--------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100009 Date: 01/31/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:10am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Famous Last Words: Can I have a succubus for a familiar? Faith lights us through the dark to Deity. Davenant Famous Last Words #17: So what good is a ring of Chthulhu control? Fade out already, they got the joke. - Slappy Squirrel Famous Last Words: "I'm just going into the card shop to look..." Famous Last Words: Glad that's over with. I'm taking off my armor Famous Last Words: But it's ONLY an Eye Tyrant Faint heart never won fair lady Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus Famous Last Words: "This dungeon is a pushover." Famous Last Words: Hey you! Dotty Warner! Famous Last Words - I hate it when that happens Family oriented, politically neutral tagline, good for all echoes Fair is foul, and foul is fair. - the umpire Famous Last Words #2: It's perfectly safe. Let me sho Famous Last Words: "Watch me slay the sleeping dragon!" Famous Last Words of history: I drank what?!? --Socrates Famous Last Word : "There's no way she's 39." Failure is a measurement that depends on the standard applied Fahrvergnkie: (v.) Sex in a Volkswagen Famous Last Words: I coulda' had a V8. --Nicole Simpson Famed psychic's head explodes. (See page 12) Famous Last Words: "I read a book on magic--what could go wrong?" Fairy tales: horror stories for children to get them used to reality Famous Last Words: Dragon, what dragon? Faith is not wishing to know what is true. - Nietzsche Famous Last Lines: You saw a WHAT around the corner?!? Failure to mix contents properly may bring about Armageddon Famous Last Words: Forget Demigorgon - I want that gold Fame: Chiefly a matter of dying at the right moment Family Values Runs in the Family at the Kennedy's Faith is powerful, but only when accompanied by enlightenment Fame is temporary, but infamy lasts forever Family Tree Research - Now THAT'S something I can "Relate" to! Fairy Tale: A horror story to prepare children for the newspapers Failure is not defeat... until you stop trying Falling hurts least those who fly low and slow Famous Last Words: Hey! This really is a bottomless pit! Faith moves mountains...of inventory. - FRA #104 Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored. A. Huxley Fame is proof that people are gullible Famous Last Words: Hurricanes aren't very dangerous Faint, yet pursuing. - Judges 8:4 Famous Last Words #108: "We killed the last of the Bugbears" Famous Last Words: "The DM wouldn't be THAT mean, would he?" Facts don't cease 2 exist just because they're ignored Famous Last Words: Only had a couple beers; gimme my car Famous Last Words: "We Ain't Comin' Out." Famous Last Word : "Man, she's HOT! ...Oh, your sister?" Faith is the quality that enables you to eat blackberry jam on a picnic without looking to see whether the seeds move Fairy tales! Ghosts and goblins! Hengist Famous Last Words #64: One skeleton? No problem Faith without works is dead. - James 2:26 Falling backwards inside of me Facts, though interesting, are irrelevant Famous Last Words: "The DM wouldn't be THAT mean!" Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than a distant horizon Famous Last Words #16: A 25th lvl mage/cleric? I pinch her butt! Faithful Husband: One whose child support check is always on time Fairy king, attend, and mark: I do hear the morning lark Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. - A. Huxley Fair is such a Human concept. Think imaginatively.--Q Faith: Permitting ourselves to be seized by things we don't see Facts are stupid until brought into connection with some general law Facts are stubborn little bastards, be careful with them Fairy Tale, n.: A horror story to prepare children for the newspapers Fahrvergnookie: Sex in a Volkswagen Famous Last Words no. #64 : "Stop sign? Where?" Famous Books Never Written: Trails in the sand Peter Dragon Famous Last Words: Hey OJ! Is that A KNIFE in your hand? Famous Last Words: "Trust me!" Famous Last Words #3: This should be easy Fairview's Law # 2: If you can't convince them, confuse them Fame: Just A Matter Of Dying At The Right Moment Failure reading left brain (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)rolic? Famous Last Words: "I have NO change! Buzz off freak" Failure has gone to his head Fall mountain, just don't fall on me ha  HENDRIX  Family vacation: 5 bags; 4 kids; 7 thought-you-packed-its Famous Last Words: I feel lucky. Let me roll for initiative! Famous Last Words: Honey, These biscuits suck! Famous Last Words: I disarmed the trap Famous Last Words: "WHAT guard?" Famous Last Words: Don't worry, it's only a five minute job! Fahrflungnudel: Mouthful of spaghetti and a sneeze Fagin's observation: Hindsight is an exact science Famous Last Word : "The cave is safe since the bear is hibernating." Famous Last Words: "Who's the chick with the spiders?" Fallopian tube - part of a television Failure: Opportunity to try again, more intelligently Facts are stubborn things Falling asleep at the keyboard is called a Head Crash! Failure: the path of least persistence Famous Last Words #34: I go up and try to pick the Lich's pocket Famous Last Words: I go up to the Lich and try to pick his pocket Famous Last Words: Have I ever let you down before? False spelling or false grammar do not vitiate a grant Facts cannot be altered by a wish, but they can destroy the wisher Famous Last Words: I disbelieve it! Fail to prepare - Prepare to fail [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100010 Date: 01/30/98 From: GREG EASTHOM Time: 10:23pm \/To: JEFF JOHNS (Read 2 times) Subj: HELP! I've not a clue. JJ>Would like someone to post an explanation of JJ>the purpose, ... It must be depressing to go through life with no purpose - Calvin ... Your not knowing a mans purpose does not mean he is confused. JJ>the point, ... There is no point. That's the point! ... "Here's a tip. Have a point." - Steve Martin ... There's no point in being grownup if you can't act childish sometimes. JJ>and the usefulness of "taglines". ... If a program is useful, it must be changed. ... I just have a command of thoroughly useless information - Calvin JJ>The complete lack of any such info ... Is the lack of a tagline a tagline in itself? ... This tagline cancelled due to lack of interest JJ>within makes one wonder. ... I wonder how I'm looking now? ... Still Nice! - The Cat. ... I wonder what happens if I touch these two wires toge@*&^^^ NO CARRIER ... Smile - It makes people wonder what you've been up to. ... You're so unhip, it's a wonder your bum doesn't fall off. * SLMR 2.1a * --- Maximus 3.01 * Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver, B.C., Canada (1:153/7715) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100011 Date: 01/28/98 From: ALEXANDER BRAUN Time: 01:44pm \/To: ALLE (Read 2 times) Subj: MACROS.TAG (1/33) "Pig's arse," said Roddles, as @FN@ pointed out a hole in his argument. @FN@? Oh I thought it was Rod Speed again. "%$#@*!" said Pooh, as they closed the Interstate down to one lane. "...my name is @fn@, and I'm a werewolf..." "...the great @N@ will now listen to your pleas." "@@@@@hhh, mabye not." - Yakko Warner "@FN@! This is your last chance. Free us or die." "@FN@'s not a system, he's a man." "@FN@, I have a bad feeling about this." "@FN@, don't give in to hate - that leads to the dark side." "@Fn@, no sleeping on the Promenade. Go home." - Odo "@S!" said @N as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot. "@S!" said @N, as he tried to install Windows'95. "@S!" said @N, pulling the Tribble from his hunny pot. "@S" said @N pulling the tribble from his honey pot "@S," said @N as he pulled a Tribble from a honeypot. "@S," said @N as the tribbles rained down on him. "@S," said @N pulling the tribble from his honey pot "@S," said @N, and deleted C:\WINDOWS 3.1; Installed WINDOWS 95. "@S," said @N, as he found out his tribble was pregnant. "@S," said @N, as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot. "@S," said @N, as he waited for Windows '95. "@S," said @N, pulling a tribble from his honey pot. "@S," said @N, pulling the Tribble from his hunny pot. "@S," said @N, pulling the tribble from his honey pot. "@S," said @N, removing the tribble from his honey pot! "@S," said Capt. @N when he found his toupee was a tribble. "@TOFIRST@ and Pumbaa, ya learn to love 'em." Simba "@TOFIRST@ is about to blow!" "@TOFIRST@ launches hinself!" "@TOFIRST@ ordered the Mushroom Surprise!" "@TOFIRST@ powers up!" "@TOFIRST@ should AVOID mines!" "@TOFIRST@ wipes him up!" "@TOFIRST@" he said,"you're turning into a penguin. Stop it." "And so, it seemed that fortune had smiled on @FN@ & Janet." "And so, it seemed that fortune had smiled on Brad & @FN@." "Apology accepted, Captain @LN@." "Bad dog! Leave that wire alone...click...###@*##...NO TERRIER "Bother" said @F as the Klingons decloaked. "Bother", said Pooh, and reinstalled @VER@. "Bother," mumbled Pooh as @N@ sat on his face. "Bother," said @F as he realized he couldn't speak Klingon. "Bother," said @F, as he waited for Windows '95. "Bother," said @F, as the opponent's dog lept for the kill. "Bother," said Pooh to @N@. "It's your husband and he has a gun". "Bother," said Pooh, "@N@ is back again". "Bother," said Pooh, and fainted as he saw @N@ nude. "Bother," said Pooh, and twitted @N@. "Bother," said Pooh, and twitted @TO@. "Bother," said Pooh, as @F@ wrought terrible revenge upon him. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ approached him in the gay bar. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ asked him to spank her again. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ brought out the Emotion Lotion. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ butchered him for his paws and liver. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ commenced the Dance of Seven Veils. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ couldn't find the handcuff key. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ disappeared through the Door. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ exploded. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ farted. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ gave him to the Emperor. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ groveled at his feet. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ licked honey off his chest. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ made a sexist remark. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ made another sexist remark. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ massaged his prostrate. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ nibbled his ear. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ placed the rope around his neck. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ ran after him with his pants down. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ ran to him with his pants down. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ said "NO, this way, or was it....." "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ sank to her knees. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ screamed in passion. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ seductively stripped. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ sent him to the store for Kotex. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ slowly undressed. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ smacked him again and again. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ smashed his skull with an iron pipe. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ smoked the last of his pot. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ sneezed and the coke blew away. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ snorted another line. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ spread her legs. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ squatted above his face. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ started screaming. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ took her bra off. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ was uninpressed. "Bother," said Pooh, as @N@ wiped the cum from her chin. Mail splitted by XP-Cut v1.0 --- CrossPoint v3.11 * Origin: *eMail* (ABraun2618@aol.com) *Fido* (2:2453/775.12) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100012 Date: 01/28/98 From: ALEXANDER BRAUN Time: 01:44pm \/To: ALLE (Read 2 times) Subj: MACROS.TAG (10/33) Continuation of the splitted Mail... (10/33) Bother! said Pooh, as @TO tried to install OS/2. Bother! said Pooh, as @TO was assimilated by the Borg. Bother! said Pooh, as @TO was assumed to be a lamer... Bother! said Pooh, as @TO was caught playing with himself. Bother! said Pooh, as he rolled over and lit @F's cigarette. Bother! said Pooh, as he tied @F to the "Wheel of Lust". Bother! said Pooh, as he was diagnosed with the @F@ Virus. Bother! said Pooh, as the Borg assimilated @TO@. Bother! said Pooh, the AOL software has marginal utility. <@#$% !!> Bother! said Pooh, when @F takes the last hit from his grass. Bother! said Pooh, when @TO's microwave exploded. Bother! said PoohI'm @TO! Bother, said Pooh, and reinstalled @VER@. Bother, said Pooh, and reinstalled TLX @VER@. Bother, said Pooh, and twitted @TO@. Boulder Bob --- InterNet: bob.echelmeier@ssbbs.org Boy did I tell that moderato%-%$###@$ NO CARRIER Boy did I tell that moderator off when I sa-%$###@$ NO CARRIER Boy, oh boy that lightning sounds clo!@#$%^&*NO CARRIER Boy, that thunder sounds clo@$#%^%#$^ NO CARRIER Boy, you sure got a lotta pepperoni in your tagline, @F! Boy, you sure got a lotta pepperoni in your tagline, @TFName! Boys will be boys, and so will @FN@. Boys will be boys, and so will @TOFIRST@ Brain decay isn't @FN@'s only problem. Brain decay isn't @TO@'s only problem Brain decay isn't @TOFIRST@'s only problem Brain? I don't need no friggin' br..!!@$#%\ NO SYNAPSES Brave, brave Sir @FN@! Break right! He's got tone on me! ^$0y@!#) NO HARRIER! Buahahah! 2 second warning! #%$&@)& NO CARRIER. Bug reports to: president@whitehouse.gov Bugs? What bugs? //\\oo//\\ //\\@@//\\ But @TOFIRST@, you ARE a smeghead. --Lister. But I only have three small bags...%$#@& - NO CARRY ON ! But for the Grace of God goes @N@. But it's so easy to confuse @TO@. But it's so easy to confuse YOU, @FN@. But it's so easy to frustrate @TO@. But what does THIS button do anyw%@*!.... But! @TOFIRST@, he's a son of mine and so is kin to you But, @FN@'s MUCH cuter when he pouts But, @FN@'s MUCH cuter when he pouts. But, @TFName's MUCH cuter when he pouts But, @TOFIRST@'s MUCH cuter when he pouts Butt-Head: Don't make me kick your ass again, @TOFIRST@! Butt-Head: Whoa...it's #FN@! Butt-Head: Whoa...it's @TOFIRST@! Buxton, Maine fred.martin@hollis.maine.com By your command Imperious Leader @TOLAST@ C$A#M*O$U%F@L#A)G@E~D T@A#G$L@I~N$E C'mon Sysop, I apologized! Don't lock me ou%:(n@ NO CARRIER C'mon, @FN@, whine some more C'mon, @FN@, whine some more. C'mon, @N@, snivel some more C'mon, @N@, whine some more C'mon, @N@, yell some more C'mon, @TFName, whine some more C'mon, @TName, snivel some more C'mon, @TName, whine some more C'mon, @TName, yell some more C'mon, @TO, whine some more C'mon, @TO@, snivel some more C'mon, @TO@, whine some more. C'mon, @TO@, yell some more C'mon, @TOFIRST@, whine some more C:\DOS -> C:\DOS\RUN -> C:\Windows\Crash -> C:\@TOFIRST@\CRY C:\DOS;\SYSTEM;\UTILS;\DOC;\HELP;\WHERE;\THE;\FU@%;\AM_I C:\DOS\SYSTEM\UTILITIES\DOCS\HELP\WHERE\THE\F!@$\AM_I? C:\DOS\SYSTEM\UTILS\DOCS\HELP\ME\WHERE\THE\FU@%\AM\I C:\DOS\SYSTEM\UTILS\DOCS\HELP\WHERE THE !@#$! AM I?! C:\DOS\SYSTEM\UTILS\DOCS\HELP\WHERE THE F()@% AM I! C:\DOS\SYSTEM\UTILS\DOCS\HELP\WHERE_THE_!@#$!_AM_I?! C>DEL @TFName.@TName < CAPT'N! ... @TOLAST@ is unlurking off the port bow, arming his TLX! CAPT'N! @N is unlurking off the port bow, arming his Tag-O-Matic CAPT'N! @N's uncloaking off the port bow. He's arming his Tag-O-Matic! CAPT'N! @TName's uncloaking off the port bow. He's arming his Golded! CAPT'N! @TOLAST@ is unlurking off the port bow, arming his TAG-X PRO! CAPT'N! @TOLAST@ uncloaking off the port bow, and he's arming his Tag-X! CAPT'N! @TOLAST@'s uncloaking off the port bow. He's arming his Tag-X! CAPT'N.....Orville unlurking off the port bow, and he's arming his @%&*! CAPTAIN!! Moderator decloaking on the port#!$&^@ NO CARRIER CAPTAIN!!!!!! Moderator decloaking on the port#^!$&^!$@ NO CARRIER CAPTAIN!!!!!! Moderator decloaking on the port#^!$&^!$@ \SLMR\TAGL CAT: I hope that @TOLAST@ gal put litter in here CAT: I hope that @TOLAST@ guy put litter in here CAUTION: @TOFIRST@ is Armed, Dangerous, and off Medication CLAP ON (clap, clap), CLAP OFF (clap,clap) %@#NO CARRIER CONNECT 1200 !@#$%&&!@$% NO CARRIER CTHULHU, @FN calling CTHULHU. He won't come. "ZOT" Ca&T, g*ET o@FF m^y kEyb!OArD Ca&T, g*ET o@FF m^y kEyb!OArD... Cadet @TName. Better lower landing gear BEFORE we la..nd. crAAASH! Cadet @TOLAST@. Better lower landing gear BEFORE we la..nd. crAAASH! Mail splitted by XP-Cut v1.0 --- CrossPoint v3.11 * Origin: *eMail* (ABraun2618@aol.com) *Fido* (2:2453/775.12) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100013 Date: 01/28/98 From: ALEXANDER BRAUN Time: 01:44pm \/To: ALLE (Read 2 times) Subj: MACROS.TAG (11/33) Continuation of the splitted Mail... (11/33) Camp Counselor @LN@ is now going to show us how to skinny dip! Camp Counselor @LN@ is now going to show us the obstacle course! Camp Counselor @LN@ is now going to show us the pinball machine! Camp Counselor @LN@ tries to calm the kids again... and fails Can I bring @FN@ for Show and Tell on Monday? Can I bring @TOFIRST@ for Show and Tell on Monday? Can I bring @TOFISRT@ to show and tell on Monday? Can this be real? @N@ is at a loss for words?! Can this be real? @TName is at a loss for words?! Can this be real? @TO@ is at a loss for words?! Can this be real? @TOFIRST@ is at a loss for words?! Captain ... Renegade ship approc!@$(@#&$* NO CARRIER Captain @FN@, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited Captain @FN@, why does your phaser look like a dust buster? Captain @LN@, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage Captain @LN@, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage. Captain @LN@...one harmless little...Tribble? Captain @TF@ to the rescue! Captain @TFName to the rescue! Captain @TFName, being held by you isn't enough to get me excited Captain @TFName, why do our phasers look like dust busters? Captain @TName's Log Stardate %d/%m/%Y Captain @TName, I must protest! I am NOT a merry man! - Worf Captain @TName, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage. - Troi Captain @TName, Sir, that looks like earth. Turn About! Captain @TName, a shuttle craft just launched Captain @TName, experiments show that dead puppies aren't much fun Captain @TName, it's the Death Star! We mu *^%#&%$# NO CARRIER Captain @TName, the Enterprise has been taken over Captain @TName, the Enterprise has just been boarded by hostiles Captain @TName, the auto-destruct sequence is activated Captain @TName, the communicators are out of range Captain @TName, the communicators don't work Captain @TName, the probe is launched Captain @TName, the readings I get go off the scale Captain @TName, the weapons have been rendered useless Captain @TName, we've just landed Captain @TOFIRST@ to the rescue! Captain @TOFIRST@, being held by you isn't enough to get me excited Captain @TOFIRST@, it's the Death Star! We mu *^%#&%$# NO CARRIER Captain @TOFIRST@, why do our phasers look like dust busters? Captain @TOFIRST@, why does your phaser look like a dust buster? Captain @TOFIRST@.. Renegade ship approc!@$(@#&$* NO CARRIER Captain @TOLAST@ to the rescue! Captain @TOLAST@!!! Cardassian warship decloaking off the#$^ NO CARRIER Captain @TOLAST@'s Log Stardate @SDATE@ Captain @TOLAST@, I must protest! I am NOT a merry man! Captain @TOLAST@, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage Captain @TOLAST@, Sir, that looks like earth. Turn About! Captain @TOLAST@, a Klingon does NOT play Lemmings Captain @TOLAST@, a Klingon does NOT play Tetris Captain @TOLAST@, a shuttle craft just launched Captain @TOLAST@, being held by you isn't enough to get me excited Captain @TOLAST@, experiments show that dead puppies aren't much fun Captain @TOLAST@, it's the Death Star! We mu *^%#&%$# NO CARRIER Captain @TOLAST@, stop staring at my chest! --Troi Captain @TOLAST@, the Enterprise has been taken over Captain @TOLAST@, the Enterprise has just been boarded by hostiles Captain @TOLAST@, the auto-destruct sequence is activated Captain @TOLAST@, the communicators are out of range Captain @TOLAST@, the communicators don't work Captain @TOLAST@, the probe is launched Captain @TOLAST@, the readings I get go off the scale Captain @TOLAST@, the readings I get go off the scale. Captain @TOLAST@, the weapons have been rendered useless Captain @TOLAST@, there be raptors here... &^@$#%* NO CARRIER Captain @TOLAST@, we've just landed Captain @TOLAST@, why do our phasers look like dust busters? Captain @TOLAST@... Renegade ship approc!@$(@#&$* NO CARRIER Captain @TOLAST@...one harmless little...Tribble? Captain @ln@... Renegade ship approc!@$(@#&$* NO CARRIER Captain Pollard.. Renegade ship approc!#$(@#&$* NO CARRIER Captain Your new ship, the U.S.S. @TName is ready in Star-Dock Captain Your new ship, the U.S.S. @TOLAST@ is ready in Star-Dock Captain! Romulan Warbird decloak%^#%@#$%& NO CARRIER Captain! Romulan Warbird powering up weapo%$(&^(^)#$^#@^@& Captain! Romulan Warbird powering up wepo@*&#^()@! NO CARRIER Captain!! Warp core breech imminen- @#$@..&%"#@ NO CARRIER Captain's Log Stardate @SDATE@: Ensign @TOLAST@ is under investigation. Captain's Log Stardate @SDATE@: Worf bites Ensign @TOLAST@... Captain's Log, Star Date @SDATE@ Captain's Log, Stardate %d/%m/%Y "Ensign @TName beams aboard" Mail splitted by XP-Cut v1.0 --- CrossPoint v3.11 * Origin: *eMail* (ABraun2618@aol.com) *Fido* (2:2453/775.12) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100014 Date: 01/28/98 From: ALEXANDER BRAUN Time: 01:44pm \/To: ALLE (Read 2 times) Subj: MACROS.TAG (12/33) Continuation of the splitted Mail... (12/33) Captain's log Stardate %d/%m/%Y "Ensign @TName is under guard..." Captain's log Stardate %d/%m/%Y "Ensign @TName is under investigation." Captain's log Stardate @SDATE@: Ensign @TOLAST@ is under guard Captain's log Stardate @SDATE@: Ensign @TOLAST@ is under investigation Captain's log, Stardate %d/%m/%Y "Worf bites Ensign @TName" Captain's log, Stardate %d/%m/%Y: "We've been attacked by @TFName!" Captain's log, Stardate @SDATE@: We've been attacked by @TOFIRST@! Captain, @F off starboard brow unlurking Captain, @FN@ is snorting the Dilithium Crystals again! Captain, @TFName is snorting the Dilithium Crystals again! Captain, @TName is snorting the Dilithium Crystals again! Captain, @TName off starboard brow unlurking Captain, @TO@ off starboard brow unlurking Captain, @TOFIRST@ is snorting the Dilithium Crystals again! Captain, @TOFIRST@ off starboard brow unlurking Captain, @TOLAST@ is snorting the Dilithium Crystals again! Captain, Klingon ship approa...[!@$(@#&$* NO CARRIER] Captain, Romulan decloa...[%@$%#%^& NO CARRIER] Captain, Romulan decloaking%@$%#%^& NO CARRIER Captain, there be raptors here &^@$#%* NO CARRIER Captain, there be raptors here... &^@$#%* NO CARRIER Captains Log, Stardate @SDATE@ Ensign @TOLAST@ beams aboard Captains log, Stardate @SDATE@ Worf bites Ensign @TOLAST@ Cardinal @LN@! Fetch.....the comfy chair! Cardinal @TOLAST@! Fetch.....the comfy chair! Cardinal Biggles, tie @N@ to the RACK! Cardinal Biggles, tie @TName to the RACK! Cardinal Biggles, tie @TO@ to the RACK! Cardinal Biggles, tie @TOFIRST@ to the RACK! Care for some "Anthrax Ripple" @FN@? Care for some "Anthrax Ripple" @TOFIRST@? Care for some "Crunchy Frog" @FN@? Care for some "Crunchy Frog" @TOFIRST@? Care for some "Spring Surprise" @FN@? Care for some "Spring Surprise" @TOFIRST@? Care for some Anthrax Ripple @FN@? Care for some Crunchy Frog @FN@? Care for some albatros @FN@? Care for some albatros @TOFIRST@? Careful @LN@, you only have a few brain cells left Careful @TNAME, you only have a few brain cells left Careful @TOLAST@, you only have a few brain cells left Careful @TOLAST@, you only have a few brain cells left. Careful now or @TName will getcha! Careful now or @TOLAST@ will getcha! Careful with that axe, @FN@ Careful with that axe, @TOFIRST@ Careful, @TO@, you only have a few brain cells left CarpalCrash...%#@&$-NO CARRIER ! Carrier's view point...REIRRAC ON - %$#@& Casey saves, @FN@ picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores! Casey saves, @TOFIRST@ picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores! Casey's in the net, @FN@ goes right, fakes left, shoots, SCORES! "WUSS!" Cat: I hope that @TOFIRST@ put litter in here Censorship? *HERE*?? There's no censoring on this Net*@#$% NO CARRIER Charles.dewar@launch.net Check your duplex switch, idiot !...%$#@& - NNOO CCAARRRRIIEERR Checking reality of @CName's message...test failed Checking reality of @FROM@'s message...test failed Checking reality of @TO@'s message...test failed Cheer up @N@. The worst is yet to come Cheer up @N@. The worst is yet to come. Cheer up @TName. The worst is yet to come Cheer up @TO@. The worst is yet to come Cheer up @TOFIRST@! Have a Happy Christmas, have a drink for me Cheer up @TOFIRST@. The worst is yet to come Cheer up Orville@. The worst is yet to come Cheif O'Brian, teleport @N@ to the center of the sun Chief @LN@, beam the landing party to the bridge Chief @TName, I think you should place a monitoring device on me Chief @TName, transport the landing party directly to OPS Chief @TOLAST@, I think you should place a monitoring device on me Chief @TOLAST@, beam the landing party to the bridge Chief @TOLAST@, transport the landing party directly to OPS Christianity World Tour 19@DATE@ - Get your tickets NOW! Christianity World Tour 19@DY@ - Get your tickets NOW! Christmas Shopping for 23:26:18O@? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for 23:26:18OFIRST@? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for @F? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for @FN@? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for @N? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for @TF? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for @TFName? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for @TO@? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for @TOFIRST@? Buy a Tribble! Christmas Shopping for MatthewN@? Buy a Tribble! Christopher Robin is really @N@ in disguise - Pooh Church of @TFName: The Cult of The Sub-genius Church of @TOFIRST@: The Cult of The Sub-genius Clap ON Clap OFF &0j3%@`d*v#% NO CARRIER Clap On (clap clap), Clap Off (clap clap) %$#@!*^%$ NO CARRIER Mail splitted by XP-Cut v1.0 --- CrossPoint v3.11 * Origin: *eMail* (ABraun2618@aol.com) *Fido* (2:2453/775.12) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100015 Date: 01/28/98 From: ALEXANDER BRAUN Time: 01:44pm \/To: ALLE (Read 2 times) Subj: MACROS.TAG (13/33) Continuation of the splitted Mail... (13/33) Clap On *CLAP* *CLAP* Clap Off *CLAP* *CL*$*(@)F{]/~` NO CARRIER Clap on (clap clap)! Clap off(clap clap)! #%^$@NO CARRIER Clap on -Clap- -Clap-, Clap off -Clap- ****%*$#%@NO CARRIER Clap on <>, Clap off <>#@%%*&@ NO CARRIER Clap on! (clap, clap) Clap off! (clap@#&$NO CARRIER Clap on! (clap,clap) Clap off! (clap,cl$@^ NO CARRIER Clap on! *CLAP CLAP* Clap off! *CLAP C$#@#$%$#%NO CARRIER Clap on! Clap Off! Clap off!