overload. All users deleted. Watch the Tribble do the babatwist. -> *. What did you feed these Tribble taglines @TOFIRST@! They're multiplying! What do you get if you cross a tagline and a tribble? A full HD. Where they'll be no Tribble at all... Where. Are. The tribbles? --Kirk to Spock. Whip me, beat me. Make me write tribble taglines. Windows: The computer equivalent of a Tribble. Wookie (n): Over grown Tribble with an attitude. Yeah, and now *I* itch all over! @$#% Tribbles ! yIHmey vImuSqu' (I hate tribbles!) YIHmey vImuSqu' (Translation: I hate tribbles!) You show me your Tribble, I'll show you my Regulan blood worm! You wearing a toupee or is that a Tribble on your head? [-*-]. <-- Tribble on Klingon firing range. [oo] Horse with blinders, [**] Tribble horse. \* . Tribble slide. \*/ <- Airman Tribble. \\*// <- Airman Tribble First Class. ^+^ <- Viking Tribble _ <--Tribble on drugs. _ _ _ <-- tribbles who spent a weekend at Jurassic Park. __ <-- Worf's Tribble after not using the litter box _________ Tribbles after an encounter with a steamroller. {{:-{*}. Klingon eating Tribble. |\|/| <- Big mutant tribble claw. |_*_| <= Housebroken Tribble. |_____________________* <-- bungee-jumping Tribble.    <- Tribbles listening to rock music. S*= S*= S*= <- Terrifying flying tribbles. x*x x*x <- Mickey and Minnie Tribble. "I'm off to wax the shuttlecraft! Anyone got a tribble?..." * <- Tribble <- Tribble doing jumping jacks * <- Tribble "p <- Tribble listening to rock music * <- Tribble "p <- Tribble on a windy day. * <- Tribble # <- Electrocuted tribble. * <- Tribble # <- Tribble After Borg Assimilation * <- Tribble ' <- after the wash cycle * <- Tribble *' <- Tribble with an attitude * <- Tribble *- <- Tribble after male augmentation * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble bandleader! * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble Olympics: Fencing * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribbles swordfighting * <- Tribble */^ <- Tribble tipping hat * <- Tribble *8 <- Tribble and mama out for stroll * <- Tribble *? <- Grandpa Tribble with his cane * <- Tribble *Y <- Tribble Snorkelling * <- Tribble *\ |--| /* <- Tribble polevaulting * <- Tribble *\\ <- Tribble Going Skiing * <- Tribble *^ <- Tribble Praying * <- Tribble *} - | <- Tribble Archery * <- Tribble . <- Tribble after a haircut * <- Tribble .*/ <- Sergeant tribble * <- Tribble 0 <- Pregnant Tribble * <- Tribble 0 <- Tribble in Transporter. * <- Tribble <*> <- Tribble with shields up * <- Tribble e <- Baby Tribble with bottle * <- Tribble h <- Tribble Sandwich * <- Tribble MM- - - - - - <- Tribble-kabob * <- Tribble o <- Bald Tribble. * <- Tribble o <- Jean Luc Tribble * <- Tribble o*o <- Tribble bicycling * <- Tribble [*] <- Tribble wearing headphones * <- Tribble \*/ <- Tribble giving up to mugger * <- Tribble ^"^ <- Viking Tribble * <- Tribble _ <- drunk tribble * <- Tribble _ <- Tribble vs. Godzilla * <- Tribble ~*~ <- Tribble in heaven * <-- Tribble &* <-- Tribble spinning lariat * <-- Tribble * * * * * 10010110 <-- Tribbles & Bits * <-- Tribble *! <-- Tribble playing baseball * <-- Tribble -*- <-- Kung Fu Tribble breaking board with body * <-- Tribble -*-*-*-* <-- Tribble kabob * <-- Tribble . <-- wet Tribble * <-- Tribble <*> <-- Tribble with shields up * <-- Tribble = <-- Tribble after laying on RR tracks * <-- Tribble Oo*0 <-- Tribble in a line-up * <-- Tribble @DDD*DDDY <- Texas Longhorn Tribble * <-- Tribble SPPP*PPP= <-- Bullwinkle Tribble * <-- Tribble p <-- dissected Tribble * * * * * 10010110 <- Tribbles & Bits. * * * - Tribbles _ _ _ - Tribbles Meet Godzilla * * * - Tribbles ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ - Tribbles in heaven * <- Good Tribble * <- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy * <- Tribble >* <- Romulan tribble * <- Tribble o <- Jean Luc Tribble. * <- Tribble *** <- Tribble in house of mirrors * <- Tribble **7 - Secret Agent Tribble * <- Tribble ^*^ - Vulcan Tribble * <- Tribble {{* <-Klingon tribble * <- Tribble !*! <- Skiing Tribble * <- Tribble !*! <- Tribble with snowshoes * <- Tribble %%%%%%%%*%%% <- Tribble stuck in zipper * <- Tribble (*) <- Copyrighted Tribble * <- Tribble _______/ \\* <- Tribble Olympics: Ski Jump * <- Tribble # <- Tribble after getting stuck in a waffle iron * <- Tribble # <- Tribble in transporter * <- Tribble # <- Tribble with his hair spiked * <- Tribble & <- Tribble after getting caught in taffy machine * <- Tribble * <- Top view * <- Upside-Down * <- Side view * <- Tribble *! <- Tribble calling for police * <- Tribble *! <- Tribble Olympics: baseball * <- Tribble *$ <- Tribble leaving the bank * <- Tribble *& <- Tribble playing the harp * <- Tribble ***+ pretty good Tribble movie rating * <- Tribble ***-A-*** <- Heavy-Weight Tribble Lifter. * <- Tribble ***<***********<********* <- Tribble Olympics: rowing * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble bandleader! * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble Olympics: Fencing * <- Tribble *< <- Tribble with a megaphone * <- Tribble *= <- The Starship Tribbleprise * <- Tribble *> - | <- Tribble Archery * <- Tribble *? <- Grandpa Tribble with hearing aid * <- Tribble *@\_ *\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_ _/* _/@* <- Tribble hockey * <- Tribble *\ |--| /* <- Tribble polevaulting * <- Tribble *][ <- Tribble II: The adventure continues... * <- Tribble *______________o_____||| <- Tribble bowling * <- Tribble *}-- <- Tribble with Lance * <- Tribble ,*|-------*- <- Tribble Olympics: Jousting * <- Tribble -->--*-- <- Tribble after a sword fight * <- Tribble . <- Tribble with a haircut * <- Tribble . <- Tribble.ARJ * <- Tribble . <- Tribble.LhA * <- Tribble . <- Tribble.LZH * <- Tribble . <-- Minimized Tribble * <- Tribble . <-- Tribble After A Shower. * <- Tribble k <- Snake Tribble A tribble a day keeps the Klingons away......... As happy as a Tribble at an All-U-Can-Eat Buffet! Del *.* <-- How *DARE* you delete my Tribbles! Tribble math: * + * = ****************************** * <- Tribble # <- Tribble After Borg Assimilation Rameses Niblick III, Ker-plunk, Ker-plunk, Whoops Where's My Thribble?    <- teenage mutant ninja tribbles * <- Tribble * <- Official Moderator's Deadly Ninja Throwing NerfStar "Bother," said Pooh, as he pulled a tribble from his honey. "I gave them to the Klingons, sir." Scott to Kirk on tribbles "I'm off to wax the shuttlecraft! Anyone got a tribble?..." (-*-)
<- Tribble with shields up * <- Tribble e <- Baby Tribble with bottle * <- Tribble h <- Tribble in cap and gown * <- Tribble h <- Tribble Sandwich * <- Tribble i <- Tribble after big dinner * <- Tribble i <- Tribble after Biology lab * <- Tribble j <- Tribble wearing condom * <- Tribble k <- Hare Krishna Tribble * <- Tribble m <- Tribble with a hula hoop * <- Tribble MM- - - - - - <- Tribble-kabob * <- Tribble o <- Bald Tribble. * <- Tribble o <- Jean Luc Tribble * <- Tribble o*o <- Tribble bicycling * <- Tribble p <- Dissected tribble * <- Tribble x <- Tribble after a close shave * <- Tribble [*] <- Tribble wearing headphones * <- Tribble \*/ <- Tribble giving up to mugger * <- Tribble ^"^ <- Viking Tribble * <- Tribble _ <- drunk tribble * <- Tribble _ <- Tribble vs. Godzilla * <- Tribble ~*~ <- Tribble in heaven * <- Tribble ~< op op <- Tribbles and Rock! >>> Continued to next message... --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2H00015 Date: 02/09/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 09:58am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Tribble.tag by Request [5/7] >>> Part 5 of 7... * <- Tribble <- Cloaked Tribble * <- Tribble <- Teenage mutant ninja tribble * <- Tribble <- Tribble on drugs * <- Tribble o= <- Tribble on a windy day. * <-- Tribble # <- Tribble After Borg Assimilation * <-- Tribble &* <-- Tribble spinning lariat * <-- Tribble * * * * * 10010110 <-- Tribbles & Bits * <-- Tribble *! <-- Tribble playing baseball * <-- Tribble *** <-- Menage-a-Tribble * <-- Tribble *-~ <-- Tribble after sex * <-- Tribble + <-- born again Tribble * <-- Tribble -*- <-- Kung Fu Tribble breaking board with body * <-- Tribble -*-*-*-* <-- Tribble kabob * <-- Tribble . <-- wet Tribble * <-- Tribble <*> <-- Tribble with shields up * <-- Tribble = <-- Tribble after laying on RR tracks * <-- Tribble Oo*0 <-- Tribble in a line-up * <-- Tribble @DDD*DDDY <- Texas Longhorn Tribble * <-- Tribble SPPP*PPP= <-- Bullwinkle Tribble * <-- Tribble p <-- dissected Tribble * * * (Tribbles) i i i (Tribbles after Biology lab) * * * * * * * * * --- Tribbles 'n Bits * * * * * * * * * <- Tribble 'n Bits * * * * * * * * * TRIBBLES OUT OF CONTROL! * * * * * * * * * * * * * - Gentlemen there are tribbles among us! * * * * * * * ~ ~ * <- Tribble Solar System. * * * * * 10010110 <-- Tribbles & Bits * * * * * 10010110 <- Tribbles & Bits. * * * * <- teenage mutant ninja tribbles * * * * <- Tribbles #*# #*# #*# <- After The Wash Cycle * * * - Tribbles o o o - Tribbles after hair cut! * * * - Tribbles - Cloaked tribbles * * * - Tribbles * * * - after struck by elevator door * * * - Tribbles * * * - after the wash cycle * * * - Tribbles * * * - Hari Krishna tribbles * * * - Tribbles * * * - Tribbles on drugs * * * - Tribbles *' *' *' - Tribbles with an attitud * * * - Tribbles *** - Sergeant tribble, their leader * * * - Tribbles *** *** *** - terrifying flying tribbles * * * - Tribbles . . . - Tribbles after a haircut * * * - Tribbles o o o - Bald tribbles * * * - TribbleS o o o - Tribbles after hair cut! * * * - Tribbles S S S - teenage mutant ninja tribbles * * * - Tribbles _ _ _ - after fight with Godzilla * * * - Tribbles _ _ _ - Tribbles Meet Godzilla * * * - Tribbles ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ - Tribbles in heaven * * * - Tribbles ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ - Tribbles in heaven. * * * <- Tribble *** <- Sergeant Tribble, their leader * * * <- Tribbles    <- Tribbles on drugs * * * <- Tribbles    <- Tribbles doing jumping jacks * * * <- Tribbles <- after being stuck in elevator * * * <- Tribbles <- after hairclub visit * * * <- Tribbles <- after the wash cycle * * * <- Tribbles <- Anti-tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles <- Approximates * * * <- Tribbles <- Balding Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles <- Cloaked tribbles * * * <- Tribbles <- dissected tribbles * * * <- Tribbles <- Dribbles * * * <- Tribbles <- Hari Krishna Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles <- Minimized Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles <- Scribbles * * * <- Tribbles <- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles <- teenage mutant ninja Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles after a haircut * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles after a summer haircut * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles after Biology lab * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles in the dark. * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles on drugs * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles wearing condoms * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles with hula hoops * * * <- Tribbles <*> <- Sergeant tribble, their leader * * * <- Tribbles <- Cloaked Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles *** <- Sergeant tribble * * * <- Tribbles . . .<-Tribbles after a haircut * * * <- Tribbles <*> <- Sergeant tribble, their leader * * * <- TRIBBLES o o o <- TRIBBLES after hair cut! * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- after being stuck in elevator * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- after hairclub visit * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- after the wash cycle * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Anti-tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Bald tribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- dissected tribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Dribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Fish tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Fraction Tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Hari Krishna tribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Minimized Tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- More tribbles * * * <-And more * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Scribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Snake Tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- teenage mutant ninja tribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles after a haircut * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles after Biology lab * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles after the wash * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles doing jumping jacks * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles on drugs * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles wearing condoms. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles with hula hoops * * * <- Tribbles *** <- Sergeant tribble, their leader * * * <- Tribbles + + + <-Tribbles on drugs * * * <- Tribbles . . . <- Tribbles after a haircut * * * <- Tribbles f f f <- Anti-tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles j j j <- Tribbles wearing condoms. * * * <- Tribbles o o o <- Bald tribbles * * * <- TRIBBLES o o o <- TRIBBLES after hair cut! * * * <- Tribbles _ _ _ <- after fight with Godzilla * * * <- Tribbles _ _ _ <- Tribbles Meet Godzilla * * * <- Tribbles " " " <- after airclub visit * * * <- Tribbles " " " <- Bald tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles " , " <- Fraction Tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles    <- Hari Krishna tribbles * * * <- Tribbles ' ' ' <- Tribbles after the wash cycle * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- after being stuck in elevator * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- after hairclub visit * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- after struck by elevator door * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Anti-tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Bald tribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Dribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Fish tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Fraction Tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Hare Krishna Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- More tribbles * * * <-And more * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Scribbles. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- teenage mutant ninja tribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- terrifying flying Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribble roadkill * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles after a haircut * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles after Biology lab * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles after the wash * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles doing jumping jacks * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles in martinis * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles Meet Bambi * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles on drugs * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles on drugs. * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles wearing condoms * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles with hula hoops * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles with legs * * * <- Tribbles *' *' *' <- Tribbles with an attitude. * * * <- Tribbles ** ** ** <- Squared tribbles * * * <- Tribbles ** ** ** <- Tribbles snorkelling. * * * <- Tribbles *** *** *** <- terrifying flying tribb * * * <- Tribbles *** *** *** <-Tribbles w/ leg * * * <- Tribbles *Y *Y *Y <- Tribbles snorkelling. * * * <- Tribbles *} *} *} <- Squared tribbles * * * <- Tribbles + + + <-Tribbles on drugs. * * * <- Tribbles .*/ <- Sergeant Tribble, their leader * * * <- Tribbles 3 3 3 <- after being stuck in elevator * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles in the dark. * * * <- Tribbles = = = <- dissected tribbles * * * <- Tribbles ?*? ?*? ?*? <- Terrifying flying Tribbs * * * <- Tribbles k k k <- Snake Tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles l l l <- Tribbles on drugs. * * * <- Tribbles S*= S*= <- terrifying flying tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles s*r s*r s*r <-Tribbles w/ leg. * * * <- Tribbles w w w <- Scribbles. * * * <- Tribbles xxx=<*>=<*>=<*>==<8)>-< <- Tribbles meet Snake * * * <- Tribbles _ _ _ <-Mashed Tribbles * * * <- Tribbles ` ` ` <- Fish tribbles. * * * <- Tribbles . . .<-Tribbles after a haircut * * * <- Tribbles ?*? ?*? ?*? <- Terrifying flying Tribbles. * * * <- Tribbs ?*? ?*? ?*? <- Terrifying flying Tribbs. * * * <-- Tribbles * <-- Sergeant Tribble, their leader * * * <-- Tribbles * * * * <-- More Tribbles * * * * * <--And more * * * <--Tribbles, Tribbles after being disected-> p p p * * * <--Tribbles, Tribbles after getting mashed-> _ _ _ * . . . . . <- Tribble Mother and Young. * <- A tribble . <- A wet tribble : <- 2 wet tribbles. * <- After hair club for Tribbles . <- Before hair club. * <- Good Tribble * <- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy * <- Good Tribble =* <- Evil Tribble * <- How *DARE* you delete my Tribbles! * <- Regular Tribble * <- Odo disguised as a Tribble * <- Tribbl*ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!* BOOM!!!! * <- Tribble  <- Tribble on drugs * <- Tribble <- Cloaked Tribble * <- Tribble <- No Tribble at all! * <- Tribble <- Stealth Tribble * <- Tribble <- Invisible Tribble * <- Tribble >* <- Romulan tribble * <- Tribble {{* <-Klingon tribble * <- Tribble - Cloaked Tribble * <- Tribble <- Hero Steam engine powered Tribble * <- Tribble <- Tribble with a cloaking device * <- Tribble - Cloaked Tribble * <- Tribble * <- Tribble After a Close Shave * <- Tribble * <- Black Widow tribble * <- Tribble |*| <- Tribble Sandwich * <- Tribble */\* -- Highlander Tribbles. * <- Tribble . <- Tribble after Jenny Craig * <- Tribble o <- Jean Luc Tribble. * <- Tribble ! <- Tribble Encountering a Klingon. * <- Tribble ! <- Tribble With A Mohawk. * <- Tribble $ -- Donald Tribble * <- Tribble (*) <- Tribble With Deflector Screens. * <- Tribble * -- TribbARRRGGGHHH! * <- Tribble * * * -- Treble. * <- Tribble * -- Tribble Disguised as an Asterisk. * <- Tribble * -- Tribble. (Side View) * <- Tribble * <- Tribble Disguised as an Asterisk. * <- Tribble *** <- Tribble in house of mirrors * <- Tribble **7 - Secret Agent Tribble * <- Tribble *-~ <- Tribble After Sex. * <- Tribble + -- Born Again Tribble * <- Tribble - Cloaked Tribble * <- Tribble -*- <- Tribble Hula-Hooping. * <- Tribble -*- -- Darth Tribble in His TIE Fighter. * <- Tribble -- Stealth Tribble * <- Tribble . -- TRIBBLE.ZIP. * <- Tribble . <- Tribble after Jenny Craig * <- Tribble . . * * <- Tribble shooting * <- Tribble ?*? <- Tribble In A Quandary. * <- Tribble S <- teenage mutant ninja Tribble * <- Tribble [*] <- Tribble with shields up * <- Tribble ^*^ - Dead Tribble * <- Tribble ^*^ - Vulcan Tribble >>> Continued to next message... --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2H00016 Date: 02/09/98 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 09:58am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Tribble.tag by Request [6/7] >>> Part 6 of 7... * <- Tribble _*_ <- Tribble With Extra Large Feet. * <- Tribble ___ <--- Road Tribble. * <- Tribble `*' - Viking Tribble * <- Tribble ~%#{..~$= Tribble after using Windows. * <- Tribble ! <- Tribble course 180 Mark 0 Warp 6 * <- Tribble ! <- Tribble squashed by combat boot * <- Tribble ! <- Tribble squashed by Doc Martens * <- Tribble ! <- Surprised Tribble * <- Tribble ! <- Surprised Tribble * <- Tribble ! <- Tribble squashed by combat boot. * <- Tribble !@#$%*)^$@! <- Tribble mixed up with bad company * <- Tribble # <- Electrocuted Tribble * <- Tribble # <- Tribble sees a Klingon * <- Tribble # <- Borg Tribble * <- Tribble # <- Tribble After Borg Assimilation * <- Tribble # <- Tribble Waffle. * <- Tribble # <- Tribble with his hair spiked * <- Tribble # <- Tribble's head exploding * <- Tribble #*# <- Tribble looking between the shutters * <- Tribble #~ <- Electrocuted Tribble * <- Tribble $ <- Tribble Bred To Government Specs. * <- Tribble $ <- Tribble Leaving The Bank. * <- Tribble $ <- Tribble after drug dealing * <- Tribble $***,***,***.** <- Floating Tribble sign * <- Tribble % <- Female Tribble * <- Tribble % <- Siamese twin baby Tribble * <- Tribble % <- Tribble Banker * <- Tribble % <- Tribble in need of a stress pill * <- Tribble % <- Tribble neighbors. * <- Tribble % <- Tribble Undergoing Mitosis. * <- Tribble % <- Tribble wearing glasses * <- Tribble % <- Tribble in need of a stress pill * <- Tribble % <- Tribble neighbors * <- Tribble % <- Tribble on drugs * <- Tribble % <- Tribble Undergoing Mitosis * <- Tribble % <- Tribble wearing glasses * <- Tribble & <- TribbleZOO * <- Tribble &@^#*@*&$ <- Klingon sees a Tribble * <- Tribble ' *' <- Tribble with an attitud * <- Tribble ' <- Tribble.ZIP * <- Tribble ((())) <- Dizzy Tribble * <- Tribble (*) <- Tribble wearing headphones. * <- Tribble (*) <- Tribble pilot in a TIE fighter * <- Tribble (-*) <- I'm Bat-Tribble.. * <- Tribble (-*-) <- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter * <- Tribble (__*__) <- Sumo wrestling Tribble * <- Tribble * <- Dreaded Tribble viper. * <- Tribble * <- Japanese Tribble * <- Tribble * <- Wendys' Double Tribble sandwich. * <- Tribble * <- Tribble (creativity block ;)) * <- Tribble * <- Tribble after big dinner * <- Tribble * <- Tribble doing the twist * <- Tribble >< <- Tribble vs. Stick of Dynamite * <- Tribble * o * <- Tribble playing Frisbee * <- Tribble *} - <- Tribble Firing A Bow. * <- Tribble * <- TribleOWS \_*_/ Unpacked TribbleOWS (dead) * <- Tribble * * <- Tribble 'N' The Hood * <- Tribble * * <- Tribbs * * * <- Tribblets * <- Tribble * * U * ** <- Tribble horseshoes * <- Tribble * * <- after being stuck in elevator * <- Tribble * * <- Tribble Olympics: Syncro Swimming * <- Tribble * * * <- Approximates * <- Tribble * * * <- Delta Tribble * <- Tribble * * * <- Dribbles * <- Tribble * */* <- Fraction Tribble * <- Tribble * * * * ****** * * * * <- Tribble in house of mirrors * <- Tribble * * * 1000110 <- Tribble & Bits * <- Tribble * * ** ** ***** ******** <- Fibonacci Tribble * <- Tribble * * <- Dobbles * * * <- Tribblets * <- Tribble * ***u\ >BLAM!< <- How to shoot a Tribble(Why?) * <- Tribble * + * <- Four seconds in the growth of a Tribble * <- Tribble * + Grain= ********** <- Tribble math * <- Tribble * . . . . . <- Tribble Mother and Young * <- Tribble * <- Top view) * <- Upside-Down Tribble * <- Tribble *. <- Tribble Reproducing * <- Tribble * o* <- Tribble on a windy day * <- Tribble * | * <- Tribble playing volleyball * <- Tribble *! z <- Tribble Olympics: Baseball * <- Tribble *!#!^*&:-) <- A schizophrenic Tribble * <- Tribble *& <- Tribble sitting in Lotus position * <- Tribble *) <- Coal Mining Tribble with pick * <- Tribble *) <- Tribble Smilie * <- Tribble *)- * <-ribble hunting Tribble * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble Snorkelling * <- Tribble {* <- Bill ClinTribble playing saxophone * <- Tribble ** */ ***************@@@** ** <- Tribble halftime * <- Tribble ** -- Young Tribbles in Love. * <- Tribble ** @ ****** ******** ** <- Tribble football * <- Tribble ** *** <- This Tribble contains a Black Hole * <- Tribble *********/~~~~~~ <- Tribble motorboat * <- Tribble *****^*^***** <- Weightlifting Tribble * <- Tribble *****|*** <- Tribbles playing water volleyball * <- Tribble ***<*0000*****<*0000**** <- Tribble Olympics: Rowing * <- Tribble ***o***o* <- Tribble & onion kabob. * <- Tribble ***\*****/~~~~*~~~ <- Ship saving drowning Tribble * <- Tribble **-*-*-*-*-*- <- Tribble-kabob * <- Tribble *? <- Confused Tribble * <- Tribble **e <- How Quayle spells Tribble * <- Tribble **_*_** <- Caution, Tribble crossing. * <- Tribble *+ <- Grandpa Tribble with his cane * <- Tribble *+ <- Tribble Olympics: Snorkelling * <- Tribble *- <- Tribble after male augmentation * <- Tribble *- <- Tribble With A Chainsaw. * <- Tribble *- <- Aroused Tribble * <- Tribble *- <- Tribble after male augmentation surgery * <- Tribble *- <- Tribble With A Chainsaw. * <- Tribble *- -* <- Tribble Olympics: Dueling * <- Tribble *-*-*-- <- triple Tribble kabob. * <- Tribble *--* <- Tribble holding hands. * <- Tribble *-- <- Violent Tribble * <- Tribble *---------- <- Pinochio Tribble * <- Tribble *-----------| <- Tribble big Foot * <- Tribble *.* <- Binary Tribble * <- Tribble *.* <- Bynar Tribble * <- Tribble *.* <- Tribble file name * <- Tribble *..* -- Tribble family portrait * <- Tribble *... <- Tribble Reproducing * <- Tribble *... <- Tribble droppings * <- Tribble *.... <- Tribble Mother and Young * <- Tribble *.... <- Tribble With Tribblepups. * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble bandleader! * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble Olympics: Fencing * <- Tribble */ - Tribble bandleader! * <- Tribble */ - Tribble Olympics: Fencing * <- Tribble */ <- Band conductor Tribble * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble band leader! * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble bandleader! * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble Olympics: Fencing * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble with a lightsaber * <- Tribble */ <- Tribble with a sword * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribble Olympics: Dueling * <- Tribble */ * <- Tribble swordfighting * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribble Olympics: Fencing * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribble swordfighting * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribble Fencing * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribble having a swordfight * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribbles having a swordfight * <- Tribble */ \* - Tribbles swordfighting * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribble Fencing * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribble having a swordfight * <- Tribble */ \* <- Tribbles swordfighting * <- Tribble */(**) <- Censored Tribble * <- Tribble */*/:*:\ \ <- Tribble Funny Cars drag racing * <- Tribble */-* <- Tribble sword fight * <- Tribble *// <- Tribble going skiing * <- Tribble *// *// *// <- Tribbles Going Skiing * <- Tribble */s <- Laplace transformed Tribble * <- Tribble */\ <- Highlander Tribble * <- Tribble */^ <- Tribble tipping hat * <- Tribble */^ <- Tribble tipping hat * <- Tribble */^ <- Tribble tipping small sized hat * <- Tribble */^ <- Tribble tipping small sized hat * <- Tribble */^ <- Tribble tipping hat * <- Tribble */~ <- Tribble dominatrix * <- Tribble *1 <- Tribble footnote * <- Tribble *2 <- Squared Tribble * <- Tribble *8 <- Tribble and mama out for stroll * <- Tribble *< * o* o* <- Tribbles and Rock! * <- Tribble *< . o <- Tribble and Rock! * <- Tribble *=== <- Snake Tribble * <- Tribble *D--> * <- William Tell Tribble * <- Tribble *J <- Tribble Olympics: Snorkelling * <- Tribble *J <- Tribble snorkelling * <- Tribble *L. * <- Tribble playing golf * <- Tribble *L. I <- Tribble Olympics: Golf * <- Tribble *L. o <- Tribble playing golf * <- Tribble *Y <- Tribble Snorkelling * <- Tribble *\ <- Tribble with a HEAVY saber * <- Tribble *\ |--| * <- Tribble polevaulting * <- Tribble *\ . /* <- Tribble Olympics: Ice Hockey * <- Tribble *\ |--| / <- Tribble polevaulting * <- Tribble *p <- Tribble Running left * <- Tribble /*\ <- Tribble with legs * <- Tribble _ <- Tribble roadkill * <- Tribble `*' <- Dagwood Bumstead Tribble * <- Tribble i <- Tribble wearing condom * <- Tribble w <- Tribble with a Wave * <- Tribble y <- Bald Tribble * <- Tribble z <- Tribble that didn't make it * <- Tribble <- Cloaked Tribble * <- Tribble |*| <- Tribble Sandwich * <- Tribble p* <- Tribble Running right * <- Tribble p* <- Tribble on a windy day. * <- Tribble p*p <- Red Baron Tribble in his triplane * <- Tribble x* <- Deep-Sea Tribble * <- Tribble /\*/\ <- McTribble * <- Tribble <-*-- <- Tribble Impaled On A Huge Spear. * <- Tribble x<*>< <- Fish Tribble * <- Tribble #~ <- Electrocuted Tribble * <- tribble % <- tribbles playing tennis * <- Tribble * * * * * 10010110 <- Tribbles & Bits * <- TRIBBLE ***** <- no Tribble at all * <- Tribble *< < *<*<*< <- Donald, Daisy, Huey, Dewey, & Louie Tribble * <- Tribble @*@ <- Ferengi Tribble * <- Tribble op <- Tribble listening to rock music. * <- Tribble opp <- Tribble listening to MTV * <- tribble ^*^ <- Count Tribble * <- Tribble +++o+++ <- Rudolph the Red Nosed Tribble * <- Tribble +---*---+ <- Texas Longhorn Tribble * <- Tribble :]33:*]:3: <- Generic Tribble * <- Tribble @AAAAY <- Rudolph the Red Nosed Tribble * <- Tribble @D*DY <- Tribble, the Flying Nun * <- Tribble @DDD*DDDY <- Texas Longhorn Tribble * <-- Tribble Dole Tribble --> {*} * <-- Tribble Newt Tribble --> (*) * <-- Tribble Rush Tribble --> ((*)) * <-- tribble _ . z y ,  - + v  w l * <-tribble evolution * >> Continued to next message... --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001)