--------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1H00009 Date: 01/12/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 11:52pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] ETIT - East Tennessee Institute of Trekology ERROR #2027: General Protection Fault. Do Not Go To Next Message ERROR: CPU not found ERROR: REALITY.SYS corrupted -- universe unrecoverable ERROR OPENING COLDBEER.CAN: GLASS.DAT OR MUG.DAT NOT LOCATED OR ERROR: Computer possessed. Load EXOR.SYS? (Y/N) ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.COM Eat mouse instead? (Y/N) EXO 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name EVIL EYE....YNGWIE MALMSTEEN EWOKS: They're not just for breakfast anymore! ERROR: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ind a 12 year old and ask ESCAPE - What you do from reality when you get on a BBS EXPERT: X=unknown, Spurt=drip under pressure ERROR #1462: Off topic. Commit sepukku? (Y/y) ERROR 58: Insufficient user intelligence ERROR: CLINTON.SYS missing? Substitute SATAN.SYS? ERROR! KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated the MOUSE d ERROR in MODERATR.EXE, A)bort, R)etry, D)elete Moderator ESTOY LlSTO: Santa Claus's notebook ERROR : (your 80286 didn't exist when this program was produced) ERROR 103: Dead mouse in hard drive ERROR: Unable to insert witty tagline ERROR 666: Freddy not dead. (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)ie? ERROR #1082 - Wall jack plugged into phone jack on modem ERROR #4- Not enough RAM: 88,986,897,790 bytes avail. Windows Error# ERROR: Drive C: not ready ERROR This message was rejected by @TOFIRST@'s Mail Reader ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: {SMACK} C:> ERRORS show up in the duplicate while the Boss reads it ERROR: Remove disk; spit on it; insert disk; retry ERROR * Unable to insert witty tagline ERROR #8643: (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (L)eave (K)ick up a little fuss ET? I thought you said "Eat iT!"!! {urp} ERROR #4444: FLOPPYS NOT RESPONDING: FORMAT THOSE HARD DRIVES INSTEAD? EXPLOSION ROCKS KITCHEN - CAT CLAIMS INNOCENCE ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: ERROR:-- C:\> ERROR #8765: BACKUP NOT LOADED: (A)BORT (R)ETRY (P)ANIC (C)RY OUT LOU ERROR 1701 - Your hard drive croaked!! ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN Eat mouse instead? (Y/N) ERROR #6543: WITTY TAGLINE.TXT NOT FOUND: F)AKE, P)LUG, S)TEAL...WHAT? ERROR: Beer.can not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic ERROR #2790: A)bort, R)etry, P)retend this situation never occured ERROR #06: Bad or missing Sysop - FREE files!! ERROR SYS 666: Video Driver possessed! Load EXOR.SYS? (Y/N) ERROR #1071: Company tech support out to lunch EVERYONE is weird, @TOFIRST@ is just proud of it! ERROR@34421 TAGLINE MISSING, PLEASE BLAME SYSOP ESR: Emulate Slide Rule ERROR: REALITY.SYS Corrupted - Universe unrecoverable EXE: Executable, or at least you'd like to kill them ERROR #208: Operator out of memory! ESCALATOR: Inquire at a subsequent time EVC: Execute Verbal Commands EVEN THE SCORE....TORONTO ERROR: User not compatible. Upgrade user and reload program EXI: EXecute Invalid operation ERROR: Credit Limit Reached. Pawn kids? [Y],n ERROR MESSAGE: BRAIN.COM not found; search for COFFEE.SYS ERROR READING GREY.MATTER (A)bort, (R)etry, (L)obotom ERROR 3F2C: Replace nut behind keyboard ES Oxymoron: Passive Confrontation ERROR: finding REALITY.SYS - Universe halted ERROR: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ake like it's working ERROR #6060: TagLines aren't funny. Operator taken out back and shot EXPORTER: Someone who used to work for British Rail ERROR: 2nd FAT missing. (How can I get rid of the 1st?) ESCHATON.SYS Found. Immanentize? (Yes/No/Quit/Fnord)? ERROR #3443: Thought not found: Reformat Brain (Y/N)? ESD: Eject Spinning Dish ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat logitech mouse inste ERROR B43C: Unable to access BRAIN, device not mounted ETOL: Evil Twin On Line ERROR: opening COLDBEER.CAN Glass not ready ERROR! KITTY.CAT virus scan exterminated the MOUSE driver ERROR: ORG.ASM not found. Should I fake it (Y)es (N)o (R)etry? ERROR #8696: Dead rat in found in hard drive (where's tha\SLMR\TAGLINE ESCAPEES do it on the lam ERROR: Cannot load REALITY.SYS: Go to DEFAULT.UNIVERSE? (Y/N/Q) ERROR! CAT Virus Scan has exterminated the MOUSE driver. EV KAAZZZZOOOOOOOOBLAMMMMMMMM....*(&*%%$() NO CARRIER ERROR #1456: COMPUTER NOT LOCATED OR ON-LINE. YOU'VE BEEN RIPPED-OFF ETAOIN SHRDLU CMFGYP WBVKXJ QZ 1234567890 ERROR: Fingers Not Ready. Bang Head On Keyboard To Continue ERROR #2790: A)bort, R)etry, P)retend this situation never occurred ERS: Erase Read-only Storage ERROR #2256: (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (O)verthrow your computer's CPU ERROR: SYSOP NOT LOADED: LOAD COLDBEER.CAN EVERYTHING NOT FORBIDDEN IS COMPULSORY ERROR! CAT reader seems to be conflicting with the mouse EXTRA: Mindreader arrested for leaving bookmarks EXTERMINATED ERROR #1000: FILE NOT FOUND (I'M LOADING SOMETHING THAT LOOKS ERROR tagline aborted ERROR #3032: Recursion error. See ERROR #3032 EVERYTHING LOUDER THAN EVERYTHING ELSE....MEAT LOAF ERROR: NO DISK SPACE...REWRITING OVER PREVIOUSLY USED SECTORS! ERROR:Remove disk;spit on it;insert disk;retry ERROR A014: Nonexistant. This isn't really happening ERROR! VIRUS found! C: drive formated.............NOT! ERROR: Couldn't open window, shall I try the Door? [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1H00010 Date: 01/12/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 11:52pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] ERROR: Tagline not found. (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic? ERROR: DYNAMITE.COM found. Explode computer? [Y]/n ESB: Eject Selectric Ball EUPHONY: what you say to a hypocrite ESAD Eat [Sugar] And Die ERROR #1250: FILE NOT FOUND... (S)TAY IN JAIL (R)ETURN CAKE (B)ANG CUP? ERROR IN APATHY CIRCUIT: HONESTLY, DON'T EVEN BOTHER HITTING ANY ERROR 23AF: Sector not found; Search behind couch? ERROR #1079: Warranty just expired ERROR: this problem will only be solved by lots of money ERROR 34BB: No Thought Found: Reformat Brain (Y/N)? ERROR: Unable to insert tasty recipe ESPN at 3:00 am - Crow on lousy tennis match ERROR READING DRIVE:(K)ick (P)unch (S)mack With Hammer ERROR #1000: FILE NOT FOUND (I'M LOADING SOMETHING THAT LOOKS SIMILAR) EX-wife doesn't mean you have to stalk and/or kill her EUNUCHS UNITE. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose! EXXON: greasing the coastline for smoother boating! EVERYBODY DUCK! ERROR: Your machine didn't exist when this was written ERROR: finding COLDBEER.CAN Sysop not loaded! EXTRA: Orville Bullitt seen smooching with Elvis! EVALUATION COPY OF LIFE - PLEASE REGISTER AFTER TRIAL PERIOD ERROR 75FF: MSDOS.SYS not found. Buy UNIX? ESC-Cancel, F2-Buckle my shoe, F4-Bash gynocentric feminizts ERROR: Must execute LIPS.COM before ORGASM.EXE ERROR: Bad president or Hillary found. [A]bort? ESTATE CAR: Der Bagzeroomfurshagginaute ERROR: TIT.COM tat.dat not found. Data exchange aborted ERROR: Off topic. Commit sepukku? (Y/y) EX-cellent... - Montgomery Burns EVA Rule #2: Never lock yourself outside ESC: Emulate System Crash ERROR: Unable to comprehend lame tagline EXOP: EXecute OPerator ERROR: reading FAT Table... Try Skinny one? (Y/N) ERROR #1078: Next time don't pay the programmer up front EZ Wider double-wides! All I used back in my pothead days ERROR: COLDBEER.CAN Not Found -- Operator Not Loaded ERROR@12849 COMMAND.COM NOT FOUND, BLAME SYSOP ERROR #1111: VIRUS DISCOVERED IN C:\..DRIVE BEING FORMATTED NOT! ERROR: COSMOS.CFG Corupt. Rebbot Universe (Y/N) : ERROR: Unable to come up with a good tagline ERROR #34BB: Thought not found: Reformat Brain (Y/N)? EXPERT: called in at the last minute to share the blame ESAL Eat S*** And LIVE ERROR: Incompatible File Format Etc., etc., etc EXECUTE User immediately EXPERIENCE: recognizing a mistake when you make it again ERROR #1075: This is what you get for buying a piece-of-crap clone ERROR: CPU not found ERROR: General Protection Fault. Do Not Go To Next Message ESP = Essentially Silly People!! ERROR #A006: Malicious error. Windows found on drive EXO: EXecute Operator EXTRA: Orville Bullitt seen smooching with Paul McCartney! ERROR: Current directory is totally irrational ERROR PROCESSING CLINTON ECONOMIC PLAN: DIVISION BY ZERO EVERYTHING DISPUTABLE MUST BE DISPUTED! ERROR 22F3: Apathy Error; Don't Bother Striking Any Key ERROR IN APATHY CIRCUIT: HONESTLY, DON'T EVEN BOTHER HITTING ANY KEYS EXTRA: @TO@ seen smooching with Elvis! ERROR 4387:HA HA HA. Your data has been lunched! ERROR: ERROR.SYS can't be loaded. No error messages can be displayed ERROR: Data Corrupted - (A)bort (R)etry (B)lame Lore? ERROR: The Network Request Was Too Stupid ERROR: Can't find COLDBEER.CAN, Moderator not loaded ESC: Emulate Small Child ERROR #6800: SYSTEM MOUSE NOT FUNCTIONING... CLICK LEFT BUTTON TO EXIT ERUDITION, n. Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull EVERYTHING seems to make MY body grow twelve different wa ERROR: Unable to access beer. User not loaded EXTERNAL ERROR -- RE-BOOT KEYBOARD OPERATOR ETI: Execute This Instruction ERROR find COLDBEER. Sysop not loaded ERROR: Remove disk, spit on it, insert disk and retry EVERYONE is weird. Some of us just show it off more! ERROR #1278: UNABLE TO INSERT WITTY TAGLINE. RUN SONG.COM + ERROR #4- EVERYONE IS WEIRD. SOME OF US ARE PROUD OF IT ERROR: This week's SDL file not found bort etry eel neglected ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat mouse instead (Y/n)? ERROR:This error message was issued in error.Please ignor ERROR: Error finding . Sysop not loaded! EYE DROPS OFF SHELF ERROR: SENILE.COM found........Out of Memory ERROR: Out of Memory - shall I forget something? (Y/n): ERROR #5716: Unable to come up with a new tagline ESCAPE: One size larger than an "R" cape ERROR: 2nd FAT missing. (Now if I could just get rid of the 1st!) ERROR 5CA1: Press F13 to continue EXTERNAL MODEM - Little boy computers have one ERROR: This error message was issued in error. Please ignore it ERROR #4817: CPU not found ESBD: Erase System and Burn Documentation EXXON.SYS - How to really screw up your enviroment! EUCLID - His works will never be paralleled ERROR IN ROM - Press any key to self-destruct ERROR 167: Windows loaded ...... System in Danger! ERROR: It might help if you turned the printer on, Doofus! ERROR #9909: Horrible bug encountered. God knows what has happened [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1H00011 Date: 01/12/98 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 11:53pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] ERROR: BRAIN not found. Continue? (Y/N) EXE = EXE, COM, SYS ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat logitech mouse instead (Y/n)? EUNUCHS do without it EVERTHING is back to ABNORMAL now ERROR: General stupidity error reading drive C: ERROR - Unable to insert witty tagline. HUMOR.SYS corrupted ERROR: File ORG.ASM not found: A)bort R)etry F)ake it? ESKOL Online - UltraBBS, Allways one step ahead EVIL REIGNS! Yes, and without a crutch, master ERROR #57 Please report this error to tagline support ERROR: Computer posessed. "So it believes it's a MAC...So what!" ESCHATON.SYS Found. Immanentize? (Yes/No/Quit/Fnord)? EXHAUST FUMES: Die Koffundschplitterpoluter EXECUTIVE ERROR: STARTING SYSOP ERASURE.....COMPLETED ERROR: AUDIT.COM (A)bort, (R)etry, (K)iss ASCII goodbye? EXECUTIVES have large staffs ERROR OPENING CLINTON.LIE, RUN LIMBAUGH.BAT TO CORRECT ERROR#8696:Dead rat in found in hard drive(wheres the cat ERROR: 80386 OUT LATE LAST NIGHT. 80387 CO-PROCESSOR PLUM TUCKERED OUT EXEs expand to fill the RAM available EXTRA CREDIT: Define the universe. Give three examples ERROR LOCATING MAFIA.EXE: SELECTED PROGRAM RELEASED WITHOUT ERROR LPT1 not found.. SUBST PRN: Z:\PENCIL\PAPER ERROR: Mouse not found (Click to continue) ERROR: COLDBEER.CAN Not Found - Operator Not Loaded ERROR 22F3: Apathy; Don't Bother Striking Any Key ERROR: LPT1 not found. SUBST PRN: Z:\PENCIL\PAPER ERROR D3F2: Replace user and press any key to continue ERROR: REALITY.SYS corrupt. Reboot universe? (Y/N/Q) ERROR OPENING CLINTON.LIE CANNOT SAVE COUNTRY.USA ERROR: Beer.can missing. ...Operator loaded EXTRA! EXTRA! Read AllEasy Does It. But Do It ERROR: USER CORRUPT. TERMINATING ERROR: something went wrong ERROR #326 = TAGLINES nearing empty. STEAL MORE ERROR: LPT1 not found.. use backup - PENCIL & PAPER ERROR #0666: Computer posessed. "So it believes it's a MAC... So what!" ERROR: TAGLINE NOT FOUND: F)AKE, P)LUG, S)TEAL *** WHAT? EXISTENTIAL ERROR: (T)hink ENTER to continue ERROR--HUMOR.EXE not found: Unable to insert witty tagline ETM: Emulate Trinary Machine ESCHATON.SYS Found. Immanentize? (Yes/No/Abort/Fnord)? ERROR: Program too small to fit into memory ERROR: Tribble.dat full - open new ear ERROR LOADING COLDBEER.CAN, USER NOT LOADED ERROR #5716: Unable to come up with a new tagline ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: {SMACK} C:\> ERROR 0143: Unable to exit Windows. Try the door ESD: Eat Shit and Die EXE: Executable, or at least you'd like to kill them EXEC-PC Winner of John Dvorak's Best BBS PITY AWARD! EXPP: EXecute Political Prisoner ERROR #57 Please report this error to recipe support ERROR: Old Virus Detected, Contact Hacker For Update (Y/N) EXTRA BAVARIAM NON EST VITA! ED SI EST VITA NON EST ITA ESP: Extra Sexy Person ERROR #14: LPT1 not found.. use backup - PENCIL & PAPER EST ERROR: Smash face against keyboard to continue ERROR 29A: The Hexadecimal of the Beast ERROR: Thought not found: Reformat Brain (Y/N)? ERROR #3214: Operator out of patience! ERROR: COLDBEER.CAN Found - Programmer LOADED EXTRA: @N@ seen smooching with Elvis! ERROR 001: Windows on HD ERROR #8686: Your keyboard's not attached...Press any key to continue ERROR #06A: BAD or MISSING SysOp .........Files FREE!! ERROR: Can't find COLDBEER.CAN, Sysop not loaded ERROR! KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated the MOUSE driver ERROR: Unable to come up with a new tagline EVERYTHING HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE TEMPLARS ERROR READING GREY.MATTER (A)bort,(R)etry,(L)obotomize? ESC? I didn't realize I was trapped EX = Has-been. SPERT = drip under pressure. I'm an EXPERT EUGENE T. MALESKA - 6 Down ETERNITY: Smoking or Non-smoking ERROR: Keyboard not attached, think F1 to continue EVERYBODY DOES IT ERROR #71: File of ERROR taglines not found EXECUTION ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: WHAP!! C:> ETLA Extended Three Letter Acronym ET : Forget the phone...Just email $HOME ERROR: This error message was issued in error. Please ignore ERROR #6543: WITTY TAGLINE.TXT NOT FOUND: F)AKE, P)LUG, ERROR:Program too small not to fit in memory ERROR 407: Program too idiotic ERROR #1111: VIRUS DISCOVERED IN C:\..DRIVE BEING FORMATTED EXECUTIVES do it in three piece suits ERROR #6060: recipes not tasty. Operator taken out back and shot EZ 2.0: 5 years in the waiting, um, making ERROR! Windows found! Formatting Drive C:! EWM: Enter Whimsy Mode ETO: Emulate Toaster Oven ESP: Enable SPrinkler system ERROR #0875: BACKUP NOT FOUND: (A)BORt, (R)ETRy, (P)ANIC, (C)RY ERROR! Caught pirating software.....LOADING TAPS.MOD! EXECUTE : Positive action taken against off-topic posters EVERYTHING I've ever said is a lie. Figure that out! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79)