--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1U00004 Date: 01/23/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 04:04pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Excellence is an option that is renewable Evolutionist: "Yeah, BUT......but....but....but.....but Exact File Not Found.....how about something similar? Ewwww! Now I have earth cooties! -- Yoda Excuse me if I sound bitter....I taste that way too Execute all Death Row inmates. It'll help end overcrowding in prisons Excuse me...are those Bugle Boys you're wearing? Excuse me miss. Oh, excuse ME Mr. Coffee! - Tom Excuse me, Miss?...Miss? Miss?!?!? Sorry, I have a cold Excuse me while I sidestep this Thread here Excuse me while I change into something more formidable Excuse me, my brain just fell out Exotic Irish Plants: by Phil O'Dendron Excise - makes you tired and sweaty Existence is not only temporary, its pointless. - Calvin Evolution: the unifying principle of Biology! Excuse me. What does God need with a starship? -Kirk Exercise your rights before the government exORcises them! Excuse me, but the dead don't tread water! -- Mike Nelson Exactness in little things is a wonderful source of cheerfulness Ewwww! Floppy disks taste awful! Ewww... - Rita Excuse Orville , she has been under the doctor Excitement is irrelevant. -- Locutus for Pontiac Excuse me while I get my flame thrower Exercise on Wheels: Cy Kling Ew! There are mice on the table! -Arthur Dent Exciting is hardly the word I would choose - C3P0 Excuse me, while I kiss the sky Excuse me, I can't seem to find my dick. May I look in yo mama's mouth Excuse me, but I hear a mundane begging to be taunted Ewwww! Now I have earth cooties! -- Yoda (in Animaniacs) Evolution: Nature's way of issuing updates Ex-lovers make great speedbumps Exceptions always outnumber rules Excuse me, Commander, I have noticed enemy ships Example is contagious behavior. Charles Reade Excuse me, could you spare a little social change? Excuses: You mean you didn't bring any [insert favorite b Excuse me... why would God need a Starship? - Capn. J.T. Kirk ST V Exactly what time were you born yesterday? Evolution: Gods way of issuing updates Excuse me, is it true that you're a sexual tyrannosaurus? Excuse me, Mr. Moderator... Greg Leask's off topic Excuse me for showing off my ignorance Exactly what color was the dragon? Excellent! I-I mean too bad - Chekov Excuse me, I'm just being weird Exhibitionists love Windows Exactly what KIND of Water Music did you have in mind? - Handel Evolution: God's way of upgrading the hardware Excellence in Education: Where ALL the students are above average Excuse me, are you real? Excuse me...Just Waving at you! Excuse me, I have to go and reboot. @!%&*#@ NO CARRIER Ex-Presidential Retreat: by Kenny Bunkport Excuse me, Why would God need a starship? Evolution stopped when stupidity stopped being fatal! Except no sheep imitations Exercise? I would rather be space walking! Exception error #94: SDL file not found bort etry ob Excuse me, I've got to change my garlic Exercise that changes your life...walking down the aisle Excuses: I'm too tired Excalibur is simply RIP in Windows. RIP Exactly how much radiation will I be exposed to? Excuse me..........what is this? - Mulder Excellent...! -Kirk possesed by Monty Burns Exit time is inversely proportional to distance from door Evolution is God's way of issuing upgrades Evolution? Who needs it? - Vogons Excuse mewhy would God need a Starship? - Capn. J.T. Kirk ST V Excessive taxation is destroying the American Dream! Existentialism - What is **** anyway? Excuse me for butting in -- I'm interrupt-driven Excuse me, I gotta go...the pizza guy is at the door Exactly what KIND of Water Music did you have in mind? Exclusive: We're the only ones who have the documentation Excuse me, can you spare me a tagline? Excuse me while I go get my photographic memory developed Ex-Presidential Retreat: Kenny Bunkport Exceptions rule Ex -Lax: "Moses TOOK TWO TABLETS and WENT in the mountains." - Bible Existentially speaking of course Example is always more effacious than precept. -- Johnson Excuse me, Iceman, I have a date with Poverty Excuse me, but what does God need with an Echo? Excuse: Not tonight honey, I've got a headache Exercise, eat well, be smoke-free; die a miserable death anyway Exercise on Wheels: by Cy Kling Execution: Not just a fancy word, it's a lifestyle! Ex-wife for sale, take over payments! Excuse me? Did you say Catch the car? You're the brick Excuse me...but does anyone have an original tagline they can lend me? Excuse me I have to become even more unappealing - Mike Ewwww...you've been eating garlic! - Dot Warner Evolution: Nature's way of putting out version updates! Excuse me miss? Miss!? Sorry, I have a cold Exodus. . . Movement of Jah's people Exercise before kinky sex . . . be fit to be tied [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1U00005 Date: 01/23/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 04:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Exactly what KIND of Water Music did you have in mind? - \SLMR\ Excommunicated: On vacation without a computer & modem Execute program: (G)un (K)nife (E)lectric Chair (H)ang (A)bort Excuse me... I believe I will stay. - Data Excellent, keep up the high-fiber diet. - Mutant Raccoon Existentialist map: says YOU ARE HERE all over Exiting pontification mode Exchange your troubles for some love where ever you are Excuse me, sir? Which way to the guy with two butts? huh huh huh Excellent day for drinking heavily. Spike the office water cooler Execuglide: Propel around the office without getting up Excitement is Irrelevant. -- Locutus of Pontiac Excuse me - but HOW do you spell EMT ???? Execute my program? What crime has it committed? Excuse me, I gotta go kill a Care Bear Excellent day to have a rotten day Existentialists do it alone Excellent. Under the circumstances, formal dress is to be optional Exam is a four-letter word for torture Examples illustrate and do not restrict the law ExecNet! New York's Biggest Little BBS! Excuse me, Mr. Moderator... He is off topic Evolution should have been rejected long ago, but religions die hard Excuse me - it's time for my medication now. -Jym Exit, Stage Right =====>>> Exotic psychic caught in fire: Rare medium well-done Excuse me, but UNDERTAXED? Evolution: Nature's search for the original Excuse me, but I have to scream now Excuse me, we are looking for nuclear wessels Exit Stage Left.............., TTFN! Exception error #94: SDL file not found bort etry lubb Exams : education's laxative Evolution: God's way of issuing upgrades Evolution: God's way of issuing updates Excuse me, but your reality check just bounced Exercise is anything that makes you breath hard Excuse me. I should like to buy a fish license please Excuse me, while I crouch down here 'ahint my asbestos shield Executives have large staffs Exercise your tranquility. - Collective Soul Excuse me worker, I'll just be a nanosecond Ewww! What's this GUI stuff?!? Evolved-again agnostic Exeter's Place * Gilbert, AZ * Examples move the world more than doctrine. Henry Miller Excuse me, I have to become even more unappealing. -- Mike Nelson Existential vacuum? Does it come with attachments? Excuse me @FN@, is that a rash or just PRICKly heat? Excuse me--your file is unzipped Excuse me while I bang my head against a wall Except that for the first time in my life, I was happy. - Spock Excuse me while I defragment my brain Excessive login or logout messages are a sure sign of senility Executing SENILE.COM ..... ERROR: Out of Memory Ewwww... - Rita Execute program code from Write Only Memory Exactly what I'd EXPECT a Dupe of the Conspiracy to say! Except for Tunk... It'd just make Tunk angry Ewwww! Now I have earth cooties! - Yoda Ex astra, scientia Exercise, Don't smoke, Die anyway! Excuse me, do you know the way to Kansas City? Exhibitionist: a person who strips without any preliminary teasing Excuse me while I fold my pants Except Nog's on the Homeworld, visiting his grandmother. Quark Executives DO IT in three piece suits Exotic Gypsy Caught in Fire: Rare Medium Well-done Execute EMERGENCY PLAN B! Excuse me for butting in; I'm interrupt-driven. -Rush Exotic, erotic and just a little psychotic! Excuse me, but is there any place where we could buy...A SHRUBBERY?! Excuse me, but what does low level format mean? ... NO CARRIER Examples hurt more than offenses Excuse me, do you know the way to Texas? Excess aint rebellion. Youre drinkin' what theyre sellin' Excuse me, I speak jive Excellent time to become a missing person Except for 75% of the women, everyone in the whole world wants to have s Excuse me! Any of you folks Catholic? -- Father Mulcahy Excuse me, why is your drink glowing? Excuse me while I dance a little jig of despair Exlax...formerly Los Angeles International Airport Exotic birds flock around you Excuse me, is that rat tart? Yes. Disgusting! --Monty Python Exercise daily, eat wisely, don't smoke. Die anyway Exile (Ehhhhemmmm, ... Heavy Metal from Laos) It's in Asia Excuse me... you're on fire. -- Joel Robinson Excuse my driving; I'm trying to reload Exercise extends your life ten years, but you spend 15 of them doing it Excellence can be attained if you risk more than others think is safe Ewe hauling...Bovine shipments Excuse me, Mr. Moderator...Bert's off topic Excuse me. I sometimes expect too much of you. - Kirk to Spock Excuse me, were you conceived during a core breach? Excuse me. What does God need with a starship? - Kirk Ex post fucto (Lost in the mail) Excuse me @TOFIRST@, is that a rash or just PRICKly heat? Excessive mouse activity detected. Running CAT.EXE to fix Excuse me but, Your tagline is hanging out [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1U00006 Date: 01/24/98 From: VINCENT DRACUL Time: 03:58pm \/To: IVY IVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: [1/7] Speak Kilngon? II> Nope, not a grunt... er...word. That's just a tagline that I adopted II> somewhere. I think my primary Co-SysOp knows a few words of it, II> but not I. Sorry. Oh well, thankyou any way. For all the tribbles that is. They seem to have dominated the message. Shemhamforash, V.Dracul --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: The Gaulish Village Auckland, New Zealand (3:772/1615) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1U00007 Date: 01/24/98 From: VINCENT DRACUL Time: 03:58pm \/To: IVY IVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: [2/7] Speak Kilngon? II> A tribble a day keeps the Klingons away...... II> Rameses Niblick III, Ker-plunk, Ker-plunk, Whoops Where's My Thribble? It would appear that the tribbles have multiplied to the point that I cant even quote the messae right. And this is only the second of seven messages. Shemhamforash, V.Dracul --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: The Gaulish Village Auckland, New Zealand (3:772/1615) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1U00008 Date: 01/24/98 From: VINCENT DRACUL Time: 03:58pm \/To: IVY IVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: [3/7] Speak Kilngon? II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Balding Tribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Cloaked tribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles <- dissected tribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Dribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Hari Krishna Tribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Minimized Tribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Scribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles <- teenage mutant ninja Tribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles after a haircut II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles after a summer haircut II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles after Biology lab II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles in the dark. II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles on drugs II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles wearing condoms II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Tribbles with hula hoops II> * * * <- Tribbles <*> <- Sergeant tribble, their leader II> * * * <- Tribbles <- Cloaked Tribbles II> * * * <- Tribbles *** <- Sergeant tribble II> * * * <- Tribbles . . .<-Tribbles after a haircut II> * * * <- Tribbles <*> <- Sergeant tribble, their leader II> * * * <- TRIBBLES o o o <- TRIBBLES after hair cut! II> * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- after being stuck in elevator II> * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- after hairclub visit II> * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- after the wash cycle II> * * * <- Tribbles * * * <- Anti-tribbles. Alright this is getting silly. We have to do something with all these tribbles, they are evry where. I cant move for tribbles. Shemhamforash, V.Dracul --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: The Gaulish Village Auckland, New Zealand (3:772/1615) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1U00009 Date: 01/24/98 From: VINCENT DRACUL Time: 03:58pm \/To: IVY IVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: [4/7] Speak Kilngon? II> * <- How *DARE* you delete my Tribbles! II> * <- Regular Tribble * <- Odo disguised as a Tribble II> * <- Tribbl*ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!* BOOM!!!! II> * <- Tribble  <- Tribble on drugs II> * <- Tribble <- Cloaked Tribble II> * <- Tribble <- No Tribble at all! II> * <- Tribble <- Stealth Tribble II> * <- Tribble <- Invisible Tribble II> * <- Tribble >* <- Romulan tribble II> * <- Tribble {{* <-Klingon tribble II> * <- Tribble - Cloaked Tribble II> * <- Tribble <- Hero Steam engine powered Tribble II> * <- Tribble <- Tribble with a cloaking device II> * <- Tribble - Cloaked Tribble II> * <- Tribble * <- Tribble After a Close Shave II> * <- Tribble * <- Black Widow tribble More tribbles. Where the hell are you getting them all from? Shemhamforash, V.Dracul --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: The Gaulish Village Auckland, New Zealand (3:772/1615)