--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2200007 Date: 02/01/98 From: MODERATOR Time: 03:00am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Bi-Monthly Posting of the Rules of the E03:00:4102/01/98 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Rules of the Echo This is the Taglines echo. Its purpose is the sharing of those wonderful, informative, opinionated, cute, not-so-nice and neverending TAGLINES. This Echo is open to everyone. Participation in this conference means that you accept and are willing to abide by the following guidelines. Rules that have changed since the last version with have a "*" in front of the number of the rule. * The Pgp Public Key that has signed this rules file may be retrived in * two (2) ways. 1) "Freq" the magic name file 'pgpkey' from 1:2630/140, or by * going to Http://www.erols.com/btblaes and downloading it from there. The conference is moderated by Barry Blaes, 1:2630/140@fidonet.org. Internet address: btblaes@bigfoot.com. Http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3657746 Co-Moderator: Ivy Iverson, 1:154/170@fidonet.org. 1. Taglines are the topic. They may not stray too far from the purpose of this echo and that is to post, pick up, exchange, share, steal, adopt, and just plain enjoy them. Avoid excessive quoting. Short comments may be added to any message that has some taglines in it. (1-Nov-96) 2. Discussions of Tagline Managers are permitted. Discussions of Tagline Managers should be kept to the functions of the software, and their source locations. (6-Oct-97) 3. DON'T get personal! Personal attacks, (Flames), and Profanity are unnecessary and unwelcome in this conference. Postings that attack groups based on but not limited to ethnicity, national origin,gender, sexual orientation and other, will not be tolerated. 4. All subjects permitted ONLY if in a tagline and do not violate other rules. A tagline consists of a one line comment. Taglines are SINGLE lines, not multiple lines or paragraphs. 5. English is the official language for the conference. Taglines in another language may be posted as long as a translation is added. Encoding taglines is not allowed. 6. ONLY a Moderator will address off-topic traffic. If you need to respond to any message that is not on topic or that is in violation of these guidelines, please do so by Netmail or via E-mail. 7. NO Private Messages. This is a public echo and those who pay for it do not want to transmit your private mail. 8. Handles and/or Aliases allowed if used as a normal part of your BBSing. 9. The use of so-called ANSI codes is permitted in the text of messages except the use of the ESC (27 decimal, 1B hexadecimal). 10. Advertisements of any kind (including BBS ads) are not allowed. 11. Announcements of NEW RELEASES of programs that are able to make use of TAGLINES, will be permitted in this echo. Only the author will post such an announcement. Only one announcement per month is permitted. 12. This conference MAY NOT be ported to any commercial echomail system, including but not limited to CompuServe, GEnie, Prodigy or to any other network's mail system without the written permission of the Moderator. 13. Hiding taglines by using control characters goes against the purpose of this conference and the rule against private messages. This means that hidden taglines are not allowed. 14. Knowingly posting off-topic messages will be considered a waiver of any possible warnings. Users who do this will lose their access to the conference with no warning. (12/1/94) 15. Some software malfunctions on messages that exceed a given limit. This limit is 10240 characters for this conference. This is about 125 lines including any message headers and trailers your software or the software of those carrying the message might add. Please limit your messages to this amount. (1/1/95) 16. Large block signatures of the kind commonly used in the Internet or with security signatures (like PGP) are not to be used. Please limit your signature to a maximum of four lines of text. (15-Dec-96) 17. No UUENCODED messages are allowed in the echo. 18. Posting of bulk taglines (Bulk taglines are a group of taglines of a unrelated topics) shall be kept to 10 messages per day per person. Posting of a single topic taglines (Ie: Red Dwarf Taglines) can be done in a single posting. However if the posting of said file would go over the 10 messages per day I would ask the user for discretion in posting more then the 10 messages per day. Either of these must be kept to the 125 line limit as per rule 15. 19. Comments/suggestions and or complaints are welcome as long as they are sent by netmail or E-mail. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.5.3 iQA/AwUBNLwutvEeEnxVzEtoEQItrwCggvsPUnRcvG1rvB6gLnKVh4X+TQsAoKjR dn8+W24Mh5nWPx8G9O/wV1xV =L+K9 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. $25.99 per tagline. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2200008 Date: 01/26/98 From: MICHAELA O'CONNOR Time: 03:03am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: A contradiction The early bird gets the worm. Good things come to those who wait. --- GEcho 1.00 * Origin: The Dark Castle BBS * 412-838-8488 * Greensburg PA (1:129/334.3) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2200009 Date: 02/01/98 From: OLIVIER COLLARD Time: 09:06am \/To: CHRISTER TJERNQVIST (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: STGtag catalogue Salut Christer, Le 31 Jan 98 03:17, Christer Tjernqvist crivait Olivier Collard: OC>> Ok, I just posted the first line today. CT> Great! Thanx!! To be continued (I don't wanna flood this echo conf) ;-)) OC>> But you'll have to wait a bit for the next ones... CT> Well.. All I've got is time. Ok, then it's all right :) Olivier. ___ STGtag 2.00.Alpha2+ _NEW_ ... I didn't do anything...unless I was supposed to... --- GoldED/386 3.00.Beta2+ * Origin: Olivier Collard, STGsoft Headquarters, Charleroi B (2:293/3219) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2200010 Date: 02/01/98 From: OLIVIER COLLARD Time: 09:08am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: pms.txt Salut All, == Begin [pms.txt] ==== A female Klingon with PMS? Like, how could you *tell*? Appease the PMS Monster. Send chocolate. Be polliticaly correct. PMS is now called "Hormonally Homicidal." Bed, Chocolate, and a hug help with PMS. Beware! I'm armed and have suffered from PMS all my life. Chocolate doesn't cure PMS, but it helps! Clueless male: "PMS? Isn't that a time zone?" Definition of Terror: A female Klingon with PMS. Female punk RAP group: Run PMS. God is alive, and She has PMS! I always thought PMS meant puttin up with Men's Sh*t! I don't have PMS, I'm a Klingon. I don't have PMS, I'm really a BITCH!! I have ESP, PMS and a GUN, don't even think about it. I have PMS and a hangover...any questions NOW? I have PMS and a Klingon Bird of Prey. Any questions? I have PMS and a loaded gun, now, what did you say???? I have PMS and ESP. I'm a bitch that knows everything. I have PMS, ESP, and a G-U-N! Got a PROBLEM with that?? I have PMS. What's your excuse? I led the First Amazon Cavalry PMS Battalion. I'm PMSing, I need a hug. If men had PMS there would be vacations every 2 weeks! It's Not PMS. I'm Always Bitchy! Just another beautiful PMS moment. Got any chocolate? Males get PMS too-they catch it from females. Menopause: God saying "I'm not putting up with your PMS either!" Mind if I cry on your shoulder while I PMS? No such thing as PMS. It's just tight shoes. PMS - Learning when to keep your mouth shut. PMS - Periodic Monster Syndrome PMS ... Punish My Spouse. PMS = (:D >:-( (:D >:-( (:D >:-( (:D >:-( (:D >:-( PMS Barbie and chocolate bringing Ken! What every girl wants for Xmas! PMS means SHUT UP! Just SHUT UP!!! PMS: Isn't that a Time Zone? PMS: Periodic Monster Syndrome PMS: Permanent Mean Streak PMS: Perverted Mental State. PMS: Please Move Sir. *Wham!* Not fast enough! PMS: Presentation Manager Syndrome PMS: Pretty Mean Streak. PMS: Punish my spouse. PMS: Punish the Male Species PMS: That's Pacific Mountain Standard time, isn't it? Seminar For Males: PMS - Learning When To Keep Your Mouth Shut. She doesn't have PMS, she really IS a bitch! Tagline License Plate #1: PMS 666 Terror (n). 1: Naked female klingon with whip and PMS. Terror: A female Klingon with PMS! The Dreaded Phrase: "I'm PMSing and I'm out of chocolate!" Woman with PMS & ESP: Bitch who knows everything! Women have PMS to make them miserable. Men have women. Wow, she's PMSing big time! Yes, I DO have PMS. What's your excuse? You brought chocolate for me when I'm PMSing? You really DO care. [PMS] [P]lease [M]ove [S]ir *Wham!* Not fast enough! == End [pms.txt] ==== Olivier. ___ STGtag 2.00.Alpha2+ _NEW_ USEFUL PHRASES TO KNOW WHEN TRAVELLING IN THE MIDDLE EAST AKBAR KHALI_KILI HAFTIR LOTFAN Thank you for showing me your marvelous gun. --- GoldED/386 3.00.Beta2+ * Origin: Olivier Collard, STGsoft Headquarters, Charleroi B (2:293/3219) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2200011 Date: 02/01/98 From: OLIVIER COLLARD Time: 09:08am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: murphy.txt Salut All, == Begin [murphy.txt] ==== And on the 8th day God said, "OK Murphy, you take over." If Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will. MOM'S HINT #344: Murphy's Law is true. Murphy is alive and well, my LIFE is PROOF! Murphy is out there.. watching.. waiting... Murphy was an optimist Murphy's Law of Sex: "This won't hurt, I promise." MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Beauty is skin deep; ugly goes right to the bone. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Do it only with the best. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Don't do it if you can't keep it up. Murphy's Law of Sex: It is always the wrong time of month. Murphy's Law of Sex: It is better to be looked over than overlooked. Murphy's Law of Sex: Love comes in spurts. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself. Murphy's Law of Sex: Nothing improves with age. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: One good turn gets most of the blankets. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Sex discriminates against the shy and the ugly. Murphy's Law of Sex: Sex is dirty only if it's done right. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: There is no remedy for sex but more sex. Murphy's Law of Sex: Virginity can be cured. Murphy's Law of Sex: When the lights are out, all women are beautiful. Murphy's law only fails when you try to demonstrate it. This past week have all been Murphy days. ::Sigh::... !!!! CAUTION MURPHY FIELD !!!! "90% of everything is crap." -- Murphy "All constants are variables." - Murphy's Law of Mathematics "Buddy, I think you're slime" - Murphy "Dead or alive, you're coming with me" - Murphy "If it isn't broken yet, just wait." -- Murphy ADD: Pentium mind, memory by Murphy! Almost anything is easier to get into than to get out of. MURPHY'S LAW And on the 8th day God said, "OK Murphy, you take over." Any change looks terrible at first. MURPHY'S LAW As the economy gets better, everything else gets worse. MURPHY'S LAW Asking dumb questions is easier than fixing dumb mistakes. MURPHY'S LAW Assembler Command: IML: Invoke Murphy's Laws Assembler Command: OML: Obey Murphy's Laws Beck's Postulate: Murphy was an optimist. Blame Murphy when you dig at the wrong end of a rainbow. Cats: Murphy's way of saying Nice Furniture! Confusion creates jobs. MURPHY'S LAW Don't mess with Mrs. Murphy! Eddie Murphy's Zucchini-Throwing Mama: Call 911! Even Murphy's Law doesn't work all the time. Every girl already has a boyfriend. - Murphy's Law Of Dating. Given a conflict, Murphy's Law supercedes Newtons's Laws. History repeats itself. That's what's wrong with history. MURPHY'S LAW I am Eddie Murphy of Borg. Prepare to be @$$#%!+%#@ I live by only 2 laws: IDIC and Murphy. I'd walk the streets but you've only got one. Field...Murphy's Romance I'm 33 years old and I'm living like a nun! Field...Murphy's Romance I'm tired of walking through this war with wet hair. - Nurse Murphy IBM: Invented By Murphy If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. MURPHY'S LAW If Dracula married that Peter guy on Murphy Brown, he'd be Dracula If it looks right, it probably isn't. Murphy If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid. 'Murphy If Murphy was such an optimist, why is he dead? If Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will. If something is confidential, it'll be left in the copier. MURPHY'S LAW If the enemy can't get in, you can't get out. 'Murphy If the enemy is in range, so are you. - Murphy's Law of Combat. If there is any way to do it wrong, he will.-Ed Murphy If you are short of everything but enemy, you are in combat. 'Murphy If you understand it, it's obsolete. MURPHY'S LAW If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush. 'Murphy IML: Invoke Murphy's Laws Incoming fire has the right of way. 'Murphy Is that MURPHY perched on my shoulder??? Its been a Murphy day all week long.Sigh! Knowing Murphy's Law won't help either. Moderator's Murphy's Law: Take a vacation and s**t hits the fan. MOM'S HINT #344: Murphy's Law is true. Murphy Brown had a baby, Dan Quayl had a cowe. Murphy was a grunt. Murphy was an optimist! Murphy's 3rd Military Law: Friendly fire ain't. Murphy's Fifth Corollary: Every solution breeds new problems. Murphy's Law for Moderators: Take a vacation and it hits the fan. Murphy's Law is always a good excuse. Murphy's Law of Combat: Incoming fire has the right of way. Murphy's Law of Random Tags: Will always miss good ones! MURPHY'S LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS - Things get worse under pressure. Murphy's Law only fails when you try to demonstrate it Murphy's Paradox: Doing it the hard way is always easier. Murphy's Rule of Combat: Incoming fire has the right of way. Never bet on a loser if you think his luck is changing. MURPHY'S LAW New Flash! Murphy Brown causes L.A. riots. Film at 11. No one is listening until you make a mistake. MURPHY'S LAW O'Brien's Law: Murphy is an optimist. O'Toole's Commentary: Murphy was an optimist. Once a misfit leaves, another will be recruited. MURPHY'S LAW Radios will fail as soon as you need fire support. 'Murphy Remember: Murphy is out therewaiting. Say no, then negotiate. MURPHY'S LAW Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone. . Squash 'em into recipes. Murphy would have. That which cannot be taken apart will fall apart. MURPHY'S LAW The whims of Murphy and his Laws are not to be taken lightly. WARNING! Murphy's Law strictly enforced ahead. Why can't I say BASTARD, but Murphy Brown can have one? Windows proves Murphy was right. Wouldn't You Know It: Murphy Slaw Zymurgy's Seventh Exception to Murphy's Laws: When it rains, it pours. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: "This won't hurt, I promise." MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: A man in the house is worth two in the street. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: A man is only a man, but a good bicycle is a ride. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Abstain from wine, women, and song; mostly song. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Beauty is skin deep; ugly goes right to the bone. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: DO IT only with the best. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Don't DO IT if you can't keep it up. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: It is always the wrong time of month. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: It is better to be looked over than overlooked. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Love comes in spurts. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Love is a hole in the heart. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Love your neighbor, but don't get caught. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Never go to bed mad, stay up and fight. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Never say no. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Never stand between a fire hydrant and a dog. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: No sex with anyone in the same office. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Nothing improves with age. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: One good turn gets most of the blankets. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Sex discriminates against the shy and the ugly. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Sex has no calories. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Sex is dirty only if it's done right. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Smiling makes people wonder what you're thinking. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: The best way to hold someone is in your arms. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: The world does not revolve on an axis. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: The younger the better. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: There is no remedy for sex but more sex. MURPHY'S LAW OF SEX: Virginity can be cured. Never go to bed mad, stay up and fight. -Murphy's Law #58 on Sex Murphy is out there watching waiting ... Murphy wasn't an optimist. He just got it wrong. Murphy's Golden Rule: Whoever has the gold makes the rules. Murphy's Rule of Combat: Incoming fire has the right of way. Murphy's: All constants are variables! == End [murphy.txt] ==== Olivier. ___ STGtag 2.00.Alpha2+ _NEW_ ... Fundamentalism, n.: Fund=give money. Amentalism=without brains. --- GoldED/386 3.00.Beta2+ * Origin: Olivier Collard, STGsoft Headquarters, Charleroi B (2:293/3219) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2200012 Date: 02/01/98 From: ERIC DYER Time: 02:28am \/To: RICKY FOLTZ (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: Tags for Request 27 Jan 98 07:26, Ricky Foltz wrote to All: RF> daffydef tag 10,331 Daffy Definitions RF> sysop tag 11,864 Sysops RF> war tag 38,166 Combat/War Can you netmail these to me please? ... Exercise daily. Eat wisely. Die anyway. SMOKE & DIE SOONER! --- GoldED 3.00.Beta2+ * Origin: THe DoMiNioN - Independence, Mo (1:280/123) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2200013 Date: 01/31/98 From: GREG KURTH Time: 03:49am \/To: JANADA OAKLEY (Read 2 times) Subj: POLITICAL TAGS JO>include Gun Rights, All Rights, Freedom, Weapons, NWO, ATF-FBI, JO>Clinton, Gays, Political Correctness, Animal Rights, plus gems from PJ JO>O'Rourke, Ned Nugent, and Rush Limbaugh. Example: PJ O'Rourks How about posting the Ted Nugent tags here? . --- SLMR 2.0 #1330  Nobody really likes Sarah B.  --- FLAME v1.1 * Origin: Telnet toltbbs.com or call 313-854-6001, Boardwatch #55 (1:234/2) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2200014 Date: 02/02/98 From: HEATHER LENNOX Time: 06:32pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Macro tags... Hello Cheeky.... Can anyone please supply me with more Macro taglines. My macros are @N @FN and @LN Puuuullllllleeeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeeee ... 200-Pound Parrot: HERE KITTY, KITTY ... ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 ! What hairy legs you have Grandmama! Team *Amiga* ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: Sidewinder! Your Military Info BBS. 649-267-3546 (3:772/210) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2300000 Date: 02/02/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:26pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Fatal error stealing tagline! Call Technique Computers Fax received, "This is a stick-up! Fax me all your money!!" Fear not @FN@, for I have given you authority to do so Fate: saves ships called Enterprise, Voyager, and stations called DS9 Feel free to delete any that you don't like and "adopt" new ones Feel the Thunder! Fatal System ERROR - please insert a quarter to fix it Feeling mean? Vote Republican Fatal error in LIFE.SYS: Deleting SYSOP Faults are thick where love is thin Fastest way to trace your family tree: Win BIG BIG money! Federation StarShip USS ICARRYMANYWEAPONS Feed your head Fear no man, but respect all. -- Ed Parker Fear is not your friend. It's mine! -S. Adams Fathers are important people too! Fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity Feather by feather the goose is plucked Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death Feeling lucky? Upgrade your software! Feel free to jump in anytime..."--Scully to Mulder Faster than a speeding ticket! Feel lucky???? Update your software! Fear not... - Luke 12:7 Features should be discovered instead of documented! Faster than a speeding puck, stronger than any goalie, it's CLARK!! Feel so alone tonight Fatal mouse error. (B)ury or (R)eplace? Fat Table Allocation Error. Try Skinny One? (Y/N) Feeling that I had supernatural powers, I tried Windows! Federal Express employees DO IT overnight Fear is only another form of awareness - Charlie Manson Father Fabio - Mike Fear is no great respector of reason Fatal Error: Could NOT enter Windows, use Doors instead Fatal Error: recipe not tasty! Fatherboard blew town when mainboard became motherboard Feelin' uninspired...think I'll start a fire Fear is the curse and today's word is PRESSURE. - Fishbone Father feigns eating - Mike Faster than the speed of netmail! Feel better?"--Mulder "Like a new man."--possessed Krycek (PM) Fate just isn't what is used to be. - Hobbes Feature (n) a BUG with seniority Fear is only an asset when you can control it. -Caine Female body: a toxic waste dump put close to a fun park! Federation rule, nobility, compassion. Seska Fat man...you shoot a great game of pool. Paul Newman Fax licks mole a$$es Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed Female Oxymoron: Grace period Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night Feline Thermodynamics: All heat in any given room flows to the cat Father, beam me up Fatal system error: press F13 to continue Feel free to *S*W*I*P*E* the Taglines if you like `em. ;-) Fatal Embarrasment Error. Attempt to cover up? (Y/N) Feel free to jump in anytime!-Scully Favorite Windoze game: Guess what this icon does? Feel safe w/gun control -- BE safe w/gun ownership! Feels like a major dose of something powerful to me. - Ro Fat butt comin' down! - Crow on guy climbing ladder Federal Express & UPS merged!: "FED UP!" Fate protects fools, children and ships named Millennium Falcon Father does his ferret impression - Tom Fasten, then zip or zip, then fasten? - Garibaldi Faster, Faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death Fatal Database Error #10070: Programmer late for work! Fastest way to trace family tree: run for public office Fat Lady In The Sideshow: by Ellie Funt Fat: Circumferentially challenged Fear is the parent of cruelty Federal Procurement: Never use lead when gold will do Fatal Error 999: Dyslexic computer possessed by devil Fear is the static that prevents me from hearing myself. S. Butler Felony is included or implied in every treason Favourite Borg music: "It's Hip To Be Square" Fat: Gravitationally Enhanced Fear & surprise.. our TWO weapons are fear & surprise Fear not, I'm right behind you - using you as a shield Faster. - The Crow Fatal Error: User Executed Father's playing with his trains. Pugsly Addams Feel like trash, you make me feel clean --U2 Fatal Error: Tagline not funny! Fatal error using mouse. Please bury/replace Fatal Error:[_]D No More Coffee, Run Mr. Coffee To Contin Feline psyche: Know all the sunny places Feet smell? Nose runs? Hey, you're upside down! Fear of monsters attracts monsters Feel free to jump into our conversations anytime. - Tracy Hemenover Faux pas: n. those things at the ends of a cat's legs Fear not tomorrow. God is already there Fear that your cat is up to something! Fear of the Quark Father What-A-Waste - Tom Fear the government that fears you. Arm yourself now! Feliscootus: A cat pushing its food bowl as it eats Female Captains with PMS... A deadly enemy or a strong ally?? Faster, faster, foolish modem! [End Tags]