--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Eval Day 13 * Lorena Bobbitt: She's got his whole gland in her Even in this corner of the galaxy, Captain, 2+2=4 ... Spock Eval Day 15 Credit cards are responsible for the mourning after! Even a caveman can start a fire. -- Patty [or Selma] Even the landscape turned against Sarsour Even *I* don't agree with me Even if you're paranoid maybe they're really after you Even the big three will feed non-network stations in remote areas Eval Day 9 Some women like men who are fiscally fit! Eval Day 4 ... I call things as I see them or just make them up Eval Day 3 Oops, shot the moderator. It was an accident, really Even conservatives make mistakes. - George Bush Eval Day 9 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even a band with no talent can amuse a bunch of idiots. Green Jelly Even a billionaire cannot purchase the "state of consciousness." Even paranoids are followed Eval Day 16 Rik.Pierce@Channel1.com Eval Day 14 RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Eval Day 125 SYSOP: The guy that is laughing at your typing! Eval Day 69 Every day is starting to look like Monday Even when the experts all agree...They may be mistaken! Even a fat man can find himself by reaching with his hand! Even the greatest of whales is helpless in the desert Even a broken clock is right twice a day Even a blind squirrel finds a walnut now and then Eval Day 104 Nature abhors people. -- Thine's Law Eval Day 16 RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Evansville's not Camelot, but it's not Cleveland either Eval Day 128 The only thing the Borg left was this copy of OS/2 Even if you beat it, you can't teach a cat to bark Even though work stops, expenses run on. Cato the Elder Even a sharp sword can't cut the wet off water Even money she'll remember red lightning." - Mulder to Scully (Eve) Eval Day 136 Fuzzy Logic -- a Drunk Vulcan! Even if you don't know.. Don't be afraid to ask Even if you win the bug race, you're still a bug Even the boldest zebra fears the hungry lion Eval Day 13 Alcoholic musicians can't get past the first bar! Even if I'm not asleep, it doesn't mean I'm awake Even after all that practice, Bill Clinton still doesn't lie well Evelyn, a modified dog, viewed the fringe of a quivering doilly Even for a god, there's a point of no return. Apollo Even Programers need a "bit" of love Even the BLACK sheep must be shorn Eval Day 106 We come in peace! Eval Day 100 Is it just me, or did the water just get warmer? Even Crime wouldn't pay if the government ran it Eval Day 9 Sound advice = 99% sound, 1% advice Evasive manoeuvres helmsman, intercept that tagline! Eval Day 6 _ RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even dirty old man needs love! Eve: "Do you love me, Adam?" Adam: "Who else?" Even in my fantasies I have no idea what Mikey's talking about Even Hitler loved his dog Even my *FRIENDS* don't do what I want. - Calvin Even sliced VERY thin, baloney is never corned beef Even a cabbage may look at a king Even Freud couldn't cure the Gay Head. -- Dr. MindBender Even snakes are afraid of snakes Eval Day 12 What is this that stands before me? Even the man in the moon is crying Even snakes are afraid of snakes. -- Wright Eve to Adam, "We never have friends over!!" Even when I';m not cooking ... I'm cooking! Even A Brick Will Fly With Enough Power Behind It Eval Day 12 Today I have grown taller from walking with the trees Even the sky is brown in this movie. -- Tom Servo Eval Day 32 I Feel Better Now Eval Day 128 Disk Error - strike any key to amuse yourself Even *I* can't teach William Shatner how to act. - Q Even peace may be purchased at too high a price. Poor Richard Even Death, itself, fears the Beast. - Lair Saying Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful. - Proverbs 14:13 Even so, you're going to take heavy casualties. - Sheridan Eval Day 3 * __*_\__|--|_/*___ <=-- Tribbles polevaulting Even if it means violating Vorlon territory - Sheridan Even a perfect program still has bugs. -- The Tao of Programming Even backwards, A TOYOTA is still A TOYOTA Evaluation, Day 68: Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted! Eval Day 5 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader Eval Day 56 << I actually PAID for this Program. A hoax company? Eval Day 14 IF IT IS FUZZY... IT IS BIOLOGY (1 OF 5) Even Kittens Have Claws Even my cleaning lady won't do Windows Even in this part of the galaxy, Captain, 2+2=4. Spock Even if a man COULD understand women, he would not believe it Even paranoids have real enemies Even the Heavens speak of His Glory. Nature speaks of it too Even historians fail to learn from history! - Gill Eval Day 18 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even by my standards, that's impressive! - Vinnie Eveedence? We don't need no steenking eveedence Eval Day 20 RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Even sliced VERY thin, baloney is still never corned beef Even Moderation should be practiced in moderation Eval Day 856 * What a dead beat! Even Janis Ian kneels at his altar! - Crow on Fabio Even a noseless dog can stink Even a fool is thought wise if you keep silent and listen Even for an alien-this one is pretty alien. --B5 [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1P00008 Date: 01/19/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:48pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Even the blind can see money Eval Day 1 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Eval Day 19 RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Eval Day 21 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Eval Day 30 All life's answers are on TV -Homer Simpson Even a bed of roses has thorns Eve - Do you love me, Adam? | Adam - Who else? Evaluation Tagline - To register send $20 in CASH! Even when I have to be a sumbich, I try to be a nice sumbich. Even the gods did not spring into being overnight. - Spock Eval Day 6 RoboMail -- Version 1.0 -- Available now! Eval Day 13 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible read Eval Day 10 TRANSVESTITE: a mannish-depressive with delusions of Eval Day 3 MNP - Mighty Nice Piece at Fifi's House of Pleasure Eval Day 87 * Oxymoron: Partially Furnished Eval Day 20 WEDDING: Funeral where you can smell your own flower Even a genius can have an off day. - Wile E. Coyote Eval Day 26 The Best Prophet of The Future is The Past Even at maximum speed, it will take seventy-five years to get back Even the Devil won't go to the Bronx! -- Crow T. Robot Eve 6: This replication of chromosomes also produces additional genes Eval Day 4 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even if I'm not asleep, that doesn't mean I'm awake Even the landscape turned against @N@ Even paranoids have enemies Evangelists do more than lay people, sometimes Eval Day 2 * Every solution breeds new problems Eval Day 24 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even AA does nothing for me. It makes me want to drink -E. Van Halen Eval Day 67 * We all live in a yellow subroutine Eval Day 31 This tagline accurate within () () Eval Day 5 (((((((((((HYPNOTIC))))))))))(((((((((((TAGLINE))))))) Eval Day 12 * erboMail -- The ultimate QWK compatible message mana Eve 6: You saved the best for last Even if the sky falls there are people to hold it up. - Deng Xiaoping Eve was made from Adam's Rib - a cheaper cut of meat Even the greatest of whales is helpless in the middle of the desert Even the smallest candle burns bright in the darkness Even Jove Nods Even "The Dead" pay taxes (and they aren't Grateful) Eval Day 24 * RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Evaluation Day 1,094,583,217 I Support Shareware! Even Joely's mother couldn't watch *this* one! -- Dr. Forrester Even the sky is brown in this movie - Tom on drab colors Even the paranoid have enemies Even if you understood women, you'd never believe it! - Frank Dane Even the ground is our friend Even snakes are afraid of snakes. Steven Wright Eval Day 122 There's no religion higher than Boojumism! Eval Day 17 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Eval Day 6 A warm beer is better than no beer at all Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? - Governor Tarkin Even if you're on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers Even Joely's mother couldn't watch THIS one - Dr. F Eval Day 11 * RoboMail -- The ultimate QWK compatible message mana Even their phones are sunburnt. -- Tom Servo Even a fool can govern if nothing happens - German proverb Eval Day 1 *NOW* is a point in time that is already gone Eval Day 26 Help cure dreaded Computer Addiction:send software Even Mother Nature doesn't mess with Moderators Even the Devil won't go to the Bronx - Crow Even this shall pass away Even the best of friends cannot attend each other's funeral Even paranoids have real enemies. - Delmore Schwartz Even the Heart of the Tiger proves unworthy in the end. - Thrakhath Evangelists DO IT with Him watching Even God cannot change the past. -- Agathon Even murder has it's ugly side.. - Sideshow Bob Eval Day 4 RoboMail -- Version 1.0 -- Available now! Even aging could be delayed if it had to go thru congress Even moderation shouldn't be practiced to excess! Eval Day 9 RoboMail -- Version 1.0 -- Available now! Eval Day 12 A bathing beauty is soimeone worth wading for! Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. --JAM 2:17 Even Bedouins hate the Phone Company. -Fyodor Kropotkin Evangelists do more than lay people Eval Day 130 The future is like the present, only longer Even lawmakers are subject to the laws of physics Eval Day 29 Avalanche - runaway terrain Even Vulcans aren't indestructible. No. We're not Even I don't understand what I just said Even small mouths can gather BIG feet! Even a woman finds it difficult to argue with a man who won't talk Eval Day 16 Drinking doesn't drown troubles, it irrigates them! Even paranoids can have enemies Eval Day 4 For warm boot, put computer in dryer for 20 minutes Even at maximum speed, it will take 75 years to reach the Federation Even Q cannot beat a true Wizard! Even the Devil can quote Scripture to fit his needs - Mulder Eve, what's a headache? -Adam Eval Day 115 Tell me Data. Are you fully functional? - Tasha Even a brick will fly if you put a big enough engine on it Eval Day 123 If God dropped acid, would he see people? Even my dog isn't stupid enough to try my sister's cooking Even if it does matter, does it matter that it matters? - Marvin Even in a "new age" the truth is crystal clear! Even a vegetarian vampire can't get blood from a turnip Even the Symbalene Blood Burn does not work that quickly. - Spock Even in his agony, the fire pleased him... - The Stand Even programers need a "bit" of love [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1P00009 Date: 01/19/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:48pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Eval Day 2 He was a nice man, a kind man, a Barney hating man Even Armor can't protect Knights from ladies Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. --Will Rogers Eval Day 15 Can you help me occupy my brain? Even bad sex is better than no sex Eval Day 2 * RoboMail -- The ultimate QWK compatible message manag Even blind squirrels find the acorn once in a while Even the Universe is not enough for some people Evacuate DS9! Odo's wearing The Mask! Even my tagline files won't do what I want! Eval Day 14 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Eval Day 136 Speed Kills - Use Windows NT! Eval Day 5 * RoboMail -- The ultimate QWK compatible message Even if you aren't paranoid it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you Eval Day 20 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Eve was the first woman to date a snake Even a small star shines brightly in the dark Even in a vacuum, this smells of a setup. - Garibaldi Even mindless violence seems boring today. -Vyvyan Even the credits stink! - Tom cries Eval Day 100 Is there a Lawyer in the House? BLAM! Any more? Even in space, booze satisfies! -- Crow T. Robot Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? Eval Day 70 Old frogs never die...but they do croak Even the AV Club laughs at these guys... -- Mike Nelson Eval Day 33 Advisor: The guy who told you how to screw up Eval Day 5 RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Even when i'm with you i'm so far away Eval Day 130 Humor. Very intriguing, sir Even a cactus needs a little water now and then Even the chocolate manhole covers taste good Eval Day 40 How could I download a virus? It said NO CARRIER Even the most wrinkled prune has a pit Even the disinfectant couldn't mask that smell. - Scully Even in our own world, sometimes we are aliens Even if you understood cats, you would never believe it! Even Lady Tudor Glitz makes an exception for spandex Eval Day 112 Do the voices in my head bother you? Even certified pushy feminist bitches have their weak moments Eval Day 12 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even their appearance is a mystery. Torqueman on Vorlons Even the Borg won't assimilate a Macintosh Eval Day 146 * ERROR READING GREY.MATTER (A)bort,(R)etry,(L)obotom Eval Day 8 * "Energize" said Kirk, but the pink bunny appeared Even the Moderator can be right, once in a while! Eval Day 27 SEX HAS 2 PURPOSES: orgasm and reproduction. I LOVE Eval Day 30 Focus? When's the Picture? Even for an alien, this one is pretty alien Eval Day 13 RoboMail -- The ultimate QWK compatible message man Eval Day 64 * Eschew obfuscation! Eval Day 130 I'm not lazy. I'm doing research on inertia Eval Day 26 ))))) TAKE A MINUTE TO THANK YOUR SYSOP ((((( Even a stopped clock is right twice a day Even Mason and Dixon had to draw the line somewhere Eval Day 17 RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Even a tomb stone will say good things when you're down! Eval Day 19 slai@lrc.med.uwo.ca Eval Day 17 X Even a holographic patient would balk at those odds. - Beverly Eval Day 23 I CAN'T USE WINDOWS. MY CAT ATE MY MOUSE Even if you have never posted a TAG, you've probably committed graffiti in Even the smallest candle burns brighter in the dark Eval Day 109 And God said: E = mv - Ze/r, and there was light! Eval Day 7 RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Eval Day 21 RoboMail -- Version 1.0 -- Available now! Eval Day 3 God is Dead-NietzscheNietzsche is Dead-God Eval Day 1,094,583,217 . I Support Shareware! Even I am impressed Even when you're running the world, you can't get off Even the Nosferatu claimed to be unable to get to the truth Even moderation should be practiced in moderation Even the best friendes cannot attend each other's funeral --Kehlog Albran Even the chocolate-covered manhole covers taste good Even the Bible supports conservatism. Read Ecclesiastes 10:2 and see Even better! I'll bring a shoehorn! Even if science can't explain them? Mulder to Scully on miracles Eve was framed! Even the mob obeys the Clean Air Act - Mike Even science can be totally wierd Even when it's your own song, you have to learn how to sing it Even snakes are afraid of snakes. - S. Wright Even if you win the human race, you're still a human Eval Day 32 Not a real tagline, but an incredible soy substitute Even the blunted word... is more honest than silence. - Nietzsche Even the AV Club laughs at these guys - Mike Eval Day 13 BEAT ME! BEAT ME! BEAT ME! BEAT ME! BEAT ME! Eve was the first carpenter. She made Adam's banana stand Even for an alien, this one is pretty alien. (Babylon 5) Even the rich aren't always smart Eval Day 135 A Life? What board can I download it from? Eval Day 131 Save the planet: Recycle this Tagline Even Gollum may have something yet to do Eval Day 3 RoboMail -- Version 1.0 -- Available now! Eval Day 130 Cats have not forgotten they were once worshipped Even the musicians are mocking this film! -- Crow T. Robot Eval Day 16 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even I am impressed with me Even small candles are brighter in the dark Eval Day 18 RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Even when you were looking up, you were looking down. - Delenn [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1P00010 Date: 01/19/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:49pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Eval Day 32 I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THE RIDE Even a child is known by his doings. - Proverbs 20:11 Even the lion has to protect himself against flies Eval Day 14 Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a Music Critic!! Eval Day 20 A baby is a person who must have bottle or bust! Evangelist do more than lay people Even our best footage won't stop them! -- Crow T. Robot Eve...the first Apple user Eval Day 51 Honesty pays, but not enough to satisfy some people Eval Day 20 I did it. I killed them all. Timothy Even if you understood women - you'd never believe it! Even smiling makes my face ache. - Dr. Frank N. Furter Even now, there are skeptical souls who aren't sure I've proven it Even the old dude is cool. - Butt-Head Even Murphy's Law doesn't work all the time Eval Day 68 Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted! Even the happiest of amoebae lack sexual organs Even if I only did sleep 5 hours Even the sonic screwdriver won't get you out of this one Eval Day 40 Emmanuel Kant but Genghis Khan Even hairless heiresses are always beautiful Eval Day 106 All Good Things must come to an end Even The Microsoft Federal BBS runs under OS/2! Eval Day 32 Never lean forward to push an invisible object Even though they call it pasta now, it's still spaghetti Eval Day 7 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even a bad day TRippIN' is better than a good day of work Even a blind hog finds an acorn occasionally Even eternal gratitude does not last forever Eval Day 106 Pentiums melt in your PC, not in your hand Eval Day 1 (D)inner not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza Even dead fish can swim down stream Even Abraham needed Ram! Even this does not always produce reliable results Even Vedeks have their bad days Eval Day 107 I once thought I was indecisive; now I'm not sure Even a noseless cat can smell Even more of ..... the larch! Even an android must cover his aft servo systems. - Iain Twolan Even Murphy's Law doesn't work all the time. Edsil Murphy Eve only had one organ donor available Even if you're not, be brave, no one can tell the difference Even in Bible days, men would not stop to ask directions Evading the Borg: Circum-Locutus? Even more fascinating. - Spock Even if OLX/SLMR was perfect....I'd still use it Even in death, he amuses - Tom Eval Day 2 * RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader Even the birds refuse to go on THAT paper Even in the future, nothing works! - Dark Helmet from Spaceballs Eve: The world's first example of cloning Eval Day 31 This tagline is deceased Even Death itself is afraid of Baba Yaga... -- Straub, Nosferatu Even playing fields are detrimental to BIG money Republicans Eval Day 5 RboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even Janis Ian kneels at his altar! -- Crow T. Robot Even if they had Mardi Gras in the streets I wouldn't go. S. Goldwyn Even people who don't say it do it Even cats have their own lives; get on with yours Eval Day 5 RoboMail -- The ultimate QWK compatible message manage Eval Day 15 RoboMail -- Version 1.3 -- Available now! Even weeds have needs Even water tastes bad when taken on doctor's orders Eval Day 31 We are the aliens! Prepare to die, you hunams!!! Even eternity is too long to wait for a table. - LaCroix Even the Holodeck women turn me down Wesley Even "domestic" robots don't do WINDOWS! Even in death, he amuses. -- Tom Servo Eval Day 30 If I can ever get this machine figured out!!!!!!! Even when I'm happy and successful, life still goes on Even historians fail to learn from history. -John Gill Even a mosquito doesn't get a slap on the back until it starts to work Even if you're paranoid, maybe they really *are* after you Even *I* have trouble resisting going to bed with me. - TEC Eve had an Apple, Adam had a Wang Eve asked, "Do you love me?" Adam said, "Who else?" Even flow. Thoughts arrive like butterflies Even the smallest candle dispels the darkness Eval Day 15 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! Even the bartenders' famous - Crow on all-star cast Even a cat may *see* a king Eval Day 32 Fartvergngen..the pleasure of breaking wind Eval Day 5 The only thing to remeber in life is not to forget it! Even the most faithful believer can serve a false god Even the Tsar can't see his face without a reflector Even a philosopher gets upset with a toothache Eval Day 32 If it doesn't move, NEEDLEPOINT it! Even in the face of Armageddon, never compromise Eval Day 71 I only eat on days that end in 'y' Even barbarians like chocolate chip cookies Even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat Even Moderators need a bit of love Even the Garden of Eden had its Serpents Even paranoiacs have enemies Even shadows have shadows Even Napoleon had his Watergate. Danny Ozark, Phillies Manager Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to? Even if you do nothing, your doing something -R. Funk Even moderation ought not to be practiced to excess Even the greatest of whales is helpless in middle of dese [End Tags]