--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Falsify some lab reports while your at it - Dr. F Fake court will now begin - Mike Fallopian tube: part of an entertainment system Fahr den Wagen vor Harry!....Harry?!?....HAAAARRY! Faith can move mountains of inventory. - 78th Rule of Acquisition Famous Last Words: I go up to the leech and pick his pocket Fahrvergngen! Say the word! Famous Last Words of Icarus: Aaaahhhhhhhhh! Fahrvergnookie: (v) Sex in a Volkswagen Famous Last Words: I am immortal! Famous Last Words: "Hey, baby, whats your sign?" Faith or credit is to be given to the last decisions Faites l'amour ET la guerre: Allez vous marier Fall not in Love, for it will stick to your Face Famous DND Quote - I disbelieve... Ok ...I run Fall in those single lines like army ants Famous Last Words #11: "I thought You had the plane tic+ Falling Trees: Tim Burr Famous Last Words: A 25th lvl CE mage/cleric? I pinch her butt! Faith is to the soul what a mainspring is to a watch Family history: a quilt work of lives Famous Last Words: Boy, Romulan, are you ugly! #$^ NO CARRIER Famous Last Insults: Hey, Moderator! Bite me! Fahrvergnookie: German word for sex in a Volkswagen Fad: Something that goes in one era and out the other Family: Blood is thicker than water Family planning: (O-> x O-+) x 5 = ooooo Faith is that quality which enables us to believe what we know to be untrue Faith is the equation of feeling with knowledge Famous Last Words #6: Hey, Ctulhu! Eat me! Famious Last Words: Dragon? What Dragon? Famous Last Word : "Arnold Schwartzenegger has a great sense of humor." Falling from the roof of a building won't kill you. Landing will Fade to the 70's...Decade of shame - Crow Failure is never fatal, success is never final Famous Last Word : "Nah, that's not a venomous snake." Famous Last Words #98: Wow! You guys ever see so many friggin' Orcs? Famous Last Words: I don't need no stinking seat belts! Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Rom 10:17) Famous Last Words: Do you mind if I come inside, Mr. Dahmer? Falsies ... the bust money can buy Faith can move mountains, or lead a man endlessly down a blind path ... - James E. Gunn False accusations of treason are themselves treason Family fibs: "We never mind watching your child (dog or plants)." Famous Last Words: Cool! Demon tracks! Let's follow 'em! Facts are wasted on Orville Faith healers do it with whatever they can lay their hand Failed democracies VOTE themselves into tyranny Familiarity breeds familiarity Famous Last Words: You turned the power off, right? Failed gymnast: A flip flop Faire l'amour sans capote .. c'est comme un text sans TAGLINE... :) Failure reading Drive C: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic Famous Last Words no. #37 : "We come in peace. We are unarmed." Famous Last Words: "The GM won't let us die!" Facts, though interesting, are in my opinion irrelevant Family trees without roots fall over Faith is my shield and hope is my armour Failed imagination and failed wills are not proper company. Facts will ruin a liberal's whole day Famous Last Words #70: "That sounded like dragon wings" Fall over ice skating? Put some ice on it Famous Last Words: I go up to the lich and pick his pocket Facts are obstinate things. Joseph Stalin Falkner: You look in there? Failure reading Drive A: (A)Abort; (R) Retry; (W)Whine Facts cannot prevail against faith, or adamant folly Falling Cookware Area. DEADPAN Expression Required Famous Last Words: "I know that's an illusionary dragon!" Failing on a promise to make coffee? Famous Last Word : "I just rented this car at the Miami airport and..." Famous Last Words: "What's the worse that town can do? Lynch us?" Famous Last Words: HA! I always knew you didn't have the guts! Famous Last Words: "Make Me!" Failure - call tech. support! Famous Last Insults: "Hey, Mnementh! Eat me!" Famous Last Words: Forget pickin' d'lock - jus' kick in d'door! Famous Last Word : "A semiautomatic can't fire if you remove the clip." Family trees cast shadows of forgotten ancestors Facts are obstinant things. - Joseph Stalin Famous Last Word : "Have you been putting on some weight, honey?" Fall not in love therefore; it will stick to your face Famous Last Word : "WOW! This is a great view of the Grand Canyooooo..." Falkner: And? Familiarity breeds a fundamentalist Failed inventions: Automatic parachute -- opens on impact Famous Last Words: Don't unplug it, it'll just take a moment to fix Famous Last Words: Brak? That's a stupid name for a barbarian Facts are stupid things. -- Reagan Falling in love is easy; climbing out is a pain Fahrvergnkie: (n) Sex in a Volkswagen Faint soggy rotting melting industrial grandma smell-Crow Famous Last Words: Hey look, guys! Its Hillary! The b Faith will not die while seed catalogs are printed Fahrflungnoodle: mouthful of spaghetti after a sneeze Family trees are great for hanging out your genes Family values: My family is good, your family sucks Faith of our fathers, holy faith, We will be true to thee till death! Faith goes out through the window when beauty comes in Fame is proof that people are gullible. Emerson [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100006 Date: 01/31/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:09am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Facts we eat. Garbage we toss Famous Last Words from TV: "Book him Dano." Failure: the path of least persistence Fairy Tale: A horror story to prepare children for newspa Famous Last Word : "Dobermans are basically gentle animals." Fame is chiefly a matter of dying at the right moment Famous Last Words #97: You'll sic an army of swans on me? HAHAHAHA Fair Fight is an Oxymoron Falsehood has a perennial spring. -- Burke Famous Last Words #98: You're a sorry excuse for a God False in one thing, false in everything Faithless souls fall into the Void, devoured by nothingness Faint hearts never win in love nor sell life insurance Facts are stupid things - Ronald Reagan Falling hurts least those who fly low! Faire DOS 6.2: (A)bort, (R)etry, (N)o Worries, M'Lord! _ Famous Last Words #14: "I hit the Fire Elemental with my wood staff." Faith is permitting ourselves to be seized by the things we don't see Fahrvergnagen! Say the word! HUH? Famous Last Words: But it's only a LITTLE red dragon Facts without theory is trivia. Theory without facts is bullshit Faith, even when profound, is never complete. Jean-Paul Sarte Fades to sounds of off-stage cackling and laughing Faith will not die while seed catalogues are printed Fame is but for a moment. Obscurity endures forever Familiarity breeds children Famous Last Words no. #25 : "Bye-bye!" Familiarity breeds contempt, and so do children Falkon is deadmeat Famous Last Words #07: "Beholder--beschmolder Let me at it!" False economic assumptions are the root of all environmental problems Faith is knowledge within the heart beyond the reach of proof Famous Last Words: "Uh-huh. You and what army?" Fake it till you make it Failure(n.): Opportunity to try again, more intelligently Family Photo :-) :-) :^9 Julie, MUST you ruin every shot? Famous Last Words: "I drank what?" - Socrates Famous Last Words: "Hey, Dragon -- got a light?" Facts are nothing but barriers to the truth Fall Not In Love, It Will Stick To Your Face Failed Star Trek invention #3: Windup Phasers Fain would I climb, yet fear I to fall Faith is not reason's labor, but repose. - Young Faith: not *wanting* to know what is true Fame is a flippant lover Famous Last Words #19: Did he say FORD or FORE? Fake. Fake. Fake. Fake.--Elaine Fairview Mall, I know I've never tried to fly there. - Dione Falling off a Cliff - by Eileen Dover Fall is when trees change from Beatles to Yul Brynners Family Food: We surveyed 100 people who ordered pizza and asked them Family trees traced:- $1,000 Family trees covered up:- $10,000 Failure is a highly contagious disease. Paul Newman Facts, though interesting, are usually quite irrelevant Famous Last Words: I go up to the lich and try to pick its pocket Faith without action is dead Faith without works is dead. (Jas 2: 17, 20) Faith will move mountains Fair is foul, & foul is fair. Hover through the fog & filthy air. - w.s Fajitas? No thanks, they give me fajartas Falkner: Vacation Facts are obstinate False alarm. - Batman Are you sure? - Chase Meridian Facts are wasted on He Fall in those single file lines and complete the plan Faith: firm belief in something where there is no proof Failures want pleasing methods, successes want pleasing results Failure is impossible False modesty is better than none Famous Last Words: Don't worry it's not loaded Family tree? Well, my grandpa planted an Oak once, does that count? Fairy tales: horror stories for children to get them use to reality Falloween...A pumpkinless holiday Faithfulness and sincerity are first principles/Confucius Family Trees are self-pruners... everyone dies in the end! Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. - Huxley Famous Last Words #09: I wait until I can see its eyes Kerag Famous Last Word : "Sure, I can lift 300 pounds." Facts are more powerful than words Fade out, already--we got the joke! - Slappy Failed as a proof-reader for M & M's Family entertainment bollocks! What they want is filth... M. Python Famous Last Words: Am I seeing things or is that a dragon? Famous Last Words: "Shure, trust me, I'm a lawyer..." Famous Last Words #103: "You'll sic an army of swans on me? HAHAHA" Family Trees are ideal to hang your genes on! False economic assumptions are the root of all evil Faith is not wishing to know what is true Famous Last Words #80: "Trolls wimps! Nyah, nyah, nyah!" Famous Last Word : "Let's see, red is negative and black is positive." Fake SPEED's Censor %%%% %%%%% %%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%%% Faded to blue, I saw a message from Trish about Money related tags Famous Last Words: "Where do you want me to sign that contract?" Famous Last Words #36: "I lit the emergency candle. Why's it hissing?" Faith, even when profound, is never complete. Famous Last Words: "Mongols? I don' see no Mo-" >THWEEEeeeCHUNK!< Falling in love with a Super Villian is trouble with a capitol "trub" Failure only begins when you give up trying to succeed Falling in love is hard on the knees Failure is evidence that somebody tried to do something [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100007 Date: 01/31/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:09am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Fahrvergnukie: (n) Sex in a Volkswagen Family fibs: "You mean you can't stay for dinner? I'm so disappointed Famous Last Words: I don't see any archers Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation Fairy Food has no calories. (overweight HPS) Familiarity may indeed breed contempt, but let's not forget children either Famous Last Words: "I bet it's an illusion." Falling Off a Cliff: Ilene Toofar Faith is the soul going out of itself for all its wants. Boston Family Trees are hit by lightning too - BACK UP YOUR FILES! Fallen Underwear: by Lucy Lastic Fallen Underwear: Lucy Lastic Failure is more frequently from want of energy than want of capital Famous Last Words #99: Moderators are Twits. (g) Failing to free a seized nut is all torque and no action Famous Last Words: But it's only a YOUNG red dragon Famous Last Words: I missed with a natural 20? Famous Last Words: "I was supposed to bring the ammo?' Familiarity breeds contempt - and children - Mark Twain Facts do not support Egos; they support Ideas Famous Last Words: Glad that's over. I'm taking off my armor Fade Away - by Peter Out Family is one of civilization's worst ideas. - Earl Falling lenses are attracted to rocks Facts are wasted on @TO@ Facts without theory are trivia; theory without facts is bull Famous Japanese hi-scoring hockey player: Heeshutsee Family entertainment....that's the future Odo. - Quark Faith hears, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible Famous Last Words: Allah sucks! Faith is the bird that sings while it is still dark Famous Last Words #27: Hey there, turtle headed Klingon dude! Famous Last Word : Sharks don't mind if you pet them Failing that, they're gonna do their best to kill you. - Big Julie Falls don't kill people. It's the deceleration trauma Family fibs: We love seeing you Faith goes out through the window when beauty comes in at the door Faith has need of the whole truth. - de Chardin Fahrflungndel: Mouthful of spaghetti after a sneeze Faith cometh by hearing and hearing from the Word of God False Memory Syndrome, eh? Suddenly pedophiles are psychology Fahrvergngen for President - Facts?! You want facts?! Fahfegnookie - Fun in the backseat of a Volkswagen! Fad: In one era and out the other Famous Last Word : "Sure, the ice is safe." Family treeclimber Faith, begorra, and oy veh! -- Irving McGregor, the Leprecohen Faith, Hop, and Charity, and the greatest of these is Hop Family tree? Ours is a shrub! Facts that do not conform to theory must be disposed of Family trees wither if no one maintains the roots!! False Memory Syndrome? Suddenly pedophiles are psychology experts? Familiarity breeds contempt- and children Famous Last Words #76: "Geez you guys ever see so many friggin' Orcs? Facts are stupid things - R Reagan Fahrvergnckie: Sex in a Volkswagen Faith which does not doubt is a dead faith. -- Unamuno Faith! not logic, sustains and gives value to life Famous DM Farewells: "It hits and...hold on, I need more dice" Famous Last Words #66: That's one HELL of a tan, Miss Glasya Failed ST invention no #3: Windup Phasers Fame is chiefly a matter of dying at the right moment Famous Last Words: "Ha! I NEVER pay income tax!" Faith which does not doubt is a dead faith. de Unamuno Faith is not a pill you swallow, but a muscle you use Famous Last Words: "Absolutely." Faith makes things possible, not easy Famous Last Words. Of course I know what I am doing! I'm with the govern Familiar acts are beautiful through love Family fibs: I would love for Mom to come live with us Faith does not offer the least support for proof of truth. - Nietzsche Familiarity breeds consent Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable Faith fills the fundy headwhere facts and knowledge fear to tread Fakir - Mann som kan beg# Faith goes out through the window when beauty comes in Fall mountain, just don't fall on me.  HENDRIX  Facts? I should change my mind because you have FACTS?! Family values: a euphemism for theological fascism Family Trees can be hit by lightning too - BACK UP YOUR DATA FILES! Family Law: Where there's a sibling, there's quibbling Famous Last Insults - "Hey DRACULA..... BITE ME!" Fame is proof that people are gullible. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson Failed Star Trek invention #2: Klingon eating utensils Faith is never identical with piety. Karl Barth Famous Last Words: Damn, Tiamat - you're one UGLY dragon Falcons Fly and Fulcrums Die Famous Last Words: I go up to the leech and try to pick its pocket Famous Last Words #17: So what good is a ring of Cthulhu control? Famous Last Words: Dragon HORDE? I thought y'said Dragon HOARD! Fall not in love, therefore it won't stick to your face Familiarity breeds contempt Famous Last Words: "C'mon! We're a team!" Famous Last Words: "It's fine! My Pentium did the calculations." Famous Last Words: FI wonder how much this car will do? Famous Last Words: "I think the dragon's asleep " Failure teaches success Faith is where one BELIEVES to SEE Famous Last Words: Hey there ugly Borg dude! ^&*&*#$%!@ NO CARRIER [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100008 Date: 01/31/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:10am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Fahrvegnookie (n): Sex in a Volkswagen Failure is not fatal or final in the grace of God! Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - L.J. Pete Fade out already, they got the joke. Slappy Squirrel, Animaniacs Famous Last Insults: Hey, Merlin! Bite me! Familiarity breeds Fake it 'til you make it! Fallacy of Women's Movement: work means power or self-fulfillment Faith is larger than any "ifs." - Stephen Mitchell Famous Last Words: "Hey! This pit really is bottomless!" Facts are stuborn things Famous Last Words: "Trust me, you don't need this file." Facts are stubborn things - T. Smollett Famous Last Word : "Bubba? That's a sissy's name." Famous Last Words of history: Father, beam me up. --Jesus Christ Family Values - now available, Aisle 8! Thanks for shopping at K-Mart Famous Last Words: "Don?..That's a stupid name for a barbarian." Famous Last Words: Allah sucks and you're all a bunch of Ragheads! Famous Last Words #23: Forget picking the lock--just kick the door dow Falkner: [after M&S knock on her door] I don't want any Fall, when trees change from Beatles to Yul Brynners Fame is a magnifying glass Falsify some lab reports while your at it. -- Dr. Forrester Faith. manages. Delenn Fade for advertisement playing the "ominous horns" - drink! Faith is believing in things that common sense tells you not to. --- George Seaton Famous Last Words: I have two tickets on the Titanic Famous Last Words: "Here, let me show you." Faithful are the wounds of a friend. - Proverbs 27:6 Faithful disciple of Jack Butler, the God of Taglines Failure is never FATAL and SUCCESS is never FINAL Famous Last Words: +25 to hit, +30 damage? YOU GO FIRST! Fahrvergnughen- More than a mouthful Famous Last Word : "Black guys can't bowl." Famous Last Words: "This looks like a safe place to camp." Fafafofo FOOEY Famous Last Words #81: Stand back you wimps - *I'LL* kill it! Fame, it appears, is more fleeting then we thought Famous Last Word : "Killer bees, my foot!" Famous Last Words: "Oh, shit" Facts are the enemies of truth. - Don Quixote Famous Last Words: "This Babe Ruth card won't be worth anything!" False Christian Scum? Bring on the True Christian Scum! Famous Last Words: I know Karate, and several other Japanese words Famous Last Words #71: Naw - it's just sleeping Fall into me, the sky's crimson tears abolish the rules made of stone Faith: ability to believe what you know darned well ain't so. - M. Twain Familiarity breeds contempt, don't forget children also Famous Last Words: Cool! Demon racks! Let's follow'em! Famous Last Words #02: ...and you're UGLY, too! Fallatio is like chewing gum. Enjoy it, but don't swallow it Faith can rewrite your future Family heirloom? La Rue Failure is not in falling down, but in staying down Fall seven times, stand up eight. Japanese Proverb Failure is the path of least persistence Faith is believing things that nobody in his right mind would believe. - Archie Bunker Famous Last Words: "I've read 2 books on magic... what could go wrong?" Facts are such stubborn little bastards! Use them with care False accusation of rape creates economic rape Facts are stubborn things. (Smollett) Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to Fahrvergnookie: (n) Sex in a Volkswagen Faith is believing what you know ain't so Fakir - Mann som kan beg selvmord og overleve Facts w/o theory is trivia. Theory w/o facts is bull Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons. -Rev Famous Last Words: I find this whole thing shocking - T. Bundy Famous Last Words #7: "I drank what?" ~Sacrates Faith is believing what you know ain't so! - Samuel Clemens Fake love, fake war Falling Trees: by Tim Burr Faith: a substitute for truth Fahrvergnukie: Sex in a Volkswagen Familiarity breeds attempt Facts are wasted on Orville Bullitt Fahrvergnkie: Sex in a Volkswagen Family tree? More like a noxious weed Faith is a voluntary anticipation. -- St. Clement Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. -- Aldous Huxley Famous Last Words: Does a three save against death magic? Fade to Black Famous Last Words #2: Did I Really .? Faith is not wanting to know what is true! Famous Last Words #3: Wiring a plug is *dead* easy! Family will always be there boyfriends come and go Famous Last Words: "Honey! you got a package! its ticking!" Famous Last Words #9: I wait until I can see its eyes... - Def One Faith is a gift from God False appearance of fine speech Faith alone saves, but faith that saves is not alone Families, when a child is born Want it to be intelligent. I, through Famous Last Words: Get of the ship now! Famous Last Words: 12 Death Knights? I close the door Famous Last Words: Hey look, guys! It's Hillary! The First Bi- Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored Famous Last Words: "Don't Push that but" Famous Last Words: "Hey, Cthulhu! Eat me!" Famous Last Insult: Hey Vampyra, BITE ME! Failed ST invention no #7: Antimatter suntan lotion [End Tags]