--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] FLAW, Dammit, not a Bug. ... PENTIUM SLOGAN: Redefining FLOWERS! Is there a JOHN LUCK PICKARD here? ... Q - Tapestry FLD: FLing Disk FIDO lie #09 Your Sysop doesn't type this all in FIDO lie #04: I read all messages in the TAGLINES echo FATHER! The sleeper has awakened! -- Muad'Dib FIDONET: Fiends, Imps, Devils and Other Nasty Evil Things! FAMOUS LAST WORDS: Say, who's boss of this joint, anyhow?" FARBLE: One who farts in bathtub, then bites the bubbles!! FLW #15: "I got bit by a *what*? FIREMEN have bigger hoses FIDO lie #04 There is no such thing as line noise FIDO: Foolish Idolatry Deemed Obligatory FLASH! Jeremy Mullins seen swinging across town with Catwoman FF buckets of bits FILES=5, BUFFERS=7, 3rd down, 5 yards to go FIREFIGHTERS DO IT WITH LONGER HOSES FEMA = Federal Excuse for Mythical Assistance FAMOUS, adj. Conspicuously miserable FIRE. Sorry cap'n me gun's had a vasectomy FILES=21 BUFFERS=17 4th Quarta', 3rd Down, 6 yds. t' go. Yo' Man!! FANATIC: one enthusiastic about something you're not FIRST NETWORK: Triangle of string with a tin tied to each corner FIDO: Fading Into Discrete Obsolescence FLW #4: "Of course I searched for traps." FIDO lie #08: I'm not drunk right now! FIBBER - You're A Hard Man, Mr. McGee FIDO: Flagrant idiocy demands opposition! FIDELITY, n. A virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed FAMOUS LAST WORDS: "GO AHEAD LORENA...I DARE YOU TO." FARMERS do it all over the countryside FIDO lie #XV I know the echo rules by heart FART: Firearms, Alcohol, Religion & Tobacco (formerly ATF) FIDO: Forgotten Investigations Deliberately Overlooked FIDO lie #IV There is no such thing as line noise F:\< Error finding COLDBEER.CAN Sysop not loaded! FENCERS do it in a full lunge FIDO: Frequently Intermittent Dog Offerings. --Denise Altoff FART.COM found. (A)sk who did it (B)lame it on the dog (P)ass out FANATIC: One who's enthusiastic about something you have no interest FLASH! Democrat saves drowning black guy - he quit holding him under FILE CLINTON.LIE. CROSSLINKED WITH TRAITOR2.USA FLORIDA ROULETTE: Wear T-shirt that says "I AM A TOURIST" FIDO lie #XIII: The Other nets will Die off leaving Just FIDO FACTs do not ceast to exist, because they are ignored! FEELINGS are cascading over me!! FATAL: PCBORED.EXE in C:\WC30. Now formatting C: FM broadcasters do it with Frequency FATEL ERROR! 300 baud connection detected. SYSTEM HALTED! FLUTISTS blow crosswise FIDO lie X - We welcome new members FAT GIRLS : More bounce per ounce, more fun per ton ! FACE THE BRUTAL TRUTH!!! FIDO: Ministry for information distribution FBI one: Mulder says he's got something FASTRNU: Faster than you FANTASY ROLEPLAYERS do it in a dungeon FIAT: - Failure in Italian Automotive Technology FBI stings come in 3 flavors. Strawberry, Rasberry, and Marion Barry FENCERS have good tip control FBI WARNING: It is illegal to copy FBI warnings FLOPPY: Condition of a user's stomach due to no exercise FILES=30, BUFFERS=40, Ball on de 20, 1st and 10 FAITH: standing at the edge and taking one more step FIDO lie #XII Netmail is highly PRIVATE and sysops don't read them FALSETTOS do it two octaves higher FEAR Face everything and recover FIAWOL: Fandom Is A Way Of Life FIDO lie #I I read all messages in the TEEN echo FEMMSA motto : Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? FLASH!: Rush Limbaugh denies being gay! FIAT: Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation FART: Fathers Against Radical Teenagers FBI! Come on out or our tanks will BURN YOU OUT! FIDO lie #XII: Your mail is sent under a week anywhere FACT: Men suffer more from female hormones than women FICTION: Writing that can't hold a scandal to biography FL SINGLES reminds me that I matter FATAL ERROR IN GETALIFE.SYS; making Sysop.com FLW #7: "Lloth, shmolth, get out of my way, Mrs. Uglyface." FATAL ERROR IN LIFE.SYS, making sysop FLW #1: "Nothing ever happens on level 1." FCE: Fill Core with Epoxy FEDERAL EXPRESS COURIERS will absolutely, positively do it overnight FEELIN TWITCHY FLOWER POWER RULES, BOUQUET? FLASH: Donald Duck hurt in three-car quack-up onI-95. Film at 11:00 F=TAGLINES.DAT FEAR False events appear real FAMOUS LAST WORDS: Gimmee a match. I think my gas tank is empty." FL Fact: Four way flashers mean you can turn in ANY direction! FACT: Napoleon's Josephine was born in Martinique-1763 FBI Lesson #4: Misrepresent Misunderstandings FLW #3: "I thought *you* were mapping." FIDO lie #27: You'll never have a problem picking up your mail FIE ON THEE, CHURL NET OF FIDO!!!--Danny Davids FARFROMKRAPPIN...German for Constipated ! FIDO: Fundamental integrity declared obsolete FILES=20 BUFFERS=15 first quarter, second down, five yards to go... :) FIDO: A dog run over in the middle of the information superhighway [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1Z00005 Date: 01/29/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:41pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] FIDONet International Mail Network - You Don't Know How Lucky You FICKLENESS, n. The iterated satiety of an enterprising affection FLUSH!, Whee! HaHa!, I'm done with my bath! -Calvin/Hobbes FATHER CHRISTMAS activates Dec 19 - Dec 31 FART.EXE not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (Y)eah retry ahhh! FATHER: The parent who investigates the alarming noise outside at 3 FLASHLIGHT: Device used for storing dead batteries FIDO: A dog run over on the Information Superhighway FLATTOP - A girl who hasn't begun to mature yet FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real FL Fact: Red Light means 6 more cars may enter the intersection! FLW #10: "Uh, my saving throw versus spells?" FASA FAntaSimulations Associates FIDO lie #X Internet/UUCP gateways work FETISH...............A kind of cheese made from goat milk FLW #17: "You saw a WHAT around the corner?!" F:\< Error finding COLDBEER.CAN Sysop not loaded! FLOOD -- TMBG FIDO and planet connect are going nuts! FBI: Federation of Borg Immolators FIGHTER PILOTS do it at incredible speeds FIDO lie #07 Your mail is sent under a week anywhere FLASH activates after Jun 1990 FDISK in not an computer-orientated swear word FBIDos: Bad or missing file. Fire Livingstone? (Y/n) FASCIST NUNS ON ROLLER SKATES! FATAL ERROR! Mac user detected! Entering stupid mode FLEWBYU: flew by you (this was on a Corvette) FANATIC: Marching to the beat of a dead horse FCC: Fools & Company Corp FARFLUNGNDLE: MOUTHFUL OF SPAGHETTI AFTER A SNEEZE FIDO lie #XXI: My point works perfectly! FIDO is a bad boy sometimes FBI Snipers shoot at babies at diapers! FLOW CHART: Graphic picture of the fastest way to the can FD: Failsafe Disarmed FLASH! Elvis + Hitler seen dancing at local club!! FILES=21 BUFFERS=17 4th Quarter, 3rd Down, 6 yds. to go! FIDO: Finding Interesting Dead Organisms FLOOR: the place for storing your stuff FLOPPY JOES: Home computer addicts FIDO: Frequently Intermittent Discussion Organizer FAITH = Forsaking All I Take Him FILE NOT FOUND: SHALL I FAKE IT? FIRE!! BANG!! OOUUUCH!!!!! Whoops! Is anyone down FAITHFUL HUSBAND: One whose alimony check is always on time FLAUTISTS blow crosswise FM DISC JOCKEYS do it in stereo and with high fidelity FATAL ERROR READING LEFT BRAIN: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)rolic FIDO lie: I don't match any URA Redneck tagline descriptions FIRE THEM ALL, Vote the incumbents out! FIDO: Freedom is definitely outlawed! FATAL ERROR: SYSOP BANKRUPT FIDO lie #XVI My sysop enjoys reading all my posts FIDO lie #25: FidoNet costs very little FEDERAL TAXPRESS: Government's term for overnight taxing FBI: Female Body Inspector FLW #8: "This trap is too simple." FIDO lie #XIII: You get all the messages ever sent in an area FAMOUS LAST WORDS: What? Your mother is going to stay another month?" FIDO lie #XIX: I don't match any URA Redneck tagline descriptions F1[Panic] F2[Passout] F3[Smash keyboard] F4[Cry] FILEMAN.EXE: Windows file name, standing for File Mangler FINSTER'S LAW: A closed mouth gathers no feet FAITH is acting on the WORD of GOD! FIDO lie #17: The Other nets will Die off leaving Just FIDO FIDO lie VIII - I don't pay attention to that FLAME echo FBI: Female Body Investigator FERGIE does it to piss off Queen Elizabeth FERiON'87 - NOTHIn' MORe THAn A NAMe! FFLINE 1.56 * Too soon old; too late smart FAY: Fetch Amulet of Yendor FAMILY(n): Where the term insane is a RELATIVE term FILE to sort out, later. Thanks, Soleil! FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 FCBS=SAYWHAT BREAK=GIMME[A] FL SINGLES helps the pain of loneliness go away FAMOUS LAST WORDS: you call this low level flying? FIDE ET OPERA FILE t-=]];ldKShUOSD'',.?/xsas NOT FOUND - Remove Toddler to continue FLASH: Eveready Bunny arrested! Charged with battery FEVER: A good deed done for another FIDO lie #II I have a life outside the FIDOnet FELIX NAVIDAD - Our cat has a boat FIDONET = Information frontage road FBI! Drop the sword, McLeod! - Mulder FECK OPUC --Bumper sticker from the 70's FIREARM.CLP loaded, begin shooting (Y/N)? FLIP activates the 2nd of any month FIDO lie #24: Moderators do not play God FIDO: all the social dynamics of kindergarten FIDONet? I dunno. I can't use it; don't know how FILES=30, BUFFERS=40, Ball on the 20, 1st and 10 F1: Hillitnt menoa FIRE DEPARTMENT - You set 'em, we wet 'em!! FLAIL: Not to succeed FLOWERS: A gift bought by a man with a weak alibi FAT = LPFS(=Low Performance File System) FLOWER STAGE: Flying Wiggler and Eggo-Dil FEMINISM.COM Corrupted: (A)bort (W)hine (S)creech FIDO lie #15 I know the echo rules by heart [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1Z00006 Date: 01/29/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:41pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] FIDO lie XI - 'a loose collection of anarchists' FBI computer: Evidence not found, should I fake it? (Y/n) FBI does it under cover FIREBALLs never die F27, H53, Authenticated ZM, Fire FPF -=}Squawk{+* FF3: Moogles, Opera, Espers, and MORE!!! FL Fact: All Floridians Must Be Tanned! FIJAGH: Fandom Is Just A Ghoddam Hobby FART.EXE not found (A)bort (R)etry (Y)ah retry ahhh! FAMOUS LAST WORDS= You can make it easy...that train isn't coming fast FIDO must be sick. Its nodes are stopped up! FIRE THE WAVE MOTION GUN!!! - CAPT Avatar FISH! FISH! Food of the gods! - Mr. Smarty Pants as The Fin FIrst REsponders save lives..., maybe YOUR life! FLASH: 1000 wigs stolen in Miami! Police combing city FINGER Musicians do it with their instruments FIDO lie: NetMail is never bounced because of stupidity FAX us money and we'll FAX you the disk FBI: Fat Bumbling Idiots! FFF: Form Feed Forever FIDO lie #VII: Your mail is sent under a week anywhere FBI Lesson #2: Make deal, break deal, cover tracks FEAR Forget everything and run FAMOUS LAST WORDS: Just watch me dive from that bridge." FEMALE, n. One of the opposing, or unfair, sex FDR: Feed Disk Randomly FIDO lie #02 I have a life outside the FIDOnet FLR: Flash Lights Randomly FILES=1 BUFFERS=0 FCBS=SAYWHAT BREAK=GIVE_ME_ONE FDR had the New Deal, Clinton has the Raw Deal FELL OFF OF THE CLIFF by Eileen Dover FISHING=Jerk on one end of a pole waiting for a jerk on the other end FEMMSA : the radical notion women are people FIZZICIAN(n): Soda jerk? FL Motel rates: Seasonal $200/ night, Off Season $10/night FLASH! Intelligent life discovered on Earth!....Where? Where??? FBI Lesson #7: Gas the children to save the children FIDO! Quit vomiting your food! FAMOUS LAST WORDS: Step on her, boy, we're only going 75." FLI: Flash Lights Impressively FLW #16: "This looks like a safe place to camp." FAST, and not WORRYing over which roadKILL I could have used for FACT: 9 out of 10 rotweilers prefer Jehovah's Witnesses FC: Fry Console FBI Lesson #9: "My tank didn't run over any phone lines!" FF buckets of bits on the bus FIDO lie #XVIII My sysop enjoys reading all my posts FATALITY: See loop, endless, error FIDO...Information dog run FIDO lie #XVII I don't match any "URA Redneck" tagline descriptions FLINTSTONES: Yabba Dabba Don't FIDO lie #20: Who gives a **** whether the Other nets interfere or not? FILE ALLOCATION TABLE BAD: One leg fell off FLW: Hey there ugly Borg dude! ^&*&*#$%!@ NO CARRIER FARTHER: One's male parent FACT: SuperButtons can bend cold steel with his bare head FIREMEN find `em hot, and leave `em wet FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FIDO lie #V I tried all the recipes in the COOKING echo FINCH: Completed, as in "Are you finch yet?" FA: Failsafe Armed FIDO lie #VI: I never heard of an Off line reader! FILES=0.5 FCBS=Huh? STACK=BLOWN BREAK=GIMMEA FF bottles of beer on the wall FIDO lie #05 I tried all the recipes in the COOKING echo FIDO lie #XX: I can come up with enough Roman Numerals for all of these FFFFFFFtt... hold it right there! (Kramer) FARMERS plant it deep FBI Investigators: Federal Bureau of Investigation investigators FIDO lie #12 Who gives a -- whether the Other nets interfere or FIDO lie: NetMail is Highly PRIVATE and SysOps don't read them FEEL my pain???? Billy Jeff, You *ARE* my pain! FILES=1 BUFFERS=0 FCBS=SAYWHAT BREAK=GIMME FBI: Fry, Burn, & Incinerate FLATTERY: telling a person what he thinks of himself FEEL the power of the Dark Side, with Windows 95! FLW #9: "Curse? What curse?" FLAMING TOILET SEAT CAUSES MASS EVACUATION AT HIGH SCHOOL FACT: There are more horse's asses than there are horses FIELD TEST: Putting your software out to pasture FAITH = Forsaking All I Trust Him FLASH** Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery FAIRBANKS MORSE EATS ALCOS FOR BREAKFAST FIAWOL forever FIDO lie #XI Other nets don't interfere with FidoNet FIDO lie #XII: Who gives a -- whether the Other nets interfere or not FLOTATION: A shipboard romance FACT: fourteen out of ten people like chocolate FACTS. They tend to moderate opinions FBI Agent burned trying to steam open PGP message, details at 11! FAT table corrupted! Try a skinny one? FL TV Fact: Our weather is Always better than the rest of the country! FE FI FO - FI FI FO FO - Mike Tyson's phone number FARMERS spread it around FIELD: noun, a forest without the trees FL Rental Car Special: Optional Turret Gun with ammo purchase! FIAT: - Futile Italian Attempt at Transportation FAT Error: 20 pounds overweight! FLASH: Police shoot man trying to commit suicide FBI: Federal BBQ investigators [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1Z00007 Date: 01/29/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:41pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] FLASH! Pee-Wee herman seen at X-rated film in Barney costume!! FL SINGLES reminds me that there are others in my boat F2 7E 2A DB 2E E2 C0 AD 6D 56 02 49 5D C1 B2 E8 FLOOR -- (n) the place for storing your priceless genealogy records FCC: Frank, Charlie & Clyde FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC: To Serve and Protect FINALLY!!! Coming soon! Mouse support for EDLIN FISHING ROD: Has a hook at one end and a fool at the other FINGERS activates after Nov 11th, 1990 FEDS: Give us your money, property & guns so we can take care of you! FLW #12: "An amulet of life protection doesn't protect your life?" FLW #6: "The dragon isn't so big." FAT Table...Try Skinnyrowe FLW #5: "The DM is a wuss." FLASH! Lorena Bobbitt nominated as Surgeon General! FLESH, n. The Second Person of the secular Trinity FIREFIGHTING - The most respected profession in the world FENCERS do it with three feet of sword FIT2SKI: Fit to ski FIDO lie #01 I read all messages in the TEEN echo FIDO lie #03 I wrote these tags myself FIDO lie #XV You get all the messages ever sent in an area FATHERS ARE IMPORTANT PARENTS, TOO! FIDO lie #IX Your sysop doesn't type this all in FILES=30 BUFFERS=10 STACKS=BLOWN BREAK=GIMMEA FLIRT: A hit-and-run lover FBI: Free Beer Inside FBI Lesson #8: Flatten the building to save the children FBI Lesson #1: Elevate rumour, downplay fact FBI: Federal Baby Incinerators F@N@ is to Fidonet what Barney is to reality FACT: There are more horse's asses than horses FIDO lie #VIII: This is a Hobbiest's Network FIDO lie #13 You get all the messages ever sent in an area FD: Forget Data FIDO lie #VI Real people read and reply to your mail FIDO lie #22: I wasn't drunk when I typed this! FIREMEN DO IT HOTTER! FEMALE.EXE cannot be copied onto itself! Insert MALE.EXE in drive A FAIR is a mosquito on the windshield of life FM: Forget Memory FLASH*Energizer Bunny Arrested,charged w/Battery F117A - When it absolutely, positively HAS to be taken out overnight FIDO lie #20 I can come up with enough Roman Numerals all of FILE NOT FOUND OR BAD PASSWORD! FIDO lie #III I wrote these tags myself FIDO Democracy * Let the People Moderate FIDO lie #XIV NetMail is Highly PRIVATE and sysops don't read them FAM_TREE.LST not found. Create new genealogist? (Y/n) FERA: Forms Eject and Run Away FLW #2: "This is an *easy* dungeon." FINE Fearful; Insecure; Neurotic; Emotional FLATTERY: telling a person exactly what he thinks of himself FANTASY ROLEPLAYERS do it all night FAITH: Where your eyeth, nothe and mouth are located FIle leeches suck! huh Yeah, let's burn 'em! huh huh huh FINNISH: Hyvaa joula. Onnellista Uutta Voutta FIDO lie #VII: I've won debates in both GUNS and ANIMAL_RIGHTS FIDO lie #VI: I'm always on topic FAILURE is no more FATAL then success is PERMANENT FIRE AT WILL!! *Phalm!!* Riker's dead Sir! Now what? FLYING - The most fun you can have with you clothes on! FLUFF FAVORITISM! I dream of being spat in the face FLUSH the incumbents, restore citizen government FIDONet: Tagline Superhighway FIRMWARE: Hardware that is starting to melt FAT Table: File Allocation Table table FL Fact: We're the Lightning Capitol of the World! %*$%#@!NO CARRIER FIDDLE: The friction of a horse's tail on a cats' entrails FLASH: Lemrick Nelson acquitted. 100,000 Hasidic Jews riot and burnFFLASH: Clinton almost drowns! FBI Lesson #5: Tanks thru the doors is not "an assault." FIDO's been a good dog, he's been bringing me messages! FLOGGING WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES FBI Patty Melt - Crow as feds crash FACT: 9 out of 10 rotweillers prefer Jehovah's Witnesses FIDO: Fix it, Don't Obey FATAL LOGIC ERROR - Engage Brain and (R)etry FLASH! The Surgeon General has started smoking! FL Fact: Snowbirds tan in Winter, Floridians tan in Summer FIRST Connor? (BLAM BLAM BLAM!) Have a nice day FATAL ERROR*DATA LOST*HARDWARE DESTROYED*HAVE A NICE DAY FBI man to another: Have you booked any good reds lately? FART(n):an audio test of your waste-disposal system FLWs: "Dragon? What dragon?" FIFO First in, first out FL: Single Women outnumber Single Men 10 to 1 FLAGPOLE SITTERS do it in the air FBI! Drop the sword, McLeod! - Fox Mulder F10?! Dang! Wrong key! Now I have to think up another tagline! FLW #11: "How many hit points do I have? Let me check." FB: Find Bugs FCC: Findlay's Candy Company FATAL MEMORY ERROR! But .... what the hell WAS it? FIDO lie #11 Other nets don't interfere with FidoNet FLAMING RULES! YOU STUPID #%#@^#%@%#%@#!!!!! FIDO lie #XVIII My point works perfectly! FBI Agent Lon Horiuchi: Will Murder Women for Food FASTeN yOur SEATbelt... i'M goNna tRY sOMeThING FAILSAFE: FAIL = Ooops. SAFE = Shelter constructed for the AfterOops [End Tags]