--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100002 Date: 01/30/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:11pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Face reality: the lottery is always won by other people! FRENCH: Joyeux Noel et heureuse Anne FOR SALE: Unscented perfume - comes in an empty bottle Facts -- attempts to explain magic through logic FREE action figure in specially marked boxes of Windows FOR MODERATOR USE ONLY - Do not write below this line FORMATTING HARD DRIVE (C)ontinue (A)bort (P)anic FR: Flip Record FORMATTING HARD DRIVE - Press any key to continue Faboo! ... Almost got it fixed! - Wakko FRA #027: There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman FREE BLUE WAVE UPGRADES FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR FREE BAJOR!! (But what if I don't *want* any Bajor?) FOR SALE: Iraqi rifle. Never fired. Dropped once FRA #162: Even in the worst of times, someone turns a profit FREE THE INDIANAPOLIS 500 Fact: Fourteen out of every ten people like sex FSR: Form Skip and Runaway FOR CRYING OUT LOUD....MEAT LOAF FRA #033: It never hurts to suck up to the boss FPT: Fire Photon Torpedoes FOR SALE: One canary, going cheep FRA #229: Latinum lasts longer than lust Face to face we embrace..We drink of love's sweetest wine - Amy Grant FORCEPS - Giant baby tweezers FOR SALE: Iraqi rifles. Never fired, only dropped once FREE!!! $1,000,000 Guaranteed. Just call 1-800-572- Facts and truth are often cousins not brothers. Edward Bunker FOR OFFICE USE ONLY --- DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE --- FRA 214. Never begin a business negotiation on an empty stomach. Quark, The Maquis, Part I FRED ROGERS - No More Mr. Nice Guy FRA 139. Wives serve, brothers inherit. Odo, Necessary Evil FREE ADVERTISING SPACE !!! (Call now for details.) FRA #121: Everything is for sale, even friendship FRENCH HORN *****- self-explanatory FRA #106: There is no honor in poverty FOR SALE: 2,500 Atlanta Braves World Series Caps. (Cheap) FRIEND: Someone you know all about but like anyway FRA 022. A wise man can hear profit in the wind. Pel, Rules of Acquisition FOR SALE -- Encyclopedia, hardly used. I already know EVERYTHING! FORECAST: Guess FRATERNITY MEN do it with their little sisters FRA 003. Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. Quark, The Maquis, Part II FORD: F**ks Other Racing Dogs Facing a choice of 2 evils? Pick the one not yet tried FNANAH!!!!... And I MEAN it!!! :) FREE to a good home - cute baby taglines, housebroken FRA #082: The flimsier the product, the higher the price FOUR-WHEELERS eat more bush FORD: First On Race Day FNORD! This tagline does not exist FZMT: The poodle bites, the poodle chews it FOR SALE: Used taglines.. $10.00 each. Only used a few times Fact without theory is trivia. Theory without fact is bullshit FORD: Found On the Road Dead FOLGERS TEA, good enough to be served in Starfleet's finest starships FORD: You can press any key to continue, as long as it's ENTER FSH - fish misspelled FOUR HOURS to bury a cat? Yes - it wouldn't hold still FUNK OFF! Fact is, I never take 'em off! Face it, you're stuck in a dead end job FYI For Your Information FRA #021: Never place friendship above profit FREEDOM: BROUGHT TO YOU BY GOD, GUNS, AND GUTS! FORD: Forked Over Re-built Dodge FREEWARE: What everything should be FOOT IN MOUTH: Saying what you think without thinking Fac meam diem - Clintus Estvoodicus Fac meam diem. --Clintus Eastwoodus FRA #104: Faith moves mountains...of inventory Face it, Dad. The season's OVER. - Calvin FREE MARS! Yes Yes I'll take a couple! Facing the facts makes it hard to get up in the morning FRIODE: A bidirectional diode FRA 285. No good deed ever goes unpunished. Quark, The Collaborator FZMT: Moon Unit, where did I go wrong? FOAF Friend Of A Friend FORTH CREATE program that DOES what is needed . ; FRANK ZAPPA - HELP! I'm a rock! FORTH PROGRAMMERS do it from behind Factorial: truth vs. reality (FACT-OR-REAL... get it?) FOR SYSOP USE ONLY - Do not write below this line FROG'S ALLEY activates the 5th of any month FRIENDLESS, adj. Having no favors to bestow. Destitute of fortune FOR SALE: One cloaked Romulan warbird ornament, $50 FORESHADOWING! -- Tom Servo FRA #041: Profit is its own reward FTP the Ultimate Calculator from garbo.uwasa.fi, in pc/math/ucalc24.zip Factoid: Number of days in 1991 - 365. In 1988 - 366 FOR SALE: Screen windows for submarine. Only used once FOR SALE Echos '92! Don't laugh, I'm broke FUBS: bookworms looking for a good time Fact: You can take a spin around Babylon 5 by standing still FUEGO!!!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOOOOOM! FSU-28 UM-10; FSU-33 UF-21: State Football Champions of Florida `93 FORMAT C: [Y/y] Resistance is futile FOR SALE: Great taglands in Florida, real cheap FOREST STAGE: Poochy and Grinder Face reality; yet, indulge yourself in fantasy and plenty of Drugs [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100003 Date: 01/30/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:12pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] FORD: First On Road to Dump FUND SET UP FOR BEATING VICTIM'S KIN Fact: Mickey Mouse wears a Dan Quayle wristwatch Fact: Fourteen out of every ten WOMEN eat chocolate FREE HEALTH CARE! (enclose $90,000,000,000.00 S/H) FOREPLAY.........................A term used when golfing FRANKIE SAYS : - "RELAX" FORCE yourself to stay away! FRA 022. Latinum tarnishes, but family is forever. Rom, Prophet Motive FX don't hold my attention for long. - Anna Steven FRA #285: No good deed ever goes unpunished FORD had, a good idea, but the light BLEW!!!! FRANKFLUID - [n] The liquid at the bottom of hot dog packages FOR A GOOD TIME, press CTRL-2 FZMT: Is that a Real poncho or a Sears poncho? Fact: 14 out of 10 people like chocolate FRAUD..brought to you by the letters I.R. & S. and the numbers 10 & 40 FOR SALE: 1 budgie, going Cheep FRA #034: Peace is good for business FUF: Foreningen til Udryddelse af Fotoflder FRA 285. A good deed is its own reward. Rom, Prophet Motive FSU Seminoles -- 1993 Orange Bowl Champions!!!!!!!! FOR SALE: Encyclopedia, hardly used - wife knows EVERYTHING! FOMCROFL Fell Off My Chair Rolling On Floor Laughing! FTL Express. When it positively had to be there yesterday! FORMAT WILL work on my server! See, don't you feel dumb?! FOOLPROOF OPERATION [Translation No provision for adjustments] FUBAR - F****d Up Beyond All Recognition! FRA #008: Small print leads to large risk Factoid: Something similar to a fact FUBS, we're looking for a few good bookworms FUBS: Been there, Done that, Got the T-shirt Fact need not be multiplied beyond necessity FOR SALE: set of morals, not used, will sell cheap FOPC: False Out-of-Paper Condition Fact remains, it's still an artifact. :- FYEO :For your eyes only FYBR: Follow Yellow Brick Road FUBS? Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.....Nothing beats a FUBS FSRA: Forms Skip and Run Away FREE The Fortune 500 from taxation ! FRA 037. Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own. Rivals Facts are facts and won't disappear on account of your likes FRA #047: Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own Fac meam diem. - Clintus Eastvoodicus FOR SALE: Antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs FOA - Ferret Owners Anoymous FUNCTION Pinky: STRING; BEGIN CASE RANDOM(4) OF 1: PINKY:='NARF!'; 2: FSU Seminoles -- 1993 State University Football Champions!!!!!!! Face it, you threw up *on* Cal! FUCK no. not on a sunday anyway - mirikai FOUR-WHEELERS do it with better grip FREE TOASTER IF YOU JOIN THE DARKSIDE! Faboo! - Wakko FRA 048. The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife. Pel, Rules of Acquisition FRA 009. Opportunity plus instinct equals profit. Nog, The Storyteller FREEZE!!!!! Unhand that tagline or I'll shoot!!!! FOOTBALL PLAYERS are measured by the yard FRA #177: Know your enemies...but do business with them always FORD: Fails On Rainy Days Face your doom, spineless worm thingy! - Psycrow to Earthworm Jim FORTRAN PROGRAMMERS just DO it Fact: Most criminals were raised by heterosexual parents FUBS-Fido Used Book Squad FRA 111. Treat people in your debt like family, exploit them. Sisko, Past Tense, Part I FRA #181: Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit FRA 217. You can't free a fish from water. Quark, Past Tense, Part I FOR SALE: USED IRAQI RIFLES. Like new, never fired, dropped once FUGGHEAD: Fannish term meaning roughly airhead FOR SALE: D'vorkians machine, used once, works well. FRED [Flippin'] Ridiculous Electronic Device FORMAT C: Failed, Transfering Virus to d: ^C^C^C^C FRIENDS: The people who stab you in the front FREE THE WACO 8! Fact:14 out of every 10 people like chocolate FORMAT C: /autotest - Justice for software pirates FORD: F**king Obsolete Road Device FRIDGE MAGNET: What your 2-year-old uses to stick floppies together FREEDOM...void where prohibited by law FRED FLINTSTONE - Yabba-dabba-done! FONT: Not lost, as in "I once was lost, but now am font." FOBL Fell outta bed laughing FORVAL MODEMS, A Glance Into The Future! FUBS: A book in the mail is a WONDERFUL way to change :( to :) FORD: Flip Over, Read Directions FORTRAN: For Once Ron, Try a Real And Normal language FORM activates the 24th of any month FRA 010. Greed is dead. Rom, Prophet Motive FORTH programmers do it in the stack FORD: Fix Often, Repair Daily Fact: Mickey Mouse wears a Al Gore wristwatch FUBAR - military term which describes Clinton's foreign policy Facts and Truth are not necessarily the same! FREE MARS - PPG and Terrorist Appreciation Kit sold separately FREUD found it everywhere FOR SALE - Encyclopedia, hardly used. My Wife knows EVERYTHING! Facts Just Get In The Way And Impede Progress FRS: Fetch Ring of Sauron FUWOTD; Fed up with off-topic discussions FORD: Found On a Rubbish Dump [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100004 Date: 01/30/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:12pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] FORK YOU! FORD: First On Rust and Deterioration FORE: The number after three FRA 033. It never hurts to suck up to the boss. Quark & Pel, Rules of Acquisition FREE WILLY! Vote Republican in 1996! FRG: Fill with Random Garbage FRA #261: A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience FRA #031: Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother Facias ipse quod faciamus suades. Practice what U preach FOR SALE: 1 set of morals, never used, will sell cheap FOOT: A device for finding furniture in the dark FORD: Found On Rubbish Dump FOR SALE: Older model tag, no line. $25 or b/o FORTENSK ELMER FRA 062. The riskier the road the greater the profit. Rules of Acquisition FZMT: She didn't like it when her fanbelt shrunk and got shorter FROINLEVIN! -'Jerry Lewis' -- Animaniacs FORD: F**ked On Race Day Fact is solidified opinion Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes FRA #019: Satisfaction is not guaranteed FRA #035: War is good for business FORD: First On Recall Day FREE Mumia Abujama, Carla Homolka, Charles Manson & Josh Windel! FRA #057: Good customers are as rare as latinum -- treasure them FORD: Found On Roadside, Dead Factorials were someone's attempt to make math look *exciting* Faaabulous! The prince! - Crow lisps FRA 076. Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies. Quark, The Homecoming FUBAR; F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition FPC: Feed Paper Continuously FRA #007: Keep your ears open Fact: 14 out of 10 people logged on to the Net do not know what carpal is FORDBBQ: on a ford pinto FREQ; File Request - available to sysops FORMULA ONE RACERS come too fast and in laps FRA 018. A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all. Sisko & Nog, Heart of Stone FOUR MASTED SCHOONER: __________~|_~|_~|_~|\\_________ FRA #001: Once you have their money...you never give it back FOR SALE: Pentium PC. I'm switching to gas heat FOX movie: John Bobbit: The 6 Million Dollar ManHood FRA #242: More is good...all is better FORESHADOWING! - Tom as character mentions obvious thing FRA 021. Never place friendship above profit. Quark, Rules of Acquisition FRA #079: Beware of the Vulcan greed for knowledge FOREFINGER, n. The finger commonly used pointing out two malefactors FROG PROVERB: time's fun when your having flies FYI. (And not everyone is witty enough to FORMAT DRIVE C:? [ ] Yes [ ] Sure [x] Okay by me FRA 103. Sleep can interfere...... Pel, Rules of Acquisition FREE SLMR UPGRADES FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR FORD: Fraternal Order of Restored DeSoto's FORD: Fix Or Replace Daily FRA #018: A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all FOUR-fingered, Jim, what you think you are, some kind of freak? -Peter FROINLEVIN! FUCHSIA: Opposite of past FORD: Found On Reservation Dump Fact: 3 out of 5 people aren't the other 2 FREE PRIZE! NO PURCHASE NEEDED! (Details inside box) FRA 021. Never place profit before friendship. Rom, Prophet Motive FREE speech? Hah! Got your tax bill yet? FUBAR [Fouled] Up Beyond All Recognition (or repair) Face the face of fear, face the face of Death! FRA #040: She can touch your lobes but never your latinum Fac meam diem. --Dirtius Harrius FURRIERS appreciate good beaver FRA #211: Employees are rungs on the ladder of success..step on them FRANKIE SAYS : - "EXLAX" Faboo! - Wakko Warner FOR EVERY action there is an equal and opposite malfunction FUN.....MORE FUN.....IS MORE FUN.....BACKWARDS IS MORE FUN FRA #117: You can't free a fish from water FRA #218: Always know what you're buying Fables of the reconstruction of the fables of the reconstruction of FSU Seminoles -- ACC Football Champions 1992, 1993!!!!!!! FZMT: Moving to Montana soon, gonna be a mental toss flycoon Facts and figures can be friends or foes FRA #236: You can't buy fate FPL: Florida Plunder and Loot FRANKIE SAYS : - "BEESWAX" FRA #099: Trust is the biggest liability of all FZMT: And you are my sofa FRA #009: Opportunity plus instinct equals profit FREE THE KIDS! Stop violence against children FRA 286. When Morn leaves, it's all over. Quark, The House of Quark (Quark made this rule up) Fact: Picard is the Sysop, Data the System, Wesley top D/L 'er FOR SALE: Land in Somalia. Real Cheap. Free Food FOOLPROOF?? gimme USER-proof & I'll buy it!!! Fabric aeroplanes are great.... what did you say? FUBAR-Fouled Up Beyond All Repair Face it! There won't be a Beatles reunion as long as John remains dead FUNGI: The life of the party FZMT: Evelyn, a modified dog, viewed the fringe of a quivering doilly FRA #058: There is no substitute for success FRA #016: A deal is a deal...until a better one comes along FRA 031. Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother. Quark, The Siege FTL Faster Than Light FRA #223: Beware the man who doesn't make time for _oo-mox_ FOMC Falling Off My Chair (laughing) FMP: Finish My Program [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F2100005 Date: 01/31/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:09am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines