--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EBQ00006 Date: 07/19/97 From: GLENN HACKWORTH Time: 11:54pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: games Hi all would like to play two games with anyone aprox rating 1900 1. e4 game 2. your move --- * Origin: My Desk, Puyallup, WA (253) 845-2418 (1:138/255) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EBQ00007 Date: 07/20/97 From: LAWRENCE GARVIN Time: 09:15pm \/To: PAUL STARMACH (Read 0 times) Subj: chess Paul Starmach said in a message to Lawrence Garvin: LG> That's about how it works, Paul! Looks like you're ready to get LG> started. :) PS> ok who wants to get a game started with me PS> my move PS> 1) e2-24 However, it looks like you might have a small challenge with agreeing upon a notation to use. Here's a repost of the monthly notation posting. Hope it helps. lawrence@eforest.houston.tx.us I N M E M O R I A M Bruce Moon (b. d. Jan 5, 1997) a highly respected participant of the CHESS echo Area : CHESS Date : Mar 03 '95, 05:37 From : Bruce Moon 1:356/4 Subj : Algebraic Notation First of all, the FILES (vertical rows of squares) are lettered "a"-"h" (see diagram); and the RANKS (horizontal rows of squares) are numbered "1"-"8" (see diagram). [NOTE: Chess diagrams are usually oriented with White at the bottom and Black at the top. Also, for purposes of this diagram and similar ASCII constructions, White pieces are represented by uppercase letters, Black by lowercase.] 8: r n b q k b n r R 7: p p p p p p p p A 6: - - - - - - - - N 5: - j - - - - - - K 4: - - - z - - - - S 3: - - - - - - - - 2: P P P P P P P P 1: R N B Q K B N R -------------------------- a b c d e f g h F I L E S This gives each square a unique name, since each square is located on exactly one file-rank intersection. In referring to specific squares, the file is given first, then the rank. In the diagram, the square marked with a "j" is called "b5", and "z" is named "d4". In describing moves, the pieces are reduced to their initial letters, with two exceptions. Knights are to "N" (since "K" already stands for "King"), and Pawns are not designated with a letter at all (I'll clarify that in a moment). In general, each move is represented by the initial of the piece moving followed by the square it lands on, such as "Nf6", "Bc4", "Rd1", etc. Pawn moves are indicated by the square they move to, such as "e4", "c6", "f4", c. Captures are indicated by inserting an "x" between the piece and the end-square: "Bxc6", "Kxd8", "Nxe5", etc. Pawn captures include the starting file: "exd5", "bxc6", "cxd4", etc. A plus mark "+" is used for "check", and "++" signifies "checkmate". For castling, "0-0" (Kingside) and "0-0-0" (Queenside) are used; and for en passant, "e.p." is added after the move ("dxc6 e.p.", for example). For Pawn promotion, an equal sign "=" and the letter of the piece promoted to are dded to the move: "g8=Q", bxa1=N, etc. Ambiguity occurs when two pieces of the same color and type are able to move to the same square. This can happen as early as the third move. Let's say White's first move was 1 d4 and his second was 2 Nf3. At this point either White Knight could move to d2, so writing "Nd2" is ambiguous. The situation is clarified by inserting either the rank or the file the moving piece starts on: 3 Nbd2 or 3 Nfd2. (NOTE: By convention, the file designation is used to resolve ambiguities, unless the pieces in question are on the same file to start with, in which case, the rank gets the nod.) As for the use of question marks (?) and exclamation points (!) -- these are chess writers' diacritical markings. "?" means a bad move, and "!" means a good or strong move. You will also see "??" (horrendous move) and "!!" (tremendous move). What writers are often inconsistent on are the meanings of "?!" and "!?". (Actually, the meanings are fairly well agreed upon -- it's which meaning goes with which symbol wherein the problem lies!). In my own chess writing (for the local chess club), "?!" indicates an "inexactitude", a move for hich there was probably a superior alternative, but the move actually made is not quite bad enough to be called a "blunder". Conversely, "!?" is an "inter- esting" move, and is used to indicate a move which is not quite a "strong" move, often mixed with a bit of uncertainty or risk. That's all there is to Standard Algebraic Notation -- except for practice, practice, practice! Later, Bruce Moon --- * Origin: The Houston Star | Houston, Texas (1:106/8277) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EBQ00008 Date: 07/20/97 From: TONY FREW Time: 10:59pm \/To: ALEXANDR OPANASENKO (Read 0 times) Subj: Games 1 & 2 G'day, Alexandr. You were chatting to Me about "Chess game wanted" on 03-Jul-97 AO> Go!!! Game 1 Tony. Alexandr. 1. e2-e4 1.e7-e5 2. Nb1-c3 Game 2 Alexandr. Tony. 1.e2-e4 1.Ng8-f6 Just so I don't end up playing myself. :-) I note you are from Kiev. You probably were born with a chess set alongside the crib. Kind regards, Tony Frew Email:- tony.frew@xtra.co.nz ... Chess Players do it with a Queen ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.12 (98255 Taglines) Owned by Tony Frew --- Terminate 4.10g07/Pro*bt [Tester] * Origin: Elephant Haven, Tokoroa, New Zealand (3:774/900.5) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EBQ00009 Date: 07/21/97 From: JIM SHASTID Time: 02:42am \/To: JERRY ROBERTS (Read 0 times) Subj: chess (duh!) JR> How about two games? We both play white once. > Game 1 > Jerry Jim > 1.e4 1.Nf6 > Game 2 > Jim Jerry > 1.a4 Theres my first move! JR> Any preference which notation JR> (Long or short algebraic?) Short is ok. Thanx fer playing wif me! --- Maximus/2 2.02 * Origin: The Enchanted Forest | Houston, Texas (1:106/8277) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EBQ00010 Date: 07/21/97 From: JIM SHASTID Time: 02:36am \/To: PAUL STARMACH (Read 0 times) Subj: Re: chess (duh!) PS> yeh i want to play a game. Go ahead and start the game. Jim Paul 1. b4 --- Maximus/2 2.02 * Origin: The Enchanted Forest | Houston, Texas (1:106/8277) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EBQ00011 Date: 07/21/97 From: WAYNE COPPIN Time: 01:49pm \/To: GLENN HACKWORTH (Read 0 times) Subj: games How now?! GH> Hi all would like to play two games with anyone aprox rating 1900 I am rated about 1980 [something] [Blush] I *used* to know my rating down to the decimal point but as we get older, such things become less important. Game 1 ------ 1. e4,e5 Game 2 ___--- 2. Nf3 BTW- I have been looking for a utility that will allow me to create graphic files (.gif, .jpg, even .pcx or .bmp) of chess positions. It must be simple to use and run under DOS or WIN3.1. Would you [or any lurkers!] know where I could find such a beast. Note: screen capture proggies are no good for my purposes. They are too difficult to crop consitently. Thanks. ___ X JABBER v1.1 X Every muscle tensed to fence the enemy within. --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: *Synthesis* Kingston, Ont., Canada! (1:249/127) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 123 CHESS Ref: EBR00000 Date: 07/21/97 From: DOUG ATTIG Time: 07:54pm \/To: ALL (Read 0 times) Subj: Chess Files on Filebone! The following files were placed on the Fido Filebone and International Filegate systems on Monday 07-21-97. They are also being archived on ftp.pitt.edu under group/student-activities/chess followed by the area tag listed below, without the 'CHS-' (e.g. /CA). From the Web: http://www.pitt.edu/~schach Mouse on FTP Site, or on allindex.txt to download the index to the entire site. Area : CHS-PROG Comment : CHS: Chess-Playing Programs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARASAN40.ZIP 2,958,649 ARASAN v4.0, 32-bit Playing Program, from Jon Dart. Version Upgrade! Replaces ARASAN32.ZIP. Req. Window 95/NT. ARASAN_S.ZIP 1,154,596 ARASAN v4.0 Source Code, from Jon Dart. Version Upgrade! Replaces earlier ARASAN_S.ZIP. Unpack with PKUNZIP -d switch. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,113,245 bytes in 2 file(s) Total of 4,113,245 bytes in 2 file(s). CONTRIBUTE! *You* can contribute files by uploading to ftp.pitt.edu under group/student-activities/chess/Uploads, or hatch into the Fido Filebone or Filegate systems in CHS-UPLD & I'll get them. Any file having to do with Chess is fine as long as it's not copyrighted by someone else! Best regards, Doug Attig --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 * Origin: Knight-Line! * Tacoma, WA * (206) 565-0594 (1:138/239.0)