--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1H00012 Date: 01/12/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 11:53pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] ERROR 9: Disk Full / Formatting Drive C: to make space ERROR: TAGLINE MISSING, PLEASE BLAME SYSOP ERROR OPENING COLDBEER.CAN: GLASS.DAT OR MUG.DAT NOT LOCATED OR READY EVERYONE ON THE PREMISES IS A VEGETARIAN EXCEPT THE DOG ERROR: BREAKFAST.COM HaltedCereal port not responding ESTO error: Equipment Smarter Than Operator ERROR 666: the beast within Windows ERROR@21673 MESSAGE ABOVE BROKEN, BLAME SYSOP ERROR 204: Try a Command in the Book This Time ERROR: Error finding <COLDBEER>. Sysop not loaded! ERROR: LPT1 not found .. Use backup - PENCIL & PAP ERROR 301 Keyboard can't be found - Press F1 to continue ERROR #0666: Computer possessed. "So it believes it's a MAC..So what!" ERROR #1234: A)bort, R)etry, I)gnore, H)ey... like I'm sorry I asked! EXISTENTIALISTS do it alone ERROR 167: Windows loaded..... system in imminent danger! EXHAUSTIVE TESTS: The sales manager took it home to his kids ERROR #1077: It might help if you turned the printer on, Doofus! ET Phone Home Deposit 20,000 quarters, please EXHAUST: Spitzenpoppenhangentuben ERROR #1076: You may as well stop; you won't figure this program out ESDI -- Extremely Shakey Data Integrity? ERROR OPENING CLINTON.LIE, CANNOT RECOVER COUNTRY.USA ERROR AC41: Exception 13; L)ockup, L)ockup, or L)ockup? ERROR: ERROR.SYS can't be loaded. No error messages can be ERROR: 80386 OUT LATE LAST NIGHT. 80387 CO-PROCESSOR PLUM ETA Busters - On The Bleeding Edge of Technology! ERROR: bort, etry, ind 12 year old and ask EVERYTHING GOES ON SALE ... RIGHT AFTER YOU BUY IT ERROR 754: Cannot locate error message for ERROR 392 ERROR: in REALITY.SYS. Run BIGBANG.EXE? (Y/N) ERROR: FILE NOT FOUND (Loading something that looks similar) ERROR 1701 - Your disk is warped! EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! ERROR: RUM&COKE.DRK Unexpected EOF ... Operator Loaded! ERROR B43C: Unable to access BRAIN, device not loaded ERROR READING C: (A)bort (R)etry (I)mmolate? EUNUCHS UNITE... You have NOTHING to lose!! ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN Eat logitech mouse instead (Y/n)? ERROR #1965: (your 80286 didn't exist when this program was produced) ERROR 8B4A: Press all the keys at once to continue EXEC-PC: Proof that size means nothing ERROR: Too many fingers on the keyboard! ERROR 0301: Keyboard not found - Press F1 to continue ERROR LPT1 not found.. use backup - PENCIL & PAPER ERROR #1138: NO DISK SPACE... WRITING OVER USED SECTORs ERROR: This message was rejected by Coridon's Mail Reader EVERYTHING seems to make MY body grow twelve different ways! ERROR: LOOSE NUT BEHIND KEYBOARD ERROR 0032: KEYBOARD NOT RESPONDING! Use Hammer? (Y/N) ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat logitech mouse inste\SLMR\TAG ERROR #1511: Brain Offline. "He runs, doesn't he? Where's the error?" ERROR #9022: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ake like it's working EXPERT - Some unknown drip under pressure ERROR #3321: Library file exceeds free drive space ERROR #2256: (A)bort, (R)etry, (O)verthrow CPU? ERROR: COMPUTER POSSESSED. LOAD EXOR.SYS? (Y/N) ERROR LOCATING MAFIA.EXE: SELECTED PROGRAM RELEASED WITHOUT EXECUTION ERROR! Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue ERROR: 80386 OUT LATE LAST NIGHT. 80387 CO-PROCESSOR PLUM TUCKERED OUT ERROR #7979: A)bort, F)ail, T)oss your computer system across street? ERROR #178:UNABLE TO INSERT WITTY TAGLINE. RUN SONG.COM + EVOLUTION: G-D'S way of issuing updates ERROR: Keyboard not found. Visualize F1 to continue EVANGALISTS do it with HIM watching EXECUTIVES do it in briefs ERROR #1278: UNABLE TO INSERT WITTY TAGLINE. RUN SONG.COM + DANCE.DAT? ERROR: Credit litmit reached. Pawn kids? Y,n ERROR: RUM&COKE.DRK Unexpected EOF ... Operator Loaded! EXTRA: @N@ seen smooching with Paul McCartney! ERROR: Drive C: open ERROR: User is an idiot!!! ET was an advance scout ERROR OPENING FILE CLINTON.LIE: OUT OF DISK SPACE EXTERMINATE ALL RATIONAL THOUGHT ERROR OPENING CLINTON.LIE, CANNOT FIND TRAITOR2.USA ERROR READING DRIVE C: Please remove your fist EVAL DAY -12,873 (Think you might register now?) ERROR #081F: Error locating error codes - all errors lost ERROR: BEER.KEG empty! OVERFLOW ERROR DETECTED! Bleeeaakkk! ERROR IN BIOS - Press any key to reboot ERROR: TAGLINE NOT FOUND: F)AKE, P)LUG, S)TEAL EXTREME URGENCY: Blind panic EXPANSION SLOTS: The extra holes in your belt buckle ERROR: Master All, you have run out of taglines! ERROR 103: No keyboard. <> ERROR: Keyboard not found. Think F1 to continue ERROR: Incompatible File Format EXE: EXecute Engineer ERROR #6278: AUDIT.COM(A)bort (R)etry (K)iss ASCII goodbye? EXCESS is the key to enjoying life! ERROR LPT1 not found - switch to (P)en or (P)encil? EXTRA: @TO@ seen smooching with Paul McCartney! EXTRA! EXTRA! PENTIUM SOLVES PI! ANSWER IS 2! ERROR: Purchase 486-50 with 8 Meg to continue EWD: Enter Warp Drive ERROR: Tribble.dat full EXPERIENCE IS something you don't get until after you needed it most ERROR@18294 MODEM NOT FOUND, PLEASE BLAME SYSOP ERROR #257: Whoa!!!! Tagline overload! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1H00013 Date: 01/12/98 From: KEVIN W. KELLY Time: 11:18pm \/To: JON HUNT (Read 2 times) Subj: Tag header's Hello, Jon! kwk>> If you mean [Begin Tags] and [End Tags] it's still in use by kwk>> some posters, and will hopefully be picked up by others. kwk>> Tag-Grab2 which uses the markers has now been released... jh> Is that version 1.1 or has there been a newer one? Sorry, my mistake. There was a version 2 (2nd beta I think) but it was then superceded by version 1.1 :) If the filedate of your exe is 4th Nov 97 you've got the latest release. Tatta, duck! ... Never practice saying 'revelant'! :-O Tag-O-Matic V.13a Congrats! You've just got message no. 138 --- Terminate 5.00/Pro *bdt * Origin: ERROR: Mouse not found (Click to continue) (2:440/601.18) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1H00014 Date: 01/13/98 From: HEATHER LENNOX Time: 07:54pm \/To: SIMON AVERY (Read 2 times) Subj: T-Matic Hello Cheeky.... SA> Hecky Thump, it's Heather Arkwright! 8-P It's Ecky thoomp. It's Lancashire. I'm Geordie so I'll say Wotcher. 8-)) HL> Hello chubby-chops! SA> You've been peeking, haven't you? Who? Me? SA> Well, if you're writing a message to yourself, then it will do that, SA> as the other persons' name is the same as yours! Fixed it as you can see by the tagline. I did a little fiddling in BWaves guts and a lot of praying. Now! All I have to do is get QBlue to recognize its own macros. 8-( ... Wear that smile of yours, Simon Avery, it looks good on you... ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 ! Psssst! Your fly is undone. Member: Team *Amiga* ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: Sidewinder! Your Military Info BBS. 649-267-3546 (3:772/210) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1H00015 Date: 01/13/98 From: HEATHER LENNOX Time: 07:54pm \/To: SIMON AVERY (Read 2 times) Subj: T-Matic 13a When Simon Avery fell in a cowpat, Simon Avery looked to Heather Lennox and said Tag-O-Matic 13a HL> Let me know when it is finished. Then I'll register for a copy... SA> No need. Just run "T-MATIC /!GENERATE" to make your own key. Hokey-dokey! Yours sincerely, ... As I sip my martini, Simon Avery will tickle the puma. ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 ! Grins, Ducks, Runs, Cackling madly into the distance. ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 [NR] --- Renegade v5-11 Exp * Origin: Sidewinder! Your Military Info BBS. 649-267-3546 (3:772/210) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1H00016 Date: 01/13/98 From: JOHN GRAY Time: 01:02pm \/To: GOTTFRIED GIDALY (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines Hello I think you have mixed up with some one else. Thats quit alright but I am having trobble figuring out what it is that you are asking for. --- FMail/386 1.02 * Origin: -=Doorway to Paradise=- -=918.366.6014=- (1:170/103) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1I00000 Date: 01/13/98 From: JOHN GRAY Time: 01:38pm \/To: GOTTFRIED GIDALY (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines > AREA:TAGLINES > Hallo JOHN! > Antwort auf eine Message vom 07.01.98 06.51.00 von JOHN GRAY > an GOTTFRIED GIDALY: > JG> If you've been asked this one before, apologies, but I haven't seen > JG> the answer, so I ask if your huge tagline file is available on a Web > JG> site somewhere? > No, it is not available on internet. > But if you send me an Internet address, I can try to send you > my taglines file ( from the office) split to attachments to > several messages ( The size of the file is 15 to 20 mb ) > > Servus, Gottfried! > --- FleetStreet 1.21+ > * Origin: == GG\W18 -- OS/2 == (2:313/37.79) > SEEN-BY: 170/0 100 108 302 400 1701 254/60 285/26 351/1 396/1 > 3805/1 i think you have the wrong john gray --- FMail 0.98 * Origin: Home Of The Little People (918) 742-7162 (1:170/108) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1I00001 Date: 01/13/98 From: SIMON AVERY Time: 11:08am \/To: ROB HILDITCH (Read 2 times) Subj: TMatic Macros again "Rob and Simon sitting in a tree..." SA>> Go back and check what's in the BlueWave config part, it looks SA>> like you've got the same macro for all the names. RH> WWhen I have @L it does not put in the last name, @L appears in the RH> tag? T-MATIC.CFG % Use Macro's in message. (YES NO) % UseMacros=YES % Use Macro's in Sigs % SigMacros=YES % Try those and see if that helps. Simon ... There's no skeletons is Rob's closet! --- FMail 1.22 * Origin: Tag-O-Matic - Freq T-MATIC from Origin (2:255/90) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1J00000 Date: 01/13/98 From: GABRIEL PARCZEWSKI Time: 10:44am \/To: SIMON AVERY (Read 2 times) Subj: Terminate 5.0 Hi Simon Avery, hope you are having a nice day 09-Jan-98 22:15:17, Simon Avery wrote to Gabriel Parczewski Subject: Terminate 5.0 GP>>>> Wich program would recommend me for put taglines in the GP>>>> terminate? SA>>> As its author, I'd heartily recommend Tag-O-Matic... GP>> So You're it's author! Nice to meet you Simon! People from around GP>> here has been talking of it! SA> Yes - it's gotten quite popular. Nice to see so many people from SA> all over the world using it. Do you feel a star? SA>>> Depends on your need. If you merely want something that SA>>> invisibly tags your messages, then Tag-O-Matic may be overkill. SA>>> There are GP>> I'm looking for a tagliner powerful but easy-to-use with it. SA> Once it's setup, Tag-O-Matic is pretty easy to use, and I've not SA> yet seen anything that comes close as far as features go. SA> (Although, admittedly, some of those features could be considered SA> 'useless' ') Why? GP>> All of the taglines I have tested it had a command line that GP>> becomes-hard to-use to me. I would like something that could be SA> I think it's easy to set up, but then I would... But remember I'm SA> in this echo if you have any problems. And Termail 5 supports a SA> proposal I made for MSGINFO.SYS - so you don't need to mess around SA> with macro configuration. Cool! GP>> configure in 5'. Anyway Could you send me a evaluation copy of GP>> you Tag-O-Matic? The problem is that I can't request to your GP>> node, I'm far away, In Argentina And I Don't think that would be GP>> proper. I got Cooler! SA> I don't really fancy crashing the program to you, my phone bill is SA> on the large side already. However, for the benefit of non-Uk SA> people, I put it on the web. I didn't mind that, I was saying that if you could sendme via e-Mail but nevermind now cause my E-Mail configuration did Crash/Crack/ Kapum/dropdead and stop to work. SA> http://www.zynet.co.uk/sanctuary/tmatc130.zip (Around 200K) As soon I get back my www access this will be the first I will Donwload Unless I get it around here (Argentina's BBS) But I heardly think so. Bye Simon!!! -=> Yours sincerely, Gabriel Parczewski <=- ___ Terminate 5.00/Pro *XTA* /*LOGAN*/ /_OTTO_/ * Origin: NIRVANA. (4:901/102.19)